What is traffic arbitrage? Where to start for a beginner! Two-level commission calculation system. How much do you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Contextual advertising takes the form of a text link containing short description, close to the context of the site where it is located. Being part of the content of the page, such an ad generates more interest from the user than other types of advertising. This is evidenced by CTR indicators. You can order ad placement in such advertising networks as Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, Begun:

Special CPA systems, such as, for example, Admitad, Cityads.ru or Ad1.ru, can significantly increase the effectiveness of this type of advertising. Such networks not only attract advertisers, but also select relevant resources, provide assistance in preparing advertisements, etc. All that is required from the advertiser is to enter into an agreement with the network, determine the target action and indicate the price or percentage of profit, replenish the budget, load banners and wait for the clients to “fall over”.

The job of a webmaster is somewhat more complicated. He must clearly define target audience when choosing an offer, it is necessary to configure the site in the appropriate way and master the intricacies of billing. However, there are such craftsmen who are able to set up the purchase of traffic from contextual advertising so that the profit from the affiliate program exceeds advertising budget (traffic arbitration). And now about everything in more detail:

Contextual advertising based on the CPA principle

More recently, the phrase “contextual advertising” was most often mentioned in conjunction with “CTR”. Now he has been replaced by CPA. What is the reason for such changes? CPA or Cost per Action means " cost per action».

Synonyms of this term can be considered CPL ( cost per lead - price per lead). the main objective this direction lead generation involves collecting demographic and contact data, while with classic CPA actions can be performed by anonymous users. A model that involves payment for acquisition is called Cost Per Sale or CPS (price per sale).

How are the two concepts of contextual advertising and CPA related? Everything is extremely simple - by purchasing ads, you pay for clicks (visitors). In Cost Per Action, the advertiser pays only for actions performed by users on his resource ( registration, click, purchasing a product, ordering a service, subscribing to a newsletter), and not for abstract ad impressions.

Who is CPA advertising suitable for?

The main advertisers in this area are online stores, hosting providers, banks, travel agencies, etc. Among representatives of offline business are construction companies, auto repair shops, legal offices, etc.

How to optimize costs for CPA advertising?

For example, the cost of 1 visitor is 1%, in which case the CPA will be 1 ruble/1%=100 rubles. The price of one targeted action will be 100 rubles. Now all that remains is to analyze how beneficial CPA contextual advertising is for your business.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Calculate your average bill;
  • Determine the amount of profit from 1 order;
  • Compare the size of your CPA with the amount of income from 1 order.

Ways to optimize contextual advertising for CPA

The first thing to do is to identify key queries and ads that are eating up your budget without provoking targeted actions. Below is an example analysis:

Ads that do not bring conversions should be disabled or the bid reduced to the minimum limit.
The second step is to find target phrases and ads that bring you sales but are above your target CPA. The example below shows how keyword has a CPA below 100 rubles:

The second and third positions need optimization. Lower your bid for unprofitable key queries, and, on the contrary, increase your bid for those with a good CPA.

So, to optimize contextual advertising for CPA you need:

  • Collect statistics for each ad and key query by CPA;
  • Find keywords and ads that “eat up money” and do not bring in sales and disable them;
  • By key phrases and for ads that bring sales with a low CPA, lower bids, and for those that generate sales with a high CPA, increase bids. This will provide more traffic with a fairly high probability of conversion.

CPA traffic arbitration

To implement an arbitrage strategy in a CPA affiliate, the webmaster tries to attract cheap traffic from sources permitted by the terms of cooperation. If in the future the attracted users begin to carry out targeted actions, then the payments that the webmaster will receive will allow him not only to cover the costs of attracting traffic, but also to make good money on the difference between attracted and sold traffic (CPA arbitrage).

Practice shows that any traffic can be monetized. Some webmasters even resort to the services of professional designers to prepare advertisements:

Risks in the CPA market

The number of CPA affiliates is growing every day. The cost of entry of such networks into business has decreased significantly in last years, which allows you to run own network without significant capital investment. The systems attract webmasters with promises of high payments.

However, the network receives payment from the advertiser only after he receives the desired actions, but webmasters demand payment for the attracted traffic immediately. This scheme often leads to a cash gap and the inability of the network to fulfill its obligations in full. This is why you should trust only trusted networks.

But pitfalls can be expected not only from networks, but also from webmasters. Quite often there are situations when webmasters bring in “black” traffic, use proxy servers that assign fake data to users, and change the addresses of sites from which users came. Cookiestaffing and cookiedropping, incentivized traffic, may occur.

However, major analytical programs prevent attempts to deceive. Today, the Russian CPA advertising market is estimated at more than 3.5 billion rubles per year:

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the CPA model are transparency and high quality traffic. At the same time, the advertiser can attract the target audience, saving budget. This gives contextual CPA advertising every chance of becoming the same effective tool, as well as RTB advertising. However, it also has its “cons”.

First of all, this is the quality of the audience ( even though the model attracts users who perform certain actions, they can only bring conversion once). For example, if we are talking about a promotion that those who love “freebies” will fall for.

It is also worth noting that CPA does not function well in conditions of price elasticity, taking into account only the factor of implementation of the required actions. This leads to advertisers not increasing their advertising budget at times when it is worth doing so, as the quality of traffic increases:

How to properly set up contextual advertising for arbitrage?

Services such as Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct and Begun are time-tested and offer truly high-quality resources for advertising. The webmaster is required to correctly configure the context parameters and as a result he will receive a target audience interested in purchasing the goods and services offered.

Before you begin setting up your context, you should define your target audience. Some experienced craftsmen risk experimenting in this matter. In some cases, this technique works. However, novice optimizers should not do this. They should carefully study the main aspects and only then start looking for new audiences. In order to competently create advertising campaigns, it would be a good idea to study instructions and guides on how to correctly buy contextual advertising on Google or Yandex.

Considering the fact that contextual advertising is rightfully considered the fastest, within a few days your ads will be visible to millions of users. You will have the opportunity to promote your offers on popular resources. However, it is worth recalling that context also refers to one of the most expensive types of advertising. Therefore, an arbitrageur will need a couple of hundred dollars to launch several advertising campaigns.

If you've spent time researching content marketing, you've heard of traffic arbitrage. Virus sites often use traffic arbitrage as their main…

The only people who haven’t heard about Internet business now are those who don’t have access to world wide web. More and more webmasters are successfully (or not so successfully) developing their…

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! Today we will talk about traffic arbitrage - what it is, who is an arbitrator and what he does, why CPA networks and affiliate programs are needed.

From the article you will learn:

  • Basics and basic concepts traffic arbitration;
  • Detailed aspects of working with traffic and its sources;
  • Possible risks and ways to avoid them;
  • Resources for gaining and deepening knowledge on the topic.

Do you want to know how much and how you can earn from Internet traffic? Then read the article and remember the important points!

About traffic arbitrage, what CPA marketing is, what CPA affiliates (networks) exist and what they are needed for, as well as what offers are the most popular - read on about all this

To give a simple example, the situation looks like a triangle - advertiser (owner site), webmaster(arbitrator), visitor web resource (potential client).

CPA model- most effective method payment for advertising, since the advertiser pays the webmaster a certain amount for an attracted visitor who completed the target action. Most often, a target action is understood as registration, purchase, filling out an application and the like.

CPA network is a resource that coordinates the relationship between advertiser and webmaster, also maintaining statistics.

Terms that will be used in the article:

  • Advert(advert) - this can be called a webmaster (arbitrageur) who earns money in CPA networks;
  • Offer(offer) - offer from the site owner (advertiser);
  • Landing() - translated from English as “landing page”. In other words, a page designed in a special way to hold the visitor’s attention and persuade him to perform the target action.
  • Pre-landing(prelanding page) - also called padding. An interstitial page that can serve to increase the interest of the target audience, improve conversion rates, and also for other situations where the visitor goes directly to landing page undesirable for various reasons.
  • Lead(lead) - an interested visitor who performed the target action. You've probably come across terms like " lead generation"or abbreviated" lidgen" It is the process of capturing and converting a visitor into a potential client. There are many ways to do this, some of which we will discuss below.
  • Hold(hold) - the period of time for which advertising networks(CPA networks) delay payment to the advertiser (webmaster). It serves to certify the quality of the attracted traffic, that is, during approximately this time your lead should be guaranteed to complete the target action. This is a kind of mechanism to protect advertisers from intentional boost (cheating) garbage traffic, bots And other frauds from dishonest advertisers.
  • Profit(profit) - the advertiser’s income from network payments minus the costs of lead generation. That is, profit is the net profit of the arbitrator.
  • ratio(conversion, conversion, conversion rate, CR) - can often be hidden under the definitions “ conversion», « envelope" The number of leads divided by the total attracted traffic. The ratio is usually indicated as a percentage. For example, ratio in 40% or 0.4 This means that out of 10 attracted visitors, 4 completed the target action.

At first glance, everything looks somewhat complicated. Let's take a closer look at how it works and what you can get with due diligence.

2. What is traffic arbitration and why is it needed 📊

Nothing to do with financial disputes in court this definition no, as the name might suggest. Traffic- the number of site visitors over a certain period of time.

Traffic arbitrage is a purchase by a webmaster of traffic at a certain price for subsequent sale for more favorable conditions. The difference in price between buying and selling traffic is the webmaster’s profit.

Who needs traffic arbitration and why?

It's simple: By paying an arbitrator (advertiser) a certain amount for a lead (potential buyer of a product or service), the advertiser can subsequently receive much more income due to sales, repeat sales, upsells and other things.

And in order to earn a good client base, expand existing or establish a stable flow of clientele, advertisers resort to the services of CPA networks, where advertisers can respond to their offer.

On some sites, many years ago, affiliate programs appeared - when the owners awarded a certain reward to an existing client for attracting a new client.

This is also why many website promotion specialists from the RuNet have switched to traffic arbitrage - it’s faster money.

Paid traffic with traffic arbitrage - banner advertising, contextual advertising, teaser advertising

2. Paid traffic

If you have a certain amount of money, traffic can be bought and “poured” to the offer, bypassing intermediate links and reducing costs. Let's consider this option in more detail.

Hypothetically, you could lure potential clients(leads) with all that he is able to see and what he can click on - this banner, contextual advertising ad, fast or advertising block on a social network, teaser.

There are also specialized traffic exchanges , where for a certain price you can buy a certain number of visitors. But it's far away not the best quality traffic and the investment may also not be justified.

The same situation is with banner advertising . Modern user The Internet is so sophisticated with advertising that it takes a lot of effort to create a truly attractive and effective banner, which will be clicked. And thanks to various ad blockers, which are becoming increasingly popular, banners can safely be called an anachronism - a user with a blocker simply won’t see it.

contextual advertising

The most popular services contextual advertising are Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about traffic arbitrage:

And a video about arbitrage on product offers - “How to make money on traffic arbitrage?”:

The “site” magazine team wishes you good luck and success in traffic arbitrage, learn from other people’s mistakes and make fewer of your own, achieve high level knowledge, skills and abilities.

We will be glad if this article really helped you or at least provided answers to your questions. If you have any comments or questions on the topic, please ask them in the comments below.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

I know, I know... I promised to give you a review of the next CPA network, but plans unexpectedly changed - the second laptop, along with Dasha, “went on vacation” to the village. And on this I have, as I already said, terrible problems with sound driver(or settings... who knows), so, unfortunately, I won’t be able to please you with a video review today. A little later (when Dasha arrives). So…

The topic of today's article is “ Traffic arbitrage" From this article, you will learn what traffic arbitrage is, where to start making money from arbitrage, and what you need to know if you intend to make money by reselling traffic in the future.

Generally this article will be useful both for those who are engaged in and for those who are used to working with affiliate programs of the classic format (affiliate program for selling information courses, webinars, trainings, affiliate program various services, software, etc.)

How were you doing with mathematics at school? I hope it's good, because today we'll have to play with the numbers a little. So…

Earning money from traffic arbitrage

What is traffic arbitrage? I'm sure you've already come across this newfangled phrase. If you have tried to work with CPA affiliates or SMS payers, you have encountered 100% problems. I came across this concept about a year ago.

In fact, the definition is quite simple...

Traffic arbitrage - this is making money from resale of traffic, when you buy traffic (visitors) in one place cheaper and sell it in another place at a higher price.

He said it unclearly, right? I'll explain with an example...

For example, I register in a teaser network, create an advertising campaign to sell some product or service, carefully set it up, deposit 300 rubles into my account and click on the “Launch” button.

Then, of course, I get clicks on my referral link, several sales and eventually earn 1000 rubles. As an example... My net profit in in this case equal to 700 rubles. So now get the point:

I bought visitors to an affiliate site IN THE TEASER NETWORK cheaper (usually 1-2 rubles per click) and sold (directed) these visitors to some relatively expensive AFFILIATE PRODUCT OR SERVICE.

Since my profit was 700 rubles, then you understand that I sold this traffic already much more expensive. The cost per click in this case can even be calculated...

Suppose I bought clicks on a teaser network for 2 rubles and got 150 clicks for 300 rubles. Logical? Logical. Let’s say I sold this weight loss course (corny, I know) and received 2 orders and 500 rubles in commission. Now we can calculate the cost of our click from sales. To do this, we simply divide 1000 rubles by 150 clicks. We get approximately 6.7 rubles. That is, we bought traffic for 2 rubles, and sold it for 6.7 rubles. Not bad…

As I said in the video tutorials devoted to the review of CPA networks, this figure - 6.7 rubles can be called the ECPC indicator, that is, the average income per click.

This is it simple circuit making money on traffic arbitrage.

A couple more examples of traffic arbitrage

  • 1000 impressions = 2 rubles
  • 200 rubles = 100,000 impressions
  • 100,000 impressions = 200 clicks
  • 200 clicks = 20 registrations
  • 1 registration = 30 rubles
  • 20 registrations = 600 rubles
  • Result: 200 rubles spent. Earned 600 rubles. Net profit = 400 rubles
  • EcPC = 3 rubles (that is, 1 click brought me 3 rubles)
  • Advertising for 10,000 people. Cost - 3000 rubles
  • The cost of the course is 3000 rubles (my commission = 1500 rubles)
  • 900 people clicked on the link
  • Ordered a course - 8 people = 1200 rubles
  • Net profit = 9000 rubles
  • Divide 3000 rubles by 900 clicks
  • 1 click = 3.3 rubles
  • Divide 12,000 rubles by 900 clicks
  • 1 click = 13.3 rubles
  • EcPC = 13.3 rubles (that is, 1 click brought me an average of 13.3 rubles)

In principle, traffic arbitrage includes not only teaser advertising, but also contextual, banner advertising, etc. It can even be safely attributed to making money from arbitration. The only thing that does not apply to this is making money on affiliate programs using your website if visitors go to your website from search engines upon request. If paid advertising (banner, teaser, etc.) brings visitors to the site, then this is again traffic arbitrage.

Here is an example of one of my ads that works in targeted advertising on the VKontakte social network. Simply put, this is VKontakte traffic arbitrage with payment for impressions.

Another screen, but here I pay not for impressions, but for clicks (10 rubles per click).

And here is an example of traffic arbitrage in a teaser network. It is clear that here payment is made per click on the teaser.

Today, traffic arbitrage is actively used in CPA affiliates. What many professional webmasters do is invest small amounts at first - 1000-2000 rubles. They earn 2-3 times more. They withdraw part of the money and live on it, and the rest are again invested in advertising, thereby gradually increasing their advertising budget and earnings. Where to start when working with traffic arbitrage.

Where to start and what is important to know!

Many newcomers who are just starting out often simply waste their entire advertising budget. They don’t know where to send traffic and how to do it correctly. Why? There are dozens of reasons for this:

1) Initially, the wrong offer was selected (affiliate program)

3) Certain affiliate products and services can only be advertised on certain advertising platforms, and a beginner, as a rule, does not know where and what to advertise

4) Where they are needed, landing sites are not used

5) The target audience is incorrectly selected and other targeting parameters are incorrectly configured

This is just a small part of the reasons that can ruin your desire to make money from traffic arbitrage.

In fact, beginners have hundreds of different questions, not knowing the answer to which leads to loss of money and, as a rule, disappointment. Personally, it helped me understand many issues.

I am sure that these courses will help you solve most of your problems.

In general, at the beginning of your work you need to choose the right affiliate offer (affiliate program). You don’t need to register with dozens of affiliate programs right away. It's better to concentrate on 2-3.

And only then, based on this analysis, select advertising sites.

To be honest, launching a successful advertising campaign right away is almost impossible. You always have to test: change the title, subtitle, banner, link to the landing page, adjust targeting parameters, etc. Many beginners simply don’t have the patience for this and give up halfway through. It's a pity.

I can remember several campaigns that I reworked 20-30 times before they started making me a profit. Yes, I lost a couple of thousand rubles until I broke even and started receiving income. But this is a necessary measure. Now, of course, it is much easier. There is already some experience and vision.


That's all for today... And finally, I have prepared a video for you to reinforce the material we have already covered.

I look forward to your comments, questions and additions. And of course, your likes if the article was useful to you.

Sincerely, your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

Hello, dear readers! Webmaster Alexander and the Anatomy of Business project are with you. Surely you have already heard dozens of times that if a person stops developing, then this will not lead to anything good. At a minimum, your competitors will get ahead of you and you will fly out of the market.

One of the most important tasks in my company is developing new markets. We are always looking for new sources of income and trying various ways to increase profits. And the result completely repays the effort. However, this is not surprising, because constant search– the key to successful growth.

One of the areas that interested me was traffic arbitrage.

For beginners: traffic arbitrage is essentially the resale of traffic. Let's look at this using a “live” example. Online store “A” launched an affiliate program and announced that it was ready to pay 400 rubles. from one order. The person involved in arbitrage begins to look for different ways to attract buyers. Through various experiments, he finds a way by which customers can be attracted for 200 rubles. Thus, having spent 200 rubles on attracting a client, the “arbitrageur” receives a reward from the store in the amount of 400 rubles. and in the end has 200 rubles. revenue. Sounds attractive, doesn't it? So I began to wonder if this is really so. When starting to engage in arbitrage, the first thing you need to do is analyze the most profitable “affiliates” for “arbitrageurs”.

TOP 7 best “affiliate programs” on the Runet

Friends, I want to note that when I compiled this rating, then proceeded from my own preferences and assessed the attractiveness of this or that program precisely from the point of view of arbitration. If we talk about “publics” on VKontakte, then I would advise using other affiliate programs, which I wrote about in the article “Monetization of “publics””.

1st place:

CPAseti is one of the actively developing and reliable affiliate programs. One of the advantages of this program is that the interface and functionality of the site were developed by arbitrators who know the whole “kitchen” from the inside, and not by hired programmers. Hence the ease of working with the platform and the transparency of statistics.

You can withdraw funds only when you have earned your first thousand rubles. If you do not yet have experience in arbitration, after registering, you can familiarize yourself with the training materials.

Register for >>>

After registration you will be taken to Personal Area, where in the “Offers” section you can choose suitable option and get started:

Now you can choose the site where you will place it and start driving traffic.

2nd place:

Bintrader is an affiliate program binary options, which offers cooperation according to the following schemes:

  • REVSHARE - 50%;
  • CPA - $200;
  • REVSHARE + CPA = $100 + 30%.

Bintrader also makes it possible to receive your income by any possible way— Webmoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Paypall, etc., which is very convenient.

You can evaluate the benefits of this software yourself by registering at >>>

To get started you need:

You can choose any traffic source - your own traffic, public pages, VK target, etc. (whatever is more convenient, easier and more profitable for you to work with).

3rd place:

A relatively new aggregator of affiliate programs. Now there are several interesting offers on it. I recommend using it as an additional resource.

4th place:

I have already written about this affiliate program several times and highly recommend it. She makes payments consistently, there were no complaints about her work. The offers are mostly from the “goods by mail” category.

5th place:

Good affiliate program. Large assortment of goods by mail. Payments are made every Monday.

6th place:

The best affiliate program in the financial sector. The main offers are issuing loans and mortgage lending.

7th place:

CPA network with the largest reward through the referral system. You will receive 7% from each referral you attract.

As we can see, there are quite a few affiliate program aggregators and each of them needs to be checked.

So, the first step in studying arbitration has been taken. Summarize. The most attractive PPs have been identified. All that’s left now is to register with them, add traffic and start earning money. I will talk about further results of my experiments in the following articles.

What is arbitration mobile traffic and where to start making money on it? Where is the best place to get traffic for arbitrage on the Internet? Where can I get training on how to make money from traffic from scratch?

The Internet has given rise to a lot of new, hitherto unprecedented ways of earning money. One of them is traffic arbitrage. This term has nothing to do with judicial proceedings. This is about attracting visitors to websites and redirecting them to other resources.

Thousands of people earn decent money from such activities. If you want to join their number, read this article!

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, what is traffic arbitrage who directs visitors to Internet resources and where, what are CPA networks and what is more profitable - advertising on social networks or banners?

1. Traffic arbitrage – an additional source of income or a waste of time?

For those who are not at all aware of what traffic arbitrage is and what it is used for, I will explain the essence of the term using a simple and understandable diagram.

For any commercial transaction to take place, two things are needed: product (service) + people ready to become buyers. To generate more sales, sellers involve a third party - those who will talk about the product potential buyers. It is these people who arbitrate (i.e. redirect) traffic.

On the Internet, this marketing option often costs cheaper than running full-scale advertising. Or these methods complement each other, helping to attract the target audience to advertisers’ websites through all possible channels.

Traffic(sometimes spelled with two “f”s, which is also acceptable) is the number of visitors to a site over a certain period of time.

It's obvious that the more popular the resource, the more visitors it attracts. But there are also artificial ways to get visitors to the site: all available methods attracting an audience.

Traffic can be redirected (sold) from one resource to another. This action will be called traffic arbitration. The point is to buy it cheaper and sell it more expensive. The difference will be your earnings (profit). How can you buy visitors online, you ask? Who sells and buys them anyway?

What do arbitrageurs do? Place advertisements, links to sites and landing pages, thereby forcing potential clients to do useful action– register on the seller’s website, use the services offered, buy goods.

The potential buyer is called lead. Converting visitors into leads is called lead generation.

The user was distracted by advertising and is now making a purchase in an online store - which means the affiliate did a good job

Why does the seller need this? It’s simple - by paying once for a lead, the advertiser will be able to recoup their costs many times over in the future through repeat sales.

For a deeper understanding of the topic, you need to understand the meaning of the main terms of the arbitration topic:

  • Offer– an offer from an advertiser interested in attracting leads.
  • Landing– a landing page created to hold the user’s attention and encourage him to take targeted actions.
  • CPA network– an affiliate network operating on the principle of Cost Per Action – payment for action.
  • Hold– the time for which the CPA network delays payment to the webmaster. The delay is necessary for the advertiser to verify the quality of the attracted traffic, since the latter can be useful and useless.
  • Profit– net profit of the webmaster.
  • Conversion (ratio)– the ratio of the total amount of traffic and leads. The higher the ratio, the greater the advert's profit.

At its core, arbitrage is a slightly improved and “industrial basis” for attracting visitors using affiliate programs. This is one of the most popular and available types.

Modern advertisers are bringing ever-higher profits mobile traffic arbitration. According to statistics, every third Internet visitor accesses the network with mobile device. For such users we are developing special applications and programs that differ in many ways from desktop advertising.

To make money on arbitrage, it is not at all necessary to have your own website - you can launch an advertising campaign both on a social network and on a blog.

2. How to make money on traffic arbitrage – step-by-step instructions for beginners

Thousands of newcomers come to arbitration, but not everyone has a stable income from this business. Buying traffic requires certain investments, although there are also free methods of promotion.

There are many companies online that train beginner arbitrators. Examples - groups CPA NOOB, RichAdvert And CPA King VKontakte, proprietary courses and trainings from experienced arbitrators.

However enough for a start free information , which is full on the Internet. Universal advice for beginners is not to focus on one direction, but to try different offers, traffic sources and affiliate programs.

Helps you avoid mistakes and start wisely step-by-step instruction.

Step 1. Select an affiliate network for cooperation

First, you need to register in a CPA network or even several, otherwise where else will you get offers. It happens that V various networks owners or specialists responsible for website promotion indicate different prices per lead– look for the option that is most beneficial for you.

By the way, a difference of even 5 rubles significantly affects profits in the long term. If the number of leads is measured in hundreds and thousands, then even a small plus in your favor will significantly increase your earnings.

Step 2. Get a referral link

After that, select an offer and get referral link– this will be your main earning tool.

Choose the offer that suits you very clear and satisfactory in all respects. Advertising something you don’t understand will be uncomfortable, to say the least.

Step 3. Direct the maximum amount of traffic to the link

The key issue of the arbitration business is where to get good traffic at minimal cost?

There are two options for attracting traffic – for money and without it.

The free method is available to those who have their own resource with decent traffic. If people who are interested in the topic of your chosen offer regularly spend time on your website and social network group, then it will be much easier to attract the target audience.

For example, you are running a video blog dedicated to online games. You have hundreds of subscribers and regular readers. Choose an offer that requires leads to register in a new online game, do as honest and professional review product, encourage visitors to register using a link. Counting coins.

But the bitter truth is that not everyone has their own well-promoted websites and blogs, so most novice affiliate marketers have to resort to paid methods. These include - contextual advertising, teasers, posts and banners in in social networks . We will talk about all these options in detail a little later.

Step 4. Find the best options for making a profit

Traffic arbitrage is a constant analysis and search for new ways to get rich. If you want to earn more, regularly test the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. You start it up and relax - this option will not work here.

Those who are engaged in:

  • traffic analysis– find out which source gives the best conversion;
  • checking the effectiveness of advertising materials– see how well the advertiser works on his page;
  • creating various ad blocks– we check what is more effective: teasers, banners, contextual advertising;
  • define best time display advertising– at what time of day the ad is seen by more users.

Step 5. Filter low-quality traffic

Low-quality traffic needs to be cut off and eliminated. For this they use special services statistics (for example, GoogleAnalytics) and all sorts of traps for bots that are invisible to real users.

At first, while you have minimal experience, it is better not to use Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. For newbies the best choice– teaser networks like BodyClick or TeaserNet.

3. Where to get traffic for arbitrage – review of the main sources

As I already mentioned, the main sources of traffic are social networks, teaser advertising, contextual and banner advertising.

Let's make a comparative review.

Source 1. Teaser advertising

Teasers are small pictures with short texts. This is a source of dirty traffic, but at proper configuration giving high conversion . Teasers are most suitable for entertainment websites.

One example of teaser advertising

This is the most a budget option for a beginner advertiser. Everyone has seen provocative and “shocking” headlines like “ Fat goes away in 48 hours, all you need to do is…" or " The doctors were shocked when I showed..." Teaser advertising is cheap, irritates everyone, but lives on. And we have to take this into account.

Source 2. Contextual advertising

Sometimes it's ordinary text string with a description of the offer and a link, but more often also with a picture that is not shocking like the image in a teaser advertisement. Contextual advertising is available in Yandex, Google and other search engines.

Such traffic will be more expensive, but setting it up also requires experience. The advantage of contextual advertising is that it attracts targeted visitors who came to search the Internet for exactly what is being advertised.

Source 3. Advertising on social networks

The youngest and most promising type of advertising. With the help of social networks, they buy traffic for resources on a wide variety of topics. The plus is that traffic here is easily filtered by age, gender, interests, education and other criteria.

The most popular and “monetary” social networks are: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook. Anyone can try free way attracting traffic - create a group (community), promote it, and then stimulate participants to take various targeted actions.

Source 4. Banner networks

An old-timer among ways to acquire traffic. This conversion method is most effective for major projects, designed for long terms and a solvent target audience.

Source 5. Posting on forums

A free source of traffic for affiliates.

If you are an active participant in various thematic forums, no one will prohibit you from promoting offers from advertisers on such resources. Another thing is that the conversion rate of this method is unpredictable and in most cases low.

Source comparison table:

4. Where is the best place to drive traffic – TOP 3 main directions

You need to decide on the scheme by which you will earn money. What is preferable for you – payment for an action (registration on an advertiser’s website, filling out an application for services), interest on a sale, or a reward for sending an SMS message?

You may be happy with all three options.

Direction 1. CPA networks

CPA networks are the most popular type of affiliate programs. Working with them involves payment for a specific action - registration, filling out an application for services, downloading any files etc. You will be paid solely for leads. Simple clicks on links don’t count.

There are plenty of CPA networks on the Internet. There are entire catalogs of CPA networks offering arbitrators to choose partners to suit every taste, and offers of any type and cost.

Direction 2. SMS affiliates

Such programs pay their partners a fee for sending by users SMS as confirmation code or a specific word.

According to experienced advertisers, this option is gradually losing its relevance due to the restrictions imposed by mobile operators.

Direction 3. Affiliate sales programs

In this case, you receive a commission from each sale that users make by clicking on your link. Another name for such programs is product affiliate programs . The difference with a CPA is that you only receive money for direct sales, and not for registration or application.

The most generous aggregators are willing to pay advertisers 5% or even 10% of each sale.

A short video about product offers to help you:

Your income directly depends on the attractiveness of the offers, which you have selected. How to find an offer that users cannot refuse?

Expert advice will help you with this.

Tip 2. Pay attention to the simplicity of the offer for your leads.

The best option is when the offer is simple registration, turning an ordinary visitor into a coveted lead. Conversion rates will be lower if there are other useful actions in addition to registration.

Tip 3. Evaluate the quality of landing pages

Don't be a blind guide - if you bring visitors to websites or landing pages, evaluate the quality and convenience of the latter for users.

The simpler and clearer the landing pages and full-fledged websites, the higher the “envelope” (conversion in affiliate slang). A good landing page does not contain redundant information and does not look clumsy or intimidating.

The more conditions for the visitor, the lower the likelihood that he will fulfill them. If he is required to fill out five fields with detailed personal information, it is easier to say “goodbye” than to carefully follow the instructions.

Tip 4. Analyze the duration of the hold

If you forgot what " hold", look at the first section. The smaller the hold, the faster you will get your profit. If an advertiser spends too long figuring out the purity of the traffic you attracted, this is beneficial for him, not disadvantageous for you.

Tip 5. Carefully study advertisers’ traffic requirements

It is imperative to study the requirements of partners for the quality of traffic - depending on these parameters you will set up your advertising campaign. Otherwise, you risk losing your budget if the advertiser is not satisfied with your results.

6. How much can you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Lungs and fast money not in this area. Beginners earn 10-20 thousand rubles per month, and sometimes even less. It is possible that in the first months you will only spend and not receive.