Testing on the topic of coding graphic information. Methodological development in computer science and ICT

Option 1

1. Information about the graphic image is generated in video memory:

1) Central processor,

2) GPU,

3) Graphics adapter,

4) Display processor.

2. Among the very first graphical information models are:

1) Rock paintings

2) Books with illustrations

3) Maps of the Earth's surface

3. Primitives in a graphic editor are called:

1) Graphic editor operating mode

2) Operations performed on files containing images

3) Drawings created in a graphics editor

4) The simplest figures that are drawn using special tools in a graphics editor

4. Graphics representing an image as a collection of points:

1) Fractal

2) Raster

3) Vector

4) linear

5. Splitting a sound wave into separate time sections:

1) Amplitude

2) Frequency

3) Discretization

4) quantization


Audio encoding depth is the amount of ... that is necessary for ... discrete volume levels ... of sound.

1) Information, coding, digital

2) Data, conversion, digital

3) Information, coding, analog

4) Information, transformation, digital

7. The sound volume level is 65536. What is the encoding depth?

8. To obtain high-quality audio digitization, 20-bit signal encoding is used. Calculate how much space one minute of digital audio on any digital media recorded at 44.1 kHz will take up.

9. Calculate the size of a 20 s stereo audio file with 16-bit encoding and a sampling rate of 32 kHz. (present the answer in megabytes as a decimal fraction, no more than two decimal places)

10. What is the encoding depth if a stereo audio file with a playing time of 1 minute and a recording frequency of 32 kHz takes up approximately 3.66 MB of memory?

11. To store a 640 bitmap 480 pixels without compression took up 300 KB of memory. What is the maximum possible number of colors in the image palette?

12. Graphic display operates in 640 mode400 pixels, having 4 colors. What should be the amount of video memory in kilobytes?

13. Fill out the table:

14. Fill in the blanks in the sentences:

The quality of encoding depends on the number of signal level measurements per unit time, i.e.... .

The more measurements are taken per second (the higher the sampling frequency), the more accurate the procedure....

Final test on the topic

"Coding of graphic and sound information." 9th grade.

Option 2

1. A pixel on a color display screen represents:

1) A set of three phosphor grains

2) Phosphor grains

3) Electron beam

4) An imaginary point on the screen

2. Fill in the blanks in the sentence:

The contents of the video memory are continuously viewed... and displayed... on the screen.

1) Display processor, central processor

2) central processor, display processor

3) Display processor, display processor

4) central processor, graphics adapter

3. A video memory page is 16,000 bytes. The display operates in 320 mode400 pixels. How many colors are in the palette?

4. To store a 256-color image, the encoding of one pixel is allocated:

5. The amount of information required to encode discrete volume levels of digital audio is called:

1) Quantization

2) Discretization

3) Coding depth

4) fragmentation

6. Fill in the blanks in the sentence.

The basis of...sound using a computer is the process...of air vibrations into electrical current vibrations and the subsequent...analog electrical signal.

1) Coding, conversion, sampling

2) Transformations, encoding, sampling

3) Quantization, transformation, sampling

4) Coding, transformation, quantization

7. What is the sound volume level if the encoding depth is 16 bits?

8. To obtain high-quality audio digitization, 16-bit signal encoding is used. Calculate how much space one minute of digital audio on any digital media recorded at 11 kHz will take up.

1) 10 MB

3) 1.3 MB

9. Calculate the size of a 10 s stereo audio file with 16-bit encoding and a sampling rate of 32 kHz. (present the answer in megabytes as a decimal fraction, no more than two decimal places)

10. What is the encoding depth if a mono audio file with a playback duration of 1 minute and a recording frequency of 32 kHz occupies 3.66 MB?

11. To store a raster image measuring 64x64 pixels, 1.5 kilobytes of memory were allocated. What is the maximum possible number of colors in the palette?

12. Specify the minimum amount of memory (in kilobytes) required to store any 256-by-256-pixel bitmap image that is known to have a 216-color palette.

13. Fill out the table:

14. Fill in the blanks in the sentences.

In order for a computer to process sound, the continuous audio signal must be converted into... discrete form using time sampling.

A continuous sound wave is divided into separate small temporary sections, for each such section a certain amount of ... sound is set. This process is called... sound.

Option 1.

    The smallest unit of information measurement is...

    What is 1 byte equal to?

    A raster graphic file contains black and white (without grayscale) with a size of 100x100 pixels. What is the information volume of this file? (in bits)

    A raster file containing a black and white (no shades of gray) square image has a capacity of 200 bytes. Calculate the side size of the square (in pixels).

    Determine the required amount of video memory if the monitor screen size is 640x480, color depth is 24 bits.

    In the process of converting a raster graphic image, the number of colors decreased from 65536 to 16. How many times will the amount of memory it occupies decrease?

    It is known that the computer’s video memory has a capacity of 512 KB. Screen resolution is 640 by 200 pixels. How many screen pages will simultaneously fit in video memory with a palette of 8 colors?

Option 2.

    The largest unit of information measurement is...

    What is 1 Megabyte equal to?

    A raster graphic file contains black and white (without grayscale) 10x10 pixels in size. What is the information volume of this file? (in bits)

    A raster file containing a black and white (no shades of gray) square image has a capacity of 400 bytes. Calculate the side size of the square (in pixels).

    Determine the required amount of video memory if the monitor screen size is 800x600, color depth is 16 bits.

    To store a raster image measuring 128x128 pixels, 4 KB of memory were allocated. What is the maximum possible number of colors in the image palette.

    How much video memory is needed to store four image pages if the bit depth is 24 and the display resolution is 800x600 pixels. (in MB)

    In the process of converting a raster graphic image, the number of colors decreased from 65536 to 256. How many times will the amount of memory it occupies decrease?

    It is known that the computer’s video memory has a capacity of 512 KB. Screen resolution is 640 by 200 pixels. How many screen pages will simultaneously fit in video memory with a palette of 16 colors?


Option 1.


    8 bit.

    10000 bits


    7372800 bits=921600bytes=900Kbytes


    4 times

    Solution: 640x200x3=384000bit – 1 page

4194304bit/384000bit=10.9 pages

Option 2.

    1 TB

    1 MB=1024KB=1048576bytes=8388608bits


    400bytes=400*8=3200bits, 56.6x56.6



    5.5 MB for storing 4 pages

    65536=2 16 ,256=2 8 ; 16/8=2 times

    Solution: 640x200x4=512000bit – 1 page


4194304bit/512000bit=8.19 pages

There are examples with solutions.

Test on the topic « Encoding information»_Option 1

Part A

When completing the tasks of this part, in answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1 - A20), put the sign “"in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

  1. Assuming that each character is encoded by one byte, determine the information volume of the following statement Alexei Tolstoy:

    1. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes, although this is his main mistake.

    2. 1) 512 bits 2) 608 bits 3) 8 kbytes 4) 123 bytes

  2. The chessboard consists of 8 columns and 8 rows. What is the minimum number of bits required to encode the coordinates of one chessboard?
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 7

  1. The message size is 11 kbytes. The message contains 11264 characters. What is the power of the alphabet?
1) 64 2) 128 3) 256 4) 512

  1. The box contains 64 colored pencils. The message that a white pencil has been taken out carries 4 bits of information. How many white pencils were in the box?
1) 4 2) 8 3) 16 4) 32

  1. To encode the background color of an Internet page, use the bgcolor="#ХХХХХХ" attribute, where hexadecimal values ​​of the intensity of color components in the 24-bit RGB model are specified in quotes. What color will the color of the page specified by the tag be close to?
1) yellow 2) pink 3) light green 4) light blue

  1. The main characteristics of computer audio encoding are...
1) Regeneration frequency, bit depth 2) Sampling frequency, bit depth

3) Dimension, Sampling frequency 4) Audio bit depth, Bit depth

  1. When encoding a picture for subsequent representation on a computer using raster graphics, the image:

    1. is divided into a number of areas with the same brightness;

    2. represented by a set of coordinates of points that have the same color;

    3. is converted into an array of coordinates of segments that divide the image into areas of the same color;

    4. appears as a mosaic of square elements, each of which has its own color;

  2. In what format does the file store information about a dynamic image?
1) jpeg 2) wav 3) fla 4) bmp
  1. ^

    How many different encodings of letters of the Russian alphabet are there?

1) one 2) two (MS-DOS, Windows)

3) three (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh) 4) five (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, KOI-8, ISO)

  1. How many times will the information volume of a page of text (the text does not contain formatting control characters) increase when it is converted from ASCII encoding (the encoding table contains 256 characters) to Unicode encoding?
1) 2 times b) 8 times c) 16 times d) 256 times

  1. To encode a 16-color image per video pixel, the following number of bits is required:
1)16; 2)2; 3)4; 4) 8;

  1. The RGB system is used to encode...information

1) text 2) numeric 3) graphic 4) audio

  1. It is known that there are 256 balls in the box. Of these, 128 are black, 64 are white, and the rest are yellow. The amount of information in the message “We randomly got a yellow ball” is:

    1. 5 bits b)1 bit c)2 bits d)4 bits

  2. The computer's graphics system includes:
    1) video memory and graphic display 2) graphic display and RAM
    3) video adapter and graphics display 4) display processor and graphics display\

  3. The screen can display 1024 colors. the number of different brightness levels for red is 8. The number of different brightness levels for green is 8. How many different brightness levels can the blue component have?
1) 32 2) 16 3) 8 4) 4

  1. How will the information volume of a graphic file change if the original number of colors was 256, but as a result of transformations, 16 colors were set?
1) Will increase by 2 times. 2) Will increase 4 times. 3) Will decrease by 2 times. 4) Will decrease by 4 times.

  1. How many times will the information capacity of a file containing a raster image increase if its color depth is increased from the “black and white” standard to the “4,294,967,296 colors” standard?
1)8 2)16 3)32 4)64

  1. After changing the desktop properties, the monitor acquired a resolution of 1024x768 pixels and was able to display 65,536 colors. How much video memory does the current desktop image take up?
1) 3 MB 2) 1.5 MB 3) 12 MB 4) 24 MB

  1. When connected to the Internet, the modem provides a data transfer rate of 28,800 bps. How long will it take to transfer a 72,000 byte file?
1) 5 seconds 2) 10 seconds 3) 20 seconds 4) 60 seconds

  1. The two messages contain the same number of characters. The amount of information in the first text is 2 times greater than in the second. The number of characters in each alphabet does not exceed 20, and there are a whole number of bits per character. Determine the greatest power of the first alphabet.
1) 4 characters 2) 6 characters 3) 2 characters 4)8 characters

Part B

The answer to the tasks in this part (B1 - B10) is a set of symbols that should be written in answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell. Write each character in a separate box. Be sure to write the complete solution on your draft.

  1. In some countries, a 5-character license plate is made up of capital letters (30 letters in total) and decimal digits in any order. Each character is encoded with the same and minimum possible number of bits, and each number is encoded with the same and minimum possible number of bytes. Determine the amount of memory required to store 50 license plates.

  2. The document consists of text and graphic information. The text contains 30 lines of 30 characters each. The black and white image size is 120 x 300 pixels. Determine the information volume of this document, express the answer in bytes.

  3. The table below shows part of the ASCII code table:









Decimal code








Hex code








What is the hexadecimal code for the character "q"?

  1. The database stores records containing information about dates. Each record contains three fields: the year (a number from 1 to 2100), the month number (a number from 1 to 12), and the day number in the month (a number from 1 to 31). Each field is written separately from other fields using the smallest possible number of bits. Determine the minimum number of bits required to encode one record.

  2. The color scanner has a resolution of 1024*512 dpi. The amount of memory occupied by a scanned image measuring 2*4 inches is about 8 MB. What is the scanner's color depth expressed in bits?

  3. How much disk space in kilobytes would be needed to store 16-bit audio at a sampling rate of 24 kHz for 512 seconds?

  4. The text is written in ASCII encoding. After 20 characters were removed from the text, its information volume became 1200 bits. Find the volume of the source text.

  5. The book consists of three chapters. The first chapter contains 24 pages, the second chapter is three times longer than the third. The message that the book was randomly opened to a page from the third chapter contains 3 bits of information. Find the number of pages in the second chapter.

  6. Calculate the size of a video file (in GB) with a duration of 60 s, a frame rate of 30 frames/sec, a resolution of 800*600 pixels and a color depth of 24 bits. The volume of the audio component of the video clip can be neglected.

  7. To form the color, 32 shades of green, 16 shades of blue and 32 shades of red are used. How many colors can be displayed on the screen in this case?

Part C

    1. At the zoo, 32 monkeys live in two enclosures, A and B. One of the monkeys is an albino (all white). The message “An albino monkey lives in enclosure A” contains 4 bits of information. How many monkeys live in enclosure B?

    2. How many seconds will it take a modem sending messages at 19200 bps to transmit a color bitmap image of 1280 by 800 pixels, assuming that the color of each pixel is encoded in 24 bits?

    3. Chains of characters (strings) are created according to the following rule. The first line consists of one character, the number 1. Each of the following chains is created like this. First, the serial number of this line is written down, then the entire chain of numbers from the previous line is written down twice. The first 4 lines created using this rule look like this:



How many times in total does the number 1 appear in the 9th line?

    1. The angry examiner never gives A's in computer science. Due to his maliciousness, he determined in advance the number of marks of each type and randomly assigned them to 24 applicants. The amount of information contained in the message “Applicant Ivanov received a B” is equal to 1+log 2 3 bits. The information volume of the message “Applicant Sidorov received a C” is 3+ log 2 3- log 2 5 bits. Find the number of applicants who failed the exam.

Option 1

  1. Analog shape
  2. Discrete form

2.Graphic images are converted by spatial sampling:

3. What is the minimum object used in a vector graphics editor?

  1. Screen point (pixel);
  2. color palette;
  3. familiar place (symbol).

4. Image deformation when changing the size of the picture is one of the disadvantages:

  1. vector graphics;
  2. raster graphics.

5. In the process of converting a raster graphic image, the number of colors decreased from 4,096 to 16. How many times will its information volume decrease?

  1. 2 times
  2. 3 times
  3. 4 times
  4. 5 times

6. A color raster image with a palette of 256 colors has a size of 10*10 pixels. What information volume does the image have?

  1. 100 bits
  2. 100 bytes
  3. 256 bit
  4. 25600 bits

7. Basic colors of the RGB palette:

1) red, blue and green

2) blue, yellow, green

3) red, yellow and green

5) the color palette is formed by setting the values ​​of color hue, saturation and brightness

1) N=2 i

2) N=2 ∙ i

3) I=N ∙ 2

4) 2=Ni

5) I=N 2

9.The RGB color model has the following parameters: 0, 0, 255. What color will correspond to these parameters?

  1. Black
  2. red
  3. green
  4. blue

10. To encode the background color of an Internet page, use the bgcolor=”#XXXXXX” attribute, where hexadecimal values ​​of the intensity of color components in the 24-bit RGB model are specified in quotes. What background color will the page specified by the tag have?

1) white

2) green

3) red

4) blue

Test on the topic “Coding graphic information”

Option 2

1. Graphic information can be presented in the form:

  1. Analog shape
  2. Discrete form
  3. Analog and discrete form

2. Graphic images are converted by spatial sampling:

  1. from analog to digital
  2. from digital to analogue

3. What is the minimum object used in a raster graphics editor?

  1. pixel;
  2. color palette;
  3. object (rectangle, circle, etc.);
  4. familiar place (symbol).

4. Primitives in a graphic editor are called:

  1. graphic editor environment;
  2. simple figures drawn using special tools in a graphics editor;
  3. operations performed on files containing images created in a graphics editor;
  4. operating modes of the graphic editor.

5. In the process of converting the graphic file, the number of colors decreased from 65,536 to 256. How many times will the information volume of the file decrease?7

  1. 2 times;
  2. 4 times;
  3. 8 times;
  4. 16 times.

6. A color raster image with a palette of 256 colors has a size of 20*20 pixels. What information volume does the image have?

  1. 400 bits
  2. 400 bytes
  3. 256 bit
  4. 102400 bits

7. Basic colors of the RGB palette:

1) blue, yellow, green

2) red, blue and green

3) red, yellow and green

4) cyan, yellow and magenta

8 . The number of colors in the palette (N) and the amount of information required to encode each point (i) are related and can be calculated using the formula:

1) I=N ∙ 2

2) N=2 ∙ i

3) N=2 i

4) I=N 2

5) 2=Ni

9.The RGB color model has the following parameters: 255, 255, 255. What color will correspond to these parameters?

  1. white
  2. red
  3. green
  4. blue

10. To encode the background color of an Internet page, use the bgcolor=”#XXXXXX” attribute, where hexadecimal values ​​of the intensity of color components in the 24-bit RGB model are specified in quotes. What background color will the page specified by the FF 0000”> tag have?

1) white

2) green

3) red