How to set up an email client to work with GMail. Initial setup of Gmail mailbox for convenient work

After creating a Gmail mailbox, it is recommended to understand the settings. To prevent hackers from stealing confidential data, the user needs to check the security settings. In addition, setting up Gmail will help you avoid situations where important correspondence ends up in the spam folder.

Top of page

Here you can see a block for quick access to Google services. When you reply to a posted comment, the user receives a notification. It is displayed as a number in the quick access block. When you click on the icon, the page with the latest comment opens, where you can respond to the interlocutor.

The Google+ button is designed to add notes to the “wall”. Please note that event reports are automatically published on the user page. There is an avatar in the right corner. By clicking on it, you can change information about yourself or go to the main page of the Google+ service.

Checking parameters

To set up Gmail, you need to click on the hexagon icon. A pop-up menu will appear in which you must select an item with the appropriate name. A new page will open. Almost all Gmail inbox settings are self-explanatory by name. The user needs to focus only on those parameters that cause difficulties.

A chain of letters is a grouping of messages that the author receives in response and sends to the same point. To see the entire conversation, just one click is enough. The numbers indicate the number of letters in the chain. Stars are marks in the list next to each message. If the user puts something other than “1 icon” in this section, he will have access to several icon options.

To mark an important message, you need to click on the rectangle to the right of the star. After clicking again, the letter becomes normal. If the user wants to change the color of the icon, then he can add the desired group of stars by dragging the icons with the mouse.

Desktop Alert

This is a short message in the form of a pop-up window. It only appears in the most popular browsers. The user can enable the option to receive notifications via email or Google Talk chat.

In the “Ad selection criteria” section, you should select the advertisement that will be displayed on the service pages. If the user wants to leave a signature in each letter, then he must enable the appropriate option.

An answering machine is used to send a pre-prepared message. Most mail servers correctly display UTF-8 encoding. This setting needs to be changed if the recipient of the letter sees strange symbols instead of letters and numbers.

Section "Shortcuts"

With its help you can configure virtual folders. Near the “show in list” item there is a list of folders (shortcuts). Next to each object two parameters are displayed: “yes” and “no”. By selecting one or another value, the user can configure the visibility of each folder in the left menu.

The “Send emails as” feature allows you to send messages to recipients from other Gmail mailboxes without leaving your account. This option is needed for those who use their account to log into other useful Google services. Here you must specify the name that the recipient of the message will see. When setting up Gmail, the user will notice that the service can regularly retrieve letters from other servers. To enable this option, you need to have at least a superficial understanding of the terms “port” and “network protocol”.

The user can provide access to the account to other people or to himself in the case when he has several accounts in the Gmail service. The “Show in IMAP” setting allows you to enable the display of folders in external email programs.


Importance markers are marks in the list of letters that can be used to highlight important messages. If the user does not need this function, then he simply disables the option.

Accounts and Import Tab

This is where the account password is changed. The user can import letters from the Yandex.Mail service. Setting up Gmail allows you to access messages from Hotmail, and other accounts. To import letters and contacts, just specify the password and address of your old mailbox.

Filters tab

This tool is used to create various rules that ensure that received messages end up in user-selected folders. The service can filter letters. Messages containing obscene language will be sent to the Spam folder.

Forwarding and POP/IMAP

On this page you can configure the export of letters to other email accounts. Access protocols for receiving POP/IMAP messages are used by email applications. When setting up, an account owner who does not use such programs may skip this tab. At the bottom of the page there is a link to detailed instructions for setting up email clients.

Chat tab

This is where all the Google Talk settings are located. The user can select a microphone and video camera, check connected devices, and activate chat.

“Lab” tab

This page contains add-ons to expand the functionality of your mailbox. Google does not guarantee uninterrupted operation of the plugins. Extensions can disappear at any time. Therefore, the user installs plugins at his own risk.

Offline tab

Here you can switch to offline mode. If the browser extension is not yet installed, the service will prompt the user to download the plugin.

Themes tab

This page will be of interest to those who like to experiment with the appearance of their mailbox. The user can install any theme he likes.

Setting up Gmail in Outlook

First, you need to enable POP in an accessible Gmail account. Then click on the “Save changes” button. Then you need to launch Outlook, open the “Tools” section and switch to the “Accounts” tab. After clicking the “Add” button, you must click on the “Next” link. In the “Server Type” line you need to select POP3.

Gmail server settings

Next, the user needs to specify an email address. In the two fields intended for entering information about the server, you should alternately type the phrases and Then you need to specify your account login and password. After clicking on the “Other settings” link, you need to open the “Outgoing mail server” page. This requires you to enable authentication.

Next, check the box next to “Use incoming server settings.” After this, you can switch to the “Advanced” tab. Near the POP3 and SMTP parameters there is an option “Require an encrypted connection (SSL)”. The user needs to enable this option. Next to the SMTP parameter you need to enter the number 465.

After this, you can click on the Ok button. Next, click on the active link “Check account settings.” You'll see a notification that your Gmail setup in Outlook is complete. The user needs to close the message window, click on the “Next” link and click on the “Finish” button. To avoid serious errors when using the utility with Gmail, you can download a program update.

After creating an email account on Gmail, I recommend that you first deal with how to set up gmail and make two important settings in your account. First, you need to control Gmail inbox, so as not to miss important correspondence that may end up in the spam folder. Secondly, pay attention to Gmail security to prevent attackers from obtaining your confidential information. Let's look at these two settings in order.

Gmail Setup #1: Control your Gmail Inbox

The Gmail service has a built-in letter filtering system, which, according to its own rules compiled by the developers of this system, automatically sorts letters and places them either in a folder Inbox, or to a folder Spam(Spam is the mass sending of advertisements by email without the consent of the recipient). A small problem is that sometimes this system can incorrectly recognize letters (after all, this is a “technique”) and place an important letter for the user in the spam folder.

Therefore, in order not to miss important correspondence, I advise you to make a simple setup in your account. When you log into your mailbox, the initial system settings do not display the Spam folder. To check your spam folder you need to click on the additional link 6 more(currently) as shown in the picture. Additional folders will open, including the folder Spam. To be sure you haven't missed an important email, check this folder as well!

If you don't want to constantly click on a link that opens additional folders, you can move the Spam folder to the main folders. To do this, you just need to left-click on the Spam folder and, while holding down the left mouse button, move this folder to the area with the main folders and release the button. All! Now, if any letter ends up in the spam folder, you will see it. The same setting for displaying the Spam folder can be done in another way.

In the upper right corner of your account there is a link to Settings. Going to and then to the tab Shortcuts You can specify for any folder whether to show or hide its display in the main folders.

Now, when you receive letters either in the Inbox or in the Spam folder, you can decide for yourself: this is a normal letter, or it is really spam and you can indicate this. Let's consider a specific case. Let's say you subscribed to my newsletter. While checking your email, you saw that the system automatically placed incoming emails in the spam folder.
To let the system understand that these letters were sent to you because you yourself expressed a desire to receive them, select the checkboxes for these letters and click on the button: Not spam. The next time my mailing list letters arrive, they will be automatically placed in the folder Inbox. In exactly the same way, if in the future you notice in the folder Inbox letters that you did not ask to be sent to you, mark them as Spam so that the system “understands” what to do with such letters in the future.

Gmail Setup #2: Security in Gmail

Now let's move on to the second important setting. Let's pay attention to the security of logging in and out of Gmail. Regarding logging into Gmail, the system's help itself says the following on this issue:

“If you use an insecure internet connection to sign in to Gmail, such as a public wireless hotspot or an unencrypted network, your Google Account may be vulnerable to malicious attacks. Insecure networks make it easier for an attacker to impersonate you and gain full access to your Google Account, including sensitive data it contains, such as bank statements or login information. Because of this, the “Always use HTTPS” option is used as the default setting. HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol that provides secure, authenticated and encrypted communication.”

This option "Use https only" Gmail developers made it the default setting, since it is desirable to use it in most cases:

You can also check what connection you are currently using to Gmail by looking in the address bar of the browser you use to view sites (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.). If a letter is added s, then the connection is secure. Everything is fine! If not, then in the Gmail settings, in the section Are common please indicate: Use https only, as shown in the picture above. And finally, I’ll mention a safe exit. When you finish working with your Gmail account and don’t want anyone else to be able to easily access your mail after you, you need to log out of Gmail correctly.

For example, this happens in cases where you use a public computer on which you are not the only person working. This could be at work, in an Internet cafe, or even just visiting a friend and checking email from his computer. To ensure that no one can access your email after you leave, be SURE to click on the link Go out in the upper right corner of the page, as shown in the picture.

This must be done, because if you simply close the browser tab in which your Gmail or the browser itself is open, without clicking on this link, when you reopen the tab or browser, you can still access your account. And always keep your Gmail account login and password in a safe place! But this is a separate topic for discussion.

So, in this post, we looked at two main settings that I recommend paying attention to when using Gmail. Pay attention to your spam folder so you don't miss important emails, make sure you log in securely using an https connection, and also use a secure logout by clicking on the Log Out link.

Correctly setting up Google Mail will ensure not only ease of use, but also make it more secure, protecting confidential information. To configure, you must first go to your mailbox, enter your username and password. Why do you need to go to the “Settings” section of your mailbox?

Setting up message forwarding

In order to configure the process of sending messages from your mailbox, you must first go to the POP/IMAP section, and then you must enable the IMAP protocol, which is disabled by default, unlike POP. After enabling IMAP, the mailbox user is presented with various additional settings that can be left alone and left as they are, saving the changes made.

Compared to others, setting up Google Mail is very simple, because it has the ability to automatically connect to IMAP; to do this, you need to uncheck the box next to “Configure server settings manually.” As a result of such actions, data is automatically synchronized on the server and mailbox, which will eliminate all differences without user intervention. For example, after disconnecting their Internet connection, users often delete or move their mail. With proper synchronization, after the Internet is turned on again, all changes will be made on the mail server.

Setting up a username and login

When setting up mail, you need to indicate the login used during registration, and after it put, which many users who are faced with the need to set up mail forget to do.

Setting up an email client

In order to use Gmail from Google, you can use not only the existing web version, but also various email clients. For a certain category of users, this is a more convenient option for managing mail. To do this, you need to use the incoming mail server address: You will need to specify the port number in the client settings as 995 and select a secure connection.

Now you need to configure the outgoing mail server, which is done in almost the same way, except that you will need to enter other data. The server name will now be:, and the port can be one of two: 465 and 587. You must select a secure connection TLS or SSL. The same login and password for outgoing and incoming mail servers must be entered, if necessary.

Basic Gmail settings

In order to customize the web version of Google Mail for yourself, you need to go to “Settings” in the upper right corner, after which a window will open in which each parameter will be listed in order.

At the very top you enter your preferred interface language; here you can select any language depending on your region and individual preferences.

The next setting is the country phone code; opposite the parameter you will need to select the country you are in from the list of options presented. The next parameter is to select the page size of the web version of Google Mail; it consists of setting two parameters: the number of chains and contacts located on one page. In the standard version, the values ​​for chains are set to 50, and for contacts 250. The first parameter can be decreased or increased, and the second can only be decreased by 100 or 50.

Next comes setting up the images; you can always receive them or select the “ask permission to display the image” option. In the settings, the user can select the style of text used that is displayed on the page. You can change text parameters such as font, size, color. This makes it possible to choose the most convenient and eye-pleasing option. This setting is very useful for people who have vision problems. They can choose the most readable font and text size.

The Chains option, located in Mail Settings, can be turned on or off. It allows you to group emails received under the same topic. By default, this option is enabled, but you can disable it if desired.

The “Send emails via Google+” option allows you to specify the ability to correspond with people who send you emails. If the letter comes from a user in your circles, then you must make a confirmation to continue. Gmail allows you to send and archive emails. The button for sending and archiving is hidden in standard settings, but you can enable it by selecting the option to show the “Send and Archive” button for messages in the reply.

For chat messages, you can turn desktop notifications on or off. This feature is useful for users who chat using gmail; you can also enable or disable messages about the receipt of important and new emails. In the standard settings, the function is disabled and the mail user does not receive notifications about new letters.

The Large Keys option is very convenient for people with poor vision. By enabling the function, the keys used to work with mail will be larger, so you can use the mail service even without glasses. Button labels can be set as icons or text as you wish.

The Contacts AutoFill option allows the user to choose whether to fill in the Other Contacts group or leave it blank. To ensure that all sent letters are signed, you can enable subscription and write any text for it. By default it is disabled.

If you wish, you can set up an email with an autoresponder, indicating the first and last day of work, the subject and text for the response. One user sending letters receives a response every four days, no more often.

Gmail from Google has a large number of settings, thanks to which each user can tailor the service to suit themselves and make it more convenient to use, as well as speed up work with email.

Internet mail, also called e-mail, has long been a part of everyday life, and many more messages arrive in a virtual mailbox than in a real one.

This type of mail became even more popular as soon as the Internet moved beyond computers and became firmly entrenched in mobile devices. E-mail, compared to SMS, has a number of advantages.

To send each message through the networks of mobile operators, you need to pay the nth amount of money each time, and all that is needed to send letters on the Network is an Internet connection.

Each message sent is absolutely free, and you can add quite large files to it. This function is indispensable for business representatives.

Various services providing e-mail correspondence have also become popular. The leading services in the Russian space include such services as Yandex, Mail and Gmail.

For users of Android smartphones and tablets, these brands have developed their own programs corresponding to the type of mail application. Each of them has its own characteristics, and users do not know exactly how to configure certain applications, and often try to figure out how to install mail on Android.

Before describing the specifics of setting up each of these services, we need to mention general steps.

To get started, you need to download an application from any service to Android. To do this, it is best to contact the developer resources directly. Next, it is installed on the device and launched. This is where the differences begin.

To set up mail on Android you need to do the following:

- First you need to launch it. In some cases, the devices themselves know how to configure, but otherwise you will need to do everything yourself.

— After enabling, you need to either log into an existing mailbox or create a new one, for which you need to go to “Menu”, “Accounts”, “Menu” and click “Add account”.

— Here you enter the name of the new mailbox and the required password. The communication protocol with the server is selected (POP3 is most often used), and you can proceed directly to configuration.

— The user, by opening the appropriate window, will be able to set the parameters according to which messages will be received and sent.

— You also need to make sure that the selected server through which work with the application will pass complies with the protocol, for example, If everything was done correctly, you will be able to download messages from your other mailbox.

Essentially, you should perform the same actions as for applications, replacing only the mailbox domain name from Mail to Yandex. However, in the case of Google’s proprietary application, Gmail, the situation is somewhat different.

Setting up Gmail mail is quite simple

Since the Android operating system itself was created by the same developer. The platform and application match each other as closely as possible, and often the setup is completely automatic.

Otherwise, you need to enable the IMAP protocol in the application settings, which will allow it to work with Outlook Express and Apple Mail and others.

And it will be possible to synchronize actions in different email applications. You can continue the procedure by pressing the Home key and opening the Gmail application.

You can view your accounts by pressing the Your accounts and Next button.

After logging in (or registering), you need to make sure that the settings in the appropriate columns indicate:

  1. server:
  2. port: 993
  3. Security type: SSL (always)
  4. Outgoing mail server:
  5. Port: 465
  6. Security type: SSL (always)

If everything is specified correctly, the application will work like a clock, allowing you to access your mailbox through your mobile device, provided that it is connected to the Internet.

In terms of its functional characteristics, Gmail e-mail is in no way inferior to stationary ones and in some cases even surpasses them in convenience and some other technical capabilities.

Once Gmail has been configured, the mailbox will become accessible from absolutely any device that can access the Internet, so you can forget about such an unpleasant thing as synchronization. Even judging by the reviews of Internet users, Gmail has been firmly holding a leading position among all popular email clients for a long time.


Along with convenience and functionality, the box is distinguished by the presence of one of the most “smart” spam filters, which takes into account the results and conclusions of the Google search engine. The Gmail inbox automatically sorts incoming correspondence according to the settings, taking into account their importance, content and sender's address.

The client can receive and send letters from all your third-party mailboxes, and in such a way that the recipient has no doubt that the letter came from exactly the mailbox where it was sent. Here you can add the most modern Internet protection: invisible protocols, IP warnings, flash access and much more.

How to create a mailbox in Gmail?

Mailbox registration takes place on the website It should be immediately noted that the address has nothing to do with the client, or even with Google, so you should not contact the latter resource in order to avoid problems.

As such, receiving a mailbox address is a kind of bonus when creating an account in Google, and if you follow the link without having it, the settings wizard will immediately offer to correct this misunderstanding.

Create an account

By clicking on the “Create an account” button, you will find yourself on the “Gmail registration” page, where you will need to carefully fill out all the fields in the web form. The enormous popularity of the client makes it almost impossible to register the desired address, but if you show a little imagination, you can get something more or less suitable for you or your business.

For example, you can insert dots in the mailbox name (Gmail login), which means it is acceptable to use domain names and surnames with patronymics, which will probably not be taken. It should be noted that the reliability of the data must correspond to the tasks that this particular mailbox will perform.

Passwords and security

Protection is provided by the https protocol, but no one has yet canceled the human factor, so be careful when choosing a password for the mailbox. A simple combination in the form of a birthday or simple numbers (QWERTY, 123456, 12121990) can cause hacking and, in some cases, theft of funds, because most payment systems work through an email client.

At the next stage of registration, you will be asked to enter an alternative email address or phone number. You should understand that non-existent data or a fictitious number can play a cruel joke on you if you lose access to your Gmail email client in the event of a hack or password change procedure.

Next, you need to fill out the remaining fields and agree to Google’s terms of service. After which you send the data to the server, and you can safely open your Gmail mailbox. Login is carried out using the login you created and password.

Security Settings

The first thing the client settings wizard recommends is to visit the security section. Click on the gear in the upper right corner and select “Set up Gmail email client.” On the very first tab, in the “Connection Security” section, put a beacon in the “Use https only” field. After this, the web interface of the mailbox will switch to an encrypted channel and a secure data exchange protocol, which, given the abundance of hacker attacks, will obviously be useful.

For example, if setting up Gmail and receiving letters was done by a third-party desktop program (through which you collect all correspondence), then the “Access Type” columns should contain the names of the browser or your mobile phone. If you discover a protocol for collecting letters of the POP type, there is reason to be wary and turn to a special page responsible for protecting your correspondence - “Gmail Security Check”. There, step by step, you can control all incoming and outgoing letters along with collection protocols.

If your data is extremely important for you and your business, then logging into your Gmail mailbox can be configured through two-step authentication (password + mobile phone + alternative client). As they say, there is no such thing as too much security, so it is better to take care of it before, and not after, your mailbox is hacked.

Shortcuts and filters

For more thorough sorting of letters, you need to configure the Gmail email client in the “Labels” and “Filters” sections. The latter can fully automatically distribute all letters to various folders (labels), taking into account the signs of incoming correspondence established by users.

A shortcut is close in functionality to the already familiar concept of “folder”, but has several additional properties. By default, the client already has pre-installed shortcuts and folders located on the left side of the screen, but the user is free to customize them to suit his desires and needs.

After you have selected the “Gmail Setup” menu item, you can go to the “Labels” section and use simple “Yes” and “No” markers to customize the appearance of incoming correspondence.

The section allows you to create new shortcuts, delete old ones, assign them a degree of importance, and change the way they are displayed in the client.

Generally speaking, you can customize your mailbox and organize all your existing letters, as if it were information on your hard drive - the principle is the same: folders - files, shortcuts - folders. Correctly setting up Gmail mail and filters will allow you to automatically distribute all incoming and outgoing correspondence according to the specified parameters, eliminating the routine that competing email clients do not lack.

Importing contacts and letters from third-party mailboxes

After “moving” to Gmail, you will probably still have a ton of contacts and tons of emails in third-party clients. They are transferred to Gmail automatically after completing the necessary settings.

The client also allows you to receive at your address all letters that arrive at other mailboxes and send them without changing the old outgoing address.

Import settings

All settings can be made on the “Accounts and Import” tab. In the “Import mail and contacts” section, you need to click on the “Import mail and contacts” link, and then follow the instructions of the wizard. You will need the old email address itself and a password for it so that Gmail can accept correspondence into its client. While working with the settings wizard, you can choose what exactly you want to import by placing the required checkbox in the selection menu.

You can leave the rest of the mail client settings alone and leave everything as it is, by default. They are responsible for the appearance of the mailbox, language packs, page display mode, hotkeys, response templates, etc.