Webmoney restrictions. How to get a personal WebMoney passport


Aye, boys. Today is my holiday, I received a letter in the mail with the following content:

Your application for a WebMoney certificate has been approved. To view your certificate, open the page http://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/certView.asp?wmid=945433600263

For several years I constantly put off receiving the Persian in the hope that I would finally drive to Yekaterinburg and receive it without sending papers by mail. But suddenly motivation appeared and I did it in a few days.

How to get a personal WebMoney passport

So, first, go here and search for your city, maybe you will find a regional representative, so you can do without the post office. If it is not there, you need Certification Center No. 1. On the website of the Certification Center, fill out and pay for an application for a certificate (you can do this by following the link “get personal certificate"). By the way, certification by mail used to cost 9WMZ, now it’s 19.

Go here and download Application for certificate applicant WebMoney systems Transfer for Russian citizens. Print out several copies (in reserve) and go to the notary. Under his strict guidance, fill out the application, wait until he certifies it, pay for the service (I got 100 rubles) and that’s it, you can send the document. Just don’t forget that you also need to send photocopies of your passport (pages with photo and registration) and notary contacts (you can use a business card, but I just wrote my work phone number on a piece of paper).

Since I don’t really trust our mail, and I wanted it faster get a personal certificate, I used DHL services. Here the letter will arrive quickly, and I’m not afraid that they will lose it.

It just turned out to be “a little” expensive. I expected a maximum of 500 rubles per shipment. I was wrong three times and gave away 1,476 rubles. It turned out to be very expensive, but the letter was in the WebMoney office the very next day.

Oh yes, few people point out address to send the letter to. Here it is: 119049, Russia, Moscow, Koroviy Val street, building 7, building 1, WEBMONEY.

OK it's all over Now. On Tuesday I sent a letter, this afternoon the treasured email arrived with the text that I published at the beginning of the article. It cost almost 2,000 rubles to get the certificate, but it was quick, and it gave me peace of mind.

Summarize. In short, you need to follow the steps below.

So, your actions:

  • Complete and pay for the application at Certification Center No. 1.
  • Print the application for a certificate.
  • Fill out and have the application certified by a notary.
  • Make a photocopy of your passport.
  • Send to WebMoney application, photocopy of passport and notary contacts.

OK it's all over Now.

I still look at the fact that I now have a personal certificate, and I’m in a good mood. :)

And yes, what do you think was the first thing I did when I received my certificate? That's right, on the page

Usage electronic money WebMoney in the payment system of the same name allows users to transfer funds much faster without using postal services or banks. However, to be able to work in the system, certification is required. The presence of a certificate that identifies a person and links him to passport data allows minimizing the risk of fraud using the payment system. Immediately after receiving the WMID, each user is issued an alias certificate. You can get another one for free, a formal one, where only real information about the owner should be indicated. However, the maximum benefits are provided only by a personal WebMoney certificate, for which you will have to pay, albeit a relatively small amount.

What is a personal certificate?

Answering the question of what a personal WebMoney passport is, it is worth noting that among all the options available to an individual, this one has the maximum capabilities and privileges. The owner's level of access to the WebMoney service is higher than that of other users. And the only restriction for obtaining is the presence of a formal or initial certificate, the availability of which can be checked on your WebMoney page.

Before you receive a personal WebMoney certificate, you will have to find a registrar (certifier) ​​and, most likely, arrange a personal meeting with him. In addition, you will have to pay from 10 to 20 WMZ for the certificate.

The Wikimoney website recommends taking the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to get out of your financial ass and learn how to earn passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency).

Opportunities for personal certificate holders

After receiving a personal WebMoney passport, its owner’s capabilities in the payment system increase:

  • a function for automating the receipt of funds is added, which can be useful and convenient, for example, for operating an online store. Getting rid of manual confirmation of each payment significantly simplifies the sales process;
  • the user can receive a loan from the WebMoney service;
  • to withdraw funds from electronic wallets you can use a specially issued bank card;
  • You can post news on WebMoney service websites, issue initial certificates, and even become a payment system consultant.

And a WebMoney user with a personal passport can use the DigiSeller service to create his own trading platform. Or register your sites in the Megastock catalog of Internet resources.

Those who really need these opportunities should find out how to quickly get a personal WebMoney passport, especially since this process usually does not take much time.

Obtaining a certificate

The method for obtaining a personal WM certificate is relatively simple. And the period during which the user’s application will be considered depends on the chosen method. When meeting with the assessor, this will take several days. If you are interested in how to get a personal WebMoney passport without a personal meeting, it will take a little more time.

The main steps include:

Before making a personal WebMoney passport, the user of the system will have to contact the selected registrar, and, having met him, give him both the application and a copy of the passport. If the person receiving the certificate is under the age of majority, he must be accompanied only by one of his parents at the meeting with a representative of the system.

In order to receive a personal WebMoney passport without the user’s personal presence, you need:

Features of use

There are practically no restrictions when using certificates of this type. Thus, when withdrawing through the WebMoney Keeper Standard application, you can withdraw up to 3 million rubles per day. Whereas the weekly and monthly limit of a WebMoney personal certificate reaches 9 million, which opens up almost any opportunity to use such access for both personal and work purposes.

The WebMoney payment system is one of the most popular. Almost every serious project on the Internet has the ability to pay for goods or services through online wallet this system.

Taking advantage free time On vacation, I went to Moscow to receive a personal WebMoney certificate. Now I will tell you what a personal certificate gives and how to get it?

Obtaining a personal WebMoney passport in Moscow

Each participant in the WebMoney system has his own certificate. A WM-passport is a digital certificate, so to speak, “your passport” on the Internet, with the help of which you carry out monetary transactions.

Making your first deal with stranger, check his ID in the system http://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/VerifyWMID.asp, this will allow you to be well protected from scammers.

Pay attention to the type of certificate, age of the account, business level, and the presence of complaints.

Why do I need a personal passport

So, why do I need a personal passport? I'll outline the main points:

1. First, this is to increase the trust of your clients and users. In the future I want to create a partition with paid services. My personal certificate indicates that I am responsible to my clients, since dishonest performance of services can prevent the operation of my electronic wallet.

2. The second point is to link a bank card for withdrawal Money from the WebMoney system to plastic card jar. I’ll write soon about this in more detail, since I’m doing this myself now.

3. Further, we are offered the opportunity to participate in various interesting systems and WebMoney affiliate programs. There is a lot of useful stuff here, so in order not to describe everything, I’ll throw in a link - http://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/WMCertify.asp#types

Here you can learn about all types of certificates and their capabilities.

Let's see what needs to be done to obtain a personal certificate.

1. First, you need to register in the system. For convenient use, you can download the wallet client for PC or mobile phone.

WebMoney enjoys well-deserved authority in our country. This is the most common system among freelancers and online shoppers. electronic payments. It serves as a means of saving capital, allows you to make transactions around the clock from several wallets simultaneously and with currency conversion, and is well protected. Like any other payment system, it has a number of restrictions or limits. In this article we will look at what a WebMoney limit is.

What's the point

The system of restrictions in WM is quite complex, and there are many nuances in it.

The limit depends on the type of application used, the passport and the method of confirming the transaction.

The established system for issuing certificates makes it possible to distinguish users according to the degree of trust in them and, accordingly, empower them different possibilities. IN WebMoney limits certificates are determined by the user’s status:

  • pseudonym;
  • , which also has several types (seller, developer, Capitaller).

If the user manages the account with using Keeper Mini and wallets created in a WM Keeper Standard account, the maximum amount of funds on the balance is limited (subject to enabling the confirmation option via SMS or ENUM).

The limits of a wallet managed by WM Keeper Standard are affected by the type of passport and security settings. Without sending personal documents for verification, the user will not be able to carry out transactions using his ID.

Spending limits

Restrictions are imposed on the amount of withdrawal amounts and on the balance on the balance, and the limits can be daily, weekly, or monthly. How much money can be stored on WebMoney is rarely of concern to anyone in the current economic situation. But the issue of withdrawing money is of interest to everyone. Moreover, the limits on such operations are regularly updated, making life easier active users systems.

The formal WebMoney certificate has significant restrictions on the volume of transactions, although it allows you to make small purchases in online stores. Agree, 60,000 rubles and 3,000 dollars a day are by no means small.

It is important to note that these are the limits for a formal WebMoney certificate for debit transactions with confirmation of transactions enabled using ENUM or SMS when specifying a phone number in WM Keeper Standard.

Without using this feature, the restrictions are as follows:

  • 5000 rubles/200 dollars/145 euros per day;
  • 15,000 rubles/500 dollars/375 euros per week;
  • 30,000 rubles/1000 dollars/750 euros per month.

Entry status holders have more opportunities, since the limits on WebMoney withdrawal It's more flexible here. Therefore, this certificate is the most popular.

300 thousand rubles or 12 thousand dollars is enough for a decent deal. But, if you do not connect ENUM or SMS confirmation, the picture is somewhat different:

  • per day – 15,000 rubles/600 dollars/420 euros;
  • per month – 45,000 rubles/1,500 dollars/1,125 euros;
  • per week – 90,000 rubles/3000 dollars/2250 euros.

The WebMoney personal passport has the lowest limits, allowing you to use the system with virtually no restrictions. Excluding foreign exchange transactions.

You can always find out the current limits in personal account on the official site. To do this, you need to go to the wallets section and select the one you are interested in, and find the corresponding section in the drop-down menu. In addition, limits can be managed. For this purpose it is necessary to install client program Keeper Classic or Keeper Pro Light.

Common Mistakes

Quite often, work in WebMoney is slowed down by errors - both of the system itself and of its users. Among the latter, the most common is the following: “There are not enough funds in the wallet or the limit has been reached.” Is not system error, so it's easy to fix.

This message appears when a transaction is made with a small balance or the system commission is not taken into account. If Keeper Mini is used, this is in order, because the restrictions there are significant and, perhaps, the client has actually exceeded the limit. But incorrect commission calculation is the most common user mistake. In this case, you need to reduce the amount or top up the balance.

WebMoney also warns the client when the limit of funds in the recipient's wallets is exceeded.

This happens when money is sent to the wallet of, for example, a merchant working with a large number buyers. It is impossible to track the balance on someone else's wallet, and at the same time, the system cannot process the request due to limitations of the passport used. If there is actually less money in the account, perhaps the reason is related to restrictions on incoming transactions for pseudonym certificates. In this case, it is necessary to either change Keeper.

In the same way, WebMoney reports that the account replenishment limit has been exceeded.

This happens when transactions are carried out frequently, and the amounts are close to the limit, or a card without a link is used. But if the volume of funds withdrawn is not satisfactory, it is better to choose a certificate with a higher status. It doesn't cost that much.

To similar problems did not arise, WebMoney recommends that you fulfill all the requirements during registration, install Keeper at least Classic and receive a certificate, as they say, with a reserve.

WebMoney limits: Video

All electronic payment systems have limits on financial transactions for anonymous users. Such restrictions are not a whim of payment systems; they are provided for by the law “On the National Payment System”. All payment systems operating in Russia, including WebMoney, follow the law. To fully use the capabilities of this service, you must identify yourself, that is, confirm your identity. In WebMoney, the identification procedure involves obtaining a special certificate for users. Several types of certificates are available for system participants, which differ in the methods of confirming personal data and limits on transactions. By default, immediately after registering in the system, the user receives a WebMoney certificate with maximum financial restrictions (Pseudonym Certificate).

Each participant in the system independently determines which certificate he needs. If you decide for small financial transactions, then you don’t have to disclose your anonymity. In other cases, identification is mandatory. Before you receive a WebMoney certificate, you should familiarize yourself with all types of certificates and their specific limits. You can find this and other information regarding the identification of a WM wallet in this article.

  • Important
  • WebMoney certificate is electronic document, identifying the client of the WM Taransfer system, which contains his personal information: full name, passport details and residential address.

Types of WebMoney certificates

The higher the type of certificate you have, the more trustworthy your WMID is. Immediately after registering in the system, the user receives an alias certificate. This type The certificate does not require wallet identification. However, this certificate is subject to maximum financial restrictions. For example, a pseudonym certificate does not allow you to keep more than 45,000 rubles in your wallet and perform operations in excess of 90,000 rubles. There are also daily and weekly limits. detailed information about the limits is given below. If you need more, check out other types of certificates and get the one that suits you.

Types of WebMoney certificates:

  • Alias ​​Certificate;
  • Formal Certificate;
  • Initial Certificate;
  • Personal Certificate;
  • Seller's certificate;
  • Capitaller Certificate;
  • Payment machine certificate;
  • Developer certificate;
  • Registrar's certificate.

In addition to the listed certificates, special certificates are available for WebMoney system participants (service certificate, guarantor certificate, operator certificate). In principle, the most popular are the main four types. Of course, you should choose a WebMoney passport based on your personal needs. So that you can compare your needs with the capabilities of a particular certificate, you need to familiarize yourself with all types in more detail. The capabilities of WM certificates and the procedure for obtaining them are described separately below. First, let's look at the 5 main types of certificates.

Main types of WebMoney certificates

Of course, there is no WebMoney certificate, which is not used at all. The payment system is used great amount physical and legal entities, therefore all certificates are in demand. True, some are used much less frequently. Most often, participants in the WebMoney system use 5 types of certificates, one of which is required to accept payments. The rest are used individuals and differ in the level of trust on the part of the service and limits on financial transactions.

The following types of WM certificates should be distinguished:

  • Alias ​​Certificate;
  • Formal Certificate;
  • Initial Certificate;
  • Personal Certificate;
  • Seller's certificate.

All these certificates differ not only in limits, but also in the procedure for obtaining them. Below is detailed description each of the listed certificates.

Alias ​​certificate

This WebMoney certificate is provided to the system participant automatically upon registration in the system. The pseudonym certificate is free and does not require you to confirm your personal data. In this regard, for users with such a certificate, maximum restrictions. However, it is difficult to call the limits available for this certificate too small. So, you can use up to 45,000 rubles and make transactions worth up to 90,000 rubles per month, however, such limits only apply if the user has verified his mobile phone number and personal data. Let's look at the limits for a pseudonym certificate in more detail.

The pseudonym certificate provides for the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 45,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit – 90,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit – 45,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is 15,000 rubles.

Let's be honest, for many users these limits are more than enough. It is worth noting that WebMoney has the highest limits for anonymous users. For example, Qiwi has completely different limits, so this is an almost mandatory procedure for users of this service. However, many WebMoney participants need more substantial limits than the pseudonym certificate provides. If you are one of these users, you will receive one of the certificates below.

Formal certificate

Another free WebMoney certificate, to obtain which you just need to upload a scan of your passport. Obtaining this type of certificate does not involve any difficulties and takes a minimum of time, but the possibilities within the service increase significantly. It's not just the limits that are increasing. If you have a formal certificate, you can bank card through the exchange exchange WM Exchanger. The number of ways to replenish your wallet is also increasing, including without commission.

The formal WebMoney certificate provides for the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 200,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit – 200,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit – 200,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is 60,000 rubles.

As you can see, the limits are significantly higher than those provided for by the pseudonym certificate. Please note that the above limits apply only when connecting WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) or WM Keeper WebPro (Light). What is this you can find out on the website payment system or on our resource at . If you are completely satisfied with the conditions of the formal certificate, use the instructions below.

To obtain a formal WebMoney certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link https://passport.webmoney.ru and log in;
  2. In the control panel, select “Get a formal certificate”;
  3. Fill out the personal data form (indicate only reliable information);
  4. In the “Your Documents” section, upload color photocopies of your passport and TIN.

After following the above instructions, you need to wait for the payment system employees to check your documents. The verification may take several days. Information about the successful assignment of a formal certificate will be sent to you by email.

Initial certificate

Participants in the WebMoney system with an initial certificate have opportunities that significantly exceed those that are typical for owners formal certificates. The initial WebMoney certificate has more than high level trust on the part of the service, therefore, to receive it, it is not enough to simply send a scanned copy of your passport. We will return to the issue of obtaining this type of certificate, but for now we will consider its characteristic limits on financial transactions.

The initial certificate has the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 900,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit – 1,800,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit – 900,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is 300,000 rubles.

The limits are very significant and an appropriate approach is required to obtain them. As mentioned earlier, it will not be possible to obtain an initial WebMoney certificate by providing only a copy of your passport. Previously, obtaining an initial certificate was carried out exclusively after a personal meeting with one of the Personalizers, for whose services you had to pay. Recently, it has become possible to obtain an initial certificate automatically using the portal gosuslugi.ru. With the first method everything is very clear. You must contact a participant in the Certification Center program with a passport, fill out the form and pay for the service. The list of addresses of regional Personalizers is presented on the website passport.webmoney.ru. The cost of the initial certificate is 2-5 WMZ.

There is another option that does not involve the need to look for a personalizer. Citizens of Russia can become the holder of an initial certificate for free through the portal gosuslugi.ru. Of course, to do this you must have a verified account on the portal public services. If the corresponding Account you have, then follow the instructions below.

To automatically receive an initial certificate, follow these steps:

That's all. Now wait until your application is processed. The initial certificate is issued within 3 working days.

Personal certificate

If you are running a business or are simply an advanced user who plans to use the WebMoney payment system to make significant financial transactions that cannot be provided with an initial passport, then a personal passport is for you. This type of passport provides access to the entire range of services of the WebMoney Transfer system. IN in this case opportunity automatic receipt certificate is excluded. Your documents must be personally verified by the Registrar.

The personal certificate provides for the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 9,000,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit – 9,000,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit – 9,000,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is 3,000,000 rubles.

In addition to the maximum limits, a personal certificate provides the user with the opportunity to participate in the work of the credit exchange. The participant can act as a lender or borrower. It also becomes possible to use the WebMoney.Escrow service, create budget machines, participate in the Certification Center affiliate program, etc. WITH full list options can be found on the payment system website.

As for the procedure for issuing a personal certificate, it is impossible to do without a personal meeting with the participant affiliate program The certification center, which has the authority to issue such certificates. First of all, you need to fill out and pay for an application for a certificate through the certification center website. You will then be given the address of the nearest registrar. Please note that before meeting with the registrar, you need to download the certificate applicant’s application from the certification website, print it and fill it out. Then, when you meet with the registrar, give him this application and a copy of your passport.

Seller's certificate

Basically, this type certificate can be classified as special. Only those WebMoney system participants who already have a personal certificate can receive a seller certificate. In fact, this is one of the forms of a personal certificate, for which similar limits and possibilities apply. As a rule, a merchant certificate is required in order to be able to receive payments from buyers through the Merchant interface. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to register the site and register wallets for accepting payments in the MegaStock catalog. Read more about the procedure for issuing a merchant certificate on the official website of the payment system.

  • Important
  • You can see your limits and their spending statistics in the properties of your wallet.

Special WebMoney certificates

The most common types of WM certificates are listed above, but there are also those that are used much less frequently. As a rule, special certificates are one of the forms of a personal certificate. Let us consider in detail the remaining types of certificates.

  1. Capitaller Certificate. Issued for users of a budget machine registered in the Capitaller service.
  2. Certificate of payment machine. Allows you to automate the process of payment and acceptance of payments with using XML interfaces. Available exclusively for legal entities.
  3. Developer certificate. Issued to developers software based on WebMoney Transfer technologies.