There is no Google Play on Android, what should I do? What to do if the Play Market does not work? – Simple solutions

Let's find out the reasons for failures in the Google Play Market: it says there is no connection, you need to log into your account or there is a server error. Poor operation of the application can be caused by the presence of various service problems, problems with the device selected for these purposes, and many other reasons. What to do if you cannot log into your account? In this article we will look at the main causes of failures and errors associated with the Play Market and ways to resolve these problems.

Method 1: Reboot Android

Since the system freezes quite often on Android, it is necessary to reboot the device.

In addition, this will allow you to troubleshoot not only Google Play, but also bugs in other applications.

Method 2: Reset Google Play Market settings

The Play Market application on the tablet may not work due to a large amount of unnecessary information, therefore, you should reset the settings by doing the following:

After these actions, it is recommended to reboot the device so that the system can quickly recognize the changes made.

Method 3. Uninstalling Google Play Market updates

As in the first method, you need to go to the settings menu, select the “Applications” or “Application Manager” section, in which click the “ Uninstall updates", which will lead to the starting state of the play market.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings

In order to achieve the functioning of the play market, it can be useful to reset the Google Play Services settings. To perform this operation, you must perform the following steps:

Method 5. Activating “Download Manager”

Problems with the Play Market may occur due to the disabling of this service application. In order to activate the “Download Manager”, you must first go to the settings menu of your device, then use a swipe to go to the “All” section, where you select the required item. When stopping the application, click the “Enable” button.

After the operations have been completed, you need to reboot the device and then check the correct operation of the Play Market.

Method 6. Deleting your Google account

When performing this action, you must keep in mind that when you delete your account, you may lose necessary and important information. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should first synchronize the data, i.e., create a backup copy. For these purposes, go to the settings menu and then select the “Accounts” section in it, after opening which you need to select your account.

After completing the steps, the synchronization menu will be available, all you have to do is click on the mailbox.

After opening, you need to select the items that you need to synchronize. In most cases, users create backup copies of personal information and “Contacts” using the selected section. To save important information on your tablet or phone, you must press the “Options” button and select “ synchronize" After these steps, a backup copy of all applications will be created simultaneously.

After synchronization, you can safely delete your Google account. When you re-login to this account, the device will prompt you to restore the backup information.

After the account has been deleted and restored again, the operation of the applications should be normal. If the play market is not fully functional, then you should use the following method.

Method 7: Having incompatible applications

The functioning of the Play Store may be disrupted or even blocked due to the presence of some applications that the user installed independently. Such applications exist in large numbers. Among these “pest” applications is the well-known Freedom, with which the user can make in-game purchases for free.

Method 8: Setting up the “hosts” file

If your device is equipped with the application " Freedom”, and in your opinion, it contributes to the failure of the play market, then you need to configure the “hosts” file.

To configure this file, you need to go to the settings menu, select the “Application Manager” - Installed section, and select “Freedom”. After opening the menu of this program, you should click on the “Stop” button, and then delete the application. The main thing is not to neglect the rules of the proposed operation, namely: first stop, then delete.

After the device reboots, you need to check the functioning of the play market. if no changes occur, use the following method.

Method 9. Reset Android settings

Despite the fact that resetting all existing settings is a rather radical action, it helps solve most problems not only in the operation of applications, but also in the entire system. By going to the Android settings menu, you need to select “Reset settings” in the “ Recovery and Reset».

Before performing a reset, it is recommended to double-check that the necessary information has been synchronized. Data stored on the memory card will remain untouched.

Method 10. Checking your Internet connection

Sometimes, it is a simple lack of connection to the Internet that causes application failures. After checking the connection, you should restart the router.

Method 11: Enable Google Accounts

Problems may occur due to a disabled Google account. Activating the application " Google Accounts"occurs in a special section.

Method 12. Checking time and date

If there is a constant lack of connection, you should check that the time and date are set correctly.
If the Internet connection is connected, but the connection has still not been made, you need to repeat setting the time zone and time, synchronizing these parameters with the network by going to the menu section " Settings", where selecting "Network time zone" and " date and time", mark these parameters with a tick.

When buying a used or new Chinese smartphone, be prepared for the fact that it may not have the Play Store and other Google services. In such cases, you have to install the software yourself. There is nothing complicated about this, but sometimes situations arise when such software completely refuses to install on a mobile device. Let's figure out what to do if the Google Play service is not installed on Android.

Ways to resolve errors with Play Market installation

Problems with installing Google Play services may arise for the following reasons:

  • failure of the operating system;
  • using inappropriate firmware;
  • APK installation file corruption;
  • incorrect deletion of the Play Market previously available on the gadget;

To eliminate these reasons, you can resort to the following methods:

  1. Download another Play Market installation file.
  2. Non-standard installation of Google Play.
  3. (tablet).

If the Play Market is not installed on your gadget, the first thing you need to do is download another APK file from the Internet. At the same time, you should look for it on well-known and trusted resources (for example, on the website

The cause of the error may also be a single malfunction in Android. Therefore, your next action should be to reinstall the Google service. If this did not help install the Play Market, then the problem is more serious and needs to be dealt with using more radical methods.

Reset the system to factory settings

When considering why the Play Market is not installed on Android, it is worth noting the reason lies in the conflict between Google services and the software available on the device. Any program located on the device can act as a conflicter. In this case, the optimal solution to the problem is to reset the OS to factory settings:

A Hard Reset will entail erasing all user data from the phone. Therefore, it is recommended that you first copy all important information to a safe place (for example, on a PC).

Custom Google Play installation

If after the Play Market is still not installed on your smartphone, you can try downloading it in a non-standard way. The fact is that Chinese devices may not have the GApps service. In this case, a regular installation will not lead to the desired result.

We will use the Mobile Go file manager as the installer. The procedure will be as follows:

After completing the described steps, Play Market on Android should work.

Cleaning your mobile device from residual files

If the phone was bought secondhand, that is, it was already used before you, it is possible that the former owner previously installed the Play Market on it. In this case, deleting the application before selling the device could have been done incorrectly or not completely, resulting in residual files remaining in the system. They are the ones that can cause a failure when re-installing Google services.

Usually residual files are hidden in the data folder. Since it is a system file, access to it is possible only if the user has root rights. In addition to the rooting program, you will also need the Root Explorer file manager, which works great with system directories.

Reading time: 4 minutes

In this article we give reasons why the Play Market does not work, as well as 12 ways to access it and solve the problem.

Play Market does not always work on devices, there are many explanations for this. Incorrect configuration of the gadget, problems with software and connection - all this could be the reason. There are also external ones, when it refuses to work due to problems on the server. Let's look at this in more detail.

Resetting Play Market settings

Let's try to reset the settings, because... the problem may be a large amount of unnecessary information. For this:

  • go to "Settings";
  • go to "Applications"/"Application Manager";
  • select "Google Play Services";
  • Select the item "Memory";
  • Click "Clear cache".

After this, it won't hurt to reboot your device.

Uninstalling updates

If updates have been installed that contain flaws, you need to return the service to its original state. To do this, in the Google Play Market settings (see the previous paragraph), select “Remove updates”. After this, we also reboot the device, go to the store, install the latest updates that will make the system more stable.

What if it's "Google Play Services"?

Similar to the situation with the Play Market application, you need to go to the “Services” settings. Go to "Applications", select "Google Play Services". You also need to clear the cache there. Restart your smartphone/tablet.

Activating the Download Manager

The download manager may have been accidentally disabled. For example, if you tried to solve other problems with the device. In this case you need:

  • go to "Settings";
  • go to the "All" section;
  • select "Download Manager";
  • turn it on;
  • restart your smartphone.

Deleting a Google Account

This is a last resort measure, so synchronize all settings and data before deleting your account. Next, perform the following steps:

  • go to "Settings";
  • go to the "Accounts" tab
  • select Google;
  • click on the mailbox, select "Synchronize";
  • save all data;
  • Click "Delete account".

Remove incompatible apps

Many programs can only negatively affect the operation of the system, in particular the Play Market. Therefore, check the downloaded applications, remove all unnecessary ones and try to restart the device.

Check date and time

Google may refuse requests to download applications if the date and time are configured incorrectly and synchronization is disabled. For this:

  • Go to "Settings";
  • Go to the "Date and Time" tab.

Reset Android settings

This measure is one of the radical ones: all data on the smartphone is deleted. But if all else fails and your Google account cannot be restored, do the following:

  • Go to "Settings";
  • Find "Backup and Reset" there;
  • Perform a factory reset.

Remember to sync all data before deleting. Go to Settings>Accounts>Google. Select an account and click "Synchronize".

You will be surprised, but more than 70% of Android device owners face this situation when the Google Play Market does not open. We will now tell you how to fix this “glitch”. If you encounter it, it won’t be difficult.

First of all, although it sounds trivial, you need to check the network connection. It is possible that this error also needs to be corrected.

Reboot is a banal, but often effective piece of advice for any problems logging into your Google Play account. Google Play Market may not open due to problems with the device (too many running programs, long operating time, etc.). If rebooting does not help, then move on to tip No. 2.

Important! Before rebooting, use the Clean Master application; often it immediately solves the problem of the Play Market not opening.

Often clearing the cache helps to temporarily fix a problem in the Google Play Market; to clear it, you should take the following steps (the instructions are suitable for any device):

  1. Settings → Applications → Manage applications.
  2. Now find the Google Play Market among the programs, click on it and in the window that opens, select the “clear cache” (data) function.
  3. After cleaning, reboot your device.

Tip #3: Uninstall the latest installed Android update.

If the phone does not log into the Play Store and you cannot log into your Google account, but before that everything worked fine, this may be the result of an unsuccessful Android OS firmware update.

To uninstall the latest update, follow the instructions in tip #2, but instead of “clear cache,” click “uninstall updates.” Such actions will reset the Google Play Market and return it to the very first settings.

To activate your account, you need to go to the “Settings” section, then find the “Applications” section, select “All” here. Now you should open “Google Accounts” and activate.

If the above tips did not help, then you need to delete and restore your account:

  1. Settings → Account and synchronization settings.
  2. Now delete your account, and then restore it or create a new one.

Important! Some programs, such as Freedom, can block the Market, so carefully go through the list of downloads and recently installed applications.

If the Google Play Market still does not work after all the manipulations, then you should resort to the most radical step - resetting Android to factory settings. To reset, follow the instructions:

  • Settings → Backup and reset → Reset settings.
  • The “Reset phone settings” option will appear on the screen, where you need to click “Erase everything”.

All data that was stored on the memory card will not be erased; to create a copy of the system, you need to find the “Backup copy of data” section in the settings, and then restore it after rebooting the system.

Important! Before resetting to factory settings, be sure to check your Download Manager connection. To do this, go to the “Applications” section, open the “All” tab and find the “Download Manager”; if it is not enabled, then launch it and check the functionality of the Market.

If so, it wouldn't hurt to check it. We hope that our tips helped you restore access to your account and the functionality of the Google Play Market. Do you know about other methods? Then write about them in the comments!

Why do Android devices experience problems with Google Play Store? Many users are familiar with such situations. The reason may be technical problems with Google services or malfunctions of the smartphone (tablet) from which you operate. There are a great many options, but we have selected a dozen of the most common difficulties and described methods that make it possible to find a way out of the situation.
Rebooting your smartphone or tablet is the first thing to try if the Play Store suddenly refuses to work. Alternatively, the cause could be a system freeze (users encounter this situation quite often). The most interesting thing is that a reboot often helps not only with problems with the Play Store, but also with problems that arise with other services and applications. It also happens that the device has rebooted, but the market does not want to work. Then you can try other methods.

Method 2: Reset Google Play Store settings
Resetting service settings also helps quite often, and it is done in the following way:
1. Go to the settings menu of your smartphone (tablet);
2. Select the section " Applications" or " Application Manager»:

3. We find it in the list Google Play Store, select it;
4. In the application management window that opens, select “ Clear cache" or " Erase data", click on this button.
5. We reboot the Android device so that the system responds to the changes made to the settings.
6. If the Play Store doesn't work, try other methods.

Method 3: Uninstall Google Play Store updates
Everything is done in the same way as in method 2 described above, with the only difference that instead of “Clear cache” the button “ is selected Uninstall updates" The application will return to its original version, in which it worked normally before installing the updates. If the problem is really in the new version of the software, or the Android device, due to technical imperfections, cannot handle these updates, then the service will work in the mode familiar to the user. No new features, but fine.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings
Resetting settings is one of the effective options for solving problems with the Play Store. The procedure in this case is as follows:
1. Menu " Settings»;
2. Chapter " Application Manager" or " Applications»;

3. Choose " Google Play Services»;
4. Open the menu, select " Clear cache", press.
Method 5: Activating the "Download Manager"
It is possible that while using your tablet or smartphone, you accidentally turned off " Download Manager"and did not attach any importance to the fact that the service application stopped working. To reactivate it, you need to go to the settings menu of your Android device, then to “Applications”, then using the “All” swipe, then find “Download Manager” and turn it on by pressing the desired button. Restart your smartphone and check if the Play Store is working.
Method 6: Delete Google Account
We warn you right away: by deleting your Google account, you may lose necessary and important information, so it is recommended to create a backup copy (data synchronization) in advance.

1. Go to the settings menu;
2. Select " Accounts» and find yours in the menu that opens, click;

3. In the synchronization menu that opens, click on your mailbox;
4. Select items to synchronize (save in backup). Usually this is “Contacts” and other personal information available in the device’s memory. To select sections, just click on them. If you value all the information contained in your Android device, click on “Options”, then select “ Synchronize"- you will receive backup copies of all existing applications.
Now you are ready to delete your Google account. When you log back into your device from it, you will be prompted to restore the information from the backup.

But let’s return to the procedure for deleting a Google account to normalize the operation of the market. After creating a backup, you need to return to the previous menu and this time select “ Delete", not "Synchronize". Click on the appropriate button, then restart your smartphone (tablet) and log in to your account again. Typically, deleting your account helps get rid of problems related to the operation of Google services. If this does not happen, try other methods.

Method 7: Remove incompatible applications
Sometimes users independently install applications, the presence of which negatively affects the operation of the Play Store service, and in some cases can even lead to its blocking. The list of such programs is very long, but the most common culprit of problems is software popular among gamers Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free. Most likely, it is this application that will have to be removed to solve the problem with the market.
1. In the Settings menu, find Application Manager, then Installed.
2. Scroll through the list until you find it Freedom, select it.
3. Press " Stop" in the application menu that opens in front of you.
4. Uninstall Freedom. It is very important to first stop the program and only then uninstall the application.
5. Reboot your Android device.
6. Check if Google Play is working.
Did not help? Let's try other options for solving the problem.

Method 8: Setting up "hosts"
This system file in Android devices is located at /system/etc/hosts. It is used to block access to unwanted resources. Initially the file contains a single entry localhost Due to the actions of attackers who want to block your Google account and receive money for unblocking, the market address may also appear there. Remove this line, returning the hosts file to its original state. For such actions, you may need to obtain root rights. We have repeatedly described how this is done on various devices on our website.

Method 9: Completely reset all settings of your Android device
Full reset- the method is radical and effective, but it requires preparation. Otherwise, you may lose valuable information. Sync your data - create a backup as shown in method 6. Make sure this procedure completes successfully. Now you can go to “Settings”, find the “Backup and reset” section, where you can perform “Reset settings”. After this, restart the device and restore the information using the backup copy.
Method 10: Checking your Internet connection
Before setting up your Android device or deleting anything from it, make sure you have Internet access. Check your connection speed, restart the router and double-check the connection quality again.

Method 11: Google Account Activation
Quite often a Google account turns out to be disabled. This can be checked by going to the appropriate section of the menu. Find the Google Accounts application, activate it if it is disabled. The problem with the market will be 100% resolved.

Method 12: Adjusting the time and date
An incorrectly set date or time may cause problems with Google Play. This is due to licenses and other nuances of the operation of Google services, depending on time restrictions. If you have a network connection and its quality is satisfactory, reset the time and date. Do not forget specify the correct time zone. This is done in the “Settings” menu in the “Date and time”, “Network date and time”, “Network time zone” items by checking the desired option.

We hope that at least one of the methods we propose will be life-saving for you and will help normalize the operation of your Android device with the Google Play service. If you find your own, then send it to us - perhaps it will help someone else.