How to disable numbering on individual pages. How to remove page numbering in Word? - numbering methods

Beginners or inexperienced users may have difficulty editing a Word document. Most often, difficulties arise with deleting page numbers. To ensure that this question does not arise again, we advise you to read the instructions below.

For convenience, we have described how to remove page numbers for each version of Word. In addition, in the article you will find information on how to remove numbering only from the first or from some specific page. You can also watch the video, which shows how to remove page numbers in Word 2010.

How to remove page numbers in Word 2003, 2007, 2010

Word 2003

If Word 2003 is installed on your PC, then editing the page numbering in the document is carried out as follows:

If you numbered the sections using the “Insert” - “Page Numbers” menu tab, then in this case:

  • Point the cursor at the page number to make a frame appear.
  • Then click on the frame and activate the “Delete” key.

Word 2007, 2010

Owners of Word 2007 and 2010 can remove numbering using these methods.

Another way is to remove the numbering manually:

  • Hover your mouse over the page number.
  • Double-click.
  • After this, Word will advise you to edit the page.
  • Next, when you activate the “Backspace” key, erase the numbering.
  • Exit the header and footer mode by pressing "Escape" or by double-clicking on an empty field.

How to remove the first page number?

The design of some text documents requires starting numbering from the second page. This is accomplished by a certain sequence of actions (let’s look at Word example 2010):

How to remove a number from a specific page in a Word document?

Some printed texts require numbering to begin again with new sections. In Word, this is feasible if you perform the following step-by-step actions:

You can remove a page break by following.

Removing numbering from all pages

It is possible to eliminate all page numbers in a Word document by following these steps:


  • Open the Insert menu.
  • Select the "Page Numbers" section.
  • Check the “Remove page numbers” box.

Video instruction

The following is a video instruction that visually explains how to remove page numbers from a Word document:

How to remove pagination? You have created a document in Word. If the number of pages in text document does not exceed one, then numbering is not needed. But when creating a book or course work You can't do without page numbering. Requirements are requirements. And when working on documents, page numbering is often simply necessary. But there are times when the numbering is already given, but you don’t need it. Then it must be removed. This is where some users have difficulties. Of course, if you wish, you can deal with this issue yourself, but you don’t always have this desire, and most importantly, time. Page numbering is indicated in . If you have a new version Word, then read about it in the article -. Now let's talk about how to remove page numbering in Word.

Here brief instructions to remove page numbering.

Move the cursor to the numbering of any page of your document and double-click on this number with the mouse. You will see a footer like this:

Now click on the number (mine is one). This figure will now be in this shaded frame.

Press the "" key on your keyboard Backspace"(left arrow key, under the F12 key) and double-click on an empty space of the sheet (for Word 2003) or click the button with a red cross at the top right " Close the header and footer window "(for Word 2007).

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Now you can easily remove pagination at any time. Although in my practice it’s the other way around—more often I have to insert page numbers.

In general, the more you get to know the Word text editor, the more you begin to love it. I can’t even imagine how we managed without this useful program before?

Video clip, How to remove page numbering in Word:

All articles on text editor You can read Word in this section - .


In almost all released Word version from Microsoft Office separation principle page numbers With title page the same. Therefore, the described method will work in Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010/2013 years of manufacture. If you just need to remove the page number from only the first page, then this can be done in a couple of clicks. If you need to remove numbering from two or more pages, then you won’t get away with it in a couple of clicks. But in the second case, everything is done simply, the main thing is to figure it out.

In program versions 2007/2010/2013, the display of the number on the first page is done in the same way. A laconic solution to this issue is described in this article using Office 2007 as an example. The point is worth repeating. Initial situation: in Word document all pages are numbered, regardless of their position (top, bottom, etc.); The task is to remove the number on the first page. To do this, we do the steps below.

1. Click on the number itself on the first (title) page:

2. The menu “ Working with headers and footers» => « Constructor».

3. Check the "".

The issue is resolved. But it’s worth going a little deeper and showing actions in slightly non-standard situations regarding numbering in Word, which follow from general theme material. The most popular questions are:

1. How to continue numbering on the second sheet from one?


2. What should I do if I need to hide the page number on the second page?

To continue counting pages on the second sheet from one, click on the page number (2) and thereby call “ Constructor" In chapter " Working with headers and footers" Then click " Page number format»:

3. To start numbering on the second page from one, in the “Start with” item, select from “ 0 " Thereby Title page will be numbered " 0 ", and since the numbering on it is hidden, the counting will start from the second page and from one.

Next, we will analyze the situation in which it is necessary to remove the numbering up to the second page inclusive or to any other page. This is done by dividing the text into sections and assigning different numbering to them or turning off the numbering.

1. Place the cursor on the page up to which (inclusive) you will need to remove the numbering. For example, you need to remove numbering from the 1st and 2nd pages. In this case, place the cursor anywhere on the 2nd page, because up to it (including it) it will be necessary to remove the numbering.

2. Go to “ Page layout"and insert a section break with the beginning of a new section from next page. By clicking, we create two sections in one document. Now you can create two independent numberings. We need to remove the numbering in the first section, and set the numbering in the second.

Thus, secondary tasks have been resolved. By the way, by creating sections in a document you can do not only different numbering, and for example, make different sheet orientation in each section, this is very necessary when inserting horizontal pictures or tables into a document.

Not every document needs page numbers. Therefore, when users get their hands on typed text, many of them begin to be interested in the question: how to remove page numbering in Word.

There is nothing complicated about this. And after reading this article, you can be convinced of this.

Typically, page numbers are placed in the header and footer area. Therefore, to remove page numbering in Word, you need to go to header and footer editing mode.

If the document is numbered at the top or bottom of the page, move the mouse pointer over the page number so that it becomes an arrow and double-click on it with the left mouse button. The header and footer area will be delimited by a blue dotted line with the text on the left side: "Page header" or "Footer".

Select the page number and press the “Delete” or “Backspace” button on your keyboard.

If the numbering in the document is placed in the page margins, then clicking on it will not switch to the header and footer editing mode. To remove this type of numbering, open the “Insert” tab and click on the button "Page header" or "Footer". Select from drop down menu "Change footer".

The header and footer editing mode will open. Select with your mouse the area that limits the page number and press “Delete” or “Backspace”.

To exit the header-footer editing mode and return to working with text, double-click on the text with the left mouse button.

There is another way that will help remove automatic numbering pages in a document. To do this, open the “Insert” tab and in the “Header and Footers” group, click on the button "Page number". Next, from the drop-down menu select "Remove page numbers".

Page numbers in the document that appear at the top, bottom, or in the margins of pages will be removed.

To remove numbering from the first two pages in Word, do the following. Go to header-footer editing mode: double-click on the number at the top or bottom of the page with the mouse. Next on the tab "Working with headers and footers"– “Designer” check the box "Special footer for the first page". Exit header and footer editing mode.

After this, place the cursor at the end of the text on the first page of the document. Go to the tab "Page layout"– “Breaks” and select from the menu "Next page".

As a result, the numbering from the second page in Word will be removed.

Now you should not have any questions about how to remove page numbering in Word 2007, Word 2010 and later versions. In addition, we figured out how to remove numbering from the first page or from the first two pages in a document.

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Many users find it very difficult to remove page numbers in Word. Problems arise with the placement of numbers, the page number, or the style of the footer. In this article we will figure out how to remove numbering on some pages in Word or from the entire document.

How to remove a number from the title page?

To remove a number from the first page, You need:

1. In the main menu, click on the “Insert” section.

2. Then click on "Bottom" or "Page header".

3. In the settings under all number templates, you must select the option "Change... footer."

4. To home page there was no number, you need to put a tick in the window on the “Design” tab "Special footer for the first page."

5. Then close the header and footer window - to do this, click "Close the header and footer window."

If you need to display the number 1 on the second sheet, then for this you need configure page numbering countdown:

1. Go to the “Insert” tab in the item "Page number" select “Format of page numbers...”.

2. In the window "Page Number Format" in the block "Pagination" you need to select “start with:” and write the number “0”.

Next you need to click “OK”.

How can I remove the numbering digit from the second page?

1. Place the cursor on the first page at the end. 3. After this option, if there was no number on the first sheet, then it will disappear on the second sheet, as it will begin new section

and numbering will start from the third sheet.

How to remove numbering for an entire document?

1. Open the "Insert" section. "Page number" 2. In subsection must be selected

  • "Remove page numbers."

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