Laptop parameters for home use. Powerful laptop for games and multimedia tasks

Modern life trends dictate new rules, and now the best assistant for most of us is a laptop. Therefore, it is very important to choose a truly high-quality device that meets all your requirements.

In this article we will try to give practical recommendations regarding how to choose a worthy portable friend. The main characteristics of laptops will not be left without attention, since it is almost impossible to choose a laptop correctly and not take into account the parameters.

For convenience and quick transition, a brief summary is provided:

Laptop manufacturer

Such a characteristic as the laptop manufacturer is not predominant when choosing. This follows from the fact that almost all laptop manufacturers do not have any distinctive characteristics regarding the hardware, since they use identical products from well-known manufacturers of video cards, processors, hard drives and other components. The only thing that remains with the manufacturer is the organization of a good cooling system, high-quality assembly, proper appearance devices and a very small list of other small items. Therefore, you can safely choose from all well-known manufacturers: Apple, Sony, Lenovo, Asus, HP, Acer, Samsung, DELL, etc. Regarding Apple and Sony – quite controversial issue, since they like to increase the cost “per brand”, but the quality is also appropriate. A well-known and reliable grant is the Asus company, and with a very reasonable prices for products for the mass consumer.

Before choosing a particular model, I recommend that you read reviews and user reviews so as not to run into an unsuccessful model in terms of cooling or build quality. Unsuccessful models and even lines slip through all manufacturers without exception.

Selecting a laptop 2013. Hardware specifications

When choosing a laptop, hardware specifications are the most significant and difficult factor. First of all, you need to discard all aesthetic tastes and focus on the insides of the device in order to weed out all unsuitable models.

Before evaluating the hardware characteristics of the device, you need to give a clear answer to the question: what do you need a laptop for? That is, evaluate it from a positioning point of view. You can rank laptops based on a variety of parameters, but it’s better to highlight a few basic ones in terms of performance:

  • Entry level performance. Positioned for working with text, watching videos, simple games and other similar types of tasks. Their main advantage is their low price;
  • Average level of performance. Such laptops can already perform more resource-intensive tasks; to the tasks described above, you can add the ability to play most games at medium settings, the ability to work comfortably in some graphics packages, which as a result makes them more suitable for replacing a home PC. Their price is slightly higher than that of laptops entry level productivity, but there are many more possibilities;
  • High level of productivity. This includes expensive laptops that can show fairly high performance in demanding games and programs. Such laptops can become an almost complete replacement for a home PC, but of course with a number of disadvantages.

So, we have completed the conditional gradation. The important thing to understand here is that entry-level performance laptops will be a very viable option for some, but for some, even mid-range laptops will not be enough. Therefore, we move directly to the hardware characteristics so that everyone can model the necessary device for themselves.

Choosing a processor for a laptop

Choosing the right processor is the key to success. We will not go too deep into the jungle of specific models, but will briefly talk about the main series.

It is worth noting that the processor in any system is responsible for computing performance, that is, to a greater extent for the work of programs aimed at this. For example, with a more powerful processor, file unpacking, video conversion, any type of encoding will be much faster; the operation of almost all types of programs (data processing time in them) depends on the processor. Now regarding specific lines from leading manufacturers AMD and Intel:

  • If you need a laptop for undemanding tasks, then you should choose among the Intel lines - Celeron, Pentium processors, or at worst Atom. In some cases, you can pay attention to Intel Core The i3 is one of those that is less powerful and cheaper in price. If the processor is from AMD, then here we look at the Trinity A4, AMD E, AMD C series. In this class it looks good Intel products, and AMD products.
  • When it comes to the middle class of laptops, the Intel processors that come under our gaze are: again, the Intel Core i3 and some of the not very productive Intel Core i5, which are affordable. From AMD: Trinty A6,A8 and in some cases A10. Phenom – not recommended.
    In this class, it is recommended to take a closer look at AMD Trinity processors, especially in conjunction with an AMD video card. Such laptops at an affordable price will provide the best performance in this class. So, if you want a cheap gaming laptop, the AMD Trinity is for you. But don't have any illusions about these processors: they will provide the best gaming performance for their price, but not exorbitantly and are only suitable for average games.
  • Gradually we have reached the class of high-performance laptops, here we will demand the best from Intel and AMD. Unfortunately, AMD in this class cannot compete with its competitor practically anything (the maximum is A10, and even then it will not be entirely correct here). From Intel series– these are top-end Intel Core i5 and i7. A powerful gaming laptop with these processors is a rather ambiguous thing. Often, it is better to complete the desktop and buy an average laptop. The price won't be much more, but you will have the insane gaming performance of a desktop and good portability of a laptop.

But if you are serious about buying a gaming laptop and expect decent performance from it, then look at models starting from $1200. At the same time, everything must be balanced, and the main thing here is– powerful discrete video card.

Laptop video card - integrated or discrete?

To select video card for a laptop, you again need to build on the positioning classes. If the tasks assigned to the laptop are not high in relation to gaming performance: simple games, watching movies and listening to music, as well as working in simple programs(text editors, etc.), then an integrated (built into the processor) video card will be enough for you. Therefore, for the budget and middle class, laptops based on AMD Trinity are very good. AMD Trinity processors have the most powerful integrated graphics; they have no equal in terms of integrated video cards. As a result, in the price range up to $600-700, it is better to give preference to the integrated graphics of these processors, but, again, if the tasks are primarily not gaming, but computing, then in some variations the integrated graphics from Intel will be acceptable.

Rising into the slightly more expensive middle segment of $700-1200, we can already talk about discrete video cards. Here, in terms of graphics, the combination of AMD A10 + Radeon HD 7670 video card will look good and accessible. In this case, the operation of both the integrated and discrete video cards will be implemented in a joint mode using Dual Graphics. This combination will be good for graphic loads (games, high quality movies, etc.). If you need more computing performance, then some discrete video card from Nvidia with CUDA, paired with an Intel processor, would look better here.

Moving into the segment of high-performance laptops from $1200 and far upward, we completely forget about integrated graphics - it has no place here. Among high-performance laptops, we can mention Dell Alienware, but there is too much pathos there, for which they want to rip off a lot a large sum. But the characteristics are impressive: two HD7990M video cards in Cross Fire mode.

There are also less pretentious, cheaper models. It is advisable that they have a video card installed with a performance somewhere around GTX650M or higher, otherwise it will not even be possible to parody comfortable gaming and work in applications that are demanding on graphics resources.

Other hardware characteristics

Other hardware characteristics of the laptop include the amount of RAM and hard drive. « There is no such thing as too much RAM» - It follows from this that it is worth choosing models with a large amount of RAM on board. But if we arrange gradation by class, we can distinguish the following dependence:

  • For entry-level laptops, 2-4 GB will be enough;
  • For laptops of average performance level, 6 GB of RAM will be quite optimal (if there are no specific tasks present);
  • For high-end laptops, 6-8 GB or more is required.

If we talk about the volume of the hard drive, then everything is purely individual. For one, 250 GB will be enough, and for another, 750 GB will not be enough. But, as a golden mean, we can call a volume of 500 GB.

Display selection

When choosing a display, you should, again, take into account the positioning of the laptop. When it comes to diagonal size, the golden mean is precisely 15.6 inches; such laptops can boast both the convenience of working in stationary conditions and good portability. If the focus is on portability, then you should take a closer look at 10-13-inch models. If you plan to buy a desktop laptop ( desktop laptop for home), then you can raise the bar to 17 or 19 inches.

Resolution will be important here. It would seem that the higher the resolution, the better. But not everything is clear here, especially in the case of laptops with weak hardware. If an entry-level laptop (in terms of hardware characteristics) operates with a display resolution of 1920x1080, then its graphics subsystem (which most likely is integrated graphics) will simply die, even when watching high-quality movies. Therefore, balance is very important here. If this is an entry-level laptop, then with a diagonal of 15.6 inches, a resolution of 1366x768 pixels would be the best option.

For mid-range laptops, you can aim for 1600x900, but 1366x768 is also a good option, in this case the hardware will reveal itself even more effectively.

For the class of high-performance gaming and home laptops, it is reasonable to select a resolution from 1600x900 and higher, that is, you can aim for Full HD - 1920x1080, fortunately the hardware allows you to “pull it out”.

Displays with IPS matrices have the best image quality, so it is preferable to select laptops with such displays. But if you come across other types of matrices in budget options, you shouldn’t “twist your nose.” Now any of the matrices have fairly good image quality.

Additional options

Additional factors include the weight and dimensions of the device. You should pay quite close attention to this when choosing a laptop. For some, characteristics battery life devices will be the most important parameter. This characteristic is best assessed by reviews and reviews various models laptops, since developers do not always provide objective information regarding this parameter.

There should also be a standard set of interfaces for communication with the outside world - Wi-Fi, USB, 3G, a sufficient number of USB ports, for some quite specific interfaces will be useful, such as Thunderbolt, used mainly in laptops from Apple. Here, too, everything is purely individual, and you need to determine, according to the characteristics, what you need and what you don’t.


It remains to summarize all of the above. Of course, it was not possible to describe all the parameters and nuances of choosing a laptop. The most important thing is to clearly define for yourself the tasks of the future laptop, soberly assess your budget for the purchase and the capabilities of laptops in this price range. These factors are the key to a successful purchase.

Good luck in choosing a laptop! If you have any questions to choose from, you can leave them in the comments.

Hello! Mikhail is in touch.

For those who work from home, it is important to properly organize workplace and choose the most effective tools. Obviously, the most an indispensable tool For such work is a computer. It is important to understand that the speed, productivity, and sometimes the quality of work will largely depend on its capabilities. And also, when working with good equipment, your nerves will be calm :)

Convenient workspace at home

Today, the majority of Russian buyers prefer portable devices and strives to become more mobile. In the case of gadgets for the home, it’s more like a laptop than a tablet. It is natural that laptops are popular among people who work at home (remote workers, representatives of creative professions, entrepreneurs).

The endangered audience for desktop PCs remains only users who are extremely demanding in terms of productivity (video designers, professional e-sports players, media and social media analysts, etc.). For others, a bulky computer is not relevant. I was no exception and six months ago I changed my desktop PC to a laptop. In this article I will share how own experience, as well as other information necessary for a successful and quick choice.

When a person is faced with the question: “?”, he naturally asks himself the following: “What is better: a computer or a laptop for work?” The answer is obvious - a laptop. The growing popularity of laptops is no coincidence.

When there's enough room for everyone...

The form factor of a modern laptop computer, at almost the same cost as a classic PC, has many advantages:

  • compactness (takes up significantly less space than a PC);
  • performance comparable to a PC with incomparably smaller dimensions;
  • low weight, and, accordingly, mobility - you can easily take it with you;
  • possibility of autonomous operation for 2-4 hours;
  • versatility (basic equipment with camera, microphone, bluetooth and Wi-Fi);
  • the presence of a pre-installed OS, and in some cases, a package of other software.

I note that 10 years ago the difference in the capabilities and performance of a desktop and a laptop was very noticeable. The functionality and speed of operation were more modest, and the price was higher. Rare portable devices of that time could have characteristics comparable to desktop machines.

Now the whole difference lies in graphics performance, which matters for demanding games and cryptocurrency mining. Laptops also do not offer the possibility of overclocking and deep upgrades - this is where the significant differences end.

Let's understand the hardware

It is obvious that the capabilities and speed of work when performing program tasks will directly depend on the technical characteristics.

The vast range of models can be confusing. To understand which laptop to buy for working at home, you should pay attention to:

  • processor performance;
  • volume and frequency of RAM;
  • volume and type of hard drive;
  • type and characteristics of the video adapter;
  • availability of the interfaces you need;
  • brand and OS;
  • battery capacity.


The speed of any computer (in particular, a laptop) is primarily ensured by the processor. Very roughly, we can say that processor performance depends on:

  • architecture;
  • number of cores;
  • clock frequency.

There is a common belief that the higher the clock speed and the more cores, the better its performance. This simplified understanding of performance is only valid for processors from one manufacturer with a similar architecture (for example, Intel Core).

Laptop processor

Those. eight-core Intel Core processor with clock frequency 2 GHz will be more productive than an eight-core Intel Core clocked at 1.8 GHz. But such a comparison with processors from other manufacturers may not be correct.

There are special units called FLOPS to measure processor performance. To understand which processor is actually faster, you should find measurements of its performance. Here is an example of a correct comparison:

  1. AMD FX-8350 4.1 GHz, 8 cores - 131.2 Gflops
  2. Intel Core i7-4930K 3.7 GHz, 6 cores - 130 Gflops

Even though AMD has more cores and higher clock speeds than Intel processors, their performance is almost equal.

IN lately processors are integrated with video cards to reduce the cost of installing a separate (discrete) video card. This approach has become an alternative to the ineffective combination of video adapters with RAM.

It is important to understand that with such integration the laptop will be cheaper, but part of the processor resources will be occupied by video. This may affect performance.

If you need to work autonomously for a long time, it is important to pay attention to the possibility of energy saving. Enthusiasts publish online lists of the “greediness” of processors with power consumption and try to identify the most voracious one.

Power consumption of some processors

The higher the processor power consumption, the shorter the battery life.

So, when choosing a processor, you should pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • real performance (if there is no data, then on the number of cores, clock speed and cache size);
  • the presence of a video adapter integrated with the processor;
  • energy saving (especially when long battery life is required).

Almost all laptop processors in the world are produced by two companies: Intel and AMD. There are polar opinions about which manufacturer is better. In fact, as in the case of the number of cores, nothing depends on the brand, the rest is marketing.

Video adapter

The graphic capabilities of a laptop, visual effects in programs and games directly depend on video cards. Discrete (stand-alone) graphics adapters have their own resources, such as RAM and processing power. Their performance is higher than that of integrated (combined) video cards that use processor resources.

The built-in video capabilities are quite sufficient for working with office software and simple work in graphic editors, as well as for not very demanding games. When you need to use a laptop for resource-intensive processes such as 3D modeling and video processing, you should choose a discrete video card with a memory capacity of at least 1-2 GB.


The amount of RAM is the second most important parameter responsible for performance. Modern laptops use RAM types DDR3 and DDR4 (much less often). The capabilities of DDR3 are inferior to those of DDR4.

For performance, not only the volume matters (the more, the better), but also the frequency of RAM (the more, the better). The standard amount of RAM, sufficient for fast work with modern office programs and Internet surfing, is considered to be 4 GB DDR3 with a frequency of 200 MHz.

The need to run resource-intensive graphics and video editors, complex design and modeling programs, as well as games with realistic graphics will require a more impressive volume, for example, 16 GB or more.


With the battery, everything is simple, the higher the capacity (mAh), the longer the laptop will live in offline mode.

Hard drive

There are 2 common options. The first - the classic HDD - is mechanically less reliable, transfers and writes data slowly, but is cheaper and often larger in volume. The second so-called A “solid-state” SSD drive has a very high write speed, is not afraid of shocks and shocks, but is terribly expensive. An important advantage of SSD is its influence on the speed of information processing due to a multiple increase in the speed of processing information located on the disk.

Today, taking into account active use cloud services, many settle on fairly modest volumes of hard disk. For example, 500 GB is enough for me. In the case of an SSD, a volume of 250 - 320 GB is considered economically feasible. If you need to store a large amount of information and at the same time use a solid-state drive to improve performance, it is reasonable to use a small SSD disk (250 GB) for the system and programs and an HDD (1-2 TB) for storing data (music, movies, documents).

Brand and OS

Most modern laptops run the Windows 10 operating system (sometimes there are also devices with Windows 8/8.1 pre-installed). The exception is laptops Apple, on which Mac OS is installed. The choice between Apple and other brands is a personal choice. There are people who have been in the Apple ecosystem for quite a long time, and for them the choice in favor of a MacBook is obvious. Among programmers, system administrators and other experienced users, the Linux OS is popular; it is very flexible, but difficult for untrained users to master.


Pay attention to the number of USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports you need. Often in budget models they save on USB, where they can only install 2, which may not be enough for full-fledged work. Availability of HDMI and Ethernet connectors are standard, which cannot be said about, for example, an SD card reader.

The best laptops for working at home: price and quality

Here I will describe several low-budget and mid-budget releases of 2017, which I consider to be most suitable for the definition of “laptop for working from home.” I'll start with the very budget options. I include devices costing up to 35,000 rubles in the low-cost laptop segment.

Lenovo V310−15ISK

One of the best options among last year's releases was the Lenovo V310−15ISK. A laptop that is well suited for working with office software, simple editors and Internet surfing. Comes with DOS OS pre-installed, which reduces cost. The user, at his discretion, can install any compatible OS (usually Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7, or various versions of Linux, etc.).

Lenovo V310−15ISK

The architecture of the device is based on the use of a dual-core Intel Core i5 processor with a performance of about 40-45 Gflops (frequency from 2300 MHz to 2800 MHz in turbo mode). Volume of operational DDR memory 3 - 4 GB (memory chips are soldered into the motherboard) + additional slot for upgrade (volume up to 8 GB). The Intel HD Graphics 520 video adapter is compatible with DirectX 12. Support for this technology means that on this laptop you can not only work with office programs and watch videos, but also, at the very least, use video editors, as well as play relatively recent games.

In addition, the laptop is equipped with a card reader (SD), two USB 3.0 ports and one USB 2.0, HDMI, LAN and VGA, and a feature that is relatively rare in budget models - a connector for a spare battery. The overall dimensions made it possible to equip the laptop with a DVD drive (it can be useful, although recently many manufacturers are starting to abandon them).

An impressive battery life of 6 hours (12 with an additional battery) is provided by a four-cell battery with a capacity of 32 Wh. Neutral design with simple forms useful for the home, as it can fit equally well into any interior.

ASUS VivoBook Max R541UA-DM565D is perhaps the best release of last year in the price category up to 35,000 rubles. Why, in fact, did I choose it for myself? As in the previous model, to reduce the cost, installation of the operating system was made a concern for the buyer - only DOS is installed on the laptop.

It works quickly even when processing a large amount of information, running 4-5 applications and resource-intensive processes. Equipped with an Intel Core i3 6100U processor with a performance of 45 Gflops (2 cores clocked at 2300 MHz). The laptop has 4 GB DDR4 RAM, which has the same performance impact as 6-8 GB of RAM of the previous DDR3 standard. Like the Lenovo described above, this laptop has an integrated Intel video card HD Graphics.

ASUS VivoBook Max R541UA-DM565D

In addition to standard USB interfaces 2.0 and USB 3.0, the flagship of Asus' budget line uses a USB-C port. The laptop is also equipped with modern wireless interfaces Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi 802.11n. HDMI, VGA can be used to connect external monitors. According to my subjective impressions, this laptop copes with the work faster than other price analogues office applications, data processing, surfing, works more stable when the computing capabilities are fully loaded. For example, the device can easily cope with work while simultaneously launching the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor, Word applications(4 documents) and Excel (92 documents), as well as simultaneous opening of 45 browser tabs Google Chrome at background work antivirus Avast programs V active mode and two Telegram messengers and Skype. All budget models are equipped as standard with a classic HDD with a capacity of 500 GB to 1 TB.

ASUS Zenbook UX 310 UA

Among the mid-budget (up to 90,000 rubles) laptops of last year, I was impressed by the ASUS Zenbook UX 310 UA. Very light and compact, this laptop has impressive computing capabilities. The laptop is equipped with a powerful Intel Core i5 processor (45 Gflops) and 8 GB of DDR 4 RAM. The Intel HD Graphics 620 video adapter allows you to use the laptop for full work with graphics and 3D editors, as well as for modern games (running on medium settings).

ASUS Zenbook UX 310 UA

The device can easily cope with “heavy” applications that require high levels of multitasking. Optionally, as an additional configuration (naturally, with an increase in price) it can be equipped with a 320 GB SSD drive. A useful plus for the lazy user is pre-installed Windows 10.

Apple MacBook Pro

Among premium segment models (costing more than 90,000 rubles), Apple is traditionally one of the leaders. In 2017, it released one of the best expensive laptops - Apple MacBook Pro, which is ideal for working at home. This laptop is especially popular among designers who often use Apple technology. They often say that Apple is the best laptop for work both at home and in the office.

Apple MacBook Pro

The performance of the model is ensured by 4 nuclear processor Intel Core i7 with a performance of 53.3 Gflops (in my experience, this is more than enough for simultaneous work 2 graphic editors, office suite, browser and antivirus), 16 GB DDR3 RAM high frequency. Graphics capabilities are determined by a combination of integrated and discrete video card. The Radeon Pro 455 graphics adapter with its own 2 GB of video memory will allow you to quickly and efficiently use any application for working with graphics, video and 3D models.

According to Apple standard, new MacBook Pro is equipped with four USB type C ports. Combined video affects power consumption, thanks to which the MacBook can live without additional charging for at least 6-7 hours. In comparison with analogues, in terms of computing power, the computer has a relatively small mass - 2 kg.

Is it worth buying a used laptop, and how to do it correctly?

This approach has both advantages and disadvantages. With a relatively small amount of money, buying a used one will be an undeniable way out of the situation. Often, a relatively new (1 - 1.5 years old) laptop loses in value from 15 to 30% when sold secondhand. If the laptop has been exchanged for 2-3 years, then with a high probability it can be bought for 50-60% of the initial cost.

But you may encounter tangible technical problems, which will come from the previous owner. A classic case that has happened to many of my friends is the rapid failure of a hard drive. An unscrupulous seller simply remaps (replaces bad sectors) on a faulty hard drive, which allows the system to start without failures for some time, and then the surface continues to “crumble”, and the disk completely fails within a month.

Cases of dead pixels on the monitor and faulty batteries are still not uncommon. To avoid buying a problematic laptop, it is better to use special utilities for checking (for example, CrystalDiskInfo for HDD and the battery health tool in Aida 64). You can also take it for a test, at least for a couple of days.

So which laptop should you choose?

The choice always depends on the tasks that need to be solved using a laptop. Working with office programs and a browser does not require the use of large resources; therefore, a budget laptop will be sufficient. When it comes to applications with high system requirements (graphic and video design, prototyping, 3D modeling, e-sports), you won’t be able to get by with little effort and will have to choose a laptop that meets the optimal software requirements. The higher computing power, the higher the cost.

If you do not plan to use the device frequently on the road and constantly carry it with you, you can not pay attention to the weight (weight reduction in powerful laptops is a big plus to the cost). In such cases, battery life may also become unimportant. In other words, you can reduce the cost of a laptop by identifying characteristics that are unnecessary in a particular situation and reducing the requirements for the device.

“How to choose a laptop” is a simple question for a specialist who is well versed in modern devices. But what to do to the average user who wants to buy an inexpensive but productive laptop for the home, without overpaying a lot of money for the brand. Let's look at this issue together.

How to choose a good laptop for home in 2018?

Today, tablets and smartphones are becoming more and more popular, but most users understand that in order to fully work, study and play, a computer or laptop must always be at hand. But if a computer is a stationary device that cannot be taken with you on trips or to work, then a laptop is a universal option. So, what should you look for when choosing this versatile device?

Quick selection

If you don’t want to go into the details of choosing a laptop, then here are a few “ quick tips”, which must be taken into account when purchasing a device. To get more detailed information, read the sections below.

  • 12.5 - 15 inch screens have perfect balance between portability and ease of use. It is better to choose screens with a large diagonal if you will not carry a laptop with you, and working or playing on small screens is not very convenient.
  • If you plan to spend more than 60,000 rubles, then start from these minimum characteristics:
    • CPU Core i5
    • screen resolution 1920 x 1080
    • RAM 8 GB
    • SSD instead of HDD
  • 8+ hours of battery life It will be ideal if you plan to constantly carry your laptop with you.
  • Windows or MacBooks- this is a matter of personal taste.

Now let's understand everything in more detail.

Choosing a platform: WINDOWS OR MAC OS?

This question is not easy to answer, especially if you are not familiar with both operating systems. In this section we will try to highlight the strengths and weaknesses each OS.

Most modern laptops in Russia come with the Windows operating system; MacOS is intended only for Apple products.


The most popular operating system that runs on laptops costing 10,000 rubles and more, and offering a wide range of functions: from touch screens to fingerprint scanners. Since Windows OS came into existence several decades ago, a huge number of games and applications have been released on it. Despite this, the system is not very well thought out, so “bugs and lags” await the user throughout the entire time of use.


All MacBooks come with this operating system. In general, Mac OS offers similar functionality, but has much fewer problems: the OS is completely protected from viruses, functions stably and has excellent ergonomics for operation. If you don't mind the small number of compatible games and the new interface, then you should definitely choose Mac OS.

Selecting the screen diagonal

Before looking at the specifications and prices, you need to find out the screen diagonal. Based on screen size, laptops are:

  • 12-13 inches: The lightest and thinnest devices that fit easily into any bag. But you will not be able to play demanding games and heavy applications.
  • 14-16 inches: Best balance of mobility and comfort of use. Laptops with such a diagonal are equipped with good hardware, plus they are convenient to take with you due to their not very large size.
  • 17 inches or more: Such devices have high computing power, so they are most often used only for home use (demanding games, applications, video editing, and so on).

Selecting technical specifications

Selecting laptop components such as processor, hard drive, RAM and graphics card is the most difficult part when purchasing a laptop. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you do not understand anything about this, below we will try to figure it all out.


The processor is the brain of your future laptop PC, which has a huge impact on performance, speed and power consumption. The permanent leaders in the market are two manufacturers: Intel and AMD.

Processors from Intel work an order of magnitude faster than their main competitor, but the price of their products is correspondingly higher. Therefore, if you have a good budget, we recommend taking a closer look at laptops with a Core i7, Core i5 or Core i3 processor. If you don't want to overpay for a faster processor, then pay attention to AMD products: Phenom II, Turion II, A6, A8 or A10.


When working on a laptop, you will probably use Google browser Chrome or other similar applications. For their smooth operation, they require a lot of RAM, so we recommend choosing from 4 GB of memory, and ideally from 8 GB or more.

Modern laptops may have free memory card slots. Therefore, if the existing RAM is not enough for you, you can buy one or two more sticks.

Video card

A video card is a component that converts a graphic image that is stored on the computer's memory into a form for display on a monitor screen. Video cards are divided into 2 types: discrete (external) and integrated (internal).

Integrated, as a rule, originally built into the motherboard or processor. They do not have their own memory, so they have to use the laptop's RAM, which greatly impacts performance.

Pros of using an integrated video card:

  • the price of a laptop is significantly lower;
  • small size, therefore weighs much less;
  • consumes minimal energy.

Pros of using a discrete graphics card:

  • high performance;
  • high-quality image;
  • Does not consume device RAM.

Battery life

If you plan to use your laptop only at home, right next to an outlet, then you don't need to worry about battery life. It’s a completely different matter if you use the laptop “on your lap” every day, that is, using only the battery charge. In this case, you will need at least 7 hours of battery life, and 8 hours would be ideal.

Do not trust developers' claims about battery life, as they constantly overestimate these values. Before purchasing, be sure to look at tests from objective sources that will show approximately the true value.

Rating of the best laptops for home 2018

Below we have compiled a list of 10 best models laptops for the home based on customer reviews. Parameters such as price, performance, size, battery life, and so on were also taken into account.

Model Screen* Memory/Storage* CPU* Video card* Price starts from..
17.3"/1600x900 4 GB/1000 GB Intel Pentium Intel HD Graphics 520 RUB 21,951
15.6"/1366x768 4 GB/500 GB Intel Celeron Intel HD Graphics 400 16,131 RUR
15.6"/1366x768 4 GB/128 GB Core i3 Intel HD Graphics 520 RUR 23,690
14"/1366x768 4 GB/128 GB Core i3 Intel HD Graphics 620 27,005 RUR
14"/1366x768 4 GB/256 GB Core i3 Intel GMA HD RUR 25,528
15.6"/1366x768 4 GB/128 GB Core i3 NVIDIA GeForce 940MX 26,200 ₽
15.6"/1366x768 4 GB/128 GB Intel Pentium Intel HD Graphics 510 RUB 19,102
15.6"/1366x768 4 GB/500 GB Core i5 NVIDIA GeForce 940M RUR 31,990
15.6"/1366x768 2 GB/128 GB Intel Celeron Intel GMA HD 15,001 RUR
15.6"/1366x768 4 GB/256 GB Core i3 Intel HD Graphics 520 RUR 22,954

* The table shows the minimum characteristics of devices that come in inexpensive modifications.

1 - for fun with the whole family

DELL INSPIRON 5770 is an excellent solution for those who prefer a larger screen diagonal. This model with IPS screen 17.3-inch diagonal and Full HD resolution will provide the user with excellent color reproduction and image clarity. Depending on the modification, you can choose a Pentium or Core i3, i5, i7 processor, and 4-8 GB of RAM. If you are aiming to run demanding toys, then do not skimp on these components.

It is also worth noting the increased battery life. According to the manufacturer, the modern Inspiron battery lasts for a whole day of use without recharging (depending on the style of work).

  • Matte screen, wide viewing angles
  • There are free slots for hard drive and memory
  • Good performance for the price
  • Decent battery life
  • It is heavy (total weight is 2.79 kg), so it is not very convenient to carry it with you
  • Poor Wi-Fi signal

2 - a tool to solve any problem

If you are going to not only work with documents, watch videos, listen to music, surf the Internet, but also want to play your favorite games at least on medium settings, then it makes sense to take a closer look at the device called HP 250 G6.

Pleases this model wide choice processors: Celeron / Core i3 / Core i5 / Core i7 / Pentium. Depending on your budget and your needs, you can choose a very good build. RAM from 4 to 8 GB is enough for Google launch Chrome and other expensive applications.

  • Well balanced hardware
  • Light weight, only 1.86 kg
  • You can increase the memory yourself
  • Works quite quietly
  • Poor color rendering and viewing angles of the screen

3 - good option for business and study

Having fully studied the characteristics of this laptop, we can say with confidence that Acer Extensa EX2540 is perfect for business and study. This is due to the fact that this model has a fairly powerful Core processor i3/i5 (with a frequency of 2.0-2.5 GHz), and a good battery with a battery life of up to 7 hours.

Since the Acer Extensa EX2540 does not have modifications with a discrete (external) video card, then modern games you can't play on it. However, users in reviews claim that in games such as Dota 2, Skyrim V and World Of Tanks, the laptop produces stable 30-50 frames per second.

  • You can add RAM and replace the hard drive
  • Relatively light
  • High performance
  • Poor screen color rendering
  • Not very fast HDD

4 - ideal solution for specialists

HP ProBook 440 G5 - the choice of customers based on reviews from Yandex.Markert. Stylish, thin, productive and with long battery life, this laptop Ideal for working at home and in the office.

High performance is provided by the latest generation processors from Intel. A 14-inch screen with a resolution of 1366x768 will be quite enough for comfortable spending time on a laptop PC. You can choose a modification with a discrete graphics card NVIDIA GeForce 930MX, then you can pamper yourself with more demanding games.

  • Very good build, SSD shows incredible speed
  • Despite its high performance, this model is very light and compact.
  • Even a beginner can install an additional memory slot
  • IPS matrix with good viewing angles
  • Average screen
  • No keyboard backlight

5 - well balanced availability

This laptop will be a godsend for those who need a simple device for their home. Of course, you won’t be able to play serious games on it, but it’s perfect for everything else (surfing the Internet, watching videos, working in Word, and so on).

The display is matte and does not glare in the sun. The resolution is not very high (1366x768), but the load on the system is less. The sound is average, lacks bass. On the sides there are 4 USB port, which is very good, since most people give a maximum of 3. Overall, the DELL Vostro 5468 is an excellent multimedia laptop for simple tasks.

  • Lightweight and compact
  • good time battery life
  • If necessary, you can purchase additional RAM
  • Dual-band Wi-Fi
  • Like everyone else budget models not very good display
  • Poor CPU cooling under heavy loads

6 - cheap and good

Finding a powerful gaming laptop under 30,000 rubles is even theoretically impossible, but the Acer TravelMate P259-MG is perfect for medium-sized toys. The presence of a discrete video card NVIDIA GeForce 940MX allows the device to cope with Dota, World of Tanks, GTA and so on with relative ease.

If RAM for daily tasks will not be enough, you can easily add a couple more strips, fortunately there are 2 slots in reserve, and access to them is much easier. Despite all its advantages, it is not without significant disadvantages, and here it is the screen.

  • High performance
  • Virtually no noise even under high loads
  • Good build quality
  • There is an M.2 connector
  • Dim and low contrast display
  • Not very convenient USB 3.0 location

7 - affordable versatility

This laptop looks quite strict and pleasant. The body is completely made of high-quality matte plastic. The color range is quite wide; on sale you can find black, red, gray and purple colors Lenovo IdeaPad V310-15ISK.

Many people are also thinking about purchasing a laptop. Which laptop is best to buy depends on what purposes it may be needed for. If you just need a mobile device for working with documents, then its filling may be very simple. If the main goal is games, then in this case everything must be carefully weighed.

Deciding on the type of device

The first thing you need to decide before buying a laptop is what operations you plan to perform on it. And in this case, the principle “the more expensive the better” is not entirely correct, since the price depends on many indicators that are not always necessary for you.

Which laptop is better to buy? First, let's figure out what types of laptops exist. This is a very arbitrary division, however, thanks to it you will be able to understand which model to choose.

Netbooks- This small devices with low power. They have all the multimedia functions, but do not have a DVD drive. They are being replaced by tablets and ultra-thin laptops, so their demand is rapidly falling.

Entry level devices

The cheapest in their segment, where savings are observed in everything - cheap plastic, the simplest components, a weak processor. Even with very limited budget It's not worth purchasing them. It is in their case that you will quickly remember the saying about the miser who “pays twice.”


The most popular laptops due to reasonable price(within 300-600 USD) and a full set of necessary functions both for comfortable work on the Internet and with office programs, and for various games that do not require maximum settings. An ideal option for both study and work.


They have much greater performance, which will allow you to easily work with any programs and run games of greater power. A good enough laptop for gaming as long as it's not too heavy. Price range - 500-700 USD. e.


The thinnest devices with a beautiful, elegant design that work more for the image. Light and elegant, they are not particularly powerful. Not intended for games. If the status obliges you, then you should choose them without a discrete video card. At the same time, to avoid overheating, you should take a model with an Intel or Ivy Bridge processor.

Gaming laptops

Devices where both the video card and the processor have the highest performance. Before you buy a laptop for gaming, you should think twice. In terms of price, specialized gaming laptops are in the top (from 750 USD) And if you are going to play new games at maximum resolutions with all the options enabled, then you will also have to change it with the release of the next gaming megahit. Yes, a good laptop for gaming is not cheap.

Selecting the main characteristics


When searching, you also need to pay attention to two points - the material from which the device body is made, and the resolution and brightness of the screen. It is preferable to choose a case made of aluminum, since fingerprints will remain on the plastic. Although some modern plastics will give a head start to many types of aluminum.

Convenient resolution for any laptop - 1366*768 pixels. At higher resolution all the details of the image, of course, will become much clearer, however, the text itself will seem small. Screen brightness must be at least 200 cd/sq.m. Otherwise, the bright light will make it difficult to see the images on the screen. Based on these considerations, it is better to go with a matte screen.


This is perhaps the most basic characteristic that should be given the most attention. Let's start with what not to buy. These are all types of Atom from Intel and C-50/60/70 from AMD. Their productivity is extremely low, and they are no longer able to cope with most modern tasks.

  • If your budget is extremely limited, but you want more or less acceptable quality for work and some games, then opt for inexpensive processors Intel Nxxxx or AMD E1-xxxx/E2-xxxx.
  • For general-purpose laptops, a good processor would be Intel i3, i5 and i7 with a TDP of 35W to 37W.
  • If you are buying a good laptop for gaming, then it should have an Intel i5 and i7 processor with a TDP of 37W or more. You will appreciate its performance in games, while in regular work the difference will not be noticeable.

For dummies, the easiest way to focus is on the performance index. Those whose IP is up to 1000 are considered very weak, 2000-4000 - intermediate level, allowing you to cope with most tasks, 4000-6000 - will cope with all tasks, from 6000 - the fastest, however, they overheat more than others.

Video card

The video card should be given special attention if you are looking for a good laptop for gaming. As a rule, most devices are sold with processors with a built-in video card, and they are suitable for standard games that do not require special system requirements. For occasional games, choose an AMD processor, and if you need fast work, then choose Intel with built-in video cards.

You will need a discrete (removable) video card if the main purpose of purchasing a laptop is gaming. The developer of the toy you are going to play will tell you what to choose - Nvidia or ATI. Some toys are optimized for technologies implemented by a specific video chip manufacturer, and early stages There is a possibility of freezing when some game is released.


For regular office work and study, 2 GB of RAM is enough for you. If you plan to play games and install modern professional programs, aim for 4-6 GB. When working with resource-intensive tasks (you need to process videos or install heavy games), it is wiser to choose an RAM of 8 GB or more.

Hard drive and battery

What memory is better to buy a laptop with? Nowadays laptops have at least 320 GB of hard drive capacity, and, as a rule, this volume is quite enough. If you want to store your movie library on it, it is better to purchase a removable hard drive. Ideally purchase SSD drive- loading games into memory will happen faster, and this will also affect the operation of Windows.

Laptops with lower performance run on battery for a long time. Typically, a standard office laptop can last up to 3 hours on a single charge. But you need to understand that the greater the load on it (running games, bright screen), the faster the battery will drain.

Choosing a manufacturer

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, it is best to focus on well-known laptop companies. These types of companies include HP, Toshiba, Lenovo, Acer, Asus, Dell or Samsung.

If we talk about the price-quality ratio, then, according to most users, the best company laptops are Sony and Apple. HP and Asus are slightly lower in quality, but they can provide maximum performance. You will find the most conflicting reviews about Dell, Acer and Lenovo laptops, so you can rely on luck when purchasing them.

Check if there is an HDMI output to connect to your TV. Even in the most expensive models, it is sometimes changed to DisplayPort or Thunderbolt, for which you will have to buy additional adapters.

Some modern laptops can be very noisy due to the design of their cooling system. If you don’t want to be annoyed by noise, before purchasing it is better to test it in a quiet room at maximum operating modes, running, for example, a movie in HD quality or a 3D game for 15-20 minutes.

There are many nuances, and it is even more difficult for a non-specialist to understand them. If you don’t want to make a mistake, seek help from a friend who understands this issue.

The store manager, of course, will try to help you, but his task is to sell at a higher price. Therefore, the leitmotif of his recommendations will be “more expensive means better,” which is not always true. We hope that our recommendations will help you navigate the main issues.

Today, portable electronics will not surprise anyone - not only tablets, players and phones have the right to be called a personal wearable computer, but even wrist watch and glasses.

However, most devices of this type actually have extremely limited functionality. You can talk as much as you like about the capabilities of mobile operating systems, on-screen keyboards and other augmented reality, however, when instead of consuming content it comes to creating it or doing some serious work in general, fashionable electronics immediately turns out to be, at a minimum, inconvenient, and at a maximum, completely incompatible with the task assigned to it.

Tablets and phones, of course, make it possible to watch movies and surf the Internet during a trip, post vacation photos on social networks, and even send a business letter. But when you need to launch and configure equipment that does not have wireless interfaces, adjust and register fuel maps in the car’s control unit, or make urgent corrections to the original layout of a newspaper before sending it to print - alternatives to the good old laptops with a full-fledged desktop OS, a huge amount There is simply no compatible software, a full set of physical connectors and, again, a physically existing keyboard.

What should you pay attention to when choosing?

Screen: dimensions, matrix and type of coating

As with all-in-one PCs, it is the screen that determines the ease of use of a laptop. However, here the influence of this factor is much more serious. Screen size = the size of the laptop itself, the comfort of wearing it and... even the purpose of use.

Agree, if you climb a tower with a backpack on your back cellular communication for the sake of setting it up and running it, or making your way through thickets of wires in a technical room to a cabinet with network equipment, a large and heavy laptop is not the best best choice. The opposite situation: if a laptop is needed for sedentary work and is only transported from the office to home and back, it is better to look for models with a large screen, which will accommodate more documents and data, and you will not have to strain your eyes to distinguish small text.

The next important point is the type of screen matrix. There are several options here:

IPS And PLS- options for serious work with graphics. They are distinguished by extremely accurate color reproduction, high-quality display of halftones and wide viewing angles. Among their disadvantages are only the relatively high cost and the glow effect.

*VA(VA, MVA, PVA) is a compromise between IPS and TN. Laptops with such matrices are noticeably cheaper than IPS, but at the same time they provide no less colorful pictures. Their advantages are deep black color and high contrast, which is very useful when watching movies. The downside is not the most accurate transmission of halftones, small viewing angles and relatively high power consumption.

TN(TN+film) - the simplest and most budget option. In addition, it has the shortest response time, which is useful for watching dynamic movies and games. But for these advantages you have to pay for poor quality color reproduction, low contrast, small viewing angles and, in general, not the best quality image.

The type of screen coverage is also important for a mobile device:

Matte screens - optimal choice for a device that will have to do a lot of work "on the road". They provide good quality pictures in any light.
Glossy screens The brightness is a little better, but in the sun or just near a window on a fine day, such screens convey glare much more clearly than the image itself.

Battery capacity

Extremely important factor for a mobile device, determining how long the laptop will work without an outlet. Of course, you always need to keep in mind the power consumption of the device itself - a small and weak netbook with a 2000 mAh battery will last as long, or even longer, than a top-end gaming machine with an 8000 mAh battery.
However, all other factors being equal, preference should be given to the laptop with the larger battery. These are not just numbers, but convenience and the ability to work on the device without running with it from outlet to outlet.


A laptop is a mobile device whose advantage over a desktop PC is its portability. The heavier the laptop, the less noticeable this advantage becomes. And although when choosing, it seems that the difference between 3 and 5.5 kilograms is not at all fundamental - after a full day of work spent traveling, you will feel these two and a half kilos to the fullest.

The lighter the laptop, the better it is. Weight is not important only if you plan to use a laptop instead of a desktop computer and take it out of the house only when traveling to the country or moving from one apartment to another.

Device type

In addition to classic laptops, as they are usually represented, in the segment laptop computers There are at least two types of devices:

Ultrabook(slickbook, etc) - in terms of hardware, it is almost a full-fledged laptop, perhaps without an optical drive and with very modest upgrade capabilities. But, having lost some of its functionality, the ultrabook has become thin, light and, as a rule, very impressive-looking.

Transformer- a laptop that turns into a tablet with a slight turn of the screen. Retains the physical keyboard, but can also be controlled from the screen, which in some cases is very convenient.

Storage configuration and capacity

Not all data can be trusted cloud services even as a backup, and it’s not always convenient to carry a bunch of flash drives and portable hard drives. Therefore, a laptop, being a wearable device, must be able to store the entire amount of user data. At the same time, it is highly desirable that access to this data is fast, and that read/write operations do not take up too much battery power.

Modern laptops offer following methods organizing disk space:

HDD only- a solution for budget laptop models. One hard drive- this is both the low speed of the device and the relatively rapid discharge of the battery.

Hybrid SSHD- intermediate solution. The size of the "solid-state" part of the disk is small: as a rule, it is only 8-16 gigabytes, which is not enough to install the system, but enough to speed up read/write operations.

One HDD + SSD- an optimal scheme when the OS and all the software needed for work are installed on a fast SSD, and files are accumulated on a hard drive, which the laptop accesses only when necessary. The battery power is not wasted on unnecessary spinning of the plates in the hard drive, and in ordinary operations the laptop demonstrates enviable speed.

SSD only- usually found in netbooks, convertibles and ultrabooks. It does not have a large volume, but provides long battery life.

Two SSDs- a circuit found in top gaming and professional laptops. While maintaining energy efficiency, it also provides a large amount of disk space. However, such models are not cheap.

The presence of an optical drive is optional; it is not worth focusing on this parameter today.

Central processor: manufacturer, line, number of cores

Unlike desktop PCs and all-in-one computers, laptops do not require excessive processing power - as a rule, they value battery life more.
However, it is desirable that the processor's capabilities match the user's tasks - a laptop that is beautiful, light and lasts a long time without recharging is not enough, but at the same time does not allow you to perform work tasks. In addition, unlike a desktop PC, in laptops the processors are most often soldered into the motherboard, and it is simply impossible to replace them.

Intel processor lines Atom, Celeron, Pentium, and also AMD processors rulers E1, E2, A4, A6- These are options for netbooks and entry-level laptops. They are distinguished by modest power consumption, but also by equally modest computing capabilities. You shouldn't expect more from them than doing simple office work and surfing the Internet. But you shouldn’t discount them either - in many cases, the performance of these processors is sufficient for the tasks facing the laptop.

AMD processor lines A8/A9 And Intel processors families Core i3/i5 they can already do a little more. AMD in this case brings full-fledged four cores, Intel in most cases (but not always) brings dynamic overclocking and virtual 4 threads. These processors still cannot be called serious gaming devices, but they cope with work tasks much more efficiently than their younger counterparts.

Processors AMD families A10/A12/FX and Intel processors Core i7- top models with 4 physical cores and quite high frequencies by laptop standards. They are capable of effectively solving both work and entertainment tasks, but are found exclusively in top-end devices with an appropriate price tag.

Graphics accelerator type

A good half of laptops come with integrated graphics, and today it is graphics core, built into the central processor. For devices of this type, this is perhaps the best option. Laptop - not the best optimal platform for games, so graphics performance is not too important for it. On the other hand, with such a design, there is no extra heating source in the case, the cooling system copes more efficiently, the laptop runs quieter, and the battery power is not wasted on a separate device.

Integrated graphics, being an integral part of processors, come with these processors. Intel CPUs come with built-in Intel graphics, AMD CPU - integrated AMD graphics. Everything is simple here and there is no problem of choice as such.

But no lesser proportion of laptops come in the configuration with built-in and discrete video cards. This does not mean that the laptop will be twice as fast in games: as a rule, such a scheme is used to increase energy efficiency. When idle and under light loads, the built-in graphics core operates, which reduces power consumption and heating of the laptop. Games and other complex tasks use a discrete graphics card.

Only with discrete video card Most often, top-end gaming and professional laptops are supplied, for which energy efficiency and battery life are less important than performance when performing basic tasks. And in the most top models It is possible to have not one, but two video cards at once, combined in SLI/Crossfire to improve performance.

Discrete graphics in laptops can be represented by products from the same AMD or Nvidia. AMD graphics chips, in addition to games and multimedia, can accelerate calculations in desktop software using OpenCL, Nvidia video cards- do the same using CUDA. The choice of a video card for work in this case is solely a matter of the software used.

As for games, here you need to focus not on the name of the video card, its manufacturer or the amount of video memory, but only and exclusively on tests of laptop video cards in games. And the best way to do this is with large specialized resources. Because reality is always somewhat different from the words of YouTube experts and Internet specialists.

RAM slot configuration

For a laptop, this is perhaps the most important technical parameter. In 90% of cases, it is impossible to replace the processor and video card in it, and the only way to increase the performance of the device is to expand the amount of RAM.

That is why you should focus on laptops that have 2 or 4 slots for RAM. As a rule, only one slot is occupied from the factory, so to upgrade you will only have to purchase and install the required number of modules.

Laptops with one slot at the same time they will limit maximum volume RAM, and will make the upgrade less profitable: you will have to buy a larger module for a higher price, and the old module will remain on the shelf or will be sold for minimal money.

In laptops with built-in memory, soldered on the board, there is simply nothing to upgrade.

Interfaces and connectors

A laptop implies mobility, but mobility without communication with the outside world... in fact, is possible without a laptop. Therefore, it is highly desirable to have interfaces for wireless Internet access.

WiFi- this is already a standard for mobile devices, its presence is not even discussed. But Wi-Fi networks are not available everywhere, so a built-in one would be a good addition for a laptop. 3G- or 4G-modem. True, they are rare - mainly in “transformers” and some netbooks. However, the ability to access the Internet from anywhere without an external modem or sharing the Internet from a smartphone can be very useful.

Of the “physical” connectors, the connectors are of interest USB Type-C. A laptop, by its very nature, is designed to work a lot with a variety of peripherals, and it is better if these peripherals are connected to it through a modern high-speed interface.

M.2 connector is a new standard for connecting high-speed SSDs in a compact format. It’s very nice to have one for upgrading the disk subsystem in the future, especially if the laptop doesn’t have a factory SSD, and installing a standard 2.5-inch drive is impossible or is only possible if you abandon the HDD.

Criteria and selection options:

Having decided on the key parameters and purposes of using the laptop, devices from the DNS directory can be differentiated as follows:

Netbooks with a small screen diagonal are characterized by a relatively low cost; in this segment you can find devices for prices ranging from 7,000 to 15,000 rubles. Of course, you shouldn’t expect huge computing and gaming performance from them, but they are intended for something completely different! The strong point of these devices is long battery life, low weight and dimensions.

IN separate group it is worth taking out devices like "transformer". While maintaining the same hardware platform, they are slightly more expensive: from 11,000 to 25,000 rubles, however, the price increase is justified by the functionality that combines the advantages of a laptop with a physical keyboard and a tablet with a touch screen.

However, a “transformer” is not always a netbook with a small screen diagonal. Larger devices, also equipped with very productive hardware, can turn into a “large tablet”. However, the price of such devices starts already from 29,000 rubles.

If mobility and battery life are not a priority, in the segment from 11,000 to 25,000 rubles presented cheap office laptops. With not the largest budget, they are able to offer a 14-15.6-inch screen and performance sufficient to solve typical office tasks.

For home needs and undemanding games laptops are suitable from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles, equipped with mid-range processors and a combination of embedded and discrete graphics. The same budget also includes multimedia laptops With IPS or SVA screens.

For serious work with graphics and complex computing tasks will require laptops with powerful quad-core processors, discrete video and, again, a high-quality screen. The budget for the purchase of such models is 40,000 - 60,000 rubles and even more.

If you need a laptop for executive purposes and business trips, then you should pay attention to the segment ultrabooks. You shouldn’t expect high graphics performance from them (but there are models with powerful processors); the main emphasis here is on design and quality of materials. In addition, such models are, by definition, lightweight and do not take up much space in your luggage.

Top gaming laptops, carrying in themselves powerful processors and flagship models of video cards will start from 50,000 rubles and grow further, depending on the requirements and capabilities of the owner.

Flagship gaming laptop models They are not inferior even to powerful desktop PCs, but they come with a very respectable price tag and are comparable to the cost of an inexpensive car.