The ringing sound has disappeared on my iPhone, what should I do? There is no sound on iPhone without headphones - what to do

Over time, your favorite iPhone or iPad may become damaged. One of the common problems is the sound disappears. You should not immediately take the device to a service center; perhaps there is a chance to fix it yourself. Read the article to learn how to solve sound problems, quickly fix the speaker on your iPhone, iPad or IPod touch and make it work even better.

Possible problems with sound on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and their solutions

Sound problems on Apple devices may include the following:

  • The speaker does not produce sound;
  • There is no sound when calling;
  • There is sound in the headphones, but the device itself does not play it.

In all cases, the cause of the problem is one thing - the operation of the external speaker. All that remains is to figure out whether the iron part of the device is broken or the operating part.

The sound works in headphones, but does not play through the speaker

In this case, you should pay attention to the notification panel, which is located at the top of the device screen. If there is a headphone icon on it, and at this time they are not plugged into a special jack, then the problem is in the input itself. Most likely, some debris, dust or water has entered the input into which the headphones are inserted. In this case, the system will begin to think that something is connected to the device and output sound not to the speaker, but to an external headset. To get rid of the problem, you need to manually clean the connector, for example, with a toothpick or cotton swab. It is advisable not to use hard or metallic objects, as this may further damage the device. The following may also help: insert and remove the headphones several times and restart the device.

iPhone or iPad does not play sound

If the problem is not with the headphone input, then most likely it is with the system settings themselves. You will have to act tough, so it is highly recommended that you back up all the data stored on the device, otherwise it will be permanently erased. The first thing to do is check for an iOS update:

If your device has the latest firmware installed, there is only one thing left to do - reset all content and settings:

What to do if nothing helps

If neither cleaning the headphone input, nor resetting the settings, nor updating the system helped, then there is only one thing left to do - take the device to a service center to get help from a qualified specialist or replace the device if it is under warranty. This is the only way that will help get rid of the problem, since the reason could be anything, in any microcircuit of the device.

If the microphone on your device does not work

The same thing can happen to the microphone on Apple devices as to the speaker: it stops working. The reasons why a microphone will stop recording sound or begin to transmit it worse are the same as with a speaker: the holes through which the sound passes for recording are clogged, there is some kind of error in the device’s software, or its internals are damaged. To make the microphone work, update the software, reset settings and content, and clean the holes. But before you do all this, check your recording settings:

If the device does not produce sound through an external speaker, then the problem is one of two things: hardware or software. Try the solution options for both cases and, if none of them help, take the device to a service center for repair or restoration. Do not try to disassemble and repair it yourself, as this may lead to even more damage that will not be covered by the warranty.

When the ringing sound on your iPhone disappears or sound recording periodically does not work, you need to check the operation of the speakers and repair/replace them. But what to do when the phone stops playing sound at all? If your smartphone has stopped playing music, video, you cannot hear the interlocutor and all other sound signals from the phone, use our detailed repair instructions.

Main causes of malfunction

The phone must be repaired if the lack of sound is the result of physical impact on the device:

  • Contamination of the audio channel;
  • Chip desoldering;
  • Getting moisture, dust, dirt inside the iPhone;

The problem of audio channel contamination is often encountered by iPhone owners who have been using the phone for more than two years. Dust and other fine particles may enter the device. First, the volume level of sound playback on the phone decreases and then it disappears completely. This type of breakdown is accompanied by various wheezing and rustling sounds in the audio channel. If you do not clean the iPhone parts in time, a breakdown can lead to more serious consequences - disruptions in the operation of the central microcircuit.

As a result of a fall or impact of the iPhone, the chip that is responsible for the operation of the audio signal may become unsoldered. The only way out is to repair the iPhone audio codec (resoldering the part) or replace the entire phone motherboard.

BGA audio codec repair

The BGA codec, which is located on the device’s motherboard, is responsible for the operation of the sound system in the iPhone. This codec converts a series of binary numbers into an analog signal, creating sound. Accordingly, the slightest disturbance in the operation of the BGA chip affects the sound reproduction of multimedia files and calls.

You cannot change the codec. This component is an integral part of the motherboard. Installing a new BGA will result in the fact that after the first attempt to turn on the iPhone, it will not be able to recognize the part as genuine. As a result, you will end up with a non-working device - after IOS detects a mismatch between the board components in the IPhone, the phone shuts down and will no longer start. It will be impossible to resume its work.

Before you begin repairs, you need to disassemble your iPhone. Remove the motherboard. Warm up the BGA chip and disconnect it. The essence of restoring the codec's operation is to examine its surface. If you find the slightest irregularity or the absence of at least one contact, you should resume the codec structure. To do this, you will need a special stencil that follows the shape of the microcircuit and thermal paste. The stencil is placed on top of the part, then the paste is applied. This way you can create a new correct contact structure.

If you decide not to solder the existing codec, select a new motherboard part for your IPhone model. Buy only genuine parts, this way you will protect your iPhone from rapid breakdown. On our website you can purchase original boards, spare parts and tools for operating Apple equipment.

iPhone hardware recovery

If after resoldering the audio codec the sound on the iPhone does not work, you need to perform a hardware restoration of your iPhone. After this procedure the sound will work well. To launch DFU mode in an iPhone of any model, follow the instructions shown in the figure below:

You can find any instructions for self-repairing an iPhone on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.

If there is no sound on the iPhone, then it is impossible to use it normally. Usually you can diagnose and eliminate the cause yourself, but sometimes you have to contact service to repair the device.

Possible reasons why there is no sound on iPhone

There is no sound anywhere or when performing certain actions on iPhone due to the following reasons:

  • Software error.
  • Hardware failure.
  • Moisture ingress.

If the user can deal with a software error on his own, then a mechanical breakdown, due to which, for example, there is no sound on the iPhone during a conversation, can only be repaired at a service center. If moisture gets in, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist and do not try to dry the phone on your own.

Troubleshooting software errors

If there is no sound on your iPhone when there is an incoming call, then first check the volume of the system sounds. Turn up the volume using the rocker, check the sound profile that is installed on the phone. If only vibration is triggered during a call, perhaps turning up the volume will correct the situation.

In some situations, you can solve the problem with a regular reboot. If your iPhone doesn't have sound on calls, try resetting your device as well. User content when choosing this reset option will be saved, so there is no need to make a backup.

  1. Open settings, “General” section.
  2. Click Reset and select Reset all settings.

If there is no sound in certain applications, and there are no problems when making calls or playing audio, try reinstalling the program that is not working correctly. Similar problems often occur after jailbreaking and installing applications from Cydia.

The following situation also occurs: there is no sound on the iPhone, but there is sound in the headphones. This shortcoming can be corrected in the following way:

  1. Connect headphones to iPhone, start playing music.
  2. Turn up the volume and at this moment remove the headphone plug from the jack on the phone.

If the speaker still does not produce sound, contact your service center. You may have encountered mechanical damage to your mobile device. A radical way to eliminate software errors is to flash the device. But it should be done as a last resort and subject to the availability of appropriate skills.

Mechanical problems

If there is no sound on your iPhone in applications, during a conversation, or anywhere at all, and the error correction methods listed above did not lead to anything, contact a service center. As a result of diagnostics, the following reasons for the absence of sound are often discovered:

  • Damage to the speaker resulting from a fall or impact. Eliminated by replacing the component.
  • Audio channel is dirty. If you have been actively using your smartphone for a long time, its audio channel may become clogged with small debris. To fix the problem, it is enough to carry out careful cleaning.
  • Problems with the sound chip. It may fall off under mechanical stress. You can replace or solder back the original chip if it is not damaged.
  • The headphone jack is dirty or damaged. It can be eliminated by cleaning or replacing depending on the diagnostic result.

There may be problems with other components: for example, if there is no sound on the iPhone when recording video, the problem may lie in the operation of the cable responsible for the functioning of the top microphone. It may be dirty or damaged.

Articles and Lifehacks

The popularity of Apple smartphones is very difficult to dispute. It happens that their owners encounter various kinds of problems - for example, No sound on iPhone, or it is completely absent. Of course, this takes away any pleasure from using the device, especially since now it does not perform its most important functions.

The reasons for this problem can be very different. For example, a malfunction may well be caused by the penetration of dust or moisture, as well as mechanical damage. In addition to physical reasons, it happens that the problem lies in the software. It will be the easiest thing to deal with, and it is quite possible to do it yourself.

What to do if there is no sound on your iPhone?

Let's start with the simplest thing: let's try to increase the volume level. To do this you need to use a special regulator. The sound level is built separately for both speakers and headphones. If the headphone icon appears even when the headphones are not connected, the jack needs to be carefully cleaned.

If the volume is okay, you can try restarting your iPhone. If this does not help, you should continue to identify the source of the problem. Where does the sound come from - headphones or speakers? It is also worth checking whether it is present when listening to music, receiving calls and SMS messages.

For additional verification, you can open any application. If there is sound when you start it, but there is no sound in all other cases, most likely the problem is related to the software. The same applies to cases of partial loss of sound, or the appearance of sound only in headphones.
If there is no sound on your iPhone, it is quite possible that resetting the settings will help. We go to the main settings of the device, the “Reset” item, and proceed to resetting all settings. There will be a rollback to factory settings, but all data (like music or contacts) should remain.

If the sound still does not appear, you can lightly press the iPhone from below and above the speaker, and also gently tap it. Sometimes the sound comes and goes. This means that this is a physical problem, and you need to contact a specialist about it. Sometimes updating the firmware helps. Often the problem occurs after a jailbreak.

What can cause the sound to disappear on an iPhone? A few more tips

Oddly enough, in most cases, the user encounters problems after he disconnects the headphones from the device. You just need to try connecting and disconnecting them again.

If the sound disappeared after we installed a program, it is best to uninstall it and simply restart the iPhone.
It is not uncommon for dust or moisture to get into the speakers. They need to be cleaned using a small brush. You also need to check whether the silent mode on the device (“Mute”) is activated. To do this, go to settings.

If none of the above helped us, you will need to contact a service center. The same can be done from the very beginning if we are not sure that our actions will not damage the device.

If the sound on the iPhone does not work, then normal use of the smartphone is out of the question. You can't hear the call, the alarm doesn't sound in the morning, games and videos don't have audio, not to mention music playback.

The malfunction requires immediate elimination, but first you need to understand why the sound disappeared on the iPhone.
The causes of the problem can be divided into software and hardware. The user can handle the former on his own, but the latter most often require a trip to a service center.

Software errors

Before you start fixing software errors or troubleshooting hardware problems, make sure that the volume is set at an acceptable level. Pay attention to the current sound profile. Sound playback may be disabled in its settings.

If the sound stops intermittently, restart your iPhone. Try to remember when problems arose and what preceded them. Sometimes deleting recently installed applications helps. If your phone has been jailbroken and tweaks have been installed, it is recommended to roll back the changes. An incorrect jail, installation of unofficial software - all this can lead to problems with iOS, including loss of sound. Resetting the settings can help you cope with a software failure: Open the settings, “General” section. Go to the “Reset” subsection. Select "Reset all settings". A factory reset doesn't delete content, so you don't have to make a backup.

If restoring to factory settings does not help, try erasing settings and content. After performing this operation, the phone will be “clean”, that is, all user data will be deleted from it. Therefore, creating a backup copy is a prerequisite for the subsequent recovery of deleted information.

Instead of resetting the settings, you can reflash the device. Before performing the firmware, also do not forget to make a backup copy. If the reasons for the lack of sounds are software in nature, then the listed actions should eliminate them, returning the iPhone to normal operating condition.

Hardware problems

If the sound does not work on the new iPhone, and no software errors are noticed, then it is better to immediately contact a service center. Although some actions can be performed independently. Possible causes of the malfunction: Mechanical damage or contamination of the speaker. A blow, fall, or strong shaking can damage the speaker. The solution is to replace the damaged component at a service center. Soldering chip responsible for audio playback. Even if the speaker is not damaged, a faulty chip will cause the sound to disappear. The solution is similar - professional repair. Moisture ingress. As a result of exposure to liquid, oxidation of the microcircuits can occur, which will lead to various malfunctions in the operation of the iPhone. If there is no sound only in the headphones, check the connector; it could also be clogged. The iPhone 7 does not have a separate input; headphones are connected via an adapter to the Lightning connector, so you should check that too. The connector can be carefully cleaned without going to a service center, but for other hardware problems it is recommended to seek professional help. If there is no sound on the camera when recording video, make sure that the protective film or case is not blocking the working microphone. It is located on the back cover between the flash and the camera. If you cover it with a cover, the sound will not be recorded. If nothing prevents the microphone from working normally, contact a service center. Setting the alarm volume Many users have difficulty changing the alarm volume. It may work, but it will sound so quiet that it will not wake you up, but will be a background for sleep. The alarm clock does not depend on the overall volume of the iPhone, which is good. Otherwise, when you turn on silent mode, the alarm would also turn off. To set your alarm to sound at an acceptable volume level, open Settings and go to Sounds. Adjust the volume using the Ring & Reminder slider. The method works on all modern iPhones, be it 5S, 6 or 7 model.