Rutreker mozilla add-on. What is "Rutreker"? How to bypass Rutreker blocking

By decision of the Moscow City Court in 2016, access to one of the most popular torrents among users,, was closed. The decision is very serious - access to the rutracker web resource was banned for life. As a result, network providers did as the judge ordered - they denied access.

Of course, a lifetime ban is not liquidation. Providers whose services every network user uses blocked the ability to visit this resource, but many decided not to put up with this decision, but to use specialized tools to bypass the blocking of

How do I sign in?

Even though the site is blocked by the provider, you can still enter it. For this purpose, the creators of the root tracker have developed special software that allows everyone to bypass the blocking.

Some believe that this action is not legal, but, as the creators say, everything is completely legal. The fact is that, in accordance with the law, access blocking must be carried out directly by the provider, but there is not a word about users.

So, how to log into your favorite root tracker? Everything is quite simple - you can use various mirrors, of which there are a huge number, and finding them will not be difficult on the RuNet or in the corresponding groups on social networks. However, this approach is not the most convenient and so that you do not have any information about visiting this resource, you will have to regularly clean your browser, depending on how often you use the root tracker service.

Plugins for root tracker

First of all, it’s worth mentioning which extensions are not recommended to be used. Among these are Hola and Zenmate, as they regularly collect information about the websites visited by the user.

It is best to use the official extension from, which is not difficult to find.

Regardless of which browser you use, just enter the phrase “access to” in the search bar and select the first result. A window will appear with all the explanations, as well as a set of plugins for various types of browsers, including Safari for laptops and computers from Apple. The plugin is available for installation on the following types of browsers: Safari, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Yandex - that is, most modern ones.

Since Google Chrome and Yandex.Browser are made on the same engine, they have the same store of plugins and extensions. A plugin for bypassing blocking can also be found there. Follow these steps in order:

  1. Click on the image of three dots in the upper right part of the window.
  2. Open More Tools and select Extensions.
  3. Scroll to the very end of the list and click the “More extensions” button.

In the search bar of the store, specify rutracker and a specially created extension will appear in order to avoid blocking the site and use the capabilities of the web resource.

After installation, be sure to restart your web browser.

Using the plugin

The process of using the browser extension is extremely simple. The developers tried to minimize the number of functions and integrated only the essentials so that when saving, users do not lose network connection speed.

The utility automatically generates various proxy parameters and provides full access to the web resource servers. If necessary, the user can click on the update button and change the proxy, for example, if the download speed drops.

After installation, you will not have to make any extra efforts - you will be able to unblock and get to the site immediately, since you will use completely different data to enter the web resource.

In the “Settings” of the download application, the “Proxy server” section, specify the data that is shown in the extension.

If any of these ten computers are blocked (or turned off), nothing particularly terrible will happen, you can download data from the remaining computers. A torrent tracker (like, for example, Rutracker) performs only the functions of a coordinator who tells who to download what from; the data files themselves are not stored on such a server. But today our article is not about Rutracker as such, but about Bypass Rutreker blocking.

What is the essence of RuTracker blocking?

There are about 15 million registered users and almost two million distributions on Rutreker. Distribution is a situation when one of the users allows you to download from your computer a specific file registered in a torrent tracker.

For the most part, all these distributions provide access to prohibited content– protected by copyright ( movies, books, music, games). The copyright holders tolerated this for a long time and, as a result, filed a lawsuit against Rutreker. In 2015, a court was held, the decision of which was to require providers to block access to Rutracker. In 2016, the decision came into force and most Internet providers closed direct access to Rutracker for their users.

But it was only blocked access to this tracker, and not to himself. Therefore, millions of users of this site began to look for ways to organize Bypass Rutreker blocking. There are such methods, and there are quite a lot of them. Below are some of them.

The easiest way to bypass Rutreker blocking (for Opera owners)

If you use the Opera browser, then you do not need to install anything to bypass the blocking of this (and any other) tracker. Just turn on standard mode Opera Turbo for this browser.

The torrent becomes available due to the fact that in Opera Turbo mode, pages are loaded into your browser not directly, but through special Opera servers. Thanks to this, the blocking does not work. This is the easiest way to bypass RuTracker blocking that you can remember.

Bypass Rutreker blocking using browser plugins

For every popular browser ( Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera) special plugins have been released that bypass the RuTracker blocking. All the plugins presented below are free and are always ready to help you.

Google Chrome

To download the plugin for bypassing RuTracker blocking in Google Chrome, you need to go to the Chrome online store page. Next, in the “Search by store” field, enter the following text: “ " A single plugin will open, which has exactly the same name. Make sure that under the name of this plugin there is an inscription: “ From the site " This means that this plugin is official plugin from the torrent tracker Rutreker to bypass blocking.

Chrome plugin

To install the plugin, click on the button “ Install", then confirm the action (in the pop-up window, click on the button " Install extension"). The installation will take some time - a few seconds. Once the plugin is installed, a green “Rate” button will appear instead of the blue “Install” button.

Now you can use this plugin. If it is activated, then you don’t need to do anything else, go to the torrent tracker website and use it for your health.

Mozilla Firefox

For this browser there is also an official plugin of the same name to bypass RuTracker blocking. To install it, go to the Firefox plugin search page. In the search field (which says " Find add-ons") enter the name of the official plugin: " RuTracker - official plugin (access, etc.)", press the key " Enter". We find a plugin that has exactly the same name (make sure that under this name there is a phrase: “ by RTO-Ext"). Go to the plugin page and click on the blue “Add to Firefox” button. We confirm the installation of the plugin - in the pop-up window, select the button " Add" The plugin installation takes place in a couple of seconds.

Firefox plugin

And this plugin also does not need to be activated in any way. To start using it, you need to go to the RuTracker page and use it the way you want.


There is no official plugin for this browser to bypass RuTracker blocking, but there is a recommended one. Go to the search page for extensions for the Opera browser. In the search field (it says “ Search for add-ons"). Enter the name of the plugin: “ Access to RuTracker" and press the key " Enter" In the search results we find the plugin of the same name and go to its page. Make sure that under the name of the plugin there is an inscription “ by proartex" This plugin is tested and works.

Plugin for Opera

To install it, you need to click on the green button “ Add to Opera" The installation will take a couple of seconds; instead of the previous button, the “ button will appear Installed" The plugin is installed. You can use it immediately by going to the Rutreker website.

Bypassing RuTracker blocking using the Tor browser

In short, the Tor browser is a special browser for maintaining anonymity on the Internet. It loads all pages through a proxy server with the substitution of other (not your) IP addresses. This slows down page loading, browser sessions are always one-time - you will have to enter your login and password again each time. But these shortcomings are more than compensated by the fact that you can go to (almost) any site on the Internet.

Tor Browser

Download the Tor browser from the official page, install it (there is support for the Russian language), launch it and go to the Rutreker website. Ready!

To ensure greater security, when using all of the above methods for bypassing RuTracker blocking (except for the Tor browser), first switch to the browser operating mode called “ Incognita" Most often, it is launched by the keyboard shortcut Crtl+Shift+N. After that, go to the torrent tracker website.

And clean up after yourself and cookies. It definitely won't be redundant.

At the moment all these ways to bypass Rutreker blocking work one hundred percent. By the way, you can find browser plugins to bypass blocking not only of RuTracker, but also of other popular sites. Good luck with your downloads and high internet speed!

Rutracker, which has not really lost its audience, quite naturally causes dissatisfaction with Roskomnadzor and other departments. They still tried, spent money, made statements, but it still works and is not going to die. Under the block was the main site, which, in fact, was just a directory of magnet links and torrent files. A new round of struggle led to the addition of announcer servers to the blocking lists. They are the ones who support the resource infrastructure and allow individual peers to find each other.

On May 2, the media was full of headlines about the beginning of a mass blocking of all Rutracker announcers and mirrors:, Vesti, Izvestia, Vedomosti. However, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, a representative of Roskomnadzor said that blocking is carried out as planned and they have not carried out anything global in terms of total blocking in recent days.

“We are not conducting any massive attacks. We are carrying out targeted work to increase the efficiency of blocking pirated content,” the Roskomnadzor press secretary emphasized in a conversation with a Gazeta.Ru correspondent.

He clarified that there is no talk of any slowdown in traffic for tracker users, and blocking of RuTracker is carried out as planned.

Nevertheless, the problem is real, the servers are blocked, and the post contains useful links to open trackers. Therefore, I decided not to delete the material.

The essence of the drama

The blocking of the following torrent tracker bt servers was reported on its forum on April 5, 2017:






























As is known, January 25, 2016 Roskomnadzor, based on the decision of the Moscow City Court “on the lifelong blocking of RuTracker.ORG on the territory of the Russian Federation,” ordered Russian providers to block access to the resource.

A lifetime block of will not lead to the liquidation of the resource. It’s just that your providers have received an order to block access to RuTracker for their clients and, according to current legislation, they are obliged to do this.

Since the tracker is used by a huge number of users and many of you are little familiar with methods of bypassing restrictions, we have prepared an extended series of articles with examples and visual screenshots of how to do this!

Can anyone find out that I visited blocked resources?

Some plugins like Hola, Zenmate collect data about the websites you visit. And we do not recommend installing them in your browser.

Also, information about the sites you visit is stored in your browser history.

If you don't want the browser to save them, go to private mode.

Using Third Party DNS

Your provider's DNS servers may contain deliberately false domain to IP address mappings.

And first of all, when blocked, you need to change the DNS servers from those provided by your provider to public ones, for example, to Google Public DNS. If you have access to the router, write the same IP addresses of the DNS servers there: and

Our official browser plugin

Discussion, installation instructions, FAQ: Forum thread

- Bypass blocking
- Comfortable work with mirrors
- Use any address with all links redirected to it
* Minimum Firefox version: 56

We can guarantee safe use of only the official plugin. You can use everything else at your own peril and risk.

"Access to RuTracker" (unofficial plugin for browsers)

A simple and effective add-on that does not require settings and is designed only for root tracker.

Google Chrome, Opera, FireFox, Yandex Browser are supported.

Download from Download from Download from
Discussion on the forum


To access Rutracker you can use our official "mirrors": And (blocked in Russia).


The add-on supports Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The latter allows you to configure the add-on to work only on specific sites.

Download from Download from Discussion on the forum


A simple and effective add-on that requires virtually no settings. Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox are supported.

Download from Download from Download from
Discussion on the forum

VPN Gate

This project was launched by graduate students at the University of Tsukuba as an experiment to study VPN networks. And volunteers around the world provided them with their VPN servers to work with. At the moment, the project is open to everyone and by downloading their client or openvpn server configuration, you can easily connect and use the Internet without restrictions.

Download VPN Gate Client How to connect VPN Gate?

Opera Turbo

The Opera browser, beloved by many, has a standard feature for bypassing blocking, called Opera Turbo. Although it was not originally intended for this, many people use this function only to bypass blocking.

Download Opera How to enable Opera Turbo?

Mobile devices

To bypass the blocking from a mobile device, you can use the Chrome browser, because... it has a data compression function.

screenshots of settings

Tor Browser

Tor is free software that helps protect you from Internet censorship and traffic analysis by various intelligence agencies.

This program is a Firefox web browser, which integrates the Tor encryption system and requires a minimum of user actions to access a closed web resource.

Download Tor Browser

Step-by-step instructions for installing Tor Browser on Windows

This article provides a detailed description of the process of installing and configuring Tor Browser to log into the Rutreker forum. The browser version for Windows will be considered; for other operating systems the actions are almost the same, with the exception of the specifics of working with the file system, the system for distributing user rights on the machine, etc. Each step is accompanied by screenshots.

Greetings, friends. I, like many other freebie lovers, sometimes use torrent trackers and don’t see anything shameful in it. And recently I decided to go to one of the most popular ones and saw that Rutreker was blocked, logging into the site did not work. Many questions arose about what happened to it, where it went or moved, and if it was closed, where can I download everything I need now? At first I thought that had a mirror, that everything had been transferred to a new domain and now there was an alternative login, but I remembered that there had never been such announcements on the official website.

How to access roottracker without blocking

As it turned out, Rutreker was blocked for life in Russia. Access is limited by court decision and in this case even an appeal will be pointless. And it doesn’t matter at all where the server is located, Rutracker was closed specifically for providers, and therefore you can access the torrent directly, bypassing the blocking. Now we’ll look at some options and follow the instructions.

In fact, unlocking Rutreker for personal use will not be difficult. For example, this can be done using an anonymizer, as is the case if you have . And also, if you want, use (proxy). There are great programs for this, like Onion Tor.

Access to RuTracker via plugins and browser extensions

As you already understand, there is a more accessible and easier way to access Rutreker org. These are special browser add-ons that are very easy to install, safe and easy to use, and most importantly, legal.

For Google Chrome and Yandex Browser— go to , click the Install button. All this takes a matter of minutes, or maybe even seconds.
An icon will appear in Chrome and Yandex, which is already enabled by default and you can immediately go to RuTracker and download your favorite game or book. If you are friends with Mozilla Firefox, click and click on the “Add to Firefox.” button. Logging into occurs in a similar way.
This for Opera. Everything is about the same without any special problems. Among other things, there are so-called clones of, where it is possible to download files without registration. But there is no guarantee that you will not pick up some kind of infection on your computer. And in order not to take unnecessary risks, it is better to give preference to the old, proven, trustworthy torrent tracker Rutreker, although it was blocked at the request of the copyright holders, but now you have instructions and you know how to access it. Like you. Watch the video on the topic and write in the comments whether it worked for you or not.