A program that allows you to manage. Remote access

Many computer owners would like to have full control over their terminal at home, for example through another computer or mobile device. There are several ways to gain remote access to your computer via the Internet. We will talk about them now.

Accessing a remote computer via the Internet: how does it work?

The Internet is a very funny thing. The fact is that the World Wide Web, as it is sometimes called, works in such a way that it even allows you to use the computing capabilities of any terminal. It is not surprising that connecting to any computer is not difficult. All you need to know is the external IP address.

The remote system performs verification and connects to the source. It looks like connecting to a computer without using wired connections. But not all users of Windows systems know how to establish remote access to a computer via the Internet. This can be done using several simple methods. First, let's look at the features of the OS itself.

Windows Tools

The easiest way to connect remote access to a computer via the Internet is through the “Control Panel”, in which you need to select viewing system properties. This section has a remote access tab, where you should check the box next to the permission line.

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that you will have to use additional settings that are required.

How to remotely access a computer via the Internet: initial settings

The very first thing is to enable Remote Assistance (this will save you from problems in the future). For this purpose the corresponding line is used. Why do this? Only because this is how the connection will be added to the Windows Firewall exceptions list.

In addition, in the remote “Desktop” section, the connection also needs to be allowed, and then you need to select users who have the right to control the terminal from the outside. In case of use automatic settings Access to remote computer via the Internet will be activated for six hours.

IP address

Now you need to find out the external address, without which all connection attempts will be null and void. To do this you should run command line(cmd in the “Run” console, which is called via the Win + R combination).

In the window that appears, enter ipconfig and write down the address (in Windows 10 you can copy it, in Windows 7 - not). Next, open a connection to the remote “Desktop” on a remote terminal and enter the address. If there is an Internet connection, the connection will be established automatically after verification.

If the remote terminal has a password, you will need to enter it. If desired, you can configure some additional parameters.

Setting up a terminal server

Initially in some unofficial versions The OS may have problems recognizing the ID. To solve the problem you will have to download special utility in the form of a file internetidadmin.exe. You need to install the program on both computer terminals.

Next, you can configure remote access to your computer via the Internet as follows. First, click on the host icon that appears in the system tray and select connection settings from the menu. This procedure is performed on the terminal from which you will access another PC. The identifier will appear in the window for receiving a new ID.

Next, on the computer that you want to monitor, you need to run the program in “Client” mode. After this, we start creating a new connection, give it a name and enter the previously identified ID. After this, the connection mode via identifier is simply selected. And in a couple of minutes the connection will be established.

Power supply

Remote access to the computer via Internet Windows although it can provide, its own scheme nevertheless appears incomplete. The problem is that going into sleep mode can block the connection.

Disable this parameter you can in the power supply diagram, which can be accessed from the “Control Panel”, and on laptops - use the click menu on the battery charge indicator.

Undocumented settings

You can also delve into system registry, if you use the HKLM branch and go to CurrentControlSet and search there for the TerminalServer directory, in which you need to find the RDP-Tcp and PortNumber settings. The port should be set to a value greater than 1024 (preferably in the range from 49152 to 65535, although this is not necessary).

After this, you need to open port 3389 and add an address ending in 5500 to the exclusion list (at the beginning there may be 192.168, as for a router).

RDP clients

Remote access to a computer via the Internet can also be configured using special applications, called RDP clients (from the English abbreviation Remote Desktop). That is, programs of this type are the middle link between the computer from which access is made and the remote terminal with the boot output to the standard “Desktop”.

Programs for remote access to a computer via the Internet are very unique. Some of them work in authorization mode, some involve the use of registration. It’s worth noting here that quite often you are prompted to enter a password based on the user account. It's a virus. No application should require an “account”.


You can access a remote computer via the Internet using the TeamViewer utility, which is most often used in computer games and implies online communication between players of the same team. Setting up access to a remote computer via the Internet using this program is very simple.

At the first stage, you will need to enter the computer name and access password, if provided. Next, a window will appear asking you to create account. In principle, you can refuse this. Next, the computer ID will be scanned, which may take several minutes.

After this, in the program window you need to set the ID of the terminal to be connected, enter a password, if required, and click the button to connect to a partner.

Remote access to a computer via the Internet (“Android” systems)

You can also access any OS from Android devices quite simply. The main thing is availability Google browser Chrome on both your computer and your smartphone or tablet.

The application can be downloaded from Play Market. You can install it on your computer in a standard way, downloading the distribution even from an unofficial source. Having a Chrome RDP client is a must.

One more point is worth noting here. If you want to use remote access to someone else's computer via the Internet, you will have to use so-called sniffers. Among these programs you can find online and offline utilities. In the first case, you can simply send a letter to the required client with an attachment in the form of a photo, which will include malicious code, although it is enough to install a program like VNC Scanner GUI to determine the external IP.

Many users do not know that it is with the help of this program that you can access a remote computer over the Internet. The application works based on port scanning (not IP addresses). IP addresses corresponding to open terminal ports will be detected automatically.

What to prefer?

As a conclusion, we can suggest using the programs described above. TeamViewer is perfect for controlling a remote terminal from another computer, but to gain access to the same laptop from a mobile device based on Android OS you will have to use the RDP client from Google. Of course, you will also need to install a web browser, but there is nothing wrong with that. It takes up minimal space, and, as they say, it will come in handy around the house, especially since latest version differs in rather high speed.

Naturally, when using all connection options, you should pay attention to the power supply configuration so that the remote computer does not suddenly turn off and go into sleep mode. Particular attention should be paid to laptops. In them, you will need to rearrange the options for operating the lid, since by default closing it puts the device into hibernation mode.

Among other things, if you plan to run resource-intensive applications remotely, you should also decide on the speed of your Internet connection. This is especially true for multimedia in all its forms. Judge for yourself, because video or audio processing consumes quite a lot random access memory, and also has a direct impact on the CPU load.

Finally, do not forget that the blocking of port 3389 by the Windows firewall must be removed. You may also have to open a port on the router (router) or do port forwarding. However, this applies to specific models like Zyxel. On the most common models like TP-Link or D-Link, you don’t need to do anything like this.

And, of course, to gain control over a remote terminal from another computer, you need to have administrator rights. Otherwise, nothing will work (the system simply will not allow you to log in). If a password is set on the remote computer, you will have to enter it as well. Again, this should be the password that applies to the account you are currently logging in under. And it’s also worth considering the fact that not all programs can be launched without administrator rights. Therefore, it is advisable to log in remote system exactly under such an “account”.

It remains to add that if access is provided from a mobile device, for example, to a home terminal, you need to check compatibility for performance, because it is not a fact that a mobile device will be able to process a program running under Windows. But, as a rule, there are usually no problems with this. If everything is done correctly and the connection is established, everything will work like clockwork. This applies to both computer and mobile devices, despite the difference in technical equipment (meaning “hardware”). The operating system itself, under which the connection occurs, by and large does not play a role.

In general, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to take into account a few basic points when setting up a connection. That's all. How will access be made (using the operating system or using a third-party software), everyone decides for himself. But, in principle, in order not to create problems for yourself out of the blue, it is better to use the system’s tools. This is both simpler and more reliable.

RMS is a product that provides fast and secure remote access to the desktop of a remote computer. The remote computer can be located either in the living room of your home or on another continent. The most commonly used connection mode is Remote Control or View. This mode allows you to see the remote desktop and control the remote PC's keyboard and mouse. Thanks to unique technology capture, RMS is one of the fastest products, you can work with remote desktop in real time.

Centered at the top of the window with the remote screen is a pop-up toolbar that contains a number of frequently used actions: setting up a connection, calling another mode, selecting the current monitor, etc. This mode supports Drag & Drop technology - dragging files and folders directly to the remote desktop and vice versa. No need to run file manager to perform a simple file operation. Use traditional drag and drop.

Transferring files

RMS provides a very advanced file manager that allows you to access file system remote computer. The “File Manager” mode is designed as a window divided into two panels vertically; the interface will be familiar to users of other well-known file managers.

Below are some features of RMS File Transfer Module:

  • Supports all basic file operations - copying, moving, deleting, etc.
  • Built-in “intelligent resuming” of files. This feature is always enabled when replacing (overwriting) files. During a file replacement operation, only non-matching parts will be directly “physically” replaced.
  • Tabbed mode allows you to open several connections to different PCs in one file manager window. Possible file operations
  • between remote computers, and not just between local and remote.
  • Tabs can be easily organized by dragging and dropping.

All data is compressed and encrypted during transmission to save network traffic.

The file manager fully supports Drag & Drop integration with other applications and the system. List of computers and network structure If you are using RMS to access hundreds (or even thousands) of workstations, grouping connections into hierarchical structure- most convenient way organizations. You can create a structure containing, for example, a list of cities in which your organization has branches. In turn, for each city you can create a directory containing a list of departments located in

this city . The structure can be as complex or simple as desired. If the Viewer is inside a domain (or a domain is explicitly connected to it), the entire Active Directory tree is available, i.e. the structure and connections do not need to be created manually. One more

interesting feature

are so-called “screen thumbnails” of remote computers. For all authorized connections (remote PCs), thumbnail images of their desktops are displayed, which are updated after a specified period of time. The size and refresh rate of these thumbnails can be changed. Also, if you hover your mouse over such a thumbnail and hold it for a few seconds, a pop-up window will appear with an enlarged copy of this thumbnail. Accompanied and unaccompanied PCs, domain controller, etc. RMS is well suited for administering both supported and unsupported PCs. By default, RMS Host provides full control over the remote computer. You can control the screen, keyboard, mouse, files, processes, services, power and more without any restrictions. You can even restart your computer in safe mode. Host settings can be password protected from changes. This is all convenient for administering unsupported PCs. However, if a live user is working at the computer, this approach is not always suitable. The user may not be happy with the fact that his PC can be connected at any time without warning. In this case, the Host can be configured in such a way that, when attempting to authorize a remote administrator, permission to access is requested from the user who is working at the computer. You can also limit the list of connection modes. For example, deny access to the file system. To administer users outside the organization or provide remote support, there is a special module - Agent. This special version A host that can be run without installation or administrator rights. Remote user can terminate the session at any time by simply closing the program. When this function is enabled, the program displays a message to the remote user requesting access to this remote PC. The remote user can accept or reject the connection request. In the settings, you can specify the period of time after which the request will be automatically rejected or accepted, and you can also prevent the request from being displayed if the interactive user is not working at the time of connection with the remote PC.

This function convenient for various support services. An unfamiliar client may feel uncomfortable knowing that someone can connect to his computer without asking.

Work with complex network topology

RMS is a very flexible utility for remote administration, which can work in the most various networks, with complex topology and structure. Within a corporate or local network usually everything is simple. The connection settings indicate the IP address or DNS name the desired PC and you're done - you can connect. But what if the remote computer is behind a firewall or NAT? Our Internet-ID technology comes to the rescue. On a remote Host, you can literally get a unique ID with just two clicks, which will then be permanently linked to this Host. Then specify this ID in the connection settings on the administrator side. That's it - you can work. This is not much more complicated than connecting by IP address, but it allows you to easily solve many routine problems system administration, and do without “port forwarding” and other tricks. Also available is the so-called "cascade" connection (connection through another Host) and reverse connection (older and less convenient version Internet-ID). These connection modes will be of interest to advanced networking specialists.

Flexible configuration of access rights

RMS provides the ability to differentiate remote access rights to a remote computer by mode and user.

In addition to the built-in RMS account system, it also supports a system for delineating rights for Windows users, with NTLM-based authorization. This is especially useful on domain networks.

The function of blocking input devices (keyboard, mouse) is mandatory for any modern remote access software. This feature allows you to lock the keyboard and mouse of a remote computer so that the remote user does not interfere with the support specialist working with the remote computer.

The screen lock feature allows you to hide the screen of a remote computer from the user who is directly in front of his monitor. Additionally, you can select an image, caption or web page that will be displayed on the remote monitor for the duration of the blocking. You can configure blocking of input devices and screens, both before establishing a connection and while working with the remote desktop.

Working with multiple computers simultaneously

RMS supports an unlimited number of simultaneous connections to the desktops of remote computers.
  • The Client (Viewer) can work with several remote Hosts simultaneously ( user-friendly interface based on “tabs” makes this task easier).
  • The Host can accept connections from several Clients at the same time.
  • For example, several administrators can connect to the same Host.

Adjusting picture quality and economy mode

When working within a local or fast network, these settings do not need to be changed - the program will work in real time. However, if the connection channel is narrow, then it makes sense to reduce the number of colors of the picture transmitted over the network, and also enable the so-called. "economy mode" On a slow network, it is recommended to select 256-bit color and enable economy mode. You can also limit FPS. This will make it very comfortable to carry out remote access even via GPRS. This function allows you to print documents from a remote computer on a local printer. If previously this required copying the document itself to local computer, then open it in an application that supports this type document, and only then print it, now everything is much simpler.

No need to install anymore the right application to your local computer and copy files (especially since this is not always possible). You can print a document remotely on a special virtual printer RMS. The data will be automatically transferred to your local computer (Viewer), and you can print it on any available printer.

It would be great to open files on another while sitting at one computer, listen to music on a third, chat with friends on Skype on a fourth and print documents on a fifth. Someone will say: “This is fantastic.” And I will answer: “No, reality!” To establish remote access to a computer that is located as far away from you as you like, all you need is permission from its owner and access to the Internet.

Remote connections are used very widely - for administering the enterprise computer park, helping users, accessing files when you have to work remotely. different cars. And it's very convenient. Today I will talk about ways to control the desktop of a remote PC using the operating system and three third-party programs.


– a very easy-to-use remote computer access program, free not only for personal use, but also for commercial use. It works without installation, that is, it can be launched from flash drives and other portable storage devices. Compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.

The program supports 2 methods of establishing a connection - by IP address and ID - a 9-digit personal computer identifier, as well as 3 connection modes:

  • Full control of the remote machine.
  • Desktop view only.
  • File manager only - file transfer.

AeroAdmin has several unique features. One of them is mail chat, which starts working before the connection is established. It is intended for the exchange of email messages between a PC user and a remote operator, for example, with a request to connect and help solve a problem.

The chat window opens by clicking the button with the envelope icon (next to “ Stop»).

The second unique feature is the multiple levels of access rights that can be defined for each remote user:

  • Viewing only.
  • Keyboard and mouse control.
  • File transfer.
  • Clipboard synchronization.
  • Only the PC administrator can edit rights.

The rights settings section opens through the menu “ Connection».

Unfortunately, AeroAdmin Free does not have a contact book. But it is available in Free versions+. To get it, click the button next to “ Connect» and agree to free license activation.

The conditions for receiving it are very simple - like the program’s Facebook page and send the developers a link to your profile. After confirming the like, the address book will become available in your copy of AeroAdmin.

Windows Remote Desktop

Application " Remote Desktop"(Remote Desktop) does not require installation - it is natively present in all Windows versions, starting with XP. To connect with it to another PC, you need:

  • So that both machines have access to the Internet or are on the same local network.
  • Enable permission for remote connections on the remote computer.
  • Have a password-protected account on the remote machine.

Remote access permission is enabled in the application " System"(it is convenient to launch it from context menu Start) in the section " Advanced System Settings».

In the window additional parameters let's go to the tab " Remote access» and mark the items highlighted in the screenshot. I point to Windows example 8.1. In other versions Windows view The window is slightly different, but similar options are there.

If you, like me, are setting up access on a machine running Windows 8.1, create a “white list” of those who will have the right to establish a connection with it. Click " Select users" and add the required names.

This completes the setup.

Subsequent actions are performed on the operator's machine.

  • For quick launch « Remote Desktop"Press the Windows + R hotkeys and enter in the field " Open» team mstsc.

  • In the login parameters, enter the name of the computer you are connecting to (indicated on the system properties tab of the same name), as well as the user - your account on it. Let me remind you that the account must have a password.
  • To start the session, click " To plug».

Now let's take a little look at the remaining sections of this window. If you want, set it on the “ Screen» remote PC desktop size and color depth (but note that a high resolution And highest quality color rendition slows down the connection).

Adjust if necessary " Local resources» – audio broadcasting, hotkey management, shared clipboard, etc.

In chapter " Interaction» set performance parameters depending on the connection speed. Here, as a rule, nothing needs to be changed.

On the " Additionally» the optimal default security settings are found.

So, after clicking " To plug» a password entry window will open. Enter it and click OK.

The desktop of the remote computer will open in a new window. Manage it in the same way as the one you are currently sitting at.

If there is a user behind that machine, after connecting, his work session will be ended and a splash screen will be displayed on the screen. He will be able to log in again as soon as you close "Remote Desktop".


- perhaps the most popular program remote access to computers with various operating systems, designed for experienced users, and for complete beginners. It is free for private, non-commercial use.

TeamViewer is released in both installation and portable versions, including options for mobile devices. In addition to remote control, you can use it to exchange files, chat and use an Internet phone, connect other participants to the session, change control sides, take screenshots and screencasts of the remote screen, and much more.

How to use

To establish a connection, you just need to know two things:

  • ID – numeric identifier of the computer in the program (assigned once);
  • Password (changes every time you connect).

This data should be provided to you by your partner - the user of the remote PC.

The main TeamViewer window is divided into 2 halves. On the left are your ID and password, on the right is the field for entering your partner’s ID. Enter it and click " Connect».

In the next window, enter your partner's password and click " Login».

By the way, the program is not bad as a parental control tool.

To control your own PC remotely, for example, your home PC from work, you just need to assign it a permanent password in TeamViewer. To do this, let's go to the menu " Connection" and click " Set up uncontrolled access».

Set a password and click " Continue».

We will refuse to create an account (you can create one if you wish, but it is not needed for this).

And let's complete the master's work.

Use the ID number shown in the last window and the password you just assigned to connect.

Ammyy Admin

– an even simpler means of accessing a remote desktop than TeamViewer. It requires no installation, is free for private use, and is very straightforward to use. Connects to a partner by ID or IP address (the second option is for local networks). Works only on Windows.

Window Ammyy Admin is also divided into 2 halves: yours and your partner.

Instead of a password, connection consent is used here. When you press the " Connect", the partner must respond by pressing " Allow».

The Ammyy Admin remote screen, unlike TeamViewer, is not scalable, but the main functions are management, file transfer and voice chat, are present in it. The control panel is shown in the screenshot below.

Warning : AmmyyAdmin really don't like antiviruses, although there is nothing malicious in it. If your antivirus tries to block a program, add it to exceptions or pause protection for the duration of the session.

Remote worker Windows table, TeamViewer, Ammyy, Admin and other similar applications protect your data from outside interception through strong encryption. Therefore, working with them is comfortable, safe and you don’t have to worry about the confidentiality of information. Use it and enjoy!

Also on the site:

How to establish remote access to a computer: three simple ways updated: October 31, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic

A program for accessing a remote computer will be useful to you for providing assistance, advice, etc. remote work. You can easily solve another user's problem, even when you are thousands of kilometers away, or download files from your PC without having to travel home.

This article will cover both paid and free programs for remote access. You will learn about their pros and cons, and then, based on the information received, you will be able to choose for yourself exactly the application that suits you in all respects.

Standard Windows Tools

The first built-in program for accessing a remote computer appeared in the old Windows NT. The application was called RDP, and since then every a new version The Microsoft operating system is equipped with it by default.

To set up remote work, you just need to run the mstsc.exe file, enter the name of the remote device and configure the connection parameters. After this, RDP will give you access to files, printers, sound, disk drive and ports, and will also allow you to remove and install programs from a distance.

Minus this application is that it only works in the operating room Windows system, which means there can be no talk of any cross-platform functionality. The program also has a confusing interface, which is difficult to understand without proper preparation.

Of course, if you do not want to install additional software, then RDP will suit you in all respects. In other cases, try using one of the programs discussed below.

Quick help

With the release of the Anniversary update, Windows 10 acquired the application “ Quick help" This is a good program designed to be a replacement for RDP.

The application has an intuitive interface, good set basic capabilities and good speed. By the way, “Quick Help” supports drawing with a pen, which will be very useful for owners of tablets and multi-touch monitors.

As for the functionality of the program, it allows you to transfer files from one computer to another, launch the task manager and take notes on a remote desktop. This is quite enough to fix minor problems, but it will most likely not be possible to solve serious problems in this way.

The disadvantages include the fact that the Quick Help application only works on Windows 10. Of course, the number of devices on this operating system is constantly growing, but still not every user will decide to install Ten for the sake of one program.


Program for remote access to TeamViewer computer is perhaps one of the most famous free applications. It allows you to manage your desktop from various platforms, including not only Windows, Mac and Linux, but also devices on Android based and iOS.

Among the main functions of the program, it is worth highlighting the built-in file manager, the ability to administer servers, as well as the availability of voice and text communications. In addition, the application allows you to hold conferences by interacting with several machines at once. Well, yes, TeamViewer, with the proper settings, can be used as a program for discreet remote access to a computer.

The problem with this application is that in free mode the session duration cannot be more than 5 minutes. After this time, the connection will be disconnected and you will have to set it up again. But even despite this, many IT specialists believe that TeamViewer is the best program for remote computer access.

Ammyy Admin

Another one free program for remote access. Ammyy Admin does not require installation, so you can simply download it and launch it immediately. This is especially true due to the fact that most often computer assistance needs to be provided quickly, and the installation process can take away precious time from you and the user who is having problems.

In addition, Ammyy Admin has a clear interface, the presence address book, dividing into operator and client parts, as well as the ability to reduce the load on the network, which makes the connection faster and more stable. The program also works great on both Windows and Linux.

But if you want to use Ammyy Admin on a smartphone or tablet, you won’t be able to. Unfortunately, the program is not designed to work on these devices, but it is possible that the creators will add such a feature in the future.

Supremo Remote Desktop

The Supremo Remote Desktop portable application is primarily designed to help other users. This program for accessing a remote computer does not require installation, and its client is small in size, which saves time on downloading it. The connection is carried out according to the “host-client” principle.

Features of the application include the ability simultaneous connection several users to one machine, a convenient address book, a built-in file manager and a set of all standard tools.

At the same time, the program also has enough shortcomings. For example, the security of the connection leaves much to be desired, the screen of the remote computer takes a long time to render, and advanced multimedia functions (chat, voice communication, etc.) are completely absent. So if you're ready to settle basic capabilities, Supremo Remote Desktop may suit you, but if not, look at other applications.


mRemoteNG is a program for remote access to a computer via a local network or the Internet. It can work with several protocols simultaneously and is distributed in standard and portable version(does not require installation).

The application interface is designed in the form of sections, appearance which the user can configure at his own discretion. Available - tabs, pop-up lists and the ability to create profiles for different situations.

As additional function mRemoteNG has a built-in port scanner, to the list of which you can add third party tools. By the way, the program has the ability to transfer files, but this process is carried out via the SSH protocol. This is more reliable, but somewhat unusual for the average user.

Now as for the downsides, mRemoteNG has plenty of them. First of all, the Russian version of the program is simply terrible, so use the English version if possible. In addition, it is easy to get confused by the abundance of functions of the application, so it is more suitable for IT specialists than for ordinary users.


The TightVNC program allows you to get fast access To remote device. The application can be used to provide computer help, and as a tool for presentations. The big advantage of the program is Windows support, Linux and Java platforms, making it universal.

The application consists of two modules: a server part installed on remote machine, and Viewer, designed for remote operation of the device. All this is customizable to the user’s needs in options, which adds convenience.

However, the TightVNC interface is very confusing, and it is very difficult to understand it without studying the documentation. In addition, the disadvantages include the need to set many parameters for installation remote connection. This takes a lot of time and does not allow you to quickly gain remote access to your computer.

Remote Utilities

Remote Utilities is a program for remote access to a computer via the Internet or local network. According to the developers, it will become ideal solution for small and medium businesses, but this does not make the application unsuitable for private use.

The big advantage of Remote Utilities is that you don't need to additional settings firewall and other connection settings. In other words, you will be able to install the program and immediately gain access to the remote device.

Moreover, Remote Utilities has not only a built-in file manager, but also a tool for working with the registry, a device manager, text chat and other useful functionality.

The program does not have many disadvantages, but they still exist. For example, the application only works on Windows and is not supported mobile devices, and for corporate version you will have to pay.


The LogMeIn program is rapidly gaining popularity and has already become worthy competition to its more famous counterparts. The application supports almost all platforms, making it truly universal. At the same time, developers are constantly expanding the list of devices on which LogMeIn can be run.

The basic functions of the program are quite enough to obtain remote access and solve some problems at a distance. However, the full range of LogMeIn capabilities is revealed only after purchasing a Pro account. This allows you to send and receive large files, allows you to remotely listen to music and type text, and also includes a Wake on Signal feature.

In principle, the free version is enough for the average user. But if you want to solve serious problems using remote access, you will, one way or another, have to purchase a paid account. This is the main disadvantage of LogMeIn.


Yuuguu Remote Computer Access Software is a feature-rich web application. With its help you can hold conferences, organize online meetings and demonstrate presentations.

At the same time, viewers only need a regular browser, and installation of additional software is not required. If you only need remote access to demonstrate some information at a distance, then Yuuguu will be an almost ideal option.

Now about the bad. First of all, the set basic functions program is very meager, so it cannot be used as a tool to eliminate serious malfunctions computer. Besides, free version The application allows you to use remote access only for 100 minutes per month, so you won’t be able to hold long conferences.


The Techinline application is used by services technical support many companies. This is not surprising, because the program is easy to install and quickly establishes a stable connection between two computers. At the same time, even the average user can easily understand the application interface.

Techinline has built-in chat and the ability to transfer files, making it even easier to use. In this regard, the program is rightfully considered simply the ideal remedy for quick computer diagnostics and troubleshooting.

The problem is that you only have 15 days to try this app. After this, you will need to purchase a subscription for a month or a package for several sessions. And if the averages and large firms can well afford such expenses, then for home use the program will cost you too much.


If you urgently need to establish remote access, but you don’t have a computer at hand, then the Android OS will come to your aid. Almost every person has a device on this platform, so it is not surprising that developers of various software have not bypassed it. Among the abundance of applications, there is more than one program for remote access to a computer for Android, but only the best will be considered here. Namely:

  • TeamViewer. It has the same functionality as the desktop version. It is possible to control the mouse using touch screen, connect virtual keyboard, use chat and transfer files.
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop. A good application for remote access. In addition to basic functions, it can connect to several devices at once without the need to install additional software. The program is completely free.
  • Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop. Good program with a set of all necessary capabilities. However, it is not suitable for ordinary users due to the need to carry out additional connection setup via the command line.

Here, in principle, is the whole set popular applications allowing for remote access. Which one to use in a given situation is up to you to decide.

Good afternoon

In today's article I would like to focus on remote control of a computer running Windows 7, 8, 8.1. In general, such a task can arise in a variety of circumstances: for example, helping relatives or friends set up a computer if they do not understand it well; organize in a company (enterprise, department) remote assistance, so that you can quickly solve user problems or simply monitor them (so that you don’t play or go through “contacts” in work time) etc.

You can remotely control your computer with dozens of programs (or maybe even hundreds, such programs appear like “mushrooms after the rain”). In this article we will focus on some of the best. So, let's begin…

Team Viewer

This is one of best programs For remote control PC. And she has whole line advantages in relation to similar programs:

It is free for non-commercial use;

Allows you to share files;

Possesses high degree protection;

The computer will be controlled as if you were sitting at it!

When installing a program, you can specify what you will do with it: install it to control this computer, or control it and allow it to connect. It is also necessary to indicate what use of the program will be: commercial/non-commercial.

Once Team Viewer is installed and launched, you can get started.

To connect to another computer need to:

Install and run the utilities on both computers;

Enter the ID of the computer you want to connect to (usually 9 digits);

Then enter the access password (4 digits).

If the data is entered correctly, you will see the “desktop” of the remote computer. Now you can work with it as if it were your “desktop”.

The Team Viewer program window is the desktop of the remote PC.

R admin

One of the best programs for administering computers on a local network and for providing assistance and support to users of this network. The program is paid, but there is test period in 30 days. At this time, by the way, the program works without restrictions in any functions.

The principle of operation is similar to Team Viewer. The Radmin program consists of two modules:

Radmin Viewer is a free module with which you can manage computers on which the server version of the module is installed (see below);

Radmin Server is a paid module that is installed on the PC that will be managed.

A mmyy Admin

Relatively new program(but about 40,0000 people around the world have already become familiar with it and started using it) for remote control of computers.

Main advantages:

Free for non-commercial use;

Easy setup and use even for novice users;

High degree of security of transmitted data;

Compatible with all popular operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8;

Works with installed Firewall, via proxy.

Window for connecting to a remote computer. Ammyy Admin

RMS - remote access

A good and free program (for non-commercial use) for remote computer administration. Even novice PC users can use it.

Main advantages:

Firewalls, NAT, firewalls will no longer prevent you from connecting to your PC;

High speed of the program;

There is a version for Android (now you can control your computer from any phone).

A eroAdmin
