com android phone app has encountered an error what. Fixing "Android process acore" error

When developing new versions of Android, programmers always try to make the operating system more stable, smooth, and intuitive. However, despite the efforts of the developers, errors in the operation of the software occur from version to version, and the older the device and the older Android installed on it, the more errors there are. Every error that occurs during the operation of the device has both causes and ways to solve it. Let's look at the most common errors and methods for correcting them.

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What to do if an error occurs in the application

An application error is the result of an incorrect action written in the application code, which led to its operation stopping. After stopping the program, the system usually provides the user with information that an error has occurred and also shows a code that describes the error. This code will help us understand what exactly happened and how to deal with the problem.

Package syntax error

Typically this problem occurs if you installed the application by downloading APK file from an unverified source. There are 2 reasons for this failure:

  • The application is designed only for devices running newer operating system, than you have installed
  • The APK file contains an error and will not be able to install the program on devices with any version of Android

"Out of memory" error

If you encounter such a problem, then you need to think about cleaning internal storage from unnecessary content (photos, videos, applications). Often, the problem of insufficient internal memory affects users of gadgets with initially small storage (8 or 16 GB).

This problem also affects the overall performance of the device. As a solution to this error, we recommend that you read our article “”, which details ways to optimize both internal storage and random access memory devices.

As quick solution ROM shortage problems, we recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity to expand the internal memory by installing Micro cards SD. We also recommend using the Link2SD program, which will help you transfer application data to external card memory.

Error "" and "android.process.acore"

This problem usually appears on smartphones after:

  1. Replacing the SIM card with a new one
  2. Phone flashing

If you saw this problem, this means that the interaction of the built-in communication modem with the new software on your smartphone is broken on your device, or there are problems with the SIM card that does not allow you to fully interact with the tower cellular communications.

To resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings - Applications - Phone and click on Clear cache and data, then restart your device (article)
  • Check the functionality of your SIM card on another device
  • Reset Android settings (article)

Error "android.process.acore"

To solve the problem, follow the diagram presented in the previous paragraph, only instead of the “Phone” application, select “Contact Storage”.

Error ""

This problem may appear after replacing the SIM card or after flashing the device. This indicates that the device's modem cannot work correctly with new software or connect to a cell tower. In order to get rid of this error, go to the application settings, select the “Phone” application, clear the cache and data, then restart your smartphone. If the error does not disappear, then it is necessary.

The same steps must be taken if there is an error “android.process.acore”, only select the “Contacts Storage” application for cleaning. After this, your phone book will be completely cleared, so don't forget to do this.

Error ""

A similar problem occurs among owners of smartphones with a card Micro memory SD that is malfunctioning, which results in errors in the operation of applications installed on it. We advise you to remove the application from the memory card that is crashing during operation, and install it on internal memory devices.

Answers on questions

What to do if a synchronization error occurs?

The first reason may be bad connection with the Internet, and sometimes the synchronization process itself freezes, in this case, disable it in the device settings Google account and reconnect after reboot.

Almost every user of Android devices encounters system application errors sooner or later. And one of the most common and difficult to fix is ​​an error in the Services application Google Play. Most often it occurs after some user action, but sometimes it occurs spontaneously and unexpectedly, as if out of nowhere.

Today we’ll talk about the causes of application errors Google Services Play and what to do to fix it.

What are Google Play Services

Methods for eliminating errors: from simple to complex

The solutions are listed in order of ease of implementation. If one doesn't help, move on to the next. Or immediately do what you consider most appropriate in your situation.

Setting the date and time

Incorrect date and time settings on the device lead to failures to launch many applications, not only Services Google Play. Also, problems often arise with access to Internet resources.

To fix the error, launch “Settings” (Options) on Android, open the “System” section and the “Date and Time” subsection. Set the required indicators manually or synchronize the time over the network.

Clear cache and data from Google Play Services and related apps

Launch “Settings”, go to the “Device” and “Applications” sections. Find among them:

  • Google Play Services.
  • Play Store.
  • Google Services Framework.

Open their properties one by one, click “Stop”, then “Clear cache” and “Erase data”. If the problem occurs after updating these applications, uninstall the updates. Reboot your gadget.

Transferring Google Play Services from SD card to device memory (root)

If some of the applications on your phone or tablet are located on the memory card, it is possible that Services also ended up there. If this is the case, transfer them back to the device memory - to the system or user programs folder. To do this, use any utility that has the function of transferring programs between drives, for example, Link2SD, Files To SD Card, Move to SDCard or analogs.

Uninstalling recently installed applications

If the crash occurs after you installed one or more new applications, try uninstalling them one by one. After each removal, reboot your device.

Checking for viruses and cleaning the hosts file

Unexpected, spontaneously occurring errors in Google Play Services and other system applications may be a sign viral infections devices. Especially if it is accompanied by such characteristic symptoms as:

  • battery drains too quickly;
  • unexplained shutdowns of functions, most often related to security, as well as the inability to change system settings;
  • inaccessibility of some resources on the Internet (for example, mail, social networks), advertising banners on web pages, redirection to other sites;
  • advertising on the device desktop that is not related to applications;
  • spontaneous installation of programs you don’t need and the inability to remove them;
  • hidden calls and SMS messages to unknown numbers;
  • disappearance of funds from the balance of the phone and electronic wallets;
  • sudden removal or malfunction of the antivirus.

Our site has already told you. But sometimes just removing the malware is not enough, especially when the device is rooted. If a virus makes changes to system files and settings, they are usually saved and are valid even in the absence of the root cause.

Some malware make entries in the hosts file, where, like on a computer, IP addresses and associated website names are stored. These entries can also cause a Google Play Services error, so after scanning for viruses, regardless of whether they were found or not, you should check the hosts.

User access to hosts file only possible on rooted devices. Additionally, you will need a file explorer app with access to system directories, like Root Explorer or Total Commander. Required file is located in the /etc folder and has no extension. To open and make changes to it, you will need any text editor.

The hosts file consists of a comment block, the lines of which begin with the # sign, and a records block. Comments don't affect anything - it's just reference Information, and the records tell the device which IP address to search for a particular site on the Internet.

Initially, the second hosts block contains a single entry - localhost, which means that this IP belongs to the device itself. And it will look for all sites mapped to on itself.

If you see anything other than " localhost" in the entry block, remove it.

After saving the file and restarting the device, the Google Play Services error often disappears.

Deleting and re-creating a Google account

They are described in detail in another article on the site, so we will not repeat them. After deleting, create on the device new account, and then clear the cache and data of Services and related applications again, as described above.

Reinstalling Services (root)

Reinstallation helps fix an error that occurred after updating Google Play Services or installing an inappropriate version after manual removal. It is better to download the file suitable for your device from here, since the link contains the old ones, obviously stable versions(how to determine yours, see the section on the causes of the error).

After downloading, the apk file of the application should be placed in the /system/app (/system/priv-app) or /data/app directory using the same Root Explorer or Total Commander. Next, don’t forget to give it permission to read and write (on Root Explorer this is done by touching the button circled in the screenshot so that it switches from R/O to R/W) and run the installation.

After rebooting the device, most likely the error will no longer bother you.

By the way, if the problem arose after updating the Services, it may recur as soon as the device downloads new version from Play Store. Therefore, you may have to disable the installation of its updates. In any case, until the true culprit of the situation becomes clear.

Factory reset and flashing

If all your attempts to resolve the error have been unsuccessful, there are still last resortreset android to factory settings and flashing. Resetting is a fairly effective solution for all sorts of problems with the system, but it will not help desired effect on phones and tablets with root. Besides, you will lose personal files and settings. Use it only on non-rooted gadgets and only when you have tried all the simpler methods.

The reset function is available through the “Settings” application - section “System” - “Backup and reset”, as well as through Recovery menu, the opening method for which is usually given on the websites of mobile devices of various brands.

Reflashing a device on Android is equivalent to reinstalling the operating system on the computer, that is, this is the most radical solution of all that there is. It doesn’t matter to her whether the device was rooted or not. After flashing, you will receive a pristinely clean system, errors will remain a thing of the past, but you will have to configure and get used to it all over again.

When developing new versions of Android, programmers always try to make the operating system more stable, smooth, and intuitive. However, despite the efforts of the developers, errors in the operation of the software occur from version to version, and the older the device and the older Android installed on it, the more errors there are. Every error that occurs during the operation of the device has both causes and ways to solve it. Let's look at the most common errors and methods for correcting them.

What to do if an error occurs in the application

An application error is the result of an incorrect action written in the application code, which led to its operation stopping. After stopping the program, the system usually provides the user with information that an error has occurred and also shows a code that describes the error. This code will help us understand what exactly happened and how to deal with the problem.

This problem usually occurs if you installed the application by downloading the APK file from an unverified source. There are 2 reasons for this failure:

  • The application is designed only for devices running a newer operating system than the one you have installed
  • The APK file contains an error and will not be able to install the program on devices with any version of Android

The solution will correspond to the problem: try to delete the APK file and download it from another source. We also recommend checking technical requirements software applications. If your device has a lower version of Android than specified in the requirements, update your device to the appropriate version.

If you encounter such a problem, then you need to think about clearing your internal storage of unnecessary content (photos, videos, applications). Often, the problem of insufficient internal memory affects users of gadgets with initially small storage (8 or 16 GB).

This problem also affects the overall performance of the device. To solve this error, we recommend that you read our article “,” which details ways to optimize both the internal storage and RAM of the device.

As a quick solution to the problem of lack of ROM, we recommend that you use the ability to expand the internal memory by installing Micro SD cards. We also recommend using the program Link2SD, which will help you transfer application data to an external memory card.

Attention! The Link2SD app requires Root rights on the device. If you do not have superuser rights on your smartphone, contact detailed instructions in our article.

This problem usually appears on smartphones after:

  1. Replacing the SIM card with a new one
  2. Phone flashing

If you see this problem, it means that the interaction of the built-in communication modem with the new software on your smartphone is broken on your device, or there are problems with the SIM card that does not allow full interaction with the cell tower.

To resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings - Applications - Phone and click on Clear cache and data, then restart your device (article How to delete cache on Android)
  • Check the functionality of your SIM card on another device
  • Reset Android settings (article)

Error "android.process.acore"

To solve the problem, follow the diagram presented in the previous paragraph, only instead of the application " Telephone» select « Contact storage».

Error ""

This problem may appear after replacing the SIM card or after flashing the device. This indicates that the device's modem cannot work correctly with new software or connect to a cell tower. In order to get rid of this error, go to the application settings, select the “Phone” application, clear the cache and data, then restart your smartphone. If the error does not disappear, then it is necessary.

The same actions must be taken if there is an error “ android.process.acore", just select the application for cleaning " Contact storage" After this, your phone book will be completely cleared, so don't forget to do this.

Error ""

A similar problem occurs among owners of smartphones with a Micro SD memory card that is malfunctioning, which entails errors in the operation of applications installed on it. We advise you to remove the application from the memory card that is crashing during operation, and install it on the internal memory of the device.

We advise you to find out what to do if they do not open and Android apps crash .

What to do if a synchronization error occurs?

The first reason may be a poor Internet connection, and sometimes the synchronization process itself freezes, in this case, disable your Google account in the device settings and reconnect after rebooting.

The error periodically appears on some gadgets running .

By stopping the running process, it causes a lot of inconvenience to users and causes data loss in applications.

Let's take a closer look at how to quickly fix the problem and make sure it never appears again.


Problem Meaning

Before you begin to analyze methods for solving an error, you need to determine its meaning.

A pop-up window with the text “” means that the running process (program, utility or widget) was suddenly stopped by the smartphone system.

The problem indicates that the phone components are not working correctly. The network may not be able to communicate properly mobile operator And installed firmware.

The problem appears naturally - only after or in the process of working with specific phone functions (calls, SMS, browser, and others).


In the Android operating system, all types of errors can be classified as certain group.

A message starting with “com” means that the failure occurred in system application, which interacts with open process or user program.

Some users immediately uninstall the application, after which an error window appears, but this does not help correct the situation, because incorrect work system component will also affect other software on the device.

“Com Android” refers to the phone and dialing function, so the causes of the problem are as follows:

  • Single application crashes in the Phone utility. In this case, the error will appear only once and will no longer interfere with the user’s work;
  • There is no space to store the cache of the "Phone" process;
  • Error system functions"Telephone". As a rule, it occurs after or after its rollback;
  • Impact of viral software, which has access to dialing and communication functions;
  • whether installing a plugin, extension;
  • Incompatibility between system software and user installed components. Appeals third party programs phone functions may malfunction. This may depend both on the action of the user and on the developer of the installed application.

In this way, you will eliminate the periodic appearance of the “com android” window or you will be able to “save” your gadget if the program appears cyclically and you do not even have time to press the phone keys.

Method #1 – Clearing the device cache

This method allows you to eliminate all errors in running processes by clearing temporary data that is stored in RAM and is causing the problem.

To delete the cache manually using the built-in ones, follow the instructions:

  • Open the settings window;
  • Go to the applications tab;
  • Open the “All” item and click on “Phone” to go to the built-in utility window. In this window you can manage the main parameters of the component, including deleting the cache;

Rice. 2 – list of all system applications

  • Click on “Clear cache” and wait until the process completes;
  • We also recommend that you press the button "Erase data" to start the initial correct configuration of the phone;

Rice. 3 – functions “Erase data” and “Clear cache”

Once the cache is cleared successfully, the option key will become inactive as shown in the image above.

Now you need to reboot your smartphone for all the settings to take effect and the phone to work again in normal mode without various errors.

Method #2 – Using another Phone app

In addition to the standard program for making calls, users can use any other application that stores all contacts and call data.

In most cases, the error only applies to standard dialer.

You can install another utility using .

Just use the program tool and choose the one you like. Install it and use it in the future instead of standard software. The error will not appear.

Rice. 4 – search and install dialing programs using Play Market

Method No. 3 – Reset settings

Reset settings or Hard Reset is a function that allows you to solve any problems with or. Its essence is to delete absolutely the entire configuration.

Also, all data and the user file are deleted - the phone returns to the settings that were set at the time of its release. Resetting completely deletes the following information:

  1. Phone book contacts;
  2. Messages;
  3. Application data;
  4. Call history;
  5. Saved files and folders.

To do this, you need to download the firmware installation file to the smartphone’s SD card and perform the installation using the recovery menu.

As many years of experience show, very often owners of devices with Android OS are faced with various errors and problems, some of which simply confuse some users. For example, a fairly common case is when the device shows a notification, android error has occurred process core.

How to fix the problem? What should a novice user do if he has only recently purchased a phone and does not know all the intricacies of his device? Why did it happen this error? IN this material We will answer all questions related to this problem. In the future, you will be able not only to quickly bring your smartphone back to life, but also to prevent such errors from occurring.

For what reasons does this error occur?

First, you need to understand why this error occurs on your phone. Moreover, it is worth noting that it can appear in almost any version of the operating system. Android systems, regardless of the manufacturer.

So, here's the list possible reasons this system error appears:

  • Your phone has deleted system files or folders necessary for correct operation operating system;
  • The operating system cannot operate stably and correctly due to the disabling of one of the system applications;
  • The device has several programs or widgets installed that have similar functions that conflict with each other, for example, synchronizing data from a contact list or viewing a forecast, email clients.

How to fix android process acore error: 2 ways

Even if you have a similar problem, don’t immediately panic and go to the store for a new phone. We also do not recommend that you contact service center and just give it away cash. You can fix this problem yourself, even if you recently purchased a device with the Android operating system. We have roughly divided the list of solutions into two categories, starting from ordinary users those who have just started working with this OS, ending with advanced users.

Method 1 - for beginners

As practice shows, this error mainly occurs when working with the contact list on your smartphone. For example, you are trying to add new contact to the notebook or erase the entry, edit. To fix the error you will need to do the following:

  • Go to Settings and select the Applications tab.
  • Find the "Everything" tab and then "Contact Storage."
  • Now find the “Erase data” option and click on it. Attention! All your contacts will be deleted from mobile phone, however the error will most likely go away. If you previously created individual copies in vCard format or synchronized phone book in Google services, it will be easy to restore all data.

Another reason why this error may appear is incorrect operation of the “Calendar Storage”. To fix the error, do the following:

  • Go to your phone's Settings.
  • Select “Applications” and in the “All” tab find “Calendar storage”. Click this button and if the service has been disabled, select Enable.

The problem also sometimes occurs when installing applications that optimize Wi-Fi wireless networks. IN in this case We recommend that you view full list everyone installed programs on your smartphone, determine which ones are targeted for optimization wireless networks and delete them one by one.

One of the extreme methods is to return to factory settings.. Just keep in mind that all data will be completely deleted from your phone, both personal data and all applications, as if you had just purchased the phone from a store.

Method 2 - for advanced users

If you are confident Android user, and worked with the file system, built-in services and widgets, then when a message appears that an android process acore error has occurred, you can use the method described here. You can fix the problem by editing system file. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. IN file system go to the following path: /system/csc/others.xml and open it with any built-in editor.
  2. Find the line in the file TRUE and change the value TRUE to FALSE .
  3. Once the value is changed, save the file and restart the device. We recommend that you create backups editable files.

In general, we can conclude that this error is not critical for the user and can be eliminated in a few clicks. Remember that to the last method Data rollback should only be used if all the methods described in the article do not fix the problem. Rolling back removes the application that automatically generates the error, so it no longer appears. Data rollback can be done using: standard menu Android operating system and special keys. Read more in detail in a separate article, the link to which is given above in this material. If you still have any questions about this problem, leave your comments and our specialists will definitely help you solve them!