How to create a Windows 7 restore point automatically. Creating a system restore point manually


Record ID: 32 does not exist!

It is used to cancel our erroneous actions when working on a computer, which led to its unstable operation. People who use the operating system come to our computer service center for help. Windows 7 for many years and only one in ten knows about restore points and one out of fifty about previous versions of files, but does not know how to use them correctly.

Despite the apparent simplicity of using restore points, this function has many features that you need to know. This article contains information based on the author’s personal experience, for example, we will find out why when System Protection is turned on, restore points disappear or are not created at all. How to use a restore point when Windows 7 does not start and much more, I hope we will help you avoid many mistakes. If you don’t find answers to your questions in this article, try to find them in our other articles, for example: How to restore a Windows 7 system or Restoring Windows 7, as well as Previous versions of files.

Windows 7 restore point

    When selecting and applying a restore point, you need to know that the changes usually affect only the system and software settings of Windows 7. All programs we installed before the creation of the restore point we selected will be deleted. As regards your personal data, no changes should occur to them. In this screenshot, you can see that System Protection and creation of restore points is enabled by default only for the C:\ drive. Check your Start->Control Panel->System and Security->System->System Protection.

    Note: if System Protection is enabled for a volume in the Windows 7 operating system, then user data is archived by creating shadow copies and becomes available in Previous File Versions. Shadow copies do not exist forever; space is allocated for their storage on the hard drive, which is regulated in the System Protection settings; as soon as it ends, when new copies are created, the old ones are deleted.

For example, we have System Protection enabled for the C:\ drive, so you and I can use the Previous versions of files function, right-click on the C:\Program Files drive folder and select Restore previous version,

a dialog box will open Previous versions, which will list all available versions of previous files. Files can be restored or simply copied, keeping the previous and current versions.

Read the full article Previous versions of files.

  • When setting System protection for volumes storing only your files, you need to select in Recovery options paragraph Restore only previous versions of files, since there are no system parameters on them.
  • If you are worried about saving only personal data, then you are better off using the feature Backing up computer data, this is a separate serious topic, also read it separately.
  • Windows 7 restore point planned and created once a day, after the same period of time has passed; such points are also called control points. Windows 7 also creates restore points before installing any programs, and finally, you can create a restore point yourself before installing any application in the System Protection dialog box.

    Let's first look at a simple example of creating and using a restore point, and then we'll look at more complex examples.

Created Windows 7 restore point Thus->Start->Control Panel->System and Security->System->System Protection. This dialog box is used to configure and create recovery points. For example, we want to install a serious program ourselves, but we are worried that we might do something wrong, let’s play it safe and create a restore point manually for the C:\ drive on which we will install our program.
Start->Control Panel->System and Security->System->System Protection->Create, then we’ll give our point a name, for example 13.

Next, we install the program, but something went wrong, for example, the program does not start and we decided to roll back using a restore point to a time when the problematic program had not yet been installed on our computer. Go to System Protection and select not Create, but Recovery, Further

system file recovery starts, click next and select our recovery point 13,

A warning that the recovery process will not be interrupted before it is completed, we agree, then reboot.

The computer boots and the program we installed is as if it had never happened. This is how restore points work.

    Windows 7 restore point, you can use it if your computer does not boot by resorting to safe mode; it is impossible to create a restore point here, but you can use it to roll back to a stable state of the computer. To get into Safe Mode, you need to press the F-8 key on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. A menu will open in front of you: Additional boot options: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe Mode. To use the Windows 7 restore point in Safe Mode, click Start->Control Panel->Recovery, then System Restore and Start Recovery will load, select your restore point and go ahead.

If you make a Windows 7 restore point, you can resume the system if some kind of failure suddenly occurs. In general, these rollback points are created automatically at certain intervals. However, sometimes you need to create them yourself, manually, without waiting for the system to do it. This may be required if you are going to do something incomprehensible, something that could lead to a system failure.

Now I will tell you how to make a Windows 7 restore point, and do it every time you are going to do something on your computer that you doubt. Everything will take you a couple of minutes, and this is significantly less time than you will spend if you hopelessly damage the system.

Creating a restore point

So, before creating a Windows 7 restore point, you need to open System Properties. To do this, right-click on “Computer” and click on “Properties”. Then click the “Advanced system settings” link. And then “System protection”.

Windows 7 restore checkpoints

To start creating a Windows 7 restore point, click “Create”. You will then need to enter a description for the rollback point. The date and time are added automatically. The description should be such that you later understand that this is your system backup.

Click “Create” again and the process will begin, which will end in a few minutes with a success message. After this, you can do whatever you want with the system files.

Creating a Windows 7 restore point

You can create a Windows 7 restore point at any time and in any quantity. And you don’t have to worry about your hard drive becoming full of them. A certain space on the disk is allocated for backup (more on this below), when it is full, older recovery points will be deleted, and new ones will remain.

Before making a Windows 7 restore point, it is recommended to save all changes to open programs and close them.

How to configure restore points

Before you make a Windows 7 restore point, you can determine for yourself how much space the system can allocate for them. If you devote a lot of space to this task, then older backups will be stored longer. If you give away a little space, you will save hard drive space.

You can find out this in the same “System Protection” window. Automatic creation of a Windows 7 restore point usually occurs for the boot disk on which the OS hangs. Therefore, select the boot local disk in the table and click “Configure”.

The following window will open, in which, in the “Disk space usage” section, you can use the slider to adjust the volume for backups.

In addition, in the "Recovery Options" section, you can define options for rolling back the system: it is recommended to select "Restore system settings from a previous version of files." If you check “Disable system protection”, backups will not be made automatically. But I would not recommend it - you will save several hundred megabytes on the disk, but you will lose the ability to restore the system at any time.

Setting up Windows 7 recovery

Now you understand how to make a Windows 7 restore point, and you can do it every time you doubt your actions during system setup. This will also help save the system when installing unfamiliar programs or drivers. All that remains is to find out how to recover from them.

How to restore Windows 7

And so, if you messed up your computer and something went wrong, then you need to recover from pre-created points. Before you start Windows 7 system recovery, you need to again go to the “System Properties” window and the “System Protection” tab. Here we click the “Restore” button, click “Next”, and we see a window in which you need to select a point for a rollback.

Restoring Windows 7 from a point

Today we will figure out how to create a Windows 7 restore point for subsequent system recovery as a result of a failure. Unfortunately, there are situations after which your computer does not boot or boots incorrectly. The fastest and least problematic option to restore operation is to use a system rollback to a stable version.

You can “break” the system in different ways, but the most common are installing software, installing drivers, or incorrectly updating Windows. It is these actions that, in 90% of cases, lead to the failure of the operating system. But it's okay if you always have fresh system restore points.

In this article we will figure out how to make restore points and how to use them to restore the system in the event of a failure. If the recommendations described below do not help you, you can always contact the professionals from to recover your data.

Create a system restore point

To create a system restore point, open the computer properties

open the item “ System protection

In the window that opens, click the “ Create

Enter the name of the recovery point; you don’t have to specify the date and time in the name, they will be added automatically. After entering the name, click “ Create

The creation of a restore point will begin, wait until the process completes

if everything went well you will see a message

After this, calmly carry out experimental actions on your computer; in case of problems, you can restore a working version of the system.

Restoring the system from a restore point

Now let’s imagine that your system refuses to work correctly. If the computer does not boot at all, you can use the disk to install Windows 7. While the disk is loading, select “ System Restore” and follow the path of selecting the operating system and the created restore point.

If Windows has loaded but is not working correctly, you can use standard tools to restore the system. To do this, open the “System Properties” window and go to the “System Protection” tab (the windows are described above in the section on creating a system restore point).

In the window, click the button “ Recovery“, then click “ Further

select the previously created system restore point (or the most recent one) and click “ Further

In the window that appears, click “ Ready

and once again agree with what we are doing

after which the system recovery will begin. During recovery, the computer will reboot without your intervention. After a successful reboot you will see a message

Ready! The system has been restored and is in working order again. I would like to add that before each system update, restore points are created automatically. So if a system update leads to a breakdown, you can always use recovery.

Many users of computers based on the Windows operating system know that this OS allows you to create restore points. They allow you to restore full operation of the system in cases where it is infected with a virus, does not start or the OS is working with errors. To help PC users who are not familiar with this procedure, we have prepared material where we describe this process in detail for Windows 7.

The principle of the recovery procedure in seven

The basic principle of the procedure for creating a restore point is automatic saving of system settings when it changes. For example, in order for a Windows 7 restore point to be automatically created in the OS, changes must occur in the registry. That is, when you install any driver or software, the OS records it and creates a restore point. Based on the above, it becomes clear how many restore points Windows 7 can save on your hard drive. Therefore, in order for a PC user to return the computer to its previous state, all they need to do is use one of them and start the procedure itself.

How to restore a computer on seven

In this section we will describe the OS recovery procedure faulty P K using one of the points. For example, we will take a faulty PC with an operating system Windows 7 Ultimate. This computer can still boot the OS, but it is unstable, producing screens of death, freezes, and many other system errors. Most likely, this behavior of the OS is caused by a virus or the absence of some system files.

Now let's try to select a restore point on this PC when it was still functioning stably. To do this, go to the system properties and open the “” tab. Now let's press the button Recovery….

After clicking, a wizard window should appear. The wizard window shows that we can start fixing the OS using the recommended point, as well as by selecting the points created earlier.

In our case, we will select the last point when it worked stably and is recommended.

Having selected it, the wizard will ask you to confirm the recovery procedure using it.

As soon as you confirm, the wizard will immediately rollback to the previous OS state.

Reverting to previous settings may take five minutes or much longer. The rollback time depends not only on the amount of returned data stored on the PC, but also on the computing power of the computer itself. After a successful rollback, you will see the following message.

Manually created Windows restore point

In addition to automatically creating control points, the user has the opportunity to create them himself. For example, before installing a beta version of software that is not yet well supported by the OS, you may want to create it manually.

To create a point manually, we will go to the system properties to the same “” tab. In this tab we will select the bottom-most button named Create…. After this action, a window will appear in which you need to set a name. It is best to create a name associated with specific changes in the seven. For example, if you installed some driver package, then the restore point can be called “ Installation of drivers from 06/10/2016».

Having specified a name, click the Create button. After successful creation, you will see a message like this.

You can find the newly created control point in the wizard that we looked at earlier.

In the wizard window, you can only select and view the properties of a point to roll back to the previous state of the system, but you cannot delete it using this wizard.

Deleting checkpoints can free up hard drive space, but you should also be aware that they are permanently deleted.

A free utility will help us delete a specific checkpoint CCleaner. You can download the CCleaner utility from its official website. To use the uninstall options, you need to launch the program and go to the “ Service/System Restore».

In the CCleaner utility window, you can view and delete all previously created restore points, except the last one. This is done specifically so that the user can use the last point in the OS if it crashes.

Reviving an OS that has stopped loading

Let's look at an example of restoring an OS when it stopped loading completely. In this case, the culprits, as in the example above, may be malware, unlicensed software And remote files operating system.

For this example, we will need a licensed Windows 7 disk. To return the OS to operation, we will boot from this disk when the computer starts. In the second window of the downloader there is a link "". To start rolling back to the previous state, we need to click on it.

After this action, the bootloader will scan the hard drive for the presence of previous operating systems and allow you to select one of them to roll back. In our case, this is the only Windows 7 operating system.

Having selected the required operating system, we move on to the next window.

In the second window of the wizard, a list of all checkpoints will open, with which you can roll back to the previous state.

Further actions are identical to the first example, so there is no point in describing them. The example described above is used by thousands of users, as it allows you to return the OS to its normal state.

Let's sum it up

After reading this material, any PC user who was unfamiliar with checkpoints will be able to restore the system to a working state. In addition, I would like to give our readers some advice.

To ensure that your OS functions properly, use good antivirus programs and do not install pirated software.

For example, if you maintain the system in a normal state, then the creation of checkpoints can be completely disabled. Many experienced PC users do this, as it can slightly improve the performance of the computer. However, if your computer resources allow, the described technology will greatly simplify your life if something goes wrong with your OS. Therefore, the choice is yours.

Video on the topic

A Windows 7 restore point is a record (snapshot) of the most important files for system operation, such as the registry. When working at a computer, erroneous and even fatal actions are often made, after which the system begins to work unstable or does not boot at all. We can contribute to this both by installing various programs and drivers, and by the actions of viruses. There is no need to rush to reinstall the system if you regularly create restore points or you do them yourself at least once a month. Despite the ease of creating them and using them to roll back to an earlier working state, many either do not know about this possibility, or know but do not use it. So-called recovery checkpoints are created by the system regularly, as well as when installing drivers. We will look at how to create a Windows 7 restore point in detail in this article. It would also be useful to mention some of the nuances that we can expect when creating a Windows 7 restore point.

It is important to understand that when creating a restore point, the main system files and system settings are saved, but installed programs, music and movies are not saved. It is also not possible to recover deleted files. To do this, you need to use the “Previous versions of files” function. In other words, a restore point in no way replaces a full system backup. For the restore point system to work, System Protection must be enabled. To enable or check whether a function is enabled or not, right-click on “my computer” on the desktop or simply press the “windows + Pause” hotkey and select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, we need to select “System protection”. From here we will make new points and restore them.

The system protection window will open, where we can already see the current state: on the “C:” drive where the system is installed, protection is enabled.

By clicking the “Configure” button we can change the system protection settings for this disk

Here we can choose what exactly to save in recovery points:

  • System settings and previous versions of files
  • Only previous versions of files
  • Disable system protection

It is better not to change anything and leave the default saving of system settings and previous versions of files. If you disable system protection, the “Previous versions of files” feature is also disabled for the selected drive.

Below in this window you can limit the maximum amount of used disk space for recovery points, set as a percentage, set as much as you like. It is advisable to bet at least 15%. If the set limit is exceeded, points will be created, but at the expense of deleting outdated points.

To clear the disk of all previously created recovery points, you can click the “Delete” button. However, there is an alternative option; you need to delete the special folder.

Previous versions of files will also be deleted if the limit is exceeded.

So, we want to install a new program or driver, or maybe change important system settings, and to be on the safe side we need a rollback point. To create a recovery point, click “Create” and the recovery point creation wizard will open. Enter a clear name for the point and click “Create”. After a short wait, our point is ready, now we can use it whenever necessary.

An interesting addition is how to create a Windows 7 restore point: to launch the point creation wizard, you can simply type the first words in the search bar of the start menu: “creating a point” and the program will be automatically found.

This can happen for several reasons:

  1. Points are created, but then deleted by utilities for optimizing and cleaning the system, such as FreeSpace. It is better to configure such utilities manually and add the “System Volume Information” folder to exceptions.
  2. On laptops, restore points will not be created when running on battery power to save power.
  3. This will also not work on partitions with FAT and FAT32 file systems. These file systems do not support shadow copies and do not store information about changes to files.
  4. With Windows 7 and Windows XP operating systems installed, every time you start a younger OS, all points created by Windows 7 will be deleted, please keep this in mind. This can be fixed by making the Windows 7 partition inaccessible to Windows XP (detailed instructions in the Microsoft knowledge base

Read the next article to learn how to use restore points.

How to create a system restore point in Windows 7?

There are many situations when we would like to fix a problem and return everything to its original state without loss.

In our article today, we will talk about backing up operating system settings by creating a recovery point (RBP).

This function will be appreciated by users who like to experiment with computer settings and install all kinds of programs, because... in case of unexpected situations, it allows you to return to the previous, correct OS settings.

We recommend that all users create a CTV from time to time, regardless of the settings made in the OS, because in the event of an operating system failure, a restore point will allow you to return all the settings that were at the time of its creation.

Note! The OS reincarnation tool automatically creates a CTV every week, and also when the tool detects that changes are being made to the settings.

You can restore OS settings either from restore points that were created automatically or manually by the user. Although backups contain both system and user files.

In the event of an OS rebirth, user files will not be affected.

Let's move on from theory to practice and create a CTV in Windows 7 manually.

“Start”, right-click on the “Computer” menu item, select “Properties” from the context menu.

Go to the “System Protection” menu, which is located in the left column of the window.

In the “System Protection” tab, click the “Create” button. In the window that appears, enter the name of the cable TV and click the “Create” button.

The operation of creating a CATV takes place.

After some time, you will see a message indicating the successful completion of the operation.

Also in the “System Protection” tab you can change the settings for creating cable TV.

Click the “Configure” button, and in the settings window you can select objects for which you need to provide the ability to recover or completely disable system protection by checking the appropriate box.

You can also specify the amount of disk space that will be allocated for creating backups. To do this, just pull the slider to the right.

Return to menu

Before resuming Windows, we recommend closing all programs and applications.

You must repeat all the steps given at the beginning of the previous section (Start - Computer - Properties - System Protection), but in the “System Protection” tab, click on the “Recovery” button.

In the next window, you should select a recovery point, based on the creation date and TV name. Click “Next”.

We confirm the seriousness of our intentions.

Please note that the process cannot be canceled while it is running. We confirm once again that we want to resume the system, click “Finish” and “Yes”.

A window will appear informing you that preparations are being made for system recovery, after which all programs will be forcibly closed, and a message will appear on the display indicating that files are being restored.

Once the recovery is complete, the computer will automatically restart. Now you can log into the OS by entering your credentials. This completes the process.

Return to menu

To conclude the article, let’s talk about some of the features of working with CATV and provide solutions to problems that may arise:

    CTVs that were previously created by you or the system can be deleted by some OS optimization utilities. To solve this problem, we recommend that when using such utilities, you configure them manually and add the System Volume Information folder to exceptions.

    CATV cannot be created on a laptop running on batteries. Connect your laptop to a power outlet.

    CTV cannot be created for partitions formatted in the FAT and FAT32 file systems. Format the partition to NTFS. Do not forget that formatting will delete all data contained on the disk.

    If you have 2 operating systems installed: Windows XP and Windows 7, when you start Windows XP, all CTV created in Windows 7 will be deleted. To avoid this problem, you should make the partition on which Windows 7 is installed and make it inaccessible to Windows XP.

In this video I explain in detail: how to create a Windows 7 restore point, as well as why it is needed and why it must be created before each installation of a new program.

How to create a restore point in windows 7

Every day, a huge number of file structure changes occur in the operating system. While using a computer, files are created, deleted and moved by both the system and the user. However, these changes do not always occur for the benefit of the user; they are often the result of malicious software, the purpose of which is to damage the integrity of the PC file system by deleting or encrypting important elements.

But Microsoft has carefully thought out and perfectly implemented a means to counter unwanted changes in the Windows operating system. A tool called "Windows System Protection" will remember the current state of the computer and, if necessary, roll back all changes to the last restore point without changing user data on all connected drives.

How to save the current state of the Windows 7 operating system

The way the tool works is quite simple - it archives critical system elements into one large file called a “recovery point”. It has a fairly large weight (sometimes up to several gigabytes), which guarantees the most accurate return to the previous state.

To create a restore point, ordinary users do not need to resort to third-party software; they can do it using the internal capabilities of the system. The only requirement that must be taken into account before proceeding with the instructions is that the user must be an administrator of the operating system or have sufficient rights to access system resources.

In the list of points available on the computer, the newly created one will have a name specified by the user, which will also indicate the exact date and time. This will allow you to immediately specify it if necessary and roll back to the previous state.

When restoring from a backup, the operating system returns system files that were modified by an inexperienced user or malware, and also returns the registry to its original state. It is recommended to create a restore point before installing critical operating system updates and before installing unfamiliar software. You can also create a backup copy at least once a week for prevention. Remember - regularly creating a restore point will help avoid losing important data and destabilizing the operating state of the operating system.

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How to create a Windows 7 restore point?

Today we will look at a hot topic - why your computer slows down and how to get rid of this problem quickly. We all know that viruses, incorrectly installed or deleted programs, modifications of registry branches and replacement of system files cause particular harm. Every user encounters this - all thanks to the features of Windows.

In order to save time, the creators of “windows” provided users with system recovery using a special backup of the main system parameters. That is, if at the moment the computer is working normally and there are absolutely no problems, it makes sense to protect yourself in the future and create a Windows 7 restore point.


It is also important to remember that any changes made after the restore point creation process will be lost if you return to it. In this case, the downloaded music, movies and other content will be in place, but program settings or new installations will be canceled. So if you decide to do a system rollback in the future, you need to save them in advance.

System Restore is a special module that is present in all Windows, starting with XP. It is specifically designed to allow the system to be rolled back to a certain point. That is, it is a kind of time machine, which, however, only works in the opposite direction.

Restoring functionality using standard Windows tools

1. Right-click on “My Computer”, then in the window that appears on the left, click “Advanced system settings” - “System protection”.

2. Click “Settings” and move the slider to the right, as shown in the pictures above, select the amount of space on your hard drive that you don’t mind spending on a backup point. For me it's 6 gigabytes.

3. Now repeat step 1 again and click “Create” - enter the date or name of the point - “Ok”. After 10-15 minutes, a notification window will pop up indicating the successful completion of the process. Click “Close”. This will create a backup Windows 7 system restore point.

Now, when the computer is not working well, and regular registry cleaning and garbage removal are unable to cope with the task, do the following:

  • close all programs and save the necessary changes,
  • in the start menu at the bottom there is a search box where you need to enter the word “Recovery”,
  • After a second, click “System Restore” at the top of the results.

If there are several recovery checkpoints, select the appropriate one. Click next and agree to the reboot process after the process is completed:

Recovery using the MultiBoot utility

Especially for those who are unable to work with standard tools, I suggest using the free MultiBoot program as an alternative.

To do this, just download the archive with the program and run the executable file MultiBoot.exe with the right button and click “Run as administrator”.

A window for managing the program will open to our attention.

Check the boxes in the same way as shown in the picture.

When the “Restore windows Vista / 7 boot loader” option is active, the command to restore the MBR master boot record will be available on all disks.

If you have Windows XP installed as a second operating system, check the box next to “Add an entry for Windows XP to the boot menu.” Thus, this version of Windows will also be taken into account.

The last option allows you to configure the delay time before starting the dedicated system in seconds. Choose at your discretion. After setting up the program, click “Run”.

The “Advanced” tab allows you to load backup points saved in a file with the “bcd” extension. Before using this program, we strongly recommend that you read the instructions.

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