Why does Outlook show an unread email? Setting up message reading and notifications in Microsoft Outlook

The following are available in your mailbox: standard folders:

    Inbox. All new emails (except for spam and emails that end up in other folders using automatic email sorting).

    Sent. All emails you sent.

    Deleted. All emails that you deleted manually or using automatic email sorting.

    Spam. Emails that have been identified as spam.

    Drafts. Letter drafts and templates.

  • Outbox. Emails that were not sent because the Internet connection was lost. When the connection is restored, the emails will be sent automatically.
  • Archive. Folder for storing old letters.

    Note. If there are no letters in the Archive, the folder is not displayed. To move a letter to this folder, click on it right click mouse and select Archive.

Standard folders are not edited or deleted.

Personal folders

To add a personal folder, click Create Folder. You can add multiple personal folders - they will all appear as subfolders in the Inbox.

On the menu Settings → Folders and labels you can edit personal folders:

  • create subfolders inside the Inbox folder;
  • rename, clean up or delete folders;
  • mark all emails in a folder as read;
  • create rules for automatic sorting of letters.

Note. You can create up to 1017 personal folders with a maximum nesting of 32 folders.

Sort the list of personal folders

Personal folders in the list can be moved and rearranged. To do this, drag the desired folder to a new location in the folder list.

If you can't drag a folder, check that the option is enabled Allow drag and drop of emails and folders.

By default, personal folders are sorted alphabetically. If you move at least one folder, alphabet order it will not be possible to restore automatically. But you can manually drag the folder to old place. New folders will then be shown at the bottom of the list, rather than in alphabetical order.

When you open Gmail, the most recent conversations appear in your inbox. When you return to the Gmail app after using other apps, the last screen you were on appears.

Opening Gmail

Conversations with new messages appear at the very top of your inbox. All your messages appear in your Inbox unless you delete, archive, or filter them.

If you made the Priority folder your default inbox in the web version of Gmail, you'll be able to view that folder and make it your default inbox in the Gmail app on your phone. See section.

Your current Google account is displayed on the right top corner Inbox folders. If you use multiple accounts, you should click current account to switch accounts as shown in. Adding accounts and working with them is described in the section.

Topics of threads with new messages are highlighted with bold lines. To read a message in a thread, click on the topic of the thread. For more information, see the section.

” indicates messages sent directly to you.

> indicates messages of which a copy has been sent to you.

Other messages have been sent to you as a group member.

If you use the Priority folder, messages in threads can also indicate whether they were marked as important by the Gmail app or by you (see):

Important messages are marked with a yellow icon:

Indicates important messages, sent directly to you.

Indicates important messages of which a copy has been sent to you.

Indicates important messages you have received as a group member.

Open your inbox when using Gmail

If you have set your default inbox to Priority, this folder will open instead of your Inbox (see section).

Switching accounts

Gmail displays threads, messages, and settings from only one Google account at one time. If you use multiple accounts, you can open the Accounts screen to view the number unread messages in each account, as well as to switch between accounts.

Adding and setting up accounts is described in the section "Accounts".

1. In your inbox, tap your current account in the top right corner of the screen, or tap Menu, and then Accounts.

Each account is displayed along with the number of unread messages in the Inbox or Priority folder, depending on the default inbox. In addition, the default inbox for each account is displayed (see section).

2. Tap the account containing the message you would like to read.

The Inbox or Priority folder for a specific account opens depending on which folder has been set as the default inbox.

Use Gmail offline

If you're not connected to a mobile or Wi-Fi network (for example, you've switched to airplane mode), you can use Gmail to read messages stored on your phone (see section) and also to compose new messages.

Messages you send are stored on your phone as Outbox until your connection is restored. After this, messages will be sent automatically. You can view messages labeled "Outbox" (see section).

All correspondence is distributed into folders. Upon entering Mailbox the list of letters in the folder is loaded "Inbox", where all your incoming emails go by default.

Folder navigation is available on the left side of the page. The system folders are listed at the top: Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, Spam, Trash (which cannot be deleted or renamed), your personal folders will be displayed below. Next to the folder name, the number of new (unread) messages in it is displayed.

In order to enter the desired folder and view the letters contained in it, click on its title. All folders have the same interface (see Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Incoming letters.

Incoming letters

Unread messages in the list will be highlighted in bold . Letters marked as "Important", will be marked red flag, and letters that contain attachments - paperclip .

You can change the number of letters from the standard 25 per page to the number that is convenient for you. To do this, go to the section "Settings"(menu bar at the top of the page), then select a subsection "Are common" and select a value convenient for you from the list. Don't forget to press the button "Save".

To check whether new letters have arrived, refresh the list of letters by clicking on the main menu button "Update".

You can sort the list of letters by date received or letter size. By default, the list is sorted in descending order of receipt date. To sort the list differently, click on the link " Sort " on the right above the list of letters. A sorting menu will appear (see Fig. 2), select the desired option.

Fig.2. Sorting the list of letters.

The field is necessary to highlight a letter or letters "tick" For further actions with them. Click on the icon to select the letter or deselect it if it is already there.

You can select letters manually with checkmarks or use group selection of all letters or according to the selected criterion. In order to select all letters by current page, click the icon above the list. Or select the desired criterion from the drop-down list (see Fig. 3) by clicking on the arrow next to the icon. This way you can highlight all emails, read, unread, important or unimportant emails on the current list page.

Fig.3. Group selection of letters.

Letters can be marked as "Read" or "Unread", as well as a special flag "Important". Messages not marked with a flag are considered "Unimportant". In addition to this letter, you can note as SPAM, such letters are automatically considered read and transferred to the " Spam".

To change the status of letters, check the boxes necessary letters, then select from the dropdown list "Mark"(see Fig. 4) new status.

Fig.4. Changing the status of letters.

To move emails to another folder, select the required emails, then select the name of the target folder from the drop-down list "Move"(see Fig. 5).

Fig.5. Moving letters.

Note: The following restrictions apply when moving folders:

  • from the "Inbox" folder it is possible to move to the "Trash" folder or to personal folders;
  • You can move from the "Sent Items" folder to the "Trash" folder or to personal folders;
  • Moving from the "Drafts" folder is not possible;
  • from the "Spam" folder it is possible to move it to the "Inbox", Trash or personal folders;
  • You can move from the "Trash" folder to the "Inbox" folder or to personal folders;
  • You can move from personal folders to your Inbox, Trash, or other personal folders.

After successfully completing an action with a letter, the following is displayed above the list: system message highlighted with a green background (see Fig. 6). It will automatically close when the page is refreshed or when you navigate to another page. You can also close it manually by clicking on the cross. Such messages will appear when working not only with letters, but also with folders, contacts and interface settings.

Fig.6. System message.

At the top of the page there is a search bar for letters. When you place the cursor in a line, an advanced search form appears (see Fig. 7).

Fig.7. Letter search form.

In the drop-down list, select the folder in which the letters will be searched. By default, the search is performed in your Inbox. Letters can be found by entry given string V:

  • Sender's email address - From whom.
  • Subject of the letter - Subject.
  • Text of the letter - In a letter.

Below you can mark which letters to look for. If no checkbox is checked, then any emails will be searched if checked:

  • Unread- search ONLY unread messages.
  • Important- search ONLY for emails marked as IMPORTANT.
  • With attachments- search ONLY for emails with attachments.

To search for emails based on specified parameters, click the button "Find". The search results will be displayed in the general list of letters (see Fig. 8), the search terms will be displayed in the search bar.

Fig.8. Letter search results.

Since version 0.8, Thunderbird has the ability to store mail received in different POP mailboxes in a shared Inbox folder in Local Folders. You can choose whether you want all or just some of your POP mailboxes to use the shared inbox. Each account that does not use a public Inbox has its own set of folders, including its own Inbox that appears in the folder tree. Accounts that use a shared Inbox do not have their own folders in the folder tree; instead, all you'll see is a single set of folders in Local folders.

When creating a new account

When you create a new POP account in Thunderbird, the Account Wizard will ask if you want to use a shared Inbox for this account. If you agree, please make sure to check this box. If you do not agree, make sure the checkbox is unchecked.

Changing your account's Public Inbox setting

To change your account's Public Inbox setting, you must follow three simple steps.

Change the inbox you use

Open “Tools->Account Settings->Server Settings”, click on the “Advanced” button.

To tell an account to use the Public Inbox, select Public Inbox (located in Local Folders) and click OK.

Attention: if the account already has messages in the Inbox or other folders, you should copy or move these messages to Local Folders before How to set up your account to use the Public Inbox. If you don't copy or move messages to Local Folders and tell the account to use the Public Inbox, the account will disappear from the folder panel and you won't see your messages until you return everything to the way it was.

To tell an account not to use the Public Inbox, select Inbox for this account or Inbox from another account and click OK.

Check the settings of other folders and filters

Once you've changed your account's settings for which Inbox it should use, see if there are a few things you need to change:

Open "Tools -> Account Options -> Copies and Folders" and look at the folders used for Sent Items, Drafts and Templates. Make sure messages for each are saved in the correct folders.

If you are using an anti-spam filter for this account, open "Tools -> Anti-spam Filter..." and make sure that the folder selected for spam is the one you want to use.

If you have set any filters, go to Tools -> Message Filters and make sure they will work correctly under the new Inbox settings. This is especially important if you have changed your account so that it will use the Public Inbox: if you have filters that sort messages V any of the account folders, you must disable/remove these filters or change the destination folders.

Quit and restart Thunderbird

Important: Quit Thunderbird and restart it before downloading mail for any account for which you have changed the Inbox/Public Inbox settings. If you don't go out and overload mail client, messages may continue to be downloaded to the "old" locations. (for example, to a separate Inbox folder, instead of the Public Inbox folder).

Other information

Accounts that use the Public Inbox are sometimes called subaccounts, and it is possible to create subaccounts that do not use the Public Inbox in Local Inboxes. For example, if you have three Gmail accounts, you can configure two of them to store mail together with the other account's mail. Gmail entries, But not in Local folders.

To do this, follow the above procedure for setting up your Inbox, but instead of selecting " a shared folder Inbox (located in Local Folders)", select "Inbox from another account" and select the account you want to use from the drop-down list.

  • For subordinate accounts, if you go to Tools -> Account Options... -> [account name] Server Options, you will see the Local Directory option does not indicate to the real directory in the profile in which the mail is stored. This is normal and necessary because certain files subordinate accounts should be kept separate from shared files containing mail. (For example, each POP3 account has its own "popstate.dat" file that keeps track of which messages have been downloaded from the server. Account-specific message filters are also stored in separate folder for each account.)
  • Settings, filters - automatic distribution of letters into folders and anti-spam protection
  • Add a mailbox - receive letters from other mailboxes via mail
  • This section is intended for creating new folders in mail for distributing letters. Folders help you organize your mail by distributing letters by topic or other parameters. Folders also allow you to block access to certain emails by locking the folder with a password.

    Go to the settings - the button in the upper right corner, next to the “Exit” button, or click the “More” button and select “Settings”.

    Select the “Folders” section either in the list on the left or on the right with an icon in the form of a yellow folder with a lock drawn on it.

    The page contains a list of existing folders. At the top of the list is the “Add Folder” button; by clicking this button, you can accordingly create new folder for letters. For example, let’s create a “Personal” folder and click “Add Folder”.

    In the first field, write down the name of the new folder (any name is possible, but I’ll create “Personal”). In the second line, select the nesting level, that is, it’s like in the operating system, either this folder will be visible and it will be equal to others, or it will be located inside another folder. To make it more clear, I’ll create a folder nested in the existing “Inbox” folder. I open the “First level folder” field and select the “Inbox” folder.

    Now select the folder availability. "Not available for mail programs(POP3)" - this means that if you check this box, you will not be able to open this folder from email programs such as Bat, Microsoft Outlook etc. In this case, letters from the folder can only be opened in Mail.

    You can create a password if someone else has access to your mail. To create a password, check the “Folder is password protected” box.

    Appear additional lines to fill out - enter the password for the folder twice (you can see how to create a password in the “registration in mail” section), after the password enter the secret question, the question is not selected, but is invented independently. The following is the answer to this question. The answer and the question do not have to be logically interconnected, the main thing is that you can later remember this answer. The answer is intended for password recovery; I do not advise you to write just anything, as one day you will definitely forget your password.

    In the bottom line, enter the password for the Mail mailbox, that is, for the mailbox in which you are currently located. If you don’t remember your password, go to the “password recovery” section. After filling in all the data, click the “Add” button.

    The following standard folders are available in your mailbox: Inbox. All new emails (except for spam and emails that end up in other folders using automatic email sorting).

    Sent. All... This instruction describes a way to quickly and without unnecessary movements connect a printer to a group of people or several departments. This article is suitable for a domain network under Windows control Server 2008®. To perform these actions, you must have rights local administrator domain. And also, connected and configured network printer . Acts as a print server Windows Server


    They sent you a letter, but it’s still not there? New letters arrive less often than others, but are you sure that they write to you more often? THERE IS A SOLUTION! By default, Outlook checks your email once every 30 minutes. Change for 1 minute: Step 1. Let’s create a technical specification Redirect incoming corporate mail specific employee to an external mailbox. Additional condition : save copies of letters on the Exchange 2013 server. Step 2. Let's get started 8) All actions are performed exclusively through web interface (ECP - Exchange Control Panel

    ). The procedure is quite simple. Since you can redirect mail in Exchange 2013 only to internal... The other day, employees were covered in an avalanche of messages from Skype from contacts on the list... As it turned out later, this is absolutely new virus . The virus acts as an addition to Skype, and at the same time it activates itself - which is a security hole in Skype. He also changes some system files

    . The forwarded message looks like this: is this the new avatar of your profile?)) http://goo.gl/…… 25 years have passed since the last logo change. And so they updated their logo, the new logo is timed to coincide with the release of the new Windows 8 operating system. The icon is made in the same traditional colors, but stylistically changed to the Metro style of Windows 8. Let's trace the chronology of changes in the company logos and their icons:

    Sometimes, it happens that the Internet connection settings go wrong or simply does not want to connect to the network (does not receive an IP address via DHCP). Similar problems can arise as a result of the operation of some malware(viruses). You can torture those for a long time. support from your provider or call a specialist at home. You can try to fix the problem yourself. To reset TCP/IP to operating systems Windows NT...

    Outlook is a powerful email tool that is just like the web version of Gmail. Here are a few non-obvious features of this monster that may be useful to you.

    A preview of each message is available in the list of messages. You see the sender's address, subject, and the first line of the body text. Last parameter can be customized. To do this, open the “View” tab, find the “View message” button and select the required number of lines. If you wish, you can turn off viewing altogether to save space. Outlook will also ask if you want to apply the setting to just this folder or to all mailboxes.

    If you have several accounts in Outlook, you can select one as the main one so that the corresponding folder opens when you open mail. To do this, click “File” → “Options” and in the window that appears, select the “Advanced” tab in the left panel.

    In the “Start and stop working with Outlook” section, click on the “Browse” button. In the Select Folder dialog box, find the account you want and select Inbox or another required folder. It will now open when you start using Outlook.

    If you often search for letters by typing the same words and expressions into the search bar, you can simplify your task. Outlook supports search folders, or . Set them up and you can forget about manually sorting correspondence.

    Go to the Folder tab → Create Search Folder. In the window that appears, you can select a search folder from the templates provided by Outlook or create your own. For example, the Unread Emails search folder will show all messages that you haven't opened, no matter where they are or how. accounts belong. Emails will not be moved anywhere: only links to them are displayed in search folders.

    If you're not happy with the Outlook templates, select "Create a custom search folder" at the bottom of the list. Click Select. Then enter a name for the folder, click “Conditions” and specify the criteria by which messages should be selected for it.

    This feature deletes redundant messages in the selected folder. Redundant refers to quoted copies of your letters. To test the function in action, right-click on the folder in which duplicates and copies of messages have accumulated, and select “Empty Folder”.

    You can specify which messages are considered redundant. To do this, select File → Options → Mail → Conversation Cleanup. Here you can configure the cleaning so that it does not affect important or flagged messages, and you can also choose which folder to move unnecessary messages to. By default, they are sent to the “Deleted Items” folder of that account to which they belong.

    This feature allows you to write a letter now and send it later. Just indicate the sending time and forget about the letter - it will arrive without your participation. Gmail is proud of this feature with its , but it is also available in Outlook.

    Write a new letter, specify the addressee and subject as usual. Then click the Options button in the message box and select Delay Delivery. In the window that opens, select the “Do not deliver until” checkbox and specify the date and time. You can set other parameters. For example, mark a message as important or forward a copy to another address.

    Outlook stores scheduled messages in the Outbox folder until they are sent. The emails will then move to the Sent folder.

    If you need to cancel a delivery delay or change the delivery date and time, open your Outbox and look for your message there. Click Delay Delivery on the Options tab and change the date and time in the Do Not Deliver By field. Or uncheck the box to disable delivery delay.

    IN in capable hands this is incredible powerful tool, which will help cope with large volumes of correspondence. The Quick Actions feature allows you to automate any sequence of actions and perform them with one click.

    On the Home tab, find the Quick Actions button. There are several templates here, but you can make your own. To do this, click on “Create New” in the “Quick Actions” section and set a name. Then, by clicking on the "Actions" button, select the operations you want to perform, step by step. You can save a quick action to the toolbar or assign a shortcut to it.

    For example, you can create fast action to move the selected messages to specific folder and mark them as read. Or respond en masse to your interlocutors by creating calendar reminders to meet with them. Use your imagination.

    You can open multiple Outlook windows at the same time. This will allow you to view your email, calendar and tasks on large monitor without using the navigation buttons to switch between mail and calendar.

    It's very easy to do. Right-click on the open email client icon in the taskbar and select Outlook from the menu that appears. A second window will open. When you close your email client, go to “File” → “Exit” in any of the open windows without clicking the close window button in the upper right corner. The next time you start Outlook, it will open with the same number of windows.

    This feature allows you to automatically perform certain actions with by new mail. Click Rules on the Home tab and select Manage Rules and Alerts. Here you can create, modify and manually run them.

    Click “Create Rule” and then set your settings in the window that appears. You can tell an application to serve a specific sound signal, displayed an alert and transferred letters that met certain criteria to the desired folder.

    By default, your email is used as the account name in Outlook, but you can change the account name. At the same time, on your provider’s server Email it will remain the same, so you can name yours according to their content: “Work”, “Home” and so on.

    To change the account name, right-click on the account (panel on the left) and select “Account Properties”. Or go to File → Details. Then open Account Settings, select the account whose name you want to change, and click Change. Enter a new name, then click Next and Finish.

    Geeky things that will help you use Outlook more efficiently are suitable for those who are used to working with a keyboard rather than a mouse. Press Win + R to open and enter the commands:

    • outlook.exe /nopreview- open Outlook without a message preview window.
    • outlook.exe /select folder_name - open Outlook with specific folder email instead of the one you have assigned as your primary email. If instead folder_name enter outlook:calendar, the calendar will open.
    • outlook.exe /restore- open Outlook, restoring all windows if the program was closed as a result of a system error.
    • outlook.exe /finder- open powerful search tool Outlook.

    If you know any other cool Outlook features, share them in the comments.

    In Microsoft Outlook, you can monitor the progress of the messages you send and how they are read by recipients by receiving a delivery or read notification for each message. The contents of the notification are then automatically written to the tab Track original message in the Sent Items folder. Can be set automatic removal notifications from List of messages. The list of messages is Right side the main Microsoft Outlook window, which displays the contents of the selected folder.

    Changing the rules for marking messages as read

    1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Additionally;

    Reading areas next to the list of messages.

    Hiding the message header

    1. On the menu View highlight the item Sort by and then select the command Customizable.
    2. Hide headers and footers.

    Hide headers and footers.

    View team Reading area, and then click the option on the right or bottom.

    Reading area on the menu View and click Turned off.

    Reading areas

    Changing the appearance and functionality of the reading area

    To change the rules for marking messages as read:

    1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Additionally.
    2. Click the Reading Pane button.
    3. Select the required options.

    To quickly call context menu for the reading pane, right click on the border Reading areas next to the list of messages.

    To hide the message header:

    1. On the menu View highlight the item Sort by and then select the command Customizable.
    2. Click the "Other Settings" button.
    3. In the Reading Area field, select the checkbox Hide headers and footers.

    To display message headers, uncheck Hide headers and footers.

    To change the position of the reading area, select from the menu View team Reading area, and then click the option On right or From below.

    To turn off the reading pane and see most of the list of messages, select the command Reading area on the menu View and click Turned off.

    To resize the reading area, place the pointer on the left border Reading areas, and then when the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, drag the border to the right or left.

    By default, Outlook blocks external content, such as links to pictures or sounds, in incoming HTML messages. These links in source HTML code associated with an external Internet address. When you open or view a message, your computer downloads external content so that you can display a picture or play sound. Sometimes spam senders use external content downloads to check the activity of an email address and add that address to a mailing list. Except for the options set in the dialog box Reading area(on the menu File select team Options, go to the tab Additionally and click the “Reading Area” button), changes in the reading area cannot be made for all folders at the same time, but must be made for each folder separately.

    View messages

    As they say, well, where would we be without it? Actually, to view the first three lines of messages in the main Microsoft window Outlook just select from the menu View team Auto view. To view the first three lines of only unread messages, in the menu View highlight the items Sort by And Current view and then select the command Change current view. Click the "Other Settings" button and select the radio button Unread elements.

    Also in Outlook, you can view the contents of any element in the reading pane. In particular, it is possible to read the contents of elements, open attachments, follow hyperlinks, use voting buttons, and view execution information in the information panel Details panel. The details pane is the area at the top of a message, appointment, contact, or task window. It contains information about whether a reply to the message was sent, whether it was sent, information about the connection status of the contact using instant messages, and so on.) and respond to invitations to meetings.

    On the menu View select team Reading area, and then the Right or Bottom option. To hide the reading area in the menu View select team Reading area, and then click the Disabled button. While reading a message in the reading pane, to get email information for a name, double-click that name in the From, To, or Cc field.

    Reading regular text messages

    If there is a suspicion that messages HTML format may contain viruses, Microsoft Outlook can be set to automatically display opened messages in plain text format. However, this does not guarantee full protection from viruses or scripts. Scripts are executed without pre-compilation in email messages.

    1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Settings.
    2. Click the "Email Options" button and check the box next to Read regular emails as plain text. To take digitally signed messages into account, check the box next to Read digitally signed emails as plain text.

    When reading digitally signed messages in regular format digital signature will not work. The message can be read, but the signature cannot be verified to determine the sender and the authenticity of the message. If you need to view text message V original format, go to information panel and select either “Display as HTML” or “Display as Rich Text (RTF).”

    Mark messages as read or unread

    The titles of unread messages appear in bold in your inbox. The number of unread messages appears next to the folder name in the Navigation Pane.

    To manually tag messages:

    1. Select the messages you want to change:
      • to select adjacent elements, click on the first element, press the Shift key and, while holding it, click on the last element;
      • to select randomly arranged elements, press the “Ctrl” key and, while holding it, click on the desired elements;
      • To select all elements, on the Edit menu, select Select All.
    2. Choice certain elements can be simplified by changing the current view (Views are used to view the same data in a folder in a different order and in different formats. There are standard views for each folder. You can also create your own views.) For example, if you want to find all messages with the same subject, open the folder containing those messages, select View team Sort by, and then the command Item. Select the messages you want from the view.

    3. From the Edit menu, do one of the following:
      • To mark a message as read, select the command Mark as read;
      • To mark a message as unread, select the command Mark as unread;
      • to mark all messages in a folder, select the command Mark all as read.
    4. If a message that has been replied to or forwarded is marked as unread, the message icon still appears as an open envelope. However, when sorting, grouping, and filtering, it is considered unread.

    To automatically tag messages in the reading pane:

    1. On the menu File select team Options, and then the tab Additionally.
    2. Click the Reading Pane button.
    3. Check the box opposite Mark as read when viewing in the reading pane, and then enter a number in the Mark as read after n seconds box.

    Change how read receipt requests are processed

    1. On the menu File select team Options.
    2. Click the Tracking Options button.
    3. Perform one of the following actions:
      • send read receipts when requested - select the switch Always send a reply;
      • refusal to send notifications when requested - select the switch Never send a reply;
      • enable read receipt request notification - select the switch Ask before sending a response.

    Choose what to do after you move or delete a message

    1. On the menu File select team Options.
    2. Click the Mail Options button.
    3. In the list After moving or deleting open element select the desired action.
    4. Check or uncheck the box next to Close original message when replying or forwarding.

    Receive delivery or read notifications for messages

    To set up notifications for all messages:

    1. On the menu File select team Options.
    2. Click the Mail Options button.
    3. Click the Tracking Options button.
    4. Check the box opposite Read Receipt or Delivery Receipt.

    To set up notifications for one message:

    1. In the message window, click the Options button.
    2. In the Voting and Tracking Options group, select the checkbox next to Notify when this message was delivered or Notify when this message was read.