Wan connector. What is a local area network LAN

Today we'll talk about what the WAN port of the router is. How to configure a WAN port? How is it different from a LAN port? Let's try to figure it out... This decision actively used to connect routers and routers to the Internet. Stable job equipment can ensure the correct channel configuration.

Sequence of actions

Let's look at the WAN port settings. First of all, you need to connect the router to the network. With the help network cable, which is usually included in the kit, you need to connect the LAN port of the router to the network card of the laptop or desktop computer. After this, you can turn on both devices. Wait until your PC finishes booting. Now open the Internet browser window. Here you will need to enter the IP address of your router. You can find out the meaning of the IP address in the operating manual. After that click on Enter button. The WEB interface of the equipment will begin loading. When it completes, you will need to perform some actions in the browser.

Working with an Internet Browser

For WAN settings port you will need to enter your login and password. This will allow you to access the router settings. Open the WAN menu. In some cases it may also be called Setup or Internet. Here you will need to fill in all the fields of the proposed table. Select the data transfer protocol type, such as L2TP or PPTP.

Specify the encryption type. This is necessary if your provider supports this function. Enter the IP of the Internet server or access point. Fill in the “Login” and “Password” fields. This information can be obtained from your Internet service provider. Check the box next to the item used for automatic receipt DNS server addresses. If necessary, enter for the router static IP address you need to fill in the Static IP column.

Saving settings

To activate the DHCP, NAT and Firewall functions, you need to check the boxes next to the corresponding items. You may not use some parameters if you do not plan to connect more than one PC to the equipment. In order to configure the WNA port, you need to click “Save”. After this, reboot your router. For this purpose you can use special function in the menu or simply restart the device. After this, connect the cable from your provider to the WAN port and check the functionality of the device. Now you can launch the browser and open several pages in it.

What's the difference?

Well, we've sorted out the setup. Now let's check the difference between a WAN port and a LAN port. Typically, a router has one port of the first type and several ports of the second type. They look exactly the same. To provide correct operation devices, it is important not to confuse these two types of ports. WAN implies connection to a global computer network, covering many computer systems all over the world, and LAN is the usual local connection, which includes several more personal computers.

So the difference between these two ports is the purpose. WAN is used to connect to an external network. Its participants interact with each other taking into account the speed of information transfer. The Internet is by far the most famous WAN network. It is for this reason that on routers today you can often find a port with such an abbreviation. To connect to the local network it is used LAN port. When using a LAN connection, a direct topology is used. The WAN network is built on a mixed hierarchical topology. These channels also differ in the data transfer protocols used.

The forums don’t very often consider the question of how to use a router if the only WAN port burns out. By the way, similar phenomenon– is not uncommon, but the essence of the fight against its consequences is not clear to everyone. To put it simply, we want to combine several hardware ports into a switch, one of which will be the burned one WAN port. What to do next is clear to everyone: just connect the provider’s cord to another connector. The problem is that not all firmware supports creating a switch between LAN and WAN. And sometimes this is physically impossible - in some chipsets, LAN ports are combined into a hardware switch.

Network router, 5 Ethernet connectors

So, we can come to the conclusion that there are two classes of routers:

  • With built-in “iron” switch
  • With five independent ports (or three, depending on your luck).

We are not interested in the first class; nothing can be fixed here. And in more expensive devices, where all ports “hang” on independent Ethernet controllers, the “STB IPTV” option is usually provided. Its presence, as you may have guessed, makes it possible to create a switch between the WAN port and one of the LAN ports. How to use this option in relation to our goals, will be discussed further.

Professional routers and ZyXEL

Any professional-level router is equipped with a sufficient number of Ethernet controllers. Therefore, any of the Ethernet connectors can easily be used as a WAN port, there’s not even anything to talk about. ZyXEL Keenetic routers have a similar property if they use second-generation firmware. Having entered the web interface, just open the “Internet” tab -> “IPoE” and click on the “ISP” line:

IPoE connection setup page

A tab will open in front of you, where in one click you can select which connector should become a WAN port:

Checking the “Use connector” checkbox

Don't forget to click "Apply" when finished.

It would be stupid if the first generation firmware did not have such capabilities. If your Keenetic router belongs to generation "1", just open the "tab" Home network» –> “IP-TV”:

STB port selection tab

Here, that is, on the specified tab, we select in top list option “Assign LAN connector" It remains to indicate which of the connectors will replace the WAN port. Click “Apply” and connect the provider’s cord to the LAN port indicated in the lower list.

For greater reliability, it is better to first check the box marked with the phrase “Only for the receiver.”

ASUS, TP-Link, D-Link devices

As you understand, in some web interfaces you need to specify the LAN port intended for the STB set-top box. It is then used as a WAN port. In more modern interfaces, everything is arranged “honestly”: here we simply choose which connector the provider’s cord is connected to. But sometimes both of these options are missing. This is almost always due to the fact that the chipset is equipped with only two Ethernet controllers. In general, it is better to start repairs by searching for information about the chipset.

D-Link: combining ports 4, 5

In the interface D-Link routers All hardware ports are designated by a number. We must create a switch that combines two elements: the fourth, the fifth. To do this, on the “Connections” tab, first get rid of the WAN connection:

How to delete an active connection

All further actions are performed on another tab called “Advanced” -> “VLAN”.

So, when you open the “VLAN” page, you will see two lists. We need to rearrange the interfaces the way we need them:

Click on the “lan” rectangle, select the “port4” line, click the “Delete port” button and save the changes.

“Port4” is removed from “lan”

Add "port4" to "wan"

All that remains is to find the “Port” list in the tab that opens, select “port4” in it, and save the changes. After clicking on the “Save” button located at the top, you can configure again WAN connection on the Connections tab (click Add).

We looked at how the merger is done WAN connectors and LAN4 into the switch. However, on home page you could select “IPTV Wizard” to specify which port is used for the STB set-top box.

Connect STB, ASUS interface

On devices ASUS you can specify what will be used to connect the set-top box. Thus, you can combine a couple of ports into a switch, including WAN. If the interface contains an item designated “IPTV”, you should use this:

“Additional settings” –> “WAN” –> “IPTV”

“Advanced settings” –> “WAN” –> “Internet”

The list with an arrow is what we need. Select one of the connectors.

Note that there is no point in opening Internet settings if in your case there is an “IPTV” tab available.

That is, the “Select STB port...” list is never duplicated. But he may be absent altogether. We looked at what causes this.

TP-Link routers: turn on the switch

Once upon a time there was a TP-Link router model TL-WR340GD revision 3.1. After the WAN connector burned out, the firmware was updated. Its version numbered V3_110701, as it turned out, contains the “Bridge” menu item. When you go to this tab, you will find this:

Forced creation of a WAN-LAN4 switch

Of course, a fourth port was specified so as not to take up many connectors, and after saving the settings, the device was successfully connected to the provider.

Everyone knows that the interface TP-Link routers, no matter what model we are talking about, it always looks the same.

This means that you need to look for the “Bridge” element in the “Network” menu, and if it is there, use the capabilities of the router. If the specified tab is missing, you can update the software, but it is not a fact that a new option will appear. Not all devices can work with a redundant connector in principle. We have already talked about this.

Checking the functionality of the hardware port

Hello friends! A month ago, our reader Vitaly I encountered an interesting problem: after a thunderstorm, his router stopped working. What exactly happened, and most importantly, what solution was found, today’s article is about all this. The narration is told in the first person.

Somewhere in July of this year there was a severe thunderstorm and my microwave oven broke down that day, music center(which I used to play audio from the computer) and the Internet disappeared. What’s interesting is that I checked the fuses at the furnace and the center - they were intact! I sent it in for repairs: in both cases the transformer windings burned out. I’m not particularly specialized in electronics, and it remains a mystery to me why the fuses are intact, but the windings of the transformers burned out. By the way, they have already been repaired and are back in operation.I began to understand the Internet. My Internet is distributed through a Zyxel router Keenetic GIGA. I clicked on diagnosing network problems, and I got the error DNS server is not responding.Googled it possible solutions this problem - I scoured the entire Internet in search, but nothing helped. I really tried everything I found on this problem. Interestingly, I could enter the router settings interface, change settings, save them, and do other actions, but there was no Internet access, although the network was working.

I contacted the provider, he fiddled with himself and said that everything was fine on his side. I contacted Keenetic technical support, described the problem, and they advised me of an unusual solution. It consists of the following: upon purchase Zyxel router Keenetic GIGA had the first version of firmware, its interface is like this.

Everything is very clear and informative and I’m used to it, but it existed for Zyxel Keenetic GIGA and the experimental version of the firmware version v2 (on GIGA II and GIGA III it has already become the main one) and I was advised to flash it. The idea was that the second version allowed assign one of the four LAN ports as WAN, to which the Internet cable fits. I updated the router to the second version and in the settings assigned the first LAN port as the WAN port.

In principle, I could assign any of the LAN ports. The cable from the computer's network card was plugged into the third LAN port.

I checked the network diagnostics - the situation is the same - the DNS server is unavailable. I contacted the provider again - within three minutes my Internet was working! Nevertheless, in this situation, I again tried to assign the router’s WAN port to connect to the Internet, but the result was negative - the network worked, but there was no Internet.

That is, as a result of a thunderstorm, the WAN port of the router failed and if not unique opportunity reassignment of the port - it would hardly be possible to return it to operation. By the way, this router has two USB ports, which greatly expanded its capabilities, but as a result of the thunderstorm, they, unfortunately, also failed. But the main thing is that I have the Internet!

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Today we will talk about various types networks such as local area networks (LANs), examples of which can be found in organizations, educational campuses or even at home, wide area networks (WANs), the most prominent example here is the Internet, network complexes or internetworks, i.e. . combining, for example, several local networks into a larger regional network. You will also learn what an intranet is and become familiar with network views.

Local Networks (LAN)

Network infrastructures can vary quite significantly in terms of:

  • Network coverage size
  • Number of connected users
  • Number and type of services available

Typically extends over a single geographic area, providing services and applications to people within a common organizational structure, such as a single enterprise, campus, or region. This type of network is called . A LAN network is usually administered by a single organization. Administrative controls that manage security and access control policies are implemented at the network level.

Regional (Global) Networks

When a company or organization has multiple locations that are separated by large geographic distances, it may need to use a telecommunications service provider (TSP) to connect LANs located in different locations to each other. Telecommunications service providers operate large regional networks that can extend over long distances. Traditionally, TSPs carried voice and data services on separate networks. Now, increasingly, these providers offer services to their clients.

Individual organizations typically use leased connections to a telecommunications service provider's network. These networks, which connect LANs in geographically separated locations, are called Wide Area Networks (WANs). Although the organization maintains all LAN policies and administration on both sides of the connection, the policies within the communications service provider's network are controlled TSP.

WAN networks use specially designed networks that connect LANs to each other. Because of the importance of these devices to the network, configuring, installing, and maintaining these devices are integral skills for an enterprise network.

LAN and WAN networks are very useful for individual organizations. They connect users within an organization. They provide services including email exchanges, corporate training, and other resource exchanges.

Internet – Network of Networks

While there are benefits to using a LAN or WAN, most of us need to interact with resources on another network outside of our local organization.

Examples of this type of communication include:

  • Sending emails friend from another country
  • Access news and products on the website
  • Receiving a file from a neighbor's computer
  • Exchange with a relative from another city
  • Monitoring the achievements of your favorite sports team on your cell phone

Network Complexes (Network Associations)

A global web of interconnected networks (network complexes) serves. Some of these interconnected networks are owned and intended exclusively for use by large public and private organizations, such as government agencies or industries. The largest well-known and widely used public interconnected network is the Internet.

The Internet consists of interconnected networks that belong to Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These ISP networks connect to each other, providing access to millions of users around the world. Assurance across this diverse infrastructure requires the use of consistent and recognized systems, as well as the cooperation of multiple network administration agencies.


Term intranet often used to refer to a private connection of LAN and WAN networks belonging to one organization that are designed to be accessible only by that organization's members, workers, and other authorized users.

Note: The following terms can be used interchangeably: internetwork (network complex, network aggregation, complex of interconnected networks), data network and simply network. The connection of two or more data networks forms an interconnected network - a network of networks. It is also common to refer to an internetwork as a data network - or simply a network - when considering communications across top level. This use of terms depends on context and the terms may be used interchangeably.

Network Views

When transporting complex information, such as when providing network connection and the operation of a large interconnected network, it is useful to use visual representations and graphics. Like any other language, the language of networks uses a well-known set of symbols (notations) to represent various , and . Ability to recognize logical representations of physical network components is decisive for the ability to represent the organization and operation of a network.

In addition to representing networks using special notations, special terminology is used when discussing how each of these devices and connections connects to each other. It is important to remember the following terms:

Map Network Interface (English Network Interface Card or NIC) or LAN adapter, provides physical connection to the network of a computer or other device host. , connect directly to network cards(NIC).

Today, many users are looking for the following information on the Internet: LAN – what is it and why is it needed? Of course, in worldwide network you can find a very simple and short definition.

It sounds like this: LAN is local network. That's it.

But this decryption gives absolutely nothing, especially if a novice user has to deal with this.

In fact, this approach to the matter only complicates the whole situation. Therefore, we will try to explain what LAN is, in simple language, so that even a child can understand it.

If you still don’t understand something, write about it in the comments, we will be happy to answer all your questions. So let's start with a simple theory.

Theoretical page

So LAN stands for Local Area Network. This actually translates to .

To put it simply, a LAN is several interconnected computers and other devices that can connect to the network.

And they are connected to each other either using cables or using . In Figure 1 you can see quite shining example local network.

Rice. 1. LAN example

As you can see, the main element of the network here is a router that is connected to the Internet (WAN). Remember this abbreviation, we will talk about it later.

For now, let’s look at the diagram shown above. On it, numbers indicate network segments, specifically:

3. DVD player connected to the router using a cable. For this purpose, the router has special LAN connectors, which are usually marked in yellow. In most cases there are 4 such connectors.

As we said above, a LAN connector is used to connect to the router via cable. We can see this in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Router - rear view

As you can see, everything is standard in this model - 4 LAN connectors, but there is one more and it is already different in blue.

Actually, this is the WAN (remember, we said that this concept needs to be remembered?). To more accurately understand what a LAN is, you can compare it with this very WAN.

By the way: Both LAN and WAN are connected via the most common cable with an RJ45 tip, shown in Figure 4. Above we said that, for example, segment No. 3 in Figure 1, that is, a DVD player, is connected to the router with using a cable. This cable is a regular twisted pair with RJ45 lugs on both sides. It's that simple!

Rice. 4. RJ45 tip

Comparing LAN and WAN

Let's start with what a WAN actually is. Again, to put it simply, this is the Internet. That is, it is the same network, but not local, like LAN, but global.

It includes all devices and millions of local networks. WAN stands for Wide Area Network.

Through this very network, each user can access the resources of another computer or other device that can be connected to the network.

By the way: This information is stored on servers. To put it simply, it's huge amount high-capacity disks collected into one large device that can provide this information.

Rice. 5. Example of a working server

Differences between LAN and WAN:

  1. Dimensions. Typically, a local network covers small areas, for example, an apartment or some kind of industrial premises. But global network spreads over the entire surface globe.
  2. Number of users. Of course, many people can connect to the global network more people than to the local one. There, the equipment used is much more powerful, and in general, a lot of people usually connect. This is what we are counting on.
  3. Type of services. Local networks have own services, such as a file access service, a printer service, and so on, in general, everything that is needed for small network. But in the global network, for example, a routing service is used (determining the route for information to follow across network nodes) and much more, which is necessary for working in large networks.

As for the distance or area that these two types of networks can cover, we have already said above that the global network extends over the entire surface of the globe.

Accordingly, it can also work on distant spaceships if they are connected to any device within this network.

So, it’s interesting that local networks can also reach quite large sizes

The largest such network to date had devices that were located at a distance of 14,000 km from each other. These were space stations and orbital centers.

Although usually a local network covers the same offices, houses, firms or a small group of buildings.