How to remove unnecessary objects from photos! Removing unnecessary objects from photos.

There are times when the shot turned out to be incredibly cool, but some objects get in the way: passers-by, cars, wires, birds and other random objects. In this article we will tell you how to remove an object from a photo on your phone in a matter of seconds!


If you don't know how to remove from a photo extra items online and free, then use the application Snapseed. This is the most easy option of all those presented. You can download it absolutely free of charge in the official AppStore and Google Play stores.

How to remove an unnecessary item from a photo:

  1. Open the Snapseed app.
  2. Click Tools-Spot Correction.
  3. Zoom in with your fingers.
  4. Gently tap on the screen to remove an object or item from a photo in Snapseed.


The second application that removes objects from photos is called Facetune. The program is paid, but is often on discount in the AppStore (for only 15 rubles). If you don't want to buy the app, you can use free analogue Facetune 2. It has exactly the same function.

How to remove an item from a photo on iPhone and Android:

  1. Open Facetune.
  2. At the bottom go to the item "Patch".
  3. Click on the item you want to remove. 2 circles will appear. The first is the area of ​​the object, and the second is a circle with the surface on which the first part can be replaced. The circles can be moved in any direction, choosing the best option.
  4. Process the photo using precise movements and save it to the Gallery.

Touch Retouch is a program that removes objects from photos in minutes. But it is paid, it costs 149 rubles (price for 2018).

Photoshop Fix

The app will help you remove unnecessary items or people from photos on your phone. Photoshop Fix. It is absolutely free to download in official stores.

How to remove an item from a photo through the application:

  1. Open Photoshop application Fix.
  2. Register or log in via Facebook or Google Play.
  3. Open the desired photo.
  4. IN bottom menu click on the patch icon "Recovery".
  5. This program has Spot restoration, There is Stamp, Patch, Red eye effect And Eraser, which restores if you don’t like something.
  6. To process it, it is best to zoom in on the photo by touching it with your fingers.
  7. If you selected the item "Stamp", then first you need to click on the surface next to the unnecessary item and put a mark (circle), but where it is not there. It is by cloning this area that we will remove the object from the photo.
  8. Touch your finger to the element you want to remove from the photo and carefully erase it step by step.
  9. Save photo to Gallery!


AND latest program, which removes unnecessary objects from a photo, is called Union. The application is paid and costs 379 rubles (price for 2019).

How to remove an object from a photo in a photo editor:

  1. Open application Union.
  2. For Background Upload the snapshot you want to make changes to.
  3. For Foreground upload a clean photo where there are no foreign objects: wires, cars, people, etc.
  4. To ensure that the layers lay evenly on top of each other, you can remove a little intensity and then return it back.
  5. Click on Mask And Eraser Carefully wipe off the entire layer.
  6. Next, tap on the brush and paint over all unnecessary space.
  7. If you need to repeat the layer mask, you need to click on Flatten and add a photo to Foreground.
  8. Save the image to the Gallery.

Be the most stylish! Use super effects.

For example like this. The first photo shows an unnecessary empty basket. On the second I removed it.

For a long time we used the wonderful website Webinpaint, in which such objects were removed easily and quickly, in three clicks. I had a lesson on this site, delivered in 2010, which . During this time, the lesson spread very far, and many people used it. But now THE SITE HAS BEEN MADE PAID, and I receive a lot of questions and requests to find something similar.
Alas, everything in our world is becoming more expensive, and all such sites are now paid. Therefore, for everyone who does not know how to use Photoshop, I will show you how to remove an unnecessary object in a photo using photoshop - online online Pixlr, simply called EDITOR

If you just want to remove an object on a colored background, you can do this using the BRUSH tool. For example, let’s take this picture. And we’ll take a month away from it.

Since here the object is on a uniform, blue background, we take the BRUSH tool.

And we select a color to paint over the unnecessary object.
1- open the color selection.
2.- Click the brush in the place which color we need to paint the object. THE PROGRAM WILL SELECT THE COLOR ITSELF.
3.- Confirm the color choice.

Now select the brush size and paint the object with it. In the color selection window the one we need is lit.

Now we just paint over the unnecessary object. That's all.

ATTENTION. This is the easiest option for removing an object, since it only requires ONE color. If the unnecessary object is located on several colors, then you need to SELECT THE COLOR each time. Although this is not difficult, since it is selected automatically. But it's pretty boring.

But if an object we don’t need is located on grass, sand, a forest background, etc., then simple selection There's nothing you can do about color here. Then we start using the STAMP tool.
Let's take a picture from the previous lesson. And we also remove the Christmas tree in the foreground.

We go to the site in Editor., and upload the image.

ATTENTION. If you insert a picture from the Internet, then after inserting its address, a download sign will appear. Just wait until the picture loads, the sign will remove itself.
Select the STAMP tool, its size and shape.

Let's get to work. Take the Stamp tool and, holding down the Ctrl key, select the cloning source by simply clicking on it (it should be next to the object to be removed; this is essentially what we will use to sketch this object):

ATTENTION! Please note that the copy point moves along with the stamp tool, that is, periodically, if the pattern does not match, you need to set new point copy using the Ctrl key.
In our example, the top of the Christmas tree is against the background of red Christmas trees. Having set the copy point, I painted the top red. Next came the yellow grass, and I again set the copy point, holding down the Ctrl key, select the cloning source - GRASS.

And I go to the bottom part, where there is green grass, and also set the copy point, holding down the Ctrl key, select the cloning source - GREEN GRASS

And I clean up the most bottom part Christmas trees. That's all.

Believe me, this is done much faster than I describe. Hold down the Ctrl key, click, paint over the desired part, click again with the Ctrl key, and paint over again. Everything is pretty fast.

Restoring the lost texture. As you may have noticed, when sketching the Christmas tree, below, the grass was slightly damaged, so I suggest restoring it also using the Stamp tool. Select a clone source with good texture and using the stamp brush big size, preferably a square one, sketch a place with a broken texture.

If everything suits us, then we save our photo. Click FILE - SAVE, or click on the cross in the right corner. We write the name of our image, select the format and click on “Yes”

This is what we got, with the texture already adjusted a little.

So pretty quickly, you can remove everything without necessary objects from your photographs. Don’t be afraid to ruin something, you can always undo your actions, or paint over it again. Try boldly and you will succeed!

In this lesson you will learn how to remove unnecessary objects from a photo, such as objects or people who accidentally got into the frame. This could be some spot, an inscription, random people, or even the entire background of the photo as a whole. You will quickly see that committing such simple operations a minimum amount of time is required.

As an example, I took a photograph of nature. In the photo above, two objects caught in the frame are clearly visible (Figure 1).

Picture 1.

To eliminate unnecessary details, I enlarge the image to 100% using the tool: Magnifier or moving Navigator up to 100%. Then I select the tool: Lasso on the toolbar, it’s him, not Straight-line lasso or Magnetic lasso. Using these tools I draw an area around two objects in the sky (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

In my case I'm not afraid to take over more sky, because it is almost homogeneous. Now I press the key: Delete. A dialog box appears (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

In it I select the color with which the selected area will be filled. I select the item: Content-aware. It is in this case that the program will try to virtually continue the existing background. And I press OK. Next I go to the panel: Select-Deselect. The photo is ready. Unnecessary parts have been eliminated (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Now you know how to remove unnecessary objects from a photo in Photoshop And this action takes little time.

We remove the hawk from the photo.

But in some cases it is necessary to remove much larger objects. For this example I used a photo of mountains. In this photograph, a hawk is soaring high in the sky (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Delete extra object(V in this case hawk) will not be difficult at all. As in the first case, I enlarge the image as much as possible. On the toolbar I select: Straight-line lasso and circle the bird, staying as close to its outline as possible (Figure 6).

Figure 6.

Next I press the key: Delete, in the window that appears I select: Content-aware and press OK. On the panel at the top I select: Select-Deselect(Figure 7). Like this in a simple way, you can remove unnecessary (unnecessary) objects in images.

Figure 7.

We delete the text inscription.

Now let's complicate the task. Let's try to remove the extra inscription from the advertising sign (Figure 8). I will remove the red inscription by World Class.

Figure 8.

To remove this inscription, I will use the tool again: Straight-line lasso(Figure 9).

Figure 10.

In my case, after removing the inscription, a small speck formed; to remove it, I use the tool: Stamp on the toolbar. And I press the key Alt. This way, nearby layers are copied. And I begin to paint by pressing a key Alt as often as possible (Figure 11).

Figure 11.

Remove the background image from the photo.

More challenging task is to remove the background from a photograph (Figure 12). To remove it, you first need to select it. There is no point in highlighting the background itself; it will take a lot of time. It is easier to select the subject and shoot Inversion.

Figure 12.

To remove the background I will use the tool: Magnetic lasso on the toolbar. I move the cursor along the outline of a person. And so on until the last marker will not connect to the first, after which a dotted line will run along the contour of the object (Figure 13).

Figure 13.

Next I press the button: Refine edge located at the top of the working window. A window will open (Figure 13), I check the box: Smart radius. Below are sliders that can be used to achieve the most precise selection. Once you are satisfied with the result, click OK.

Figure 14.

I'm moving to Select-Invert. After that, I open the panel: Layers and commit double click left mouse button on the word: Background(Figure 15).

Figure 15.

Now I press Delete and the background will immediately disappear, and a transparent area will appear in its place (Figure 16). Now you can put another photo as the background.

Figure 16.

In this lesson you learned how to remove unnecessary (unnecessary) details from a photo in Photoshop. Now you can independently perform such operations in a matter of minutes. This technique can be used to edit any graphic images: photographs, drawings, sketches, etc.

All the best.

This is what happened

Method number 1. We remove an unnecessary object from the photo.
Let's go into Photoshop and upload our photo; on my photo (see illustration for the title) I want to remove the inscription “DJ MP3”. Take the Spot Healing Brush tool and outline the excess object. We wait a few seconds for the program to react to our action. As you can see, our object has disappeared!

Step 2

The resulting result

Method No. 2
We remove the long object.
In the same photo, I would like to remove the shadow from the pillar. But if we just do a dot brush, it will be uneven, so there is more convenient way. To begin, let’s “adjust” the brush to the size of the shadow (or other long object) using the ] (increase) and [ (decrease) keys. Next, press the brush at the beginning of the object, after that, holding down Shift key, press on the end of the object, thus drawing a straight line.

Step 3

Result without using a stamp

Method No. 3
Removing a complex object from a photograph.
Who doesn’t like photographing animals at the zoo, but the cage always gets in the way. So let's get rid of it in Photoshop!
To begin, let’s switch to quick mask mode by pressing the Q key. Take the “Pencil” tool, adjust it to the size of the cell, set the color to black (required!) and do as in the previous step: click on the beginning of the cell, hold down Shift, click on the end and repeat with all the “pipes” of the cell. Next, we remove the quick mask mode (by pressing the Q key again) and then perform a content-based fill (Edit-Fill-Content-Based) and get the result. Of course, the result is not very good, but here the stamp tool comes to our aid. We work a little and the result is “excellent”!

Sometimes, when looking through pictures, you discover that unnecessary objects have entered the frame. Or you need a photo to place a logo, but it already has other inscriptions on it. How to remove an inscription from a picture and delete an extra object in Photoshop?

For these tasks use the tool “Stamp”/Clone Stamp Tool or Patch Tool. The latter is preferable if the extra object is located on a simpler (plain) background.

Working with a tool Patch Tool, we cut out (copy) the donor area and cover everything unnecessary with it. How it works? We hold left key mouse, circle the appropriate area and move the patch. This tool has two modes:

    "Source". When using it, the selected area will be filled with the donor fragment into which the selection has been moved.

    "Destination". In this mode, the selected area will cover the area to which it will be moved.

Let's look at examples.

Patch Tool

Open the photo in Photoshop and create a duplicate layer ( Ctrl + J). On the toolbar, in the group of restoration tools, select Patch Tool. If the instrument in the group is the default, just press the key J.

To make it more convenient to work with the image, scale it ( Ctrl+ And Ctrl-).

We will be removing the Shell logo. So, we select the first donor site. On the control panel press the button "Destination", parameter "Diffusion" set it to value 7. Move the cursor and circle the area for the patch (it will be highlighted with a dotted line).

Then drag the selected area onto the logo. If the patch does not completely cover the area to be painted the first time, move it again until the unnecessary object completely disappears. You can cancel an unsuccessful action by simultaneously pressing keys Ctrl + Alt + Z.

Save the finished image ( Shift + Ctrl + S), choosing a file type that is convenient for you (for example, JPG).

Here is our result:

You can learn even more about Photoshop in the course at

Clone Stamp Tool

Now let's take a more complicated case. Let's remove the person from the image.

For this we need a tool “Stamp”/Clone Stamp Tool. It is called by the key S. You can adjust its size using the keys [ And ] . This tool creates a clone of the donor site. They correct it gradually, in small strokes.

We select the donor area next to the area to be painted. To do this, move the cursor to the donor site and, while holding the button Alt, click once with the left mouse button. The donor site is indicated by a cross. As you move around the image, it follows the cursor, so the donor site needs to be changed periodically. Now move the cursor and click with the left mouse button.

There are a lot of vertical and horizontal stripes different shade. In place of the umbrella you need to draw a ceiling. In front of the boy, one door is slightly open, the second is closed. All this should be taken into account when painting.

To prevent the lines of beams and boards from looking broken, the donor area should be selected carefully. It is important to place the stamp so that the stripes match.

One of the stages. Here is a gap between the doors.

Gradually paint over the lines horizontally and vertically. To complete the door on the left, the donor area is taken from the very left edge, and the vertical lines are taken from the top. We applied the stamp, clearly aligning the sections so that the straight lines ran smoothly.