How to find the password for Wi-Fi. I forgot my router password, what should I do?

Quite often, many users have questions about where to find the WiFi password on their computer. This may be due to many reasons. And not everyone knows how to do this. Let's try to consider several simple situations when obtaining such information is extremely necessary, and also briefly dwell on some methods that are not entirely legal from a moral point of view, suggesting common decision assigned task.

In what cases do you need to find out the WiFi password on your computer?

First of all, let's look at exactly when it may be necessary to obtain information about the desired combination used as security password to connect to wireless networks. It is quite obvious that you can simply forget the password or not write it down after the first connection setup. If the connection was previously made, here special problems in this case it will not occur. When a connection is set to connect automatically, the computer system will always connect to the network automatically when it detects a signal from the router.

However, sometimes you can find users who try to find a WiFi password on their computer that is used by another person. For example, your neighbors allowed you to use their connection, you forgot to tell them the combination, you yourself went on vacation, you have an urgent need for Internet access, but you cannot reach them by phone. An almost similar situation involves the fact that someone at home simply changed the password, but did not say a word to the household.

Finally, we can also note a group of users who belong to attackers. They quite often crack passwords in order to use someone else's connection to download large amounts of content from the Internet (this is in the best case). But few people know that by calculating the original password combination through a hacked connection, you can sometimes even gain access to someone else's computer. In this situation, the goals of the attackers are clear, and, apparently, they relate to theft of personal information. confidential information other users.

Where can you find the WiFi password for your connection on your computer?

First, let's look at the simplest option, when you simply forgot your combination, but for some reason you need to remember it. Where can I see the WiFi password on my computer? It's simple! First of all, use the network management section in the “Control Panel”, click on the name of your connection and click the “Properties” button wireless network".

In the window that appears, go to the "Security" tab. Here you will see a field with a password, which is presented in the form of dots. Just check the "Show password" box located just below and you will receive original combination.

Viewing the search combination on the router

Now a few words about how to view the WiFi password on your computer using the settings of your router (router or ADSL modem operating in wireless mode). First you need to access the device's web interface. This can be done through any installed web browser. IN address bar you need to enter the combination (1.1) or any other that is indicated on the sticker on the back of the router. Then you will need to enter your login and access password (usually admin is used for both fields). Where can I find the WiFi password on my computer in this case? And there shouldn’t be any special problems here.

Go to the section wireless mode and select the connection protection item. The password will be indicated in the PSK key field. If necessary, you can change it, after which you will have to save the changes and completely reboot the device. When you try to connect again from a computer or mobile device, you will need to enter New Password.

Resetting parameters with setting a new password

If you decide not to waste time searching for a password, or your routing device is not working correctly, the easiest way is to enter the router settings and run full reset settings in the corresponding section.

After restarting the device, you can enter a new combination and save the options.

A little about illegal activities

Now let's briefly look at some actions that are considered somewhat illegal. Typically, password cracking can be done by injecting computer system specialized viruses through an online sniffer (for example, when sending an email to a victim with an attachment, which triggers when opened malicious code, and the attacker obtains the external IP address of someone else’s computer). But it is far from certain that the victim will open such an investment. Therefore, many people use more simple methods, preferring manual password selection or special programs.

Brute force

Brute force refers to the concept brute force. That is, the attacker tries to break through the defense, selecting all sorts of combinations.

It goes without saying that it takes a matter of minutes to calculate passwords like qwerty, 12345678, names or dates of birth. But passwords containing letters, numbers, and Special symbols(for example, “K_*&$08^j)r”), even the most advanced hackers will take a very long time to hack without using specialized software.

Wi-Fi Crack Program

But let's return to the questions regarding how you can find out the WiFi password from your computer if you work on own device, and the connection is not available to you. In this case, according to many experts, the simplest solution is to use a small utility called Wi-Fi Crack. It cannot be classified as a professional hacking tool, but it can be used for simple cases.

A description of all operations performed, based on moral and ethical considerations, is not provided. It is enough to note only that after their execution, the result of an attack on a secure connection through access to special file on someone else's computer, in which the required key is stored, the password will be displayed with the possibility of further use.

MAC Address Scanner app and address change

This software, unlike previous application, can be used on your own computer terminals or laptops if the connection is protected not by a password combination, but by a MAC address.

In this utility, you first need to specify scanning of all available addresses, save the report and select required address. After this, you should change it on your own machine. To do this you need to access the properties active connection, click the settings button and go to the tab additional parameters. Now remains in properties network address write off the one that was calculated by the scanner, save all changes made and completely restart the computer terminal and router to update the binding.


That’s briefly all that can be said about where to find the WiFi password on your computer. As is already clear, there is nothing particularly complicated here when it comes to your connection. But using a specialized software or crude hacking to gain access to other people’s connections and networks, it is better not to engage in it, since this, by and large, if we put aside all the moral aspects of the operations performed, can even be classified as illegal actions. And that is why the hacking methods described above were presented solely for informational purposes without encouraging users to use them in practice.

Hello everybody! Today you will learn how to find out the password on your computer. wifi router your network.

How sad it is when you forget the password for your account: be it social network or Wi-Fi. It's much worse if it's the password to electronic wallet... But in any of these situations there is always a way out. And there is no need to panic. Just read this article and you will understand how to special effort You can find your lost wifi password on your computer.

How to find out the wifi password on your computer or recover it

For you to understand how to find out the wifi password on your computer, you need to do the following actions. To restore forgotten password from Wi-Fi.

So, let's move on to action.

  1. Find the network connection icon in the lower right corner of the desktop and call it context menu(click once right click mice).
  2. In the list that opens, click on “Network and Sharing Center” shared access».
  1. In the window that appears, select “Wireless Network Management”.
  1. In the new window you need to find your connection and right-click on it once. Among the proposed options, click on “Properties”.
  1. Open the “Security” tab and pay attention to the line “Network security key”. Here are the hidden characters. This is your desired password! To see it, you need to check the box “Display entered characters”.

Your task now is not to lose or forget your password. You can write it down in a notepad or create a document with passwords that will be stored on your PC in a place known to you.

If at step 3 you have a hitch due to the lack of time limits for “Managing wireless networks”, then do the following:

  • Click on the connection icon located on the notification panel and you will see a list of networks.
  • Select your network by right-clicking on it. Next, click "Properties".
  • Check the “Display entered characters” checkbox and your forgotten password will appear in front of you.

Here How without much effort you can find out on the computer mine wifi password. If this method does not work, then you need to use the router settings.

Look at your Wi-Fi password in your router settings. For this:

  1. connect the router to your PC using network cable, which comes with the router;
  2. In the address bar of your browser, type the address;
  3. enter your login and password – admin and admin respectively (provided you have not changed them);
  4. open the Wireless tab - Wireless Security;
  5. in the line PSK Password: (PSK Password:) your password for accessing the Wi-Fi network will be indicated. The password may also be located on this page, but on a different line.

Routers Asus display the password on the main page.

If all else fails, then you can use a factory reset on the router. However, in this case, you will need to configure it again yourself (set network connection parameters, network name, etc.). But you will be able to specify your new password and then you will not have to restore the old one.

Now you know several options on how to find out your lost wifi password on your computer. Good luck to everyone, and if you have any questions, please use the comments line.

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

It often happens that the Internet is distributed via a Wi-Fi wireless network, and there is a need to connect a new device to an already working network, be it a computer, laptop or smartphone. Such a “first” connection in most cases requires entering a password, which is specified when basic setup router and protects the network from unauthorized access by third-party users. Since a lot of time often passes between configuring Wi-Fi and connecting a new client, it is not always possible to remember the network password at the right time. What to do if you forgot your Wi-Fi password? The problem, I must say, is solved quite simply, and we will tell you exactly how in this article.

How to see the Wi-Fi password on a computer with Windows 7/10

This method only works if you already have a computer connected to a Wi-Fi network. Moreover, in Windows 7 and Windows 10, the procedure for finding the required password will not be different. So first we need to go to Network and Sharing Center. To do this, right-click on the current connection icon on the taskbar, and then follow the corresponding link (you can also get to the section through the Windows Control Panel).

In the left menu select the item Change adapter settings.

Double-click on the icon and in the window that opens, click on the “Wireless Network Properties” button.

We go to the “Security” tab, where in the “Network security key” field the password we need is hidden. To display it, check the box next to the “Display entered characters” option.

Thus, we were able to view the password for our Wi-Fi through a computer connected to the target wireless network. If for some reason you were unable to determine your password using the above method, then follow the instructions below.

How to find out the Wi-Fi password through the router settings

Since the password from Wi-Fi router is registered in the settings of the router itself, then, of course, you can view it there too. How to go to the configuration page and find required section Let's look at two examples popular models routers: and .

We will connect from a computer connected to the router via cable. To get to the administrative section, enter the IP address in the line of any browser . Then we log in using the username and password (admin and admin by default).

Let's move along the branch Wireless - Wireless Security. The right key will be in the field Wireless password.

As we can see, everything is very simple.

To Settings D-Link router we go in the same way as in the case of TP Link. Next, in the interface, select the section Wi-Fi - Security Settings. Look at the password in the field PSK encryption key.

For routers from other manufacturers, approximately the same scheme works, only the name and location of the Wi-Fi configuration tab differ. If you cannot log into the control panel of the router (forgot your password), then all that remains is to reset its settings to factory settings using special button on the body (usually signed RESET). Then you can log in with standard data, which must be indicated on the router itself. Typically this is admin And admin. Next, simply set new security parameters for the wireless network, and you will no longer need to find out the old Wi-Fi password. However, when you roll back to the factory state, you will have to reconfigure the Internet connection itself.

If the user has forgotten his WiFi password, he will have several options to choose from to recover the access code. You can find out the password in the connection properties using the built-in Windows tools or special software, and also look in the router interface and configuration files mobile phone, if you connected to a wireless network from it.

Viewing using Windows

If at least one PC or laptop is connected to Wi-Fi networks, then finding out the key from her will not be difficult. What to do:

After completing the described steps, the password that you wanted to restore in memory will appear in the “Security Key” field. Some users ask what to do if there is no management option in the Network Sharing Center. If you encounter similar problem, then you can find out the password for Wi-Fi in a slightly different way:

  1. Open the list of available wireless points in the notification area.
  2. Find the network to which the computer is connected (there will be a “Connected” status next to it).
  3. Right-click on the point and go to properties.

The same window will appear as when performing the steps described above. Then the instructions are repeated: go to the security settings and turn on the display of entered characters to view the saved key for establishing a connection to the network.

Moreover, instead of standard tools Windows can use utilities from third party manufacturers type WirelessKeyView. Such software is distributed free of charge, so when downloading you need to be careful not to pick up viruses or advertising applications. Therefore, it is preferable to use system tools or look at the security key in the router interface.

Search in the router interface

Viewing the key in Windows is a cool method, but what to do if there is no computer connected to Wi-Fi? How to recover your password? Here the router interface will come to the rescue, in which the network password is indicated. To open the router interface, you need to find out its address. If you don’t remember it, look at the bottom of the case or use the built-in Windows tools. What do we have to do:

Default gateway = router address. Write it in the address bar of any browser, then press Enter. An authorization window will appear where you must specify your login and password. You can view them in the documentation or on the router case. By default, most models have the admin/admin pair installed. If you haven’t changed anything, then this login/password pair will do.

What to do if you forgot your router password? The easiest way is to reset it to factory state. True, after the reset you need to reconfigure the connection, but you will be taken to the interface using standard authorization data and can set a different password on Wi-Fi. Since you have already entered the router interface, you need to know what to do next. The procedure is quite simple:

You don't need to do anything else, just close the device's web interface. Depending on the router model and firmware version, the names of sections and items may change, but this will not prevent you from finding out the Wi-Fi password and restoring access to the network on other devices.

Using your phone

If you connected to Wi-Fi on a phone running Android OS, you can find out the network password in the configuration files mobile device. To view your password and other information about wireless connection need to be installed on your phone Root application Browser and allow it access to system files.

The file contains information about all Wi-Fi points to which the phone has ever connected. Information about each network begins with the word “network” and ends with priority and closing curly brace. To find out the password, find desired point access and look at the “psk” line.

  1. 1. Let’s figure out how to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password;
  2. 2. Look and change the password for Wi-Fi in the router if you have access to it!;
  3. 3. Find out saved Wi-Fi password on the computer in the properties of the adapter (if you have access to the PC);
We look and change the password for the Wi-Fi network in the router if you have access:
  1. 1. Enter “” in the address bar - the modem login window will open. Instead of login and password, enter "admin".

2. Go to the tab responsible for the WiFi access password and set your password or look at the current one.
In our example, we need a ZTE modem and we need to go to Network - WLAN - Security.

Find out saved WiFi password on the computer.

It happens that some users do automatic connection to WiFi and eventually forget the password to access it. To view this password, do the following:

1. Click Start - Control Panel - View network status and tasks - Manage wireless networks.

2. Right-click on your connection - Status - Properties.

3. Go to the Security tab - check the box next to Display entered characters. In the "Network Security Key" line you will see your current password.