Windows 7 does not see wireless networks. The wireless network icon does not appear in the tray

If Android does not see the WiFi network, the first thing you need to do is understand which side the problem is on: on the device that distributes the wireless network (modem/router), or on your Android phone/tablet.

This article Suitable for all brands that produce phones running Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Determining the Source of the Problem

First of all, determine whether Android sees other Wi-Fi networks. Try to distribute the network from a laptop, iPhone or other phone, go to a public place with free Wi-Fi.

If there are no problems detecting other points, the problem is clearly in the network, which . If the device does not catch any points, although other phones show their presence, then look for problems in the system and hardware.

Android doesn't see any Wi-Fi networks

If the device does not detect wireless points, although it previously saw them without problems, make sure that there are no errors in the system and that the module is working properly.

  1. Open settings.
  2. In the “Wireless Networks” field, slide the Wi-FI switch to the “On” position.
  3. Start a network search.
  4. Open additional functions and check the box “Always search for networks”.

In the settings of the latest versions of Android there is an option to reset network settings. Using it, you can fix system failures without resetting other device settings or deleting information from memory.

  • Settings
  • User and archiving
  • Archive and reset
  • Resetting network settings

If problems with connecting to Wi-Fi occur after updating or flashing the device, then you need to roll back to the latest stable one. Android version. Use official or proven custom assemblies for firmware, then the question is what to do with the next system error, will occur much less frequently.

The worst thing that can happen to a phone or tablet is hardware failure. If you suspect that the module wireless communication out of order, please contact service center for diagnostics and component replacement.


Before you begin serious hardware diagnostics, perform a few simple actions:

  1. Make sure that the network you want to connect to actually exists. To do this, see if other devices detect it.
  2. Go to Android settings. Disable and enable Wi-Fi.
  3. Reboot your phone/tablet.
  4. Reboot your router if you have access to it. Unplug it, wait 10-20 seconds and plug it back in.
  5. Bring the device closer to the router. There may be obstacles blocking the signal or too much long distance.
  6. Check your saved password again. If you changed the password in the router settings, it could be saved in the connection settings on Android.

That's all you can do on your Android device. If after performing these steps the network does not appear, proceed to checking and setting up the signal source.

Setting up the router

If you have access to a router, check its settings. What can help:

  1. Turning on Wi-Fi in settings.
  2. Change the network name (SSID).
  3. Change Wi-Fi channel.
  4. Checking the network operating mode.
  5. Removing restrictions on the number of connected devices.
  6. Configuring the built-in firewall.

Router settings differ, but all have a Wi-Fi section. Look again at how to set up Wi-Fi on specific model router, and make sure that you have set correct parameters.


If, when trying to establish a connection, the message “

Owners laptop computers Often they encounter the fact that the laptop does not see the WiFi router. This is quite serious and annoying problem, which baffles many, even experienced users. What could cause a laptop not to see the WiFi router?

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, and each of them requires separate careful consideration. This problem can affect not only users of portable machines such as laptops and netbooks, but also owners of classic stationary systems having a WiFi receiver. Therefore, the solution to such a popular problem will be relevant and useful to know for almost everyone who at least sometimes deals with computers or WiFi.

Connection problems - looking for the culprit

One of the most common obstacles that prevent a laptop from seeing a WiFi router is the unsuccessful launch of the WiFi module on it. It may even happen that the search available networks turns on, all points are within range, but as soon as you try to join, the system displays a connection error. These and similar complications most often occur on computers with Windows 7, namely this system most prone to causing WiFi connection problems.

Figure 1. Checking driver installation on WI-FI. First you need to check whether the driver is installed on Wi-Fi.

In addition to the computer's fault, one should not exclude the possibility of a faulty access point, i.e. router. Therefore, the first step is to determine what exactly caused the problem, who is the culprit - the computer or the router? Simple and effective method to determine this is as follows:

  1. Find a second computer and try to connect to the access point from it.
  2. From the suspected computer, try connecting to various other points.

This should determine which device is actually causing the problem.

If one computer does not see the router, but other computers and mobile devices connect to it freely, which means the problem is in this computer. Otherwise, if other devices are unable to connect to the router, and other access points do not cause any problems, you will still have to deal with the router.

Checking the drivers

In the case when WiFi does not connect due to the fault of the computer, the first thing you should check is whether it is running WiFi module and whether all drivers are installed on it.

To check the adapter you need to go to the Control Panel Network connections and turn on the adapter.

To do this, open the Device Manager (Computer - Properties - Device Manager), look for and open the “Network adapters” subsection.

We check whether there is a device there whose name contains the words “Wireless Network Adapter”, or “Wireless”, or simply “Wi-Fi”. You need to go to “properties” and see if it works fine. (FIG. 1)

If such a device is missing or does not work correctly, and there are unidentified devices, you need to reinstall their drivers. To do this, we find the website of the manufacturer of the laptop model, and search there suitable driver Wireless Network Adapter, download it and install it.

Incorrect automatic detection drivers by the system, or outdated drivers are a common case that can interfere correct operation wireless adapter.

Checking the operation of the adapter

Be sure to check if it is enabled wireless adapter on a laptop. As a rule, it is enabled/disabled by pressing a key combination, for example FN + F2. To make sure which buttons you need to press, look for the key with the icon wireless network and press it simultaneously with the FN key, or refer to the user manual for this laptop model. Some laptops have a separate switch to turn WiFi on/off.

Another way to check whether WiFi is enabled or not is through a network management program. From the Control Panel, go to the Network and Sharing Center, then select “Change adapter settings” on the left. The network adapters and connections window will open, in which you need to find “Wireless network connection" Click right key mouse on the connection icon. If in the opened context menu There is an “Enable” item and the connection icon looks gray, click on “Enable”, the adapter should start.

Otherwise, if the icon is colored and there is a “Disable” item in the menu, it is recommended to restart the adapter, i.e. Click on “Disable”, wait a few seconds for the module to turn off, and then turn it on again. The connection icon in the notification area should look like the one in the screenshot. This means that the adapter is turned on and access points have been found. If a similar icon appears, but instead of a yellow asterisk a red cross is shown, it means that the module is running, but no connection points were found.

It is also quite typical that the computer finds available WiFi points, but does not connect to them; instead, attempting to connect results in a "Windows could not connect" error. But at present, there is no universal and unambiguous fix for this error. Quite often the reason is incorrect settings router, such as incorrect security and encryption settings, or problems with IP address allocation.

One of possible ways, which helps out in many situations is to reboot the router and computer. In some cases, clicking the Troubleshooting link in the error message box can help you fix the error. Another tip: go to the properties of the wireless adapter and disable it to save energy, because... the reason may be that the computer does not correctly manage the power to the WiFi module.

Quite often, a connection loss occurs after the laptop exits sleep or standby mode. This problem appears mainly on Windows 7 and Windows 8 systems. In this case, the measure described above also helps, i.e. Prohibition of turning off the adapter to save energy. To do this, go to Device Manager, in the subsection network devices We find the wireless adapter, go to its properties through the context menu. In the properties window, you need to go to the “Power Management” tab and there uncheck the “Allow the device to turn off” option. Click OK and reboot the system.

A connection error will inevitably appear if in the properties WiFi connections the password and encryption type for automatic connection, and on the router one or both of these parameters have been changed. In this case, the system will try to connect to the router with the old parameters, and it, accordingly, will not accept them and refuse the connection. The solution to the problem is to delete the network with the old parameters and connect using the new ones.

Checking the router configuration

You can enter the router settings through Network connections, where we select the item “Network and Sharing Center” shared access", then, if necessary, change the router settings.

In the same case, when the router is at fault and rebooting does not help, there are several ways to fix the problem:

  1. Do not use automatic channel detection, set it manually, check different channels.
  2. Change the type, frequency and region of the network.
  3. Do not use Cyrillic characters in the password and SSID name.

It’s not difficult to get into the router settings; to do this you need to do a few simple steps. First of all, the router must be connected to the computer with a network cable. It is possible to connect via a wireless network, but it is not as reliable and secure as directly via cable. Then we open any Internet browser, enter the IP of the router into the address bar, usually it is or, more precisely you can find it in the instructions for the router or read it directly on the sticker on its case. By entering the router address, we get to its web interface.

To gain access you must enter a name and password, usually they are the same: admin. Sometimes they may differ, this should be indicated in the same place as the address - in the instructions or on a sticker. Once in the settings, you must first try to set them in accordance with modern standards:

  • security type WPA/WPA2;
  • WPA2-PSK version;
  • automatic encryption;
  • region of the USA or the Russian Federation.


It is recommended to change the WiFi hotspot name and password. Don't use Cyrillic, check your keyboard layout! Only names and passwords in Latin work correctly; numbers can be used. When you finish changing the settings, you should reboot the router. After this, the new settings will take effect, you can delete the old saved connection on the laptop and all other devices that previously connected to the router, and try to connect again.

As already mentioned, if after changing the password, type of protection or encryption, you do not delete the old one and create a new connection on the computer, the computer may refuse to connect to WiFi, displaying an error. To complete this procedure, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center; this can be done from the Control Panel or through the network icon in the notification area. Having entered it, we find and click the “Manage wireless networks” link. Once there, select the network of the router on which the parameters were changed, right-click on it and select “Delete network” in the context menu.

The most common problems with laptops are setting up and connecting to Wi-Fi networks. Therefore, before starting possible solutions This is exactly the problem, you first need to check whether the connection itself is configured properly or not.

What is the reason?

The fault may lie, for example, in the router that the user is using, or in the operating system itself. The most common reasons why Wi-Fi is not displayed or the laptop does not see it may be due to the fact that: the Wi-Fi router is frozen or not configured, may be various problems With a device that connects to Wi-Fi, Internet access is blocked by a firewall or antivirus, and DHCP does not issue an IP address.


To determine the cause and then resolve the problem, you need to check the router. To do this, you should restart the router and see if the network appears in the list. If this has not happened yet, then you need to disable network cable from the router and move it to the appropriate connector.

This will allow you to check whether the Internet is coming from the provider at all or not. If the Internet is not available, then the problem is directly with the service provider, but otherwise, it will be required. To configure it, you need to go to the address, or, depending on the router model.

If everything is fine in the settings, then you need to update or install drivers for network adapter. You can easily find them on the Internet, but to do this you will need to know the model. To do this, you need to open the “Control Panel” and select “Device Manager” from the menu. In the list you need to find the “Network adapters” item. Here you will see a list of all network devices running on the computer, and in order to find Wi-Fi, you should select the item where the phrase “ Wireless device...". After searching and installing all drivers, Wi-Fi networks should be displayed.

If none of these methods helped resolve the immediate problem, then most likely the problem lies directly with the device itself, which is trying to find and connect to the wireless network. To check this, you can purchase an inexpensive USB Wi-Fi adapter or borrow one from a friend and install it. If this was indeed the problem, then it will detect wireless networks.

There are several main reasons why computer can be isolated from the rest of the network. Usually the problem lies in incorrect firewall settings and similar programs.


Open the Start menu and go to Run. Enter in the field that opens cmd command and press Enter. Type the command ipconfig /all in the menu that appears and write down the MAC address of the desired network card. Enter its value in the above table.

Clear the Routing Table or Route Table menu items that are associated with this computer ohm Make sure that NAT is enabled for this PC. Save your router settings.

Now check the settings yourself computer A. First, be sure to turn off third party programs who control network traffic. This could be the Outpost Firewall utility or its analogues. Now turn off the service " Windows Firewall" As practice shows, it is very difficult to configure it yourself, and the effect of its work is too little.

Open the Start menu and go to Control Panel. Find and open the “Administration” item, which is located in the “System and Security” menu. Open Services. Find the Windows Firewall service, click on it right click mouse and select "Stop". Now open its properties and set the “Startup type” field to “Disabled”.

Check the network adapter settings. Make sure that the specified IP address is within a valid zone. Try changing its value to the address of one of the network computer ov, after turning off the second PC. Reboot computer and try again to access network resources.

The list of reasons why a computer/laptop freezes is quite long: crash system files operating system, overload system resources, bad sector on the hard drive, overheating of internal parts, exposure to viruses and others. If your laptop freezes, you need to restart it.

You will need

  • - administrator rights.


Laptops, unlike desktop computers, do not have on the body Reset buttons. Therefore, when the system freezes, the user is left with one option: the entire device. To do this, you need to press the power button and hold it down until the laptop turns off (usually no more than 30 seconds). As a rule, the button is kept pressed all this time. Users often do not wait for the shutdown time and think that their laptop is not working.

If the shutdown occurred due to severe overheating(this can be felt by abnormally hot air near the vents), give it time to cool down. Operating the laptop in this condition will harm the components and will certainly lead to an early breakdown. You can use special stands that have built-in fans for cooling.

If as a result forced shutdown The laptop stopped booting, use system restore. Some laptops (for example, from Samsung) have a built-in system recovery partition. Insert the disk with the operating system and select "System Restore".

If, after a forced shutdown, the laptop does not press the power button, contact a service center. Most likely, the device froze due to an internal defect in the spare parts, which can only be repaired by specialists. Do not attempt to open the case. Such actions will void your device warranty if the warranty period has not yet expired. Contact the specialists at the service center, and they will definitely help you solve this problem, however you will have to pay.

Personal computers today they no longer work like simple ones computing machines, but are part of the most advanced communications system. Their unification into a single communication network occurs both at the global level (Internet) and in small home or office groups (local area networks). Therefore, each of us can even at home face the problem of invisibility in local network one of the computers. You can try to find out and eliminate the cause on your own, even without experience. system administration information networks.

The simplest of all possible reasons the invisibility of a computer on a network may consist in the absence physical connection- the network cable is simply not included in the corresponding connector of the network card. Despite the fact that most of us do not allow the idea that such an elementary defect can be missed, work practice system administrators shows that it is the most simple reason most often it turns out to be the culprit of the problem. Therefore, it is worth starting to find out the reasons by checking the elementary options.

If a computer that is inaccessible from the network uses a Wi-Fi connection, then it would be useful to make sure that, firstly, the network is visible to the operating system, and secondly, the signal level is sufficient for normal operation, and thirdly, the modem authorization system recognizes problem computer and allows him access to the network. In the operating room Windows system all this can be checked using a component called in latest versions"Network and Sharing Center." If the problem is authorization, then to obtain the required code you will have to go into the control panel of the modem, copy it from there and enter it into the appropriate field in the network connection window.

Another reason may be the incorrect name specified in the connection properties " working group" From computers connected by a local network, you can create several groups, each of which will have its own designation. If the problem computer is configured to work with one group, then it will not be visible from the others. To eliminate this reason, you need to change the workgroup name in the local network connection properties - it should be the same for all computers for which you want to organize joint work.

Junior editions of operating systems from latest developments Microsoft does not have built-in tools for creating workgroups (now called "homegroups"). For example, this applies to “Windows 7 Starter” - it can only connect to a group created using some more advanced edition of the same version of the OS (for example, “Windows 7 Professional”). This may also be the reason why a computer with a stripped-down version of the operating system installed on it is invisible on the network.

Despite the fact that there are already electronic informants and speech synthesizers that allow you to automate communication with customers and clients, the profession of a dispatcher remains in demand. Telephone dispatcher is a responsible and important position in many enterprises related to passenger and cargo transportation.

What are dispatchers for?

Dispatcher answering phone calls customers, accepting their orders and advising them - an important link and intermediary between customers and service providers. How it works determines how quality the service will be and whether the client will turn to this company again.

Most companies operating in the field of passenger and cargo transportation use special software or elementary databases in their dispatch service, which are maintained using spreadsheets. Dispatcher, whose responsibilities also include consulting clients on tariff plans etc., upon accepting an order, enters it into the database, generating an electronic application and thereby connecting the driver notification system. The one who takes on the order is also entered into the database. The dispatcher is obliged to monitor the status of the order, maintaining contact with the customer, and he must be ready at any moment to react to force majeure circumstances and quickly make a decision to replace the driver or refuse the order.

The responsibilities of a freight dispatcher are much broader. He needs to search for orders and downloads in the territory under his control, including international ones. For this purpose, he has to look through a large number of information on the Internet and make numerous phone calls. To ensure that the company’s vehicles do not move empty during intercity transportation, it is necessary to find an order, negotiate with the customer, and until the cargo is delivered to its destination, constantly be in touch with the driver and the customer, exercising operational control.

Requirements for the dispatcher

There are no special requirements for the level of education in this profession, but any dispatcher will need good knowledge basics computer literacy, as well as some personal qualities, without which there is simply nothing to do in this profession. Such character traits include good learning ability, attentiveness and scrupulousness, responsibility and stress resistance. In addition, the work of a dispatcher who constantly communicates with people will require competent speech and good diction, and the ability to present information concisely and logically. High performance and active life position, as well as the ability to control oneself and always remain polite and friendly, while at the same time being able to stop unnecessary conversations and disputes.

This article will talk about what to do if Window 7 does not connect to WiFi networks. The point is that at least this operating system and more stable than its predecessors, can still occur various errors, which must be corrected manually.

Before moving on to connection problems and their solutions, you need to understand what WiFi is and how the technology works. This will allow you to fix some problems faster.

The fact is that to connect to such a network you need an access point. Its functions are usually performed by wireless router. And therefore, first of all, if there are no available connections to the WiFi network in Windows 7, you should pay attention to the router.

As a rule, this is the reason. But of course, there are other problems. So, let's take it in order.

Checking the router

Everything is very simple here. If the laptop does not see available connections, then you should go to the menu WiFi settings router and check if the wireless network is turned on. To do this, you need to connect to the router using a regular Internet cable. After that, open a browser (any) and in address bar we register Press "Enter". Next, a window will appear asking you to enter your password and login. As a rule, the default key and login are admin, admin, respectively.

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

If you changed this data, then enter your values. Next we get to the settings menu. We are interested in NetworkWireless settings. In the wireless network settings, you need to check the box next to “Enable wireless network”. Wireless Router Radio). That's it, setting up the router is complete. And if your laptop with Windows 7 still has problems with WiFi, then you should move on to setting up the operating system.

Why doesn't my computer see available wireless networks?

There can be many reasons for this, as well as solutions. Fortunately, Windows 7 is user-friendly and has many options for diagnosing and fixing problems. But we will consider only the most common ones.

First of all, you should check the condition wireless connection WiFi. To do this, you need to open the Network Control Center. To do this, click on the network icon in the tray and select “Network and Sharing Center” in the window that appears.

A menu will open in which all network-related settings are made. Here we are interested in the “Change adapter settings” item. In the window that opens, you need to find a shortcut called “Wireless Network Connection”. If this connection It has grey colour, this indicates that it is turned off. To enable it, you need to right-click on it and select “Enable”.

Windows 7 won't connect to Wi-Fi: Video

The wireless network icon does not appear in the tray

Users often ask what to do if the tray is not displayed WiFi icon in Windows 7? This can only mean one thing - the wireless module is turned off or not working. occurs, as a rule, using the key combination Fn + adapter power button. On different laptops This button can be located in different places.

For example, on Asus laptops– this is the combination Fn+F2, on Lenovo – Fn+F5. The key itself turning on WiFi indicated by the corresponding image. In addition, on some models there is a separate button to activate the wireless connection module. In this case, just press it.

So, after turning on the wireless adapter Windows communications 7 should automatically start searching for available networks. If this does not happen and the tray icon does not appear, then you should check that the drivers are working correctly.

What to do if a laptop with Windows 7 does not see Wi-Fi: Video

Checking drivers

You can check the software in Windows 7 in the task manager.

You can launch it by clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut, which can be found on the desktop, in the start menu or in Windows Explorer, right mouse button. In the window that appears, click “Properties”. Next, a menu will open in which you need to open “Device Manager”.

In the window that appears, we are interested in network adapters. If you do not find this, then there are no drivers for the device and you need to install the driver for of this module. If there is such an item, then open it. Typically, the wireless adapter is called Wireless Network Adapter. The device may also be designated exclamation point. This indicates that the driver is not working properly and needs to be updated or reinstalled.

It's very easy to do. As a rule, the laptop comes with special disk, which contains everything necessary programs and drivers. If there is no such disk, do not rush to get upset. The necessary software can always be downloaded from the Internet, since manufacturers have taken care of supporting their customers.

To do this, find the official website of your laptop manufacturer and write the exact name of the laptop in the search ( exact model). Next download necessary drivers and install them. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to install software downloaded from third party sources, since such drivers can be unstable and sometimes even pose a threat to the integrity of the system.

How to reinstall the WiFi driver: Video

It is also important to know that sometimes, even when installed driver, the adapter cannot be turned on because it uses additional keyboard functions. This means that together with software For the network adapter, you should download the driver for the keyboard, as well as the recommended utility for managing the wireless module.