How to disable AdBlock in a browser (Chrome, Yandex, Firefox, Opera)? And why AdBlock is bad. “Adblock” extension: how to disable it in Yandex.Browser, Opera and Google Chrome

As you probably know, adBlock is the most popular ad blocker. This is an extension that is installed in the browser. The essence of this program is to block pop-up windows, banners, and any elements on the site that it perceives as advertising materials. In addition, it prevents advertising materials from being displayed in search engine results. The purpose of the extension is to protect the user from annoying advertising.

But if it blocks ads so well and seems to be beneficial, why do we recommend turning it off?

Five arguments to disable adBlock.

Increases RAM consumption

This extension really likes to additionally load RAM. After installation, the system allocates about 150-170 megabytes only for its operation. This memory is spent processing scripts from blocker filters.

In addition, those elements that adBlock cannot block using filters, it has to hide from display. Extension loads large table styles in each site frame (frames allow you to divide the site content into sections, such as a menu area, site navigation, news blocks, etc.).

For this operation, the system allocates an additional 4 megabytes for processing for each frame. Some web pages have a lot of frames, so the volume consumed random access memory can double in size.

Let's compare the RAM load with and without a blocker.

With AdBlock Without AdBlock

As can be seen from the example, in addition to the fact that the extension itself consumes RAM. Also, each tab grew by an average of 30 megabytes.

So if you install adBlock on a computer that has little RAM, the blocker can greatly slow it down. And it will be difficult to simultaneously use a browser and a resource-intensive application such as Photoshop.

Reduces page loading speed.

Due to the fact that the blocker has to process each section of the site before the browser shows it, the loading time of the site page increases. And accordingly, the more frames and more advertising there are on the site, the longer the browser tabs will load. If after adBlock installations Site pages have taken a noticeably long time to load, just disable it and reload the page.

Blocks useful advertising - discounts, promotions, gifts.

adBlock does not know how to distinguish useful advertising from annoying ones. He blocks everything advertising blocks. For example, Peter makes a purchase on the site, and a window does not pop up telling him that if he had registered or subscribed to the newsletter, he would have received a 20% discount. He simply won’t see this information, since the extension won’t let it through. There can be many such examples. Therefore, when searching for any product or service, it is better to disable adBlock so as not to miss a good offer.

Can block interface elements along with advertising

The extension can hide not only advertisements, but sometimes it can block site interface elements. For example, pictures, icons, or other function buttons. Because of this, the site is inconvenient to use. To avoid this, disable adBlock and reload the page.

Does not allow authors of useful content to earn money

Authors' main income useful content The advertising they place on websites is banner or contextual advertising. In most cases, it is this income that helps authors support their project and produce useful content - pay for hosting where the site is located, pay for a domain name, pay for the Internet and other operating expenses. adBlock hides advertising from site visitors, fewer users click on advertising links, and the site that attracts traffic incurs losses.

If the content is really high quality, then why not support the author? In addition, as a rule, competent owners will not clutter their website with a bunch of banners and contextual advertising. For such authors, advertising usually looks organic.

AdBlock Without AdBlock

How to disable adBlock in the browser.

For Chrome

For Yandex.Browser

For Mozilla FireFox browser

For Opera browser

And remember, content doesn’t happen on its own. In order for publishers to write it and search engines to look for it, advertising is needed. This is the “fuel” of this entire process. By installing an adblock, you force good publishers to switch to bad content and invent all sorts of things. unpleasant ways bypassing blocking or hiding content (try, for example, going to overclockers with adblock :)

I agree that some site owners go too far and post so many advertisements that it hurts the eyes. But 1. you can always leave this site and go to another, 2. Very soon Chrome itself will block ads on sites where there are too many of them, 3. Search engines They are already identifying those guys who have a lot of advertising and it is of poor quality, and they are ranked worse.

So turn off adblock and let's live together!

Also on the site:

How to disable AdBlock in a browser (Chrome, Yandex, Firefox, Opera)? And why AdBlock is bad. updated: February 22, 2018 by: Denis

They are called plugins software modules, which connect to the main program and in this way complement it and expand its capabilities.

Working with the Opera browser is made more comfortable by plugins, which are offered for free and for free on the software developer’s website.

The AdBlock plugin is convenient and useful extension for Opera users who want to get rid of the ubiquitous advertising present on most interesting sites.

After installing and activating the AdBlock extension, all advertising on websites, including various banners, is blocked. The user does not see it. If the user wants to return the browser to original state, then AdBlock can be easily disabled in Opera.

It is important to know! Already when you download the browser itself, it is installed with it big number extensions, standard plugins. Additional features You can provide the browser yourself by downloading the necessary plugins. It is important to install these extensions only from those information resources, which are reliable and checked for viruses.

It is worth mentioning that each installed plugin increases the browser loading time by about one tenth. If you have too many extensions, your browser will slow down.

How to disable AdBlock

In the event that this extension becomes unnecessary or the user simply stops using it, the plugin can be easily disabled or deactivated. Let's take a closer look at how you can disable AdBlock in Opera.

To turn it off, just do a few steps: simple actions:

  • launch the browser;
  • in the left top corner see and click the “Opera menu” option;
  • Select “Extensions” in the drop-down menu;
  • in the window that opens, select “Manage extensions”;
  • find among the list installed plugins AdBlock and click on “Disable”.

The manipulations performed can only disable the program, but it is saved in the lists of installed extensions and still affects the loading speed of the browser.

Complete removal. If the user decides to disable the Adblock plugin on the computer completely, then next to it you need to click the “Delete” button.

The program will be uninstalled, and at the same time the add-on icon will disappear from the toolbar.

But is it worth removing AdBlock from your computer completely? After all, working with some Internet pages is simply unbearable with an abundance of advertising, and the extension in this case gives the user many clear advantages. It is much more logical to disable the plugin only on some specific sites.

Selective shutdown. To disable the Adblock extension when visiting specific selected sites, there are several ways. Let's first consider one of them, in which the selected resource is added to the plugin's white list and advertising with banners is removed only on other sites.

1st method. Sequencing:

  • Having opened the Opera menu, select the “Add-ons” option in it, and in the new drop-down menu “Settings”;
  • look for the “Stop blocking” option here;
  • in the command window we enter the address of the resource on which the extension should not operate;
  • Opposite the address line, click the “OK” button.

Checking the effect of changes in the extension's operation is logical and simple. You need to go to a site that is whitelisted and look at the AdBlock icon. If it's burning green, it means the shutdown is blocked, it works. On all other sites it will be turned off automatically.

If you want to unblock the plugin on some separate element a whitelisted site, you just need to click on it right click mice. A context menu will immediately appear, where you should select “Disable”

2nd method. When starting the browser, you need to perform several steps in sequence:

  • go to a site that is whitelisted by the plugin;
  • right-click on the AdBlock icon;
  • V context menu select the option “Do not run on this page”;
  • wait for the message that the plugin on the page is disabled and click “Exclude”.

Every day programmers create new extensions that make browsers more convenient and comfortable. It is almost impossible to consider them all - it will take a lot of time, and there is no point in it. It is enough to know well the properties of the extensions that a person uses and be able to manage them.

Works with the AdBlock plugin for Opera great amount Internet users. By hiding advertising stories, it allows you to significantly save time on finding useful information. And, nevertheless, if the plugin is not needed for work, it should be disabled or deleted - after all, it slows down the browser. The above describes in detail how this can be done.

Adblock helps make web pages cleaner. It turns out that sites without advertising are much more convenient to use. After all, advertising distracts from the most important thing and prevents you from searching for the necessary information.

The user has the right to disable the extension himself if he wishes, so let’s look at how to disable Adblock in the Yandex browser, one of the most popular, by the way.

Shutdown for a specific page

The following method will help disable Adblock only for certain pages. Please note that you will have to stop the extension for each page or domain individually, so this method is ineffective if you want the program not to work at all for now. In the latter case, continue to the next section of the article about completely disabling.

1.On the top right side of the screen, find the red add-on icon and click on it. A small window with a menu will appear.

2. Select one of the options:

  • Do not run on this page. If you click on this item, the advertisement will disappear on all pages except this one.
  • Do not run on pages of this domain. Ads will also not be blocked on derived pages of the web resource. However, this does not mean that the program will stop filtering ads on other sites.

If you want to temporarily disable Adblock, click on the "Suspend" button.

Reload the page for the changes to take effect. To make AdBlock work again in Yandex Browser, call up the same menu and click on “Resume AdBlock”.

Complete shutdown

You can completely disable the Adblock extension for Yandex Browser only through the settings.
1.Call the browser menu and click on the “Add-ons” item.

2.Scroll the tab to Adguard or Adblock.

3.Move to the “Off” position.

4.If you are sure that you will not use this extension again, you can simply remove it. Click on the cross on the right or expand extra menu, clicking on the “More details” link and then click on the “Delete” button.

Disable on phone

Turn off the blocker on mobile devices possible at any time. To do this, it is enough to return Wi-Fi settings to the default state. The disadvantage of this method is that when you turn the plugin back on, you will need to configure the network again manually. Setting up the Adblock program on your phone is described in detail. It is better to disable the extension only in extreme situations, for example, when the device starts to freeze.

You have the right to refuse the Adblock extension, which disables advertising, without a twinge of conscience, if you are satisfied with ads on sites or you are used to not paying attention to it. It doesn't take long to turn off. You can also temporarily pause the add-on or turn it off for certain sites.