Do xiaomi phones pass through customs? An alternative to Xiaomi smartphones that are not allowed through customs

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since receiving the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel is "the item pre-advised" / "Received" email notification“does not change for several days, this is normal, you can read more by clicking on the link: .

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... parcels go on different routes, different ways, they can wait 1 day for shipment by plane, or maybe a week.

If the parcel has left sorting center, customs, intermediate point and new statuses are absent within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who brings the parcel from one city to your home. In order for it to appear new status, the package must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If 5 days before the end of the protection period the parcel is not delivered to your Postal office, You have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

Russian users can now again order Xiaomi smartphones directly from China. Pavel Gorodnitsky explains why this news is more sad than joyful

Recently something happened that was supposed to happen. The Smart Orange company, which owns the rights to the Xiaomi brand in Russia, said it does not object to the import Chinese smartphones, ordered from Asian online stores. Before this, Xiaomi devices spent a whole month outside the law: Orenburg customs checked the gadgets and sent them back to the sellers.

Now everything is as before. You can explore AliExpress again or dig around on GearBest to grab a discount and find a Xiaomi smartphone for 10-15 dollars cheaper than everywhere else.

But you shouldn’t do this - there are many reasons for refusal.

First we need to clarify: Xiaomi actually produces functional and extremely cheap smartphones. They are clearly not the worst on the market; there are worse ones, many times worse. Moreover, if you evaluate the price-quality combination based on the list of characteristics, it may seem that Xiaomi has no equal in the world - the Chinese sell their devices for pennies.

And the last plus: a company that has been named in the Russian media for three years in a row Chinese Apple, though it produces decent flagships. Xiaomi Mi5 and Xiaomi Mi6 (top devices of 2016 and 2017) really leave a good impression. Not an iPhone, but it will do for the money.

In general, it’s tolerable.

Kingdom of dumping

It would be better if the Chinese limited themselves to flagships. But they cannot: either their mentality, or a strange business model, or the desire to flood the entire Asian market with their products is preventing them.

Xiaomi is as productive as a sow: new smartphones are released every two to three months. And all these devices cannot even be called passable - they are just grey, boring, identical and cosmically affordable.

Xiaomi's philosophy is very simple - to break through the price bottom. If someone presented a smartphone for $160, then Lei Jun’s corporation will present a gadget with the same characteristics, but for 140-150 bucks, thanks to stolen patents and generous investors.

A sad conclusion: all the entrepreneurial talent of the founder of Xiaomi is a careful study of the paragraph “Dumping” in an economics textbook.

A bubble that will burst

Every company has an image. Apple at one time completely abandoned budget products and built a reputation as a premium brand. Xiaomi's DNA, in turn, is thoroughly saturated with contagious poverty. In fact, this company itself pays users to buy its smartphones.

This approach is a road to nowhere, because the goal is not to make things better, but cheaper. Xiaomi does not need to develop - it only needs to lower the price bar in time.

150, 120, 90 dollars - it’s like soap bubble. Only one thing is interesting: when will it burst? Will the Chinese reach a metal smartphone with a Full HD screen for $50 or will they die along the way?

You can even take bets on this attraction - everything is just as fun here as with an overheated Bitcoin rate.

Even if we remember about Xiaomi Mi Mix, which costs 35-40 thousand rubles, it will be clear: Asians produced an unnatural project that has two faces at once.

The first is in the photographs: you get the feeling that the phablet really has no frames.

The second face is noticeable only when personal use: there are actually frames, and talking on Mi Mix is ​​inconvenient, and in general it doesn’t make you want to immediately pull 500 euros out of your pocket and yell: “Grab my money!”

Why did it happen? Because Xiaomi shouldn’t have entered the category of expensive smartphones.

Satisfied elephants

About five years ago, owners of Android devices constantly convinced iPhone owners that they had wasted their money on their phones. Then the prices for top-end iOS and Android devices actually became equal, and the eternal dispute subsided. But suddenly Xiaomi appeared - believe me, fans of this brand are as tireless as convinced vegans or raw foodists.

Here is a clinical case. Xiaomi adherents simply cannot ignore a person who spent not 10, not 20 thousand rubles on a smartphone, but 40, 50 or 60.

“Are you a fool? I bought a Xiaomi, saved it, and then bought the same one for my wife. It can do everything your expensive iPhone can do. Even more. It charges faster, lasts longer, the system is very convenient, the screen is huge,” — This flow of sweet molasses is naturally unstoppable.

The speech always ends with the same thesis: “I also advise you to get rid of your iPhone. This is pure marketing, you are being scammed out of money. But I’m as happy with my Xiaomi as an elephant.” By the way, it’s completely incomprehensible why fanatics are so fond of comparing themselves to elephants - elephants don’t seem to spend everything free time to teach others how to live.

There is an obvious fact: in 2017, a smartphone is the same status item as a coat, jacket or shoes. Apple, if not a boutique, is at the top of the middle class. And Xiaomi is at the level of the clothing market. These brands are at different poles. Being proud to wear a Xiaomi gadget is like endlessly praising Chinese instant noodles. If you like it, eat it, but watch your stomach and please don’t pretend that this is the most masterpiece dish on the planet.
Who else if not Xiaomi?

Want to save money? Forward.

China is full of companies that do business very differently from Xiaomi.

OnePlus produces only flagships - the best hardware, pure android, fast updates, reasonable prices.

Lenovo teamed up with Motorola at the right time - now the Chinese have cool, recognizable devices, the strength of the brand, and, again, accessibility for customers.

A similar story with ZTE - this company is investing wildly in both the development of smartphones and marketing.

Huawei is also active - it borrows all the key features from Apple, but boldly enters the world market, including the USA. It is not surprising that in 2016 Huawei entered the top three in sales, selling as many as 1.47 billion smartphones (of which only 467 million were in China). This is what happens when patent issues are resolved.

You can even remember Nokia, which is now also partly Chinese. It is already clear that price policy after the renaissance it changed: the cost of new models (3, 5, 6) is not shocking, like 10 years ago, when the Finns asked frankly crazy money for gadgets.

Of course, Xiaomi smartphones will tear apart competitors in the same price range - there is no doubt about that. But at a time when all devices are needed for approximately the same tasks (browser, camera, applications), it is not the processor cores that decide, but the design and logo on the case.

And in this regard, Xiaomi is a clear, hopeless and chronic outsider.



Is he basically in himself, that’s the question.
By at least, the dude's cause-and-effect relationship is clearly lost.
Of course, Xiaomi smartphones will tear apart competitors in the same price range - there is no doubt about that. But at a time when all devices are needed for approximately the same tasks (browser, camera, applications), it is not the processor cores that decide, and the design and logo on the case.
And in this regard, Xiaomi is a clear, hopeless and chronic outsider.

What can a logo solve in principle? Well, that's nonsense...

Russian customs is unwrapping parcels containing Xiaomi smartphones. This is how the country is trying to fight gray supplies Chinese devices. Customs won't give permission?

Xiaomi: customs doesn't give permission?

Chinese Xiaomi company and are so popular and attractive that people are ready to order them themselves from Chinese online stores. But in addition to the risk of running into an unscrupulous seller, there is an additional risk associated with the refusal of customs to allow these devices into Russian territory. In April of this year, there were several cases when customs refused to allow smartphones from a Chinese company purchased in China. The official wording of the refusal may vary. Firstly, there is a requirement from the official distributor of Xiaomi LLC Smart Orange for a trademark, and secondly, the devices can be equated to encryption tools and also not allowed into the country. About a thousand people have already encountered this problem. In general, smartphones are not allowed into the territory Russian Federation through the customs of Yekaterinburg and Orenburg.

No cheap Xiaomi?

The opinions of news resources and analysts regarding this situation are divided. Someone claims that customs requirements are legal and import gray devices, when an official representative operates in the country, it is illegal. And some consider this whole situation to be a banal conspiracy and a lobby of distributors. Thus, not only gray suppliers suffer, but also ordinary people who independently purchased smartphones in Chinese online stores. In March of this year, all divisions of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation received a notification that the Xiaomi trademark was included in the customs register of intellectual property. The method of checking devices at customs looks interesting. All parcels marked as “cell phone” or “phone” are checked. Boxes marked like this are opened and inspected. If a device with the Xiaomi logo is detected, then customs officers contact a Smart Orange representative, who may recognize the device as counterfeit and import into the Russian Federation will be prohibited.

No exit?

How exactly the situation will be resolved is not yet clear. After all, not only gray retail suffers, but first of all ordinary people who want to buy good smartphone for little money. Signatures are being collected on the website for a petition addressed to the Federal Customs Service of Russia and Xiaomi Technology Co Ltd. The petition calls for users to allow the import of devices from a Chinese company individuals. However, customs is not obliged to respond to this type of activity. Another thing is that it is not realistic to process all parcels with smartphones at customs, so some may be unlucky, but others will easily receive their smartphone. But take a risk with your purchase Xiaomi smartphones It’s not worth it in Chinese online stores yet, because it’s not clear whether you’ll be lucky.

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Recent news that has outraged ordinary buyers who are accustomed to other large Chinese stores– customs began to confiscate parcels containing Xiaomi phones. Yes, these are not rumors, but really true, why is this happening and what to expect next?

As is known, for short term The Chinese brand Xiaomi has rapidly gained popularity among Russians and residents of the CIS, largely due to the availability and quality of its products, which is not inferior to global brands. Without thinking twice, buyers realized all the benefits and began ordering products from the Xiaomi brand on Aliexpress; the trend became widespread.

Despite the fact that Xiaomi produces a huge line of products, ranging from small items to small items, the main demand among buyers is still for smartphones. One of the official distributors of Xiaomi in Russia, Smart Orange LLC, just recently succeeded in including the brand in the register of intellectual property objects (TROIS) as the legal representative of the copyright holder. Consequently, from that moment on, mass openings of parcels from China began to detect Xiaomi products.

All these measures with a ban on the import of Xiaomi phones are aimed at combating the so-called “gray” phones, at least according to official version. However, you don’t need to have any outstanding abilities to understand that in this way the official representative intends to fight the shadow supply of products of which he is the legal representative. IN in this case It doesn’t take into account whether you ordered a Xiaomi phone from China for personal use or a whole batch for commercial purposes; both cases are prohibited.

How do customs detect? First of all, special attention is paid to parcels to customs declaration(CN22) which indicate “cell phone”, “tablet” and other names that we are used to seeing when receiving our smartphones from China. Most of these parcels must be opened, and if Xiaomi products are found, the recipient is notified of the refusal to import such a parcel.

Of course, it is not possible to identify all the parcels containing Xiaomi equipment, but the very fact that the situation has gained mass indignation suggests that this issue has affected many.

On this moment Problems with parcels containing Xiaomi smartphones are observed at Orenburg and Yekaterinburg customs. According to our users, the import of such parcels to Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo is still proceeding as usual and does not raise any questions.

Of course, after purchasing, you can ask to pack the phone in a box from another manufacturer or write in the declaration what you need, but this does not guarantee delivery, and from the point of view of the law it is a violation. Someone will be lucky and will receive their parcel with a Xiaomi smartphone, but someone will not, and will have to open it demanding a full refund.

An option that would suit everyone is the delivery of Xiaomi phones from a Russian warehouse at average Aliexpress prices, but unfortunately there are no such prices yet.

After Russian customs began to seize parcels with Xiaomi phones, one of them announced the cessation of supplies of smartphones of this brand to Russia, moreover, a limit was introduced for Russian buyers - the maximum cost of a parcel should now not be more than $50.

According to a store representative, the limit is temporary and they are doing everything to find optimal solution, which would suit each of the parties to the conflict. In this case, it is obvious that Smart Orange LLC does not intend to retreat from its position, but has only begun the fight against “gray” supplies of Xiaomi phones. It should be assumed that in the event of a conflict resolution, the buyer, as usual, will be the last one, who will bear additional financial costs.

We can only hope that other official Russian representatives of large Chinese brands will not pick up the trend and begin to restrict the import of products from brands such as Meizu, Elephone, ZTE, etc.

As you know, all these bans only encourage people to “reinvent the wheel,” so it is quite possible that in the near future there will be a tendency to supply Xiaomi smartphones from China in transit through Belarus or Kazakhstan. The first option is, of course, unlikely (in Belarus the limit is 22 euros/month for parcels from abroad), but the second is quite realistic. We will monitor the situation and hope for a civilized solution to this issue.

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All Xiaomi smartphones are imported into Russia, so many buyers of mobile devices from this manufacturer were never able to receive their parcels. Chinese online stores and sellers understood this and returned money to customers for undelivered goods. Even though thousands of Russians have already filed complaints with several Russian authorities and the CEO of Xiaomi in China, the likelihood of resolving this situation with customs peacefully is extremely low.

The editors of the site carefully analyzed the situation and found two really working solutions that will help buyers from Russia continue to get their hands on Xiaomi smartphones at a very reasonable price. low prices. At the same time, the likelihood of any problems arising with the customs service of the Russian Federation is negligible. If everything is done correctly, the package is guaranteed to end up in the hands of the buyer, bypassing the traps set by the Smart Orange company, which asked not to allow allegedly counterfeit Xiaomi smartphones into Russia, since it owns the rights to this trademark.

Agree with the seller or online store

Russian customs operates very simply. If the postal package contains words like “Xiaomi smartphone,” then such mail will not reach Russia. All Chinese online stores and individual sellers usually mention the name of the company, so Russian customs are actually provided with all the data to complete their task

Before purchasing a Xiaomi smartphone in China, you should contact representatives of the online store or seller in advance, asking them not to indicate the brand name of the smartphone, limiting themselves to only the words “smartphone” or “ mobile device on Android." In this case, the customs service will never be able to know for sure which smartphone manufacturer is inside. Of course, the package can be opened, but this almost never happens.

Compliance with this simple rule will allow you to continue to order Xiaomi smartphones from China without overpaying double the price to the Russian representative of the company. In this case, everything will be on completely legal grounds, since the essence of the parcel does not change. Customs officers will still understand that there is a mobile device inside, but what kind of device they will only have to guess.

Order Xiaomi smartphones from the Mall

As part of the integration on Russian market The largest Chinese online store, AliExpress, opened a so-called “Mall” a few months ago, where Russian residents can order goods not from China, but directly from their country. Thus, postal items bypass inspection by customs services, which means buying this way in a simple way You can use Xiaomi smartphones.

Of course, goods from the Mall cost approximately 10-15% more than those when delivered from China, but the confidence of receiving the parcel and the absence of headaches with customs are definitely worth it. We also note that all postal items moving only in Russia reach recipients within two weeks, and this is another reason to buy a Xiaomi smartphone through AliExpress Mall.

Until March 10 inclusive, everyone has unique opportunity Xiaomi Mi Band 3, spending only 2 minutes of your personal time on it.

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