Why is it harmful to talk on the phone? Be careful! This is why you can't talk on your cell phone while it's charging

Every received call, every call made leaves a trace not only in the memory of your phone, but also in the neurons of your brain. Today, every second person on the planet uses a mobile phone, every third person talks for more than two hours a day. And only one person in a thousand realizes the seriousness of the current situation.

The World Health Organization has confirmed the carcinogenic threat of mobile phones, but for many of us this is just a prejudice. It took people approximately 200 years to learn and accept that smoking is very harmful to health. This is why cigarette packs now contain warnings in large letters. But it’s difficult to fight a habit, and even more difficult to fight an addiction. You have to understand that It's harmful to talk on a cell phone.

A mobile phone emits radioactive waves, which have a significant impact on our overall health. You may not notice any changes for a long time. The result of radiation can appear in ten, twenty, or even more years. Despite the fact that the very first mobile phone was released for sale in 1983 by Motorola, their active use began in 1997. Since then, the number of subscribers has increased exponentially, and harm from mobile phone has not decreased.

Is it possible to protect yourself from mobile phone radiation?

1. Our article contains simple but effective tips that will help you protect yourself from mobile radiation

2. By spending a few minutes reading this publication, you will extend your life by several years.

3. If your friends like to talk on the phone and you care about their health, be sure to send them a link to this article.

I absolutely agree that mobile phones have changed our world for the better, because in just a few years, a whole technological revolution has occurred. Smartphones have become a part of our lives, and therefore many have begun to forget that everything has its own price. What is more important to you, life and health, or chatting on the phone? Is it possible to talk on a mobile phone for a long time??

Some studies have concluded that radiation from a mobile phone is not life-threatening, but you must agree that it is difficult to make such statements when we have been using this technology for only 10-12 years, many aspects have not yet been studied. And who knows how radioactive waves will affect us in 20-40 years. Can any of you imagine what we will face in the future? Are you worried about the health of your brain?

Why is mobile radiation dangerous? Harmful radio waves.

I will not write a quote from a textbook on neurobiology, because it is boring to read, I will explain everything to you in simple Russian. Imagine what will happen if you put food in the microwave and turn it on. Microwave radiation will allow you to heat up the food, perhaps even gently fry it, but you should not think about food when it comes to your health. This is exactly how mobile radio waves act on your brain; they fry it, even if you don’t notice it.

Have you ever noticed that after a long conversation your palms became sweaty or your ear became hot? Can you imagine what your brain is experiencing at this time?

When we hold a phone near our ear for a long time, radioactive waves interact with brain cells. Any damage after such radio contact can lead to serious consequences, which I do not want to write about, since these diseases are already well known. For those who have not yet taken my words seriously, I would like to present to your attention an image taken from a tomograph. In the picture you can easily see the temperature changes before and after talking on a mobile phone.

The phone in the example was used for 15 minutes.

1. Try to talk on your cell phone as little as possible. This is the very first and most important advice. Talk only about business or an important issue; leave everyday conversations for a personal meeting. The duration of the conversation should not exceed 2 minutes (maximum 5). I understand that your boyfriend or girlfriend loves to talk on the phone for hours, but you must understand that this is not only harmful to your health, but also to the health of your other half.

2. Always try to use a headset or speakerphone. Such accessories have been scientifically proven to help reduce the risk of radiation exposure. Of course, you can use either a wired headset or a wireless Bluetooth headset, depending on your personal preferences. However, keep in mind that Bluetooth headsets also emit radiation, only in very small sizes, so a wired headset is the most reliable.

3. Do not keep your mobile phone near your body, and do not carry it in your pocket. It is best to carry it in a bag.

4. If your phone has a weak signal, never talk on the phone without a headset. The most dangerous radiation from a mobile phone comes when the signal is weak.

5. It is better to write an SMS message than to call. A mobile phone emits minimal radiation when sending SMS messages, which is why it is the safest form of communication. By the way, you may have noticed that in American TV series and films, movie characters constantly communicate via SMS or using a headset. After all, in addition to radiation, you keep the phone at a distance from your ears and head, which is already good.

6. Never use radiation protection for mobile phones. Many people think that it protects against radio waves, but in fact it does the opposite. Because of such an accessory, the quality of communication is noticeably lost, and it is more difficult for the phone to catch a signal; on the contrary, its radioactivity increases. Be careful.

7. Don't keep your phone near you when you sleep. I think many of you put your phone next to you, under your bed or pillow. However, you should not do this, even if you have an alarm clock set, I am sure you will hear it if it sounds a few meters from your bed.

8. Many parents overlook the fact that radio wave radiation affects children more than adults, so try to limit their contact to avoid unpleasant situations in the future. Children need a phone only for emergency communication with their parents, and not for games. Remember this.

9. If you really want to talk on the phone, use Skype or a regular landline phone. It's much safer.

Very Important! Do you want to live a long and happy life? Take this article seriously.

In conclusion, I want to say that a mobile phone can affect the fetus of the unborn child, so if you are pregnant, try to use your mobile phone as little as possible.

As children, many of us have probably heard the phrase: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb!” We didn't understand then Why can't you talk while eating?, without taking seriously the warnings of loved ones. Few people understand that this habit is very dangerous for the human body and can be fatal.

To prevent this, let us consider in detail the swallowing mechanism. It is complex, so let’s talk specifically about its main aspects:

  • Chewing food thoroughly, we use our tongue to gradually push it towards the esophagus. During this, a small tongue closes the passage between the cavities of the nose and mouth. Remember, when talking while eating, pieces of it may accidentally move into the nasal cavity.
  • You can choke and develop chronic bronchitis.
  • Food can enter directly into the respiratory tract. The human body is protected by a special cartilage called the epiglottis, which closes the passage to the larynx during food intake. By inhaling air deeply at this time, or laughing sharply, you can open the hole slightly, opening the way to the windpipe. This incident could be fatal. Food entering the lungs can cause asphyxia and suffocation.

Now you will understand why can't you talk while eating? or laugh. Death is no joke.

What dangers await us while eating?

In addition to the above, there may be other dangers associated with talking while eating. Research by scientists has proven that a person conducting a conversation at the table while eating food may encounter the following problems:

  • Excessive fluid intake. When distracted by conversations, most people drink a lot of liquid with food. Drinking water or soda subsequently negatively affects the digestive process.
  • Lack of feeling of satiety. This problem often leads to excess weight and overeating.
  • Risk of poisoning. When communicating with friends or work colleagues in public places, you may not notice stale food, which increases the risk of food poisoning.

Based on the above, we can summarize that talking while eating is completely inappropriate and life-threatening.

Some rules of behavior at the table during meals

When developing good eating habits, we must learn three main rules of behavior at the table:

  1. chew food thoroughly (this will improve the digestive process);
  2. While eating, avoid talking, reading, or watching your favorite TV programs or movies (concentration will help you avoid hazardous health consequences);
  3. do not rush (the meal should take place in a calm atmosphere).

We also don’t forget to teach children proper table manners. Explain to them in detail that talking at the table is very dangerous and can lead to undesirable consequences. If you have any difficulties with this, consult a specialist (dietitian).

“Voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from a mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on humans.”


Swedish neurosurgeon Professor Leif Salford

Just recently, a cell phone was a fashionable but rare phenomenon, but now almost everyone has one, especially in big cities. New tariff plans provoke people to talk on the phone more and more.

Consequently, the dose of electromagnetic radiation that a person receives per day increases. Since the advent of mobile phones, debates have not subsided: whether or not their constant use is harmful to human health. Opinions differ on this matter. Representatives of cellular companies claim that there is no harm and cannot be, and if there is, it is no more than from an ordinary household electrical appliance. Proponents of this opinion cite the lack of any long-term studies on this matter.

Research into the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on living organisms has been ongoing for decades. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even established a special program “Electromagnetic fields and human health.” This problem is receiving the closest attention all over the world.

The most sensitive systems of the human body to EMF are: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive, although the entire body suffers from cell phone EMF. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term exposure accumulates over many years, resulting in the development of long-term consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, and hormonal diseases. Electromagnetic fields can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women (fetuses), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems.

The most typical manifestations of the effects of a cell phone, which we ourselves have often felt, are: dizziness, discomfort, a feeling of “warmth” near the ear, nausea, neurological disorders, and increased fatigue. Moreover, the maximum increase in temperature was observed at approximately 30 minutes of exposure, up to 36-39°C.

Let's consider the effect of a cell phone on the human brain. Already from the 15th second of the conversation, inhibition of the alpha and theta rhythms of the bioelectric activity of the brain is noted. Then there is an increase in the temperature of the ear, eardrum and adjacent area of ​​the brain. Thus, the expression that a mobile phone “fries the brain” is not without foundation. Prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation can damage the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxic proteins to enter the brain tissue. Research by Swedish scientists in 2003 proved that even a two-minute conversation on a mobile phone can cause damage to the blood-brain barrier, which is not restored even an hour after the end of the call.

In 2006, Italian scientists said that cell phones, by stimulating the cerebral cortex, can cause an epileptic stroke in people with mild excitability of brain cells. Doctors do not recommend using mobile phones for people suffering from neurological diseases, including neurasthenia, psychopathy, psychasthenia, neuroses, the clinical picture of which is characterized by asthenic, obsessive, hysterical disorders, as well as decreased mental and physical performance, decreased memory and sleep disorders.

Employees of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently discovered that a mobile phone operating in standby mode can shorten and disrupt the most important phases of night rest - rapid and slow-wave sleep. If you use your cell phone as an alarm clock, place it away from your head, at least at arm's length.

Mobile phones also negatively affect our vision. As a result of electromagnetic irradiation of the head, blood circulation in the eyes worsens. The lens of the eye is less well washed by blood, which over time leads to clouding and further destruction. These changes are irreversible. This process is accompanied by pain in the eyes and noise in the head. And, according to recent studies, long-term focusing of the gaze on small cell phone screens near the eyes overstrains the eye muscles, which causes irreversible negative changes in the human eye. Cell phones also have an impact on the cardiovascular system. For example, in the UK, people with heart problems often complained of pain when they carried a phone in their chest pocket. And David Sheffield from the University of Staffordshire even managed to establish a connection between a cell phone and high blood pressure.

Japanese doctor Hajime Kimata from Unitika Hospital (Kyoto) believes that microwaves emitted by mobile phones can “excite” antigens that cause allergic reactions such as asthma. Cell phones are also harmful to the reproductive system. Sexual dysfunction is usually associated with changes in its regulation by the nervous and neuroendocrine systems.

Researchers from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, in a study of 364 men, concluded that those who used a mobile phone 4 hours a day or more had lower sperm counts. Moreover, the sperm of these people was less mobile and of poorer quality. Reports from US researchers are confirmed by Hungarian scientist Imre Fejes from the University of Szeged. After examining 221 volunteers over 13 months, he found that mobile phones could reduce sperm quality by 30%. At the same time, you don’t have to talk a lot about it; you just need to carry it with you – in your trouser pocket or on your belt.

Cell phones also have a negative effect on the reproductive system of women. Thus, women who talk on the phone all day are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages, and the number of children with congenital defects is 2.5 times more likely. Therefore, in many countries, women are strictly prohibited from using mobile phones from the moment the fact of pregnancy is established and throughout the entire period. The results of epidemiological studies allow us to conclude that the presence of contact of women with electromagnetic radiation can lead to premature birth, affect the development of the fetus and, finally, increase the risk of developing congenital deformities.

The WHO medical organization in its program “EMR and Human Health” unequivocally states: “...medical consequences, such as cancer, changes in behavior, memory loss, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, sudden death syndrome of an apparently healthy child and many other conditions, including suicides are the result of exposure to electromagnetic fields.” Thus, the statement that cellular communications are harmless is not true.

While “scientists are arguing,” Levi’s announced that it is preparing to release a new model of “Icon S-Fit” jeans that will protect its owner from harmful cell phone radiation. Their pockets will be made of impenetrable “anti-radiation” fabric.

The National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation, as well as the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, recommends that cell phone owners:

Do not use your cell phone unless necessary;

Talk continuously for no more than 3-4 minutes;

Do not allow children to use cell phones;

Limit the use of cell phones by women during pregnancy;

When purchasing, choose a cell phone with a lower maximum radiation power;

In a car, use MRI in conjunction with a hands-free communication system with an external antenna, which is best located in the geometric center of the roof;

Limit the use of mobile radios to people who have implanted pacemakers.

Maria Selivanova, economic commentator for RIA Novosti.

“Using a mobile phone is harmful to your health” - such an inscription, it seems, can already be placed on every handset. For the first time, the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially announced a possible connection between mobile phone use and the development of brain cancer in humans. Many Russian doctors confirm the WHO's findings. To minimize harm to active mobile phone users, they recommend not holding the phone to their head, but using so-called hands-free headphones.

Although group 2B, which is assigned to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, only means “possibly carcinogenic,” this finding may prompt the WHO to change its rules for cell phone use.

Non-medical experts point to the lack of specific data on cell phone-related illnesses, ongoing progress in reducing cell phone radiation, and the fact that the convenience of using cell phones outweighs any fear among people.

The risk is confirmed by statistics

Three dozen scientists from 14 countries told a meeting of the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that a review of all available scientific evidence makes it possible to classify the use of mobile devices as "potentially carcinogenic."

“After reviewing virtually all the current evidence, the working group of scientists classified high-frequency electromagnetic fields as potentially carcinogenic to humans,” Reuters quoted Jonathan Samet, head of the IARC team of scientists working on the issue, as saying.

According to the expert, there is evidence that “mobile” radiation can increase the risk of developing glioma, a type of brain tumor.

Research on the connection between electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and the possible occurrence of cancer has been ongoing since the advent of mobile phones. In the process of research, scientists analyze the life circumstances of people with a certain type of cancer, including their habits of using a mobile phone, the head of the laboratory of radiobiology and hygiene of non-ionizing radiation at the FMBC told RIA Novosti. A.I. Burnazyan of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia Oleg Grigoriev.

Over the past 15 years, at least two dozen different studies have been conducted. The findings tended to contradict each other.

Experiments at the FMBA have proven that already 30 seconds after the phone turns on (which the subject does not know), the body begins to react to this with a change in bioelectrical activity. For the average healthy person, such a single exposure is absolutely safe, says Grigoriev. But over time, people who often talk on a mobile phone begin to complain of fatigue, poor sleep and memory, which indicates degradation of the central nervous system, said a representative of the FMBA.

“There is such a thing as the energy load of an electromagnetic field - this is the value to which the sanitary standard is tied. If a person uses a mobile phone for one hour during the day, then according to the criterion of energy load he falls into the category of professionals associated with servicing electromagnetic field sources (these are radio installers , radio technicians, workers servicing electrical networks), says Grigoriev, “They are recommended to undergo an annual medical examination.” If a person uses the phone for more than three hours a day, then he exceeds even the “professional” dose.

Children are at particular risk

If the connection between the use of a mobile phone and the occurrence of cancer is still controversial, the harm caused by radiation from mobile phones to the health of children is already obvious to Russian scientists.

“In children who use mobile phones, radiation affects a larger volume and a greater number of brain structures, since the child’s brain is smaller than that of an adult, and the permeability of the child’s brain tissue is greater than that of an adult,” says Oleg Grigoriev. In addition, children will have a longer history of cell phone use than adults because they start using it earlier. Sanitary standards in force in Russia do not recommend the use of cell phones by children under 18 years of age.

The Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection proposes to label each phone as a source of electromagnetic fields. “After all, it’s difficult to explain to a child and parents that a phone has an electromagnetic field: people don’t feel or see it,” says Grigoriev.

In 2008, the committee made a forecast about the immediate and long-term consequences for children of the electric field of a cell phone. “We should expect possible immediate disorders: weakening of memory, decreased attention and mental abilities, irritability, sleep disturbances, increased epileptic readiness,” Oleg Grigoriev quotes the scientists’ forecast. Among the long-term consequences, scientists then included tumors of the brain, as well as auditory and vestibular nerves.

In 2011, the FMBA specifically analyzed the impact of cell phones on children.

“According to Rosstat, the incidence of diseases for the diagnoses that we called possible is experiencing a steady increase,” says Grigoriev. “This increase is especially noticeable among young people aged 15-19 years, who have been actively using mobile phones for several years.” In particular, the number of cases of epilepsy increased by 36%, the number of diseases of the central nervous system in adolescents aged 15-17 years increased by 85%, and the number of blood diseases and immune disorders increased by 82%.

Scientists attribute the increase in incidence to the widespread use of mobile communications, Grigoriev insists.

Experts consider the consequences of the “second echelon” to be a decrease in cognitive abilities, that is, the ability to learn and absorb knowledge. “These violations lead to the fact that children do not grow up the way they should have grown up,” explained Grigoriev. “They do not receive the full amount of knowledge, which in the long term leads to loss of money due to increased costs for treatment, as well as to the inability to getting a good profession."

Comfort is stronger than fear

However, experts not associated with medicine are in no hurry to connect the use of cell phones with an oncological diagnosis.

“There is no exact data today. WHO just suggested that using a mobile phone can cause cancer, but did not provide any specific data from clinical trials on brain cancer,” Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group, told RIA Novosti.

There is simply no more accurate data on the impact of mobile phones on health. The fact is that clinical trials have been conducted for about ten years, the expert says. During this time, technologies change, one type of communication replaces another. For example, now GSM communications are different from what they were just a few years ago, Murtazin explained. Radiation from mobile phones is getting lower.

“Mobile communications users assume that communication on a cell phone is not safe, but convenience overcomes this fear,” concludes Eldar Murtazin.

04/11/2019: B In the comments there were examples from life about cancer of the salivary gland and more.

Mobile phone radiation affects health.
But the tube will not cause harm if you follow six safety rules.

These tips are quite simple, and if you follow them, the harm from microwave radiation from a cell phone will be minimized. And the hypotheses of some researchers that smartphones can cause cancer and Alzheimer’s disease will no longer cause panic fear and the desire to immediately get rid of the annoying “beeping” device in your pocket.

To minimize risk possible harmful effects of radiation waves from a working cell phone, if possible, you should:

1 – Limit time and frequency phone use. Still, you need to remember that a smartphone is not a secure landline phone on which you could talk for hours. More 2-3 minutes per call and you should not talk on your cell phone for more than 10-15 minutes a day.

2 – Try as much as possible do not use the phone in places where there is poor reception(elevator, underground premises, transport, etc.), since with poor reception the mobile phone tries to find the transmitter antenna, and because of this, its radiation (the properties and effects of which on humans has not yet been fully studied ) is amplified many times over.

The same, by the way, applies to rural areas, where poor mobile reception is also often observed far from antennas.

3 – Use less often mobile phone indoors(car, house), since the waves emitted by it can be reflected by walls and coatings, which increases the radiation exposure several times.

4 – Keep in mind that the Bluetooth wireless data transfer method adds to the mobile phone's additional radiation force. Therefore, use a wired headset.

5 – Don't apply smartphone to ear at the moment when he is in the process of searching for a network operator(this happens when the phone is turned on and the reception is very poor). At this moment, it radiates the most, harms, so to speak, to the maximum.

6 – And finally, get rid of the bad habit of sleeping next to your cell phone, and even more so of putting a switched on, working (and therefore constantly emitting!) cell phone under your pillow! Be sure to turn it off before going to bed or turn off its transmitter!

Also, if you are used to using your mobile phone as an alarm clock, you can snooze keep him away from you. This will not only significantly reduce the risk of exposure to your phone during a restful sleep, but will also greatly increase the likelihood of you successfully waking up. After all, in order to turn off the alarm, you will definitely have to get out of bed.

P.S. Useful additions were made in the comments:

1. Allow children to use a mobile phone only in emergency situations.

2. During calls and conversations, keep the phone at a distance: use a speakerphone or a wired headset (it is preferable to a wireless one). If this is not possible, change ears regularly when talking for a long time.

3. Do not carry your phone while it is turned on in your pockets. Better - in a bag.

4. SMS is preferable to calls and conversations.”

Write your additions in the comments!