Brand promotion on social networks. Personal brand on social networks - why is it important? Project Execution Process

A personal brand on social networks is the only way to develop your own business in the western part of the Internet. Which digital figures from Russia are gradually beginning to master. What is a personal brand and how to work with it? Briefly in our new material.

Do you want to become an expert in other people's eyes? Social networks will help you with this. In this article you will learn how to create an interesting and correct media image.

Identify the reader and his “pain”

Before you start making your dream a reality, you must understand who your reader is. What kind of people are these? Where do they live and relax? What do you do in life? What devices are used to surf the Internet? The more details, the better.

The most important thing is that the reader recognizes himself in your stories and texts. "My God! But this is written about me!” This is the reaction you should be hunting for. Look at the reader's problem through his own eyes. It is difficult to “hook” an audience and make them fall in love with primitive advice and outdated information. Especially if it is presented from the word “must”. The reader will be grateful to you only if you really tell him a way out of this or that situation. Yes, such a way out that no one had thought of before.

Let's say you publish an article on the topic “5 ways to ease your child’s suffering from diarrhea.” Young and inexperienced mothers often turn to the almighty Internet for help. In this case, this will be your target audience. The problem is that such texts can contain a whole bunch of unnecessary information. No, it is useful in its own way, but not at a time when the mother is trying to help her baby as quickly as possible.

Instead, she reads about possible causes and symptoms of the disease. And this is not good. A woman wants to study the promised “5 ways...”, and not waste precious time on secondary points in the article.

It is much better if you immediately give the young mother what she needs. It would be ideal if you could additionally tell her how to calm her down. Here is the “key” to the reader’s heart. Find it and take care of it.

Create a unique personal offer

What sets you apart from the rest? Focus on this very “highlight”. Explain what makes you unique. Make it accessible and as simple as possible. The reader/client must have confidence in you. This is the only way he will want to collaborate with your person or brand.

Indicate in which industry you have the right to call yourself an expert. Look for your customers, not random people who can be persuaded to make at least a one-time purchase. You have to conquer the market. And for this it is really important to know for whom you are trying.

Package your SFM

You have a project, there are key ideas and plans. At this point, you need to start promoting your business through social media content. How to proceed?

Come up with:

  • Teaser. A bright and catchy phrase (short and succinct), which will serve as a “red rag” for potential clients;
  • Descriptor. A few paragraphs dedicated to describing your proposal in more detail. This is where you can add a few words about expertise in a particular field;
  • Press portrait. This is a so-called “mini-biography” of a media person with evidence of her competence and professionalism.

In some cases, it is not possible to use a teaser, descriptor, or press portrait. But expressing yourself beautifully and competently is still important. Come up with a lively speech for such exceptional situations. This will certainly help you out when meeting other public people at social events.

Remember Effective Communication

It's time to talk about the three key rules of communication, because you can't do without them!

  1. Regular posting. Occasional publications may describe you as lazy, uninterested, or unserious (even if this is not the case). The audience will not be able to see you as an expert if you prefer to remain silent on the sidelines and appear only when the mood is right.
  2. Even if the user response doesn't meet your expectations, don't give up. This is difficult at first. But you need to work with full dedication. Experiment, try, be creative.

  3. Consistency. You shouldn’t come up with a whole list of “slogans”, each time trying to seem like a different person. You must convey the same “philosophy” across all social media platforms. At the same time, present it uniquely, and not distribute copies on various platforms.
  4. Environmental friendliness. Be careful in your statements. The word is a powerful weapon. It can motivate and inspire the reader, and vice versa - touch a nerve and cripple.

You are responsible for every word and action. Your reputation stands behind it. Treasure your image and name. This is the only way a brand can achieve success.

Experiment with content formats

Remember that today there is no single successful content format on social networks. Any variation deserves public attention. That is why it is important to competently alternate the type of information presented and analyze the audience response. Post longreads, short notes, photos, videos, Stories, tweets, YouTube videos.

Each of these formats can “gather” a crowd of fans and an army of haters. Determine in a practical way what your subscribers like on social platforms. Create original and useful content. You must not only retain your followers, but also constantly attract new network users to activity and involvement.

Everyone has a personal brand - a famous marketer, a housewife, a child. This is your image that takes shape in other people's heads: associations associated with you, your products or services. In a sense brand equals reputation: It can evoke negativity, respect, hatred, love or other emotions.

A personal brand is needed to:

  • increase target audience loyalty to your products, services, offers;
  • increase awareness among a wide or narrow target audience;
  • position yourself as an expert in any field and thereby increase the cost of services or goods - an expert product always costs more.


There are many examples of successful personal branding. For example, world famous personalities:

  • Elon Musk- entrepreneur and inventor. He is the CEO of two large companies Tesla Motors and SpaceX. Both companies work with new technologies, so Elon positions himself as a supporter of new solutions. In fact, he is. Elon drives a Tesla car and plans to carry out a human flight to Mars in 2020-2025. His secret to success is constant development.
  • Vladimir Putin- politician, president of the Russian Federation. He is known to everyone in our country. Positions himself as a candidate from the general population and actually works with them - takes into account the interests of different social groups, religions, ages.
  • Quentin Tarantino- director. His films are, without exaggeration, known throughout the world. He positions himself as a person who brought a special kind of humor to cinema. The key to Quentin's success lies precisely in him: the audience laughs at things that are not so funny in reality.
  • Queen Elizabeth II. Her personal brand began to be built immediately after the coronation, and she still successfully maintains it. Every day, Elizabeth answers letters from ordinary residents, and throughout her reign she shows truly worthy royal manners and restraint.

Other examples are less well known. These people are known in narrow circles:

  • Artemy Lebedev, designer, owner of a design studio. His popularity is largely due to his active anti-religious position and expressive statements. Many of his entries become catchphrases among designers, editors, and authors.
  • Ilya Balakhnin- marketer, general director of Paper Planes Consulting Agency. He achieved success through hard work: he worked for large companies, including Coca-Cola, Beeline, Russian Standard and others.
  • Dmitry Kot- copywriter, author. He is widely known in the circles of copywriters, authors, and editors. Dmitry conducts webinars, shares useful information with colleagues, and writes texts. The basis of his success is the competent promotion of his name.

Books: what to read about personal branding

1. Tom Peters. “Turn yourself into a brand! 50 surefire ways to stop being mediocre"

In his book, Tom Peters talks about why, in his opinion, the era of “I-brands” will soon come and how to effectively promote your personal brand. 50 ways to create a brand have been published, each of them with step-by-step guidance, answers to questions, and examples.

2. David D'Alessandro. “Career wars. 10 rules for building a successful personal brand"

This book will be useful to anyone who wants to “stand out from the crowd” and build a successful brand on their name. It actually has 10 basic rules of personal branding. In addition, it talks in detail about how to remain yourself, how to work with your superiors, how to learn to admit and neutralize your mistakes, and what to do with competitors.

3. Igor Mann. "Number 1"

This book is fully adapted to Russian realities, because it was written by a well-known marketer in Russia who works with local brands. It describes in detail useful tips that will help competent personal branding, and also provides practical tasks. You could say that the entire book is a simple route that leads you to becoming number one in your niche.


Personal branding is a labor-intensive, costly, and lengthy process. But it gives wonderful results: your opinion will be taken into account, you will be asked for advice, and the value of the goods and services you offer will increase significantly.

Good day to all! Today we will look at the topic “how to promote yourself on social networks”. What should you do for this? So,

How can you spread information about yourself on social networks?

There are 2 ways:

  • promotion of a group or advertising account (analogous to a website for business promotion)
  • promoting your brand (personal account)

I won’t go deep into the weeds; the group option doesn’t interest us yet. Because, although it is effective, it is quite labor-intensive, and at the initial stage will not give the desired results. Consider the option of promoting your own brand. In network business (and here we are considering exactly this type of cooperation) there is a peculiarity - people come to meet people.

Those. The person who is personally interested in you will come to you, and he would like to continue doing business with you. This means you need your own brand. What is a brand? A brand can be anything (a person, a cartoon character, a company, a geographical location), the main thing is that people recognize it. That is, it can be one word or phrase by which people immediately understand what or who we are talking about.

A striking example is Russian pop stars, large companies and brands. And even the saddest cat on YouTube is also a brand. Our task is to become a brand on social networks. Disseminate information about yourself in them in such a way that as many people as possible begin to recognize you and become interested in your life, achievements, and successes.

It is important to show yourself as an interesting person, an expert in what you do. This is when you can arouse the interest of your audience. Simply adding friends and sending messages and cards is no longer enough. Spam - absolutely no! Promotion using third-party resources or robot programs will not give you the desired result, because... you only get numbers, not real Living people.

The basic rules of social networks for those who want to promote their personal brand there are the following:

  1. You are a real (living) person;
  2. You are active and sociable;
  3. You are interesting and unique.
  • Regarding the first rule, your page must be filled out as truthfully as possible (name, surname, date of birth, school, university, city of residence, etc.), have original (your personal) photographs;
  • Secondly, you quite often go online and post fresh information, repost something, post your posts, take an interest in the lives of your friends (comment on their posts and photos, give ratings), change your status;
  • Third, the information on your page should be interesting (reflect you and your interests) and be 80% unique (that is, written by you personally, and not copied from somewhere).

One of the indicators of your expertise and uniqueness on the Internet is writing articles on topics that interest your audience. You write an article and share it on social networks. Anyone who is impressed by your article (in which you have invested a piece of yourself) will become interested, subscribe to you and will wait with interest to see what else you write.

And this is already 50% completed task. It would take a long time to describe the processes of promotion on social networks. I can tell you one thing for sure - if you want to promote yourself on social media. networks, then you can go learn this. Fortunately, now there are plenty of all kinds of video lessons and courses on the Internet.

But, most likely, you will not get results. And I tell you this with complete confidence, because... I myself spent a lot of time (2 years) and money (about 50,000 rubles) on this. Everything that they will give you for money can be found for free there, on the Internet. But the question is, where to look? It's actually simple.

You just need to choose a consultant on our website and ask him how to promote your brand through social media. networks. Our team will be happy to teach you everything that we have been successfully using on the Internet for a long time. And we will do it absolutely free. I am sure that you will make the right choice. See you soon.

How to become widely known in not the narrowest circles? It's simple. At first sight. A little money at the start, a little manipulation and hurray - you are an opinion leader! Well, of course, if you are an expert, know how to create unique content (yes, again!), you can safely advise and are not greedy with advice. And we are ready to follow the proposed instructions step by step.

This is the second article in a series on promotion in social networks, which we publish with kind permission Dmitry Rumyantsev. ().

In 2014–2015, before my eyes, professionals unknown to the general public turned into undeniable opinion leaders. My personal popularity has increased tenfold precisely thanks to the correct work on VKontakte. Promoting a personal brand on social networks is becoming increasingly popular, and now is the time to do it, while the competition is practically zero.

Please note that we will talk about promoting a personal brand in a professional environment. With artists, musicians and other entertainment niches, everything is more complicated.

Why do you need to promote your personal brand? The answer is simple: a strong personal brand allows you to get out of almost any competition in the business where you are a specialist. Take, for example, the niche of search engine promotion of websites - the price of one click in contextual advertising reaches 600 rubles. It was almost impossible to rank first in organic search just a few years ago. However, on the professional forum there are specialists who can regularly receive clients for website promotion by working correctly on this site. And get it practically for free. This is because they have a high reputation on the forum. Their names are well known.

Promoting a personal brand is great for freelancers, coaches, and entrepreneurs. And the only condition for success is whether you understand your question thoroughly or not. Everything else will follow.

Many people have probably read books by popular authors who advise studying public speaking and devoting time to appearance and manners to develop a personal brand.

So, on social networks these are secondary things. Yes, they can bring bonuses and speed up progress to some extent, but you can do without them just fine. The main thing to do is to write quality content or record it on video and communicate with the audience. If you have content and communication skills, you can do anything!

This article is a step-by-step instruction.

If you conscientiously follow all the steps, your popularity will increase significantly. Moreover, I advise you to carry out all the points in the order in which they are described. Does this mean that “a step to the left, a step to the right - execution”? Of course not. I know people who have gained fame by working only 3-4 steps. It’s just that my personal experience says that this sequence is the most effective.

Your community

The first step is to create your own community and personal page. Without this, promotion will not be systematic, and you will miss many of the opportunities that the VKontakte social network offers. For example, if you work only through your personal page, you will not be able to use targeted advertising (at least for now).

There are several options for positioning the community when promoting a personal brand:

- Positioning by interests. You unite people around a niche, not about yourself. You recruit members into the community, and then work with this audience. Typical examples: “Clear step-by-step”, “Training in targeted advertising” , "Internet Marketing from A to Z".

- Personal blog. Here you immediately indicate that this is your personal blog. People who come here understand that you are the one creating the content. Typical examples: CPA KING, Andrey Parabellum.

- Unusual solutions. One of the most interesting options for non-standard promotion, which has become a recent trend, is target publics. Ayaz Shabutdinov was the first to launch it. Now it is called " Goal: 1 billion rubles per year" Its essence is that you tell your success story live: how you achieved your goal and what you did. In fact, readers have a detailed case in front of them.

Content writing

The next step is to start creating unique content. It is needed to prove to everyone around you your competence in your chosen field. Without content, you shouldn’t even start promoting on social networks.

The types of content are as follows:

  • expert articles;
  • cases (successful and unsuccessful), results;
  • experiments;
  • video tutorials: specific instructions, theory, technical things;
  • throwing in tasks for brainstorming; mental puzzles;
  • special opinion on key events in your niche.

The content should show your level of knowledge. Under no circumstances copy other people's articles without citing the source. For an expert, this is a complete failure.

And also note that at this stage it is too early to use communicative content. You will connect it later. At the start, there are few users in the community.

Advertising your community

In the third step, after you have posted enough content, start promoting your community through targeted advertising and sponsored posts. This is especially important at the start. You will have to fork out some money, but the result is worth it.

Your task is to recruit 2–3 thousand people using advertising; then it is possible that the community will begin to grow on its own. Further, during the remaining steps, you can also invest money, or you may not invest. Pouring money into advertising basically allows you to significantly speed up the growth of your popularity.


After you recruit your first participants, you can start helping them with advice and consultation. Nothing works better to promote a personal brand than timely assistance. After all, in order to receive something, you must first give something of equal value. At the same time, you can consult not only in your community, but also in other thematic groups in your niche.

Consulting can be divided into two main areas: analysis of participants’ projects and answers to specific questions. All this can happen both on the community wall in comments and in specially created topics/discussions.

One of the techniques when consulting is to buy a fixed topic in discussions in some thematic group close to you or even offer your service for free. For example, let's say you're a veterinarian and want to promote your personal brand. In this case, you can agree on free consultations in animal groups or online pet supply stores. But paid promotion is still easier.

There are specialists on VKontakte who have built a personal brand mainly through consulting and publicity (read about it below). Watching them do it is a sight to behold. And most importantly - no financial costs.

Light exposure

Another important stage is the so-called illumination. You should be known in all thematic groups. You should regularly appear in the comments, enter into discussions, argue, and express your special opinion. In addition to communication in groups, highlighting opinion leaders in your niche, on personal pages, works well. By definition, they attract maximum attention to their person. You need to make a list of the most popular people and periodically comment on their posts.

Naturally, comments should be meaningful and useful. Opinion leaders are leaders because they quickly identify low-quality content and understand who they are dealing with. If they want, they can pretty much ruin your progress if you say something wrong.

The next option is to argue with experts. Many niches have questions that allow for many different points of view. You can write an article challenging the views of opinion leaders. At the same time, be sure to invite your opponent to the “thread” through mentions. If the article contains quality arguments, the discussion can be quite entertaining.

Praising an expert and approving his work or cases work well. For example, when I held a seminar in St. Petersburg on targeted advertising, my colleagues reposted me, and I wrote about it on my page. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it. Regular flattery can also have the opposite effect.

You can use trolling and provocations. Some build their promotion on this. But there are a lot of risks here - it’s too easy to ruin your reputation.

I wouldn't risk it.


At the consultation stage, there will already be some “movement” in the comments in your community. However, it can be further stimulated. This is done so that your name appears more and more often, and users remember you more and more. This is where communicative content and methods of working in comments come to the rescue, which I will describe in a separate article.

What is the best communication content?

  • discussion of problematic issues in your niche;
  • night, Friday or expert chat;
  • “impact” or “boiled”;
  • sincere statements;
  • requests to share experience in related areas;


An important stage of promotion is live performances in different formats in front of an audience. This way people will trust you more.

Therefore, if you understand a niche, you should launch free and paid seminars, webinars and trainings, as well as participate in the maximum number of specialized conferences. Putting together a webinar is much easier after completing all the previous steps than if you start doing it right away (they won’t know you yet). The same goes for conferences. As your recognition grows, the organizers themselves will begin to invite you to speak, because there is always a demand for quality speakers.

Naturally, it is strictly forbidden to present weak content at such speeches - otherwise you will only make things worse and get the reputation of an “Aquarius”.

In addition to training events, you can use all sorts of non-standard solutions. For example, a direct live line with answers to questions, as I, Sergey Fedyunin and Pavel Gurov did, or an invitation to a party in honor of your birthday, following the example of Alena Lenskaya.

After the events, do not forget to take photo reports and collect feedback. This is additional social proof of your expertise.

Writing a quality book on your topic

A book is still considered the coolest way to promote a personal brand. Especially paper ones, which are sold in stores. There is only one important nuance - it must be a really high-quality book.

Many information businessmen like to talk about this stage of promotion. They have this idea in their minds that just having a book automatically makes you an expert. However, this is all from the evil one. Quality content makes you an expert. There are a lot of books on Ozone that have been read and forgotten by thousands of people. Nobody knows their authors.

When writing a book, the question always arises: to work with a publisher or to promote the PDF version yourself. From my point of view, working with a publishing house is more effective if it is well-known. They have a distribution network, and the PDF version is sold in online stores.

You won't earn anything by publishing a book. But that’s not why it’s written. From two editions of my first book, “Promoting a VKontakte Business,” I received as much as I earn from clients in two weeks. It is no coincidence that I indicate this step after the described stages - if you already have an established asset in the form of your community and growing popularity, your book will quickly be sold out. And publishing houses will be much more accommodating when they see that you have your own “distribution base.”

If you regularly write articles, then writing a book is not difficult. You just need to arrange and systematize them correctly.

Maintaining a personal page

People really like to look behind the scenes, follow opinion leaders, they are interested in their personal lives and everyday life. At a certain stage, when you gain some popularity, start managing your personal page more meaningfully. You can immediately adhere to this rule, but at first you will have few readers.

Yes, of course, you can choose a strategy when you write only about professional matters and do not go into personal areas. This is also possible. But still, this is additional attention.

What to write about on your personal page?

  • personal life: children, family, how you spend time together. Or, if there is no family, how to look for your man/woman;
  • what motivates you, how your work day goes;
  • personal effectiveness: what you do to achieve your goals;
  • autobiography;
  • a look behind the scenes of some events, meetings;
  • photos from trips;
  • your observations regarding social life;
  • dissenting opinions on various industry issues.

Personal connections

Once you have a pool of your first loyal people, try to get to know them personally. White friending (adding an audience loyal to you as friends) is good, but real friending is a hundred times cooler. It is loyal real friends who start word of mouth and recommend you.

Suggest topics to them, meet on Fridays in bars, help with advice, sign them up for events with discounts or even for free. There is nothing better than personal connections - they will pay off handsomely.

Private chats and communities

If your niche has closed chats and communities for a select few, be sure to try to get there. Not because it’s cool, prestigious and increases your status, but because real specialists and the most informed audience very often sit there. Entrance to such communities is either paid or by personal recommendation. This approach cuts out freeloaders and random people. Personally, such chats brought me a lot of really cool acquaintances.

If you give quality advice in these communities, then gradually professionals will begin to recommend you, and this is one of the most important conditions for promoting a personal brand.

* * *

Completing these steps will significantly increase your fame. However, there are also techniques that can be used in parallel with these steps to speed up all processes.

Don’t forget about seeding videos, articles or cases into thematic groups through the proposed news. You can do this for money or for free. Thematic groups often lack good content, so you can post a lot of materials for nothing.

And, of course, use white friending (after consultation, help in personal messages, positive communication on the wall, after likes and reposts of your materials or comments).

Scandalous bloggers and politicians, famous business coaches and fashion photographers, top managers of large companies and businessmen - today they all have a carefully thought-out page on social networks. Do you want to sell yourself at a higher price? Start promoting your personal brand.

How can marketing help an individual become even more successful?

Fact: the more interesting a person is, the more you want to know about him. But even if you are the most interesting person, in real life it is quite difficult to make a thousand friends - purely physically. In the virtual world, a million is not the limit. Social networks and SMM (Social Media Marketing) help with this - the process of attracting and maintaining attention to your personality through social platforms.

Bill Gates once said: “If you are not on the Internet, then you do not exist.” Today, you will begin to truly exist online only when you acquire thousands, or even tens of thousands of subscribers - and this is not so easy.

Components of a personal brand

So, what can attract attention to your person?

Name. By coming up with an original nickname, you can instantly stand out. However, it all depends on the type of your activity. If the name Lady Gaga is normal for a singer, then for a politician (for example, the Chancellor of Germany) it is unlikely.
Appearance. Is appearance not the most important thing? Maybe. And yet people who look healthy and well-groomed, have a sense of style and wear clean, neat clothes are more attractive than others, right?
Uniqueness. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd: special skill, quality, knowledge. What others don’t have is always interesting and valuable to others.
Development potential. You need to maintain interest in your personality. You need to make it clear to people that you have big plans for this life, and at every opportunity you need to prove this in practice.

General rules for promoting a personal brand on social networks

There is no clear scheme by following which one can achieve success in this work. But by following these rules, you will significantly shorten the path to your goal.

Share content more often. Look for interesting information and share it on your social media pages, encouraging likes and reposts. Try to generate unique content: maybe you have something to tell your audience?

Be socially active. Participate in conferences, attend popular events - and tell your subscribers about it. Show them that you are worth something not only on social networks, but also in real life.

Checklist for a successful personal account

Do you want your personal account to be successful? Then rest assured that:

Your page contains comprehensive information about you: professional skills and achievements, hobbies, place of residence, interesting facts. In the text, use keywords that can bring your target audience to your attention;

You regularly publish interesting content;

You are members of groups and communities built around your professional or personal interests. You comment on posts in such groups and actively communicate with their participants;

You maintain contact with the audience - try to answer subscribers’ questions as much as possible and publish information that interests them;

List of topics for publications on social media.

As already mentioned, publications on your page should first of all be of interest to users. What exactly could it be?

Articles or news about the industry in which you work, reviews of specialized events that you have attended;

Tips and useful observations based on your personal experience;

Answers to questions from the field in which you are a professional;

Something personal: Your new achievements, incidents from everyday life, photos from your personal archive;

Motivational quotes, pictures or videos.