How to connect to FTP. Connecting to ftp

Hello, dear readers! Webmaster Alexander is in touch. First of all, I want to congratulate you that you have already reached the fourth lesson. Creating a website and building a business based on it is not an easy task, but if done correctly, it will be very profitable. The main thing is to treat everything responsibly.

What is an FTP client?

FTP is a technology that allows you to upload and download files from the hosting site where your website is located to any computer connected to the Internet. An FTP client is a program that allows you to upload and download files using FTP technology. In the future, I will use FTP technology to work with site content, and I will send files to the site through an FTP client.

Which FTP client is best to use?

There are many FTP clients now. The most famous among them are WinSCP, TotalCommander, FileZilla, etc. They all have approximately the same functionality. Personally, I use WinSCP. I also advise you to choose it, because I will be using this program to show examples of working with FTP technology. You can download it here.

What can you do with WinSCP

The functionality of the WinSCP program is quite wide. Here are its main features:

  • creating, copying and deleting files on the site;
  • changing the names of files and folders on the site;
  • Creation working copy site on your local computer;
  • Creation backup copy site in the form of a gzip archive (very important function; I recommend making such copies at least twice a week);
  • managing access rights to site files (also a useful thing; we will use it in the future).

How to connect to a site via FTP using WinSCP

After we install the WinSCP program and run it, the following window will appear when we launch it for the first time:

Let's figure out what parameters need to be entered here.

Make it easier to work with Windows computers connected via local network, you can by activating FTP and TFTP servers, each of which has its own characteristics.

Differences between FTP and TFTP servers

Activating both servers will give you the ability to exchange files and commands between computers or devices connected to each other via a local network or other means.

TFTP is an easier server to open, but does not support any identity verification other than ID verification. Because IDs can be spoofed, TFTP is not secure, but it is easy to use. For example, they are used to configure diskless workstations and smart network devices.

FTP servers perform the same functions as TFTP, but have the ability to verify the authenticity of the connected device using a login and password, therefore they are more reliable. They can be used to send and receive files and commands.

If your devices are connected through a router or use a Firewall, then you need to forward ports 21 and 20 for incoming and outgoing connections in advance.

Creating and setting up TFTP on Windows 7

To activate and configure it, it is best to use free program- tftpd32/tftpd64, which can be downloaded from the official developer website of the same name. The application is distributed in two forms: service and program. Each type is divided into versions for 32 and 64 bit system. You can use any type and version of the program that is most suitable for you, but below, as an example, actions will be given in a 64-bit program running as a service edition.

Creating and setting up FTP

  1. Expand your computer's control panel.

    Launching the control panel

  2. Go to the "Programs" section.

    Go to the “Programs” section

  3. Go to the "Programs and Features" subsection.

    Go to the “Programs and Features” section

  4. Click on the “Turn components on or off” tab.

    Click on the “Turn components on or off” button

  5. In the window that opens, find the “IIS Services” tree and activate all the components included in it.

    Activating the IIS Services tree

  6. Save the result and wait until the included elements are added by the system.

    Wait for the components to be added by the system

  7. Return to home page Control Panel and go to System and Security.

    Go to the “System and Security” section

  8. Go to the "Administration" subsection.

    Go to the “Administration” subsection

  9. Open Internet Information Services Manager.

    Open the Internet Information Services Manager program

  10. In the window that appears, go to the tree located on the left side of the program, right-click on the “Sites” subfolder and go to the “Add FTP site” function.

    Click on “Add FTP site”

  11. Fill in the field with the name of the site and write down the path to the folder to which received files will be sent.

    Come up with a name for the site and create a folder for it

  12. Begins FTP setup. In the IP address block, set the “All free” parameter, in the SLL block, set the “Without SSL” parameter. The “Start FTP site automatically” feature enabled will allow the server to turn on automatically every time you turn on the computer.

    We set the necessary parameters

  13. Authentication allows you to choose two options: anonymous - without a login and password, regular - with a login and password. Check the options that suit you.

    Choosing who will have access to the site

  14. This completes the creation of the site, but some more settings need to be completed.

    The site has been created and added to the list

  15. Return to the System and Security section and navigate to the Firewall subsection.

    Open the “Windows Firewall” section

  16. Open advanced options.

    Let's move on to additional settings firewall

  17. In the left half of the program, make the “Rules for incoming connections” tab active and activate the “FTP server” and “FTP server traffic in passive mode” functions by right-clicking on them and selecting the “Enable” option.

    Enable the “FTP server” and “FTP server traffic in passive mode” functions

  18. In the left half of the program, make the “Rules for outgoing connections” tab active and launch the “FTP Server Traffic” function using the same method.

    Enable the “FTP Server Traffic” function

  19. The next step is to create a new account that will receive all rights to manage the server. To do this, return to the “Administration” section and select the “Computer Management” application in it.

    Open the Computer Management application

  20. While in the " Local users and groups", select the "Groups" subfolder and start creating another group in it.

    Click the “Create group” button

  21. Fill in all required fields with any data.

    Fill in information about the group being created

  22. Navigate to the Users subfolder and begin the process of creating a new user.

    Click the “New User” button

  23. Fill in all required fields and complete the process.

    Filling in user information

  24. Open the properties of the created user and expand the “Group Membership” tab. Click on the “Add” button and add the user to the group that you created a little earlier.

    Click the “Add” button

  25. Now navigate to the folder that is allocated for use by the FTP server. Open its properties and go to the “Security” tab, click on the “Change” button in it.

    Click the “Change” button

  26. In the window that opens, click on the “Add” button and add the group that was created earlier to the list.

    Select the action “Add allowing rule”

  27. Check the box next to “Specified roles or user groups” and fill in the field with the name of the previously registered group. Permissions must be granted for everything: read and write.

    Select “Specified roles or user groups”

  28. You can create another rule for all other users by selecting “All anonymous users” or “All users” and setting the permission to read only so that no one except you can edit the data stored on the server. Done, this completes the creation and configuration of the server.

    ftp://your_name:[email protected].

    To connect to the server not via a local network, but via the Internet, the same addresses are used, but the numbers are replaced by the name of the site you created earlier. Let us remind you that to connect via the Internet received from the router, you need to forward ports 21 and 20.

    Reasons why it may not work

    Servers may not work correctly if you have not completed all necessary settings described above, or enter any data incorrectly, double-check all information. The second reason for failure is third-party factors: an incorrectly configured router, a Firewall built into the system or a third-party antivirus blocks access, rules installed on the computer interfere with the operation of the server. To solve a problem related to an FTP or TFTP server, you need to accurately describe at what stage it appeared, only then you will be able to find a solution on thematic forums.

    How to connect as a network drive

    To convert the folder allocated for the server to network drive standard Windows methods, just follow these steps:

    Third-party programs for setting up a server

    The program for managing TFTP - tftpd32/tftpd64, has already been described above in the article, in the section “Creation and configuration TFTP servers" To manage FTP servers, you can use the FileZilla program.

    FTP and TFTP servers are designed to create local and shared sites that allow the exchange of files and commands between users with access to the server. Complete everything required settings possible both using the built-in functions of the system and through third party applications. To get some benefits, you can convert the server folder to a network drive.

The FileZilla program, which can be downloaded from the website, is a free FTP client with which you can connect to any FTP servers. Connecting to an FTP server makes it possible to download files and entire folders from it, as well as upload your own files to the FTP server or delete existing ones (if you have the appropriate permissions).

The FileZilla client interface, at first glance, may seem quite complicated. But it is not so. Let's look at the program window.

At the top of the FileZilla window, like most Windows applications, is a menu bar and a toolbar. The toolbar contains buttons that duplicate frequently used menu commands. Below is the address bar. In the fields of this panel you enter the necessary data to connect to the FTP server:

  • Host - FTP server address.
  • Username and Password - used only to connect to servers that require authorization.
  • Port - this parameter is specified in some cases when connecting to servers via a specific port. Most often this option is not used.

The Quickconnect button is used to connect to the server after specifying the necessary parameters (at least the FTP server address).

On the left side of the FileZilla window is the Local site panel. Essentially, it's Windows Explorer that displays file structure disks of your computer. For example, if you click on the C drive icon in the Local site panel, icons for folders located on this disk. You can expand any of these folders, just like in Windows Explorer, and you will see on the same panel the files located in this folder.

The Remote site panel also displays the file structure. But this is the structure of the server to which the connection was made. Just like in Windows Explorer, you can find the files (or folders) you want to download.

At the top of the program window there is a field in which connection commands and server responses are displayed. This service information, which is of no practical interest to the user. In some cases, you can use this information to identify a connection error. For example, if in this field you see a server response like Login incorrect, it means that the user name in the corresponding field in the address bar is entered incorrectly.

At the bottom of the FileZilla window is a panel that provides information about jobs. A task is a task (current, completed or interrupted) to download or upload a file. note that this panel contains three tabs. The Queued files tab displays information about files being downloaded (or uploaded) to this moment. The Failed transfers tab contains information about files whose download or upload failed. The Successful transfers tab displays jobs that were completed successfully.

Now let's consider practical use FileZilla programs. To do this, find the address of an FTP server on the Internet. We will not bring any specific examples, since at the time the book is published, the FTP server given as an example may cease to exist (or change its address). Find some FTP addresses yourself, for example by doing search query"FTP servers with music."

  • In the Host field, enter the FTP server address (the address can be pasted from the clipboard after copying it from the web page).
  • If necessary (if you are connecting to a server that requires authorization and you know the login and password), enter the login and password in the Username and Password fields.
  • Click the button Quick connection(Quickconnect). The connection to the server will be completed.

Connection to the server is considered successful if last line The Status field located at the top of the FileZilla window will display the status of Directory List Extracted. At the same time, a tree structure of FTP server folders should appear in the Remote site panel. If you see icons for folders and files in the Remote site panel (and you can also expand these folders), then the connection to the server was successful.

Please note that connecting to the server, as well as entering folders, may occur with some delay. This depends on the speed of your Internet connection (both your computer and the remote server).

After you have successfully connected to the server, you can start searching the desired file and downloading it.

  • Having opened required folders in the Remote site panel, find the file you need. You should see this file in the Filename column in the Remote site panel.
  • In the Local site panel, find the folder on your computer where you want to download the file found on the FTP server. You should see this folder in the directory tree in the Local site panel or in the Filename column in the same panel.
  • Place your mouse pointer over the file icon found on the FTP server (in the Remote site panel).
  • While pressing and holding the mouse button, move the pointer to the folder in the Local site panel where you want to download the file, and then release the mouse button. Simply put, the download job is created the same way as if you were copying a file to a folder using drag-and-drop in Windows Explorer.

After execution the above actions Information about the task will appear on the Queued files tab at the bottom of the window.

    The task information contains the following information:
  • Server/Local file - the name of the downloaded (uploaded) file (including its path on your disk).
  • Direction - loading direction. A left arrow indicates that the file is being transferred from remote computer to local, that is, downloaded to your computer. If you upload your file to the server, the arrow in the Direction column will point to the right.
  • File on the server (Remote file) - the name of the downloaded (uploaded) file, including its path to remote server. Below is a download progress indicator.

Also on the Files tab in the task (Queued files) the file transfer speed, downloaded (uploaded) volume, elapsed time and time remaining until the end of the download are indicated (the latter may change when the download speed changes).

Once the file upload is complete, the job information will move to the Successful transfers tab, and your uploaded file will appear in the folder you specified.

While downloading a file, you can search for and set other files for download. And in any direction. That is, when downloading a file from an FTP server, you can simultaneously download several more files from it (or upload your own files to the server). It is worth considering that when downloading several files simultaneously, the download (and upload) speed may drop, since the Internet connection channel is distributed among all tasks.

You should also know that the speed of downloading a file depends on the speed of the outgoing connection of the FTP server, since this server, as it were, gives you the file. Even if you use high speed connection, this does not guarantee that files from FTP will be downloaded quickly. It all depends on the speed of the outgoing connection of the computer that is the FTP server.

Yesterday I received a letter to my inbox from a complete stranger, as I understood, a novice webmaster, in which he asked a question about how to access the root of a site via an FTP connection. The question is quite elementary, but this is only for people who have been dealing with this for a long time and often. But for beginners, this is really a problem that I also encountered at initial stages of its activities.

So, what is the root of the site? To put it simply, these are all the folders and files of your website or blog located on the hosting server. This is actually your site in the form of codes.

You can access the root of the site via an FTP connection. There are a huge number of programs file managers, with which this can be done. I, perhaps out of habit, or maybe from the point of view of rationalism, do this, as a rule, in two ways, which I will discuss in more detail in this article.

The first way to establish an FTP connection is through Total Commander . Total Commander, by definition omniscient Wikipedia, is a file manager with closed source code, running on the platform Microsoft Windows . You can download it on the Internet from a variety of resources, links to which, given their multitude, make no sense. Installation Total Commander It is also quite simple and, I think, will not cause any difficulties for anyone.

How can you use Total Commander establish an FTP connection? Let's take a closer look. IN top menu of this manager, you need to select the option “ Net" (in newer versions this is the option " FTP connection" or simply " FTP»).

When you left-click on this option A drop-down menu opens down, where you, among other things, look for the option “ Connect to FTP server..." Also, when you click on it with the left mouse button, approximately the following table will open.

Since you do not have any connections yet, you should click on the " Add …", after which you will receive the following form.

Fill this form should be as follows. In the line " Connection name:» You are desirable with Latin letters Enter an arbitrary name for the future connection. For example, I call the connection the first part of the site domain, so as not to get confused later when there are many connections (as in the example above). In the line " Server (port):» indicates either the IP address of the hosting server or the name of the server. This information can be obtained from your hosting website. It may be located in the sections " FTP connection», « Connection characteristics" or " Login to the server"(there can be quite a lot of options for section names, it all depends on the imagination of your hosting administrators). In line " Account: » indicates the designation of your hosting account, the form of which can also be quite arbitrary and depends on the imagination of the hosters. In line " Password:» indicate the password chosen by you or proposed by the hosting to enter the FTP connection. Leave all other lines as default and click “ Ok" After which your connection is created.

In order to go to the server at the root of the site, click the button in the right menu of the form “ Connect" Next, there may be several options for the content of folders on the server. When opening folders, look for the main folder of your site, which in the vast majority of cases is called public_html. Having opened it, you find yourself in the root of your site (its approximate appearance for a WordPress site in the figure below) and you can perform various manipulations with their content.

The second way to establish an FTP connection through a file manager FileZilla, which the same Wikipedia denotes as “ free FTP-client" Why did I choose among huge amount file managers FileZilla? Yes, precisely because it is free. Download this manager you can visit his main website . Installation shouldn't be too difficult for you either.

On startup FileZilla, you will see its working field, which looks approximately like the one below. In this case, the contents of one of the computer drives you have selected opens on the left side, and on the right there will be the folders of the server on which your site is installed (the image can be enlarged by left-clicking on it).

To create FTP connections in the top menu (first in order from left to right), left-click on the button that has this image:

In the form that opens, select the button “ New site» and click on it with the left mouse button. Choose the name of the connection (site) as I described above. The image below shows a sample fill for connecting to the server that hosts this site.

You need to fill everything in a similar way by entering the values ​​" Host», « Account», « Password», « User", taken from your hosting, in a manner similar to that described above. After entering the data, right-click the " Connect", after which you will gain access to the hosting folders, and in the folder public_html– to the root of your site.

To upload a folder or file to the root of your site, you need to find it on your disk in the left window of the manager that opens FileZilla, select with the left mouse button and after clicking right button select the option “ Upload to server».

That's it for the FTP connection! As you can see, everything is painfully simple! Now let’s try to implement everything described in practice, if you have any questions, write in the comments - I’ll definitely answer them.

Greetings, dear readers and guests of the blog! Today I will tell you what it is FTP client, FTP connection and how to quickly download and edit files from your hosting when FTP help FileZilla client.

What is FTP?

FTP client is special program, with which you can quickly and safely connect to the server, download files from it, edit them and upload new ones.

The abbreviation FTP comes from the English. File Transfer Protocol, which means data transfer protocol.

Okay, enough scientific words, that’s not what you came to this page for :) I’ll tell you in simple words, what kind of animal this is and why you might need it.

If you are looking for information about ftp client, most likely you have a blog or are just about to create your own website. This means you know that all the site’s files are stored on the hosting, and in order to edit a file or upload a new one, you will have to go to the site’s control panel on your hosting and upload and download files through a browser. It's good if you have good speed Internet and the files don’t weigh much, but what if you need to download a backup of a site that weighs several GB? What are you going to do to download for several hours? This is where the program for secure connection and data transfer – FTP client.

Using an FTP client, you can create an FTP connection and quickly perform any manipulations with the files of your site.

Programs for FTP connections in Russian.

There are many programs for FTP connections, the operating principle of almost all is the same. You can choose any FTP client, but I recommend FileZilla.

FileZilla– free FTP client with excellent Russification. Supported by everyone operating systems. It is possible to adjust the transmission speed, remote search and editing files.

FTP Commander Pro- a similar program. Supports almost all types of servers. You can create bookmarks of frequent connections and subsequently connect to these servers with one click.

FTPRushfree client with support for FTPS, TFTP and SFTP connections.

How to download and install the FTP FileZilla program?

As I noted above, I consider FileZilla to be the best FTP client. Based on it, I will tell you how to download an FTP client and connect to hosting via FTP.

To get started, go to the official website, click the “Download FileZilla” button and select your operating system.

The program weighs a little, about 6 MB.

After downloading the file to your computer, you need to start installing it.

After launching the FileZilla client installer, you need to accept the user agreement and select who is allowed access to the program with of this computer– to all users or just to you.

If necessary, you can specify the file download path.

After the program is completely installed, click the “Finish” button and you can start working with the FTP client.

How to connect to hosting via FTP?

When you launch FileZilla for the first time, a window will pop up with tips for working with FTP data client.

In order to connect to your website hosting using the program, you need to create an FTP connection. And for this you need the following data:

  • Host. This is the IP address of the FTP server;
  • Username;
  • Password;

All this data is provided by your hoster. If you don't know them, you can contact your hosting support and ask them.

After you enter all the data and click the “Quick connection” button, you will be connected to your hosting via FTP.

There will be two windows in front of you. On the left you can see all the disks and files that are on your computer, and on the right all the files and folders of your hosting.

These files can be downloaded, edited, dragged from one window to another, etc.

As you can see, everything is simple :)