WhatsApp statuses: beautiful sayings for a good mood. Funny statuses for WhatsApp

Tired of the abundance of bad news in my feed social networks? Do you want to decorate your profile with an original funny statement? Then the WhatsApp statuses collected in the article will help you do this. With a good mood, as you know, life becomes easier.

WhatsApp statuses: funny sayings

Do you want to decorate your profile with a funny and even slightly ironic phrase?

  • “You need to accept me as I am now. I’m not going to get any worse, but I can’t get any better.”
  • “The more precious the character, the heavier it is.”
  • "The only thing I can do with eyes closed, is to sleep."
  • “I’ve never loved my job as much as I did on vacation.”
  • “Go to bed on time so that the mirror doesn’t show horror movies in the morning.”
  • “Sweets improve brain function. Sweets with liqueur also increase self-confidence.”
  • “When I was little, I really wanted to grow up. I’ve never been so wrong in my life!”
  • “A bachelor is a person who could not find his soulmate.”
  • “It’s very alarming if there is money left over at the end of the month. You start to remember what you forgot to pay for.”
  • “The only bad habit I have is work.”
  • "Even in the saddest life there is something funny. For example, a salary."
  • "The most pathetic sight is a man who explains his joke."
  • “A lazy person is a person who has stopped hiding the fact that he is doing nothing.”
  • "I know how to admit mistakes. Other people's."

WhatsApp statuses with a touch of light humor are relevant always and everywhere. Such sayings will make your friends smile.

Original statuses

Do you want to express your feelings and show off your originality? Here is a list of suitable statuses:

  • “It’s not so important who is ahead of you. What’s more important is who is walking next to you.”
  • "People are divided into two types: faithful and temporary."
  • "A person usually notices what he lacks. Singles - happy married people, married - contented bachelors."
  • “A crisis is not “everything is bad.” A crisis is “but before, it turns out, everything was good.”
  • "All children strive to live as they themselves want. But at the expense of their parents."
  • “The level of my luck is that I was late for the convenience store.”

Beautiful statuses on WhatsApp

Sometimes you want to decorate your profile with a beautiful phrase that would reflect your mood and inner state:

  • “Only those who behave with dignity can expect self-respect.”
  • “The higher the value of a thing, the more fakes it has. It’s the same with friendship.”
  • "Don't get ahead of things. Don't push the clock. Everything that needs to happen will happen at the right moment."
  • “Take care of the people whose old messages you re-read with a smile.”
  • "You will never fall while lying on the sofa."
  • “The realization that no one needs you is followed by a simultaneously tempting and terrifying feeling of freedom.”
  • “Expectations are fulfilled when you let them go.”
  • “Hate is simpler than love. You can explain why you hate a person. Why you love is not always explainable.”
  • "Doubts are worse than mistakes."
  • “Now it’s not men, but women who should remember the defenselessness of the weaker sex.”
  • “An aimless man is killed by every failure.”
  • "For real clever man may remain silent when he is right."

Today you can learn a lot about a person by looking at his entries on social pages on the Internet and various instant messengers. Let the WhatsApp statuses you choose radiate incorrigible optimism and delight others.

We tried to make it as clear and easy to manage as possible. When you launch the messenger, only a few tabs appear: chats, calls and status. If everything is clear with the first two sections, then “Status” raises a lot of questions for new users.

Tab Features

Adding a status is a good decision by the developers, which helped make communication in the messenger even more comfortable and cozy. You can share funny pictures with friends that are edited directly in the application, add a quote, and congratulate the person on their name day.

Setting a note

New messenger users are interested in how to set a status on WhatsApp? It's easy to do, you just need:

Before you can view the status on WhatsApp, you must first add the user to your contact list. Information about friends who are in phone book, is automatically displayed in the application.

Deleting WhatsApp Status

The user can regularly share “fresh” information with friends, because the notes in the messenger can be changed. But many users are interested in how to delete a status on WhatsApp completely? Unfortunately, this is not possible because when you try to send empty message an error. If you don’t want to share information, you can simply put an emoticon or several symbols.

Status removal steps:

Statuses show whether yours are being used whatsapp contacts V currently or the time they were online in last time. In this article we'll take a closer look at how they work and why. whatsapp statuses may not be displayed correctly or may not be displayed at all.

Online and last online statuses

How Whatsapp statuses work (online and latest online)

If a contact has an “online” status, it means that WhatsApp is enabled on their device and it has active connection to the Internet. This status does not guarantee that your messages have been read.

Time last used contact whatsapp apps will be displayed in the status “was...”. This status will be shown instead of the "online" status. In the app's privacy settings, you can control which contacts can see the time you last used the app. Unfortunately, it is impossible to hide the “online” status.

Why can't I see the last online time?

You may not see time last visit from other contacts on WhatsApp for the following reasons:

  • This contact has set a ban on displaying this information in the privacy settings (who can see your status -> no one);
  • You yourself hid the display of the time of your last visit to the application. In this case, other users will not be able to see your time. last visit, but you won’t be able to see this information about other contacts;
  • The contact you are viewing has blocked you.

Message statuses

Personal message statuses

Checkmarks appear next to all sent messages on WhatsApp and, depending on the variation, can have different meanings.

Message sent

The message was delivered to the recipient's device

Message read by recipient

Message statuses in group chats

Unlike private chats, using group chat the rule is observed that every recipient of a message on WhatsApp must receive or read it.

Message sent

The message is delivered to each recipient's device

Message read by every recipient

In the “Message Info” section you can view detailed information about messages. For example, who and when viewed your message on WhatsApp.

Problems with message statuses

If there is only one check mark next to the message, most likely the problem is not on your side. This problem is not related to your phone or the WhatsApp application.

Reasons why a message may be sent but not delivered to the recipient:

  • The recipient's phone is turned off;
  • The recipient's phone has problems connecting to the Internet;
  • The recipient may have seen the pop-up message on the phone screen, but did not launch the application or read it (typical for iPhone users);
  • The recipient has blocked you.

WhatsApp statuses are not displayed correctly

The time of both incoming and outgoing messages, as well as the time of the last visit, may be displayed incorrectly due to the system time.

If the time indicated next to messages or the time of last visit to your contacts application is displayed incorrectly, it is most likely due to the wrong time zone in your mobile phone. You need to check this data and set the time zone in which you are currently located.

First of all, it is recommended to set the date and time using Automatic settings or settings via Network Data. This will allow your mobile operator to set the date and time on your phone according to your location. If these steps don't work and your message or last seen times are not displayed correctly, there may be a problem with your network. You need to contact your representatives mobile operator and clarify the data.

You can also solve the problem by setting the required time zone or setting the date and time yourself manually.

Important: check whether you are using the correct clock, it must match the one installed in the place where you are.

To manually set the time zone, follow these steps:

  • For Android: Go to Settings > Date and time.
  • For iPhone: Go to Settings > General > Date and Time.
  • For Windows Phone: Go to settings > date + time.
  • For Nokia S40: Go to Menu > Settings > Date and time > Date and time settings.

Important: If you are producing manual settings time, make sure that the “Auto update time” function is turned off. To do this:

  • For BlackBerry: Go to Settings > Display Settings > Date and Time.
  • For Nokia S60: Go to Menu > Settings > Phone > Date and time.
  • For Blackberry 10: Go to System Settings > Date and Time.

Beautiful statuses for Whatsapp are phrases and aphorisms in which you can express your attitude towards different things and describe your experiences. We choose words, polish metaphors - and voila, you become a shark of the pen to the surprise of your friends.

  • Freedom is not something that is given to us. This is something that cannot be taken away.
  • The strongest is the one who can defeat himself.
  • There are two scenarios in life: either you die in illusions, or illusions die in you.
  • A person who does not like to sit at home simply does not know how to do it correctly.
  • Life is like riding a bike: if you breathe hard, then you go uphill.
  • Sometimes you have to listen to such nonsense, and then it turns out that this is a point of view.
  • If you want to change your life, get rid of everything that gets in the way: unnecessary things, stupid thoughts, some people...
  • It's never too late to become what you've always dreamed of becoming.
  • It only takes a person a couple of years to learn to speak and the rest of his life to keep his mouth shut.
  • The student memorized all the tickets for the philosophy exam, but did not come - after all, life has no meaning, and we are just grains of sand in it.

Beautiful sayings for WhatsApp status

Russian people have always loved proverbs and sayings in a special way. To this day, they express folk wisdom and wit, which are gradually migrating to the Internet space.

  • If there is no good in you, then there is little truth.
  • A guest is not a bone; you cannot throw him out the door.
  • You have to live not as you want, but as God commands.
  • Whoever does good will be repaid by God.
  • If you have a friend, you will have leisure.
  • The best joke is a joke on yourself.
  • If the fire of love goes out, it must be rekindled from the coals.
  • All people make mistakes. Some more, others all the time.
  • When you're alone, it's not bad. It's bad when you are Zero.
  • Believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts.

Beautiful photos for WhatsApp status

Beautiful statuses on WhatsApp for a girl

Girls decorate this world not only with themselves, but also with their sense of humor and subtle soul. This is evidenced by the statuses they prefer.

  • Why do I need a boyfriend if I can solve my problems myself?!
  • In the morning I decided to collect my thoughts. It turned out that not a single thought came to the meeting.
  • Paradox: beautiful girls They often turn out so-so in photos.
  • IN kindergarten I had everything - a husband, children, and superpowers. Best time life!
  • Unfortunately, most guys now don't get the one they really like. They choose the one who will definitely agree.
  • I have a place where you can touch it and drive me crazy. This is my soul.
  • You can call me whatever you want, but the main thing is to add “mine” to every word.
  • I'm always 18 years old! And I ask you to consider everything else as experience.
  • I can take a million steps towards, but not a single step in pursuit.
  • If a girl goes out somewhere without makeup, it means she has a guy who loves her very much in any form.

Beautiful statuses on WhatsApp about children

Statuses about boys and girls, about our childhood and about our parents, sleepless nights next to the crib, about love for our family - very popular topic for reflection and confession. You can write many things in different ways, for example:

  • My resort is called "Decree". Thank you, darling! Such a busy program, you don’t even have time to sleep.
  • I ask my son: Show me how much you love me! And he comes up and hugs me tightly, so sincerely. This is happiness.
  • In my opinion, the whole point of existence is to leave a life behind.
  • Most of all I want to become a good mother. Like mine.
  • Before you break down and shout at your child, remember yourself at the same time, stroke him and kiss him. And go drink valerian.
  • It seems to me that only my husband can sleep with the TV screaming and wake up if it is turned off.
  • A man should never complain about his wife or his car. He chose both this and that himself!
  • A happy marriage is when the spouse understands everything that the Spouse has kept silent about.
  • Happiness is when you have no time for the Internet at all, because you spend all your time with your family.
  • Family is not just a stamp in a passport. This is a look in one direction.
  • And even if my parents are sometimes wrong. Still, these are my closest people, and I love them very much.
  • Sometimes we forget that Family and Home are the most important things in the world.
  • Learn to trust your children, and not strictly control their every move.
  • Family is the only place where everyone finds love and respect. They will never laugh at your weaknesses here.
  • Work, loyalty and responsiveness are the basis of family happiness.

We wish you a great mood and cheerful communication!

The meeting included funny statuses for WhatsApp with meaning, short and long, about life and love:

  • I want it! Which means it will happen!
  • And I’m smart, but they beat me often...
  • I haven't laid a single egg, but I know the taste of scrambled eggs better than any Chicken. George Bernard Shaw
  • If there was a head, there would be cockroaches.
  • I don't talk about life, I live.
  • There are more flaws in a person's character than there are in his mind.
  • Retaining power on the next day of the revolution is no less important than taking power.
  • Still, it’s better to do something and regret it than to do nothing and then regret it.
  • It's hard to try on another personality.
  • It’s stupid to make plans for your whole life without even being a master of tomorrow.
  • Old people should be killed in childhood...
  • What the law does not do, the bullet must make up for!
  • Time does not beat, but slowly kills.
  • A person in need is not free.
  • All men are weak, and gentlemen are the weakest.
  • Hungry unemployed people are cadres for dictatorship.
  • Justice is when the weak yields to the strong, stupidity yields to intelligence, and evil yields to good.
  • Are you ready to stand up for others? Ride on the bus.
  • The dream is over. It's time to get down to business.
  • Money is evil. When you come to the store, there’s just not enough evil.
  • First you need to be honest, and only then noble. Winston Churchill
  • There was nothing before Elvis.
  • Situations in which a person himself determines the price of his life is called the philosophy of the meaning of life.
  • If you have been betrayed by a loved one, do not despair, no matter how hard it is. Remember: fate simply took away from your life
  • The most important thing is not to lose heart... when it becomes too much for you, and everything gets mixed up, you can’t despair, you can’t lose
  • If a woman turns on the left turn signal, this does not mean at all that she will go to the right. She can go straight.
  • Tell the mirror how bad you feel and you will know the value of your whining.
  • If you have passion, you can accomplish anything.
  • Before you start speaking, make sure someone is listening.
  • Life is a good thing, no matter how you look at it.
  • Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, and this time, more intelligently.
  • Life is not so simple that it is so difficult to perceive.
  • The rustle of banknotes makes me lose my will.
  • Shoot my soul!
  • One head is good, but two is already ugly.
  • Spare me your philosophical statuses, I beg you. I see you in the evening with Jaguar cans.
  • Nothing upsets me more than smart stupidity.
  • Each person is right in his own way, but in my opinion, he is wrong.
  • Never tell people about your troubles, most are not interested at all, and the rest are happy that you have them!
  • As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer.
  • You can't carry a banner in the wind.
  • When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together. Confucius
  • People cannot be alive forever, but happy is the one whose name will be remembered. Navoi Alisher
  • Whom I want, I don’t know, and Whom I know, I don’t want.
  • We have nothing to fear but fear.
  • Brief news is less touching.
  • We cannot love again those whom we once truly fell out of love.
  • Biting your elbows, you won't be full! (statuses for WhatsApp are short)
  • My life is merciless, like a beast.
  • Only one betrayal is worthy of respect - betraying your principles for the sake of a loved one!
  • A world in which everything is built on rage, malice, devoid of any meaning, is called life.
  • It's better to try than to rust.
  • I am replacing the self-assembled tablecloth with a similar sheet.
  • It’s not enough to be able to leave; once you leave, you won’t be able to return. Ovid
  • Many philosophers compare life to climbing a mountain that we ourselves have found. Yalom I.
  • Wisdom does not always come with age. It happens that age comes alone.
  • Whoever understands a woman is no longer a man!
  • Moral monsters are always immoral.
  • Flattery is the mother of delusion.
  • Wash your hands before eating! Eating unwashed hands is harmful.
  • There is only one love, but there are thousands of counterfeits.
  • We saw so often that we completely forget to sharpen the saw. Stephen Covey
  • Eloquence is the painting of thought.
  • Our character is the result of our behavior. Aristotle
  • When will we have normal human eggs in our cafeteria?
  • The unbearable are the ones who endure best with the brain.
  • When you have six feet of earth above you, everyone loves you.
  • No step back! This should now be our main call.
  • A casino is a business built on bones.
  • Never turn down an opportunity to learn something.