Windows live mail latest version. Transfer locally stored contacts

Mail Windows client Live Mail for Windows 7 and Windows 10 - it's fast, easy and safe way control and editing your accounts Email, as well as the ability to synchronize events, address book and news reader.

Sending emails, reading news feeds and staying connected online are the main benefits that include latest version Live Mail. Those of you who use a dedicated email client understand that this application is capable of offering a complete email solution for regular user. Currently, products of this type are built in such a way as to provide the maximum range of functions and “conveniences” of an email client.

Let us note right away that download Windows Live Mail is available for free in Russian from our website.

This app even has a calendar that allows you to sync your events with your account, detailed list contacts and news viewing, which allows you to receive up-to-date information about the most important events in the world. Yours postal items will be able to contain emoticons, photographs, files. The application provides full customization. Live program Mail works perfectly on versions of Windows 7 and 10, thereby providing convenient control and work with the mail service.

The email client is very easy to install and takes a few minutes to complete the operation. In addition, setting up the program can be done in just a couple of seconds after you have entered your details. mail account and servers.

The app is designed to serve all your accounts from one interface and add filters. A definite plus is the fact that you can configure the client to receive emails from multiple accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo!, and of course Hotmail.

Moreover, you will be able to explore all your messages or calendar events even in offline mode(without an Internet connection). The app also allows the user to customize the way your information is displayed. You can activate the various available panels, change the colors of your account, change the sort order, activate conversation mode, or filter your messages.

The filter option can be quite useful if you only want to receive certain emails or only messages from certain users. Filters protect against spam, and for more reliable protection you can connect external antivirus software.

« Windows Mail Live" is a desktop email client from creator of Windows, a Microsoft company that duplicates some of the features of the larger software product Microsoft Outlook, part of the office Microsoft package Office. Unlike his paid analogue, Windows Live Mail is completely free to use. The functionality of Windows Live Mail, if we talk specifically about the convenience of multi-account work with email, by and large, is not particularly inferior to Microsoft Outlook. It's just that Microsoft Outlook is a solution for the needs of corporations, and Windows Live Mail is designed for use at home. Thus, “Windows Live Mail” is equipped with a calendar that synchronizes with the “Calendar” application of the Metro interface of Windows 8, 8.1 (and now), there is the ability to work with reminders, there is a contacts section, there is an RSS reader.

In 2007, Windows Live Mail replaced the standard Windows service Mail, which came with the OS Windows Vista. But surely experienced users remember more the ancestor herself Windows Mail– program Outlook Express, which came with the old Windows XP.

Windows Live Mail is not included natively with either Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. The program is part Windows series Live package software components, where, in addition to the mailer, there are Microsoft client OneDrive, Writer blog editor, Windows Live messenger, as well as a photo and video editor with basic functionality for the amateur level.

For all Windows components Live provides one installer, but during the installation process we can refuse all other build programs by selecting only one mailer.

In the window for selecting programs to install, uncheck the extra boxes, leave only mail and click “Install”.

Connecting a mailbox

The first time you launch Windows Live Mail, we accept the agreement with Microsoft.

After which the program will prompt you to add a mail account. We enter the email address, password, put a check mark so that the mailer remembers the password and does not ask for it again, indicate the name that will appear in outgoing letters. You can click Next to check if the mailer can automatically connect to mail server. Why check? Already at the stage of setting up a mailbox, the first imperfection of “Windows Live Mail” appears both in comparison with its brother Microsoft Outlook, and in comparison with such powerful mailers as those previously reviewed on the site. Thus, “Windows Live Mail” cannot set up every email account automatically, without user help. For example, in the case of Yandex.Mail, the mailbox was not automatically connected, but this process was completed successfully after manual entry mail server settings. To manually set the mail server parameters, in the add mail account window, select the appropriate option and click “Next”.

Let's get to the section for setting mail server parameters, where you need to enter the type of protocol for connecting to the mail server (IMAP or POP), addresses and ports of incoming and outgoing message servers. This data is specific to each individual mail server. Maximum correct search query to obtain this data - “mail service server parameters”, for example, “ gmail parameters server" or " server parameters". You can immediately include the protocol type in the request - IMAP or POP3.

What kind of protocols are these, and what is the difference between them, we have already discussed this more than once on the site in reviews of other mailers -,. Let us repeat, the POP3 protocol is intended for downloading letters from a mail server to local computer, while on the server, letters are usually deleted either immediately or after a certain period. In this case, later in the web interface the right letter can't be found anymore. IMAP is a new, more advanced, more secure protocol, the essence of which is to provide access from the desktop email client interface to email, which is actually stored on the mail server. Copies of letters from the mail server are downloaded to the desktop client, while the originals are securely stored in the web interface.

Therefore, without hesitation, in our case, to connect Yandex.Mail, we will select the protocol type - IMAP.

The mail account will be added to the mailer, and all messages will be downloaded to the computer. This will take some time depending on the volume of emails in your mailbox and Internet speed. After processing the first mailbox, Windows Live Mail will offer to connect another one. To do this, in the report window for adding the first mailbox, select “Add account” and perform the same actions as when adding the first mailbox.

If an attempt automatic connection mailbox in Windows Live Mail was unsuccessful, you can immediately delete the mailbox using the command in the context menu.

At any time, the process of adding a new mailbox can be started in the “Accounts” tab.

We also remind you that you need to set permission to connect and work with your mailbox in the settings of the server itself, since rare mail services initially provide access to downloading mail.

Interface and organization

Windows Live Mail's interface is designed in a Ribbon style, where toolbar sections are represented by tabs, and this type of interface will be very familiar to users Microsoft applications Office and other products of the software giant. A Workspace The mailer is divided into four parts - on the left there is a panel of mail accounts and their folders, in the middle there is a list of letters, closer to the right edge we can see the contents of letters when selecting each individual letter, and at the very right edge of the window there is a modest calendar for planning personal affairs.

The preset layout of mailer sections can be changed in the “View” tab. For example, you can hide the display of the calendar, set the panel of mailboxes and folders to a minimized view, and change the font color of the mailbox headers.

We can also change the appearance of the list of letters or move the display of their contents to the bottom of the program window.

We can even customize sections of the table for displaying the list of emails.

The Folders tab offers option buttons for convenience internal work with letters and mailer folders.

Like all Microsoft products in the style of a Ribbon interface, Windows Live Mail is equipped with a panel quick access, where the user can additionally enter the commands he most frequently uses.

At the bottom left of the Windows Live Mail window there are switch links to other sections of the program.

The “Calendar” section is a more advanced view of the built-in calendar on the right in the mail section. Here we can plan our time in a convenient way for a day, a week or a month. We can even create multiple calendars to schedule specific types of tasks.

Work with e-mail and calendar touches one convenient function: So, just select a letter that contains information about a task planned for the future, click the “Add to calendar” button, and the entire contents of the letter along with the subject will open in the window for planning a new task. What remains to be done manually is to set the task date.

The Contacts section is present in Windows Live Mail, as it should be in any decent email client. Among the advantages of the "Contacts" mailer, it is worth mentioning the ability to import data from previously exported database files into various formats. So users of other email clients, various organizers and other programs that can export databases can begin to fully work with contacts immediately after importing them.

In addition, when connecting to Windows Live Mail with an account Microsoft records previously synchronized data is automatically added to the contacts section ( Facebook contacts, Skype, Twitter, other services), in particular, to which the user provided access while working with applications in the Windows 8/8.1 Metro interface.

Sorting letters

The list of emails in folders can be arranged according to various parameters - date of receipt, subject, attachments, size, etc. One of key features Windows Live Mail is thought to be a feature that organizes emails by conversation type. In order not to spend a long time searching for the desired letter, the answer to it, or messages based on them, you just need to turn on the display mode in the form of conversations. And all letters to which a reply has already been sent will automatically be placed in the same list with received letters.

Sending letters

The button to create an email is located first in the “Home” tab and is duplicated in the panel quick launch. In Windows Live Mail we will not see the built-in functions of the package applications Microsoft Office, as implemented in Microsoft Outlook 2013, however, the sending form is in no way inferior in functionality to many advanced email clients. Here you can format the text, insert a picture or link, add contact book information, and check spelling. You can even select the option to check the delivery of the letter, if this is supported by the recipient's mail service.

To create a single signature for all mailboxes or individually selected ones, go to the mailer settings – “File – Options – Mail – “Signatures” tab.

Uploading photos via Microsoft OneDrive

"Windows Live Mail" is equipped with the convenient ability to send photos without overloading the recipient's inbox. In the main menu of the program, select the “Photo Message” tab, using the browse button, add one or more images to send, select the design for their placement in the letter. Then we send it as a regular email. All photos will be automatically uploaded to Microsoft OneDrive hosting, and the recipient will be able to view them by clicking on the link in the received letter. Naturally, to do this, you will need to log in to the mailer using a Microsoft account.

To sum it up...

As you can see, the built-in RSS reader was not mentioned in the Windows Live Mail review. The mailer contains one of worst implementations RSS readers. In a cute, usable and convenient interface mailer, we will find an impotent RSS reader that is capable of performing only primitive functions of adding, displaying and updating RSS feeds. There is no possibility of grouping RSS subscriptions into thematic folders, there is no export and import functionality configuration files previously collected news feeds. At least I’m glad that there is an opportunity to put a red flag next to the RSS entries you like. Yes, just for fun.

What can you say about Windows Live Mail in general? This is a good mailer for those who like a simple, intuitive interface, perhaps users Microsoft products, accustomed to organizing the design of program interfaces in the Ribbon style. This is a mailer for personal email use, which is not overloaded with unnecessary advanced functionality, and which, therefore, will not confuse beginners. “Windows Live Mail” is an ideal desktop option for working with mail, calendar and contact book for owners of both computers and tablets. Windows based 8, 8.1, 10. Such users will be able to access their data both in the mailer interface and in the Metro interface applications “Mail”, “Calendar”, “People”.

By and large, Windows Live Mail is a mini-copy of Microsoft Outlook 2013, and it’s free. Another thing comes out of this undeniable advantage mailer - it can become an intermediate step in helping beginners achieve the ultimate goal of mastering the functionality of Microsoft Outlook 2013.

This application is a logical continuation of the previously existing Windows Mail, which was included with the notorious Windows Vista OS. The application is capable of automatically receiving mail server settings, sorting mail into directories, creating new letters and sending them to their destination.

Once the client is launched, you will see the account creation wizard, where you will be prompted to connect your Mailbox. The program can work with protocols such as POP3 and IMAP, and SMTP is also supported for sending letters. If desired, you can connect the NNTP or RSS text messaging protocol and read the necessary information through them.

After email will be added and logged in, letters and contacts will be imported automatically, creating backup copy hard drive box. All mail here can be sorted into catalogs, they are called “Selections”. The program interface is similar to any other office application from Microsoft, the windows resemble Outlook, and the mail editor is MS Word.

Windows Live also has built-in anti-spam protection; unwanted emails are filtered out by the Microsoft SmartScreen filter, and to protect against viruses embedded in emails, you can integrate the protection of your antivirus. Your account login and password can also be reliably protected, and phishing protection is at your service. In addition to the already not weak functionality, the program has a calendar in which you can mark important events, when the time comes they will be automatically displayed.

Live Mail is part of Windows Essentials, after downloading the file, select the necessary utility, uncheck the rest.

Main advantages:

  • merging emails from multiple accounts for ease of use. Easy to set up: just enter your email address and password;
  • interface in Russian;
  • comfortable The address book;
  • adding events to the calendar from the mailbox using a special panel;
  • the presence of conversations with the help of which you can organize and streamline all letters;
  • Supports files of any size. To do this, you need to use SkyDrive cloud storage.

The program is suitable for Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10. You can download its latest Russian version for free here.

The Windows Live Mail email client from Microsoft has replaced the outdated Windows Mail, and is one of the most popular among operating system owners. Win systems 7 and above. It consolidates and organizes user's emails, plus provides additional functions, which we will discuss below.

Single mailbox

Windows Live Mail serves as a manager for all your emails sent to different services(there is no need to have several clients from third party developers). Distributing the contents of mailboxes by topic allows you to quickly find the message you are looking for. The editor built into the program can be used to create new and edit old letters and then send them to the recipient.

Protection from intruders

The email client is equipped with anti-spyware software in the form Microsoft utilities SmartScreen that blocks messages with unknown attachments and annoying ones advertising mailings. From more serious threats like Trojan programs and hackers, user account data is protected, including passwords for e-mail boxes.

Interoperability with Windows Live SkyDrive

To send large amounts of information to the recipient, you can use the cloud Windows storage Live SkyDrive. Broadcast necessary files comes at the touch of a button without the need to switch to a cloud service.

Calendar management

Windows Live Mail includes an organizer that links to received messages. The calendar on the right side of the client window will serve as a reminder so as not to miss the event specified in the message.


brings everything together email accounts in one client;
can act as a mini news observer RSS mailings;
prevents the loss and theft of personal data;
protects against malware penetration;
the interface has been translated into Russian;
the program is freely available.


not identified.

You can download Windows Live Mail for free on your PC using the link at the bottom of the page.

Starting with Windows 95, included operating system included the Outlook Express email client. In Windows Vista it was slightly modified and renamed Windows Mail, and in Windows 7 it was completely excluded from the operating system. Windows 8 also doesn't come with an email client, so you'll have to download one yourself.

Basically, you can use any email program you like. But Microsoft recommends Windows Live Mail, which you can download at:

The installer will need an Internet connection to run, so make sure you have one before you begin the installation.

Some users find this approach annoying, but it is the most correct solution. Why “pull” a huge distribution kit from the Internet if you can download a small installer that will then download only the files you need?

So, run Internet Explorer and go to specified address, then click the Download button, then a Run button will appear at the bottom of the IE window, click it to launch the program.

When you start the program, you will see a UAC warning window, click Yes.

The program installer window will open. You can install either all programs included in Windows Live Essentials 2012, or select necessary components by clicking the Select programs to install button. Indeed, if you only need an email client, why install Photo Album, Messenger and other programs?

    Nevertheless, we will look at the main components of Windows Live Essentials 2012:
  • Messenger - client for instant messaging;
  • Photo Album - allows you to view, edit and organize your photos. Whether to install this program or not is up to you;
  • Film Studio is a simple and convenient video editor that allows you to easily create and edit a video;
  • Mail is an email client, be sure to select this component, this is why we started installing the program;
  • Blog editor - a tool for creating own blog(online diary);
  • Microsoft SkyDrive is a file hosting service - a cloud-based Internet file storage service with file sharing functions;
  • Outlook Connector - used to work with Hotmail and Messenger services from the Outlook interface;

During installation, stay close to your computer - the installer will ask for your permission to enable or install the .NET Framework 3.5.

A little later, you will need another intervention - you will need to accept the Microsoft Service Agreement, otherwise the installation will be interrupted.

After downloading and installing the files, you will see icons to launch all installed programs on start screen Metro.

Launch the Windows Live Mail email client. First thing mail program will begin creating your mail account. Enter your email address, password and display name.

The program is quite intelligent, and if your mailbox is registered on one of the largest email services such as Gmail, Hotmail or, then you only need to enter your email address and password; the program already knows all the other parameters. If you connect to a little-known postal service or to a local mail server (to corporate server or to your provider's mailer), then select the Configure server settings manually checkbox, and then enter the addresses of the incoming (POP/IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) mail servers.

My mailbox is located on the service, so the program immediately reported that the mailbox had been added, and after clicking the Finish button, it immediately began downloading messages that had arrived in the mailbox.

Let me remind you that for everything to work as described, you need an active connection to the Internet.

Well, in the end you will see the main program window with loaded messages.