Is it possible to record a conversation on an iPhone? How to record a conversation on iPhone using programs and external devices

Today, many are still convinced that it is simply impossible to record a telephone conversation without using a voice recorder; moreover, it is also not possible to do this on an iPhone. And the most interesting thing is that this is really true (just not to mention the voice recorder). This opportunity did not exist until the advent of the iPhone 5, and soon until the advent of a completely new generation - the iPhone 6.

Next, we’ll talk in detail about programs that will help you record conversations on iPhone 6.
The ability to record a conversation on iOS not just with a voice recorder, but using other applications, was first announced by the developer of such well-known programs as Elias Limneos, SBRotator, CallBar, ScrollingBoard and many others. The Audio Recorder program helped to carry out this action.

Audio Recorder

The program allows you to record a telephone conversation with the ability to listen to them later. The program developer has worked on the function of playing them and even sending them by email.

The main advantages of this program: - no connection to the Internet is required at all; - very easy to use, since it has only four interfaces; - excellent sound quality of the recording.

There is one drawback of Audio Recorder - there is no way to record incoming calls.

Currently the app only works on iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 devices.

iSpoof Card

Another application that will allow you to record a conversation on your phone. It makes it possible:

  • leave your voicemails on the answering machine;
  • change your voice timbre (a great way to joke with your friend. Tempting? This function also allows you to maintain privacy, and today this is very important);
  • free application.

Use this application and don't bother using an ordinary voice recorder.

Google Voice

Google Voice is another unique opportunity to record a telephone conversation.
In order to be able to use this program for iPhone, register on the Google Voice website. Just create your account and download this program to your mobile phone.
So, we’ll tell you in detail how to use this program:

  • On the Google Voice website, find the gear icon, and then the Settings item. A window will open in front of you, in which click on the Calls item;
  • Next you will see Call Options - check the box next to the function for recording calls;
  • after receiving a call using Google Voice, try recording the conversation by pressing a button on the keyboard;
  • then both subscribers will hear information in voice format “This call is currently being recorded”;
  • after you finish the call, find the recording of the call in the inbox Google Voice application.

Here is another example that allows you to stop using a voice recorder.


This is a program that will help you record a telephone conversation without any problems. The question is, how to use it?

  • Install the iPadio app on your phone;
  • Next you will see a form where you will need to fill out all the fields;
  • open the Calls/Recordings tab and come up with a 4-digit PIN code after clicking on Live Phonecast;
  • dial the number of the person you are going to call;
  • as soon as the subscriber picks up the phone, the “merge calls” button should light up in the lower left corner of the screen - click on it and thus the conversation will begin to be recorded; after the end of the conversation, press Enter;
  • open the iPadio application, in which click on the Broadcast button and select the function you need: listening, editing, downloading or deleting this recording;

And we repeat again - get rid of the habit of using a voice recorder - take advantage of new opportunities!

OpenGsm PRO-X

This is one of the newest programs that has recently become in demand among iPhone 6 users who previously also used a voice recorder.
Program features:

In general, the main task of this article is to familiarize iPhone users with programs that significantly expand their capabilities, namely, to record conversations on the phone. What was previously prohibited is now in great demand. You also probably realized that using a voice recorder to record a conversation is stupid, right? In general, if you are a happy iPhone 6 user, then choose the program you like and install it on your phone!

Do you want to take your interlocutor at his word? Five ways to record a telephone conversation on an iPhone are in our article today. Use wisely.

Let us immediately reassure those who are wondering - is this legal?

Recording private telephone conversations is not a crime. After all, the interlocutor already knows what you were talking about. It is only illegal to secretly listen to other people's conversations, in particular using bugs.

If necessary, you can safely provide the recording of the conversation to the court as evidence. The only thing is that the recording should not violate other people’s secrets prescribed in the Constitution, for example, commercial or family secrets.

Caution is also needed when publishing a recording of a telephone conversation in the public domain. It is better to first agree with the interlocutor that the recording will be broadcast publicly - for example, if this is a telephone interview.

Otherwise, everything is fine. How to record a conversation on iPhone, read below.

Method 1. Jailbreak

A universal way to solve any problems with iPhones also works here. If your iPhone is jailbroken (access to the file system is open), then you can install several tweaks that allow you to record conversations.

In particular, these are extensions Audio Recorder 2,CallRecorder And Super Recorder. Ha iOS they are installed via an unofficial software installer Cydia. It's free.

Audio Recorder 2 for iPhone

All mentioned extensions work on the same principle: in the built-in application Telephone a button is added to enable recording. By clicking on the button, you can start and stop recording a conversation.

You can also enable auto-recording so that all conversations are automatically saved as audio files. You can then listen to them through the same extension.

Method 2: Purchasing an app

The second way to record a conversation on iPhone is to use an application from the official App Store. There are many of them, but most of them are not free.

Here are some of them:

  • Transcribe by NoNotes. The application allows you to record incoming and outgoing calls and then convert them into text (transcribe). 20 minutes of recording per month are free, subscription costs 579 rubles.
  • TapeACall. The application allows you to record incoming and outgoing calls by pressing one button. Recording can be done in the background. The application costs 849 rubles, but you can record unlimitedly.
  • IntCall. The application also records any calls, and in addition, allows you to hide your number during a call. Subscription costs 379 rubles per month.
  • Call Recorder Unlimited. Something between the first and third. Very similar to TapeACall, but it can also transcribe audio. The cheapest subscription, only 115 rubles.

Transcribe - recording phone conversations on iPhone

Method 3: Callwrite

An interesting service developed in Russia, for which it is not even necessary to use an iPhone - any smartphone with the ability to organize audio conferences will do.

It works like this: to record an outgoing call, you need to call the service’s phone number, and then add the interlocutor to the audio conference.

You can record a conversation on your iPhone if they call you by answering the incoming call and then adding the service to the conference.

Callwrite service is the Russian analogue of the American Google Voice

That is, you don’t even need the Internet or special software, just a phone and the ability to organize conferences. The only problem is that listening and downloading recordings is paid, but you can record and listen for only 5 minutes for free.

Method 4: Record via Mac

Another way to record a conversation on an iPhone is to pair your iPhone and Mac via Wi-Fi and then record the conversation using a PC app. To do this you will need the following:

  • iPhone for receiving and making calls;
  • Mac for recording conversations;
  • Wi-Fi network;
  • Allow calls from other devices to iPhone(Settings > Phone > On other devices);
  • Included application FaceTime on iPhone and Mac with the checkbox checked Calls from iPhone;
  • Application Call Recorder for FaceTime for Mac.

Call Recorder for FaceTime in action

We install CallRecorder, enable auto-recording in the settings, receive a call via Mac, or dial the caller ourselves from a computer. The call will be automatically saved to an audio file. Then you can listen to it through the application Ecamm, which will be installed along with CallRecorder.

Method 5: Recording headset

It is illegal to eavesdrop on other people's conversations using a bug, but recording your own is very illegal. For this case, there are headsets with an audio recording function that connect directly to the audio input of a smartphone or via Bluetooth. For example, this one:

Esonic RecorderGear PR200 - headset for recording calls

However, considering that starting with the iPhone 7, Apple got rid of 3.5 mm audio jacks, this method is suitable mainly for older devices. For new ones, there are Bluetooth headsets or, as an option, adapters for the Lightning connector.

A trivial and free way

Take or make a call on your iPhone and put it on speakerphone. Then take your friend’s smartphone and turn on the voice recorder on it. The conversation will be recorded without any effort or tricks.

Most people in our society have at least once encountered the need to record a particular conversation. The most striking example is press conferences with journalists and their voice recorders. Everything here is basically simple: turn on the recording device (it is present on any mobile phone) and enjoy what is happening around you. The situation is completely different when you need to record the content of a telephone conversation, for example, using an iPhone. Not only is this a controversial process from an ethical and legal point of view, but it also requires the use of certain software, which, in fact, will be discussed further.

Pros and cons

When it comes to audio recording of a public conversation, for example, a lecture at a university or a press conference, there are no moral, ethical or legal conflicts. This format of communication between people involves the exchange of information that is aimed at a wide audience, has an educational message, public resonance, and the need for dissemination. Such a conversation is not secret, so recording it is quite appropriate.

It's another matter when there is a need to record a telephone conversation. This is already a purely personal space, where certain moral, ethical and even legal restrictions begin to apply. It is not for nothing that only a court can authorize official wiretapping in order to expand the evidence base, even to law enforcement agencies.

When it comes to iPhone smartphones that are supplied to our market from the USA, we have to take into account that Apple is subject to the requirements of American law. It clearly prohibits recording telephone conversations if the second interlocutor is not notified about it. Therefore, in such mobile gadgets you don’t even have to look for a hint of such functions, unlike European and Chinese competitors, where such a feature is implemented quite legally.

Existing audio recording methods

As mentioned above, not a single iPhone has a full-fledged program on board that allows you to record an incoming or outgoing call. However, the iOS operating system, like its main competitor Android, allows you to install applications that significantly expand the basic functionality of the gadget.

All software from this category can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Official. These are applications that can be found freely available on AppStore servers. Each of them has limited functionality, for example, the ability to record only an outgoing call on the iPhone or a voice notification of the parties to the conversation about its audio recording;
  2. Full. This is a group of applications that were not developed by Apple, and their installation is possible only after a hardware hack of the iOS operating system. They have full functionality, but you must use them at your own peril and risk - the developer, as a rule, completely disclaims responsibility for possible legal conflicts of such a solution.

Official Apple Technologies

The first completely legal application from Apple that allows you to record a telephone conversation is iPhone Recorder. You can download and install it on your gadget through the official AppStore service. Its main function is still recording sound, like a voice recorder. If you believe the reviews, then the program copes with this task with a bang.

In addition, it is possible to record the contents of a telephone conversation in the smartphone’s memory. It should be noted that in this regard the functionality is still limited, since only outgoing conversations can be saved. The program itself also allows you to listen to an audio track or send it to a specified email.

The second example of official software is GoogleVoice. This software is from the company of the same name, a monopolist in the IT market. Its main feature is voice notification of both parties about the upcoming recording. It is impossible to disable this function - in this way the software developer company guarantees compliance with legal regulations. Registration and selection of program settings will have to be done through the official website, as well as downloading or listening to recorded audio tracks.

Another representative of the legal group is the iPadio application. It can also be downloaded from the AppStore servers. When installing, you must provide contact information (mobile number, e-mail, country). When making a call, you need to click on the “MergeCalls” button that appears in the corner. The recorded conversation file is saved in the phone's memory and linked to the location of the program profile.

Full software

Any restrictions can be removed through the procedure of hacking the iOS operating system, which among iPhone users is called “jailbreak” or “jailbreak” (literally, “jailbreak”). After the user receives unlimited access to the system, he can install on the gadget not only “native” applications through the AppStore, but also third-party ones using the Cydia platform.

A prominent representative of this group of software is the AudioRecorder utility. Based on the fact that in many countries recording a telephone conversation on an iPhone or other gadget is an offense, the developers completely distance themselves from responsibility for the use of their brainchild in practice. After installation, a pop-up window will appear containing the relevant information and a dialog box for accepting or not accepting such conditions. Only after an affirmative answer will the program begin to work.

The application allows you to record in automatic and manual modes (confirmation is required each time). The finished files are saved in the phone's memory. At the same time, they are sorted by time and type of call (incoming or outgoing). The file can also be saved to a PC or sent by e-mail.

Among the limitations, we can highlight support for saving only one parallel call - if during a conversation there is another incoming call, it is not recommended to answer it.

Sometimes it happens that you need to record a telephone conversation and save it in audio recordings for later listening. For example, this is very useful for those conducting telephone interviews. As you know, it is not possible to record a conversation using standard iOS tools, but there are solutions from third-party developers, which will be discussed in our article.

To begin with, it is worth noting that recording a conversation without the knowledge of the interlocutor is illegal, as is storing and distributing it. So make sure both parties are aware of this before recording.

If your device is jailbroken, you can use an advanced call recording utility. Otherwise, try one of the following solutions.


Call Recorder Unlimited

Developed by TelTech Systems, it is very similar to TapeACall. The application is characterized primarily by a “flat” interface. In addition to recording and saving, Call Recorder Unlimited can convert recordings to text. In the context menu you can see tariffs and configure sounds.

The application is available for download in the App Store absolutely free, but works by subscription for 129 rubles per month.

Google Voice

It’s worth noting right away that Google Voice only works in the United States. The service allows you to record incoming calls. No fee required, but a Google account is required.

Sometimes situations arise when you definitely need to record your conversation with your interlocutor. This can be done in several ways - from the iPhone answering machine trick (irrelevant with Russian operators) and jailbreak tweaks to special cases. But it is much more convenient to do this using a combination of iPhone and Mac computer.

First, you will need the Call Recorder for FaceTime app or another program with similar functionality. Generally, such applications are not available on Mac because they are against Apple's policies. Call Recorder for FaceTime has a free trial that .

Install the program and open its settings. The easiest way is to check the “Record Calls Automatically” checkbox so that the call recording starts every time you receive a call.

There's only one small thing left to do - when you receive a call, answer it not using your iPhone, as usual, but from your Mac. Or make a FaceTime call yourself and start recording the conversation. When you're done recording, click "Stop" or simply end the call.

Now you have a full-fledged working tool for recording calls if necessary.

We remind you that the right to privacy of telephone conversations is enshrined in Part 2 of Article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Listening to other people's telephone conversations is regulated by Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.