Everything is short - wap version. See what "WAP" is in other dictionaries

Mobile phone as a means of accessing the Internet

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), or (Wireless Access Protocol) - "protocol wireless access"is a means of gaining access to Internet resources through only mobile phone without using a computer and/or modem. Essentially this technical standard, describing the way in which information from the Internet is transferred to the display of a mobile phone.

Theoretically, if a mobile phone screen could display the same variety of information as a computer display, then WAP would be no different from displaying regular WEB pages. But since the screen resolution of the mobile phone display is small, and the data transfer speed over communication channels is quite low, the display of WAP sites has insufficient graphics and animation, and the amount of information is reduced to the necessary minimum.

So what do you need to use WAP?

You need to have three things, namely:

  • WAP browser on your phone
  • have the appropriate service from the operator,
  • and know the addresses of WAP sites you are interested in.

WAP browser

A modern mobile phone usually has a WAP browser. A WAP browser is a program stored in the phone's memory and is responsible for exchanging information and displaying it on the display. Just like, for example, MSIE or NN for WEB.

However, it is not only the presence of a WAP browser that is important, but also its version (modification). IN present moment versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0 are known. WAP version 1.0. is outdated and practically no longer used, and the latest WAP 1.2 and 2.0 have not yet been sufficiently implemented on the Internet. Therefore, when purchasing a cell phone with a WAP browser, you must find out which version of this protocol the specific phone supports. For example, many owners Siemens phone S25 at one time were very disappointed when their phone, although proudly called “supporting the WAP protocol,” in fact “supported” not at all what they wanted, namely, that same ill-fated 1.0 standard.

For those who use regular mobile devices, an alternative to the built-in WAP browser is offered by SIM card manufacturers. For example, the SIMalliance organization, established by smart card manufacturers Gemplus, Giesecke & Devrient, ORGA, Schlumberger and electronic payment system Oberthur Card Systems, published the S@T (SIMalliance Toolbox) specification for mobile phone SIM cards GSM standard, supporting phase 2+. The S@T specification will allow GSM operators around the world to provide mobile Internet services to all subscribers whose devices support phase 2+, and this is the majority of models produced over the past 1.5-2 years.

An important condition of work similar system is that the phone has a graphic display and support SIM technology ToolKit, that is, a special mode of working with additional services networks. The WAP browser program will be located in the memory of the SIM card itself, which will allow you to use all WAP services - viewing WAP sites, access to various Internet services, as well as m-commerce services (mobile commerce) and control over your bank account.

However, a phone with a browser on a SIM card will not have as convenient an interface as a phone with a built-in browser, but the ability to view wap pages on it will be practically no different from standard WAP phones.

The cost of a SIM card is incomparably lower than the price of any WAP terminal, or even just a mobile phone. Many telecom operators do not charge the subscriber any money for the SIM card itself, since it is, in fact, just a storage medium, an identifier this phone. It is, of course, too early to say that all SIM cards provided by operators to their subscribers will be equipped with WAP browsers, but their share will invariably increase.

WAP resources

With the advent of the WAP protocol, subscribers cellular networks got the opportunity to use a number of services on special WAP sites, such as:

  • e-mail,
  • electronic stores,
  • booking tickets and hotel rooms,
  • access to your bank account,
  • information channels(news, weather forecast, exchange rates, etc.)
  • and even an electronic guide.

In worldwide network Every day more and more WAP resources appear. Many popular Web sites have WAP twins that provide mobile users with the same set of services. For example, the email site http://www.mail.ru/ has a WAP version http://wap.mail.ru/. For those who want to evaluate this or that WAP site without leaving their computer, there are WAP emulators that allow you to reproduce the work with WAP on the display of your mobile phone.


A more complete list of WAP emulators dubna.com Online Web Emulator WinWap Phone.com Developer Web Site PyWeb.com Deck-It Previewer TTemulator - WAP phone emulator


And third prerequisite to use WAP - this is supported by your operator mobile communications provision services mobile Internet. Majority Russian operators today they provide this service. All you need is to understand whether you need WAP, find out the operator's tariffs for the data service and include it in the service. All that remains is to decide whether you need WAP in the form in which it exists now?

Prospects for WAP

With the introduction of WAP, its advantages and disadvantages were revealed. After all, to display information on a cell phone screen, as a rule, four lines are used. Main principle providing WAP information to a cell phone - dividing the data into small blocks the size of two or three phone screens. Not to mention the fact that the WAP interface leaves much to be desired; information containing up to hundreds of characters takes a long time to “scroll through”, and with low data transfer speeds this process is delayed. As a result, the information received may turn out to be unreasonably “expensive”, since you have to pay for minutes...

And the specialists servicing WAP have some problems. Websites that users can visit on mobile phones need to be constantly adapted. In other words, a WAP site that can be viewed on an 8-line display is no longer suitable for a 4-line display, and it must be rewritten in a special version.

Therefore, today the set of Russian WAP resources remains modest - mainly weather, jokes, horoscopes, news, exchange rates and posters. On the page http://www.wapgate.ru/ all Russian “mobile pages” are sorted into nine topics: leisure/entertainment, mobile commerce, medicine/health, telecom operators, media/news, background information, tourism and recreation, WAP service. At http://wap.uptsoft.com/ you can play " Sea battle" or "Tic Tac Toe", use Russian-English or English-Russian translator on http://wap.translate.ru/, look for the required resource on http://wap.yandex.ru/, and even chat on http://wapchat.ru/.

Another direction of WAP could be corporate solutions. There are many large companies that have a large number Mobile managers constantly need some information. E-mail and SMS technologies cannot cover their needs, since in both cases the information is sent not at the request of the client, but at the decision of the server side.

The development of WAP technologies will depend on how the volume of various information will be reproduced. After all, the introduction of support for the new technology of packet data transmission GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) will significantly increase the speed of working with WAP applications.

Whether it will be in demand or not, the market will show. Further, it is possible to work on building gateways to convert the HTML standard (on which traditional Internet pages are built) into WML (the standard for WAP pages). This will allow subscribers to use regular Internet resources and will give a big boost to traffic.

An objective assessment is this: WAP technology in its modern form is still a transitional solution. The developers are already modernizing it, eliminating the original shortcomings. The goals achieved by using WAP may change. However general idea Providing information from the Internet to a mobile phone will only continue to evolve. New mobile phones and smartphones are appearing - hybrids of phones and pocket computers, and in the future, it will probably be possible to “travel” the real Internet directly on your mobile phone or smartphone.

WAP - Wireless Access Protocol, that is, a protocol for wireless access. Usually to the Internet. Unlike other access methods, when a cell phone is only an intermediary between a computer of one kind or another, this protocol was developed primarily for access from the mobile phone itself via the built-in (in the phone software or SIM card) WAP browser.

Peculiarity this standard in its openness and in the fact that it takes into account (unlike traditional protocols such as HTTP) the device features of cell phones and PDAs, as well as wireless access:

  • small amount of device memory;
  • the small size of the phone screen, as well as the limitations of its keyboard;
  • low processor speed;
  • low throughput communication channel;
  • possible large timeouts.

Currently, in Moscow, WAP is supported commercially by all leading telecom operators. For example, MTS has opened a resource wap.mts.ru, to view which you can use a phone that supports WAP, or some WAPalizer (a program for viewing WAP pages with a regular Web browser, which is found in many mobile phones).

What is WAP for?

First of all, WAP is a means of gaining access to Internet resources via a mobile phone. In this case, the user does not resort to the help of any additional devices such as a computer or modem. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is a protocol, or technical standard, that describes the way information from the Internet is transferred to a small mobile phone display. This is the main difference between WAP and the usual methods of access to the World Wide Web, which ensure the exchange of information and Web browsing-sites ( HTTP protocols and TCP/IP). Theoretically, if a mobile phone screen could display as much information as a computer display, then WAP would not exist in the form in which it is provided now. But the displays of mobile phones, even those with high resolution, cannot “accommodate” ordinary Web pages. This is what prompted the creation special ways, allowing mobile phone users to use the Internet.

The number of truly informative WAP sites now clearly does not exceed a dozen or a half, even if we take into account not only Russian resources. The cost of working with WAP at MTS is now 15 cents during the day and 10 in the evening + taxes, that is, you need to have very good reasons to “sit” in WAP for a long time. Probably the only truly objective need for using this technology “here and now” is live view e-mail, when there are no other means for this (that is, a computer to which a cell phone could be connected in modem emulation mode). Services of this kind are known: wap.mail.ru, imail.ru. Most likely, most online e-mail services will provide this opportunity in the near future.

WAP browser

To use WAP, you must have a mobile phone with a WAP browser. WAP - browser, is a program recorded in the phone's memory and is responsible for exchanging information and displaying it on the display ( Internet Explorer- Web browser for regular computers). Not all phones have a WAP browser, but it is important not only to have a WAP browser, but also its version. There are currently four of them: version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0. Version 1.0. has long been outdated and is no longer found almost anywhere, including in our country, and the latest WAP 1.2 and 2.0 are not yet in use. Therefore, when purchasing a cell phone that can work with WAP, you must find out which version of this protocol a particular phone supports. For example, many owners of the Siemens S25 phone were very disappointed by the news that their phone, although proudly called “supporting the WAP protocol,” in fact “supported” something completely different from what was needed, namely the same ill-fated 1.0 standard. Sad for the owners. Lesson for potential buyers... Owners of phones with WAP 1.1 have no less problems. These tubes must be pre-configured, which is technically not very easy.

WAP resources

What opportunities are open to the owner of a WAP-enabled phone? With the advent of the WAP protocol, subscribers of cellular networks were able to use a number of services on special WAP sites: such as e-mail, electronic stores, booking tickets and hotel rooms, access to their bank account, information channels (news, weather forecast , exchange rates, etc.) and even an electronic guide. More and more WAP resources appear on the World Wide Web every day. Many popular Web sites have WAP twins that provide mobile users with the same set of services. For those who want to evaluate this or that WAP site without leaving their computer, there are WAP emulators that allow you to reproduce the work with WAP on the display of your mobile phone.

It looks like this: The display of WAP sites on the display of a mobile phone is characterized by insufficient graphics and animation (this is due to the low screen resolution and low data transfer speed over communication channels, but this drawback has already been overcome, it’s only a matter of introducing new developments, in particular the protocol GPRS). Typically, four lines are used to display information on a cell phone screen. The main principle of presenting information on cell phone- splitting data into small blocks the size of two or three WAP phone screens. This could be information about exchange rates, securities quotes, or, for example, a short letter.


There is one more prerequisite for using WAP - that the local mobile operator supports mobile Internet services. Not all telecom operators operating in Russia and abroad provide WAP. To connect to WAP, you must order a data service from your network operator. Payment for the service will be made according to the data transfer tariffs of this operator. So, in order to use mobile Internet services “through” WAP, you need to connect a device with a WAP browser version 1.1 to the network of an operator that supports WAP. If this is done, then it is enough to know the necessary WAP resources in order to quickly receive the necessary information.

Prospects for WAP

With the introduction of WAP, its advantages and disadvantages were revealed. Both specialists and ordinary users express their opinions about it, for whom it is not so much the process that is important, but the end result. An objective assessment is this: WAP in the form in which it exists now requires serious improvement.

Due to the small size of the displays, the WAP interface leaves much to be desired. While small messages can be read fairly quickly, those containing up to a hundred characters take a long time to scroll through. The speed of data exchange from mobile terminals is also relevant, especially since you have to pay for the time you work with WAP. The last drawback is eliminated new technology GPRS data transfer, which not only increases the exchange speed several times, but also allows you to pay not for time, but for the volume of received information.

For specialists servicing WAP, there are the following problems: sites that users can visit from mobile phones must be constantly adapted. In other words, a WAP site that can be viewed on an 8-line display is no longer suitable for a 4-line display, and it must be rewritten in a special version.

WAP technology in its modern form is still a transitional solution. The developers are already modernizing it, eliminating the original shortcomings. The goals achieved by using WAP may change. However, the general idea of ​​providing information from the Internet to a mobile phone will only continue to evolve. While traveling, a person may need access to familiar email, your financial data, information about institutions of interest in the area where the user is located.

First of all, WAP is a common means of gaining access to Internet resources, only through a mobile phone. In this case, the user does not resort to the help of additional devices (computer, modem). Of course, provided that his phone was not made under Tsar Pea (without a built-in modem and WAP browser). WAP support is available in almost all modern models GSM standard mobile phones.

If, after all, your phone is the same age as pterodactyls, and you want to watch WAP, then there are two ways to watch WAP from a computer (although I don’t understand why you need WAP from a computer if http works fine from a computer, but you know better). So: one way is to use Opera browser. In most cases, this program allows you to view WAP sites. You can also use an emulator, of which there are quite a few.

This is the main difference between WAP and the usual methods of access to the World Wide Web, which provide information exchange and viewing of Web sites (HTTP and TCP/IP protocols). Theoretically, if a mobile phone screen could display as much information as a computer display, then WAP would not exist in the form in which it is provided now. But the displays of mobile phones, even those with high resolution, cannot “accommodate” ordinary Web pages. This is what led to the creation of special ways to allow mobile phone users to use the Internet.

WAP protocol is a description of exactly how data is transferred from the Internet to a mobile phone and back. The cell phone memory contains special program- WAP browser, which allows you to receive information from the Internet on the display of your mobile phone.

WAP browser. To use WAP, you must have a mobile phone with a WAP browser. A WAP browser is a program recorded in the phone’s memory and is responsible for exchanging information and displaying it on the display (for the hopelessly backward and (or) amateurs bright examples from life: Internet Explorer - a Web browser for ordinary computers).

Not all phones have a WAP browser (remember King Pea from the above text). However, it is not only the presence of a WAP browser that is important, but also its version (modification). There are currently four of them: version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0. Version 1.0. has long been outdated and is no longer found almost anywhere, including in our country. Therefore, when purchasing a cell phone that can work with WAP, you must find out which version of this protocol a particular phone supports.

WAP resources. With the advent of the WAP protocol, subscribers of cellular networks were able to use a number of services on special WAP sites, for example: e-mail, electronic stores, booking tickets and hotel rooms, access to their bank account, information channels (news, weather forecast , exchange rates, etc.) and even an electronic guide. More and more WAP resources are appearing on the World Wide Web every day. For many popular Web sites, their WAP twins have been created, which provide “mobile” users with the same set of services. One example: the email site www.mail.ru has a WAP version of wap.mail.ru.

The display of WAP sites on the display of a mobile phone is characterized by insufficient graphics and animation (this is due to the low screen resolution and low data transfer speed over communication channels, but this drawback has already been overcome; it’s just a matter of introducing new developments). Typically, four lines are used to display information on a cell phone screen. The main principle of presenting information on a cell phone is dividing the data into small blocks the size of two or three WAP phone screens. This could be information about exchange rates, securities quotes, or, for example, a small letter...

In order for information from the Internet to be displayed on the screen of a mobile phone, information resource(the site) must be written in a special language WML (wireless markup language). Unfortunately, sites written in ordinary language HTML programming, cannot be displayed using the WAP protocol.

Operators. There is one more prerequisite for using WAP - that the local mobile operator supports mobile Internet services. To connect to WAP, you must order a data service from your network operator. Payment for the service will be made according to the data transfer tariffs of this operator.

The number of WAP sites on the world wide web is increasing every day, which provides subscribers with cellular communication more and more possibilities. Feeling the demand for information services, more and more companies are now creating two resources on the Internet at once - a regular WEB site and a mirror WAP site.

But with the introduction of WAP, its disadvantages also became apparent. If a specialist is interested in the process itself, then the average user is interested in the end result. Both categories agree on one thing: WAP as it exists today requires serious improvement. For example: due to the small size of the displays, the WAP interface leaves much to be desired. While small messages can be read fairly quickly, those containing up to a hundred characters take a long time to scroll through. The speed of data exchange from mobile terminals is also relevant, especially since you have to pay for the time you work with WAP...

WAP technology in its modern form is still a transitional solution. The developers are already modernizing it, eliminating the original shortcomings. The goals achieved by using WAP may change. However, the general idea of ​​providing information from the Internet to a mobile phone will only continue to evolve.

Considering the number of mobile phones currently in use around the world, we can say that the market for services aimed at owners of these phones is very, very large. Even simple services are used a huge amount people, especially if they are useful. Ability to receive news, send mail messages or just having fun wherever you are is quite attractive to most people. Therefore, you should not think of WAP as something inaccessible and unrealistic.

First of all, WAP is a means of gaining access to Internet resources via a mobile phone. In this case, the user does not resort to the help of any additional devices, such as a computer or modem. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is a protocol, or technical standard, that describes the way information from the Internet is transferred to a small mobile phone display. This is the main difference between WAP and the usual methods of access to the World Wide Web, which provide information exchange and viewing of Web sites (HTTP and TCP/IP protocols). Theoretically, if a mobile phone screen could display as much information as a computer display, then WAP would not exist in the form in which it is provided now. But the displays of mobile phones, even those with high resolution, cannot “accommodate” ordinary Web pages. This is what led to the creation of special ways to allow mobile phone users to use the Internet.

1.2 WAP browser

To use WAP, you must have a mobile phone with a WAP browser. WAP - browser, is a program recorded in the phone's memory and is responsible for exchanging information and displaying it on the display (Internet Explorer - Web browser for ordinary computers). Not all phones have a WAP browser. However, it is important not only the presence of a WAP browser, but also its version (modification). There are currently four of them: version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0. Version 1.0. has long been outdated and is no longer found almost anywhere, including in our country, and the latest WAP 1.2 and 2.0 are not yet in use. Therefore, when buying a cell phone that can work with WAP, you must find out which version of this protocol a particular phone supports. For example, many owners of the Siemens S25 phone were very disappointed by the news that their phone, although proudly called “supporting the WAP protocol,” in fact “supported” something completely different from what was needed, namely the same ill-fated 1.0 standard. Sad for the owners. A lesson for potential buyers... Owners of phones with WAP 1.1 have no less problems. These tubes must be pre-configured, which is technically not very easy.

By and large, the operation of a WAP phone on the Internet is fundamentally no different from the operation of a simple browser with simple server. In addition to standard communication via the TCP/IP protocol, there is a WAP-Gateway router, whose task is to translate WAP phone requests into standard HTTP form.

Unfortunately, the size of a mobile phone screen (or fortunately, it’s like carrying a monitor in your pocket) is much smaller than a standard 15-inch monitor, so a regular HTML page won’t fit on the screen. In order to read the text (the WAP phone does not display graphics), you will have to scroll the page, for example, 15 screens to the left, which, in my opinion, is not very convenient. Fortunately for users, WAP terminals exist, albeit in small numbers special pages written in WML (Wireless Markup Language) - a markup language for wireless devices. Unfortunately, this language does not completely solve the problem, since a page for, for example, a four-line screen must be written differently than for a three-line screen, so WAP page developers have to optimize them for different types of phones.

1.3 WAP resources

What opportunities are open to the owner of a WAP-enabled phone? With the advent of the WAP protocol, subscribers of cellular networks were able to use a number of services on special WAP sites: such as e-mail, electronic stores, booking tickets and hotel rooms, access to their bank account, information channels (news, weather forecast , exchange rates, etc.) and even an electronic guide. More and more WAP resources appear on the World Wide Web every day. Many popular Web sites have WAP twins that provide mobile users with the same set of services. One example: the email site http://www.mail.ru has a WAP version wap.mail.ru. For those who want to evaluate this or that WAP site without leaving their computer, there are WAP emulators that allow you to reproduce the work with WAP on the display of your mobile phone. It looks like this: The display of WAP sites on the display of a mobile phone is characterized by insufficient graphics and animation (this is due to the low screen resolution and low data transfer speed over communication channels, but this drawback has already been overcome, it’s just a matter of introducing new developments). Typically, four lines are used to display information on a cell phone screen. The main principle of presenting information on a cell phone is dividing the data into small blocks the size of two or three WAP phone screens. This could be information about exchange rates, securities quotes, or, for example, a short letter.

1.4 Operators

There is one more prerequisite for using WAP - that the local mobile operator supports mobile Internet services. Not all telecom operators operating in Russia and abroad provide WAP. To connect to WAP, you must order a data service from your network operator. Payment for the service will be made according to the data transfer tariffs of this operator. There you will find links to the Internet pages of these operators and summary these pages. So, in order to use mobile Internet services “through” WAP, you need to connect a device with a WAP browser version 1.1 to the network of an operator that supports WAP. If this is done, then it is enough to know the necessary WAP resources in order to quickly receive the necessary information.

1.5 Prospects for WAP

With the introduction of WAP, its advantages and disadvantages were revealed. Both specialists and ordinary users express their opinions about it, for whom it is not so much the process that is important, but the end result. An objective assessment is this: WAP in the form in which it exists now requires serious improvement. Here we make a few comments.

Due to the small size of the displays, the WAP interface leaves much to be desired. While small messages can be read fairly quickly, those containing up to a hundred characters take a long time to scroll through. The speed of data exchange from mobile terminals is also relevant, especially since you have to pay for the time you work with WAP... The last drawback is eliminated by the new GPRS data transfer technology, which not only increases the exchange speed several times, but also allows you to pay not for time, but for volume received information.

For specialists servicing WAP, there are the following problems: sites that users can visit from mobile phones must be constantly adapted. In other words, a WAP site that can be viewed on an 8-line display is no longer suitable for a 4-line display, and it must be rewritten in a special version.

WAP technology in its modern form is still a transitional solution. The developers are already modernizing it, eliminating the original shortcomings. The goals achieved by using WAP may change. However, the general idea of ​​providing information from the Internet to a mobile phone will only continue to evolve. While traveling, a person may need access to his usual e-mail, his financial data, and information about institutions of interest in the area where the user is located. The list of services can be continued for a long time.

Transmitted to the mobile phone display.

Theoretically, if a mobile phone screen could display the same variety of information as a computer display, then WAP would be no different from displaying regular WEB pages. But since the screen resolution of the mobile phone display is small, the display of WAP sites has insufficient graphics and animation, and the amount of information is reduced to the necessary minimum.

History of WAP

Today there is a situation where, when setting up Internet access on a mobile phone, the cellular operator sends wap settings, in particular an access point starting with “wap.”. Since wap traffic is usually much more expensive

WAP 2.0

WAP 2.0 is an improved version of WAP that uses a shortened version of CSS, which means that the WAP 2.0 site can be viewed using a regular browser on a computer without installing any additional plugins, etc.

XHTML Mobile Profile (XHTML MP) is a WAP 2.0 markup language designed to work on mobile devices. The WAP version of CSS is called WAP CSS and is supported by XHTML MP.

WAP 2.0 compatible previous versions WAP.

WAP architecture

WAP developers tried to make the most of existing technology World Wide Web. Therefore, the WAP architecture is very similar to the WWW architecture. WAP uses the same method of addressing resources as WWW, and the same data type designations.

WAP has its own analogues of JavaScript. Acts as a client mobile device with a built-in WAP browser (see also WAP site). Requests from it go to the WAP gateway, which, having received data from the server, sends it to the client. The most common Web server can act as a server. In this case, PHP, CGI, etc. protocol is used between the WAP gateway and the server.

The functions of the WAP gateway include converting requests from the WAP protocol format to the WWW protocol format and vice versa, as well as data conversion in order to optimize traffic.

To reduce the amount of data transmitted over wireless network data, text resources coming from the server are transferred to the client in binary form.

The WAP gateway can also perform some of the server functions. At the same time, if all the necessary functionality is transferred to the gateway, external Web servers may not be needed.

Cellular companies in Russia providing WAP access

Almost everyone mobile operator provides WAP service to its subscribers. The most popular operators:

  • Yeniseitelecom


See also


    • WAP Specifications

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Ratification

See what "WAP" is in other dictionaries:

    WAP 1.2.1

    WAP 2.0- WAP (Wireless Application) Protocol wireless access) is a means of gaining access to Internet resources using only a mobile phone, without resorting to a computer and/or modem. Essentially this is a technical standard... ... Wikipedia

    Wap- [wap] n. m. 1998; sigle angl., de Wreless Application Protocol « protocole pour application sans fil » ♦ English. Technologie permettant d accéder depuis un telephone mobile aux services offerts par Internet. Le WAP, le Wap. ● WAP nom masculin … Encyclopédie Universelle

    WAP- WẠP〈a. Abk. für engl.〉 Wireless Application Protocol, Einrichtung, mit der über Mobiltelefone Internetseiten abrufbar sind * * * WẠP , das; s meist ohne Art. :… …Universal-Lexikon

    wap- wap·a·too; wap·en·take; wap·pen·schaw·ing; wap·per jawed; wap·pin·ger; wappo; wap; wap·pen·schaw; …English syllables

    WAP- noun TELECOMMUNICATIONS wireless application protocol a system for sending and receiving messages and connecting to the Internet using radio waves. WAP makes it possible for electronic equipment that is not physically attached… Financial and business terms