Which Windows is better for a laptop. Which version of Windows is better and which one to choose?

Do I need to switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10? Maybe, well, these innovations and beauty? Or still keep up with the times? This is a question of questions that confuses many of today's Windows users confused.

Comparison of Windows 10 and Windows 7

As an example, take any laptop with very decent performance, for example, Samsung R60Y+. Don't let the fact that this model is 9 years old scare you - it's a machine with dual core processor and 2 GB random access memory. Windows 8/8.1/10 runs very quickly on it, which cannot be said about inexpensive and weak netbooks: one of these is Acer Aspire One 521 with its regular processor and just 1GB of RAM.

Windows 10 and Windows 7 performance

For comparison, we took a PC with the following equipment:

  • CPU Intel Core i5–4670K (3.4 GHz - 3.8 GHz);
  • RAM 8 GB (DDR3–2400 RAM architecture);
  • Nvidia video card GeForce GTX 980;
  • Crucial MX200 1TB drive;
  • SilverStone Essential Gold system unit with a power of 750 W.
  • Startup and behavior when turning on the PC

    Windows 8 and 10 versions load faster. This is not a file-by-file kernel boot operating system, as it was until Windows 7, but loading the last successfully completed session with working settings and user data. Starting Windows“from scratch” every time you turn on the PC - yesterday’s operating systems: this method wore out faster internal storage(SSD drives and bootable flash drives LiveUSB, less wear-resistant than simple HDD) and greatly overloaded the RAM and processor.

    After Windows boot 7 shows the classic desktop and taskbar with the main Windows menu. In Windows 8.x, the Start button was hidden, but in Windows 10 it was made more accessible, as in more earlier versions Windows. Most tools for configuring and debugging Windows 10 are still readily available and will be discussed below.

  • remove the password that was imposed when you first launched Ten - in Windows 7 and earlier versions the password was not forced;
  • remove autostart of some components and Windows services, which, as a rule, are not urgently needed, especially if the computer is used for work and entertainment on the Internet;
  • clear lists of assigned tasks that are also not needed;
  • disable slide shows of screensavers and “wallpapers”, install a simple Windows design, remove other annoying paraphernalia.
  • To begin with, the BootRacer program measures the time it takes the OS to start - from the appearance of the Microsoft logo to the display of the Windows desktop.

    Windows 8.1 showed the best time; Windows 10 booted within 6 seconds, Windows 7 within 5 seconds

    Don't be the start Windows shell 7 from scratch each time, it would start in just 3–4 seconds. And this on PC with very impressive performance!

    Switch to Standby/Hibernate and Hibernate Windows

    The first mode to safely stop Windows operation without closing programs and without losing data, there was hibernation - saving current session entirely on drive C. The more advanced the version of Windows, the less time it takes to execute the hibernation command.

    The older the system, the longer it takes to go into hibernation mode; the best time - 21 seconds - was shown by Windows 10

    Hybrid sleeper Windows mode- something between hibernation and normal sleep mode - takes slightly less time, and here again the superiority of Windows 10 is visible.

    In Windows 10, the time it takes for the PC to go into sleep mode is the shortest

    Windows 7 and 10 system requirements for PC

    The following values ​​for RAM, video card memory, CPU and storage space system partition(in the case of using one version of Windows, this is, as a rule, partition C:) must be exceeded at least twice, otherwise it is not work on the computer, but torture.

    Windows 7/10 computer requirements - table

    The main factor is the PC bit capacity. Changing Windows 7 to 10 makes sense, for example, in the following situations:

  • Computer performance suffers; the software was updated/replaced - Office replacement 2007 to Office 2013, Photoshop CS1 to CC version, etc.;
  • I want to try new games that are more demanding on hardware resources; for example, update GTA4 to GTA5, Crysis 2 to Crysis 3, and so on;
  • a large monitor/projector was purchased, and a PC or laptop serves as a home theater or controls a projector at the university;
  • the entire “system unit” is being upgraded or completely changed due to the launch of 16-channel video surveillance with IP cameras at guarded posts - the PC itself is used as a video recorder: for example, 16 GB RAM, a 1 TB hard drive and an 8*3 processor are purchased, 5 GHz.
  • Which version of Windows is best for gaming?

    It is necessary that the game does not freeze anywhere - and it does not matter whether it is single-player or multiplayer. Who would like a laptop that is overheated to capacity and makes noise at half the apartment with its fans at night, in which your favorite World of Tanks or Call of Duty Black Ops constantly freezes, control of the main character is lost, and you are killed in the game in an easy place?!

    Windows 7, 8 and 10 are only slightly ahead of each other - if only there was a powerful and fast “stuffing” of a computer or tablet. Most games of the last decade require at least Windows Vista, otherwise you are unlikely to play GTA-4/5 or the latest World of Warcraft series on them.

    An example is the game Tomb Raider. No noticeable increase in loading speed was found.

    Tomb Raider load times are almost the same on all versions of Windows

    There is a slight lag between Windows 10 and Windows 7 in the games Metro Redux and Crysis 3.

    Which version of Windows runs faster applications for work tasks?

    As in games, the hardware itself decides a lot here. For example, when starting programs Download Master Firefox Portable Adobe Photoshop, Avant Browser and some others, a splash screen (cover) of the application appears on the screen for a second or two, which you are unlikely to speed up - this is how these programs are configured, they maintain an interval for displaying this splash screen before opening their main working window. This reminds me, for example, of the screensaver Call games of Duty or Grand Turismo, but, unlike working applications, you can interrupt the demo video and start the game by pressing Enter or clicking the mouse.

    Labor productivity is important here. If for you a computer is not a toy, but a means of earning money, applications should work quickly - for example, Microsoft Office does not slow down when typing documents; the printer, scanner, copier, etc. work quickly; the local network the enterprise does not “fall off” and does not slow down.

    Launching Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge

    Internet Explorer 11 and new browser Microsoft Edge. With each shift, Windows IE gets a little faster. Microsoft is right - Edge is much faster than slow-witted IE.

    Edge browser loads almost twice as fast as IE, regardless of Windows version

    Internet Explorer It's clunky, and yet banks and corporations use it - they don't need Chrome, Opera, or Firefox.

    Adobe Photoshop launch monitoring

    Throughout its history, Photoshop has accumulated so many software modules, templates, filters and settings that it takes a very long time to launch even on high-speed machines.

    Photoshop loading speed on Windows 7 and 10 is almost the same

    Further Windows development did not greatly affect his launch speed.

    How Microsoft Excel performed

    Overall, nothing has changed in Excel performance.

    Speed Excel work 2013 is almost the same in all recent versions of Windows

    This is one of those cases where productivity in work applications does not change for the better.

    People's reviews about Windows 10

    One fine morning, I came across news about public access Windows 10 from Melkosoft. Initially, I was very surprised by the release of the 10th after the 8th, but that’s not the point, I immediately downloaded it and hemorrhoids began, because after a 2-hour installation, a 5-hour search for firewood that would work correctly system, I came across a crude, unfinished system in which even the conductor does not work reliably! Popandos, comrades! The graphical component is very minimalistic and uninteresting, almost everything was ripped off from 8, but a start menu was added, conceptually it’s a mixture of 7 and 8, to be honest, this is of no use, I would say that I’m waiting for a full-fledged version, but it can’t be so after what I saw. Result: Despite the ardent desire to switch to Linux, I rolled back to seven


    Since 2013, I have been using the Windows 8.1 operating system and was completely satisfied, but when I saw a discussion of Windows 10 on the Internet on forums, how beautifully people describe how good and convenient it is, I couldn’t resist and went to the official Microsoft website. In general, I downloaded the installation and started installing this system. The installation did not take long, like all windows, it quickly installed, rebooted and then it started... Well, of course, I’ll immediately note that the interface is beautiful, the icons were replaced with more neat ones, the taskbar and the main screen. The screen began to freeze , you are looking for settings to adjust but you can’t understand where they are located, I read on the forums that you need to demolish the previous version and I bought windows image 10 with a license key. In general, formatted HDD and installed windows 10...And it started again... - now I’ll just list what problems I encountered. The store doesn’t work - there are always errors, the explorer doesn’t work, updates don’t work, games and programs don’t start - something is always missing from the library... All files that are not enough for the full operation of the PC cannot be found on the Internet specifically for Windows 10. As a result, Windows 10 was disposed of and the PC was returned to Windows 8.1


    Good day. Most of us are accustomed to the Windows 7 operating system, so it’s understandable that the transition to Windows 8,8.1 and 10 is met with hostility. After all, you need to get used to the new, but the old has already been studied inside and out. It’s probably strange, but for me personally, it is learning new things that arouses great interest. New things don’t just mean new problems, bugs and other crap. New is necessarily a solution to old problems, optimization, improvement, improvements. I have already installed Windows 10 five times, demolished it, returned to 8.1 and 7. But this moment I clearly decided to stay at number ten. It is more convenient, it works many times faster than previous operating systems, and yet it is new. In the end, new versions of programs and games are optimized for it. Games don't interest me at all, but still. There was only one unpleasant moment - an annoying message asking me to upgrade to the top ten, which appeared with updating previous versions of the OS. But even with him it was easy to fight. There was no need to install updates, or it was tedious to remove something from the installed ones. It’s a matter of two minutes. Turning on bluetooth on the keyboard doesn’t work for me, but there’s a very convenient panel here. Just for me. They say that a dozen monitor users and send data to Microsoft. Well yes, that's true. What next? Worry to the average user stupid about this. Not everyone is an employee of the FSB or similar organizations. Why such paranoia? Terrorists may need to worry, but ordinary people there are no reasons. A fake problem, which by the way can be solved by installing a small patch that destroys all the shit, including the cool thing Cortana. I use it with pleasure. Disabled standard antivirus I just installed my favorite Avast. I don't know any problems. Oh yes, there was one serious problem. I have a folder with films. At the moment, its volume exceeds 400 GB and Windows was not friendly with this folder. The bar at the top took a long time to load. Everything froze. The problem was solved simply, in the folder settings I changed the folder optimization from “video” to “ common elements" It’s strange that she was dumb when it came to optimizing for video. But I solved the problem, and this is the main thing. Of course, I recommend this operating system. Fast, attractive, easy to use and configure.

    Kosmonaut Mishahttp://otzovik.com/review_2744012.html

    Summary: is Windows 10 as necessary as it seems?

    So, if you have a lot of free time and want to please your eyes with a new design - go ahead! What will change if the Windows main menu becomes not just a menu, but in the form of a tile with big icons and cells of different sizes? You can’t argue with the statistics: more than half of people still love Windows 7 - it works just fine on their computers.

    The first requirement for any operating system is functionality, which includes features such as:

  • support for new devices and faster and more productive equipment - for this, Windows must have all the main drivers that are universal for many brands and models of PCs, laptops and tablets. In particular, this applies to panoramic shooting for Google Street and Yandex Maps - support for the latest “circular” and “spherical” HD cameras with a resolution of each of their matrices of thousands by thousands of pixels;
  • the emergence and development of voice control (Cortana voice dictation in Windows, similar to Siri in iOS, support voice search OK Google, etc.);
  • support for 3D technologies: support for 3D monitors, 3D printing. This is becoming increasingly popular. Previously, they could only print text - now it is possible to print, for example, a toy or a model on a 3D printer, and this is not the limit. Windows 10 should also work smoothly and quickly with this;
  • support for multi-display work - used at presentations, lectures, and generally when working in any company - and it doesn’t matter what this company produces, be it a new bicycle or an iPhone;
  • There is an abundance of all kinds of settings - it is the new functionality that gives a serious impetus to their expansion.
  • The list threatens to become endless. No matter how huge it was, people expected new features, new functions from Windows 10, and not just new screensavers and shiny panels, mosaics and animations, which the “Gates office” never skimped on. Since Microsoft is unlikely to release a new version of Windows (under the name 11 or Prima), all hope is for Windows 10 updates, which will bring to mind what is already there.

    Video: Windows 10 settings

    Updating Windows to Windows 10 is not that important. If you don’t need the Cortana “voice”, virtual desktops and other “bells and whistles”, stay on Windows 7; in any case, you won’t lose anything either in work or in play.

    Which operating system to install

    Some laptops are sold completely blank: there is no OS on them. Which one is better then? Now the light has not converged like a wedge.

    At the moment there are essentially three types of OS:

    • Windows;
    • macOS;
    • Linux

    And each of them has its own characteristics of use.

    And their prices are also different. However this is not key factor.

    Performance also depends on the hardware in your laptop.

    However, you can always choose the best option even for those who are not very strong. powerful device.

    The range is now more than wide.


    The most common OS in the world is Windows.

    Most games and applications are also released on it. However, there are misunderstandings with her too.

    Every PC user has at least once had to reinstall the system due to various problems, system slowdowns, and so on.

    So, we can say that Bill Gates’s development has become the most popular and the most problematic, oddly enough.

    For now Microsoft company supports several versions of this OS - , (8.1) and .

    The latter, by the way, is the most common in the world, even though the main support has been discontinued.

    Let's figure it out in order, what is better to install on a 12 diagonal laptop, for example.

    Windows 7

    It was released back in 2009. So it's no surprise that by 2020 the company plans to completely stop supporting of this product.

    However, this OS will good choice for old or low-power computers.

    System requirements

    Architecture 32-bit 64-bit
    CPU 1 GHz IA-32 1 GHz x86-64
    RAM 1 GB 2 GB
    Video card with support for DirectX 9.0 and higher
    Free hard disk space, GB 16 20

    Thus, this option is quite suitable for your laptop. Programs will be installed easily.

    For non-advanced users there should not be any major difficulties.

    Everyone can understand the design. Moreover, the style Windows design Aero won't surprise anyone anymore.

    Security is average, so don't neglect installing an antivirus.

    However, this operating system should not be considered for the long term. Now you can find something better.

    Windows 8 (8.1)

    This version went on sale in 2012. Following it, two years later, 8.1 appeared as an update.

    In the latter, some mechanisms were improved, conflicts were debugged and energy consumption was improved, which, in principle, is important for your laptop.

    When Windows 8 was first introduced to users, many said that it would be awkward to use on PCs, that it was designed for tablets and other touch screens.

    However, it turned out that normal cursor you can work peacefully.

    The design was still a little unusual for 7 and XP users. However, this is one of the features of version 8.1.

    In addition, an application store appeared.

    It is not particularly large, but you no longer have to search the Internet and download some programs. The process is optimized, so to speak.

    However, this OS will be a little more demanding in terms of the internal components of your computer.

    But you will get a slightly more functional product.

    System requirements

    • - 1 GHz* or higher supporting PAE, NX and SSE2
    • - 1 GB (for 32-bit) or 2 GB (for 64-bit)
    • Hard disk space - 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
    • Video adapter - Microsoft DirectX 9 with WDDM driver

    In fact, the number eight is already becoming a thing of the past.

    Owners of this OS can easily upgrade to the new version, the tenth.

    In fact, support for 8.1 itself will be discontinued in the next few years.

    So, perhaps this option, although relevant, is not very practical in the long term.

    Windows 10

    This operating system is the latest in model range OS from Microsoft. The company has worked hard on it.

    In addition, a way to popularize the system itself was specially thought out. This was done through free updates.

    They were limited in time, but many users took advantage of this opportunity.

    “Ten” appeared on the market in 2015. Among its advantages at the moment is constant and continuous support.

    That is, developers are working to improve the stability and performance of the system.

    By the way, you will not be able to refuse these updates. Not that you won't resist. You simply won't be given a choice - turning off updates in Windows 10 is tantamount to calling for rain.

    In addition, installing an operating system on a laptop is not difficult.

    It is no longer necessary to have a disk, as was the case with the seven. It is enough to download the system itself from the website, create installation media and install.

    However, do not forget to buy a key (it can now be purchased separately). Well, or activate the OS using other methods.

    Windows 10 has learned to work with screens with high resolution, and also supports two desktops. That is, those who work with images and videos will like this OS.

    And the OS is already more functional than its predecessors. This is evidenced by many factors, in particular, it is confirmed by special tests.

    By the way, the company stated that the Ten will be the last in the line of this family.

    However, this does not mean that nothing new will appear on the market.

    It's just that this OS will be constantly modified. The support will not stop. This means there will always be plenty of updates.

    When the system first came out, it was often called crude.

    However, at the moment it is quite suitable for most modern PCs. So, it’s better to install the ten on a 12’ laptop, even despite the shortcomings.

    Of course they exist. Like other Microsoft products, this version also tends to be buggy. Less than its predecessors, but still.

    And some users complain about spying from the OS. There were even several lawsuits.

    If you don't like Windows 10 collecting information about you, you can turn it off. You'll just have to rummage around in the settings.

    operating room macOS system

    In addition, not all programs run on macOS.

    Of course, now there are a lot of analogues and developers are creating special versions on this OS, but keep in mind that not everything will work. So avid gamers, perhaps we should stick to Windows.

    In principle, macOS is very easy to use. Moreover, it works quite quickly and rarely hangs.

    If you're worried about not having a MacBook, calm down.

    You can install an operating system on a laptop. Yes, you will have to play around a little, but for a stable product you need to pay either with time or in the traditional way.

    One of latest versions - macOS Sierra and OS X El Capitan.

    Moreover, it already appeared in the first Siri support, assistant. In general, every updated version offers its services to the user.

    Unlike Windows updates often noticeable to ordinary users.

    For example, macOS Sierra provides a better user experience Apple Watch and the iPay system.

    This way you can see what new features have appeared.

    Probably many have encountered, at least once faced with the choice of an operating system for your desktop computer or laptop. In this article we will try to decide on the choice of operating system, let’s remember a little history to begin with.

    Before the advent of Windows Vista, there was no such choice. On laptops and computers, Windows XP was mainly used. Before this, Windows 98 SE was quite popular. Windows ME failed completely and did not find wide popularity among users. Here came Windows Vista, which was formerly known as Longhorn.

    Many had high hopes for Windows Vista; it was installed on all new laptops and computers, so to speak, by force. Windows Vista is a completely redesigned Windows XP, which could not be called a variation on the Windows XP theme. The first versions of Windows Vista were full of bugs. It was simply impossible to use it. Most of these bugs were fixed in Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2, but Windows Vista's image was damaged. It just didn't sell. Therefore, Microsoft decided to create a new operating system with a new name, which was essentially a well-developed and optimized Windows Vista. This is how Windows 7 was born.

    Now let's compare Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

    Methodology for comparing Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7

    Before moving directly to the results of the study, it is worth saying a few words about the principles and methodology of this comparison.

    This study focuses on comparing the performance of different versions of Windows.

    Comparison of power consumption and time battery life was intentionally omitted due to large measurement error. It is very difficult to create approximately equal conditions for all operating systems. In practice, when correct setting It turns out to be about the same battery life. It's worth noting here that Windows Vista can manage power more flexibly than Windows XP. This evens out the difference in battery life due to higher Windows consumption Vista system resources. In Windows 7, Microsoft has made power management even more flexible.

    Comparisons between on and off times were also missed. As in the previous case, the measurement error is large. You can, of course, measure something there and draw thoughtful conclusions, although the real measurement error will be several times higher due to the difference in on/off time between different versions Windows. The practical value of such information is low. The laptop doesn't turn on and off that often.

    The last point that was missed is the user-friendliness of the interface. Since convenience is a very subjective criterion, it is not very correct to compare it. Here you already need to decide for yourself whether it is convenient or not to use this or that operating system. Windows XP and Windows Vista are quite similar in terms of interface, but in Windows 7 it has been significantly redesigned. Some things have become much more convenient.

    Comparison was carried out on Asus laptop N61Vn with Intel processor Core 2 Quad Q9000, 4 GB RAM and with nVidia video card GeForce GT240M. The original 32-bit versions of Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 2 and Windows 7 Ultimate with the latest updates were used.

    Now you can proceed directly to the testing itself.

    Performance comparison between Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7

    To evaluate gaming performance, we used 3DMark03 3.60, 3DMark05 1.30 and 3DMark06 1.10 utilities from Futuremark, as well as the AquaMark 3 test, which is based on the Aquanox 2 game. They allow you to fairly objectively evaluate the performance of both the video card and the processor with memory. In all cases, the default settings were used. The resolution was set to 1024x768 pixels. To increase accuracy, each test was repeated 3 times, and the result was averaged.

    Futuremark 3DMark03

    IN this test Windows XP is in the lead by a fairly large margin. Then, with a slight difference, come Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

    Futuremark 3DMark05

    In this Windows test XP still leads by a wide margin, but Windows 7 and Windows Vista showed almost the same result.

    Futuremark 3DMark06

    Overall result:

    SM2.0 subtest result:

    SM3.0 subtest result:

    CPU subtest result:

    IN general situation still the same. Windows XP leads by a fairly large margin. Windows Vista and Windows 7 show approximately the same results. Due to improvements and optimizations Windows result 7 is slightly higher than Windows Vista.

    AquaMark 3

    In this test the situation is similar to 3DMark06. Windows XP leads by a wide margin, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are approximately on the same level.

    Now let's look at performance on normal tasks. For this, HD Benchmark 3.0.5 is used, which allows you to evaluate performance when encoding 720p video, as well as PCMark05 and PCMark Vantage from the same Futuremark.

    HD Benchmark

    First pass, fps:

    Second pass, fps:


    Overall result:

    CPU performance:

    Graphics Performance:

    In general, the situation resembles the previous ones. Only in the test hard drive Windows 7 took the lead with a better optimized disk write caching algorithm. In the graphics test, Windows Vista was faster than Windows 7.

    PCMark Vantage

    Since this program requires DirectX 10, which is not supported on Windows XP, results will only be presented for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

    Overall result:

    Memory performance:

    TV and Movie Playback Performance:

    Gaming Performance:

    Music Playback Performance:

    Communication Performance:

    Office application performance:

    Hard drive performance:

    Overall the results are almost the same. Windows 7 showed a little top scores than Windows Vista.


    Based on the information obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    1. Currently, Windows XP is faster than Windows Vista and Windows 7;
    2. Windows 7 shows comparable performance to Windows Vista. Subjectively Windows interface 7 is faster than Windows Vista. If this is important to you, then it makes sense to upgrade to Windows 7;
    3. If you don't need DirectX 10 support, there's no point in upgrading to Windows Vista or Windows 7;
    4. As Windows alternatives XP Mode in Windows 7 you can use VirtualBox.

    As you can see, the software is bloated, the demands on system resources, and meanwhile productivity is declining. Demand on system resources increases energy consumption, and energy consumption accordingly increases the release of heat into the atmosphere, which can lead to global warming, and therefore reduces the time we spend on planet Earth!

    Windows XP today is the most complete, stable and productive, and therefore for the universal salvation of humanity we need to use Windows no higher than 2000 or XP, or even switch to Unix/Linux, otherwise, if we do not give up using Windows such as Vista, 7 and similar system resource hoggers, we have every chance of disappearing from the face of the Earth forever!

    It is also known that a new version of the operating system, Windows 8, is being prepared for release. In which, most likely, the demands on system resources will increase even more compared to its predecessors...

    Many novice users (sometimes not only beginners) are at a loss when choosing which Windows is best to install on their computer. Some people quite often reinstall Windows not because it crashed or because they need additional functions, but they simply motivate it by the fact that “someone installed it, but I need...”. And after some time they return to the previous OS, since their computer began to work somewhat slower on another Windows, and they calm down on this. Let's look at the features of each of them.

    Choosing between 64 and 32 bit systems

    In principle, the average user should not get hung up on this:

    • If you have more than 3 GB of RAM, then you can safely choose a 64-bit operating system.
    • But if your PC has less than 3 GB of RAM, then it is better to install 32-bit.

    The fact is that x32 OS is not able to see RAM more than 3 GB. That is, if your PC has 4 GB of RAM and you install 32 bit system, programs and OS will be able to use only 3 GB. Thus, everything will work, but some part of the RAM will remain unused.

    About Windows XP

    Technical requirements:

    • Pentium 300 MHz.
    • Free hard disk space - 1.5 GB.
    • 64 MB of RAM.
    • Keyboard.
    • Drive for DVD or CD (can also be installed from a flash drive).
    • Mouse.
    • Video card and monitor that support Super VGA mode, no less than 600x800 pixels.

    Important! IN technical requirements The item of having a mouse is included, so for convenience we offer it, and it is also necessary.

    According to many users, this is the best Windows OS over the past ten years (before the release of Windows 7). However, today installing it on a home PC is justified only in two cases:

    Important! If the reason is the second, then most likely this is more of a “work” computer than a home one.

    If you notice that your computer is acting up for an hour, find out: . However, if the device slows down due to possible viruses that accidentally filled your laptop, we recommend you study: .

    To sum up this option, I would like to say that installing Windows XP today is only worth it if you can’t do without it.

    About Windows 7

    Technical requirements:

    • Processor - 1 GHz.
    • 16 GB hard disk space.
    • 1 GB RAM.
    • DirectX 90 graphics device (WDDM driver version 1.0 or higher).

    When wondering which Windows is best to install on a laptop, you should know that Windows 7 is considered one of the most popular today. And it is no coincidence that it is she who combines all the best qualities:

    • Relatively low system requirements— many users “jumped” from XP to “Seven” without changing hardware.
    • More stable in terms of glitches, errors and bugs, compared to the previous one.
    • Productivity, in comparison with the same XP, is higher.
    • Support for a large number of different equipment - there is no longer a need to install drivers for many devices. The OS can work with them immediately after they are connected to the PC.
    • More optimized experience on laptops.

    Important! This OS is the most the best option as of today, so if you're considering switching to something else, think carefully.

    About Windows 8, 8.1

    Technical requirements:

    • Processor - 1 GHz (with support for NX, PAE and SSE2).
    • 16 GB on HDD.
    • 1 GB RAM.
    • Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics card with WDDM driver.

    In principle, in terms of its capabilities, it is in no way inferior or superior to the “seven”. True, the “Start” button disappeared and a tiled screen appeared, which, by the way, caused a flurry of negative opinions about this OS.

    Important! Some people think that G8 works a little faster compared to Windows 7, this is especially noticeable at boot time when you turn on the PC.

    But in general, there are no special differences between this OS and the previous one - most applications work the same, and in general the OS are very similar to each other.

    About Windows 10

    Technical requirements:

    • Processor – at least 1 GHz or SoC.
    • Hard disk space: 20 GB (for 64 bit systems) or 16 GB (for 32-bit systems).
    • 1 GB RAM (for 32-bit systems) or 2 GB (for 64-bit systems).
    • Video card: DirectX 9 or higher with WDDM 1.0 driver.
    • Display 600x800.

    Despite the large-scale advertising and the offer to upgrade for free, this should be done after thinking carefully. According to reviews, Windows 10 has not yet been fully tested. Although very little time has passed since its release, there is already a whole list of problems that many users have encountered:

    • Absence necessary drivers. Although some drivers are suitable for “seven” or “eight”, some have to be looked for on various sites (often “pirated”).
    • Unstable work - many people face long loading time system (when loading, a black screen appears for 5-15 seconds).
    • Errors appear in some programs (which were not observed in previous versions).

    Important! It is better to install a second OS, so to speak, for acquaintance. At least for starters, to understand how drivers and necessary programs work.

    Many users use Windows OS on their home computers. During the existence of this system, several versions have been released. In this regard, the question arises: “Which Windows is better?”

    Why use new OS versions?

    Some users do not understand why they should install new versions of Windows OS. After all, they already have some of them installed, but earlier ones. The thing is that after graduation new version gradually the old ones are no longer supported. In the future, new variations of programs are not produced, and support from Microsoft cannot be obtained.

    Some open source programs source code can be compiled from source code, however, most programs written for this OS are proprietary and supplied in binary form. In this regard, it is necessary to update installed versions. In this article we will find out which Windows is better.

    Windows 7

    Despite the fact that after the release of Windows 7, other versions of the OS in question were released, many users still answer the question: “Which Windows is better?” as follows: “Of course, Windows 7.”

    This is due to the fact that it was, in fact, the first more or less stable operating OS from Microsoft Corporation. Compared to later Windows, it uses less CPU, has more usual menu for users accustomed to using older OSes. This version is distinguished by its elegant design and convenient settings.

    There are transparent windows, AERO style. This version prohibits working with system files without the appropriate permission. Some programs that ran in Windows XP stopped working here.

    If today many developers continue to create programs for this OS, then soon Microsoft wants to transfer everyone to version 10, which itself will be periodically updated. When comparing Windows 7 and 10, the choice of the first will be made mainly by conservative-minded users - those who do not want to update the hardware and who like the design of previous versions.

    Windows 8

    The release of this version was unsuccessful for Microsoft Corporation, since it did not become popular among users. Many users who decided to try “eight” returned to “seven” after a short time. The desktop was redesigned here, which the majority of users found inconvenient.

    It was created as an OS for both the desktop and gadgets. But combining these functions in one OS turned out to be a daunting task even for such a giant as Microsoft, which continues to dominate in the field of computer systems. desktop computers and laptops, but is almost completely displaced from the field of mobile devices.

    Later, Windows 8.1 was released, which made it possible to return to some extent the old desktop and became somewhat more responsive. However, it did not bring the sales that the manufacturer expected.

    Windows 10 review

    After version 8, Microsoft decided to skip version 9 and immediately released Windows 10. In it, it has already managed to ensure that the OS is equally good on both desktop and desktop computers. mobile devices. Here the stability of work has been increased, new settings and configurations have appeared. For a long time the manufacturer persistently advised owners of previous versions to upgrade to “ten”. This update may have been initially free of charge.

    Given the fact that internet browser Explorer, after the release of many different similar programs, ceased to enjoy increased popularity, the peak of which occurred at a time when many utilities could not be installed in the absence of a specific version of this project, the developer of this OS decided to rebrand it. As a result, MS Edge became the default browser in the top ten.

    This OS finally made it possible to work on multiple desktops, analyze disk space. Gamers in this version were able to run games developed for Xbox One.

    Thus, a brief overview of Windows 10 shows that it meets the requirements of new, as well as non-conservative old users, who form the main backbone of the army of users of this system.

    Windows XP

    Do you need advice? Which Windows is better to install, you ask? They may also suggest you an option such as Windows XP. It is mainly recommended for old machines that have little RAM and are not going to buy more in the near future.

    This was one of the first versions of this OS in NT mode. It was the most popular for desktop systems until 2011. If the user is satisfied software, written for this OS, then he can install it too. However, you need to keep in mind that many manufacturers no longer write programs for this OS. Now it will be quite difficult to find drivers for new equipment while working in Windows XP.

    Which Windows should I choose? If this version is your choice, please be aware that it was written for 32-bit systems only. Therefore, here memory exceeding 4 GB will be ignored. This system only supports DirectX 9, so gamers who prefer new toys will have nothing to do here.

    What else should you pay attention to?

    You may want to get some more advice. Few people know which Windows is better to install. Next we will describe a nuance that concerns not the version, but the edition. The fact is that each version has several varieties, such as Home, Professional, Ultimate, Starter, which differ in functionality and cost.

    The Starter edition has the least functionality. But it is the cheapest, so when choosing Windows you need to know for what purpose you need it. If goals are not defined and financial possibilities are not limited, it is better to buy maximum edition(Ultimate).


    We looked at the main versions of Windows OS. Which Windows is better? It depends on how powerful your computer is, how much RAM it has, the size of the hard drive, and the processor. If it is better to use Windows 10 on the new hardware, then on the old one - previous versions. It makes sense to install Windows XP only on very old computers that have survived to this day. You also need to know that there are also i386, 486, 586 architectures.

    This version can also be used by connoisseurs of old programs. In other cases, it is better to use Windows 7 or 10. In addition, consider your tastes and preferences, and do not try to change yourself. If you are a conservative, use XP or "seven" depending on what kind of hardware you have.