Option 33 Kyivstar extraordinary accrual. Free smartphone tariff

Each Kyivstar user every day has more and more opportunities to use not only convenient conditions, but also high-quality ones. Since the operator is improving the conditions of use for its subscribers every day. The number of tariffs, promotions and services for subscribers is increasing every day, which is why Kyivstar has become one of the most popular mobile operators in Ukraine. In this article we will look at option 33, how to connect and order. This promotion has its name “Minus 33%”.

Option 33 from Kyivstar is to save 33% on the use of services; you can use it only if you pay in full for the monthly tariff plan. This promotion applies to 2 tariff plans - “Free Network” and “Free Smartphone”. You can also take advantage of a 20% discount if you prepay for the services provided to you for a week. These promotions provide an opportunity to significantly save your money. Therefore, when you activate the “-20%” promotion, you will pay not 10.50 UAH, but 6.70 UAH per week. When you activate the “-33%” promotion, you will pay 30 UAH, not 45 UAH per month.

How to connect to Option 33 Kyivstar

It is very easy to join such promotions; it will not take you much time. Connection is carried out in several ways. For example, you can call 477 and follow the voice prompts to connect. You can also send a request to *238*1#. After completion of the action within a short period of time, this promotion will begin its action according to your prepayment.

Another simple connection method is the “” system. You just need to log into your personal account of this system using your username and password, find the section that suits you and leave a request to connect. Your application will be reviewed by online operators as soon as possible after it is submitted.

If during the connection or after its completion you have any questions, you can contact them for clarification, who will advise you and help you understand these promotions.

The national operator is constantly working to expand its services and improve the quality of service for its subscribers.

Calls to Kyivstar, UAH/min 0
Calls to Kyivstar (service not active), UAH/min 0,50
Calls to other directions, UAH/min 0,35
Connection fee, UAH 0
SMS within Ukraine, UAH/piece 0,65
MMS across Ukraine, UAH/piece 1
MMS to other countries, UAH/piece 5
GPRS Internet, UAH/MB 0
Daily subscription fee, UAH 1

Description of the “Free Smartphone” tariff plan of the Kyivstar network operator

Tariff plan " Free smartphone» network operator Kyivstar operates across the vast territory of Western Ukraine, as well as in the Kyiv, Odessa, and Dnepropetrovsk regions. The main condition for activating the services of the tariff plan is a one-time account replenishment of 40.00 UAH. to calculate the daily fee.

Otherwise, the tariff for voice communication will be 0.50 UAH, and for using mobile Internet - 1.50 UAH. in a day. By replenishing the mobile account with a one-time payment, the subscriber switches to new tariff conditions for mobile communication services with a daily subscription fee.

The main advantage of this tariff plan is that it provides its users with unlimited opportunities for communication in the Kyivstar network with a voice payment for 1.50 UAH. per day and unlimited use of mobile Internet also for 1.50 UAH. per day, payment for which occurs only on the day of Internet access.

A minute of calls to numbers of other mobile operators in Ukraine is estimated at 0.35 UAH, and calls to landline numbers - 1.25 UAH/min. The tariff plan includes a daily package of SMS messages - 50 text messages for only 0.65 UAH. to numbers of any Ukrainian operators.

Sending MMS messages to all mobile networks of Ukrainian telecommunications companies is charged at 1.00 UAH. for each MMS. The tariff plan provides the ability to send SMS/MMS messages to numbers of foreign mobile operators with tariffs of 1.90/5.00 UAH. respectively for one message.

Current services and features of connecting to the “Free Smartphone” tariff plan

For the “Free Smartphone” tariff plan, a program has been developed for economical spending of the subscriber’s funds, based on his interest in longer-term cooperation with the mobile communication service provider - Kyivstar on the terms of this tariff.

Thus, a subscriber, accepting the terms of a weekly communication fee, or a monthly prepayment, can enjoy 20 or 33 percent savings on the same terms of a one-time payment of 40.00 UAH as for daily payments.

For the specified payment options, the cost of services will be debited from the subscriber's account in the following amounts: daily - 1.00 UAH. per day, weekly - 5.60 UAH. once a week, monthly - 20.00 UAH. month. Activation of the “-20%” and “-33%” options can be done after a one-time replenishment of the personal mobile account for 40.00 UAH. To do this, the subscriber must make an order using the USSD command *237*1# (call) or *238*1# (call) accordingly. You can disable these options with the command *237*2# (call) or *238*2# (call).

How to switch to the Kyivstar “Free Smartphone” tariff

The “Free Smartphone” tariff plan is regional and if the subscriber is outside the territory of his home region, his tariffs will still be valid for 3 days.

Starting from the fourth day, in the absence of ordering additional options “-20%” and “-33%”, the daily fee will be 1.50 UAH. When these options are in effect, the fee for unlimited calls in the Kyivstar network will be charged only upon their use in in the amount of 1.50 UAH. per day.

You can purchase a starter package of the “Free Smartphone” tariff plan at any service center of the Kyivstar network, and after its activation, the subscriber needs to top up his mobile account with a one-time payment in the amount of 40.00 UAH.

  • You can learn in detail about all the features of this tariff plan by calling 466*66

Kyivstar is a very popular mobile operator in Ukraine, providing the population with a huge number of different services. Kyivstar is a national telecommunications operator that provides mobile communications and the ability to connect to the Internet. The company was founded in 1994 and began providing services in 1997, that is, three years after its founding. As you know, the operator has a fairly diverse selection of tariff plans and services. depend on your needs and financial situation, since their cost depends on the number of services provided in the package. It happens that you forgot to top up your account on time to withdraw a monthly subscription fee or order a new service. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to order and use this service.

How to order an extraordinary withdrawal of the subscription fee

The new tariff plans do not have such an option, just top up your mobile account and wait until the next day! In most cases, the subscription fee is withdrawn automatically if there is a sufficient amount in the account. On the menu *100#call You can order an extraordinary withdrawal of the subscription fee, only if it has not been withdrawn. If you have used the volume of services before, then you can connect a tariff plan with a larger volume of services.

There may be a failure in the system and the subscription fee may not be charged, in which case every day from 00.00 to 00.03 there will be a repeated request to connect it. In this case, the date for charging the subscription fee will not change.

If the subscription fee is not paid, then you will be able to use the services according to the tariff plan provided to you. For each tariff, the cost of services is completely different; you can find out all this information by reading your tariff plan in more detail.

How to order an extraordinary fee for the option -33%

Use one of the options:

  • Service number 477 * 1 ;
  • Special teams: *238*4# - for extraordinary accrual, *238*3# — (to determine the date of accrual of the subscription fee)
  • Self-service system “My Kyivstar”.

To submit a request to connect an extraordinary subscription fee, you must contact the Kyivstar operator. He will answer all your questions more accurately and specifically and will directly help you submit your application. You can learn more about this service at , by calling a company support consultant, or by asking your question in the official Kyivstar community.

From October 1, 2014, Kyivstar subscribers will be able to connect to new tariff plans, in which prices include all taxes and fees, and also have the opportunity to save up to 33% monthly on communication services and call other networks at reduced rates. The updated Kyivstar tariff line is as transparent as possible - no hidden fees or fines. At the same time, the quality of communication from the market leader remains the best in Ukraine.
With new tariffs, subscribers have the opportunity to significantly save on communication services if they order a discount. The savings will be 20% if you prepay for services for a week, and 33% if you prepay for services per month. It’s easy to order a discount - just call 477*1.
Among the tariff plans of the new line, everyone will be able to choose an offer to suit their needs. For unlimited communication with other Kyivstar subscribers, the “Free Network” tariff plan has been created. It allows you not to limit your communication at all on the network of the largest operator in Ukraine.
Kyivstar experts recommend that smartphone owners choose the “Free Smartphone” tariff plan, which provides the user with unlimited access to the Internet and unlimited calls to other Kyivstar subscribers.
For subscribers who want to communicate freely not only within the Kyivstar network, but also with subscribers of other networks, the “Free Country” tariff plan is recommended. This tariff is valid throughout the country and allows you to get unlimited network access, unlimited Internet access and a package of minutes for calls to other networks for 90 hryvnia per month.
In the tariffs of the updated line, the cost of a minute of conversation with subscribers of other networks is reduced - from 25 to 50 kopecks, depending on the region.
For those who value ease of use, Kyivstar has developed a line of contract tariff plans “Kyivstar Comfort” - they already include packages of minutes to other networks (from 50 minutes in the cheapest tariff to 10,000 in the premium one). In this case, the subscriber will receive unlimited Internet access and unlimited calls in the Kyivstar network, as well as a default package of minutes for calls to other networks.
The “Free Network” and “Free Smartphone” tariff plans, as well as contract tariff plans, have regional offers that take into account the needs of residents of different regions of Ukraine in communicating with subscribers of other communication networks. The “Free Country” tariff plan is valid throughout Ukraine.
For Kyivstar subscribers who live in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, the “Free Communication” tariff plan remains open for connection, which provides the opportunity to make calls online and use the mobile Internet with a zero balance.
To promote the new tariff plan, Kyivstar made a mini-film “Fair, or you can’t fool Ruslana.”
Information about Kyivstar
Kyivstar is a Ukrainian telecommunications operator that provides communication and data services based on a wide range of mobile and fixed-line technologies. The operator's services are used by over 25 million mobile subscribers and about 800 thousand broadband Internet subscribers.
The shareholders of Kyivstar are the international group VimpelCom Ltd. (Netherlands), owns telecommunications assets in the CIS countries, Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. The company's shares are publicly traded on the stock exchange (NASDAQ), New York.
The Kyivstar mobile network is one of the best in Europe, and covers all large and small cities of Ukraine, as well as more than 28 thousand rural settlements, all major national and regional routes, most sea and river coasts.
The Kyivstar fiber-optic network for high-speed data transmission has a total length of more than 46 thousand kilometers and a capacity of external channels of more than 620 Gbit/s. Kyivstar provides international roaming services in 195 countries on 5 continents.
Kyivstar has been operating in Ukraine for more than 16 years, and is the largest tax payer, as well as one of the best employers and a socially responsible company.
For more information contact: [email protected], www.kyivstar.ua.

Over the past few months, the three largest Ukrainian GSM operators have updated their tariff lines for subscribers using a prepaid (non-contract) form of communication. We decided to understand all the innovations, existing restrictions, hidden fees of each operator, and at the end we will compare all the offers.

Currently, Kyivstar offers new and existing prepaid subscribers only three tariffs: “Free Smartphone”, “Free Network”, “Free Country”. The tariffs of most operators now vary slightly from region to region; we took the Kyiv region as the default region.

Tariff name Free smartphone
Subscription fee 1 UAH/day 5.60 UAH/week (option “-20%”) 20 UAH/month (option “-33%”)
Online calls no limits 0.65 UAH/day
Calls to other networks 0.35 UAH/min
Calls to landline numbers 1.25 UAH/min
Tariffication minute-by-minute
SMS (in package)
SMS 0.65 UAH/50 pcs
* restrictions
SMS abroad 1.50 UAH/piece
MMS 1 UAH/piece
MMS abroad 5 UAH/piece
Traffic, cost no restrictions, 0 UAH 0.65 UAH/day
* restrictions
minimum 30 24 20
+ SMS package every day 49,5 43,5 39,5

The total cost column does not take into account the money that a subscriber can spend on calls to subscribers of other operators,MMS, sendingSMS/MMS to subscribers of foreign operators. Tariff data for the Kyiv region is provided. The remaining tables are designed in a similar way.

The “Free Network” tariff is offered to subscribers calling within the network and not using mobile Internet. The cost of calls to numbers of other operators, landlines, SMS packages is similar to the “Free Smartphone” tariff. In addition, if necessary, access to the Internet can be obtained at a price of 0.65 UAH/10 MB. In the “Free Network” the same options “-20%” and “33%” apply.

Tariff name Free network
Subscription fee 0.65 UAH/day 3.64 UAH/week (option “-20%”) 13 UAH/month (option “-33%”) if there is not enough money in the account to pay the daily/weekly/monthly subscription fee
Online calls no limits 0.65 UAH/day
Calls to other networks (in package)
Calls to other networks 0.35 UAH/min
Calls to landline numbers 1.25 UAH/min
Tariffication minute-by-minute
SMS (in package)
SMS 0.65 UAH/50 pcs
* restrictions after the first 50 SMS the tariff is 0.65 UAH/10 pcs, after the 1001st message - 0.50 UAH/pcs
SMS abroad 1.50 UAH/piece
MMS 1 UAH/piece
MMS abroad 5 UAH/piece
Traffic, cost 0.65 UAH/10 MB
* restrictions after using the first 10 MB of traffic, the next package of 0.65 UAH/10 MB is automatically connected. After using 20 such packages, no Internet charges will be charged.
Additional payments, taxes
Total cost (30 days), UAH
minimum 19,5 15,6 13
+ SMS package every day 39 35,1 32,5
58,5 54,6 52

“Free Country” is an option for the most active mobile users. Like the first two tariffs, it includes unlimited calls within the network and unlimited Internet access, as well as packages of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators and packages of SMS. Within this tariff, the cost of a minute of conversation with other operators (after the package minutes are exhausted) is reduced to 0.30 UAH/min versus 0.35 UAH/min in the “Free Smartphone” and “Free Network” tariffs. The cost of calls to landline numbers is similar to other operator offers. The tariff significantly increases the cost of text messages beyond those included in the tariff due to the lack of the ability to purchase messages in packages.

Tariff name Free country
Subscription fee 4.50 UAH/day 25.20 UAH/week (option “-20%”) 90 UAH/month (option “-33%”) if there is not enough money in the account to pay the daily/weekly/monthly subscription fee
Online calls no limits 0.30 UAH/min
Calls to other networks (in package) 5 minutes 40 min 200 min
Calls to other networks 0.30 UAH/min
Calls to landline numbers 1.25 UAH/min
Tariffication minute-by-minute
SMS (in package) 15 pcs 100 pieces 500 pcs
SMS 0.50 UAH/piece
* restrictions
SMS abroad 1.50 UAH/piece
MMS 1 UAH/piece
MMS abroad 5 UAH/piece
Traffic, cost no restrictions, 0 without restrictions, 1 UAH/day
* restrictions after using 100 MB of traffic per day, the speed is reduced to 32 Kbps until the end of the day
Additional payments, taxes
Total cost (30 days), UAH
minimum 135 108 90

Let's try to compare the offers of the three tariffs. To do this, let’s take the best offers with a monthly subscription fee and one SMS/Internet package:

Rate Free smartphone Free network Free country
Online calls no limits
Calls to other networks (in package) 200 min
Calls to other networks 0.35 UAH/min 0.30 UAH/min
Calls to landline numbers 1.25 UAH/min
SMS (in package) 500 pcs
SMS 0.65 UAH/50 pcs 0.50 UAH/piece
Internet no limits 0.65 UAH/10 MB no limits
Total cost (30 days), UAH
minimum 20 13 90
+ SMS package every day 39,5 32,5
+ SMS package every day, + 10 MB traffic package 52

All users of old prepaid tariffs can switch to the new Kyivstar tariffs. At the same time, if you bought a new starter package, then for the “-20%” and “-33%” options to work, you need to top up your account with 40 UAH. Until such a replenishment, other prices for services apply; they can be found on the operator’s website. In addition, if the subscriber’s account does not have enough funds to pay the subscription fee, other tariffs begin to apply; they are shown in the last column of each table. The operator allows you to pay daily/weekly/monthly payments not only with your own funds, but also with funds received using the “Transfer of Funds” service. These tariffs are subject to territorial restrictions; they are described on the official website. Subscribers using the new tariffs are not subject to the Kyivstar Club loyalty program; all bonus funds are canceled, with the exception of those received under the terms of the “Extra Money” and “Home Internet” services.

As a result, the Kyivstar tariff line looks quite simple; three basic tariffs should satisfy the basic needs of subscribers. Within the framework of these offers, the cost of calls to numbers of other operators is practically the same; the difference is hidden in the cost of short text messages and Internet access. Therefore, a subscriber choosing a tariff simply needs to assess his needs and choose the most suitable offer.

We will get acquainted with the tariffs of other operators during the week, after which we will compare the offers of all players.