The Chrome Web Store has opened. The Chrome Web Store has opened. What is the chrome web store?

DDR3 vs DDR4. Who is cooler?

Good afternoon, dear readers. Many people have a question about which RAM to choose DDR3 or DDR4? What is the difference between them and which is better for gaming? Today we will understand all these issues and touch on related issues on this topic. We, of course, have already understood the issue, but today we will dwell in more detail on these two types of memory. Why? Because not everyone can easily make their choice. We will help!

As you know, DDR4 technology appeared on the market along with 6th generation processors from Intel under the code name SkyLake(heavenly lake). Accordingly, it is advisable to use DDR4 only with new processors of the 6th and 7th generations (and higher).

But it is not yet known what generation the processors will begin to support.

What is the difference between DDR3 and DDR4?

You most likely know that RAM does not develop as quickly as processors. A new generation of processors comes out almost every year, but DDR3 RAM has firmly occupied the market since back in 2007. More precisely, it appeared in 2007, and in 2010 it replaced DDR2. Now let's talk about the main differences between DDR4 memory and the previous generation.

Technically, of course, the new generation of RAM is more advanced (thanks cap =D). Firstly, energy consumption (and heat dissipation, respectively) is reduced. The DDR3 memory stick had a voltage of 1.5-2 Volts, while for DDR4 the voltage was reduced to 1.05-1.2 Volts. Although this is more noticeable for servers than for pets. Secondly, the frequency range has been increased. DDR3 operated at frequencies from 800 MHz to 2933 MHz, and DDR4 starts the range at a frequency of 2133 MHz and ends at 4400MHz, but apparently this is not the limit. Judge for yourself how much more significant the difference in the performance of such memory will be.

DDR3 – from 800 to 2933 MHz

DDR4 – from 2133 to 4400 MHz+

Can DDR3 be inserted into a DDR4 slot or vice versa?

Many people wonder about the compatibility of these two types of RAM. Well, what kind of compatibility can DDR3 and DDR4 have? What are you even talking about? If you look closely at the shape of the RAM sticks themselves, you will see that they are slightly different. Each generation of special RAM (DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4) is slightly different from the rest. The notch (key), which is located on the side with the contacts, is located in a different place on each type of memory, thereby preventing attempts to insert the strip into the wrong slot.

Can DDR3 be inserted into a DDR4 slot?

  • You cannot insert a DDR3 RAM stick into a DDR4 slot!
  • It is also impossible to insert a DDR4 RAM stick into a DDR3 slot!

There is, however, one caveat. It happens that the motherboard has separate slots for DDR3 and DDR4 memory. Let's say you decide to upgrade your computer. Remove DDR3 memory from its slots and insert DDR4 into OTHER slots, to those that are intended specifically for RAMDDR4. There is no other way!

If you suddenly realize that you do not have enough RAM on your computer, then check out our tips on this in an article that will help physically and more.

DDR3 or DDR4, which is better?

Trick question. It seems that everyone has already figured out that DDR4 is newer, faster and more economical, but here’s the question. Still, let's find out which is better?

And here’s the catch! If we take, for example, DDR3 2400MHz And DDR4 2400MHz, then in this fight he will win... will win... guess who?... DDR3! Why is this happening? There is such a characteristic in RAM as latency timing. It looks something like this: 9-9-9-24 or 9-10-10-24. In general, the lower this indicator, the higher the speed of RAM.

And it so happened that, due to its architecture, DDR4 has higher timings than DDR3. That is why, at the same frequencies in tests, DDR4 is slightly inferior to DDR3 memory. But as soon as you take DDR4 memory with a frequency of 3200 or 4000 MHz, you will notice a huge difference in favor of DDR4!

Now think about what is better DDR3 or DDR4? It all depends on many factors. For example, what frequency of RAM does yours support, does it have potential for further development.

Best RAM (from DDR3 and DDR4)

Let's take a look at several online stores and try to determine which RAM strips (sets) can claim the title " Best RAM» in the current 2018 year. We will look at the best representatives of the DDR3 and DDR4 types and list the main parameters and the manufacturer in the table. Watch and analyze.




Volume Frequency, MHz Productivity on target Productivity per set Price of the set, rubles
Corsair CMW64GX4M4C3466C16W 4 x 16Gb
3466 216,6 866,5 56940
CORSAIR Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2F4600C19 2 x 8Gb
4600 242.1 484.2 43000
CORSAIR Vengeance RGB Pro CMW16GX4M2K4000C19 2 x 8Gb
4000 210.5 421 21490
CRUCIAL Ballistix Elite BLE2K8G4D36BEEAK 2 x 8Gb
3600 225 450 14800
CRUCIAL Ballistix Sport LT BLS2K8G4D30AESBK 2 x 8Gb
3000 200 400 6950
Kingston HyperX Predator HX430C15PB3K2/32 2 x 16Gb
3000 200 400 15600
CORSAIR Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2Z2400C16 2 x 8Gb
2400 150 300 6470
Corsair CMK32GX4M2F4000C19 2 x 16Gb
4000 210,5 421 33360
Corsair CMK16GX4M2F4400C19 2 x 8Gb
4400 231,6 463,2 29690


Based on the data presented in the tables, I cannot say that the choice between two generations of RAM has become more obvious. Everything remained as unclear as it was. In DDR4, frequencies have increased, but along with them, latency timings have also increased. If it is not clear how performance was calculated, then in the article about you can learn more about this calculation. Of course, this ratio is not ideal, but it is better than nothing.

Compatibility and interchangeability of DDR3 and DDR3L

In general, the only difference between DDR3 and DDR3L is that DDR3 operates at 1.5 Volts, while DDR3L operates at 1.35 Volts. That is, it is a little more economical. The following can be said about compatibility and interchangeability: you can insert DDR3L into a DDR3 slot, everything will fit and work. Also, in most cases, DDR3 and DDR3L will be able to work simultaneously, but not always. If you want to save money, do it at your own peril and risk.

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I can say with confidence that everyone who uses the Google Chrome browser to surf the Internet is familiar with . With these extensions you can make Google Chrome more functional. Many articles have already been written on the site about the extensions themselves, but today I want to introduce you to another resource where you can also search for and install extensions and add-ons for your browser. As you probably already guessed, today we will talk about. In fact Chrome Web Store this is the so-called Chrome OS app store. It already has a large selection of different web applications.

Google recently launched the Chrome Web Store. Developers have already started uploading applications to it. The idea of ​​this store is that users of the cloud operating system and browser will be able to use applications similar to Windows programs in the “browser” window.
There are both paid and free applications. Currently, only US users can make purchases, but paid apps will be available in many countries next year.

You need to understand the difference between the two existing types of web applications in the Chrome Web Store: i.e. server-side and unpacked applications. Server applications are ordinary websites that can be loaded in any browser. Unzipped apps only work inside the Chrome system: they can work offline and can use API extensions to integrate with the browser or system. An unpacking application can be easily distinguished from a server application - just look at the address bar; if there is no link there, then you are dealing with an unpacking application.

Unfortunately, Google's e-store doesn't label apps correctly, so it's hard to find apps that work offline, that have a "great user experience," that live only inside the Chrome system, or that don't require Chrome OS. The ideal web app doesn't have to have no web address and live only inside Chrome, but it's interesting that some of the best apps in the Chrome Web Store are unpackable apps.

Updated the Chrome Web Store policy, adding five rules designed to prevent malicious applications from being placed on the Internet directory, as well as to ensure user protection.

In particular, from now on the Chrome Web Store will not accept applications with obfuscated (obfuscated) code. According to the company, about 70% of Chrome extensions blocked by Google contain obfuscated code. Code obfuscation affects performance and has no advantages, according to Google. In this regard, the company decided to completely ban such applications. The tech giant gave developers until January 1, 2019 to bring extensions into compliance with the stated requirements and remove obfuscated code.

The company also intends to add additional verification to the Chrome Web Store for extensions that require a wide range of browser permissions, as well as applications whose code is stored on remote systems. That is, according to this requirement, the extension must request only the permissions necessary for operation, and its code must be included directly in the package.

The third change is a feature in Chrome 70, scheduled for release in October 2018. With the release of Chrome 70, users will be able to restrict extensions to certain sites, which will prevent malicious extensions from executing on sensitive pages (online banking, cryptocurrency wallets, mailboxes, etc.). In addition, extensions can only be executed if the user selects the appropriate option in the Chrome menu.

Starting in 2019, developers will be required to use Google's two-factor authentication mechanisms. This measure is aimed at preventing cases of interception of developer accounts and the introduction of malicious code into official applications.

The fifth requirement is for an updated version of the guidelines for creating manifests for .json files, which provide instructions for how extensions interact with Chrome. This version of the guidance will not be presented until 2019, but Google believes that developers should be prepared in advance. The main changes in Manifest v3 relate to the features introduced in Chrome 70, specifically mechanisms that allow users to control extension permissions.

Chrome Web Store has become the only source of add-ons

Previously, developers had the opportunity, using special instructions, to place a button on their website, when clicked, a pop-up window appeared with an offer to install the extension without going to the official browser store. This feature, called “Inline Installation,” was introduced in Chrome version 15 in 2011.

Since June 12, 2018, Inline installation of new extensions is prohibited. From now on, users who try to install something using this method will be automatically redirected to the official Chrome store page. By September 12, 2018, and the release of Chrome version 71, we plan to disable this feature for all extensions.

The ability to embed the installer on your own website was provided for the convenience of promoting extensions. After all, in order to discover a recently published product, the average user would have to go to the official store and sort through a huge mass of different options before he came across what he really needed.

The inline installation allowed the developer to work out and implement a strategy for promoting a new product independently, and the end user to start using this product by pressing a single button.

At the same time, malware developers never sit idle and are constantly coming up with new ways to deceive gullible users. Thus, over the past few years, scammers have actively used the technique of creating fake websites or advertisements that mislead the user and force them to click on a link to install a dubious add-on.

For example, on a web page simulating an online movie theater, a notification might appear stating that the user's current version of Flash player is out of date and urgently needs to be updated if the user wants to watch a movie. The link, of course, did not lead to the distribution kit of the new version of the Flash player, but to an extension published by the attacker.

More than 100 thousand users were infected with malware from the Chrome Web Store

More than 100 thousand people became victims of malware hosted on the Chrome Web Store. It is capable of stealing user data and installing cryptocurrency miners on their computers. Radware experts warned about a serious cybercriminal campaign.

We are talking about 7 extensions for Google Chrome, which are based on the Nigelthorn malware. It is distributed through links on Facebook, after clicking on which users end up on a fake YouTube service page. There they are prompted to download the extension necessary to further watch the video.

After this, the malware executes a script, as a result of which the infected device becomes part of the botnet. The user's Facebook and Instagram account data was stolen, which was used for further distribution to a list of friends. And the computer itself at this time began to mine the cryptocurrencies Monero, Bytecoin and Electroneum. In the last 6 days alone, according to Radware experts, attackers have earned more than $1 thousand in this way.

2017: Google closes applications for the Chrome browser

Previously installed Chrome Apps still work, but the Chrome browser will lose the functionality required for this in the first quarter of 2018. The changes will affect Windows, Mac and Linux, but not Chrome OS, where Chrome Apps will continue to function.

Reasons for the decision

In August 2016, Google announced that support for Chrome Apps would be removed from the Windows, Mac, and Linux versions of Chrome. In a blog post, the company explained the reason: only 1% of users of these three OSes actively use the applications. Some of the Chrome Apps are simply specially designed bookmarks, which makes little sense on desktop OSes, notes Ars Technica, but is quite convenient on Chrome OS, since it allows you to link bookmarks to different parts of the interface.

Among Chrome Apps there are also full-fledged packaged applications that can run in the background and have access, for example, to the device’s USB ports. Like designed bookmarks, they were only available on desktop PCs. Now they will be available exclusively to Chrome OS users.

What will happen instead of Chrome Apps

The browser will still have Chrome Extensions, which are also available only in the desktop version, and are not going to disappear anywhere. You can also install them through the Chrome Web Store. Extensions are controlled using special buttons located to the right of the address bar. Extensions include password managers, ad blockers, email checking tools, and even full-featured apps like Google Hangouts.

In addition, Google intends to launch another type of application on the desktop version, the so-called Progressive Web Apps (PWA). They have the same goal as Chrome Apps - to add app functionality to websites, such as a full-screen interface, custom icons, push notifications, and offline capabilities. Such applications already work in Chrome for Android; they should appear in the desktop version around mid-2018. Many companies are developing their own PWA analogues: such applications are available for Samsung browsers, Firefox and Opera on Android.


The Google Chrome browser will lose application support in the very near future, which the Internet giant has already notified all developers by publishing a statement on its official blog. It is no longer necessary due to the extremely small percentage of users running these same applications.

Utility support will disappear from the Google Chrome browser for Windows, macOS and Linux platforms, the portal reports Liliputing. The only exception will be the Chrome OS operating system due to its unique features and the inability to launch full-fledged programs, as is implemented in the listed areas.

Applications for Google Chrome appeared back in 2010. This is something between browser extensions and regular computer utilities, but it is this constant tossing between two fires that has not allowed them to become popular. As a result, six years after its debut, only 1% of Chrome users run it on their PCs and laptops.

The end of support for Google Chrome applications is expected to be multi-stage, and it will all start with the Chrome Web Store catalog - already in December of this year, all newly downloaded applications will be visible only from Chrome OS, and previously presented applications will be available on all platforms.

This will last until July 2017, after which all applications will no longer be shown in the macOS, Linux and Windows browser. The third stage will be the removal of already installed applications - it will begin in the first quarter of 2018, and then new versions of Google Chrome will be released, without the corresponding source code.

It is not yet known for sure whether all this will affect Chrome OS, but Google assures that offline applications for it are inviolable. However, developers may not like the fact that instead of four platforms there will be only one and the least popular one, as a result of which the number of new applications may be sharply reduced, as well as the emergence of new versions of previously released programs.


On February 3, 2011, Google announced the opening of the Chrome Web Store to all American users. You can get to the store using the link located in the new tab window of the Google Chrome browser. Apps in the Chrome Web Store are built using web standards and are designed to run inside the browser.

The Moscow team of Google engineers announced in October 2011 the launch of a new version of the Chrome Web Store, in the development of which the Russian office took an active part. The Chrome Web Store offers apps, extensions, and themes for the Google Chrome browser. With each new visit, the user will see an updated list of applications and extensions. Most applications are free and install into your browser with the click of a button.

In the near future, we plan to add even more innovations to make the process of finding and installing applications, extensions, and themes as convenient and enjoyable as possible. The new version uses the open source Javascript library Google Closure in combination with the corresponding template processing library. Google Closure adds support for data types, inheritance, and encapsulation for classes to Javascript, turning Javascript into a full-fledged object-oriented language, and also offers a large number of tools for working with HTML objects, which overall greatly simplifies the development of complex web applications.


Opened in August 2010, the Chrome Web Store was initially intended only for Web application developers. Application authors could upload them to the site and experiment with installation options. The infrastructure for accepting payments and authenticating users was already implemented, but during the testing period only their authors could see downloaded applications, extensions and themes for Chrome. The Chrome Web Store was planned to eventually replace the current Chrome App Gallery site.

Many of the apps in the Chrome Web Store used widespread Web technologies and were, in theory, compatible with any modern browser, not just Google Chrome. The themes and extensions, however, are only for Google Chrome.

Applications installed from the Chrome Web Store are divided into hosted applications, the code for which is downloaded from an external site during operation, and packaged applications, which contain all the necessary code in the installation package. Hosted apps are simply links to sites with some additional information, but they, like packaged apps, appear as icons in the Chrome browser.

iMacros is an extension that helps in testing web pages. Instead of having to perform the same actions on the page themselves, the developer only needs to record the required sequence of actions in iMacros and launch the extension when necessary.

The extension is able to work with sites implemented using Java, Flash, Flex, Ajax and Silverlight technologies.

2. Font Playground

An extension for those who like to “play with fonts” - it allows you to experiment with the entire range of fonts from the Google Fonts library without making changes to the page code. You can change not only the font itself, but also its size, writing style, and so on.

3. Project Naptha

An extension for Google Chrome, which allows you to select and copy text even from pictures, will be useful, according to Cretive Bloq, to ​​anyone who has had to deal with embedded text at least once in their work.

4. What Font

An extension that allows you to instantly determine which font is used on a particular page, without performing almost any additional actions - by hovering the mouse cursor over the inscription.

5. YSlow

YSlow is a tool that not only checks the loading speed of a particular web page, but also tells the developer what is slowing it down. To do this, the extension checks the site for compliance with 23 of 34 performance rules formulated by the Yahoo team.

6. Web Developer

A whole set of useful tools for managing website elements - for example, for analyzing web resources and layouts, testing code and instantly changing parameters and appearance of the page.

7. Web Developer checklist

An extension to automatically check whether a site satisfies the basic principles of SEO, whether it is performant and user-friendly. The results of the check are presented in the form of a kind of checklist - you can see more detailed information and recommendations for each of the unfulfilled items, as well as instantly correct errors.

8. DevTools Autosave

Allows you to automatically save any changes made to the page code using Chrome DevTools. As the author of the material notes, the tool helps developers save a lot of time.

9. Instant Wireframe

An extension with which you can “turn” any page into a structural diagram of the material layout - wireframe. Allows developers and web designers to familiarize themselves with the layout of any page on the Internet without leaving the browser.

10. Ripple Emulator

Ripple Emulator is an emulator extension for Google Chrome that allows you to test websites on various mobile platforms with different screen resolutions. Can be used in combination with other extensions for testing and debugging resources.

11. Streak

Streak is an extension that allows you to turn your Gmail inbox into a CRM system. You can track the status of deals and negotiations conducted via email with counterparties, use Streak to process requests from product users and track corrections of submitted errors, and so on.

12. Search Stackoverflow

An extension for quick search of the popular developer resource Stack Overflow.

13. PHP Ninja Manual

Allows you to instantly access PHP 5.5 documentation from your browser.

14. PerfectPixel

PerfectPixel is an extension for Google Chrome. It allows you to “overlay” a translucent grid on a web page and check specified distances against it. You can overlay other images - such as the original layout - to ensure that the resulting page matches it exactly:

15. Code Cola

A tool for viewing the source code of pages and editing CSS code.

You can change the shadows, box circumferences, and so on by dragging the slider. After making changes, you can copy the resulting code and replace it in the site code.

16. Chrome Sniffer

A browser extension that detects which JavaScript libraries, framework or CMS are used on a resource.

17. User-Agent Switcher

User-Agent Switcher is an extension that allows you to “mask” the Google Chrome browser as Internet Explorer, Opera or any other browser.

18.IE Tab

Built-in Internet Explorer emulator for Chrome.

19. PicMonkey

Simple and free online image editor. Allows you to “capture” images or take browser screenshots - and immediately edit them using a Chrome extension.

20. Chrome Daltonize

An extension that helps adapt web services for those users who suffer from color blindness - showing the developer how the site is viewed by those who suffer from this disease. Allows web designers and developers to create more accessible services.

21. Page Ruler

A simple tool that helps you determine the height, width and position of any element on the page.

22. Check My Links

An extension that checks a web page for broken or incorrect links.

23. Flickr Tab

An extension that helps not so much with development, but with finding inspiration and good photos. Shows one image from Flickr on each new tab in Google Chrome. When you click on it, the user goes to the author’s page, where he can familiarize himself with his other works.

24. Google Art Project

A browser extension similar to the previous plugin in this list - only instead of photos from Flickr in the new tab, the user sees recognized works of art - for example, paintings by Van Gogh or Manet.

25. Data Saver

Official extension from Google for traffic compression, which enables traffic saving in the Google Chrome browser.

Google promised for so long and then prepared for so long the opening of its online store that until recently this event seemed like a kind of ghostly act. However, on December 8, it finally happened: an online store Chrome Web Store opened for users. True, so far only in the English version. If this fact does not stop you, welcome! Interestingly, paid applications can now only be purchased in the USA, but free ones are available to any client. The total number of software solutions is still small - about five hundred, but the store has many famous partners, for example, the New York Times and EA Games.

"Online store Chrome Web Store open for business. Developers have already started downloading apps and we expect the number to grow over time. The store is currently only available in the US, but will expand to many countries and currencies early next year,” says one of the company’s top managers. “The store will be a significant part of the Chrome infrastructure, helping people around the world discover great apps and their developers.”

Chrome Web Store Works with Google Chrome 8 and higher browser. All you have to do is visit the store and select one of the hundreds of applications that are currently available. Click the Install button - and you are ready to work with the program. The new application will appear in a new tab, allowing store customers to launch and manage it in a few clicks. Since all applications are hosted in the cloud, they are not required to be installed on your computer; they work out of the box, since in essence they are just web pages. The program icon is most often a simple link to an existing website or web application built from scratch specifically for Chrome, so "installing" is pretty much the same as bookmarking the website in the browser.

I would like to pay special attention to some applications. For example, in the Apps - News section you can find the New York Times application icon. It's very similar to what's on the iPad, but comes with several customizable themes and looks much better overall than the native site. Moreover, the application is available in offline mode, so even if you are not currently connected to the internet, you can read the articles posted in the online newspaper.

Of course, some will be disappointed by the fact that many of the applications hosted in Chrome Web Store, have been around for years, for example, Picasa or Google Books. Just remember that the company set itself the goal of collecting all the best and most useful things in one place, making navigation on the web more convenient, providing the ability to quickly and easily find great applications and services, and also allowing developers to demonstrate their creations. We should not forget that not every user is willing to pay for a pig in a poke. That is, an unknown application, and placing it in Chrome Web Store- a guarantee of quality, a recommendation that will be trusted. Now many applications will have a chance to find their audience.

Please note that many applications will also work with other browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox 4, as well as any other that supports HTML5 standards and related technologies.