The shockwave flash plugin does not work. How to run the Shockwave Flash plugin if it's not responding

Recently, users quite often began to complain about the following error appearing while surfing the web: “The Shockwave Flash plugin is slowing down the computer. Please wait until the plugin is restored or stop its execution." Moreover, this error can occur regardless of the browser. Therefore, today I will tell you how to get Shockwave Flash working and fix the error.

Flash Player is such a nasty thing that it can stop working at any time, and fixing this problem will be quite difficult. Most often, the problem with the Shockwave Flash plugin occurs due to insufficient RAM. If restarting the computer and closing all necessary programs does not help, the computer needs more RAM. If you are not ready for this treatment method, try using the tips below.

Now I will tell you about a method that works with an almost 100% guarantee. You can use it in any browser and for any program that has begun to work incorrectly.

Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select the “Task Manager” menu. A window will open in which we immediately go to the “Processes” tab. As you can see, there are a large number of processes running on your computer, but in our case we need to close two processes, namely the running browser (in my case it is Mozilla Firefox) and “plugin-container.exe”.

Now launch your browser. Everything will work fine for you until the next error window appears. If you need a working Flash Player, this is the only way to continue working. However, the error will sometimes appear, and you will have to close it using the method described above.

Another way that will completely save you from the unfortunate mistake is disabling Flash Player.

To disable Flash Player in the Moziila Firefox browser, open the browser menu and select the “Add-ons” icon.

On the left, go to the “Plugins” tab and opposite Shockwave Flash, enable the “Enable on request” option. Now on sites with Flash, the system will ask you for permission to enable Flash, and you will confirm if you need it, or reject the request.

Disabling Flash Player in Opera and Google Chrome browsers.

Disabling Flash Player in these browsers is approximately the same, with one small exception.

In the Opera browser, enter into the address bar without quotes: “ opera:plugins ».

In the Google Chrome browser, enter into the address bar without quotes: “ chrome://plugins »

Press Enter.

A page with plugins will open, look for “Adobe Flash Player” and select “Disable”. Ready!

It’s not for nothing that Flash has been abandoned on mobile platforms. Shockwave Flash puts quite a heavy load on the computer that even the most powerful machine can begin to slow down greatly. If you start having problems because of it, then very rarely updates to this plugin can save the situation. I'll just hope that the day is not far off when the world can completely abandon Flash.

Some Yandex browser users, when trying to watch a video on any site, may encounter the message “ Failed to load Shockwave Flash" In this article I will tell you what this error is in the Yandex browser, when it occurs and how to fix Shockwave Flash failure to load on your PC.

Shockwave Flash itself is a browser plugin designed to play Flash movies (usually in flv format). Many well-known services, such as Google, YouTube, VKontakte, RuTube and others use flash video in their work, and for high-quality reproduction of this video there is Shockwave Flash technology, implemented in Adobe Shockwave Player.

There is no need to confuse Adobe Shockwave Player And Adobe Flash Player. Although they both exist for playing multimedia content, Adobe Shockwave is a more advanced product with rich functionality (multi-user chat support, a fast and extensive scripting language, XML parsing, raster manipulation, and so on).

Symptoms of the error

The error “Failed to load Shockwave Flash” appears when you try to view videos on various sites or record video from your webcam. After this problem occurs, there may be no video playback in various computer games and so on. If this occurs, the user may receive a similar message indicating that the Shockwave Flash download was canceled or failed.

When you see a message about the unsuccessful download of Shockwave Flash by your Yandex browser, then most likely You have several versions of this player installed that conflict with each other.

Accordingly, when the user launches a video, both players are activated, and then their software modules conflict. More doesn't always mean better.

How to fix Shockwave Flash loading error

Accordingly, in order for video playback to work correctly, you need to disable one of them, and thereby correct the dysfunction that has arisen. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. We go to our Yandex Browser, enter about:plugins in the address bar and confirm the operation by clicking on enter.
  2. We will be taken to the list of plugins running in the browser.
  3. Click on the “More details” button at the top right, and we will get a detailed list of them.
  4. We find the version installed in Program Files and click on “disable” next to it, thereby disabling it.
  5. Now we have one working version of the player, and video playback should work fine.

You can see what the Shockwave Flash error fix looks like visually in the video:

If the error “Failed to load Shockwave Flash” persists, try turning the first player back on and then turning off the second one. See how this affects video playback in the Yandex browser.

If the error occurs again

If you have only one player installed in the list of plugins, or disabling one of the two players did not fix the problem, then first make sure that you have the latest version of Shockwave Flash installed. Go to the official website here and install the latest version of the player.

If you have the latest version installed and nothing helps, I can recommend a complete reinstallation of the Yandex browser. Go to “Uninstall Programs”, remove Yandex.Browser, and then install the newest and most recent version from its native website.


In most cases, the cause of an error with the unsuccessful download of Shockwave Flash is a conflict in the functionality of two flash players simultaneously used by the system. To fix the problem, just turn off one of them (as shown above) and the problem will be solved.

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Good day to all. The Internet is developing rapidly - more and more graphics and video content are appearing on websites, and it works mainly on Flash technology (this is especially true for various online games on social networks - they use Flash to the fullest). So, recently my favorite browser, Mozilla Firefox, has often started to freeze and display an error: Looks like Shockwave Flash is busy or has stopped responding. You can stop the plugin now or continue and see if the plugin can complete its job!

To be honest, this really started to piss me off and I decided to figure out why Shockwave Flash slows down the computer and how to overcome this disease. I will write in advance that there is no simple and pleasant solution to this problem, but here are a few recommendations that need to be made so that this error occurs as rarely as possible!

Food for thought... First, I recommend reading the note, it is quite possible that these jambs have already been fixed and you won’t have to disable anything, but don’t forget to finish reading the article - it will always come in handy

Having figured out this issue, I concluded that the problem is in the Flash plugin itself - it is the one that starts to glitch and completely hangs any browser, be it Firefox or Chrome - it doesn’t care if there are problems with it in any Internet browser!

Due to the fact that this is a jamb of the plugin itself, and not the browser, I divided the article into 3 parts, into the most popular browsers and for each I will describe in detail the solution options - I think this will be the most justified option...

1. Shockwave Flash Slows Down Your Computer [Mozilla Firefox Browser]

2. How to disable Adobe Flash Player in Opera Browser

3. Disable Shockwave Flash in Google Chrome

Shockwave Flash slows down your computer [Mozilla Firefox Browser]

Since I use Mozilla Fifefox in my work, I’ll start describing the problem with it. You can see such a window in versions starting from and higher... There is no solution as such - you can only terminate the plugin through the task manager or “crash” the process with the browser itself!

Let's take a closer look at the option of ending processes - since this is the fastest and 100% way to solve the problem... of course, this option is not the most humane, but effective. By the way - it can be used with any browser, and in general - any program that has started to work incorrectly and cannot be completed - Process Manager is a powerful tool!

So, we complete these two processes, and restart the Browser... we work and rejoice until the next window with a problem :) We think further about what can be done here - and there is a solution, but for some it can cause a lot of inconvenience. For example, I will put up with this error - it’s not difficult for me to restart the process with the browser, and perhaps you will be interested in this solution to the problem - disabling the Adobe Flash Player add-on and turning it on only when requested...

In the upper right corner of the browser, click on the “Settings” icon and find “Add-ons” there, all this is shown in the picture below.

This is exactly where there is a list with installed plugins for our Mozilla Firefox browser, just select “Enable on request” there and before starting where you need it, it will ask us for permission (this way you won’t be shown most of the advertising - its a lot on Flash)

We've dealt with Fire Fox and Shockwave Flash - now our turn is on the Opera browser, in which all these settings are hidden far in the bowels of the browser.

How to disable Adobe Flash Player in Opera Browser

As I said, everything became different in Opera, as they switched to the engine from Chrome. You won’t find plugin settings in the menu here - you need to open the page in the browser


A page will open to us, as in the picture below... find Adobe Flash Player and click on the “Disable” button - thereby deactivating the buggy plugin!

Now we see that it is disabled - you can immediately turn it on if you can’t do without it)))

Next up is Chrome!

Disable Shockwave Flash in Google Chrome

Shockwave Flash slows down your computer even with the fastest and supposedly coolest browser - Google Chrome. Yes, Flash is such a misfortune that it hit the entire browser. Since Opera and Chrome are technically very similar, this plugin is disabled in almost the same way... open the page with plugin settings by entering the following code in the address bar

Opera is an almost perfect browser in every way. It has a user-friendly interface, loads pages quickly, and supports a large number of add-ons. The developers are constantly working to improve it, and they are very successful. Although there are malfunctions even with this Internet browser. And one of the most common errors is that the shockwave flash plugin in Opera stops working.

Disabling a plugin

Often the cause of the problem is a conflict between several players built into the browser. This can be fixed. To do this, launch the browser and begin to get rid of the shockwave flash error, Opera is not responding.

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Go to the Websites section.
  3. In the Plugins item, select the inscription that offers to disable some of them.
  4. After this, a list of all plugins installed in the browser will appear.
  5. Find Adobe Flash Player and click Disable.

Attention! The given algorithm of actions is suitable for new versions of the browser. If you are using Opera 11 or 12, you can get to the plugins by entering opera:plagins in the search bar.

If you know what the shockwave flash opera plugin is, then you understand that after the operation you have access to some resources. Despite the fact that, for example, YouTube offers an HTML5 player, a Flash player is still required for normal viewing. Therefore, we leave the main one and disable all the others, as above.

Advice. In some cases, in order to fix the error, you just need to restart the browser. Try closing it, logging in again and checking if the problem goes away.

Plugin service

If an error occurs: shockwave flash does not respond to opera, you can use a special service. With it you can find out whether the player is installed, activated and what version is being used. In order to go to it, enter into the address bar. Select the desired add-on from the list. Next, click the Check now button.

After this, a window will appear in front of the user, which will indicate which shockwave flash opera plugin is installed, as well as the name of the operating system. If you see a green checkmark on the screen, then everything is fine. If there is a red exclamation mark in front of the page, then most likely the shockwave flash opera plugin error is related to this.

Next to the icon there will be a detailed description of the problem . This is usually an outdated version of the plugin. Therefore, you will need to make an update. The second item on the page contains a link to the latest version of the plugin. Therefore, you won’t have to search for anything, but simply click on the link, and the service will redirect you to the official website from where updates are downloaded. Thus, the developers made sure to have a convenient service that allows you to find out the necessary information about the plugin. The downside is that there is only an English version so far, but this is not a big problem even for those who do not know the language well.

Shockwave Flash is a fairly important component of an Internet browser. But errors may occur in its operation, as a result of which the user will have limited access to media files located on some network resources. To fix the problem, you will need to find out what exactly led to it. Usually this is either an outdated version of the player that will need to be updated, or several similar plugins at once that block each other’s work. In the latter case, you will need to disable unnecessary extensions and leave only the ones you use.

What are web browsers used for today? Of course, for different purposes. But most often, users use browsers to watch videos, movies, listen to music, play online games and do other similar things. By the way, many browsers have in common the fact that they contain Flash and Shockwave players. Such players are needed to play, for example, flash games. Flash and Shockwave are multimedia players.

Many users are probably familiar with the “Shockwave flash has crashed” error. Shockwave flash is . And as you already understand, thanks to this player you can work with flash applications. For the Google Chrome browser, a method for fixing this error has already been discussed on our website. Today we will try to figure out the following question: what to do if an error appears in the Yandex browser " Shockwave flash has crashed".

Update your browser:
Sometimes it is enough to update yourself and the problem disappears, because all used modules are updated along with the browser. Especially if you have an old version.

Do not forget that such an error may be a one-time occurrence. Therefore, you can simply restart your browser. It is also recommended to reinstall your browser. Although these are primitive actions, they often help. Even if you have a problem of this nature not with the Yandex browser, you should first take these 2 simple steps.

If the above steps did not help, then you need to do something differently. First you will need to go to the menu " Modules". In the Yandex browser this is done like this. Click on the icon " Settings" (it is in the upper right corner).

After that, scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and click on the item " Show advanced settings".

Now we are looking for the block " Personal data protection"and in it click on the item" Content Settings". It looks like this.

A new window will open, which you need to scroll through until you find the item " Plug-ins". Here you need to click on the sub-item " Management of individual modules". After completing all the steps indicated above, you will be taken to the menu " Plug-ins". And here we are looking for a module" Adobe Flash Player". Before doing this, in the upper right corner of the window, click on the plus sign next to the item " More details". Now let's move on to Adobe Flash Player.

From the screenshot you can see that the elements of this module are enabled and work in the Yandex browser. The way it is. The "Shockwave flash has crashed" error could occur because Adobe Flash Player elements were not enabled. So you need to check this and enable them if necessary.

There are also situations when the “Shockwave flash has crashed” error appears due to a failure in the automatic update of the module. If this is so, then in this menu you will see an inscription opposite the module with similar content " Download the required update". All you need to do is click on this inscription.

Yandex browser is very easy to manage and use. It would seem that the complex error “Shockwave flash has crashed” is solved quite quickly.