Disable all unnecessary processes in Windows 10. Applications to quickly disable the automatic update feature

This is quite common behavior: recent Windows versions, unless you explicitly specified other settings, also sent some information to Microsoft. Windows 10 takes a few more steps in this direction, mainly through Cortana (the application should be personalized/optimized through analysis voice commands, calendar, contacts, etc.) and other cloud functions.

However, this does not mean that one must necessarily come to terms with this state of affairs. If you want to maintain privacy and keep personal data on your computer without sharing it with Microsoft, you can configure this in Windows 10. You need to find several switches, although after this the functionality may deteriorate (for example, Cortana will stop working).

How to make Windows 10 respect your personal information

The simplest way to disable collection Windows data 10 available upon installation operating system. If you have already installed it, you can skip reading this section.

Instead of using Express Settings during installation, choose the Customize settings option. The first page offers settings for personalization, targeted advertising, and location tracking. For maximum security, disable them all.

The second page at the top contains a useful option, but the rest can be disabled - predicting pages in the browser, connecting to public networks Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi function Sense.

Also reduces the spread of information by creating a local account in the process instead of using Microsoft account. When the system asks for your Microsoft account login and password, select “Create new account" and then "Sign in without a Microsoft account." This will prevent settings and data from automatically spreading to other user devices under Windows control 10.

The following steps are performed inside an already installed system

Open the Start menu: Settings - Privacy. On the General tab, you can disable all switches, although SmartScreen Filter can be left active. If you disabled during system installation, most of these settings are no longer active.

Select the Reviews and Diagnostics section. Here you can set the frequency with which the system requests the user's opinion about it. Diagnostic and usage data cannot be changed yet.

Now it's time to disable Cortana. Click the Start button, type a few characters and a search window will appear. The gear icon opens the Cortana settings panel; turn off the existing switches (although in Russia they are still disabled). You can also do a custom setup to make Cortana work.

Disable Windows 10 tracking using a utility

There is a fairly good and easy-to-use utility that does not require installation, but it is advisable to disable it before starting Windows Defender 10 or another antivirus you installed because it successfully blocks any changes in the system.

For ease of use, immediately switch to the Russian language (the button is located at the bottom of the program window as shown in the screenshot below), then go to the Settings tab, as indicated on.

As you can see, here you can remove those built-in applications and utilities that cannot be removed manually (by at least It didn't work out for me). Check the boxes next to those that you consider superfluous and unnecessary on your computer and go to the Home tab.

Click on big button "Prevent Windows 10 from spying" and the process began. After the procedure is completed, the utility will notify you that the steps to disable tracking in Windows 10 were successful.

The amount of information sent to Microsoft is now reduced to a minimum

The main question is - do the advantages of privacy compensate for the disadvantages of functionality? Disabling personalization makes sense from a security perspective, but reduces the accuracy of voice recognition and the usefulness of Cortana. On the other hand, there is little point in targeted advertising.

There are other settings, to disable which you need to go to the Registry Editor and Group Policies. The main difficulty is the Review Options, a drop-down menu that cannot be completely disabled. You can choose the Basic Health and Performance option, which should provide plenty of anonymity, but it's not easy to turn off Review Options entirely. On Enterprise and Server versions of the system, open the editor group policies(gpedit.msc) and go to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows componentsData collection. Enable the policy, then set the value to 0 - Off. Users of Windows 10 Home and Professional cannot disable telemetry completely, but only set it to the basic level.

You can also disable the mechanism Windows updates 10, working on the principle of torrents; By default, system update files stored on your computer are distributed to other users of the global network via the P2P protocol. Open Settings - Update & Security - Windows Update - Extra options. Clicking the Select how and when to receive updates link opens a window with an update switch from several places. When enabled, you can choose to send updates only to local network or also in the global one.

I decided to write this article after starting a search for adequate materials about what services can be turned off in Windows 10 for more fast work operating system. On the Internet, as always, there are many different opinions. I studied them, summarized them and tried to draw general conclusions. I will not advise which services can definitely be disabled. Much in this matter depends on the individual parameters of the computer, the needs and tastes of users. Personally, on my weak netbook with Windows 10, I disabled all the services listed below - otherwise it remained an insane slowdown (I wrote more about all the measures taken to overclock my netbook in the article Optimizing and speeding up Windows 10 on a weak computer). On desktop computer I preferred not to touch anything and leave all settings at default. You must decide for yourself whether it is worth completely disabling some services that are running by default.

Some recommend creating a system restore point before experimenting with disabling services. Personally, I didn't do this. If only because it is not difficult for me, if suddenly it is needed, clean install Windows 10.

In general, without extreme necessity It's better not to disable any services in Windows 10 . This, in my opinion, can be done only when there are problems with low computer performance and you really need to overclock it at least a little.

Let me briefly remind you how to get to these same Services: click with the RIGHT mouse button on the menu Start, select the item “ Computer management", in the column on the left double click open the item “ Services and applications", then " Services" The service is disabled after double-clicking on it: in the item in the window that opens, select “ Startup type: Disabled».

On my insanely weak netbook, I turned off the following services quite painlessly:

  • NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service- this service is intended for NVidia video cards(You may not have it if you use a different video card). If you do not use 3D stereo images, then this service can be turned off.
  • Windows Search- using this service on Windows 10 and above earlier versions starting with “seven”, the search for the contents of the computer works. It is represented by the opportunity to find necessary files, folders and programs through a magnifying glass in the Control Panel, and is also implemented in the form search string in any folder. In fact, indexing the contents of your computer can waste quite a lot of valuable resources, so if this functionality is not critical for you and you want to speed up your operating system, try disabling this search service.
  • Offline files- a service that allows you to work autonomously with files available on the internal (local) network. As I understand it, you can safely disable it if the computer is not connected to any other network other than the Internet.
  • Windows Biometric Service- used for processing and storing biometric data. In my opinion, everything is clear here: if we don’t use fingerprint login or other biometric methods, we can easily turn it off.
  • Computer browser- used to create a list of computers on the network and provide it to programs upon request. Yet again this service needed only on a local network.
  • Windows Firewall- protects your computer from unauthorized access from the Internet. If you have another firewall installed (for example, Comodo), feel free to disable it. In other cases, it’s better not to touch it.
  • IP Ancillary Service- supports network protocol IPv6. It is not needed very often, but it is necessary to look specifically at each case individually. If after turning it off the Internet continues to work normally, then you do not need it.
  • Secondary login- provides login to Windows from multiple accounts. If there is only one, then you can safely turn it off.
  • Grouping of network participants- organizes multi-user interaction in a peer-to-peer network. Simply put, it is needed if you have a local network or home group. Turn it off if there is none.
  • Print Manager- a service that allows you to queue print jobs and provides interaction with the printer. If there are no printers, you can disable it.
  • Connection Manager remote access - when this service is removed, the browser will not attempt to connect to the Internet when working with pages with updating elements. As I understand it, it is better not to disable .
  • Network Member Identity Manager- used to identify local network participants. Turn it off if you don't use HomeGroup.
  • Performance Logs and Alerts- this service, as the name suggests, collects data on computer performance. You can turn it off.
  • CNG Key Isolation- needed for cryptographic processes, helps to safely store the user’s private keys from running processes. I’m still figuring out what it is and what it’s eaten with.
  • Routing and remote access- provides routing for organizations in local and global networks. If there is no local network, turn it off.
  • IPsec Key Modules- for Internet key exchange and IP protocol with authentication. As I understand it, you can turn it off painlessly.
  • Setting up a Remote Desktop Server- Responsible for setting up and maintaining Remote Desktop Services and Remote Access sessions. If there is no local network, turn it off.
  • SSDP detection- enables detection of UPnP devices in home network. The necessity of this house is questioned by many experts. Better turn it off.
  • Smart Card Removal Policy- if you do not use them (smart cards), turn them off.
  • Software Shadow Copy Provider (Microsoft)- can be turned off if you do not plan to use the system restore function.
  • Homegroup Listener- if you don't use it home group, it's better to turn it off.
  • Work folders- used to synchronize folders on various devices. Thanks to this, they can be used on any computer where this service is enabled. You can turn it off.
  • Collector Windows events - allows you to collect events from other computers. Turn it off.
  • Server- if the access function is not used shared files and printers, this service can be disabled.
  • Network Service Xbox Live - provides access to Xbox Live services. If you don't know what it is, turn it off.
  • Network login- Provides end-to-end authentication. Not needed at home.
  • Tablet PC input service- ensures the operation of the pen and handwriting on tablets. Turn it off on regular computers.
  • Geographic Location Service- tracks computer coordinates. You can turn it off.
  • Sensor Data Service- processes and stores information received from sensors installed on a PC.
  • Sensor service- manages sensors on a PC. Don't understand what we're talking about? Turn it off.
  • Download service Windows images(WIA)- can be turned off if you do not plan to connect a scanner or camera to the computer.
  • Client License Service- ensures proper operation Windows Store 10. Disable it if not using it.
  • AllJoyn Router Service- as far as I understand, you can turn it off, but I won’t give a guarantee.
  • SMS Router Service Microsoft Windows - forwards messages according to pre-created rules. I'm figuring it out.
  • Service public access to Net.Tcp ports- allows sharing TCP ports using the Net.Tcp protocol. If the computer is not used as a server, then you can safely turn it off.
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service- is responsible for the ability to synchronize and automatically play files from portable devices. Rarely used, can be turned off.
  • Bluetooth support- everything is obvious here. If you don't use it, turn it off.
  • Program Compatibility Assistant Service- Monitors programs for compatibility problems. Such situations (incompatibility) arise quite rarely and even when they do occur, this service is rarely able to help. Let's turn it off.
  • Registration Service Windows errors - in case of any failures, sends error data to Microsoft so that the company can fix it. It's quite possible to turn it off.
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service- makes it possible to encrypt disks. This function used very rarely by home users. You can turn it off if you don’t understand why it’s needed at all, or you just don’t use it.
  • Smart card- provides access to smart card readers. If there are none, you need to turn it off.
  • Volume Shadow Copy- Creation backup copy content hard drive(For example, previous versions text files). If you don't plan to use recovery deleted files, turn off. This is also worth doing because the service consumes a lot of valuable resources and also performs recovery very slowly.
  • Remote registry- used to change registry settings by a remote user. On home computer should be turned off.
  • Application Identity- Helps AppLocker identify blocked applications. You can disable it if AppLocker is not used or you don’t even know what kind of beast it is.
  • Diagnostic system unit- just turn off this unnecessary thing.
  • Diagnostic Service Node- similar to the previous paragraph.
  • Fax- Responsible for the operation of the fax machine. If you don't have it, feel free to turn it off.
  • Performance counter library host- I still haven’t figured it out. Many people write that you can turn it off painlessly.
  • Security Center- a service that monitors changes in settings and parameters Windows security 10. In particular, it controls antivirus software and firewall. If they are disabled or not working correctly, this center gives the user a corresponding message. You can also turn it off.
  • Windows Update- well, everything is clear here without comment: the service is responsible for updating the Windows 10 operating system. Whether to disable it or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

You can also turn off all services associated with hardware visualization Hyper-V- they are designed to work virtual machines and only a few need them. Wherever you see Hyper-V mentioned in the service name, you can disable it.

Some services in the operating room Windows system 10 will appear when installed by the user various programs. Many of them may also be unnecessary. But here everything is again very individual.

Most inexperienced Windows users 10 are facing long startup problems, unstable work and regular sagging of the system. Installation of cleaners, new versions of antiviruses or special software for monitoring executable programs rarely gives the desired results, and sometimes makes the situation worse. However, before you hammer your PC unnecessary programs, we recommend paying attention to services operating in background and load the processor no less than consumer applications. In this article, we will look at the main Windows 10 services that can be disabled without damaging the operating system.

Consequences of functioning of all standard Windows services

  1. Creating heavy files with anonymous reports for sending to Microsoft, which remain in the system forever;
  2. Load central processor during system startup by 10-50% (depending on the age Windows installations) and regular loading of 5-20% during system operation;
  3. Reduced available random access memory by 5-30%, in accordance with the total volume;
  4. Maintenance constant communication with the Internet with constant downloading and uploading of files;
  5. Openness of access for unauthorized access to the PC.

However, do not rush to turn off all the services that you come across. It’s better to check out the list of “extra” services presented below.

Unnecessary Windows 10 services that you can disable

  1. Server. Disable it if you do not want your PC to serve as a platform for connecting foreign software with remote devices. It is not recommended to disable it for users who use their PC from a distance from a smartphone or tablet.
  2. Remote registry. Disabling it blocks changes to executable information on your PC by allowing only local (working directly on the PC) users to perform such operations. It is recommended that everyone turn it off.
  3. Event Collector. In working condition, it records gigabytes of information about the operation of your system and sends them to the Microsoft server without deleting it after sending.
  4. Compatibility Assistant Service. Launches along with applications installed not from the official store, and opens windows with unnecessary information after they close.
  5. The event log. Similar to service 3, but collects information in a readable form.
  6. Defender Service. Supposedly it protects the system from malware, while ensuring several times longer startup of the entire system and remains in RAM until shutdown.
  7. Routing. Provides logistics in the environment of large organizations, ordinary users useless.
  8. dmwappushsvc. Responsible for receiving promotional messages from third party developers and sending read information.
  9. Error Logging Service. Collects full information about everyone is premature (according to Windows) closed applications, creating dozens of weighty files about the procedure for diagnosing and restoring programs.
  10. Secondary entrance. Allows remote users launch and use applications already installed on your PC.
  11. Network input. Verifies authenticity installed software for the presence of pirated content, by opening access to your PC for the domain controller.
  12. Geographic Location Service. It is recommended to disable it after establishing the first connection to the server to configure the time zone and location, so as not to load the system with processes that will be repeated after each launch.
  13. Smart card. Responsible for the connection and performance of devices associated with the use of smart cards.
  14. Fax. Provides receiving and sending faxes.
  15. If you have up-to-date antivirus software installed, you can disable firewall. Shared operation leads to system failures and increases the load when using the Internet.
  16. Print Manager. An actual service when connecting printers and related peripherals to a PC, in other cases it only loads the system by scanning all connected devices.
  17. Telemetry. This service is also called spyware and therefore many users who do not want Windows to collect information about them disable this service. This will also help further reduce the load on your computer. ( Thanks to the user Nicholas for the helpful comment!)

Unnecessary Windows 10 services from our list may differ from those available to you, depending on the version of the operating system and installed software. They should look approximately like this:

The services should roughly look like this

Now let's look at the correct sequence of actions to disable unnecessary services.

How to disable Windows 10 services

I use our step by step instructions, you can disable all unnecessary Windows 10 services once and for all. Let's get started?

  1. Login to the Control Panel using fast access through the menu " Start" or open File Explorer (My Computer), then select " Properties", « Control Panel".

    Access via the Start menu

  2. In the window that opens, select the menu “ Administration".


  3. In the list that appears, find and launch the shortcut “ Services". If you have problems making changes to services, you can try closing the window and opening it as an administrator (RMB, “Run” with shield).

  4. Go to the tab " Advanced" to display full list all services available on the PC with detailed information.

  5. Each service must be disabled separately. To do this, first find the desired service, click right key mouse and select " Properties".

  6. Click " Stop"and wait for the complete completion of the service. Sometimes, to stop a service, you need to confirm that the services associated with it are disabled or do it manually. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the functions for which they are responsible. related services, and after that stop their work.

    Windows-10 Services. Properties - Stop Service

  7. Open the tab " Launch type", select " Disabled", apply the changes and click OK. Some services cannot be completely disabled. In such cases, select the startup type " Manually" and simply stop the service. After this, the spontaneous startup of the service should stop.

    Windows-10 Services. Properties - Stop the service manually

  8. After disabling all unnecessary services, check the stability of the system for 1 hour (surf the Internet, watch movies, play games, work with documents). If the system is stable, restart the PC and perform these operations again. If stability increases and there are no errors in your work, you can safely forget about unnecessary services and continue working with the system in more comfortable conditions.

That's all helpful information about Windows 10 services that can be disabled is running out. Keep your PC organized and enjoy perfect performance.

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Shutdown background programs in Windows 10 allows you to save consumption system resources your PC and increase its autonomy, which is especially important for laptop owners.

The tenth version of Windows has made a number of changes to privacy settings. This has led to the fact that most programs and applications can now start and execute their background tasks without the user's knowledge. Moreover, this is done quite covertly, without any notifications.

How to stop apps from running in the background

Let's go to Start - Options, and click on the item Confidentiality. Next, scroll down and find the section - Background applications.

Here is the unfortunate culprit in the form of the item “Select which applications can run in the background.”

It turns out that you did not launch anything, did not specifically open these applications, but this does not prevent a certain set of programs from continuing to run in the background, which definitely affects the speed of the system, especially with limited hardware resources.

You can turn everything off background applications or do it selectively. For example, leave the applications that you actually use. IN this list from running background programs you can leave - Windows Defender.

Don't be afraid that you will disable the application and this will cause the system to crash. At any time, the list of background programs can be returned to its original state.

This one is simple and useful tool, which allows you to disable background programs in Windows 10 in one click.

Forced shutdown of background programs in Windows

In most cases, the manipulation described above is quite sufficient. However, sometimes they are observed reactivation already Windows itself. Perhaps this behavior of the operating system will be corrected in subsequent updates, but for now there is a temporary solution - a registry tweak.

1. Command " regedit» Open Registry Editor.
2. Expand the branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\BackgroundAccessApplications
3. If missing, create a 32-bit DWORD value in the right column
4. Set the name " Migrated", and in its value field, set the parameter " 4 «.
5. Restart your PC.

This manipulation allows you to disable background Windows programs 10 forcibly.