Windows 10 work account.

A local account is an array of data stored in a special directory on a disk that contains a variety of information about the user and the rights granted to him regarding the use of the computer. This includes authentication data, all kinds of customization (splash screen, interface settings, startup), access rights to certain files and services. For authentication, an identifier is used - login (as a rule, this is the user’s name) and a password, if available, which is stored encrypted using a reliable irrevocable conversion algorithm. The account may also contain an avatar - a small image or photo of the user. A local account is created for only one computer.

Microsoft account

The Microsoft account was introduced in Windows 8 and was transferred to Windows 10 without significant changes. An online profile differs from a local one in that after logging into the system, previously blocked functions of a modern operating system and applications will open to the user. Due to numerous user complaints, the functionality gap between accounts (Microsoft and local) in Windows 10 has been slightly reduced. Today we’ll figure out the difference between Microsoft accounts in Windows 10 and G8, and also compare their capabilities with local accounts (as users call them).

In general, a Microsoft account is a set of online accounts on various corporate resources. Recently (with the release of Windows 8) they have all been combined into one. These include accounts in services such as Windows Live, Outlook, Hotmail, and the presence of an XBOX or smartphone running Windows mobile. Here the campaign took the path of integration, which allows you to access any service or device with a Microsoft product with just one account. The username in the account is the email belonging to the software giant: Yahoo or Gmail.

Microsoft account benefits

A Microsoft account has a more reliable security mechanism and a two-step user authentication method, which is guaranteed to save the user from security problems.

Unfortunately, or vice versa, fortunately, you cannot disable password protection for your Microsoft account. The only thing that is provided to the user in this case is the setting of automatic completion of the form for entering a password and email address - username.

When you try to log in from a new device or location, the system will ask you to enter the code sent to the phone number specified during registration.

When transferring settings between computers with Windows 10, having a Microsoft account will allow you to quickly synchronize data even in automatic mode.

There is no need to transfer user settings or reconfigure the system - when creating a new user, select the Microsoft login and enter authorization data. After this, all that remains is to install the required applications - all Windows 10 settings (theme, wallpaper, web browser settings, bookmarks, logins with passwords) will be reproduced on any computer after authorization.

Another Microsoft profile will allow you to install and purchase your favorite applications in the Windows Store, as well as restore them when critical errors occur, and update them, which a local account cannot do. By purchasing any software product, you become its owner forever and can install it on all supported devices (this applies to both a computer and a gadget with mobile Windows 10). If you have a smartphone or tablet running Windows 10 mobile, the Microsoft profile will provide access to all existing programs and entertainment applications.

– voice assistant, available only to users who have an online profile due to the need to obtain personal data (calendar entries, contacts, history of visiting Internet resources). Even though the service is at the debugging stage and does not support the Russian language, the developer promises to correct this deficiency in the future.

The last advantage that a Microsoft profile will give to parents is the ability to connect the child/children’s account to the family, which will provide increased security and the ability to manage key parameters to control the child’s Internet activity. The function supports working with each device separately, allowing you to block malicious sites and resources with inappropriate content, set the time spent online and run only approved applications (convenient for restricting a child from playing games).

Following tradition, Microsoft limits the capabilities of local users (although in the “top ten” the developers took the latter’s opinion into account), transferring people’s virtual lives to the cloud and providing greater privileges to online account owners.

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An avid user of Windows operating systems is familiar with the concept of an account. This administration attribute in new versions takes on new and relevant meaning. And if earlier, for example, back on XP, its essence boiled down to delimiting local access zones to services, services and OS programs, but now everything is much more complicated.

Windows Profile Advantage

With the development of an extensive structure of Internet services and web applications, it becomes inconvenient for users to manage operational access to their accounts. The developers took into account the growing problem over time and proposed a universal solution - a single Windows user profile. Now you can work with Skype from any device (PC, laptop, tablet) with just one user account. All that remains is to read the instructions on how to create a Microsoft account on Windows 10.

Creating a profile in Windows 10

You can create a Microsoft profile:

  1. Using standard dialog forms in windows via the control panel + settings (accounts).
  2. Using the command line – “Run”, located in the main system start menu.

In the first case, you need:

  1. Select “Family and other users” and, accordingly, “Add a user for this computer.”
  2. In the next step, enter your email address.

  3. If it does not exist, then select the button to create it (you will need an Internet connection). This is done in the bottom field that says “I don’t have this person’s login information.”

  4. After entering your First and Last Name, click “Get a new email address” and enter its name, fill out the Password field and select your country of residence.
  5. Provide a phone number or alternate email address and click Next.

  6. Optionally, select the display of materials that best suit your desires and click “Next”.

  7. Your account has been created!

Advice! Similarly, you can enter the record creation system via the command line using the command: control userpasswords2

You will be asked to go through a similar procedure.

Register on the Microsoft website

Users of several Microsoft devices and services are encouraged to create a single universal profile. Visit Latest Operating System

Creation is done in two ways:

  • during the initial setup of the smartphone;
  • at the time of operation.

The sequence of transition commands is as follows: “Settings” → “Mail + accounts” → “Add service” → “Microsoft account” → “Create”.

Creating a single profile for all Windows devices without exception is useful for every advanced user. If you have a question about Windows 10, . Together we will try to find the answer.

If you're using Windows 8 or 8.1, you're probably already quite familiar with the new user authentication mechanism. That is, in addition to the local account, these versions of the operating system support authorization through a Microsoft account. And although you can avoid using the latter, some features and modern applications still require you to log in using it - otherwise you simply will not be able to use them. This not only created a divide between the two types of accounts, but also led to dissatisfaction among users. Fortunately, sometimes Microsoft listens to the requests and expectations of its customers, and therefore in version 10 the company has relaxed its policies regarding user profiles.

Let's try to understand what the differences are between these two types of accounts in the new version of the operating system and what has changed compared to Windows 8.1.

What is a local account?

In the simplest terms possible, these are system resources with settings and programs for a specific user, accessed using a combination of username and password (although password protection is not necessary). If your OS version was released before Windows 8, then you are definitely a local profile user.

As the name suggests, a local account is created for only one system, so if you have more than one computer, then you use different accounts on each of them, note that you can always

In Windows 10, a local account allows you to install desktop apps, customize settings, and use the operating system the old-fashioned way. You can even browse the Windows Store, but you cannot download and install applications - for this, as well as for enabling synchronization of settings between user devices, a second type of account is required.

What is a Microsoft account?

This is a series of online accounts for the company's products that have simply been combined under one name. So, if you've ever used Hotmail, Windows Live and Outlook, or devices like Xbox or Windows Phone, then you already have such an account. By rebranding and merging these profiles, the company ensured that all of its services were fully integrated into one account. This means you can use it to access everything related to the Microsoft ecosystem.

Unlike local, you use your email address to sign in to the operating system with a Microsoft account, not your username. In this case, this could be an email from a software giant (, or, Yahoo!, Gmail, or even an address that was provided by an Internet provider.

This type of login does not allow you to disable password protection, but you can configure the system to enter it automatically each time you log in (see ). In addition, the Microsoft account has a two-step user identification system, which requires you to enter a security code when logging into your account from a device that is not on the trusted list.

Why should you use a Microsoft account?

Using such an account allows you to partially avoid the hassle of configuring all your computers “for yourself,” since some of the system settings can be synchronized between them automatically. In other words, certain changes made on one computer running Ten will be automatically reproduced on other computers with the same Microsoft profile.

The system allows you to synchronize the theme, web browser settings (in 10, the standard browser is Microsoft Edge, so synchronization of bookmarks, logins, etc. applies specifically to it), passwords for sites, applications and networks.

Another benefit of using a Microsoft account is the ability to download, install, and restore apps from the Windows Store. With a local profile, the app store will only be available in browse mode.

As the owner of a Windows 10 Mobile smartphone or other Windows 10 device, an online account will give you access to universal apps and games. This concept, which was originally introduced for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, means that once purchased, an application becomes available on all devices running the Microsoft platform. That is, by purchasing an application from any device running Window 10, it will become available on your other devices. This eliminates the need to buy the same application for each computer, smartphone or tablet and thus helps save a lot of money.

A Microsoft account will also help you with using OneDrive, because with it you can conveniently sync any type of file - again, between all devices.

Another feature of Windows 10 that is only available with a Microsoft account, but still does not support the Russian language, is called Cortana. This is an application that acts as a digital assistant. The feature is closely tied to Microsoft account and needs access to calendar, email, contacts and even web browsing history to be able to respond to the user's needs. So if you want Cortana to be able to schedule your meetings, remind you of something important, or even find good restaurants, you'll have to sign in to your Microsoft profile.

Finally, using a Microsoft account in Windows 10, you can connect with your family. This is an expanded version of Family Safety, containing all the options that will help you manage everything related to your children's online lives. The function allows you to manage settings separately for each device, block sites for adults, control the child’s activities and time spent on the computer and allow him to download only those applications and games that are suitable for his age category.

Why should you use a local account?

In Windows 8.x, the local account has extremely limited capabilities and does not provide access to many functions of the operating system. In 10, these restrictions were relaxed, and the status of the local account was raised almost to the level of Windows 7.

For example, in the previous version of the operating system, you cannot use the Calendar, Mail, and People apps without an MS account. In Windows 10, you can work with any of these tools without any restrictions, using a regular, local account. Even a native email client will allow you to choose any account (Outlook, Gmail, etc.) and will not force you to use a Microsoft account just to launch the application. This change will probably appeal to those who only have one computer, for whom the settings sync feature is completely useless, and also to those who are not interested in apps from the Store.

In general, the company's policy regarding local accounts has changed in a fairly positive way; With Windows 10, the corporation tried to find a balance between the two types of accounts, and at the same time made another attempt to present the new operating system in a more favorable light.

If you made a mistake when creating a Microsoft account, it !

Have a great day!

It may seem that with every new release of Windows, nothing changes about user accounts. Let us remind you that 10 is the latest Microsoft project, but it will still be further developed and improved. In this regard, the account and its main functionality in the new OS are the main terms that you need to learn before moving from Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10. In this article, we will look at all the available features of the account panel and those innovations that became available to users.

To get into your user account, you need to go to “Start” and click on the link to your account:

After this, we find ourselves in a section of the updated control panel called “Accounts”. Let's look at what we see in front of us in order.

1. In this place you can see the name of your account, what mailbox it is registered in and what type it is. In addition to “Administrator”, the account can be “Guest” and “Normal”. If you use a computer alone, then for optimal operation you need to have the “Administrator” type, because “Regular” and “Guest” have limited rights.

2. If you used a Microsoft account to sign in, the link to “Manage...” will help you edit it as you need.

More specifically, you can change your account name and account password. Internet access is required for this.

3. If you want to use a local account, i.e. you are using a PC without an Internet login, then you need this link - “Log in with a local account instead.” But before you change your local account to a Microsoft account or vice versa, you will need to enter the password for the corresponding account.

4. What is indicated by the number 4 is your avatar - a photograph or picture that characterizes you as a user. You can put your photo, as I did (the author of articles about Windows 10), or you can put some boats, birds or pictures of nature. It all depends on your taste and desire.

5. Actually, everything we discussed above relates to this point. In “Your Account” we will make the transition from one account to another, and also change the avatar.

6. In “Sign-in Options” you can adjust the password entry period on the lock screen, the use of PIN codes, and other account security features.

7. Work access - a feature that allows you to connect to your account from another computer.

8. Family and other users - a feature through which you can create accounts for your family members, as well as for other users. It is very convenient for those who provide their PC to someone in the family to use. You do not lose your data, but the person using it will not see your files and folders.

9. If you log in from another PC using your Microsoft account, then all settings from this device will be changed to those that were on your last device (from the one you logged in from last time).

In today's instructions, we'll look at how to create a new user on Windows 10 using all the methods available in the operating system. We will also look at ways to give it administrator privileges or do the opposite - turn the account into an account with limited rights.

Most likely, all Windows 10 users are familiar with both types of accounts, from which you can work in the Tens environment. The first are local user accounts, which are no different from the accounts of previous editions of the operating system. The second are Microsoft accounts that require registration on the operating system developer's website. Having such an account, all parameters will be regularly synchronized with those stored on the software giant’s server.

If you don’t want Microsoft to store all your account data, or vice versa, you want to take advantage of the privileges of a Microsoft account, in Windows 10 it is possible to convert one type of account into another in any direction.

Creating an account using the Options menu

Unlike previous editions of the OS, where accounts were created and edited through a special Control Panel applet, in the “ten” its functionality actually replaces the “Settings” menu section, called “Accounts”.

1. To access the “Options” menu, use the hotkey combination “Win ​​+ I”.

2. Go to the “Accounts” section.

3. Activate the “Family and other users” tab located in the vertical menu.

The first section, “Your Family,” if you have a Microsoft account, will allow you to create accounts with limited rights for other family members, for example, for children.

The next section provides options for creating a local account with administrative or regular privileges. We will consider this option below.

4. Scroll down the right frame and click on the icon for adding a new user for this computer, located in the “Other Users” section.

5. If you do not intend to create a Microsoft account (or want to get one, but do not yet have an email for it), click on the link at the bottom of the window “I do not have this user’s login information.”

A new window will then open asking you to create a Microsoft account.

6. If you want to create it, fill out all the forms and click “Next”, otherwise follow the “Add a user without a Microsoft account” link, which is located at the bottom of the window.

In Windows 10, any new user has normal (limited) privileges. To obtain computer administrator rights, you must complete several steps.

  1. Go to the “Family and other users” subsection, located in the “Accounts” section of the “Options” menu.
  2. At the bottom of the right frame of the window, find the desired user and click on his icon or name.
  3. Click on the “Change account type” button.
  4. In the drop-down list with account types, select “Administrator” and click “OK” to save the new settings.

Creating a new account via the command line

There is an easier way to get an account in Windows 10. To do this, we will use text commands executed via the command line.

Note that all actions will be similar to the first option, with the only difference being that the commands will be executed in text mode.

You will need administrator privileges to be able to create and edit existing accounts.

1. Launch the command line with extended privileges, for example, through the search line.

2. Enter a command like “net user UserName Pass /add” and run it by clicking “Enter”.

Here UserName is the name of the new account, Pass is the password for authorization in the system.

After completing all the steps in Windows 10, a new account with limited privileges will appear. To give it administrative rights, run the following command in the command line window: “net localgroup Administrators UserName /add”.

For people using an unactivated or unlicensed copy of Windows 10, it is recommended to replace the word “administrators” with its English equivalent “administrators” if an error occurs.

Creating a new account through the MMC snap-in

Even in XP, a system console appeared with many snap-ins for creating system management consoles. One of them is the "Local Users and Groups" element.

1. Launch the tool using the “lusrmgr.msc” command, executed in the search bar or the “Run” window (launched using “Win ​​+ R”).

2. Open the “Users” directory.

3. Call the context menu of the free area of ​​the right frame and select the “New user” command.