Convert a PDF file to a Word document for editing. Opening PDFs in Word: Current Techniques

The main distinguishing feature of PDF files, which has led to the wide popularity of this text file format in recent years, is that PDF documents look the same on all devices running different operating systems. Currently, this format of text and graphic files is used to publish electronic versions of books, glossy magazines, scientific and other documents. As long as you only use PDF files to view the information they contain, you won't have any problems with them.

Difficulties begin when you need to edit something in a PDF file, or use the information contained in it in your documents. It is for this reason that users often look for ways to convert PDF to Word format. Let's look at the simplest and most accessible of them.

How to convert PDF to Word for free
A free and easy way to convert PDF to Word is to simply copy all or parts of the text from the PDF file and paste it into the created Word file. In order to copy all the text directly into a PDF file, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A. However, if the file is large enough, then the computer's computing resources may not be enough for such an operation. In this case, copy the text in parts.

Another free way to convert PDF to Word is to use cloud storage from Google. Using it, the transformation is performed as follows:
After the download is complete, you can open it on your computer to check how successfully it was converted and start editing it.

How to convert PDF to Word online
There are also a large number of services that convert PDF files to Word online. For example:

They all work on a similar principle. You upload your PDF file to them, it is converted on the service side and after the process is completed you are given a link to download the resulting Word document.

For example, how conversion occurs on the site
Converting files online is very convenient because it does not require installing additional software on your computer.

Programs for converting PDF to Word
As a rule, all online services have their own restrictions on the size of the file uploaded to them. If your PDF file is large, you will still have to convert it on your computer using the appropriate software. One of the programs of this class is the free UniPDF utility. To use it to convert PDF to Word, do the following:
Of course, UniPDF is not the only program for converting PDF files. There is a large selection of other both paid and free programs of this kind.

How to convert PDF to Word in FineReader
The most difficult thing is to convert PDF to Word when the text on the pages in the PDF file is initially saved as digital images. In this case, only optical text recognition using the ABBYY FineReader program or similar can help. To convert PDF to Word using FinerReader, you need to go through the following steps:
In addition to those discussed, there are still a great many different methods and programs for converting PDF to Word format. But none of them will do this perfectly, since such a conversion was not initially provided for and its quality will vary between different programs and services.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to convert the resulting PDF file into a Word document suitable for editing. In this case, it is desirable that the original formatting of the document be preserved.

To perform this procedure, many different programs are offered today, both On-Line converters and application programs intended for installation on a PC.

Convert a PDF file to a Word document

So, let's start converting a PDF file into a Word document using various application programs. Below we will show you ways to convert PDF files into a Word document for editing.

Method 1: Nitro Pro

This program does not have a Russian version. Nitro Pro trial version is available for 14 days.

Attention: after installing the Nitro Pro converter on your PC, in all applications of the Microsoft Office suite, an additional tab will appear on the toolbar - “Nitro Pro”.

Download Nitro Pro program

    1. Open the file with the PDF extension in the Nitro Pro converter and click on the button in the toolbar "To Word".

    1. After pressing the button "Convert" a Word document is created that can be edited.

Method 2: First PDF

The trial version of the First PDF Converter provides file conversion for 30 days or up to 100 conversions. The program is Russified.

Download First PDF program

    1. Launch the First PDF converter and click on the button "Add from file", after which a window will open to select your file. The result is a file line. Select on the right side of the converter "Format" - "Microsoft Word".

    1. After this, we determine the folder for saving, put a tick on the entry "Open result" and press the button "Convert".

    1. And finally, we get a Word document with a DOCX extension that can be edited.

Method 3: Adobe Acrobat DC

Adobe Acrobat DC can be called the most famous program, which was previously called Adobe Reader. The program is multilingual, and can also be used in Russian. The trial version “live” for 7 days.

Important: after installing Adobe Acrobat DC on your PC, an additional tab “ACROBAT” will appear on the toolbar in all applications of the Microsoft Office suite.

Download Adobe Acrobat DC

    1. So, open a file with a PDF extension in Adobe Acrobat DC, which needs to be converted to a Word file.

    1. On the right side of the panel we find the button "Export PDF" and click on it with the mouse.

    1. In the window that opens, select the required format (in our case it is "Microsoft Word"), then select the entry "Word Document" or "Document Word 97 - 2003" and press the button "Export".

    1. If necessary, before pressing the button "Export", you can make export settings by clicking on the gear next to the entry "Word Document".

    1. After pressing no button "Export" A window opens asking you to select the folder in which to save the file.

    1. After selecting the destination folder, you can specify a file name and click the button "Save".

    1. Here is the file converted. In the image below you can see that the formatting of the PDF file is completely saved in the Word document and can be edited.

Method 4: Converting a fragment

In Adobe Acrobat DC, you can convert a single fragment of a PDF file into Word.

    1. In this case, it is enough to select the desired text in Adobe Acrobat and copy it using the key combination "Ctrl+C".

    1. Then using the combination "Ctrl+V" Paste the copied fragment into a Word file.

In conclusion, it can be noted that all methods of translating PDF files into Word ensure that the text structure is preserved as it was in the source file.

Often there is a need to convert the .PDF format to .doc (Word file) and in this article we will figure out how easy it is to do this. We have prepared three different methods for conversion. We tested all the methods personally, but if one doesn’t work, you can always use the other two.

Translate PDF to DOC and DOCx (Word) online

There are many services that convert documents from one format to another. My favorite site to use for this is To get started, follow the link and scroll to the file download area.

If you need to convert the file to .doc, then select the adjacent tab. The service has automatic translation into .docx. Now click “Select file” and open the directory in which the PDF file is located and click on the “Open” button. The name of your file will appear on the site, after which you need to click on the “Convert” button.

I would like to note that the conversion may take several minutes, so if you have a large file, you will have to wait a little. Next, the site will automatically begin downloading your document to your computer. The file will be located in the “Downloads” folder or in the folder that you selected in the browser for your downloads.

This is not the only service that can do conversion automatically, here are links to others:

All services were free at the time of writing, but everything could change. Please read the site carefully before converting.

Programs for converting PDF to Word

For various reasons, it may be inconvenient for someone to convert files online, so let’s look at the example of programs. We'll look at converting using First PDF. The program is paid, but you have the opportunity to use it for free for 30 days or for 100 conversions.

If you need to translate several documents into Word at once, and you do not plan to do this every day, then this option is perfect for you. Download the program from the official website Install the program like others: agree to the license agreement and click “Next”. After installing the program, there will be a checkmark that will immediately launch the program after installation.

When you first start the program, you are offered to buy a license or use the free version, we select the “Continue” option for free. This window appears in front of us.

Now you need to click on the “Add PDF” button and select the required file. In the program settings (on the right) you can choose the path to save the file and whether to open it immediately after conversion. You can also select the pages that need to be converted, for example, from “1-3” or leave everything.

If you have chosen everything, click on the “convert” button and a window with a license will appear in front of us again. Click the “Continue” button (without purchasing the program) and the file will be converted to Word format. I really liked this program, it works quickly and well.

If the demo version of the program is not enough for you, and you constantly convert files, purchase the full version on the developers’ website for 990 rubles (the price is current at the time of writing this entry).

Convert PDF to Word using Google Drive

The third conversion method will be the service from Google – Google Drive. To use the service, you must have an account (mailbox) with Google. If you are not registered yet, please register, and if you are registered, then go to the site.

After opening this site, you will have the opportunity to download documents. Select the folder in which the document is located and upload it to Google Drive. To do this, click on the “Download” button and select “Download files” in the menu that opens.

After downloading the document, it will appear on your disk. Right-click on it and select “Open with..” and select “Google Docs” from the new menu.

When the document opens, select “File” -> “Download as” -> “Word Document” and all you have to do is save this file.

These three simple ways will help you convert documents into various formats. In the following articles we will talk about converting other formats, so subscribe to our blog and visit us more often!

PDF (PDF) is a format through which you can easily and conveniently read books on your computer. It allows you to maintain good quality not only of text, but also of images, which is why it is often used in printed materials.

If this is just an e-book that you read for fun, then this format does not cause any inconvenience. But when you have to work with such a document, this can be a problem for many. It is not very clear how to convert it into plain text and, in general, whether it is possible to do this without losing formatting.

Now we will look at the simplest ways to translate into Word while maintaining the original appearance.

Using Microsoft Word 2013-2016

In the latest versions of Microsoft Office, Word has a built-in pdf conversion tool. You just need to open the file in this program, and then the system will do everything itself.

1 . Click on the “FILE” button in the upper left corner of the window.

2. We go along the path Open → Computer and select the folder where our file is located.

3. Select the document and click the “Open” button.

A warning window will appear, which you can ignore and immediately press the “OK” button.

That's all! Now the document can be edited and saved in the usual doc or docx format.

True, the page breaks are located in different places than in the source file, but somehow you can survive this. The main thing is that all tables and lists are editable.

Via Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader

If you have an old version of MS Word, but have Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader (one of them usually opens all pdf files), then you can convert using it.

1 . Open the file in Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader and copy the desired fragment of the document.

Usually you just need to open the file and it will immediately run in one of these programs (it will be written at the top which one).

To copy all the text into Adobe Reader, click on “Editing” at the top and select “Copy file to clipboard.”

In Foxit Reader, to transfer all the text, you need to click on “Home” at the top, click on the clipboard icon and select “Select All”. Then click on the icon again and select “Copy”.

2. We create a document in Word. To do this, right-click on any free space on the Desktop and select New → Microsoft Office Word Document.

Or you can simply open the program through Start → All Programs → Microsoft Office → Microsoft Office Word.

3. We paste into the document the fragment that we copied from the pdf file. To do this, right-click on the sheet and select “Insert” from the context menu.

As a result, we get the same text, but with the ability to edit. However, it is often added with slightly changed formatting and without images.


  • If the document is large, insertion is very slow or Word simply freezes. And sometimes even small text is not inserted. Output: select/copy/paste in parts.
  • Images are not copied. Exit: take screenshots of them by pressing the Print Screen keyboard key, and then paste them into Word (right button - Paste). But you will still have to crop and resize the resulting image.
  • Sometimes formatting suffers greatly: fonts, letter size, colors, etc. Solution: edit the text manually.

Summary: with plain text this option is quite acceptable, but if the document also contains tables, lists, images, it is better to convert in other ways.

Online services for converting PDF to Word

Text recognition programs:

ABBYY FineReader (paid)

WinScan2PDF (free)

Often, many personal computer users are faced with the problem of opening documents of one format in programs that work with documents of a different format. For example, opening a PDF file in Word software seems like a very complicated process to many PC users. But in fact, this procedure has many different methods, which are very simple. Some of them will be discussed below.

Microsoft Office« Word2013"

If the 2013 version of the program is installed on your computer, then in order to open the file with the “pdf” extension, you need to do a number of simple steps:

  1. Open the Word program that is installed on your computer.

  2. Next, open the “File” tab located in the upper left corner of the program. You should see a window like this.

  3. Then you need to select the “Open” item, where in the “Computer” tab you need to select the “Browse” command.

  4. Find the required “pdf” file in the window presented and open it.

    Important! If a message appears while opening the file, then you need to select the “OK” command.

  5. After the work has been done, information from the “pdf” file will be presented on the main sheet of the Word program.

Program "FirstPDF»

If you have an old version of Word installed on your computer, or you have problems opening a pdf document, then there is a way out of this situation.

"FirstPDF" is a converter of all files with "pdf" resolution. In addition, this program can adapt the file not only to Mircosoft Office Word, but also to other Microsoft products. This program is paid, but it is possible to use the program in a demo version for 30 days, during which you can convert the file no more than 100 times.

To get the desired result, you need to do a few simple steps:

  1. Download and install the program on your computer.

  2. Open the program and select "Add from file". If there are problems with this step, then there is a simpler solution. You can literally drag and drop a "pdf" file into the empty white area that says "Drag files here."

  3. In the window presented, you must select the desired file to convert.

  4. In the “Format” structure you need to configure the parameters of the output file. For example, it is possible to select a format such as “PowerPoint” or simply “Text file”.

  5. Click the "Convert" button and wait for the process to complete.

Program "SolidConverter»

This program is a good analogue of the previous one, so if you have problems with FirstPDF, then there is a solution. Also, the SolidConverter program has its own design and allows you to use a trial period that lasts 15 days.

To use this program, you need to do a number of simple steps:

Program "Adobe Acrobat Reader»

The methods presented above involve converting files, but there is a solution that makes it possible to obtain information from a “pdf” file that can then be opened in the Word program.

To achieve this goal, you need to download Adobe Reader. For this:

After downloading and installing the software on your computer, you need to take a few simple steps:

On a note! The Adobe Reader program has a “Print” function, so you can immediately print a document in pdf format.

How to print a "pdf" file

After using the above methods, you can print the file in Word. This requires:

How to convert a Word file to PDF format

In order to convert a “.docs” file into a “pdf” format, you can use the simplest online service “Smallpdf”, which can be opened at

Video - How to open a pdf file in Word