How to disable Recaptcha in Yandex. Getting rid of annoying captcha on VKontakte

Captcha technology (CAPTCHA) is an automated test designed to identify machine users, aka bots.

His goal is to pose a problem that can be easily solved by a human, but difficult for a computer.

But there are also situations when a seemingly useful script becomes too intrusive.

There is an assumption that Google is training the AI ​​of its drones, thanks to users entering captcha with pictures I am not a robot.

How to remove captcha I'm not a robot

The reasons for this behavior may vary, but you can always try to fix everything - we carry out actions as exceptions occur:

  • Disconnect and reconnect the active Internet connection. Reboot the router or modem. Therefore, the IP address may change.
  • We resort to using a VPN service. The latter are available for both paid and free use. They are provided in the form of extensions (add-ons) for browsers and as separately installed software on a computer.
  • We also look at installed extensions. For example, the latest version of Yandex.Browser itself disables plugins from unverified sources and periodically checks those already installed for fakes.
  • We check whether JavaScript is enabled in the web browser: Settings → Show additional settings → personal data block Content settings → JavaScript section.
  • Don’t forget about anti-virus programs - perhaps the computer has become a victim of a botnet, hence the dissatisfaction with the CAPTCHA for traffic generated at this address.

Interestingly, hundreds of millions of captchas are entered by Internet users every day. It is no secret that not everyone manages to enter it correctly the first time.

The question of how to remove captcha in VK is of interest to many users who spend a lot of time on the social network. A captcha that suddenly appears when trying or even logging into an account forces you to waste time recognizing and entering characters, reducing the positive impression of the entire social network. If communication is very active, the constant appearance of windows with letters that are difficult to distinguish can fray the nerves of even the most patient person. This article talks about how to avoid such situations. However, first things first.

Attention! The VKontakte administration strictly adheres to the principles of combating spam. That is why, when it detects a suspicious user acting like a bot or spammer, the system tries to check for “reality” by asking for a captcha.

CAPTCHA is a computer test that allows you to determine whether a user is a real person or a bot. Visually, it is a small window with an encrypted combination of letters, numbers or pictures, which should be repeated in a special field. For a person, deciphering a captcha is not a particular problem, but for a computer it is almost impossible to do it.

Why does captcha appear?

If a window with a captcha appears on the screen every now and then, this means that the user repeats the same action many times. For example, he sends, sends out in bulk or posts one entry in different communities. In some cases, captcha can act as protection against users who have refused to join the group. Here you just need to become a participant, and the problem will be solved by itself.

People who send links to third-party sites on VK also encounter captcha, since such actions are more typical for spam bots.

Previously, captcha appeared for all users whose pages were not linked to a mobile phone number. They were forced to confirm every action on the social network. This problem has now been resolved, since any page is registered only if it is linked to a phone.

How to get rid of captcha

If your actions fall under the situations described above, you will have to come to terms with it and enter the required combination each time. But in cases where the user does not violate the rules of the social network, the captcha can be removed through the settings of the personal page. Here's a little instruction:

Here you can find information about the IP, login date, and the type of browser used. If the IP address is different from yours, it means that someone has hacked the page and is using it for their own purposes. You need to click on the “End all sessions” button, and then change your account password. This will allow you to disable the captcha and permanently get rid of the annoying inscription “Enter the code from the picture.”

I came across a strange and, at first glance, trivial problem. In Wordstat, a captcha appeared for every request, I used all browsers, but the problem did not disappear. I had already come to terms with this method, but I received an order based on a recommendation to collect the semantic core; I did not have a program for automatic collection, but it was necessary to collect the keys. Therefore, it was decided to remove the captcha from wordstat by all means possible.

Having spent more than one hour on this, it became funny when I was finally able to solve this problem. Since I now live in Ukraine, I thought it was a VPN issue, but it turns out not. I changed a dozen VPNs, but the problem did not go away.

So. How to remove captcha from Wordstat?

If you have an adblock, and most people do, then you just need to turn it off on the Yandex.Wordstat page, completely clear the cache and restart the browser. Voila! The captcha disappears. Later I found out that not only I had this problem, it was solved using the same method.

According to statistics, almost half of the traffic on the Internet is bots. Various programs and viruses visit sites, spoil statistics, and in some cases cause damage to sites. There are bots for cheating links, comments and much more, so almost every site has a captcha.

How to disable captcha? A pressing question, because people are already tired of solving symbols from pictures.

Some website owners install captchas not because their resources are being attacked by bots, but because it is fashionable. What about their visitors who, due to frequent repeated actions, have to enter numbers and letters from pictures.

How to disable captcha in Advego Plagiatus and other programs?

Any software that makes numerous requests to different systems is classified as a bot. Advego Plagiatus is a program for checking texts for uniqueness.

Through it, requests are submitted to search engines, and if there are too many of them, a captcha appears. This is protection from automated systems, which is also available on many other sites.

So that program users do not have to constantly enter characters, they were invented. In them, everyone is invited to solve the captcha and receive a penny for it. There are many people who want it, so you can add money to your balance and calmly go about your business.

Using the example of Advego Plagiatus, let's look at how to disable captcha. We go to the special site Rucaptcha, where beginners earn money. First you need to top up your balance, deposit 50 rubles, this will last for a long time if you do not actively use bots.

Then go to the webmaster API tab, to get a special key:

It is indicated not only in Plagiatus, but also in any other programs that support Anti-captcha. Now go to the settings of the Advego program:

At the very bottom you can select a service for automatically checking captcha and there is also a field for entering the received captcha KEY:

Decapper saves a lot of time, but if you often check texts, you will have to constantly send money to pay the performers. Recently, up to 10 captchas appear when checking one text of 3-4 thousand characters.

How to disable captcha in Google and Yandex?

There is another method to get rid of the annoying symbol solving. It is suitable not only for search engines, it is used in general for all sites. The method is complicated, you will have to use a proxy or order a dynamic IP address from your Internet provider.

How do systems detect bots? They monitor actions from the same IP addresses; if the same actions are performed too often, a check begins, i.e. you must enter the captcha. Do you understand why you need a dynamic IP or proxy? To constantly change it!

In the connection settings (or the proxy program Proxy Switcher), you must set the automatic address change with a minimum time interval. Even if the address changes every second, the program manages to perform many actions during this time, but it doesn’t get to the captcha.

A somewhat complicated option, but it is guaranteed to work and you don’t have to constantly throw in money. It is enough to pay your provider once for a dynamic IP service or buy a high-quality proxy database.

Anywhere you can disable VK captcha, Plagiarism, search engines. This check is not perfect; bypass methods help even bots to act calmly.

This article is for those who use Yandex.Wordstat to select keywords for a website. It’s sad, but recently the wordstat service from Yandex constantly requires entering a captcha, absolutely with every request. And if you use this service for SEO (search engine optimization), then you know firsthand how inconvenient it is to constantly enter captcha.

Many people go to third-party free services, such as mutagen. But in this article I will tell you how to use wordstat without constantly entering captcha.

1. Disable your ad blocker

The easiest way is to try disabling the Adblock ad blocker or similar that is installed in your browser. This helped me in FireFox 54.0 x64 on Windows 8.1 x64.

2. Yandex.Direct budget forecast

Let’s go to wordstat from another Yandex service, namely Yandex.Direct, and use the “Budget Forecast” tool.

In the “Select key phrases” section, click on the “select” link and get access to the wordstat service without constantly entering captcha.

This method works with your browser's ad blocker enabled. They say that captcha sometimes still appears, but this happens much less often.

3. Change your IP address

You can also try to access the wordstat service with an American IP through a proxy server.


The following sources were used when writing this article.