How to correctly turn a sheet of paper in Word: change the page orientation. How to turn a sheet of paper in Word

After reading this article, you will learn how to rotate only one sheet out of all Word.

Suppose you are writing an essay or coursework or dissertation, and you have wide tables with many columns that do not fit into the standard A-4 book format, and you need to expand one or more sheets in the middle of the work, that is, make as many sheets as landscape format so that a wide table, or picture or graph is included. How to do this, read on...


  1. Place the cursor on the sheet that needs to be expanded.
  2. Open the “Page Layout” tab in Word 2010

Page Layout tab

3. Then open “Insert page and section breaks”

4. Select the “Page Breaks? Next Page” tab

Page Breaks - Next Page

  1. Click “Orientation? Landscape”

Orientation - Landscape

And the entire sheet unfolds, becoming landscape.

"Orientation - Book"

And the sheet becomes standard A-4 format.

Microsoft Office. Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365

Working in the word processor "Word" - formatting not only text, but also all pages. You can change the layout of a sheet in Word using standard program functions.

How to turn a page in Microsoft Word 2010

You can apply styles to a file created in Word and create unique formatting. A word processor can save time when creating any type of document.

Standard document page format

By default, the program is set to portrait document orientation - the page is turned vertically towards the user. Most files are formatted on book pages: reports, coursework and dissertations, abstracts, reports, books and others.
Sometimes, in order to place a table or three-dimensional picture, a page is made in landscape orientation. Changing the position of the sheet is available in the Word program. Landscape orientation accommodates large illustrations and diagrams.

Let's look at how to flip a sheet in Word and how to make one sheet landscape in a word processor.

The easiest and fastest way to make landscape orientation in the program

Let's consider the process of changing the position using the example of Word 2013, a common updated word processor. To make a landscape view in Word, follow the instructions:

  • Find the tab for page layout on the toolbar;
  • the change occurs by clicking on the drop-down list in the “Orientation” field. Select the landscape version of the page. After completing this action, everything in the open file will become landscape;
Fig 1. In the orientation field, select portrait or landscape

You can also set landscape orientation in Word using the Page Options window. Click on the settings icon as shown in the image below:

Fig 2. Second method of change, through the parameters window

A window will open for detailed editing of the open file format.

Fig 3. Editing the format in the page settings

The following sheet parameters can be changed in the window: position of pages, difference in headers and footers, width and height of margins, beginning and end of sections and paper size. To flip a sheet horizontally in Word, select landscape orientation.

In the lesson " How to turn a page in Word 2007» we will learn how to turn pages in a popular text editing program - Microsoft Word 2007. The lesson will discuss options turning all pages in a document and turning one page without changing the orientation of the others.

Our task: learn to turn pages in the program (change page orientation between portrait and landscape).

What do we need: Installed Microsoft Word 2007 and the necessary document in which we will change the orientation of the pages.

What are the solutions?: Change the orientation of one page in an entire document, and change the orientation of pages in an entire document.

In this lesson, let’s agree that instead of the expression “turning the page,” we will use the more competent expression “changing the page orientation.”

Let's assume we have a document in which we will perform manipulations:

Fig 1. Microsoft Word file in a folder

We open our document by double-clicking with the left mouse button, we will see a program window in which the contents of the file will open:

Fig 2. Document contents

Let's look at options for changing page orientation.

Change the orientation of all pages in a document

We need to make sure that all pages in the document are not in portrait orientation but in landscape orientation. In this case, everything is simple: At the top of the program there is an area with tabs “ home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links" etc.

Click on the tab " Page layout» left mouse button and in the field « Page settings" looking for the item " Orientation»:

Fig 3. Location of the “Orientation” menu

Left-click on the menu item “ Orientation", after that we will see a pop-up window with orientation options. Click on the option “ Landscape»:

Fig 4. Options for changing the orientation of pages in a document

After clicking on orientation " Landscape"The pages in our document will change their position and become in landscape orientation. In this case, we have changed the orientation for all pages in the document, but if we need to change the orientation of only one page in the middle of the document... There is a solution to this problem.

Change the orientation of one page in a document

In this case, we need to change the orientation of only one or several pages in the document; the orientation of the remaining pages must remain the same. In this way we will change the orientation of individual pages in Word and maintain the sequential numbering of the pages.

Let's assume that we need " turn over"Only the third page in Word. To do this, open our document (document.docx) and place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the first character on the third page:

Fig 5. Required page for changing orientation

At the top of the program we see an area with tabs “ home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links" etc. Find the tab " Page layout", click on it with the left mouse button, after which we see its contents:

Fig 6. Open the “Page Layout” tab

In order for us to succeed “turn” one page in a Word document, we need to indicate to the program about the “section break”. To do this, in the “Page Layout” tab, find the item “ Breaks" and click once with the left mouse button, after which a pop-up window will appear. In this window we find the item “ Next page"and click on it once with the left mouse button:

Fig 7. Contents of the “Breaks” tab of Microsoft Word 2007

After clicking on the item " Next page"The program will perform the necessary actions almost instantly. Our document is divided into 2 sections, now we can perform a “page spread” in landscape orientation. To do this, click at the beginning of the first character of the third page, as we did earlier in the “ tab Page layout"(located at the top of the WORD program) click on the item " Orientation" and in the pop-up window, left-click on " Landscape»:

Fig 8. Changing the page orientation to “Landscape”

After these operations, the program will change the orientation of all pages (starting from the third) located after our third page, i.e. 4, 5, 6 and other pages.

If we need landscape orientation to be only for one, the third page of the document. To do this, go to the end of the third page and place the cursor after the last character on the page:

Now we perform the familiar actions with a section break. To do this, in the tab " Page layout"click on the item " Breaks" and in the pop-up menu select " Next page»:

Now we have achieved the required goal: changing the orientation of only one page in a WORD document:

Fig 13. Landscape and portrait page orientation in WORD

As a result, all pages in our document except the third are located in portrait orientation, and the third page is located in landscape orientation. If we also need to selectively change the orientations of other pages, then the above operation must be repeated the appropriate number of times.

By default, in Microsoft Word, all sheets have a portrait orientation, that is, they are arranged vertically, but sometimes it becomes necessary to flip them so that they take on a landscape view. In this article we will talk about how to make a landscape sheet in Word, released in 2007. We will tell you how to perform these manipulations with all sheets at the same time and with each one separately.

We turn over the sheets of the entire document

Before talking about horizontally, it is worth saying that the instructions will be common to all versions of the program, and Word 2007 will serve as an example. In some versions, the location of some interface elements, their display and name may change, but the principle is the same for all.

So, now you will learn how to flip sheets horizontally in Word. Please note that after following these instructions, all sheets in the document will turn over. If you need to turn over only one or a few, then proceed directly to the next method.

To turn over all sheets in Word, you need to:

  1. In the open document of the program, move to the “Page Layout” tab (in later versions this tab is called “Layout”).
  2. Click the "Orientation" button.
  3. In the drop-down list, select the required orientation: in this case, “Landscape”.

As you can see, after completing all the instructions in your document, all pages will change orientation to landscape. To return everything to the way it was, you need to do all the steps again, only in the last one select the “Portrait” orientation.

Turning one sheet of paper over in a document

You already know how to flip sheets horizontally in Word, but sometimes you need to change the orientation of only one or several sheets. In this case, the previous method is no longer suitable, but you can use what will be demonstrated now.

So, to change the location of some pages in Word, follow the following instructions:

  1. First, you need to select the part of the text that you want to move to the landscape sheet. However, please note that after moving it, the text will be on a separate page. If that's what you were thinking, then continue.
  2. Go to the Page Layout (Layout) page.
  3. Click on the "Margins" icon in the "Page Setup" tool group.
  4. In the list that appears, select "Custom Fields" located at the very bottom.
  5. In the window that appears, change the orientation of the sheet, this option is located in the "Orientation" area.
  6. In the "Apply" drop-down list located at the very bottom of the window, select the "To selected text" line.
  7. Click "OK".

After completing this rather extensive instruction, move the selected text to new sheets in landscape orientation.


Now you know how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. As you can see, both instructions are quite easy to use and do not require deep knowledge. And following the attached instructions, any user can create a landscape sheet in Word.

Microsoft Word seems to be one of the most popular text editors, which, due to its versatility, has become widespread. By default, it uses the “portrait page” orientation method rather than landscape orientation, which is not always convenient. In a number of situations, users are interested in how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word.

After all, quite often, you need to make a landscape sheet in Word, since the document format requires horizontal positioning of the sheet. It is also called Landscape orientation. Since the need to make a landscape page in Word seems to be one of the most popular functions, we will look at how to flip a sheet in Word in different versions of the program in more detail.

How to flip a sheet in Word 2016

First of all, it is worth noting that the user has the opportunity to either rotate 1 sheet in Word or perform this procedure for all pages of the document. The second option is much simpler, as it literally takes a couple of mouse clicks, while making a single landscape sheet is somewhat more difficult.

In order to rotate all sheets in Word, you should follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Find the Page Layout category at the top of the window, which contains all the parameters we need;
  2. Click on the Orientation item, which will open for the user two options for positioning the sheet;
  3. Change the standard orientation to landscape, which will change the position of all sheets in the document.

IMPORTANT! Such manipulations are extremely simple, but they do not allow you to make one page landscape. Therefore, we recommend sticking to a more complex but functional algorithm in cases where the user needs to change the orientation of only one sheet.

This method is somewhat more complicated and involves placing the boundaries (breaks) of the section, which is why it takes a little more time. To make ONE landscape page in Microsoft Word, you need to:

  1. Open the Home tab and select a category with an icon that resembles an inverted P;
  2. Since you only need to turn one sheet, you need to place breaks at the beginning and end of the page. You can do this by using the Page Layout tool, selecting the Breaks category and clicking on Next Page;
  3. Once both sheet borders have been set, you will need to follow a similar procedure to when you wanted to flip all the sheets in a Word document.

This operation allows you to quite successfully make a sheet horizontally in Word by changing the orientation of the sheet and, as a result, a finished landscape page. If this could not be done, most likely an error was made when delimiting the page.

How to rotate a page in Word 2010

If you need to flip a sheet in Word 2010 or all pages of a document, you will have to follow the procedure described above. The fact is that this function has not undergone major changes and starting from version 2007 and higher, to turn a page horizontally in Word you will need to perform the same steps. As a rule, the difference lies only in the appearance of the panel and design details, while the algorithm itself remains unchanged.

This release generally seems to be borderline, since the horizontal position of the page here changes in the same way as in later versions of this office suite.

How to rotate a page in Word 2007

As we wrote earlier, it is possible to rotate one sheet in Word 2007 using the standard method, but to change the entire document, you will need to perform a number of other manipulations. First of all, you need to find Page Setup at the top of the window and click on the arrow icon.

After this, you need to open the Margins tab and select the page orientation at the bottom of the window. By default, the user is set to portrait orientation, which will need to be changed to landscape to achieve the desired result. The horizontal orientation changes to portrait in a similar way, allowing you to experiment with different orientation styles. Thus, it will not be difficult to expand a page horizontally in Word.

How to flip a sheet in Word 2003

This release of Word is perhaps one of the oldest and is rarely used by users. However, we will look at how to make the page position vertical.

ADVICE! If you need to change the entire document, just use the instructions for the 2007 edition of Office.

However, if the user needs to rotate one sheet in Word 2003 horizontally, he will need to select the desired part of the text, then go to the Orientation menu, change to Landscape and apply the changes to the selected text. Thus, making a landscape page in Word 2003 is not difficult. A similar method is used in earlier versions, which allows Word to flip a sheet horizontally even if there have been no program updates for many years.

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