How to connect to wifi without knowing the password. Instructions for connecting Wi-Fi from various devices

I was always a little surprised by questions like this, in which they wrote that when connected to an open (unprotected) Wi-Fi network, the Internet does not work. Or a phone, laptop, tablet and other devices generally refuse to connect to open Wi-Fi. They asked for some advice on what could be done to solve this problem.

And today, I saw a message on our forum that says that the phone catches an unprotected Wi-Fi, connects to it without problems, but the Internet does not work. Then I analyzed the comments on the site a little, and realized that the question was very popular, and I had not yet written an article on this issue. I will correct the situation now :)

Now, we will figure out why problems arise with connecting to other people’s, albeit open, wireless networks. We will try to find out if something can be done about this, and if so, what.

I want to write right away that we will look at problems specifically with the connection and operation of the Internet connection, through other people’s wireless networks that are not password protected and with which a connection can be established.

Any problems that arise when connecting to your own networks are a different story. There will simply be more ways to solve this or that error, since you have access to the settings of the router itself.

No matter how sad it may sound, but if your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc., does not want to connect to open Wi-Fi, or the Internet does not work after connecting, then most likely there is no way to correct this situation. it will work out. In about 90% of cases, you will have to deal with it. I wrote it somehow sadly :)

Why? Yes, because we don’t know what kind of access point there is, whose it is, how it’s configured, and most importantly, we don’t have access to the settings of this router, because it’s not ours, but a neighbor’s, some store, cafe, etc. etc. I think this is clear and logical.

Here, let’s take for example the question I wrote about at the beginning of the article:

It was posted on our forum, in this topic: .

It’s a good question, but do you think it’s possible to give something substantive to this question? I also think not. Maybe the Internet is simply not paid for there. There is a connection, but the Internet does not work. Standard situation. Maybe there is some kind of blocking enabled, or the phone didn’t like the channel it’s working on.

I would highlight two main problems. We will divide the article into them. It will be easier and clearer this way.

Can't connect to an open Wi-Fi network

This is probably the most popular question. On laptops (and desktop computers), it could be an error " ", or something else.

On mobile devices (phones, tablets), it could be...” (by the way, laptops can also have this “Identification...” problem), " ". There may be other errors.

If you can’t connect, then you need to think about why this network is not protected. Yes, there are people who simply forget to do this, or they don’t need it. They just let everyone use their internet. (this is the case with home access points). But, I am sure that in most cases, there is no password because filtering by MAC addresses is enabled (read). Which protects even better than a password.

What can you try to do?

Typically, when connecting to unsecured networks, the signal strength is not very good. Make sure that the network level is at least two divisions high. Otherwise, connection problems may arise precisely because of a weak signal.

If you are connecting a laptop (regular computer with adapter), then make sure that in the properties of the wireless adapter, in the IPv4 protocol, it is set to receive IP automatically. Like this:

I showed the example of Windows 7. In Windows 8, everything will be exactly the same.

If the problem occurs on mobile devices that run on Android OS or iOS (iPhone, iPad), then I don’t even know what to advise. Except how to monitor the signal level. There don't seem to be any special settings that would interfere with the connection.

Internet does not work when connected to unsecured Wi-Fi

Well, the second problem is when everything is connected, but the Internet does not work.

On a laptop, there will be a status “No Internet access” and a yellow triangle next to the network status (in), but on mobile devices the Internet simply will not work, and the Wi-Fi icon will most likely be gray instead of blue (depends on OS, firmware version, etc.).

How to fix the problem?

If the problem is on the computer, then check the IP settings, as I showed in the screenshot above. Disable antiviruses and firewalls, they may block access to the Internet.

If the problem is on a mobile device, then check whether manual proxy settings are enabled. How to do this, I wrote in the article (after the heading “checking if the proxy server is disabled”).

In other cases, the problem is most likely on the side of the router itself. Or, your device cannot work with the parameters specified in the router settings.


As I wrote above, if the phone does not connect to the network, then you are unlikely to be able to do anything. If it connects, but there is no Internet access, then the same thing. The network is not ours, we don’t know what’s wrong with it, we can’t change the settings. Almost all problems that arise with Wi-Fi are to blame for the access points themselves. And, if you try to fix something, then you need to change the settings in them. Provided that your device works normally with other networks.


Today everything is developing and changing rapidly. The Internet is no longer a development of the US Department of Defense for the exchange of information in case of war, but a common thing for almost all inhabitants of the Earth. But many still need help connecting it.

Let's consider connecting on Windows 7 and 10.

Step 1. You need to check your drivers.

Through start we find “control panel”, open “network and internet”. Select “Network and Sharing Center” and go to “Change adapter settings”. You should see a dual monitor icon that says “wireless network connection.” This is what needs to be turned on. This is the chain of actions for Windows 7.

There is another way. It is also suitable for Windows 10. Through the start or desktop menu, find and right-click the “my computer” tab or shortcut. Select “properties”. The basic information of your computer will appear before your eyes. On the left, find tabs with yellow and blue shield icons. Among them is the “device manager”. This is what you need. Search for “network adapters” and expand the list. It should have a name containing the word wireless or the numbers 802.11. When selecting it, you must click “enable”.

What should you do if the required icon and name are not found? Their absence indicates uninstalled drivers.

Step 2. Installing drivers.

Windows 10 installs the network adapter driver on its own. It can only be updated. Therefore, let's consider this operation using Windows 7 as an example.

So, if you did not find any signs of the existence of a network adapter, you will need to install it yourself.

Method 1. Many people are accustomed to the fact that drivers come on a disk that comes included. However, a disk with them is not always included in the laptop components. But it almost always lies in the box along with the adapters. For example, Tp-Link. If you have such a disk, insert it into the drive and follow the instructions.

Method 2. Still no disk? Don't worry, you can download the driver from the Internet. Are you tormented by the question of what to do because Wi-Fi still doesn’t work? You can do this on your tablet or smartphone with mobile internet. You can visit a neighbor, a friend, or even a café with free Wi-Fi. Remember that you just don’t have Wi-Fi, which means you can connect the cable to a PC or laptop and download it this way. In general, there are enough options, and you can’t help but succeed.

Now to clarify where exactly to download. If you have a desktop PC, then you need to look for the driver on the website of the adapter company. If it’s a laptop, go to the laptop manufacturer’s website. Websites must be official. Enter the model in the search bar, find the “drivers and utilities” section, and then select the OS. Next, look for the “wireless” tab and download the required driver.

Advice: If you see several drivers from different manufacturers, then additionally download a small program called HWVendorDetection and open it. It will tell you which manufacturer you need to choose.

The downloaded driver is most likely archived, and the installation file in it is in setup.exe format. Launch it and, as in the disk situation, just follow the instructions.

Step 3. Connect Wi-Fi.

There will be a Wi-Fi icon in the lower right corner of the screen. By clicking it, you will see a list of available connections. All you have to do is find yours and connect by entering your password. If you want to connect automatically, just check the box.

Now you can connect Wi-Fi. It doesn't matter if you have a PC or a laptop. But you don’t have to buy an adapter, you can just join your neighbor. It's time to find out how to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password.

Getting your neighbor's password by trick (phishing)

Phishing- This is a way by which you can find out your neighbor's password by deception. For this you will need. This program will make your neighbor connect to another access point, thereby giving you a password.

This happens as follows:

Step 1. First, the program prepares the hacker’s computer - it does something like tuning the PC:

  1. configures HTTP and HTTPS;
  2. searches the wlan0 and wlan1 networks for wireless interfaces until switching to one of them occurs;
  3. then it goes into monitoring mode and, using DHCP services, displays additional IP addresses;
  4. displays on the monitor a list of access points available for attack.

Step 2. You need to choose a victim.

After selecting a point, the utility creates a copy of the access point (with the same name) and disables the real one. The victim's Internet starts to drop, and she connects to a pseudo point.

Step 3. Reading information.

You receive connection information via . When a victim tries to open a website, he will be taken to a phishing page, where he will see a network connection error asking for a password. If the password is entered, the Internet will work on the attacked PC, and the program will show this password.

Subsequently, the attacker has access to the router settings, and therefore to network management. He will be able to change the WPS PIN, gain access to information for authorization on various resources, and also redirect visitors to banking sites to fictitious ones.

To protect yourself from such attacks, carefully check sites that ask for a password!

We intercept traffic and decrypt the WiFi password

You can also find out the password through intercepted traffic. For this you will need:

  1. WiFi Slax;
  2. Dictionaries for selecting passwords.

Step 2. Security measures

Nobody has canceled them yet, so we change our mac address:

  • open the terminal and enter into it: ifconfig wlan0 down – turn off the adapter;
  • open Macchanger: in the interface, select the “other (same)” option and click “change MAC”;
  • We return to the terminal and turn on the adapter with the command – ifconfig wlan0 up.

Step 3. Password interception

Launch minidwep-gtk. Let's scan. Let's see what's in the area. We choose a “victim” and attack. It will be thrown out of the network due to interference. Trying to connect to a point, our “victim” will exchange data with it. We will intercept them. This is called a handshake. After receiving it, the program will offer to run a handshake in the dictionary.

Step 4. Decryption

If you loaded the program from a flash drive, then the algorithm is as follows:

  • refuse the program’s offer to search through dictionaries and save to disk;
  • open the tmp folder (located in the Home folder) and find 3 handshake files;
  • copy them to your hard drive.

You have received your network password in encrypted form. To decrypt, you need a second program - . You install it, select the desired language, and then import the data - the TCPDUMPX file. Next, press Ctrl + I and select the dictionaries that you need to download first. Ready. A simple password will be decrypted in seconds, a more complex password will take more time.

How to connect to Wi-Fi on a laptop

Now you will learn how to connect to your neighbor’s Wi-Fi without knowing the password. There are several ways. But, one way or another, you need to find out the password. You, of course, can visit your neighbor, and when he leaves you alone with the router, look at the combination of numbers on its case. If this option fails, then move on.

Selecting a wi-fi password

You can try to guess the password manually. Many people enter a fairly easy pin like 1234, qwerty or password. Do you know your neighbor's date of birth? Trying is not torture. Didn't it work out? Don't be discouraged. Entrust the matter to a special utility.

Hacking a router and changing the WiFi password

CommView will also act as assistant programs.

Step 1: Installation

The first utility just needs to be unzipped. Before installing the second one, check on the program’s website whether your adapter is supported by it. When you start it for the first time, you will need to patch the drivers and restart the computer, then make the settings:


Step 2. Capture

Click the “capture” button and select “start scanning” in the window that appears. A list of networks will appear. From it you will need to select the one for which you need a password. Click “capture” again and wait for the scan to complete.

Then press the Ctrl and L key combination on your keyboard. Then “file”, “download CommView log files...” and select all the proposed files. Next step: “rules” tab, “export log files” and click “TCPdump format”.

Step 3. Hacking

Now the role of the utility. After opening it, specify the path to the TCPdump format packets. In the settings, select WEP encryption and continue the search using the Launch command. As a result, you will have a window that you can use to log into the network.

Programs for connecting to someone else's Wi-Fi

Decided to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi without knowing the password? Your assistants will be:

    Aircrack-ng. A utility that allows you to find and hack wireless networks. Can intercept traffic, WEP audit and encryption keys. It consists of a set of programs, each of which has its own purpose. Also available for iPhone.
    . It scans networks for later use. Intercepts signals, disables the victim, analyzes and saves data. Can be used to guess passwords. Breaks WEP and WPA encryption networks.
    . This utility is translated as “left connection”. It does not attack https, which are well protected, but intercepts the session ID. You will own the data at a time when the victim does not even suspect anything.
    . Useful application based on Android. Do you urgently need Wi-Fi, but there are only buried networks around? Wi-Fi Unlocker will solve your problem. A few clicks and you can use the Internet on your device.
    . The utility is designed for traffic analysis and is part of the Aircrack-ng software suite.

Recently, identification of connected users of the Moscow metro has become a mandatory requirement. These measures are provided to improve the safety of citizens. In order to connect to Wi-Fi in the Moscow metro, you need to perform a few simple steps, namely:

  1. In the settings of your personal device, select the metro network;
  2. Open a browser, then type the special address in the address bar;
  3. At the time of completing the action, a special window will appear in which you must enter your mobile phone number;
  4. A special one-time SMS will be sent to your phone; enter it on the website, after which the network connection will become available to you.

Using the government services website. Go through identification. It is carried out through a PC, mobile phone or through an account on the GOST SERVICES website.
In the metro you need to connect to MosMetro_Free, and then go to the website in your browser. Login only in a new window or tab. Next, click “Login to the Internet.” Ready.

The dangers of using someone else's Wi-Fi (or free one)

Open networks are dangerous because anyone can intercept and decrypt traffic, which means they can view information about you and even enter an open session. And if you try hard, you can get to files located on your computer, email, and even e-wallet.

Regarding hacking someone else's router, an article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides. Be careful. If you don't want any trouble, buy a router. If you like to take risks, you know where to start.

Sometimes, there are situations when connecting to Wi-Fi is simply vital, but there is no Internet or free network at hand. There is one way out - you can connect to a network that has a password. As they say, even vinegar is sweet for free, and therefore the article will be useful for everyone, since it does not contain abstruse words and complex actions.

To begin with, you should make sure that everyone reading understands what we are talking about. Wi-Fi is a wireless connection to the Internet or local network. That is, in order to access the Internet you do not need additional wires or other attributes. In order for the network to work, you need a router, but this article will talk about how to use someone else's Wi-Fi to access the network.

Very often you can find an Internet connection that will not ask for a password and will simply let you into the network. This could be Wi-Fi from a cafe, in a park, or from a kind neighbor. In this case, you will not need to enter anything, you can simply connect to it without any obstacles. But, be that as it may, much more often we encounter situations in which it is not possible to access the Internet so easily. On home routers or in offices, there are always certain passwords. Nowadays, cafes often set passwords for Wi-Fi to protect themselves from unauthorized access. In this case, you can ask its owner for the password or try to connect yourself.

How to connect to the network without knowing the password?

If you're not lucky enough to have a Wi-Fi connection, you can try connecting your neighbors to the Internet without knowing their password at all. In the world of advanced technology, many programs and utilities have long been invented to crack passwords without difficulty. True, this may take some time, but then you will get a completely password-free network without any problems.

Of course, it is always better to use your network, which will save you time, nerves and possibly health (what if your neighbor finds out), but nevertheless, there are situations when this is simply necessary. To do this, you can use one of the many Wi-Fi hacking programs.

Today we will deal with one of them; it is one of the longest-running solutions. Thus, ease of use (if you follow the instructions strictly) and a high percentage of password selection have brought it to first place among similar software solutions.

To get started you will need to download:

  • Vmware Virtual Machine;
  • Kali Linux distribution;

The latest versions of the programs can be downloaded from their official websites.

  • The following programs integrated into Kali Linux will be used - Reaver (a utility for searching the WPS pin code) and Aircrack-ng (a utility that monitors the network)

Once you download and install the virtual machine, follow these instructions to connect to Wi-Fi:

  • Let's get started, launch Kali Linux in Vmware, select Live mode and wait for the desktop to appear;

  • Launch the terminal and type:


  • All network interfaces are displayed in front of us, in particular these are eth0, lo and what we need - wlan0 (sometimes it has a different name). Remember the name of the interface and enter the command:

airmon-ng start wlan0

  • The mon0 interface appears in our system, through which the network will be monitored.
    Next we type:


  • And we see the networks around us (perhaps there will be more networks there than you saw behind Windows).
    Stop searching - ctrl+c
    Next we type: wash -i mon0 -C
    and find networks with WPS enabled (required! If there are none, hacking will not work).
    We need our network (andray).

  • Copy the BSSID and write (instead of the MAC we enter the BSSID):
    reaver -i mon0 -b MAK -a -vv

  • that errors like timeout, etc. may appear, but this does not prevent the reaver utility from enumerating keys. You should immediately warn that the program will work for quite a long time, so during this time you can safely go about your business.
  • Here is the result of the work:

So, on a calm evening, or maybe in the morning or well after midnight, your laptop suddenly materializes the message “wireless connection detected.” And your inquisitive mind generates questions one after another, like events in the “Matrix”: “How to connect to someone else’s wifi? What needs to be done for this?” As they say, there are two eternal questions that torment humanity: “What to do? And how can we do this?” And at the same time, there may also be a situation that you are not only a Windows virtuoso, but also, as a real hacker, you are a fan of Linux or similar operating systems. The way out in this situation is simple - you need to know the keys, the basics of network protocols, etc. This is how a knowledgeable hacker who has hacked more than one network will answer you. But he has the advantage of experience, but you don’t have it, and the mind works as a generator of ideas. So the most important secret key is that there are no secrets - there is a hoax! You just need to understand the two concepts of “information packet” and the fact that each device on the network, be it a computer, printer, wifi modem or wifi access point, has its own unique number, which I also call “network address.” When thinking about how to connect to someone else’s wifi, you must initially set yourself the task of finding this most cherished address in the network of the device that provides wifi access. This address can be covered with the name of the device, this is done to complicate the search task. So, to determine the address on the network, or as it is called the IP address, you need to use the most ordinary network scanner, for example Shark (for Windows fans) or a similar sniffer (a program for catching information packets).

“Why?” - you ask me. And I will answer you - “Because each flying information package contains a lot of interesting information.” Each information packet carries three main things: an IP address from the ruler, an IP address from the recipient, and the information sent. By launching the sniffer, you will see the information that your wifi point emits. As a result, regardless of the operating system in which you are working, it will become clear what network settings need to be made in order to further connect to someone else’s wifi.

Your next step will be to configure the network address of your computer for the network you are interested in. Depending on what operating system you are working on, this will look different, but the principle is the same everywhere: Network address and subnet mask. You need to set the network address to the same one that the sniffer will show you on the network with a slight difference in the last digit, because Returning to the above, this is a unique address in a given subnet. For example, you saw a lot of information packets from addresses and a subnet mask of, feel free to set the address on your computer to, and leave the mask the same Then we find the CommView for Wi-Fi password cracker program or something similar and use it for its intended purpose. There are more than a lot of guides on this matter. But whether they are written vaguely or clearly, understanding the meaning of just two concepts “IP address” and “information packet” you will successfully figure out the rest yourself.

And in conclusion, some advice. First, try connecting using the password root, or god, 123456789, or just no password. Unfortunately, these little tricks still help to connect to someone else's wifi network because... people, as a rule, either don’t cover it particularly well, or use the first thing that comes to mind, and for everyone it’s structured approximately the same with minor nuances. I remember how a client comes and complains that he has a bad modem because due to the density of the air in the room, because... The windows are hermetically sealed, Wi-Fi does not work well. When leaving for the site, it turned out that the client, in order to make his life easier, asked the neighbor’s guy to set up an access point for him with the password 123456789, and naturally someone did not fail to take advantage of this, loading his Internet channel as a result, joyfully using the free access.

So connect and close your connections correctly!

Oh, the great and mighty Internet! The World Wide Web was first launched in the early 60s, and until 1993 such communications were the privilege of government agencies. Until the end of the 90s, the Internet could only be used to transmit email, and in a little more than 20 years - such great progress. The World Wide Web has not only become commonplace, it has taken one of the main roles in our lives. And, most likely, even this is not the limit. But, as you know, you have to pay for everything. In the most literal sense of the word. Free Internet is still difficult to access. And “open” points are only in certain places, which are often far from your home. Is it possible to go online for free where you need it? All you need is the ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network and a little ingenuity.

Finding out how to connect to someone else's wifi is not difficult, but using it is much more difficult. The legality of this kind of borrowing Internet communication services from someone is highly questionable. In fact, this is a real judicial matter. Although it is much easier to throw a “hare” from your connection than to figure out where and who is trying to take part of the traffic. Please do not take these words as a call to action. After all, this is blatant use of a service that someone else is paying for.

Things are worse if the computer displays the “wifi does not see the network” window. Although this type of connection is popular, unfortunately, not everyone has it. Although, for the sake of experimenting, it’s enough to just go out into the yard with a laptop or smartphone. Even in the courtyard of an ordinary residential area, at least 30 wireless access points can be detected. Tested for myself. And many of them can be easily made open to you. Sit on a bench in your yard and actively communicate on social networks. Absolutely free. Let’s move on to the actual instructions on how to connect to someone else’s wifi and, if it’s easier, how to find out the wifi network key. Many special programs have been developed for burglars. Knowing where to point, even an amateur can handle the hacking.

To get started, find or download Cain Abel 4.99.23 or Aircrack-ng 0.9.3 win + CommView for Wi-Fi. The programs have the same function. This is the capture and analysis of network packets, as well as decoding passwords of available network connections. The initial purpose of these programs is to test the resistance of wifi networks to attacks by intruders. The network is subjected to a powerful “test” and... gives up. The controls are simple, all you have to do is choose the method of bombing the access point you need. It is best to use this method when the victim is actively using the Internet. The more packets are sent, the faster you will receive the coveted key. The question of how to find out the wifi network key has now been resolved. Enjoy it for your health.

Let's say you don't live in a new house, and your neighbors are far from technological progress. Wifi does not see the network or it appears and then disappears. Even a hint of a network signal is already potential free Internet. To achieve this goal, you will need to buy a wifi antenna. An external device is always many times more powerful than the analogue built into a computer or phone. But how to connect to someone else's wifi over a long distance is often shown in spy films. You need the same antenna and a tube with an aluminum coating inside (most often from chips). A hole is made in the bottom of the tube and the antenna is inserted. Guide and catch your prey. The receiving capacity of such a device is already 10 times higher than that of your computer.

The iWep PRO v1.1.4 program is quite popular. A sea of ​​recommendations! How to find out the wifi network key in a minute? And again the answer: “iWep PRO v1.1.4!” Just advice and no instructions. If you find it, consider yourself lucky. It should also be noted that password-protected points in the WAP system are ideal victims.

You have now learned how to connect to someone else's wifi. The temptation is endlessly great when there are a sea of ​​dots around and you are alone without the Internet. Remember, this is an offense and if one is detected... only you will have to answer for everything. It is much easier to go up to your neighbor and offer “you to me - I to you.” For a symbolic price you will honestly receive a password to the desired Internet. Or simply enter into an agreement with the provider. Today the Internet, although paid, is quite affordable. This is no longer a luxury.