Automatic computer shutdown on Windows 7 program. Timer to turn off the computer - overview of useful programs and utilities

Review of the simplest and most popular free programs
to turn off the computer on a schedule.
Here you can download the software you like and try it out.

The author unobtrusively reminds that Microsoft has an extremely negative attitude towards software (software) third party developers, since it (this software itself) can lead to destabilization of the entire operating system.

As before, the most proven and reliable way to do this is to use built-in (standard) tools Windows- And .

Programs for shutting down your computer on a schedule
(download free programs)

Shutting down your computer on a schedule
built-in (standard) Windows OS tools

The simplest bat files to turn off the computer

Developer: site:):):)
bat files are executive files Windows OS with the .bat extension, clicking on which leads to the execution of some action script that is written inside this bat file. IN in this case, the code of the attached bat files contains commands to turn off the computer, as well as commands to cancel commands already received to turn off the computer.
These bat files are extremely easy to use. All you need to do is download them and click on them. The computer will be turned off, or specified time, or after a specified period of time.
To change the value of the specified time, you need to click on the bat file right key mouse and select the “Change” option in the drop-down context menu. After this, the text part of the bat file will open in Notepad, where you can set your time and save changes.
The advantages of this method of shutting down the computer are the complete absence of viruses and unconditional operation in any Windows OS. The disadvantages include unnecessary fiddling with the text of the bat file. However, if you configure such a file once and put it in the startup folder, the effect you get is nothing at all.

Attention! The bat files offered for downloading do not have a user interface. A simple click on the bat file leads to the immediate installation or cancellation of a ONE-TIME command to shut down the computer.

Download shutdown-timer.bat - (downloads: 3790)
To change the timer time, you need to change the “shutdown-timer.bat” file in the downloaded file, in shutdown line/s /f /t 1000, the number 1000 to its value, where 1000 is the number of seconds until the computer turns off from the moment you click on the “shutdown-timer.bat” file

Download shutdown- exact time.bat - (downloads: 1266)
To change the exact time, you need to change in the downloaded file “shutdown-exact time.bat”, in the line at 21:51 shutdown /r /f, the number 21:51 to your value, where 21:51 is the exact time the computer turns off after clicking according to the file “shutdown-timer.bat”

Download shutdown-cancel command.bat - (downloads: 817)
There is no need to change anything in the “shutdown-cancel command.bat” file. Clicking on this downloaded file will cancel all previously assigned commands to turn off the computer.

OFF Timer - the simplest computer switch

Developer: Egor Ivakhnenko, 2010
A miniature, simplest Russian-language program for one-time shutdown of the computer at a specified time. Fundamentally, OFF Timer is an analogue and continuation of the topic “The simplest bat files for turning off the computer” with the only difference that the program has user interface.
Does not require installation, Portable, works from any folder. The last property is very important for programs of this type - if you don’t like it, you throw it away. The program has a minimum of settings, which are very easy to understand even from a screenshot. Works great for any Windows, because it uses the same means to turn it off. It can successfully replace the standard “Turn off” button in Windows OS.

PowerOff - the most powerful timer to shut down Windows

Official website of the PowerOff program
In conclusion, the most powerful and multifunctional tool to turn off the computer under Windows control- timer PowerOf. The program is simply crammed with all sorts of bells and whistles, which suggests the adequacy of its authors and its users. Functional PowerOf is incredibly extensive and allows you to perform such feats as scheduling your computer to turn off every day on different time or turning off the computer after listening to the specified number of music tracks. The only thing missing is the function of scheduled shutdown of the computer after a specified number of beers drunk :):):):).

Anyone is equipped with an auto-shutdown timer, even the most budget TV. This is not a new feature on the market. household appliances, because using the control panel to assign right time automatic shutdown it was still possible in imported CRT TVs era of the 90s. But the Windows operating system (even in its most current version 10) somehow did not work out with the standard computer auto-shutdown timer. The system itself provides the ability to automatically turn off the computer, but it does not have an intuitive graphical interface designed for the average person. To start the regular timer shutdown Windows, you need to press the +R keys to open the “Run” utility window and run a command like:

The last digit, 3600, is the number of seconds in an hour, and is a changeable value. The indicator for the time delay before auto shutdown is indicated in seconds, so even if the user eventually remembers the command to start the timer, he will still have to calculate how many seconds in so many times every time at a different time before the computer auto shuts down. minutes or so many hours. It’s good that at least the staff Windows calculator There is GUI.

To cancel the standard computer auto-shutdown timer, you will have to remember one more command, also entered into the “Run” utility field:

Fortunately, a graphical interface for the computer auto-shutdown timer can be implemented using third party programs for Windows. Below we will look at five of them: three of them are separate small utilities for implementing an auto-shutdown timer in Windows, and the other two are media programs with the ability to turn off the computer among additional functions. All review participants are free programs.

  1. Last Task (;
  2. “Shutdown Timer” (;
  3. Wise Auto Shutdown (;
  4. GOM Player (;

1.Last Task

Let's start the review with the most primitive participant - a small portable utility Last Task from the developer Alonewolf Software. It is a simple graphical interface for the computer auto shutdown timer. By clicking the “New task” button, we will be able to enter the time (hours and minutes) after which the computer will automatically turn off.

Last Task allows you to cancel a scheduled computer shutdown

There are no other options in the utility anymore.

2. "Sleep timer"

The Shutdown Timer program from the developer AnvideLabs is also a product in the style of minimalism, but it has a little more options for managing the computer’s power. In addition to auto-shutdown at a specified time and after a specified time, using the same principle, the program can restart the computer, send it to sleep mode and hibernation mode, throw it out account to the screen Windows locks, turn off the Internet and even turn off the monitor.

All these features can be tied not only to a given time, but also to the event of closing one of the application windows open in the system.

The Shutdown Timer program even has a small section with settings. Among the settings are changing the preset light theme to a dark one and setting a password to control the auto-shutdown timer.

3.Wise Auto Shutdown

Approximately the same functionality as the second participant in the review is also implemented in the Wise Auto Shutdown program from the developer WiseCleaner, the creator of another, more famous program for cleaning and Windows optimizationWise Care 365. Wise program Auto Shutdown also allows you to turn off your computer, restart it, put it into sleep and standby mode, kick it out of your account on the system lock screen in specified time or after a certain period of time. Plus, Wise Auto Shutdown allows you to configure daily auto shutdown at a certain time, as well as auto shutdown when the computer is idle.

Many people like to watch a movie before going to bed. The film is watched to the end, naturally, in rare cases of insomnia or high blood pressure. In such cases, the waking neighbors in panel high-rise buildings with thin walls know more about the ending of the film. There is another type of people - those who like to fall asleep to light relaxing music or audio books about high philosophy. Knowing the peculiarities of falling asleep to their user audience, the developers of the most popular media players GOM Player and AIMP in their software products provided the ability to automatically turn off the computer. If you watch video on your computer using GOM Player, if you listen to music using AIMP audio player, computer auto shutdown timer separate program not needed. The computer auto-shutdown function is available on board these two media content players. How to find her?

4. GOM Player

GOM Player's computer auto-shutdown timer is the simplest. By calling up the context menu in the player window and selecting “Settings”, among other options we will see the option to turn off the computer after finishing playing the current video file or playlist. To quickly activate the auto-shutdown timer, you can use the GOM Player hotkeys – Ctrl+Z.


But the AIMP audio player has a fully functional task scheduler, which includes computer power management. The button to launch it in the program interface with the default skin is placed on the toolbar. If other skins in use do not provide this button on the toolbar, you can always launch the scheduler in the AIMP menu.

In the scheduler window, you need to activate the “Enable sleep timer” option and select the desired option for automatically turning off the computer - at a certain time, after a certain period, after finishing playing an audio file or playlist. Plus, AIMP allows you to set a period of time after which the volume will gradually decrease.

In addition to turning on, the computer may be automatically sent to sleep or hibernation mode.

Have a great day!

Very simple program TimePC to turn off the computer on a schedule. It will also turn it on according to a schedule that you set up yourself.

There are situations when the computer is performing some task, and you urgently need to run somewhere. Well, you just can't be late. It is not good to interrupt the process, and not to complete it is also bad. And many people don’t like to fall asleep in complete silence and turn on music or just a movie to do this. If only it made noise. A person is resting, but the computer continues to work and overheat.

Well, to prevent this from happening, let’s establish special programTimePC. Using this program, you can command the computer to turn off at certain time.

Although the operating system has something similar (power settings), the standard function does not completely turn off the computer, but only puts the computer into sleep mode. Not bad, but still not the same compared to the TimePC program.

The program has additional useful features. In addition to the fact that it can automatically turn off the computer at a time specified by the user, it can also turn it on. Even run, at the user’s request, some program or several programs.

Let's see how simple it is. The program is displayed on three languages, but after installing it the interface will be in Russian. You won't have to change anything.

In the settings, you can uncheck the “ Close open programs when shutting down«

The fact is that when we turn off the computer with this program, we can choose one of two modes. The first one is normal shutdown, as we are all used to, the second is hibernation.
Hibernation(hibernation) translated from English as “hibernation” or simply “sleep” In this mode, the computer rests, but before turning off it remembers everything that was open and running and saves it in in the right place to a non-volatile storage device.

This is very convenient if you did not have time to complete work in some programs or open folders. When you turn on the computer, everything will remain in its place.

Next point " Check for updates“Here I also unchecked the box. Who knows, maybe the programmers missed something somewhere and the program will start not working correctly. Well, for now I’m happy with this working version, I’m working with it, without updating.

Let's move on to the main thing. In the left column select “Off/On PC”

On the right side of the program, check the box next to “ Turn off computer» We set the shutdown time, but we don’t have to touch the date, it is already substituted for the date configured on the computer. Unless you want to turn off your PC tomorrow or in a few days.

Now you need to select the shutdown mode. As I wrote above, there are two modes. Choose which one is more convenient for you. You can also schedule it to turn on after a certain time. Configured, click the “Apply” button and check if everything is correct. If you made a mistake in the time or date, you can click the “ Cancel" button and reconfigure everything.

We've dealt with the one-time setup, now let's move on to "" Everything is the same here. We set the time to turn off and turn on the computer for a whole week. There is no sleep mode in the scheduler.

Once configured, click the “Run” button and check if everything is correct.

By the way, before the computer turns off, the program will notify you about it 30 seconds in advance. If you are at the computer at this moment, you can turn it off by pressing the button labeled “STOP”
Go to the point “ Launching programs"

Here we can specify the program that we want to run along with the operating system. For example, a player with music. You will get an unusual alarm clock. We can add a browser to the player so that we can check our emails right away in the morning. TimePC allows you to run several programs at once.

Click the “Add” button. An explorer window will open. In the left column, select “Desktop” In most cases, when installing a program, it leaves its shortcut on the desktop. From the desktop, select the shortcut for the program you need. Programs that come with Windows need to be looked for on drive C in Program folder Files or C:\Windows . Let's say standard program Notepad which is located at C:\Windows\system32

To remove a program from autorun, you need to select it and click the “Remove" button.

And that's all. Download the program and use it.

Download from Yandex disk

Some laughter!!

This is useful to know:

Often a situation arises when you have to leave the computer unattended to complete all automatic processes. And, of course, when they are completed, there is no one to turn off the power. Consequently, the device remains idle for some time. There are quite a few special programs to avoid such situations.

Begin this list costs with the most advanced application, which includes many interesting features and opportunities.

Here the user can choose one of four dependent timers, eight standard and many additional manipulations on the PC, as well as use a convenient diary and planner. Plus, all program actions are saved in the application logs.

Airetyc Switch Off

Unlike the previous program, Switch Off is limited in functionality. There are no diaries, planners, etc. here.

All the user can do is select the schedule that suits him best, as well as a specific action that will occur when that time comes. The program supports the following nutrition manipulations:

  • Sign Out;
  • Sleep or hibernation mode;
  • Lock;
  • Internet connection interruption;
  • User's own script.
  • In addition, the program works exclusively through the system tray. It does not have a separate window.

    SM Timer

    SM Timer is a utility with a minimum number of functions. All you can do in it is turn off your computer or log out.

    The timer here also supports only 2 modes: performing an action after some time or upon the arrival of a certain time of day. On the one hand, such limited functionality worsens the reputation of SM Timer. On the other hand, this will allow you to quickly and conveniently activate the computer shutdown timer without unnecessary manipulations.


    It would be a mistake to call StopPK convenient, but it will perfectly help cope with the right task. Users who decide to use the application are faced with four unique actions that can be performed on the PC: shutdown, reboot, disconnecting the Internet, and also disabling a specific program.

    Among other things, it is implemented here hidden mode work, when activated, the program disappears and begins to work autonomously.


    The TimePK program implements a function that is not found in any of the analogues discussed in this article. Besides standard shutdown computer, it is possible to turn it on. The interface is translated into 3 languages: Russian, English and German.

    Like PowerOff, there is a scheduler that allows you to schedule all on/off and hibernation transitions for a whole week in advance. Plus, in TimePC you can specify certain files, which will automatically open when the device is turned on.

    Wise Auto Shutdown

    The main feature of Vice Auto Shutdown is its beautiful interface and high-quality support service, which can be accessed from the main interface.

    As for tasks and their execution time, the application in question did not succeed in this regard compared to its analogues. Here the user will find standard features power management and regular timers, which were already mentioned above.

    sleep timer

    This list is completed by the convenient Shutdown Timer utility, which contains all the functions necessary for managing the computer’s power, nothing superfluous or incomprehensible.

    10 manipulations of the device and 4 conditions under which these actions will occur. An excellent advantage for the application is its fairly advanced settings, in which you can set the nuances of operation, choose one of two color schemes, and also set a password for controlling the timer.

    If you are still hesitating before choosing one of the programs presented above, you should decide specifically what you need. If the goal is to simply turn off the computer from time to time, it is better to turn to more simple solutions with limited functionality. Those applications whose capabilities are very extensive are usually suitable for advanced users.

    By the way, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in Windows systems it is possible to set a shutdown timer after a period of time without any additional software. All you need is the command line.

    Turning off a computer using a timer is a very typical task that many users face. However, not everyone knows how this problem can be solved. In this article we will talk about how to turn off your computer using a timer in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. To solve this problem we will use command line, task scheduler and third-party programs.

    Turn off the computer using a timer using the command line

    The simplest and quick way To turn off the computer using a timer is to use the “shutdown” command, which works equally well in Windows 7 and in others Windows versions. This command can be executed from the command line or using the Run menu.

    The shutdown command has many parameters that allow you to fine-tune the process of shutting down your computer. Below we will look at the most basic of them:

    In order to shut down the computer using a timer using the shutdown command, we need to use the /s (shutdown the computer) and /t (set the timer) parameters. Thus, the command to turn off the computer will look like this:

    • Shutdown /s /t 60

    After executing such a command through the Command Prompt or Run menu, the computer will shut down after 60 seconds.

    If you want to reboot the computer using a timer, then instead of the /s parameter, you need to use the /r parameter. The same goes for hibernation mode. We use /h instead of /s and the computer, instead of turning on, will go into hibernation mode. You can also add the /f option. In this case, shutdown (reboot, hibernation) will begin immediately, and all running programs will be closed without warning the user.

    The disadvantage of this method of shutting down the computer is that the shutdown task is created only for one time. If you need to turn off your computer on a timer daily, then you need to use Task Scheduler or third-party programs.

    We use the scheduler to turn off the computer using a timer

    IN operating systems Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP are very affordable powerful tool called "Task Scheduler". You can use it to turn off your computer using a timer. To open Task Scheduler, launch the Start menu (or start screen with tiles if you're using Windows 8) and search for "Task Scheduler". You can also start the Task Scheduler using the “taskschd.msc” command.

    After starting the task scheduler, click on the “Create” button simple task" This button is on the right side of the window.

    Then we are asked to indicate when we want to complete this task. You can select "Once" if you want to timer off your computer only once. If you need to turn off your computer using a timer daily or in another mode, then you can choose another option that is more suitable for you.

    At the next stage, you need to specify the triggering of this task.

    After this we need to enter shutdown command as well as launch options. How the launch parameters of this command are used has already been discussed above.

    That's it, the task to turn off the computer using a timer has been created. You can view it in the Assignment Library.

    From context menu(right click with the mouse) you can manage the created task.

    You can run, complete, disable, delete, or open the job properties.

    Programs for turning off the computer using a timer

    If the described methods for turning off a computer using a timer do not suit you or seem too complicated, then you can turn off the computer using programs from third-party developers. Below we will look at several such programs.

    Powerful free program to turn off the computer using a timer. By using PowerOff programs You can customize almost any little thing. On the other hand, due to huge amount functions, the interface of this program is too overloaded. Which can be very difficult to figure out.

    A small program to turn off your computer. Switch program Off is equipped with a small number of functions and has an easy and intuitive interface. The program is equipped with a built-in web server that allows you to turn off your computer by local network or via the Internet.

    The developer of this program for turning off the computer using a timer claims to support only Windows 7, 8 and XP. Although it should work on Windows 10 without problems.