How to clean an anti-glare screen. How to properly wipe matte and glossy monitors

Before wiping the monitor, you need to make sure that there are no streaks left on it. This is not only a matter of convenience, but also of safety. It is necessary that the dust is as far as possible from a person and does not distort the images on the display.

Is it possible to wipe the monitor with a damp cloth?

Many people believe that a regular wet wipe is enough to care for the display of a personal computer, laptop or tablet. Regular scarves purchased in regular stores are definitely not suitable. These accessories contain too much lint. Due to this feature, the napkin leaves behind a lot of pellets on the display screen. The filling must be alcohol-free. If all these rules are followed, then you can wipe the monitor with a damp cloth.
Dry analogues can also be effective in combating dust and various stains on a computer display. They must be large enough to fit the diagonal of the screen. A necessary condition is that the napkins should not leave lint behind.
Follow simple rules for caring for your device:
  • keep food and drinks as far away from the device as possible
  • refrain from wiping the screen with your hands
  • do not touch the screen with your fingers
  • If the screen is a touch screen, it is better to stick a protective film or glass on it
  • fresh dirt is much easier to remove than stubborn dirt
  • dust on the device should be removed as quickly as possible
Advice. To keep your monitor always sparkling clean, it is recommended to dry clean it once a week and wet clean it once a month.

How special cleaning wipes do the job

Branded products for cleaning LCD displays from dirt and dust are ideal tools for keeping your computer equipment clean and tidy. Monitor cleaning wipes should be purchased from hardware stores. They can clean not only the computer display, but also the TV screen and all kinds of mobile gadgets. They are packaged in a special plastic container with a secure lid.
Cleaning wipes come in wet and dry varieties. Cleaning liquids can be purchased as an effective supplement. They are applied to a clean, dry cloth to clean the screen weekly. The product is economical to use using spray bottles.
It is recommended to buy microfiber. This is a fabric designed in such a way that it effectively removes dirt from the LCD screen without damaging its surface. The display needs to be cleaned daily. The napkin exhibits maximum efficiency in removing dust.

Is it possible to wipe the monitor screen with alcohol?

Modern displays of personal computers, laptops and other mobile devices are covered with a special anti-glare film. It reduces the effect of direct sunlight on the screen, which negatively affects the perception of the image. The film is susceptible to alcohol and other aggressive substances. Therefore, the use of products containing them is contraindicated. The same applies to detergents for washing dishes, windows, and polished furniture.

How to properly clean a computer monitor at home

Before cleaning any electrical device, make sure it is not powered. This is a mandatory safety rule, compliance with which will protect your health and prevent short circuits.
It is recommended to follow the following recommendations:
  • You need to wipe the surface of the display with a clean material.
  • To remove dust, use dry microfiber or other lint-free cloth
  • movements must be smooth (vertical and horizontal)
  • Difficult to remove, stubborn stains should be removed with wet wipes, after moistening them with a special product
  • The product should be applied first to a napkin and then to the stain itself
  • To clean crevices, it is recommended to use toothpicks wrapped in a napkin
  • you should start at the base of the display and then move on to the screen
  • After completing the procedure, you must allow the device to dry thoroughly, and only then connect it to the mains for subsequent use.

Best Monitor Cleaners

Using reliable accessories and liquids to clean these devices at home makes the process efficient and reliable.
The most famous brands of products for cleaning household and computer equipment:
  • Colorway
  • Lobster
  • Green&Clean
  • Monster
  • Patron
  • Vanguard
They should be used according to the instructions. This achieves maximum positive effect and cost savings.

How to get rid of streaks on your monitor: video

Removing stains on the monitor is very easy:

A laptop, like any piece of equipment, requires care. It is necessary to monitor not only the internal state of the device (checking for viruses, protection against overheating, etc.), but also the appearance, since this factor can also negatively affect operation. How and with what can you clean your laptop screen at home?

Types, methods and means of cleaning the monitor directly depend on stains and dirt.

The best way to clean your laptop screen depending on the pollution? There are several options:

  • simple dust- This is ordinary pollution that can be removed with an ordinary dry cloth or napkin. Periodic cleaning of dust will save you from many problems and improve the performance of your computer. You can use cellophane or cling film. Dust sticks to it, thereby removing it from the screen. With this method, the laptop must be disconnected from the network. The processor can be cleaned of dust using a brush or even. This must be done carefully and only with the device turned off and cooled down;
  • dirt, insect spots and streaks- you need to wipe with special wet wipes, which can be found in any store. Such contaminants should not be wiped with your fingers, so as not to damage the liquid crystal display. You can use an ordinary damp cloth, but you need to wring it out well, since drops of water have an adverse effect on the screen, especially since they can get on the processor, which can lead to damage;
  • greasy and difficult to remove stains- Can be easily removed with soapy water. It is better to use regular baby soap.

To avoid damaging or damaging the monitor, can not use:

  • paper napkins;
  • terry towels and rags;
  • rough fabric;
  • kitchen sponges;
  • toilet paper.

All these devices can scratch the screen or leave lint that is difficult to remove later. Also, using sponges or ordinary napkins, stains will be inevitable, which then need to be washed off again.

Frequent use of these materials leads to abrasion of the anti-reflective coating, which leads to the formation of small cracks. Do not remove dirt with your fingers, nails, or sharp objects (knife, blade); this will also damage the LCD screen.

You cannot use alcohol solutions because they negatively affect the anti-reflective film. It is also not recommended to use window or dishwashing detergents or wet wipes for personal hygiene. Their composition is not suitable for laptop monitors and may have a negative impact.

You should not clean the screen while the computer is on; this can significantly shorten the life of the device or ruin its appearance.

To ensure that your laptop serves you for a long time and with high quality, and that dust and dirt do not get into hard-to-reach places, follow these tips:

  • to effectively remove dust, you need to use microfiber cloths;
  • when wiping the display, you do not need to press on it, the movements should be in different directions;
  • the more often you use equipment, the more often it needs to be cleaned;
  • if dust gets into hard-to-reach places, you can use cotton swabs for cleaning;
  • materials must be used clean, without alcohol or excess water;
  • Before cleaning, it is advisable to turn off the computer and check whether it has cooled down. Only then wipe;
  • if you treated the monitor with damp wipes and rags, then turn on the laptop only after the display has completely dried;
  • A good cleaning option would be to replace plain water with a weak vinegar solution. This product is much more effective and can remove a wide variety of contaminants;
  • You can purchase special laptop care products at a hardware store (wet wipes, solutions, gels, aerosols, etc.);
  • Matte and glossy monitors should be wiped differently. The first type of screens can be wiped with damp cloths, but glossy displays require a more careful approach, and they should be cleaned very carefully, trying to cover the maximum area at a time. You should also avoid strong pressure and wet cleaning;
  • If pieces of food or drops of hot drinks get on the monitor, cleaning should be done immediately;
  • paints and varnishes also need to be removed quickly, without smearing them all over the monitor (as they will be very difficult to clean later);
  • If the stains have already dried, you can remove them using a wooden spatula or stick (but in no case with sharp objects). This must be done without pressure and very carefully. If you can’t scrape them off, you can try soaking them with a damp cloth or a solution of soapy water;
  • If you cannot remove complex and stubborn stains on your own, then it is better to take the laptop to a service center.

Do you still think that it doesn’t matter how and what to clean your laptop screen with? To clean a monitor, do you breathe on it first and then buff it with your sleeve? Or do you wash the screen with baby soap? Then don’t be surprised that your equipment quickly becomes unusable. And we know how to properly clean screens, and today we will tell you about it.

How to clean the screen of a laptop, computer, TV?

To care for your monitor, you will need two things: a cloth (preferably two or three) and cleaning fluid. You may think that it doesn't matter what material you use to wipe your LCD monitor. In fact, an incorrectly selected screen wipe can leave scratches on the monitor’s surface. So what should you use to clean your laptop screen? Which cloth is suitable for cleaning screens and which is not? Let's look at the most common materials for cleaning monitors.

Paper and paper napkins. The paper is not suitable for cleaning LCD monitors, but it does an excellent job of cleaning phone and tablet screens, although only if they are made of Gorilla Glass. If the screen has a plastic coating, then the paper may leave scratches.

Cotton wool and cotton pads. Like paper, it is only suitable for cleaning glass screens of tablets and phones. May leave micro scratches on the plastic.

Wet wipes for screen care. Not the cheapest, but the easiest option. Such napkins do not scratch the surface, and their impregnation does not leave streaks. However, be careful when choosing wet wipes and do not buy cheap ones, as they contain alcohol, which can corrode the plastic covering of the screen. Remember that wet wipes for equipment dry out quickly, so give preference to those in which each wipe is separately packaged in an airtight sachet.

Dish sponge or foam sponge. You should absolutely not use it to clean your screen, especially the same one you’ve already used to wash the dishes! The sponge absorbs dust and scratches the screen, especially the rough side. Never use a melamine sponge to wipe the monitor - this will leave deep scratches on the plastic!

Synthetic napkin. Not suitable for cleaning plastic screen covers as it leaves scratches. In addition, it attracts dust very strongly.

Microfiber. The best material for screen care. Microfiber cleans both glass and plastic well without scratching them. But microfiber is different from microfiber: microfiber cloths intended for cleaning are not suitable for cleaning your monitor. But microfiber for glasses and optics is also suitable for cleaning LCD screens.

Cotton napkin. Oddly enough, not the best choice. Cotton fibers are quite coarse in structure, which is why the screen coating will be scratched and will look worn over time. In addition, the lint of a cotton napkin will stick to the screen, and completely removing it is not an easy task. But if you still decide to use a napkin made of natural material to wipe the monitor, then always moisten it before the procedure in a special detergent or in distilled water.

In addition to the material, you will also need liquid to clean the monitor. You can buy it at the store (make sure it doesn't contain alcohol) or make it yourself.

How to make monitor care liquid at home?

First, you will need a base for the solution - water. You will have to use distilled water that does not contain salts or minerals that can scratch the screen. No other water - neither mineral nor tap - will work.

Secondly, you will need to add a cleaning component to the water. Optimally, this is grape vinegar, which is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. However, even if you add more vinegar, you will not ruin the monitor.

If you don't have grape vinegar, add isopropyl alcohol or vodka in the same proportions. But remember that this product cannot be used constantly, since alcohol will corrode the monitor’s coating.

You can also find on the Internet that instead of a cleaning component, you can take shavings of baby soap and dissolve it in water, but this composition is ineffective for cleaning screens, since it leaves soap stains.

And under no circumstances add ammonia-containing substances, such as window cleaning liquid, to your homemade liquid as a cleaning component! Ammonia may react with the screen coating, causing whitish spots to appear on the screen.

Proper care of the monitor: instructions

So, you have a cloth and a monitor cleaner. What to do next? Just follow our instructions.

1. Turn off the power to the monitor. Do not wipe the monitor while it is on: this will not only make it difficult for you to see dust and dirt, but also risk getting an electric shock.

2. Wipe the entire monitor except the screen with a separate cloth.

3. Wipe the monitor screen with a dry cloth, applying little pressure. If you have a cotton napkin, dampen it a little in distilled water.

4. If dust has accumulated in the corners of the screen, do not try to remove it with your fingernail or a needle, as this will damage the coating. To remove dust from the corners of the screen, use a syringe and blow out all the dust.

5. Apply the cleaning solution to a cloth (not the monitor!). If you have applied a lot of solution, wring out the cloth.

6. Using a light circular motion, wipe the screen with a cloth. Do not scrub the stains, but rather allow the cleaner to dissolve them, and then wipe the heavily soiled areas again.

7. Wipe the screen with a dry cloth.

How to wipe a glossy screen?

Cleaning a glossy screen in the sequence of actions is no different from cleaning a matte one, but there are several subtleties that it is advisable to take into account.

Firstly, it is not advisable to wipe a glossy screen with a dry cloth, even if it is a high-quality microfiber cloth, because such a coating is very easy to scratch.

Secondly, do not forget to wash the napkin every time after use, since dust accumulates in it during cleaning. If you simply shake off the napkin, some of this dust will remain in the fibers and scratch the screen.

Thirdly, wipe the glossy screen not with circular movements, but with movements in one direction horizontally or vertically.

And fourthly, after cleaning the glossy screen does not need to be wiped with a dry cloth. Just wait for it to dry.

How to clean your tablet and phone screen?

The touch screen can be cleaned in the same way as an LCD monitor screen, but only without using any household chemicals (except those specifically designed), especially those containing alcohol or bleach. The fact is that most touch screens have an oleophobic coating, that is, it repels fats. Therefore, fingerprints can be easily wiped off with a regular microfiber cloth.

If there are splashes, smudges, or other old stains on the touch screen, you can wipe them off with a microfiber cloth soaked in distilled water. Just don't wet the napkin too much: if moisture gets inside your gadget, it may break.

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Computers, smartphones, tablets have become an integral part of the life of modern humanity. Whether at work or at home, a person spends most of his time behind a computer or laptop screen. The natural desire of anyone in this case will be to preserve their vision and protect it as much as possible from the negative radiation that any monitor and screen generates.

What does a person want from a monitor or tablet screen? It must accurately convey colors, have no dead pixels, and have a sufficient viewing angle. Good brightness will also help so that there is no glare on the screen in the sun.

A good monitor should not cause problems, especially to the eyes.

Most of the debate today revolves around a few topics related to screens and vision:

  • Which screen is better - glossy or matte?
  • Is it worth installing anti-glare film?

In dealing with these issues, many consumers forget that 90% of the quality of a good screen is the matrix. Therefore, the first question that should concern every consumer is which matrix to choose?

How does the quality of the matrix affect the laptop screen?

Main a sign of a good matrix directly for vision is the viewing angle. After determining the matrix, the following questions of convenience come up: for some it is more convenient to work with a matte monitor, for others with a glossy one.

In total, there are three groups of matrices:

Liquid crystal matrix (TN) is one of the cheapest and available matrices. She reacts quickly, but her viewing angle leaves much to be desired. Yes, and it distorts the colors a little. Therefore, it is not the best option for vision, but its cheapness does its job.

The picture below clearly shows the viewing angle of the TN matrix and the IPS matrix. After this, there are no unnecessary questions about which laptop screen is better.

The best in terms of viewing angle and color rendering quality is an IPS matrix. LED monitors, etc., have already begun to develop on its basis. For vision, such matrices are the best, but they are also the most expensive. They are always used in professional monitors and screens. In difficult conditions, such a matrix has better readability. Bright light and sunny color do not distort the image.

The example below shows how much richer and better colors are on an IPS matrix. When working with such a laptop, your eyes will tire much less.

A monitor with an MDV matrix combines the advantages of the two previous matrices— he took the color rendition from IPS, and the response speed from the TN+Film matrix. But such a matrix is ​​not as dynamic as others. Perfect for artists and photographers who value accurate color reproduction.

A very detailed classification of matrices is described at the following link - matrix classes.

Gloss or matte - what do the eyes vote for?

It doesn’t matter what the user owns, a tablet or a laptop, or whether he has a computer installed. The debate about which is better continues to this day. At first glance, the matte surface of the screen seems more comfortable and pleasing to the human eye.

Matte advantages

Unlike a glossy surface, a matte surface, first of all, does not glare in the sun. Since a person can constantly carry a laptop, like a tablet, with him, his work on the street can be unlimited. A glossy surface in the bright sun is another way to ruin not only your eyesight, but also your nerves.

But in addition to reflection, there is also color rendition and brightness. And here the matte screen begins to lose its position to gloss. If you have to use a laptop, like a tablet, everywhere, then you can choose a matte screen. Moreover, the laptop lid can always be adjusted to obtain the desired viewing angle.

The matrix is ​​of great importance. If it is TN, then it is better to choose the glossy option. If IPS, then a matte screen will be most comfortable for the eyes. Especially if the user often works with numbers and documents. A matte screen will strain your eyes less during long hours of similar work.

Glossy beauty

People are weak, and very often when choosing a laptop, a person is guided not by common sense, but by beauty. And it’s very good if beauty implies quality. In the case of glossy screens, screen quality can only be guaranteed by a good matrix.

The image on such screens seems brighter and more saturated, which seems to help the eyes rest more. But with such reflectivity, the glare of the screen greatly tires the eyes. Moreover, on such a screen you can see every drop and speck, which also bothers the eyes.

Being on the street with such a laptop or tablet is a complete pain. You need to look for the shadow, twist the laptop lid. The glare of the sun makes your eyes hurt even more. With a good IPS matrix, this effect is slightly less, but it is not completely excluded.

True, in a room with ordinary electric lighting (and not behind the back of the person sitting behind the screen!) The viewing angle of such screens is much greater than that of matte screens. And the black color here is more accurate and deep.

For clarity, below is the link, a very good test of the operation of both types of screens on films, graphics and office applications - battle of screens.

Anti-reflective coating - saving and protecting your eyes?

Very often they sell laptops and tablets with anti-glare coating already installed. But there are also anti-glare films that are relevant not only for tablets. Is it worth spending money on buying a laptop with such a built-in option or is it better to buy a film?

Below is an example of a peeling anti-reflective coating. And this is his main problem. It quickly becomes unusable, especially since few users wonder how to properly care for it.

And then the monitor screen looks very unpleasant. Anti-reflective films are much cheaper. And since any user will buy a protective film for the same tablet, there is no point in buying a tablet with such a coating. It is better to buy a film with such a coating

. The purpose of the coating or film is to protect the screen from glare when exposed to sunlight or bright electric light. And the coverage really helps. But the film beats him in this sense. It is much more comfortable for the eyes to work with this film.

The coating is very quickly torn, cut and spoils the entire appearance of the laptop screen. Therefore, when buying a glossy laptop, it is better to immediately buy a protective anti-glare film in the kit, it is more reliable and more convenient. Although over time, dust will begin to clog under it and it will have to be replaced. Although the film makes the screen a little dimmer, it is also protective.

Anti-glare protective film

You can read about how to remove damaged coating from a laptop screen.

So, the user should always approach the choice consciously and familiarize themselves with the topic at least minimally. And it doesn’t matter what he chooses - a screen and matrix or a tablet. The health of his eyes depends on this.

Grease stains on the monitor and dust particles make it difficult to perceive the image and also have a negative impact on vision. The LCD monitor does not have the ability to repel dirt, so dust gradually settles on it, leaving fingerprints and stains. In this article we will look at how to wipe a computer monitor at home, which methods are more effective and convenient.

1. To wipe your computer screen, you need to purchase in the store all the necessary products for the procedure: Wet wipes designed for cleaning monitors

Glossy screens are more sensitive to stains; wipe them with special care. It is advisable to cover a large area at a time.

Use wet wipes to clean your monitor as follows:

  • wipe the display with a damp cloth, covering all corners;
  • wait for the napkin to dry;
  • wipe the screen again with a dry cloth;
  • Repeated wiping with a dry cloth ensures that your monitor remains streak-free and sparkles clean.

2. Dry wipes. Cleaning wipes can be wet or dry. They remove not only dirt and dust, but also have the ability to relieve static tension. They can be combined to remove dirt from the screen. This set of dry and wet wipes can be purchased at a computer store. The wet one is impregnated with a special composition, thanks to which all dirt is quickly and efficiently removed from the screen. Dry is designed to remove residual moisture and dirt.

3. Laptop monitor cleaning kit. It includes a bottle of cleaning spray and a package of dry wipes. Liquid from the bottle must not be sprayed onto the screen. Apply a small amount of liquid to one of the napkins, then wipe the surface. Use a second napkin to wipe the display dry.

4. Fabrics intended for wiping glasses. Microfiber is considered ideal for cleaning stains from the display. It is designed to collect dust, remove stains, and grease stains from sensitive surfaces. This fabric owes its effectiveness to its structure.

5. High quality cotton pads. If the quality is low, cotton wool will fall out of the discs, and fluff will stick to the monitor, which is difficult to remove.

Wipes for monitor care

How to clean your monitor at no cost

There are many simple, but not always economical, options for cleaning your monitor. But in some cases, you need to decide how to wipe your laptop screen at home so that the costs are minimal. There are plenty of options, the main thing is that they are safe for your laptop and you.

How can you wipe your laptop screen if you don’t have enough money to buy a special kit or spray? In this case, you can wash the equipment using basic means: water, soap.

We offer the following options for using these substances:

  1. Using regular water. Due to the low quality of tap water, it is recommended to purchase it in a store. We wet a lint-free cloth with this liquid and wipe the display. The rag can be made of the following materials: flannel, cotton, microfiber. With this method of cleaning the screen from dirt, it is important to ensure that water does not penetrate into the corners of the matrix, onto the keyboard, or inside the laptop case. The rag should be damp, but not wet. The display should be positioned parallel to the floor.
  2. Using soap solution. Typically, baby soap is used to clean matte displays. Initially, the monitor is wiped with a rag soaked in a solution, after which the matter is rinsed well, wrung out, and the screen is wiped dry. Before cleaning the monitor, wipe off dust with a dry cloth.

To care for LCD monitors, it is best to use soft microfiber cloths that do not leave lint.

Folk remedies for cleaning your computer screen

We will describe how you can properly clean your computer monitor at home, without harming your equipment. Choosing a screen care product is difficult, because there is a wide range of products on the shelves of specialized stores. In addition, not everyone has enough money to purchase an extra can of spray.

In such cases, you can get by with folk remedies that can be used to clean the laptop screen:

  1. To remove dust, use polyethylene. Dust particles will be attracted to it due to static electricity. You can strengthen the attraction by rubbing the bag against synthetic fabric.
  2. Using a balloon. It works like a bag, but the product should be rubbed against wool, hair, a soft toy, or fleecy synthetic material to increase static electricity.
  3. Regular soap (not laundry soap). It is desirable that the soap contains no dye, flavor, chemical additives or their minimum content. Dissolve liquid soap (2 tablespoons) in a glass of water (35–36 degrees), stir, wet a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the monitor.
  4. Table vinegar (9%). For a glass of warm water, take 2 tbsp. l. products, apply to a rag, squeeze out, treat the dirty surface. Wash the fabric again and wipe the surface. Finally, wipe the display with a dry cloth.
  5. Lemon acid. In warm water (150 ml), completely dissolve 1/3 or ¼ of a teaspoon of powder. Soak a cloth in the liquid, treat the monitor, wipe with a damp cloth, and finally wipe with a dry cloth.

You should not use alcohol-containing products; it is better to replace them with a weak vinegar solution

What not to use to clean LCD

Not all means can be used to wipe a laptop monitor. Not every sponge is suitable for this procedure. Poor material, inappropriate use of cleaning products can damage the display:

  • random scratches;
  • Damage to the LCD display due to the use of unsuitable cleaning fluid;
  • destruction of liquid crystals (with very strong pressure on the screen).

Some detergents contain substances that gradually destroy the surface of the monitor. Before you start cleaning, please review the list of do's and don'ts when cleaning your LCD screen:

  1. Fabric with pile, terry towel. These materials leave small strings on the surface that stick to the laptop. Lint may scratch the screen.
  2. Paper products, paper napkins. If you clean an LCD with these products, particles of material will remain on its surface. They damage the screen in the same way as threads and fabric lint.
  3. Any brushes.
  4. Rough, hard fabrics.
  5. Waffle towels (these products can scratch the screen).
  6. Foam sponges designed for washing dishes. This material leaves streaks. Therefore, such a cleaning will entail another one. The pores of the sponge can retain dust, grains of sand, and crumbs that damage the liquid crystal.

Paper may scratch the screen

If you decide to use a detergent to clean grease stains, fingerprints, or dust, do not use the following for this purpose:

  • Products containing acetone and alcohol. These substances have a destructive effect on the anti-reflective coating. After cleaning the display for the first time with this product, you may not notice any damage. But already at this time microcracks appear, which will expand over time. If alcohol mixtures are used to clean the screen regularly, this will affect the appearance of the glass. It will look transparent from the outside. At the same time, it will be noticeable that it is not new.
  • Cleaning powder, abrasive compounds. They leave scratches on the screen.
  • Soda. This folk method is recommended for scrubbing off various types of dirt at home. This product, of course, does an excellent job of removing burnt-on food from the stove, but it is not suitable for removing greasy stains from the display.