What is an iPhone? Fundamental differences between the iPhone and a regular phone or smartphone. Iphone VS Smartphones

What an iPhone is, what makes it unique and its main advantages is not clear to every user. Essentially, this is the same smartphone as many others presented on international markets, only with company logo Apple. However, if you “dig deeper”, it becomes absolutely clear that this is much more unique product than it seems at first glance.

iPhone: what is it?

The history of the brand has repeatedly become a script for filming films and is known to almost everyone, so it is likely that you know what Apple is. This is an American brand of world-famous gadgets and the “brainchild” of Steve Jobs himself, who, together with a team of developers, came up with a whole line of devices and technologies for various purposes.

iPhone is a unique product Apple, the first version of which first appeared before the whole world in 2007. The famous prefix “i” (“Ay”) is not commented on by the manufacturer in any way (according to at least, in official Apple sources), however, it is likely consistent with one of the following hypotheses:

  1. “i” in English means “I”, which means it could be a reference to the personification of the user. It’s not for nothing that the brand’s slogan is “Be different.”
  2. “i” – “Internet”. In 1996, phones were first released, combined with Internet modems and carried name I-Phone. But the manufacturer was not Apple, but Tranbon Electronic Industrial Co., which for some reason decided not to patent the now famous name of the gadget. Apple did not miss this chance and registered this name as its intellectual property.
  3. “i” – “Individual”.

How is the iPhone different from other smartphones?

If you know, then you will understand the essence of the iPhone: most of the functions are quite similar and have no fundamental differences, but some of them are still important:

  1. Operating system iOS. This is also a unique Apple product that is only applicable to iPhones. Other modern smartphones, usually run on Android OS or Windows OS. Thanks to it, the entire range of functions and useful applications is fundamentally different from similar functions and applications of the same Android. You won't find it in any other device or gadget. operating system iOS, except in Apple products.
  2. No viruses. Yes, yes, an iPhone cannot be infected with viruses. All applications can only be downloaded through the AppStore, which is also controlled by Apple. That, in turn, does not allow dangerous, malicious or simply suspicious files to pass through the application store.
  3. Design. For a long time The “highlight” of iPhones was their unique design, but as they spread Chinese smartphones You won’t surprise anyone with a metal body and glass panels.

Over the ten years of existence of such a concept as “Apple’s iPhone”, 7 generations of this amazing gadget have been released (in addition to improved versions with the prefix S, Plus, etc.), however, the release of “is not far off.”

Smartphone or iPhone, what to choose? This question often arises among people who find themselves choosing a mobile device. To answer this you need to clearly know what these two devices are.


A smartphone is a smarter mobile phone. If using a mobile phone you can only make calls, write SMS, listen to music and do a couple more things, for example, set an alarm clock or calculate something on a calculator, then a smartphone opens up broader prospects for the user.

Modern smartphones have either touch input or the ability to combine it with a full slide-out keyboard. Accordingly, using a smartphone, you can go online, do some work, type text, watch a movie, play a game and do many other useful and not so useful things. All modern smartphones have quite impressive characteristics. For example, the processors in many devices have from 2 to 8 cores, which is not always possible to see in a laptop, for which 2 cores are still considered normal. RAM in smartphones ranges from 1 to 3 gigabytes. Smartphones have large screens, relatively large amounts of memory, with their help you can make professional high quality photos, shoot video.

In addition to all this, even the most inexpensive smartphone will allow the owner to use it throughout the day without recharging. All smartphones have their own operating system. Until recently, the most popular systems were considered to be from famous corporation Google, which is called Android. A few years ago the world saw phones with operating Windows system, this is not the first attempt to produce smartphones on this system, but, probably, the first one is quite successful. In addition to these two systems, there are several less common and to some extent outdated systems - Bada from Samsung, Symbian from Nokia, BlackBerry OS from BlackBerry. Each of them has its own nuances, but we are not talking about them now.


To put it quite simply, then iPhone is a smartphone from Apple with iOS operating system. That is, the iPhone differs from other smartphones only in its operating system. To some extent this is true, but if you dig deeper, you can find more differences. They won't be too significant, but they are there.

In addition to the operating system, about which we'll talk Later, Apple smartphones differ significantly in characteristics from their counterparts on other systems. If we compare the technical data of the top-end iPhone and flagship models others famous manufacturers, then you can see that the latter are significantly superior to the former. The question arises why then it is difficult for some people to make a choice. The answer is that the iPhone offers a fundamentally different service and usability.

Even with its low characteristics, everything iPhone models work better and more stable than smartphones from other manufacturers. The secret lies in the fact that Apple has developed an operating system that does not require high device performance, but works much better. Freezes, errors or viruses are words that are not familiar to users apple products. All applications that are created for Apple technology undergo many tests before entering the application store and only after that they become accessible to users. On the one hand, such a control system makes the iPhone application store much smaller, but on the other hand, users can be sure that they receive only high-quality applications.

Besides iPhone applications beautifully synchronizes with other devices in the house, be it iPad, iPod, MacBook. Synchronization different devices Other equipment manufacturers also have it, but only Apple has achieved very high level comfort. If you install one on all devices account, then all data can be easily moved from one device to another.

Despite all the advantages, American technology also has its disadvantages. To be honest, it’s difficult to call them disadvantages, since this is rather a disadvantage for Russia, where people are accustomed to free content and having to pay for books, music, apps or movies seems crazy. However, as stated above, the iPhone only supports native applications, which are mostly paid. This can be said about music as well as films. Yes you can download them for free from third party sources, but the easiest way to do this is through the native iTunes store.

iPhone Pros:

  • Quality.
  • Reliability.
  • Work stability.
  • Convenience.
  • Stylish devices.
  • High price of equipment.
  • Inability to expand memory.
  • Poor synchronization with devices and operating systems of other companies.
  • Having to pay for apps and content.

Comparison of iPhone and smartphones

It is impossible to select one device from these two. If speak about inexpensive smartphones, then it is obvious that Apple’s technology is a cut above, but at the same time it is much more expensive. If we compare smartphones from famous manufacturers from the corresponding iPhone price segment, then they can argue. The fact is that the quality and ease of use will not be inferior to American smartphones, and in some cases even surpass them.

The iPhone is suitable for those people who can afford to spend a significant amount of money on technology and also appreciate a conservative, strict design. Except that iPhone not suitable for lovers of bright things, because for all the years of production of these devices, there was only one model that had a bright body, and then manufacturers were the first and last time moved away from their usual metal body towards plastic.

For those who do not consider themselves to be in the above category of people, it is best to stick to smartphones from well-known world brands. Surely they will appreciate the ease of use, as well as the very ample opportunities these phones.

An interesting video comparison of one of the most powerful smartphones and iPhone:

What to choose: Samsung Android or iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, iPhone 4? Which one is cooler and safer. This question remains unanswered as both types have their pros and cons. The iPhone is not only expensive, it is very expensive, but Android is not only for the poor. Now this comparison is outdated - some flagship Android devices are close to the price of an iPhone.

Although Apple is still the largest and most powerful technology company in the world, it has only recently responded to trends and technological innovations.

First waterproof smartphone this company became the iPhone 7. This solution has already been used for a long time in Android Xperia Z1. A similar case with dual camera in iPhone 7 Plus - this solution is successfully used in Android.

Android also has features that you won't find in iOS - external cards memory, dual SIM card, wireless charger, fast loading- this is just the beginning of the list, but you will not find all these functions together in any device.

Let's be honest - most owners iOS smartphones or Android, are not demanding users. The phone works, it has everything you need, including applications especially for Android, which has 84 percent market share.

Therefore, any self-respecting developer would like to be in his place, especially since Gmail, Maps, Chrome, virtual assistant and even the keyboard is better than Apple analogues. In addition to the price, this closed system Apple and open, in android - third party manufacturers can add their services.

However, iOS has an advantage in some aspects, such as security and guaranteed updates, and iPhones work like Swiss watches.

When a company provides new system update, it immediately appears to users. It even includes older models - like the latest iOS version 10 is also available for users of the iPhone 5 which came out a few years ago.

In Android, updates to older models are rarely seen. Additionally, updates often have to wait for the manufacturer to update their overlay.

Apple users are statistically more likely to pay (if you have money for an expensive phone, you will also have money to buy apps or games).

My observations - choose iPhone or Android

In 2007, Apple presented its development and thus began the battle: “iPhone versus Android and Microsoft.” At first it was not difficult, but more than 6 years have passed since the presentation of the first HTC android smartphone Dream, better known as Era G1.

This allowed Google devices to spread their wings and in many ways overtake Apple. Here are some reasons why Android smartphones beat the iPhone.

Choosing between Android and iPhone – changes and stores

Android allows the user to truly choose every element, to suit every taste - starting with wallpaper, going through icons, and ending with a complete system change.

In the case of an iPhone, you can’t make so many changes, although if there is a Jailbreak, then the road is open for changes.

As for their stores, for some time the play brand has officially surpassed App Store in count available applications.

The only problem and eternal struggle is where there is a lot of everything - there is also a lot of garbage. Personally I think that Play Store has great alternatives paid games and programs.

What's cooler: iPhone or Android - replaceable batteries and memory cards

Today's smartphones are lightweight, but life cycle occurs through daily charging, which means that after about a year of intensive use, the battery should be replaced with a new one.

In most Android devices, you can simply open the flip and replace the power source. On an iPhone, this task seriously interferes with the device and voids the warranty.

While modern smartphones have up to 128 GB of internal memory, there are still definitely more popular models equipped with 16 GB or even 4 GB.

Without the ability to use a memory card, this space will quickly be exhausted and I personally, when working with Apple product I see the frustration of users when I have to decide what to delete.

Additionally, the price difference between individual versions is usually disproportionate to how much you can actually spend on the card MicroSD memory good quality.

Which is better to take an Android or an iPhone – prices and equipment

Apple smartphones have been on the market for almost 8 years, but their availability depends on your budget - although the iPhone 4s latest version software do not belong to jet speed.

In turn, we will find many Android phones that offer much more. So, even for a few hundred dollars, thanks to the Chinese initiative, you can find a good functioning device,

Wireless charging, heart rate monitor, dust and waterproof, Various types displays, gestures, additional sensors and much more made in Android missing on the iPhone.

This is similar to NFC, which recently arrived in iOS products, but its capabilities are limited to payments only and it is not available everywhere.

What is the difference between Android and iPhone – iTunes and MicroUSB

Android users cannot imagine that once they connect their phone or tablet to a computer, they will be forced to use additional program to access the built-in memory to transfer photos or music.

In the case of the iPhone, we are limited to iTunes, which often irritates every interaction between the smartphone and the computer. Required Permissions, archives and synchronization, a complex system transmissions and restrictions related to the number of interacting PCs.

Of course have iTunes alternatives, but you need to run it anyway to even transfer the ringtone to your phone.

With MicroUSB we can connect a cable or Charger to our smartphone at any time. This standardization allows you not to spend money on purchasing regular USB cable.

Additionally, if manufacturers decide to use the C-port more widely, big advantage Apple's patent will cease to exist, as will the purpose of its use.

Of course, the iPhone also has its advantages, but the most important of them is long-term support from the manufacturer. Let's summarize.

Bottom line - comparison of Android and iPhone

iOS and Android are currently the most popular operating systems available on mobile devices. According to the analytical report, Android Samsung continues to lead in smartphone sales, with 29 percent of the market. Huawei came in second with 23 percent and Apple with 11 percent.

iOS and Android are very different, so our choice should be guided mainly by our expectations and needs.

First of all, this system gives us a guarantee of continuous software updates. When a company introduces a new product, it automatically appears on all users and equipment, often including older models.

To others plus iOS is compatibility with other devices. Both the operating system, applications, and other devices such as iPad are synchronized. Sharing data between all Apple devices is very easy. In addition, there are many devices on the market that work with iOS smartphones, such as a smart light, sports camera or smart kettle.

Many people also talk about ease of use as one of the advantages of iOS. In fact, this system is not complicated - all applications work quickly and very efficiently. Apple recently introduced tools for people with visual or hearing impairments. Such objects are especially appreciated by the general public.

What are the disadvantages of the Apple device system? First of all, iOS has a small amount of personalization options. Smartphones with this system are definitely intended for people who value design and simplicity more than the advanced configuration of the device.

Because the system is closed, we cannot change the original icons, download other software, or install widgets.

The disadvantage is the relatively high price. Apple devices, still have a higher price even than the flagship Android models. Their price remains at a high level even several months after release.

For whom is it better to choose Android? Most people can boast that he is open system. Thus, the user has the opportunity to independently intervene in the system.

For example, when installing an application from external sources. Due to the openness of the system, users can add their own applications and modifications to the system. You can also download a new one appearance.

Another advantage is the variety of devices. With a full range of phones available in the market, there is something for everyone. Variety also applies to prices - you can now buy devices with similar features to Apple, but at a much lower price.

One of the main disadvantages of this system is low level security. It is not protected from viruses and Trojans. This is mainly due to the ease of installation of software and applications that come from an unfamiliar source.

Another problem is fragmentation. Manufacturers are in no hurry to update and many cheap models will never be seen new version systems. If there is already some update, it is usually only for more expensive models, and soon after release.

An often cited disadvantage is “freezing.” This problem even applies to equipment with even very good parameters. This is mainly due to the lack of system optimization for specific hardware, which causes frequent freezes phone and creates performance problems.

There is no doubt that for one there is an advantage, for others it can be a disadvantage. So for so many years the war between iOS and Android question the choice in favor of one or the other cannot be decided. What about you, which system do you prefer? I'm interested in your opinion!

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We are usually informed about the imminent change of times by gadgets that become more and more advanced every year. In order to win the hearts of mass consumers, many devices need a whole year. As an example, just remember the iPhone, the appearance of which Steve Jobs announced in early 2007. As soon as it appeared on store shelves, this stylish and smart gadget instantly turned into a desired accessory for many. Only a few years have passed since the advent of smartphones and iPhones, and many of us have already managed to change several of these devices.

Faced with the next need to purchase not a simple phone, but a multifunctional one mobile device, many of us wonder what is the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone. Some even joke that iPhone line created for people for whom fashion is more important, but the smartphone is intended for smart users. First, it’s worth deciding that an iPhone is also a smartphone. Actually, the iPhone became the first touchscreen mobile device that combined the functions of an iPod, tablet and communicator. The rest of the phone manufacturers, immediately after the first iPhones entered the market, began creating their own smartphone models, many of which were very similar to Apple products.

Smartphones: what distinguishes and unites them

Let's try to figure out whether there are any fundamental differences between the devices produced by Steve Jobs' company and similar ones from other well-known manufacturers. iPhones, unlike smartphones, have an operating system iOS system. Smart mobile devices from other manufacturers may have a variety of operating systems. Smartphones based on Android are very common and popular now.

For many buyers, a significant disadvantage the first iPhones it was impossible to integrate into devices third party programs and applications. That is, it turned out that only products developed by Apple were suitable for such gadgets.

Until now, a significant part of games and applications are created specifically for devices based on Android, but iPhone manufacturers are starting to develop required applications on one's own.

If we talk about how an iPhone differs from a smartphone and a telephone, then we cannot help but mention the price. Apple products, which undoubtedly have many fans all over the world, are usually more expensive than similar devices from other manufacturers. Although all large companies that produce smartphones and phones also have expensive models. The iPhone is a unique and stylish accessory that takes some getting used to. Those users who often change smartphones are usually more comfortable using Android-based gadgets.

From ordinary mobile phones The iPhone is different in almost the same way as other smartphones. All smartphones, compared to simple phones, have an open operating system. On top of that, phones, as a rule, do not have the multifunctionality that iPhones and smartphones have. The multimedia capabilities of smartphones are usually more advanced than those of basic phones. However, all smart phones are vulnerable to spyware and viruses, so antivirus software must be installed on the device to protect them.