How to find out VKontakte ID from your phone. How to view a user’s VK ID using a short link

Very often custom unique identifier, which in automatic mode issued by the system, changed by people, depending on personal preferences. After changing the VKontakte ID, it is possible to find out only in several ways, which not many users know about.

Unique number in this social network is of great benefit due to the fact that it is a permanent link to a page that cannot be changed. Thanks to your own ID, you can leave your contact information to other people without any problems, while calmly changing the address of your page or group to a more pleasant and memorable combination of characters.

First of all, it is worth noting that a unique identifier is issued to each page created by users in this social network. networks. That is, absolutely any user, application, public page or group has an ID.

In addition, the page ID remains assigned to the person even after complete removal account. More specifically, following a link containing a profile ID remote user or any community, you will be redirected to a message about a non-existent or deleted page and the system will never link it to new pages.

From the very beginning of the existence of this social network, the VKontakte administration announced that the identifier is not subject to any changes.

Today, instead of an ID number, a special link is used that can contain various characters. At the same time, it is still quite possible to find out the identifier using several methods, depending on the type of page.

Your page ID

Most often, users are interested in the identifier of a personal page, both their own and other people’s. Why you need to identify the ID number - everyone decides for themselves.

If you need to find out your own unique identification number account, but link to home page was shortened by you through the settings, it is best to use the interface for editing personal data. In this case, if you follow the instructions, additional questions and you should not have any ambiguities.

To make sure that you did everything correctly, follow the link received in your case. If you find yourself on your own page, which means the process of calculating your ID number can be considered complete. Otherwise, double-check your actions by returning to the very first point of the instructions.

Please note that by default, all registered people have their home page address set to ID. Thus, if you did not shorten the link, then simply open your profile - the ID will be in address bar browser.

Other user ID

IN in this case Identifying an ID number poses several difficulties, since most likely you do not have access to the other person’s page settings. Because of this, the instructions for calculating a user ID change greatly, but are still easy to understand.

Your only limitation on the way to identifying someone else's profile number is custom lock your page by another person.

You can verify that the copied number is correct by following the link you received. This concludes the recommendations for identifying a unique user identifier.

Group or community ID

Much more often, unique links are registered for groups and public pages VKontakte so that they have the most memorable and short address. In this case, as in the case of user profiles, each such page is assigned a unique ID number.

The main difference between a person’s ID and a group or community number is that a special word is used directly before the number itself:

  • id – people’s profiles;
  • club – groups;
  • public – communities.

In the case of groups and publics, the word before the number is interchangeable.

The identification number of communities and groups is calculated in a completely identical way.

Don't forget to mandatory check the functionality of the resulting link by clicking on it. If you encounter any problems, do not panic, but double-check your actions.

All of the above methods for identifying identifiers are as convenient as possible. Some special extensions or programs for these purposes you definitely won’t find, so the range of choice of tools is very limited. We wish you good luck in calculating your VKontakte ID.

The need to obtain a VKontakte ID may arise in the most different situations. For example, you need to restore access to your account (when you can’t use your phone), send your link to a certain person, or change your ID from a random set of numbers to a beautiful nickname. Let's look at how you can find out the ID account VKontakte and how to do it the easiest way.

How to find out your VKontakte ID

ID is a unique identifier that is associated with an account when a person decides to register it. Let's look at methods to find out its meaning.

If the ID has not changed

The easiest way to find out the ID of your own or someone else’s account is if the owner has not changed the link. To see the number, you just need to log into Contact, open the page and look at the number after the “ID” in search bar browser.

The above method does not require any extra effort, but is only suitable when the ID has not been changed. What to do otherwise, we will consider further.

If changed to an alphabetic nickname

It may also happen that a change numerical value to an alphabetic one has already happened, but you need to find out the original ID.

Instructions for searching for a number will look like this:

  1. Open your account, click on the avatar icon on the right top corner and go to “Settings”.

  1. Select the “General” section and go down to the end of the window, where the ID number will be displayed in the “Page Address” field. The system allows you to return it instead of a literal value. To do this, you need to replace your nickname with “id123”, where 123 are the numbers specifically for your account number. You won't be able to link someone else's ID. Any letter in the ID turns the number into a nickname.

  1. Save the changes (if they have been made). This method will always work (if the user has access, of course).

The question arises: how to find a numeric ID if it has been changed to an alphabetic one, but the page is someone else’s and there is no password for the account? In this case, just open any photo and click on the link - in the displayed text there is a set of numbers up to underscore and will represent the page ID. Having such a link, you can always find out whose account was opened.

But what to do if the user does not have photos? All is not lost - you just need to go to one of the available sections, for example, videos or music. A numeric ID will be displayed in the address bar after the words “videos” or “audios” open page. The same can be done with posts on the wall or with personal messages - when open entry or in the dialog you need to click on the search line and copy the ID from it.

As you can see, everything is as simple as possible. The above options can be applied not only to your own page, but also to the accounts of other users.

How to watch from your phone

Statistics show that users rarely “sit” on social networks through personal computer– most of them prefer to use mobile phones.

To find an ID through your phone, all you need to do is:

  1. Open desired page through official application, click the three dots and select “Copy link”. This can also be done through the browser version.

  1. Paste the copied value into any empty field. For example, in a message field, in notes or in a browser. The ID will be in its place.

  1. Carry out this operation You can do it with any photo or post (if the id has been replaced).

We looked in detail at how to find out the page ID in VK using various methods. Let's move on to some conclusions.


You can find out the VK page ID from absolutely any device without any difficulty, even if the number has been replaced with a letter combination. VKontakte is built in such a way that the user will definitely not be able to permanently lose the page ID.

Video instructions

We have attached detailed instructions in video format, which clearly shows the process of applying all the methods described above.

To find a friend or VK group, you may need to know the ID. ID is an identification number that is individual for each registered VKontakte account. IN this material Below is a detailed answer to the question: how to find out the page id in a friend’s VK.

IMPORTANT! The concepts of ID and IP should not be confused. Since ID is a specific number assigned to the user, and IP, in turn, is the address of a computer or other device accessing the World Wide Web.

You should use such an algorithm only if the ID is represented by numbers. The procedure is as follows:

  • Open any page of your choice in a browser from your computer.
  • Stop at the address bar. For example, it will look like this:
  • All nine digits that come after the id are the number you need.

View id through a post on the wall, or from a photo

If the ID is not shown in the address bar, but there is a certain word order, name or nickname, you can find out the number like this:

  • Open any entry by clicking on the date it was created, or select a photo - the actions will remain the same. In the address bar you will see approximately the following: or
  • To avoid confusion, scroll and pay attention to the constant sequence of nine numbers. This will be the same id (on specific example, it will be: id658932756).

How to see your id

You can find out your page number by following these instructions:

  • Enter “Settings” by clicking on the field with the name and in the menu at the top right. There will be a "General" section.
  • Find the “Page Address” item in the list, click “Change”. Now that the block of information has become available, pay attention to the line just below - “Page number”. This way you will find your id.

REFERENCE! You can take any convenient and memorable short address or rename an existing one, if it is not already used by someone, in the same section.

What do the ids of groups, publics, and meetings look like in their natural form?

For quite some time now, both publics and groups have had their own short names to simplify their search. However, previously they looked like this:

  • ID of someone else's VK page:
  • Group or community ID
  • VKontakte public ID:
  • Event or meeting ID:

Using a user or group id, it will become much easier to find your friends or a community that interests you. Thanks for reading!

Hello, blog site readers! How to find out ID in Contact - I was recently asked this question by mail, so I decided to make detailed instructions on how you can see your ID in Contact. ID is the identification number of your page on the VKontakte social network. It is assigned upon registration. Also in this article, we will figure out how to find out the IDs of friends in contact.

Now, with the introduction of the innovation regarding ID, if desired, everyone can assign a special address to their page, understandable only to them. It's quite convenient. You can, for example, use your nickname, last name, or a beautiful, memorable combination of numbers. Many, having taken advantage of this opportunity, later, when necessary, cannot remember their digital ID and do not know where it can be seen.

In this article we will talk about how you can see your ID in contact. In fact, finding out your ID is quite simple.

How to find out your ID in contact

To get started, of course, go to your contact page. Pay attention to the address bar in your browser. After the slash “/”, this is the ID we needed to find out.

Below I will tell you other ways, in case there are any changes in the contact.

Go to your contact page, now find the “My Settings” tab and click on it.

After that, scroll through the settings that open to the very bottom. Find the lines: “Page number” and “Page address”. The numeric code on the right is the ID assigned to you upon registration.

In order not to forget it again, remember or better write down these numbers. After all, when meeting a person, the easiest way is to give your ID, so that he can quickly find you in contact, and not look for you among hundreds of your namesakes - a tedious task.

How to find out the IDs of friends in contact

If you wish, you can find out the IDs of other people. Most quick way to find out the ID, you need to look at the address bar of the browser again - I talked about this a little higher. But there is a small catch: some contact users change their ID, for example, to their name or nickname. In this case, read on.

We go to the page of the person whose ID we want to find out. Next we open source code pages. To see the page code, press the key combination “CTRL” + “U”. (if this does not help, then click right click mouse and find the line “View page code”).

AND last method, Again, we go to the page of the person we need. Left-click on the avatar. After this, the address bar changes to: - here we see what ID a person has, but it can also be like this: - is not an ID, then we move on. photo178253494 – look at another number, which is the user ID.

It is worth noting that this way you can find out your ID. And as a “hook”, thanks to which we recognize the ID, we can use both music and video. Here our actions are no different from manipulating an avatar; we act by analogy with the instructions above.

By the way, read the article about how to find out ID in Odnoklassniki.

That's all!

After registering on VKontakte, each user receives a unique number - id. We will use it for many operations - searching for a person, viewing his photos and videos (see video not playing on VK), and much more.

How do we find out the id specific user on VK?

What is ID

A unique user number that looks like this:

In the first option - digital value. In the second - the user's nickname, which he set up for his page.

How to find out page id on VK

Let's go to the page to the right person. When it is open, pay attention to the address bar of the browser. There will be a slash after the link “”. And after it the user id, in the version in which he configured it.

In this version everything is simple. It is enough to copy the numbers after the “id”. This will be the desired value.

It’s a little more complicated if a person has set up a nickname - a letter name for a link to his page. You can see an example below.

Of course you can copy the nickname. But for most operations it is not suitable. You need to know exactly the numeric id.

To get it, let's use a little trick. Click on the user's main photo (see how to update a VKontakte photo). When it opens for viewing, again pay attention to the address bar. This time we will see the following there.


Here we are interested in the numbers after the text “z=photo...”. The id will be indicated instead of the ellipsis given user in VK. In our example it is “226111938”.

Now you can use user id to view hidden albums, get likes on ava, etc.

How to change VKontakte id

To do this, go to the “My Settings” section. Here we look for the item “Your page address”.

Here in the “Page Address” field, enter the nickname you want to use.

To change the id, click the “Occupy address” button.

Read also:

Please note that when the id changes, the original digital address your page remains unchanged. And it will be available on both of them. The same method is used to find out your id on VK. It may be useful to you.


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How to get the id of another person and how to find out the id of a VKontakte group

Id, or unique number, is a number that is assigned to each person on the VKontakte social network. personal page, public or group. This is peculiar virtual number passport, which by typing in the browser line, you can immediately get to the desired page.

For a long time The answer to the question of how to find out the id of a VKontakte group, a friend’s page, or any person in general, was extremely simple. The unique number was displayed in the browser line by itself, as soon as you went to the page. But since VKontakte users have the opportunity to write a nickname in their ID instead of a number, the task has become somewhat more complicated. However, not so much that it can be called intractable.

Get another person's ID

In this case, it doesn’t matter whether this user has been added to your friend list or not. Moreover, it is not an obstacle to recognizing the id and closed page.

  1. Go to the page with the ID you want to find out. Below the photo you will see a “Send Message” button. With your cursor over sending messages, right-click. A list will appear in front of you possible actions.
  2. Select “Copy address”, click on the line - it will appear on the clipboard. Now you can paste it wherever you want - into the address bar of your browser or somewhere else. The link type should be as follows:

As you probably already guessed, the last digits are the unique number you are looking for.

How to find out the id of a VKontakte group

You won’t be able to find out the group ID using the same method as on a personal page: you will copy the address not with the number, but with the name of the group. But you can still get a unique number. There are even two ways to do this:

  1. On the group page, find any link to another VKontakte page.
  2. Or right-click on the picture, also located on the group page. From the list of actions, select "Copy". You will see a link like:

In our case, 85253927 is the group ID.

How to find out the id of all members of a VKontakte group

In place of the numbers after the equal sign, you need to insert the group ID, and a list will appear in front of you unique addresses all community members.

Share information with friends on VKontakte using special button
  • Is VKontakte closed securely? private albums?
  • How to remove a person or group from VKontakte bookmarks
  • How to view closed VKontakte albums
  • VKontakte user data
  • How to find out your VKontakte password and someone else’s?

    How to find out ID in contact

    Hello, blog readers! How to find out ID in Contact - I was recently asked this question by mail, so I decided to make detailed instructions on how you can see your ID in Contact. ID is the identification number of your page on the VKontakte social network. It is assigned upon registration. Also in this article, we will figure out how to find out the IDs of friends in contact.

    Now, with the introduction of the innovation regarding ID, if desired, everyone can assign a special address to their page, understandable only to them. It's quite convenient. You can, for example, use your nickname, last name, or a beautiful, memorable combination of numbers. Many, having taken advantage of this opportunity, later, when necessary, cannot remember their digital ID and do not know where it can be seen.

    In this article we will talk about how you can see your ID in contact. In fact, finding out your ID is quite simple.

    How to find out your ID in contact

    To get started, of course, go to your contact page. Pay attention to the address bar in your browser. After the slash “/”, this is the ID we needed to find out.

    Below I will tell you other ways, in case there are any changes in the contact.

    Go to your contact page, now find the “My Settings” tab and click on it.

    After that, scroll through the settings that open to the very bottom. Find the lines: “Page number” and “Page address”. The numeric code on the right is the ID assigned to you upon registration.

    In order not to forget it again, remember or better write down these numbers. After all, when meeting a person, the easiest way is to give your ID, so that he can quickly find you in contact, and not look for you among hundreds of your namesakes - a tedious task.

    If you wish, you can find out the IDs of other people. The fastest way to find out the ID is to look at the address bar of the browser again - I talked about this a little higher. But there is a small catch: some contact users change their ID, for example, to their name or nickname. In this case, read on.

    We go to the page of the person whose ID we want to find out. Next, open the source code of the page. To see the page code, press the key combination “CTRL” + “U”. (if this does not help, then right-click and find the line “View page code”).

    And the last way, again we go to the page of the person we need. Left-click on the avatar. After this, the address bar changes to: - here we see what ID a person has, but it can also be like this: - is not an ID, then we move on. – look at another number, which is the user ID.

    It is worth noting that this way you can find out your ID. And as a “hook”, thanks to which we recognize the ID, we can use both music and video. Here our actions are no different from manipulating an avatar; we act by analogy with the instructions above.

    By the way, about how to find out ID in Odnoklassniki, read the article here.

    That's all!

    How to find out ID in contact

    Hello friends. In this article we will talk about how to find out the ID in a contact if you are faced with such a task. I gave more details about the term itself and its designation in an article entitled - how to find out ID in Odnoklassniki, you can read it, it will be useful. Now let's begin the learning process and consider several options for determining your ID, as well as the ID of another person.

    In the address bar of the browser, after the slash “/” your ID (numeric value) will be indicated.

    Method number 2. While on your page, follow the My Settings link.

    At the bottom of this page, find the Address of your page block, in which your ID will be indicated.

    Good to know! Do you want to have many friends and subscribers on your personal VKontakte page? This is no longer a problem. Go to and place your order.

    How to find out someone else's ID in contact

    The easiest way is to pay attention to the address bar of the browser (while on the user’s page), we discussed this method above.

    But what to do if a user of this social network has changed the standard set of numbers to a more attractive one - a nickname or name?

    It's simple. Hover your mouse over the avatar of the person you need and his ID will be displayed at the bottom of the page (on the left side).

    You can also hover your mouse over the Send Message button, in which case the user ID will be displayed like this.

    The essence of this method is that when you hover the mouse over different elements user page, his ID appears.

    You can also click, for example, on the user’s Friends and his digital identifier will be displayed in the address bar of the browser.

    That's it, the question - how to find out the ID in a contact - has been resolved. Now you can do it yourself without any problems.

    That’s all for me, until we meet again.