Filezilla installation windows 7 setup. Enabling anonymous access to the server

Most PC users have at least once heard of the FileZilla application, which transmits and receives data via the FTP protocol through a client interface. But few people know that this application has a server counterpart - FileZilla Server. Unlike the regular version, this program implements the process of data transfer via FTP and FTPS protocols on the server side. Let's study the basic settings of the FileZilla Server program. This is especially true given the fact that there is only an English version of this program.

Immediately, after a fairly simple and intuitive installation process for almost any user, a window opens in FileZilla Server in which you need to specify your host (or IP address), port and password. These settings are needed to connect to the administrator’s personal account, and not to access via FTP.

The host and port fields are usually filled in automatically, although you can change the first of these values ​​if you wish. But you will have to come up with the password yourself. Fill in the data and click on the Connect button.

General settings

Now let's move on to the general settings of the program. You can get to the settings section by clicking on the section of the top horizontal menu Edit, and then selecting Setting.

The program setup wizard opens before us. We will immediately be taken to the General Settings section. Here you need to set the port number to which users will connect and specify the maximum number of them. It should be noted that the parameter “0” means an unlimited number of users. If for some reason their number needs to be limited, then enter the appropriate number. The number of threads is set separately. In the “Timeout settings” subsection, you can configure the timeout value until the next connection if there is no response.

In the “Welcome message” section you can enter a welcome message for clients.

The next section “IP bindings” is very important, since this is where the addresses at which the server will be accessible to other persons are entered.

In the “IP Filter” tab, on the contrary, enter the blocked addresses of those users whose connection to the server is undesirable.

In the next section “Passive mode setting” you can enter the operating parameters if you use the passive mode of data transfer via FTP. These settings are quite individual, and it is not recommended to touch them unless absolutely necessary.

The “Security Settings” subsection is responsible for connection security. As a rule, no changes are required here.

In the “Miscellaneous” tab, you can make minor adjustments to the appearance of the interface, such as its collapsibility, and set other minor parameters. It is best to leave these settings unchanged too.

In the “Admin Interface Settings” section, administration access settings are entered. Essentially, these are the same settings that we entered when we first turned on the program. In this tab, if desired, you can change them.

In the “Logging” tab, you can enable the creation of log files. You can also specify their permissible maximum size.

The name of the “Speed ​​Limits” tab speaks for itself. Here, if necessary, the size of the data transfer rate is set, both on the incoming channel and on the outgoing one.

In the “Filetransfer compression” section you can enable compression of files when transferring them. This will help save traffic. You should also indicate the maximum and minimum compression levels.

In the “FTP over TLS settings” section, a secure connection is configured. If it is available, you should immediately indicate the location of the key.

In the last tab from the “Autoban” settings section, you can enable automatic blocking of users if they exceed a pre-specified number of unsuccessful attempts to connect to the server. You should also indicate the period of time the blocking will be in effect. This function aims to prevent hacking of the server or carrying out various attacks on it.

User Access Settings

In order to configure user access to the server, go through the Edit main menu item to the Users section. After this, the user management window opens.

To add a new participant, you need to click on the “ADD” button.

In the window that opens, you need to specify the name of the new user, as well as, if desired, the group to which he belongs. After these settings have been made, click on the “OK” button.

In the next section “Share Folders” we assign which directories the user will have access to. To do this, click on the “ADD” button and select the folders that we consider necessary. In the same section it is possible to set rights for a given user to read, write, delete and change folders and files in specified directories.

In the “Speed ​​Limits” and “IP Filter” tabs, you can set individual speed limits and blocking for a specific user.

After completing all the settings, click on the “OK” button.

Group settings

Now go to the section for editing user group settings.

Here we carry out completely similar settings to those that were performed for individual users. As we remember, a user was assigned to a specific group at the stage of creating his account.

As you can see, despite the apparent complexity, the settings of the FileZilla Server program are not so abstruse. But, of course, for a domestic user, a certain difficulty will be the fact that the interface of this application is completely English. However, if you follow the step-by-step instructions in this review, then users should not have problems setting up the program settings.

Among the most popular programs for organizing network connections using a server in a home or small corporate network is the Filezilla solution. What are the features of its configuration? What should you pay attention to when setting certain options in the corresponding program?

Installing the program

Obviously, before considering how to configure Windows 8.1 or older versions of the OS necessary to ensure the functioning of Filezilla Server, let’s study the features of installing the program in question. The distribution package available to the user must be launched, and then the optimal software installation mode must be selected: standard, full, FTP only, interface only, custom installation.

The standard option involves installing the software in question with the participation of the user in all main stages. The full option is generally similar to the first, but it also involves copying the source code of the solution in question onto a PC. The third scheme involves installing only FTP modules without interfaces for organizing access to it from an administered PC - it becomes possible in this case, for example, from a remote computer. The fourth option, in turn, involves installing only management interfaces - as an option - to gain access to a remote server. You can also use a fifth option - custom installation, where different combinations of options are possible, and the user can choose the optimal ones from the point of view of ensuring the functioning of the network.

In general, experts recommend choosing the first option for installing the program. Then select the directory where you want to install the program. After this, you need to select the installation model, as well as the server launch. There are 3 options here:

Install the server as a service and set it to start when the computer boots;

Install the server as a service and set the program to start manually when the PC boots;

Use simple installation when downloading software manually.

In general, no problems with the functionality of the program in question should appear if you use, for example, the first option. The interface can be launched directly through 3 mechanisms:

Directly when the system boots - for any user;

When the OS starts - for a specific user;

In manual mode.

It will be useful to consider the criteria for choosing a particular interface loading model in more detail.

Installing Filezilla: choosing an interface loading model

This nuance of software installation in question is important primarily from the point of view of protecting server control modules from unauthorized access. Of course, this can be done when installing Filezilla Server, which minimizes the likelihood of unauthorized connections to the network, however, an equally significant aspect of security should be considered the organization of access control directly to the computer on which the software in question is installed.

If the PC is mostly used by one user, then it will probably be possible to select the first option to load interfaces. If several people work on the computer, then the second option for loading interfaces will probably be more optimal. If necessary, you can further enhance the security of using the server by setting up manual loading of interfaces.

After the software in question is installed on the computer, the user will need to set the optimal IP address, as well as the port that is supposed to be used when organizing access to the server. You will also need to set a program administrator password.

Main program interfaces

The Filezilla Server solution, which is configured in several stages, consists of 2 main interfaces.

Firstly, this is the FTP server itself. It functions as an independent system module and cannot be configured through any user interface from an administered PC. If necessary, this module can be found in the list of functioning system services through the OS control panel. Using the appropriate tool that is available in Windows, the FTP server can be started or, conversely, stopped - for example, if, when installing the server, you selected the option in which its interfaces must be started manually. But, as a rule, Filezilla Server (Windows XP, Vista or a more modern version of the OS is not very different in terms of the corresponding function) starts as part of the system service in question automatically, directly when the computer boots.

Secondly, the software in question is represented by an interface that is designed to control the main modules. As soon as it starts, it is connected to modules that perform server functions. In an inactive state, the program management interface window is minimized to the system tray, which is located near the OS clock.

Let us now consider how it is carried out in practice - using the specified interfaces of the Filezilla Server program - to configure the appropriate software.

Setting up Filezilla Server: what to pay attention to?

What would be most useful to pay attention to when setting up the program in question? In some cases, some software functions related to monitoring network processes may be useful.

For example, through the program control panel you can view the contents of the network process log. It records the actions of certain users who connected to the server. This interface also displays a list of specific PCs that are in communication with the server. In this way, you can monitor how network traffic is distributed.

Another feature of Filezilla Server is that setting up the corresponding solution thanks to this function can be optimized in many cases; it is the ability to use solution interfaces from other PCs. To do this, you just need to set the correct settings in the service, which by default blocks server management from third-party computers.

Experts do not recommend making any changes to the Security Settings options in the interfaces of the software in question. The fact is that when making adjustments to these settings, you can accidentally set unnecessary restrictions on incoming as well as outgoing network connections.

Similarly, in the Miscellaneous option, settings are available to users that will not have much significance from the point of view of correctly configuring the server. These include the ban on displaying passwords in interfaces and the size of data transfer buffers. Ensuring the functionality of the network will practically not depend on making changes in the corresponding group of settings. Also, most likely, you will not need to configure the Kerberos GSS protocol through the GSS Settings interface.

Using the Admin Interface Settings interface, the user can set the optimal IP address, as well as the port that will be used to gain access to the server management modules. Please note that Filezilla Server has nothing to do with this option. A different IP address is registered on the router. By using the option in question, you can configure the list of IP addresses from which computers can access the server.

When using the Logging option, the administrator can activate the recording of various operations within network connections in separate files, and also set a limit on the size of these files.

The Speed ​​Limits option can be very useful, through which the administrator can limit the speed of file exchange between the server and the PC that connects to it. In this case, the restriction can be set permanently or on a schedule.

Another remarkable option of the program in question will help save traffic volumes - Filetransfer compression. It is noteworthy that the corresponding function can activate the minimum or maximum degree of file compression. In addition, you can fix IP addresses, for requests from which traffic compression will not be used.

Key Settings

Let's now take a closer look at how the most popular Filezilla Server parameters are set. Setting up the program in question starts from the General Settings page - the software interface in question is written in English. By selecting this option, the user will be able, for example, to change the standard port for connection - by default it is assigned the number 21 - to some other one.

Another setting option is to set the optimal number of users who can connect to the server on which the software in question operates. In addition, the corresponding interfaces allow you to define settings to terminate communication with a PC that cannot correctly connect to the network.

IP Settings

The next notable point of the Filezilla Server program is setting up an FTP server in terms of registering IP addresses. In this case we are talking about using the IP Bindings setting. Using this Filezilla Server option, setting up an FTP server can be done by specifying IP addresses through which other computers will connect to the administered one. The user can configure access to the server for PCs located only within the local network, or in a certain way expand the powers of other computers.

By using the IP Filter setting, you can configure specific IP addresses, as well as a range of certain addresses from which you will not be able to connect to the server, and, if necessary, set certain exceptions.

Passive mode settings

Another notable option in Filezilla Server is the passive mode setting. To do this, the user needs to enable the Passive mode option in the interfaces of the program in question. The corresponding setting thus forms the parameters that are needed to ensure a passive connection to the administered server. In this case, it may be necessary to make adjustments to the corresponding parameters of Filezilla Server - setting up the router. TP Link, for example, and other popular brands of router manufacturers, allow you to enter the necessary parameters into the software of the corresponding device. Of course, it is important that the router supports the firewall and NAT functions to enable many of the necessary options.

Most likely, the user will need to find out the specific IP address assigned by the provider. You can find it out by using the router's software interfaces. This task can be successfully solved regardless of what operating system Filezilla Server is installed on - setting up Windows 7 in terms of gaining access to the corresponding addresses will be carried out in the same way as if it were, for example, Windows 8.1. In practice, in most cases it is necessary to make adjustments to the IP address settings if there are problems connecting certain PCs to the server.

Server security settings

Let's now study how to configure the security of using server connections. In order to optimize the corresponding parameters of Filezilla Server, we will need to configure SSL. It is carried out through the SSL/TLS Settings interface. In this case, it is necessary to activate support for the corresponding protocols. As a rule, in this case it is necessary to record the address of the private key, certificate, and password in the settings.

But it should be noted that such options are used in practice by experienced administrators. In general, there is no need to configure SSL when adjusting the default settings. Server security can also be improved by filtering failed user connections.

Setting up accounts

The next most important group of settings for the software in question is related to the registration of user accounts. In order to create a new account, you must select the Edit menu item, then select the Users option. After this, you will be able to work with user accounts.

In order to add a new account, you must select Add. Then enter and, if necessary, the group to which the computer should belong. After the necessary settings have been made, you will need to set a password for the created account. You can also activate a limit on the number of connections to the server.

Experts recommend, if possible, setting a password for your account in the program in question, although, in principle, you can do without it. Technologically, solving this problem is not difficult, especially considering the versatility of the Filezilla Server solution. Setting up Windows 7 for access from an external network, for example, or setting the necessary options in Windows 8.1, is carried out using the same algorithms.

Setting up folder sharing

Another notable option of the software in question is folder sharing. To do this, the Share Folders module is used. In order to select directories to which access will be organized, you must click the Add button, and then select the desired one on the disk. A list of access rights to a particular directory is also specified. For example, you can regulate operations such as reading, writing, deleting, as well as making changes to files located in a particular directory.

How to ensure that users communicate with the server?

Another important task after the necessary options are set in Filezilla Server is that setting up Windows 7 or a newer OS requires fairly quick access to key interface parameters, which may involve ensuring that users communicate with the administered computer. To do this, you must first find out the server's IP address. To find out, you may need to contact your provider or, again, enter the router settings interface if the network administrator enables it.

Users will also need to transfer logins and passwords to the server, as well as the port number, if it was changed in the manner discussed above.

Sometimes a person needs to exchange large files on the Internet. It is inconvenient to send such files, the size of which exceeds 10 MB, via email, since not all services allow this, so you either have to split the file into parts or archive it to reduce the size to the required size. But what if you need to send more than one file weighing more than 100 MB? Then your FTP server will come in handy. You can do it on a remote computer and upload any files there at high speed through the client. In this article we will look at how to create an FTP server and what the basic setup of an FTP server is.

For what cases do you need your own FTP server?

There are many third-party servers on the Internet. They store various files, and many of these servers are like storage facilities - users download music, movies, games and other files from there. Especially often, such servers are created over a local network so that data can be exchanged without the Internet.

On the other hand, you need your own FTP server so that you can make changes on your computer from a distance.

In addition, installing an FTP server on a local network is a prerequisite for webmasters who want to test their site before launching it on the Internet on a computer.

You may have your own reason why you want to make an FTP server, as well as the method by which you will implement it. But this article will look at a popular way to generate a “home” - you will learn how to set up FTP using the FileZilla program.

How to make an FTP server in FileZilla

FileZilla is a program that comes in both client and server form. You need to download the version of FileZilla server from the Internet. It is better to do this through the official website of the developer, so as not to accidentally download a virus along with the program.

The installation process of the program is very simple. First, open the exe file to launch the installer. In the first installation step, you will need to agree to the license rules. At the next step, select the services that you want to install with FileZilla server, and also determine the installation type. It is recommended to immediately take “Standard”. Then select the folder where the program will be installed. Next comes an important step - you need to choose how the system will install FileZilla server - as a service or a regular program, and whether this application will start when the system is turned on. You can also change the port for the admin console at this step. Just don’t forget to write it down somewhere so you don’t have to reinstall the program later.

The last stage of installation is to define users who can use the FileZilla server program. It is better if you are the only user on the computer - then you will not have to configure access to the program manually. After this, click the “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete.

Now let's look at how to set up FTP. You can create a server for both the local network and the Internet. At the beginning, after starting the program, a pop-up window will appear in front of you. In it you will need to specify the local IP address, port and password for the administrator. In fact, this data is only needed to prevent strangers from accessing your program from a computer. People will not be able to access the admin interface from other PCs.

Next, you need to go to the “Edit” menu and open “Settings”. In the “General” tab you will see the basic settings for the server. You can set the port through which users will connect to the server, specify the maximum number of clients and threads, and limit sessions with timeouts. Now the port matters - to secure your server, it is better to specify a non-standard port. But then you will need to notify users about this. If you do not plan to limit the number of clients in any way, you can leave the “Max. number of user" value "0", that is, no limit.

The advantage of creating a server using FileZilla server is that you can set all the settings using a convenient interface. If you did this somewhere in a Linux environment, then you would have to register all the configurations, which is not very convenient and difficult. For example, in FileZilla you can even customize a welcome message for users. To do this, you just need to go to the “Welcome message” section and write a greeting text for clients. And in a different environment, you would have to write special commands for this.

In the “IP buildings” item you can specify the IP addresses for which the server will be available. If you specify your IP address, the server will only be accessible on the local network for your computer. If you want to work through a server on the Internet, it is not recommended to restrict IP addresses. If you have ill-wishers and you know their IP addresses, you can register them in the “IP Filters” item, which will prohibit entry for the specified IPs (you can specify ranges).

The main difference between setting up a server for a local network and the Internet is that in the second case you will have to somehow coordinate the configurations with the firewall and router. The firewall may start to complain because someone is trying to connect to the computer, and the router may not allow them through the port. In this case, you need to specify the external IP address of the computer in the “Passive mode settings” section in the FileZilla settings. You don’t have to do anything like this for a local network—everything will work right away.

You shouldn’t touch many of the settings inside the FileZilla server program at all. For example, you are unlikely to need to configure the “Security Settings” menu item, which is needed to adjust the server-to-server connection. Also, you don't need to configure "Miscellaneous" and many other menu sections. Do not try to sort out all the program configurations at once, so as not to get confused and create conflict situations in the server due to incorrect settings.

Sooner or later, errors will appear on the server - everyone has them. To quickly calculate them, it is recommended to activate log file recording in the “Logging” menu section. To do this, determine the maximum size for the log file, and also indicate the location for such a document on your computer.

In the “Speed ​​Limits” tab, you can add restrictions for both outgoing and incoming connections in terms of download speed. But you shouldn't do this if there is no need. After all, one of the most basic advantages of the FTP protocol is fast downloading, which will cease to be so if you set restrictions. After you understand the settings, add users through the “Users” menu - and your server can already be used! Just remember to pass the login information to your users. If necessary, you can specify anonymous users without logins. Be sure to specify access rights for users.

FileZilla Server is a server that supports FTP and FTP over SSL/TLS and provides a secure encrypted connection to the server.

FileZilla supports SSL. Your browser supports the same level of encryption to protect your information. When you use SSL, your information is encrypted so that no one can snoop on it, so your privacy is guaranteed. On-the-fly compression is also supported, which speeds up data transfer.
Unfortunately, the data compression option may sometimes not work correctly, so it is recommended to use it with caution. There is a possibility that already compressed files will be transferred larger than the original ones.

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) support is not provided in Filezilla Server.

  • Run exe installer
  • You need to select the admin port and remember it
  • Launch FileZilla Server Interface
  • Enter admin port and administrator password, click ok/connect
  • Create a user profile and/or group with permissions to the home directory.
  • Create another directory and enable alias name display in home directory (/AliasName)
  • Complete installation

Installation on Windows 7 with built-in firewall

After installation, make sure that FileZilla Server is included in the list of allowed programs in the built-in firewall. In Control Panel, open System and Security. In the Windows Firewall section, you need to select "Allowed Programs" in order for the settings window to open. You need to select both Private and Public network for "FileZilla Server" (Not "FileZilla Server Interface". If "FileZilla Server" is not in the list, you need to add "C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server\FileZilla server.exe" accordingly where the client was installed). If you do not select Private Network, the incoming FTP connection will be blocked.

Successful data transfer via FTP requires very precise and meticulous setup. True, in the latest client programs, this process is largely automated. However, the need to make basic settings for the connection still remains. Let's use a detailed example to study how to configure FileZilla, the most popular FTP client today.

In most cases, if your connection is not made through the router’s firewall, and the communication provider or server administrator does not put forward any special conditions for connecting via the FTP protocol, then it is enough to make the appropriate entries in the Site Manager to transfer content.

For these purposes, go to the “File” section of the top menu and select the “Site Manager” item.

You can also go to Site Manager by opening the corresponding icon in the toolbar.

The Site Manager opens before us. To add a connection to the server, click on the “New Site” button.

As you can see, on the right side of the window the fields have become available for editing, and on the left side the name of the new connection appears - “New Site”. However, you can rename it as you want, and how this connection will be more convenient for you to perceive. This parameter will not affect the connection settings in any way.

Next, go to the right side of the Site Manager and begin filling out the settings for the “New Site” account (or whatever you call it differently). In the “Host” column we write down the address in letter form or the IP address of the server with which we are going to connect. This value must be obtained on the server itself from the administration.

We select the file transfer protocol supported by the server to which we are connecting. But, in most cases, we leave this default value “FTP - file transfer protocol”.

In the encryption column, if possible, we also leave the default data - “Use explicit FTP over TLS if available.” This will maximize the protection of your connection from intruders. Only if you have problems connecting via a secure TLS connection, does it make sense to select the “Use regular FTP” option.

The default login type in the program is set to anonymous, but most hosting and servers do not support anonymous connections. Therefore, select either the “Normal” or “Request password” item. It should be noted that if you select the normal login type, you will connect to the server through your account automatically without entering additional data. When you select “Request Password,” you will have to enter the password manually each time. But this method, although less convenient, is more attractive from a security point of view. So it's up to you.

In the following fields “User” and “Password” you enter the login and password issued to you on the server to which you are going to connect. In some cases, you can then change them if you wish by filling out the appropriate form directly on the hosting.

In the remaining tabs of the Site Manager “Advanced”, “Transfer Settings” and “Encoding”, no changes need to be made. All values ​​should remain default, and only in case of any problems in the connection, in accordance with their specific reasons, changes can be made in these tabs.

After we have entered all the settings, to save them, click on the “OK” button.

You can now connect to the appropriate server by going through the site manager to the desired account.

General settings

In addition to the settings for connecting to a specific server, there are general settings in the FileZilla program. By default, they contain the most optimal parameters, so users often never enter this section. But there are individual cases when certain manipulations are still required in the general settings.

In order to get into the general settings manager, go to the “Edit” section of the top menu and select the “Settings...” item.

In the first tab that opens, “Connection,” you enter connection parameters such as the wait time, the maximum number of connection attempts, and the pause between waits.

The “FTP” tab indicates the type of FTP connection: passive or active. The default type is passive. It is more reliable, since with an active connection in the presence of firewalls and non-standard settings on the provider’s side, connection defects are possible.

In the “Transmissions” section, you can configure the number of simultaneous transmissions. In this column you can select a value from 1 to 10, but the default value is 2 connections. Also, if you wish, you can specify a speed limit in this section, although by default it is not limited.

In the “Interface” section you can edit the appearance of the program. This is probably the only section of general settings for which it is permissible to change the default settings, even if the connection occurs correctly. Here you can select one of the four available types of panel layouts, specify the position of the message log, set the program to minimize to tray, and make other changes in the appearance of the application.

The name of the “Language” tab speaks for itself. Here you can select the program interface language. But, since FileZilla automatically detects the language installed in the operating system and selects it by default, in most cases, no additional actions need to be performed in this section.

In the “Edit Files” section, it is possible to assign a program with which you can remotely edit files directly on the server without downloading them.

In the “Updates” tab, you can set the frequency of checking for updates. The default is one week. You can set the “every day” parameter, but given the actual timing of updates, this will be an excessively frequent parameter.

In the “Login” tab, you can enable log file recording and set its maximum size.

The last section, “Debug,” allows you to enable the debug menu. But this feature is only available to very advanced users, so for people who are just getting acquainted with the capabilities of the FileZilla program, it is definitely of no use.

As you can see, in most cases, for the FileZilla program to work correctly, it is enough to make settings only in the Site Manager. By default, the general settings of the program have already been selected to be the most optimal, and it makes sense to interfere with them only if there are any problems with the operation of the application. But even in this case, these settings must be set strictly individually, taking into account the features of the operating system, the requirements of the provider and server, as well as installed antiviruses and firewalls.