What a landing page. Landing page - what is it? Full description with examples

It's no secret that one of the ways to fight for a client is advertising. It can have the most varied manifestations, but the main goal will always be the same - the attention of the audience. On the Internet in lately So-called landing pages have become widespread, designed to attract users and turn them into buyers, customers, subscribers and other groups of customers loyal to the company or product. This type of online advertising is very effective and is often one of the main factors in gaining the trust of a large audience. In this article, we'll go into detail about what a landing page is, how it works, and what you need to know to create a successful landing page.

Landing page: concept and reasons for creation

Surely you have encountered this phenomenon more than once while surfing the Internet. Perhaps you simply did not know that you were dealing with a cleverly disguised advertising product. However, after reading the article, it will not be difficult for you to recognize it. So, what is a landing page? The term comes from the English landing page and is translated as “incoming/targeting or selling page.” It is a web page containing important information about a product or service and is used to enhance the effectiveness of advertising and increase the audience. They get to it simply - through an online ad banner or a link in search query. Often the transition to a landing page is made from email campaigns, social media, as well as various advertising companies in search engines.

The reasons for creating a landing page are obvious. They can be divided into three groups:

  • encourage the user to subscribe to the newsletter or simply register on the site;
  • encourage you to download or install any software;
  • sell a specific product during a promotion, sale, etc.

If we summarize the reasons described above, we can formulate the following purpose of the landing page: to turn an ordinary visitor into a buyer/subscriber and encourage him to take some specific action. I must say that the landing page copes with this very well.

Classification of landing pages: types and types

We figured out what a landing page is and why it is needed. However, it is important to know something else - what it looks like. There are several options for creating a landing page.

Types of landing page

Let's look at its most popular types:

  • main site;
  • microsite;
  • autonomous.

Some companies allocate several pages of their main website to create a landing page. This implementation has its place, but in most cases it is ineffective. This is due to a large number navigation elements in website design that distract the user’s attention from the advertising page.

A separate microsite consisting of three to five advertising pages would be more effective in this situation. They contain, at a minimum, information about the product/service (only the most necessary), many attractive pictures, and videos. A microsite is usually used to conduct promotions large companies.

The most popular type of landing page is standalone landing page. It is also called CTR landing. detailed promotional offer, main task which is to encourage the user to take an action right now. The prefix Clickthrough rate means click-through rate (the ratio of the number of people who went to the page using the banner to the number of its impressions). Its main attributes are minimalistic design, appealing slogans, emphasis on the advantages of the present offer, large buttons, countdown timers. This page is considered the most effective method attracting users.

Types of landing page

There are also several main types of landing pages. This:

  • viral;
  • lead pages;
  • advertising.

A viral landing page does not contain any explicit advertising. Here it is disguised as an article, video or game, while the company logo is usually located somewhere in the corner/side and “acts” unobtrusively. In this case, the effect is achieved by getting the user accustomed to interactive entertainment, which as a result creates subconscious trust in the company/brand.

A lead page is typically used during marketing research. It helps to collect information about the target user of a product/service through tools such as questionnaires. Then, based on the data obtained, an effective proposal is formed.

An advertising landing page is an aggressive form of influence on the visitor. It contains a large number of graphic, text information, video material. Aimed at inciting action through powerful flow information influence.

Creating a landing page: basic rules

Before we talk directly about creating a landing page, you need to understand what a landing page is from various points of view. At least three aspects can be distinguished here:

  • technical - a web page consisting of various elements(HTML, CSS, texts, graphics, video);
  • business page that pushes the visitor to take a specific action in order to receive a benefit (purchase/subscription);
  • user - the page he arrived at via a link from a search engine/another site/via a banner.

Considering all these aspects of a landing page, we can formulate the main criteria by which a good landing page can be built. And the first thing here is a call to action, or call to action. In order for it to work, you must follow the following rules:

  • express clearly - clearly tell the user what he needs to do and what he will get as a result;
  • limit the number of calls - the fewer there are, the faster the visitor will perform the desired action;
  • have additional information in stock - it ultimately becomes a decisive factor for making the final decision;
  • use buttons - they should be noticeable and encourage a click.

However, before seeing the call, the user must linger on the page. And for this you need to use correct headings. They must meet the following requirements:

  • be simple and short;
  • be attractive from a design point of view (layout, font);
  • be succinct and contain relevant words.

It is also important that the page itself is pleasant and understandable to the user. To do this, it should be made as simple and convenient as possible, but attracting attention. What is important to observe:

  • all elements of the landing page should encourage action;
  • One landing page should have one main call to action;
  • there should be a lot of “air” (free space) on the page itself;
  • elements must be arranged in a clear logical sequence;
  • graphic elements should be used to direct the view;
  • It is advisable to separate parts of the page with contrasting colors.

In addition, there are a number of additional techniques that will make the page more effective. What is a landing page if not a motivator for immediate action? And do it in present moment may be prompted by some limitation - lack of time, product, etc. To create a sense of urgency, place countdown timers on the page for the time remaining until the end of discounts or a counter for the number of available products.

Another important point- convince the user of absolute safety and reliability when performing any actions. To do this, place social data from authoritative web services on the page (for example, the number of likes on VK or Facebook), do not use fake reviews and statuses, and install elements of trust next to calls to action.

Following these simple but important tips, you can create an effectively working landing page.


Advertising is the engine of any business. On the Internet it takes on special forms and manifestations. In this article, we looked at what a landing page is and how it works for a business. We also learned about what it is, what it includes, what rules need to be followed to create a good landing page. Use the suggested tips to landing page for development own business. Good luck!

What is a landing page? This is an Internet page on your domain or subdomain in html/CSS or other format.

The purpose of such a page is for the person who lands on it to leave a request or call, that is, to perform a targeted action.

How to distinguish such a page? There is no complex navigation, large layers of text, flashing banners or unnecessary menus.

You've probably come across different names for landing pages on the Internet - landing page, capture page, one-page site, landing page, etc.

This tool is able to sell 10–30% more efficiently than a regular website or online store.

An example of one of our works

Landing page was invented in the USA about 10 years ago by Internet marketers. At one point, they realized that competition in the market was growing, online stores and websites were becoming better, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for the client to understand why one company was better than another.

Thanks to tough competition in the market, it was created new format site - l.

On at the moment this tool is only gaining popularity among Russian-speaking companies, but I am sure that every year there will be more and more landing pages with high conversion rates.

Who is a one-page landing page suitable for:

  1. Companies selling services
  2. Wholesale companies
  3. MLM leaders
  4. Information business
  5. Manufacturing companies
  6. Companies selling goods
  7. Companies that promote a unique or expensive product
  8. “Sellers” of training programs

In fact, a landing page is suitable for promoting almost any product or service.

The purpose of such a page, as I already said, is to “close” on the target action. What actions are we talking about:

  • Request for a free consultation
  • Application for calculation of something
  • Application for purchase of goods
  • "Reserve a place"
  • "Subscribe to newsletter"
  • "Take part in the action"
  • "Download price"
  • And much more

There are four types of such pages:

  1. Long landing page - long page landings, the most common format
  2. Short landing page - a short one-page website, which is most often aimed at collecting email addresses and increasing the subscriber base
  3. One step landing page - one-step landing page
  4. Two steps landing page - two-step landing page. On the first page we stir up interest, and on the second we call for action

Essentially landing page is a separate mini-site that may not even be related to your main project. The landing page can be standalone.

How to measure the effectiveness of a landing page?

There is only one objective metric to measure the effectiveness of a created capture page. It's about conversion.

Conversion is the main criterion for evaluating a one-page website, although for a complete picture you should take into account the bounce rate, average time spent on the page, click map, and so on.

Average landing page conversion on the Internet

A completely absurd title. Average conversion cannot be, since the indicators depend on a number of factors:

  1. Landing page quality
  2. The quality of the traffic you drive to this page
  3. Business niche
  4. Competition in the market

An example of what it looks like

A good example. In the tourism niche, a conversion of 8-13% is considered absolutely normal, but selling luxury fur coats as a product for customers with higher purchasing power is a completely different story. There, an indicator of 5-10% is excellent, just a “wow” indicator.

As a rule, conversion ranges from 2-3% to 35-40%. In our practice, we achieved figures of 23-27%.

A normal conversion is considered to be 5%, 7%, 10%, and if you are in the information business, then the figures can even reach 20%.

landing page - what is it? If you still don’t quite understand, then I offer several examples in video format:

P.S. Write in the comments how you understand what a landing page is?

So, what is a landing page? We draw a conclusion based on 4 years of experience at Uni Consulting

Landing is special page landing, created for one purpose: to get more leads, that is, applications from potential clients.

Important: a landing page does not directly increase the number of sales in a business. It promotes conversion growth, that is, it affects the effectiveness of your website. The “magic of selling” itself usually happens after the client has left a request.

  • Landing page
  • One page site
  • Selling site
  • Landing page
  • Sales page
  • Landing Page
  • Capture page

What is special about such sites? The fact is that they allow you to increase business sales.

Examples of our landing pages

1. Opening visas to the UK

2. Innovative transformable bed

3. Cleaning services in Kyiv

I specifically selected such examples and tried to touch on different business niches. The only thing these sites have in common (besides the fact that we made them) is high percentage conversions.

For example, a website selling visas consistently brings the client 5-7% conversion.

How to determine whether you need a sales page?

  1. You feel that your business is “stagnating”, sales are not growing, and there are no more orders via the Internet.
  2. You need to attract customers to your business quickly and efficiently.
  3. You want to highlight one segment of your business and improve it.
  4. Have you advertised on your old page and are not happy with the result: there are no applications, but the money has been spent.
  5. Do you want to increase your online sales?

These five “symptoms” tell one thing: You need a landing page and you are in right place and at the right time!

So, you have decided to create a landing page, but where to start, where to go?

Now that you know that a landing page is a marketing tool, you can evaluate the work objectively and approach the process of creating a website more professionally and consciously.

Now you will find an amazing immersion into our environment, into the “creative cauldron” in which we have been stewing for more than 4 years. A LOT of useful and interesting content awaits you.

Well, let's go?

What is important to know if you decide to order a landing page

1. It is important with what forces you will do this.

Here are some options:

Order on freelance

This is an option. It seems to me that if you are reading this article, it means that you are looking for a more professional solution.

Below are a few pros and cons when ordering a freelance page capture.


  • Price: This is probably the cheapest. It’s more affordable to just make a website yourself
  • Speed. It's faster than creating a website in a large web studio
  • Human factor. You can choose the people you want to work with


  • Quality. The quality of work is often frankly lame on two legs
  • Responsibility. The freelancer doesn’t care what happens to the site next. For example, a designer may make a layout that is not based on an adaptive grid, as a result of which the layout designer will spend twice as much time on his work

An example of a grid, keep it for yourself to show your designer or contractor:

  • Deadlines and nerves. Whatever one may say, the reputation of freelancers is frankly not very good: “the hamster got sick,” “the cat is giving birth,” “the great-great-aunt died,” and the deadlines are looming...
  • Unprofessionalism. As a rule, even a good designer/layout designer/copywriter may not know how the whole process works. He does not take into account many little things that are taken for granted by the team.

Do it yourself

A desperate option that rarely brings good sales. I won’t go into detail, but in general, there are more minuses than pluses: it takes a long time and is of poor quality. You cannot be a designer, a programmer, a copywriter, and a marketer at the same time.

In the end, you might end up with something like this (save it to show the designer what not to do):

Web studio

You can buy a turnkey landing page in the studio. By the way, this may well be a live office in your city. For example, in Kyiv. You will be able to communicate with the guys personally and discuss the project.

By the way, some of our guys are just in Kyiv☺

Let's start with the cons:

  • Expensive. Of course, this option is more expensive than others
  • Everything is serious. You won’t be “licked” here: the task of professionals is to create a working product for target audience, and not a layout that you like.
  • For a long time. Everyone offers their own time periods, but as a rule, studios work longer than freelancers (if the freelancer is not a “lost”, of course)


  • Quality and guarantees. Again, if the studio is serious, then it can give at least an approximate forecast and provide specific guarantees
  • Professionalism. In our working group from 4 to 7 people participate. The group may consist of a marketer, designer, copywriter, prototype specialist, project manager, programmer, layout designer, manager (conducts an audit), and so on
  • Meeting deadlines. Again, I will use our example. Once a project comes to Uni, we break it down into stages. “We cut the elephant into pieces,” after which we distribute the tasks among departments.
  • Conversion. The most important thing is that the product is much better quality and brings in much more leads than other options.

Here is an example of one of our works:

Sale of cosmetology services in Kyiv

By the way, on this topic, I advise you to watch my private video about who you can trust to create a landing page:

Another video on the topic. It's about how to check a contractor for creating a landing page:

2. Understanding the stages of creating a landing page

This is the second important point when creating a capture page. As a manager, you should know how a landing page is created and what the ideal stages should be.

It is important for me that you have a complete picture of what is happening, and I cannot omit this block. Again, I will speak using our example and based on our work algorithm.

Here are the stages we go through with clients when developing a landing page:

1. General acquaintance with the client and his business, filling out the brief.

  • 2. Analysis
  • 2.1 Market analysis
  • 2.3 Analysis of the client’s business
  • 2.4 Analysis of requests on the network
  • 2.5 Seasonality analysis
  • 3. Creation of structure and concept
  • 4. Writing a selling text
  • 6. Prototype approval
  • 8. Design approval
  • 9. Layout and programming
  • 10. Project approval

Now some of you will think: “Screw it, this probably takes six months!”

In fact, from the customer’s side it looks like this:

  • 1. They met me
  • 2. I was asked a lot of questions
  • 3. I approved black and white picture site
  • 4. I approved the landing page design
  • 5. I approved the layout

All the rest of the magic happens inside. You don't see the process from the inside, and I want you to know what's going on behind a closed door.

One of our works:

Polish language courses in Krakow

Let's look at each of the stages. We will skip the question of acquaintance and start with analysis.

I’ll say right away: from my point of view, the most important stages in creating landing pages, it's analysis and prototyping. Having done this correctly, everything else is doomed to success.

Why do we do analysis when creating capture pages? It's simple: any doctor must make a diagnosis, and only then begin treatment. We do the same. Moreover, our marketers always study competitors, related niches and many other factors that may affect the site.

In the analysis we formed the following stages:

A thorough analysis of the offer, niche and specifics of the direction. Formation of a general picture of the market.

Detailed analysis of the main competitors represented on the network for TOP queries. Studying design, copywriting, functionality of the site, as well as its “tricks” and marketing side.

Study of internal processes in the customer’s business, features and growth prospects.

Drawing up general semantics based on Wordstat.Yandex and Google Keywords Planner. Allows you to create 100% relevant content.

Market research and thorough analytics. We segment the target audience and study their fears, desires, needs, and hidden motives.

1. Market analysis - general overview what is on the market, including Western cases

Here are a few sites we use for this analysis:
  • www.behance.net- the coolest service for designers. Personally, I hang out on it every time I need to gather ideas
  • ru.pinterest.com is an equally useful service. It is a little broader in topic and is not as convenient for me, but it is just as “ideological”
  • dribbble.com - another inspiring place

Profile sites:

  • awwwards.com - an inspiring service for designers, copywriters and just inspiration
  • onepagelove.com - a site specialized in landing page
  • land-book.com - the title says it all: “Book about landing page”
  • www.cssawds.com - web news and inspirational sites for every taste
  • www.csswinner.com/- a constantly growing bank of layouts for which users vote
  • www.cssdesignawards.com/ - another inspiring place for IT professionals
  • www.ratingruneta.ru/- web news and ratings that show “what is good and what is bad”
  • www.bestwebgallery.com/- large gallery with ideas in different business niches
  • www.landingfolio.com/- a large portfolio with landing pages for every taste

In general, as you can see, the list can be continued endlessly. All these sites are needed in order to be inspired, nourished with ideas and “turn on” the brain.

2. Competitor analysis

You and I objectively understand that competitors are “making the weather”, and if tomorrow your competitor makes a 30% more discount, then no matter how cool your site is, you will fly by.

What we do:

We analyze the contextual search results, that is, we enter a real query for which the client is searched on the Internet. We open all sites in contextual advertising, because these are the guys you will compete with.

Here's an example:

Internet competitor analysis from Uni Consulting - click "Download"

In general, we look at the quality of the site, its USP, design, features, etc.

By the way, here is a useful presentation on pricing and effective sales goods or services:

3. Analysis of the client’s business

Most often it happens at the stage of filling out the brief.

We get information about the client's benefits and his own thoughts about the business. At the same time there is always additional questions, which pop up after analyzing the previous paragraphs:

  • What is the markup for the product/service (will allow you to calculate ROI in the future);
  • how many products are in stock;
  • what is the algorithm for working with the client;
  • etc.

We write in a free format if we have something to say. Very often this information is known to the person who is leading the project itself.

4. Network request analysis

This stage allows us to understand what the market looks like, what groups keywords exist and how can we adapt the page for it.

I'll bring you concrete example: A few years ago we made a page selling trips to Egypt. After analyzing queries on the network, we realized that most people are not just looking for trips to Egypt, preferring queries such as: “tours to Egypt with children”, “family tours to Egypt”. Based on this, and keeping in mind that contextual advertising will be “uploaded” precisely according to these words, we placed on the site a spread “we have tours for everyone,” in which we “hooked” all the groups of keys we need.

5. Seasonality analysis

We need this stage to understand whether there will be demand for a particular service at this time of year.

Example. For one of the large brands selling paving slabs, we developed a landing page:

At the time of the analysis, the customer forgot to mention the seasonality of his business, but after the analysis we realized that the tiles are laid in the spring and early autumn. Accordingly, there is a time when it is almost pointless to advertise anything (in winter, for example).

Someone will say: “Yes, this is already clear!”

I can say that this is not always the case.

What to do step by step:
1. Go here: https://www.google.ru/trends/

2. Enter a request (preferably the most frequent and simple one)

3. We get a result, for example, like this:

6. Target audience analysis

Everything we do in business and marketing is done for people, or rather, for the target audience.

You can tell a lot about how to do it correctly and why it is important. I will only say the most important thing: write down people’s fears and needs, and then close them with the help of a one-pager. That's it, period!

Are you still here? Then we continue!

  • The concept of the page (colors, style, features, accents, landing structure, etc.);
  • selling text;
  • in fact, the prototype itself.

Here are some examples of how we do this:

Prototype of the company "Panorama 44" (real estate sales):

Selling Italian lingerie:

The purpose of this stage, in essence, is to “package” all the meanings of the client’s business into a structure with specific text.

Important! From our point of view, prototyping in a landing page is the most main stage in its creation.

Why? In fact, at this stage everything is already ready: - this is a ready-made website that just needs to be “colored” and laid out.

Here's what's important to pay attention to:

1. Creation of the concept of the landing page, the blocks that should be present in it and the USP. Based on the analysis, we decide which blocks and in what presentation should be on the landing page.

2. Non-detailed prototype or prototype breakdown into blocks.

3. Thoughtful promotions and USP for the landing page

4. Cool selling text

Landing page design

All this material goes to the designer. In our case, to the design department. The specialist evaluates the prototype and the project as a whole, makes his own internal sketches and accents, and then creates a layout.

Here are some tips from a marketing design perspective:

  • 1. Open forms grips are always better than closed ones.
  • 2. Design helps to read the text, and not vice versa. Text is the king and god of the landing page.
  • 3. It is necessary to make sure that even without text it is clear what this page is about. By the way, sometimes we translate the text by machine translation into Chinese and show it to other people, checking if the design works.
  • 4. Most people look at one-pagers rather than read them. That is, they scroll through the page, catching their eyes on individual elements.

Now, some tips related to the technical side of design:

  • 1. Label pictures on English and in the right extension for you.
  • 2. Arrange files in the layout into folders and subfolders.
  • 3. Make markings.
  • 4. Use Google/standard fonts or attach a font for the layout designer.
  • 5.We do separate document with hover (on hover) and pop-up windows.
  • 6. Bootstrap sizing grid - make sure everything follows it.

A little more about the bootstrap dimensional grid for responsive design (just for general development): http://bootstrap-ru.com/scaffolding.php

Important! The height of blocks/spreads should be a maximum of 750 px.

Phew, I think that's enough for a start.

For starters, a few more masterpieces from the Uni Consulting team.

Sale mobile offices in Kyiv:

Exclusive dresses, several spreads:

The famous GoPro. A design that is more than three years old, but still relevant:

Landing page layout and programming

I’ll say right away that technical points there's a lot here.

Here and adaptive layout, and form validation and so on.

Important Tips:

Final landing page development

Next comes the juice: advertising, traffic, A/B tests, analytics, funnels and a lot of interesting and tasty things, but in this article we are talking about the basics that are important to know. We will cover what is related to advertising and analytics in one of the following articles.

But knowing what conversion is, how to track it and what it depends on is definitely important and necessary. Let's discuss this briefly.

How to track the effectiveness of your landing page?

Naturally, each of us creates a one-page website for the sake of results. The result of the landing page is the % of conversion it gives and the quality of applications that come from the site.

For example, if you make it too simple, then clients will be generated from a lower audience.

How to track conversion on a landing page?

There are several methods: some of them are manual, some are automated:

1. Setting up goals in analytics systems (we use the classics: Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics)

There are two types of goals that we work with within the landing page. The first is the target per page. For example, we tell the system that everyone who reaches the Thank You Page has completed the goal.

Most often we work this way.

Here is an example of how this is implemented from the user's side:

1) I leave a request on the landing page

2) I am redirected to the thank you page

Please note that the URL changes, this is important!

Here's what it looks like from an analytics point of view (example from Yandex.Metrica):

2. Collection of manual statistics on applications

It's simple: you create an Excel document and start recording how many applications you receive every day. The method is so-so, it’s better to save time and understand the first one. Moreover, in addition to the number of applications, it is important for you to understand where they came from, which channels work better and which ones work worse. You also need to calculate the cost of a potential client for each channel.

Here's how we do it professionally for our clients:

For example, a cold calling manager made 100 calls. The meeting was scheduled for 10 people. Accordingly, the conversion was 10% (10 divided by 100 and multiplied by 100).

What determines conversion to a landing page?

It is important to understand that in most cases, conversion to a landing page cannot be static; the numbers fluctuate. Indicators depend on many factors: day of the week, time of day, and so on. We believe that adequate statistics can be added to already 300 visits per day.

It's also important to understand that conversion rates can vary depending on the advertising channel used. Thus, advertising on Facebook usually brings in higher quality leads than on VKontakte.

Here is a useful presentation on the topic of sales funnels from me. In it you will understand the basic tools for calculating the effectiveness of your business.

In a global sense, landing page conversion is affected by the following:

  • 1. The situation on the market and among competitors
  • 2. Your business environment, niche, situation in the country
  • 3. Your USP
  • 4. Actually, the landing page itself, its presentation, design, marketing.

Conclusion and nice bonuses

I believe that the work to create this article was not in vain. If you liked the text, then I will be very glad to receive feedback in the form of likes, reposts and comments.

I think that you have already understood that my team and I have been doing all this for more than 4 years, and we will be happy to create a first-class page for you on favorable terms.

I’ll say right away: we don’t work with everyone, we have a heavy workload. We try to take on just enough projects so that the final product is first-class. We help clients achieve their goals.

Greetings, friends :)

Today I decided to take a moment away from writing articles on Laravel and talk to you about more mainstream topics, namely, everyone’s favorite e-commerce.

If you have been following the “Make a website with your own hands” project from the very beginning and subscribed to updates, then you probably remember the introductory articles about various.

Then we looked at the blog and online store in detail. Today I decided to continue the conversation (suddenly... :) and tell you about what a landing page is and how to create one with your own hands.

Landing page is an excellent and unique e-commerce tool that allows you to increase sales by 20-30% even for owners of large and famous online stores.

Well, if you are just starting your online business, your assortment is not yet so large and is limited to a couple of products, then the value of a landing page for you is even higher than an online store.

Not only due to its targeted impact on the audience, but also to the ease of implementation, which allows people who are not previously familiar with programming to create them themselves.

We’ll talk about this in today’s article, where I’ll tell you what a landing page is, how to create them and use them correctly for your own purposes.

We will also look at examples of different landing pages and how a landing page differs from a website.

Let's go :)

What is a landing page?

In simple words, a landing page is a very simple one-page website, usually dedicated to one product.

The main advantage of such a page is to convey potential buyer basic information about the product in a concise but very informative form. If a regular website is most often multi-purpose in nature, then a landing page is focused only on a specific action.

Goals for landing pages (another alternative name landing page) can be very different.

With its help, you can not only effectively sell a certain product from your store, but also collect registrations for various events, provide users with the opportunity to download interesting thematic materials, books, brochures, etc.

The first landing page was developed by American marketing specialists. In conditions high competition landing page became almost the first effective tool for successful sales.

The landing page came to us a little later, but they also perfectly suited the realities of the Runet.

Landing pages are created and successfully used by trading companies of any size and niche, entrepreneurs in the field information services, companies operating in the market of unique goods, tour operators, beauty salons, sports clubs, cafes, restaurants.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but it is already clear that landing pages effective for any type of activity.

Landing page structure

Landing pages can be very different, but their structure, as a rule, follows a single average rule:

Types of landing pages

Landing pages, despite the same structure requirements, may visually differ from each other depending on the functions they perform.

Today, at least four types of landing are known:

  • long page (long one-page page);
  • short page ( short landing page page);
  • one step (one-step page);
  • two step (two-step page, where on the first page interest in the product is formed, and on the second there is a call to action).

If the first two types depend on how much detail you will talk about your product and service, then the choice between the last two should be based on your desire to create intrigue.

This method, by the way, can be great in situations where you are selling an innovative product for which the market is not ready. However, the main thing is a sense of proportion so that visitors even have the desire to go to the second page :)

Why do you need a landing page?

The answer to this question is quite simple. Ready-made landing pages are necessary in order to sell and increase sales volumes several times. In addition, this is a great way to develop a contact base.

The main indicator that a landing is truly effective and brings benefits to its owner is conversion. Even with a minimum conversion of 2-4%, we can say that the need to create a landing page is completely justified.

Landing page objectives include:

  1. Allows the client, after reading important information for him, to make a final decision and order your product.
  2. Filling out an application for call back from your company manager to discuss some details regarding the purchase of the product, its possible delivery and other parameters.
  3. Subscribe the user to your newsletter to keep abreast of some new products, promotions and others advantageous offers, or registration in some event.
  4. Downloading books and other material, viewing catalogs, etc.
  5. Search for work and view current vacancies.

Of course, these are not all the tasks that a landing page can solve. However, a beautiful landing page will definitely increase your conversion and attract the attention of your target audience.

A page with a conversion rate of 15% or more is already considered well-designed and effective.

The ideal landing page is a place where the user can get answers to all his questions regarding the product. Such a page should not leave the user in doubt that he needs this particular product.

A good landing page is always simple in design with logically arranged elements leading to a single action.

How to create a landing page?

We answered questions about what a landing page is and why it is needed. Let's now talk about how you can create a landing page yourself.

The advantage of creating a landing page is the speed of its implementation, as mentioned above, high conversion and effective product advertising with minimal investment.

Today, there are a lot of services that offer landing page builders to their users, without requiring them to have programming knowledge and attracting them with their pricing policies.

But, to be honest, I don’t like them...

  • Firstly, no matter how cool the designer is, its capabilities are always limited.
  • Secondly, the choice of templates is also very stingy. The only way to make your site at least more or less attractive in such conditions is to change the background color, fonts and add some additional inscriptions and buttons.
  • Well, thirdly, you do not have access to source code site, and therefore are forever tied to the hosting and service developers. And their quality is far from always ideal.

Therefore, I advise you to initially seek help from professionals or even do everything yourself, especially since it is quite simple even for people who do not have programming knowledge.

So, how to make a landing page yourself?

Selecting a landing page template

Landing is a special type of site.

While to create online stores, portals, blogs it is difficult to do without ready-made platforms in the form of CMS, frameworks, etc., then to create a landing page you just need to buy a beautiful template, fill it with relevant information (contact information, product information) - and the site is ready!

And since a correctly selected template is 90% of success, its choice must be approached with special responsibility.

The first step on this path is to decide on a template exchange.

The selection criteria should be the following:

  1. Large selection of templates.
  2. Careful technical moderation of added products (a low-quality template can not only look unpresentable, but also become a source of a virus).
  3. Guaranteed technical support.
  4. Democratic prices.
  5. Convenient payment system.

It would seem that there is nothing supernatural in these requirements. But in reality, finding a landing page template exchange that meets all these requirements is very difficult.

Personally, I searched for a suitable one for quite a long time and finally settled on TemplateMonster, as it ideally suited them. There really are a lot of templates out there.

I’ll give you a few that particularly impressed me, which are suitable for creating landing pages on various topics.

Photo theme/Business

A one-page website that allows you to contact the owner of such a landing page to order some service. Blocks for placement additional information, Call button to action, photo - all the functionality for quick launch landing page

Wedding theme

Landing page template with its own admin panel. A convenient tool for inviting relatives and friends to an event. There is a countdown functionality.

Art and photography

Another solution for presenting your services and works for ordering.

Event organization

The landing page template solves the problem of collecting contacts of potential customers.

Regarding the options considered, I will say that the quality of their development is excellent. Technical support is also provided regularly.

This is especially critical for beginners who decide to create their first website without much knowledge. For any questions you may be interested in, you will be advised either by technical support or directly by the template developer.

Moreover, these issues may even be related to the installation of the template and its configuration.

This, by the way, is an important reason why you should pay for templates rather than use free ones.

Moreover, the prices for TemplateMonster are quite reasonable. For example, a high-quality landing page template can be purchased starting at $19.

Well, and especially me this resource I was pleased with the payment system, thanks to which I forever abandoned the services of ThemeForest, which I had previously used, and finally switched to TemplateMonster.

There are simply tons of payment methods, ranging from MasterCard/Visa cards to the familiar WebMoney and Yandex.Money.

ThemeForest is highly tailored for Western audiences and PayPal, where it is impossible to open an account in Ukraine or Russia.

MasterCard/Visa are also available, but each payment requires a $2 fee, which is not very nice. When you choose a template, you expect one price, but when you pay, it turns out to be different.

Filling the landing page with information

So, a template solution has been selected. Now you can start entering information about your product or service, contacts and links to groups on social networks.

If you have at least basic knowledge of HTML, then to create your ideal landing page you may well consider the option pure HTML template. In this case, it will not be difficult for you to replace the theme text with your own.

Thanks to it, you will learn how to find the element of interest in the code, but changing its value to your own is a matter of technique :)

If you understand that what is described above is still too complicated for you, you need to change the “hard-to-reach” labels in the template (for example, the text on a slider button) or change some blocks in places where it will be more convenient to use a CMS-based template solution.

If you use a CMS for landing, you will have an admin panel in which you can do everything necessary actions not understanding the site code.

By the way, when purchasing a template on TemplateMonster, you have the opportunity to order the installation of an admin panel even on an HTML landing page template and “stretch” it onto the CMS you are interested in for a fee.

Uploading a finished landing page to hosting

This process is completely identical to publishing a regular website on the Internet.

First you need to select and register domain name your landing page. This can be done using special registrar sites.

Approach this issue as responsibly as possible, because... whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail :)

After this, you need to take the choice of hosting and tariff no less seriously.

Use case free hosting I immediately fold it back, because... wasting time and money on creating a landing page and losing your website after some time is too much to pay for saving $10 a year on paid hosting services.

Hosting companies can be selected based on various ratings, but remember that most of them are paid. Therefore, I personally recommend listening to reviews real users who have experienced all the advantages and disadvantages themselves.

For example, I can confidently recommend my hosting, which I have been using for two years now, and it has never let me down. The site has been available all this time, the control panel interface is clear (although it does not look modern), technical support responds promptly, and the prices are very reasonable.

By the way, about prices. Since landing pages for the most part do not require technical hosting resources, the most basic and cheapest tariff may well be suitable for you.

Landing page promotion

Well, that's all. This is the creation process perfect landing page finished.

However, this is not a reason to sit back and wait for high conversions and large sales volumes. In order to get all this, you need to pay serious attention to promoting a one-page website to reach a larger audience.

There are plenty of ways to achieve what you want. Let's briefly look at the most effective and working ones.

    There are many free platforms where you can blog. It's still effective way to attract users to your site.

    Exchange of articles.

    Exchange your posts with other blogs, place links to your one-page site in them.

    Competitions and sweepstakes.

    Interactivity is rarely uninteresting or unattractive. This is very effective way attract attention.

    Communication with partners.

    Mutually beneficial cooperation for both parties will help expand your target audience. Exchange information posts and develop friendships with influential players in your market.

    Even with a small budget, pay attention to advertising on social networks.

    SEO optimization.

    This point is one of the most important. With proper SEO promotion, you can count on high positions in search engines.

    In addition, the costs of SEO always pay off with interest.

As you can see, there are really a lot of tools for attracting traffic to a landing page.

But if such methods of promoting one-pagers as creating advertising campaigns, ordering articles for a blog requires you to have special knowledge and significant financial investments, then you can do the initial SEO optimization of the landing page yourself and absolutely free.

To do this, just follow a few steps, described below in the form of brief instructions.

The so-called technical or internal SEO landing page optimization includes:

    Meta title and description tags.

    They must be filled out using keywords with which you will promote your product.

    Meta keywords tag.

    Although Google and Yandex have not taken it into account for a long time, a lot of other search engines still take it into account.

    Here it is necessary to register exclusively key phrase, on which you want to promote your landing page.

    Headings H1, h2.

    The main heading H1 should be used no more than once on the site, while h2 can be written up to 6 times on one landing page.

    Alt and title in images and other graphics.

    Be sure to specify these attributes using keywords.

    There is an opinion that for single-page websites you don’t need to write anything in the robots.txt file, but even such little things will help you promote your landing page more effectively.

You can learn more about it from the article at the link.

So, we talked about what a landing page is, what they are like and how they help improve your business position in the presence of high competition.

A minimum of functionality and only concise information about the product are effective in making a purchasing decision.

We also looked at the process of creating a landing page and promoting it on our own and with minimal investment. So try it, dare and write in the comments about your experience of using landing pages to successfully run a business.

Remember that only conducting experiments and constantly searching for opportunities to develop your project will help you achieve a conversion of 25-30% and successfully sell on the Internet. And it wouldn’t work any other way in the modern world with its frantic competition :)

That's all I have.

Good luck and see you again! 🙂

P.S.: if you need a website or need to make changes to an existing one, but there is no time or desire for this, I can offer my services.

More than 5 years of experience professional website development. Working with PHP,

Landing ( Landing page ) is a web page that comprehensively (but briefly) describes a product or service and also contains a simplified form feedback to perform an active action.

This page is seen by a user who comes to the site from a search engine or when clicking on an ad with the goal of taking a certain action: make a purchase, register, download something, and so on, there can be many options.

The term landing page came into Russian from the English expression landing page, which literally translates as a “landing” page. The real meaning is slightly different: a landing page in the Internet industry is a promotional page containing a commercial offer to a potential client (in terminology network marketing it's called an "offer").

An active action is an action that a visitor is encouraged to take. This could be ordering the product offered, sending personal information, subscribe to the newsletter and much more. A landing page visitor who takes an active action is called a “lead” by network marketers.

Depending on the goals of the landing page and the reputation of the company, the form of the offer may differ radically. It can be aggressive: show only the good sides of the product, mimic the personal blogs of celebrities, and so on - or informative: provide comprehensive information and show real reviews.

Landing page advantages

The general term landing page often combines a large group of network marketing tools. TO various types landing pages are attached to business card sites and one-pagers. This is partly justified, because a one-page website can be a landing page and, at the same time, can perform the functions of a business card website.

However, it is wrong to combine these tools. A business card website is a website (often a one-page website) that describes the company’s services or products and contains contact information. Nothing more is required from him. The landing page is created with the goal of familiarizing the visitor and encouraging him to take an active action.

The main advantage of a landing page is that it actively converts visitors into leads.

Do a thought experiment: there are two pages, one of which contains information about a product and a point on the map where you can buy it; The second page, in addition to information, contains laudatory reviews from users, describes in vivid colors how the product solves your problems and offers to place an order right now by simply clicking the “order” button.

It is obvious that the services of the company that created the first website will be used only by those visitors who are specifically looking for these services. Landing page leads are also those who search this service, and those who accidentally clicked on an advertising link and became a “victim” of network marketing.

Landing page goals and objectives

The main goal of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads. Therefore, often the priority of a landing page is not to provide relevant and truthful information, but to “lure” visitors with marketing moves and encourage them to take an active action.

Landing page goals and priorities change depending on the task at hand:

  • if you want to collect information about potential clients, ask them to leave personal information in exchange for a discount or advantageous offer;
  • if you want to get a lot of leads, use more marketing tactics (not necessarily “clean”), make the offer more aggressive;
  • if you want to increase the conversion of leads into clients - provide only true information and real reviews, try to earn a good reputation.

You've probably noticed that leads and clients are not the same thing. The difference is that a lead is a visitor who has completed an active action, and a client is a lead who has made one or more orders. Thus, the client not only makes marketing communications, but also makes a profit.

How does a landing page sell?

The question posed in the subtitle is, in fact, not entirely correct, because the landing page does not necessarily sell (in the literal sense of the word). However, for the sake of simplicity, it is convenient to call the process of converting a visitor into a lead a sale.

In general, this sale proceeds like this:

  • the visitor gets to the landing page (it doesn’t matter intentionally or with the help of “click bait”);

Click bait is a marketing technique designed to gain a person’s attention with the help of provocative news or a shocking picture. You've probably seen fake news about celebrity deaths or miracle weight loss methods. This is called click bait.

  • then he sees an offer of a product or service that miraculously solves his problems;
  • he still doesn’t trust you, so it’s time to familiarize him with laudatory reviews (truthful or not);
  • At this point, the visitor is aware of the wonderful offer, has checked it with the help of customer reviews, so it’s time to invite him to take an active action (using a large order button or a simple feedback form).

What is landing page conversion

Conversion is a value that characterizes the sales effectiveness of a landing page. Numerically it is equal to the ratio total number landing page visitors, for certain period time, to the number of leads.

Conversion is a very important indicator, because it shows how well the landing page fulfills its main task.

There is no universal criterion for assessing conversion - for different offers, a good conversion can be any number from 0 to 100%. For example, the conversion rate of an offer offering to receive a product or service for free by subscribing or leaving personal information can be close to 100% (depending on the profitability of the offer). On the other hand, a good car dealership conversion rate may be less than 1%.

Types of landing pages

Types of landing pages vary depending on the tasks assigned to them. For example, we can highlight:

  • advertising site,
  • "viral" page,
  • lead page,
  • ctr-page,
  • main site.

All these types can overlap in one way or another, so we will highlight only their main features and tasks.

An advertising landing page is designed to inform the buyer about a product or service and offer a purchase. In this case, the offer is as close as possible to a regular commercial offer. The main goal of an advertising landing page is to increase sales and gain customers.

A “viral” landing page is a page with shocking or provocative information, a page with fake celebrity quotes. In other words, this type of landing page uses the most aggressive marketing methods. The main goal is usually maximum conversion.

A poorly created viral landing page can not only damage the company’s reputation, but also reduce sales.

Lead pages are designed to collect information about potential customers. On them, visitors are invited to leave their personal information in exchange for discounts or other benefits. The main goal is to obtain large quantity leads and, as a result, obtaining good statistical data.


Let's highlight the main points presented in the article:

  • the purpose of the landing page is to convert visitors into leads;
  • you need clients - value your reputation, you need leads - make aggressive offers;
  • there are no universal conversion criteria: for each case good conversion determined individually;
  • use for different purposes different types landing page

Basic Landing principle page– give the user the information he was looking for when he visited this site, and also encourage him to take a targeted action. In other words, turn an ordinary visitor into a buyer or client of the company. It is important that on this page the user receives what he came to the site for.

Landing page feature is that it provides information in the form of good and high-quality images, short and informative blocks of text paired with “capture points” for actions that can be performed instantly, namely: leave a request, call, register, buy, download.

There is nothing random on these pages. As a rule, their design and content are carefully thought out from both an aesthetic and practical point of view. The characteristics of the target audience were studied, the interface structure was built, navigation and user scenarios were worked out, and the need to implement various services on the site was determined.

During development Landing design page the creators strive to maintain a balance between style, convenience and functionality. Often the design of only the “action button” itself determines the fate of the landing page. It is important that, in addition to a pleasant and non-repulsive design, the form of contact with the client, the ability to view and create reviews, and debugged fast loading site.

To achieve good landing page traffic It contains only high-quality, unique, informative and competent content. It should be easy to understand, as well as interesting and educational for users. Possible inclusions bright examples or interesting facts related to the main topic. It should be clear to the user, without any questions, what this site offers.

Occurs two type Landing page: reference and transactional.

Information — display information based on search results on a given topic. They instantly give a detailed answer to any question that interests the user. The pages contain not only text, images or links to similar topics, but also advertising, which largely pays for the creation of the site to its owner.

Transactional - intentionally adapted only to advertising material and are its consistent continuation. Such pages encourage immediate action: purchase a product, fill out a data form, download. Very often their design is quite modest, but informative enough so as not to distract visitors from the main action.

Today, single-page Landing page sites are more effective than complex multi-page ones, and are also quite profitable marketing tool both small businesses and promotion of individual services of large companies.

Hi all. They have already written to me several times asking me to make a landing page on VKontakte. I couldn’t immediately understand what it was all about, since the questions and thoughts were formulated incorrectly.

Something like this: “How to make a landing page for VK” or “Help me make a VK landing page”, in general, after another incident, I asked the woman what she meant, and it turned out that you just need to layout the page using wiki markup VK. As many of you have probably already made menus for your groups.

In general, if anyone is interested, then let’s figure out how to create such a landing page on VKontakte.

Landing page on VKontakte using Wiki markup

I won’t describe here what Wiki markup is. For those who are completely unaware, here is a link to the definition on Wikipedia (tyts). For those who are too lazy to read, I’ll just say that this type of markup is used on the VKontakte social network to create pages. Whether it’s convenient or not is up to you to decide, and there’s no point in arguing here, let’s just use it to create the following page on VK:

In fact, there is nothing complicated in wiki markup. You can figure it out in a few hours. In addition, it is very similar to html, only to build such pages they do not use buttons, do not layout each individual element, but simply (roughly) cut the layout and design the desired section as a link, if necessary. That is, in places where there is, for example, a button or link to payment, order, etc.

If you describe everything in html, then it will be just a set of pictures, some of which are links. Everything is as simple as possible.

So, we should start with the fact that we need to create a new page in a group or public. To do this you need to use a link like this:


Where, XXX is the id of the public or group. And instead of “Page_name” you need to specify any word or phrase that will be used to name the page.

In order to find out the group id, you need to go to the group management and look at the “page address” section:

If you, like me, have a human-readable URL, then you need to click on all posts on the wall or on any post on the wall. It will look something like this:


69093928 is the id of our group. In the end I got this link:


As you can see, the possibilities visual editor are quite scarce, therefore, as I already said, all menus, buttons, and links are designed with pictures.

The width of a wiki page in VK is 607 pixels, so the layout must be of appropriate dimensions. Now, you need to cut the layout. I divided my prototype into 5 parts and, accordingly, received 5 pictures. Visually, it looks like this:

Now, in order to arrange all this as we need, we need to understand how pictures and links are designed. It looks very simple:

PhotoXXX_XXX is a link to the image. All the pictures you want to show must be stored in an album. The album can be either general or specially created for specific task. I created a separate one, just for such purposes (design of pages, menus and other nonsense). Here it is: _http://vk.com/album-69093928_226467291

607 pixels is the width of the image. Nopadding is needed so that there is no empty space between the pictures, since it is present by default, and I have a dark background and white stripes would look strange.

Now, let's talk about designing a link that will direct users to the location we specified :) I'm just trying not to confuse you. I hope it works. Users can be directed both to a section or another page, and outside of VK. If, like me, your links should lead to another site, then simply enter the site address, for example, . If there is another page in VK or a section in a group, then the link will look like this: page-123456789_123456789.

Ultimately, this is what I ended up with:

[] [] [] [] []

As you can see, nothing complicated. Here is my result.