How to restore your first page in contact. Restoring a VK page after deletion or hacking

Situations often arise on the VKontakte social network when users lose access to their profile. Most often this happens due to hacking. Or if you have forgotten your login and password. In these cases, you can restore the page in different ways, depending on the reason for its loss.

Deleted page

Restoring access to a self-deleted profile is the easiest way to restore it. It can be done within 7 months after removal, otherwise the opportunity to revive the account will be completely lost. Everything is very simple:

  • You need to follow the link The site will show that the page has been deleted. To return it, just click the “restore your page” button.

If these rules were not violated, it means that the page was hacked by scammers. To return your profile you will have to:

  • Perform authorization in VK ( using the same login and password. A temporary blocking notification will appear on the page.

  • To restore your account, enter the mobile phone number that was used for registration in a special field.

  • You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code - you need to write it down in the form.

  • To keep your profile secure, you must create a new password.

If the above steps do not help, you will have to contact VK support service.

Important: It will not be possible to restore access to the page before the period specified in the blocking notice. Unfreezing an account is always free, and offers to speed up the process for money are a scam.

If you have forgotten your login or password

There are situations when a login or password is replaced by a hacker or accidentally forgotten. But there is nothing complicated about data recovery:

  • First, it is recommended to try logging in using the link -

  • If, when entering information to access the page, it turns out to be incorrect, you need to click on the “Forgot your password or can’t log in?” button.

  • Then you should indicate the phone number or email address that was used during registration. An authorization code will be sent to them. Then you need to come up with a new password. If the user does not remember this data, you need to click on the link just below.

  • The form indicates the page address. If it is unknown to the user, you can find yourself through a people search.

  • After this, in the application fields you need to enter all the data that the page owner remembers - available phone number, old number, previous email and password. Then you need to click the “Submit Application” button. If the information provided is sufficient for recovery, an authorization code will be sent to the specified number.

Important: in difficult cases of account recovery, the VK support service may request passport data and a photo taken in front of a computer with an open page.

Let's sum it up

Sometimes restoring a page on a social network is not as simple as getting it back after deleting it yourself or. To avoid such situations, you must use complex passwords for authorization and have access to the phone number to which the profile was registered.

Let's look at how to restore access to a page in Contact after deletion without losing personal data, photos, music and saved correspondence.


Method 1 – Standard access renewal

In most cases, users delete their pages on their own. It can be restored within 7 months.

To do this, follow these steps:

Please note that after resuming access, absolutely all your data is saved: photos, individual albums, music, dialogues, recordings and community lists.

At any time, you can delete the page again through the settings.

Method 2 – If your login and password are lost

The first method involves simply renewing your account, in which you must know your login or access password.

If you do not have such data, or for some reason your password does not work, you will have to restore your profile using another method.

Lost password

In the future, this number can be used instead of a login at the authorization stage.

Remember which number your account is linked to.

Then in a new window you need to enter the phone number in international format.

After this, the site will ask you to enter a captcha (characters from the picture).

At the next stage, the site will ask you several questions to make sure that you are the owner of the page.

Enter the last name indicated in the profile and click “Next":

Make sure that the page found by the system is really yours. The site often offers erroneous profiles.

This happens due to the large number of users with the same names.

Click on “Yes, it’s me” or go back and check that you entered your mobile phone correctly.

In the window that appears, you will see your phone number and the “Get code” button.

Click on it. In a few seconds, your phone will receive a message from the website containing a set of numbers.

You must enter it in the next window.

If the code does not arrive for a long time, try sending the message again, check the connection to the cellular network on your phone or check that the number is spelled correctly.

Enter the resulting numbers in the specified field and press Enter:

At the final stage of recovery, the site will ask you to create a new password.. After this, you can return to using your personal account.

No login and password

There are times when the user does not have the required password and access to the mobile number is also lost.

You can solve the problem as follows:

  • In the start page window, click on the “Forgot password” field, as shown in Figure 3;
  • Then click on the field " If you don't remember the details»;

  • In a new window, copy the link to your page or use the people search;

  • Next, enter any phone number available to you and click “Next”;

  • Now you need to take a photo in front of the monitor with this application. It is important that your face and inscriptions on the device screen are clearly visible. It is recommended to take the photo in daylight.

  • In the next step, upload the first two pages of your passport in color. This is necessary so that the administration can identify you and return access to your account.

  • Add a personal comment. Describe why access to the page was lost. Does your profile contain real information about you?
  • Click on "Submit Application".

Wait for the administration to review your data. Typically it takes 1-7 days.

If after this time the number associated with your account has not been changed, this means that the application was not approved.

Why is the application refused?

Method 3 – Account blocked by site administration

If your account has sent a large amount of spam, it may be automatically blocked.

Also, a large number of social network users could complain about you.

The window indicates the reason for the blocking and its period. Access to the account may be closed for a day or forever.

As a rule, if you encounter such a problem for the first time, you will be blocked for just a day as a warning. Repeated violation of the site rules leads to irreversible blocking.

What do we have to do?

The user cannot in any way speed up the process of restoring access in the event of a forced blocking. We recommend that you log into the site after 24 hours and be sure to change your password.

If you weren't the one sending the spam, you've probably been hacked. Someone logged in under your name and violated the site rules.

Never give your username or password to other people.

Also, try to choose a complex code word so that various bots and brute forcers cannot access your account using automatic password guessing.

Also, do not leave your logins and passwords on other sites, in email bookmarks, or in private messages with other users.

Alternative recovery option

You can always contact the site's support service directly.

They will help solve the blocking problem or deal with difficulties in the recovery process.

Greetings, dear friends!

We are in touch with you again and, of course, with new useful information.

Social networks are a useful tool that we deal with almost constantly. Not long ago the topic was discussed. It would be good if deleting the account was a conscious and informed decision. However, how to restore a VKontakte page if the data is lost or the account is blocked?

Or have you changed your mind and now you just need to restore your profile after deletion? Is it possible to do this after the 7 months allotted to VKontakte for reflection?

About all this in today's article.

When might you need to restore your account?

Several standard cases and their variations are common:

  1. You deleted your profile and want to get it back.
  2. Your account has been blocked and needs to be restored.
  3. Lost password.
  4. Forgotten login.
  5. You no longer have access to your number or email.

We will analyze each case step by step.

Restoring a deleted page

If the deletion occurred on your own initiative and you remember all the data, getting your account back is very simple. How long it takes to restore a deleted page is determined by the site’s policy, which states that this is possible within 210 days (7 months).

Your actions:

We go to the main address of the site -

Enter your login and password into the standard fields - the ones you entered the last time you logged in.

You will see a standard image of a dog on your avatar and a signature that the profile has been deleted. Having studied the information up to what point you can return it, click on the “Restore” button on the left side, as shown below in the screenshot.

The account will be restored exactly in the same form in which you left it - with all photos, videos, music and even dialogues.

By the way, if you are not sure that you want to completely lose the opportunity to revive your personal VK account, then you can extend the period.

You are given exactly 210 days. You record this time and, closer to the date, go to your page, restore it and delete it again. Ready! You have a new 210 days. This is no less than most of the year. The main thing is not to forget to log in on time and update the deadline.

Unblocking your account

Your page may be hacked or frozen for violating the rules of the site, which in the eyes of VK is often regarded in exactly the same way, because no one can say who exactly is acting in each specific profile, the owner, an outsider or a virus program.

The site system is designed in such a way that if you receive a ban, for example, for sending spam or insults, then you can return access to the frozen page almost immediately.

To do this, you will need a number that you will need to enter in the field provided. Everything is intuitive and simple - you receive a code that you send to the site and go to the form where you need to come up with a new password.

It should not be repeated with any of those that you have placed before. Otherwise, you simply won’t succeed, since the system will declare that this password has already been compromised.

After creating a new unique password, you are redirected to the login address, where you need to log in with new data. Come in and receive your profile safe and sound.

An important point - if you suddenly realize that you do not have access to the linked number, then you can use another one that is not yet linked to any profile. But this may take longer and you will need to answer additional questions. In this case, you will need to log in with a new login (phone number).

Depending on the type of ban and its severity, reassigning the number may take several days. The system will provide relevant information in each specific case.

If you are blocked again, the ban period will be longer (one day, three days, a week, two weeks, and so on). With each new blocking, the terms increase until a lifetime block follows. In this case, any actions will be useless, and the linked number will be blacklisted. That is, you will not be able to register using it again.

What to do if you forgot your password?

If you just need to recover your password, then follow the link -

Or click on “Forgot your password?” under the data entry field on the site.

You are prompted to enter a phone number or email. Enter the data. The verification is quite simple; the next step asks you to enter the last name specified in your profile.

If this is our profile, we confirm - “Yes, this is the right page.”

At the next step, the system offers to send a password to the linked phone. At the same time, if an email was entered as a login and not a number, this does not matter. You can receive the code via email through an extended application, which will be discussed below.

We enter the received code and get into a form where you are asked to come up with a new password. We come with new data.

If you forgot your login

As a rule, an e-mail or a number is used as a login (the system reacts the same to entering “+79...” and to entering “89...”) That is, both options are working.

If you don’t remember your login, then also under the input field on the main site click on the link “Forgot your password?” or enter in the address bar –

This is the address of the recovery form. The system asks to enter a phone number or email, but we don’t remember them. Therefore, we find the entry below “If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here” and follow the link.

If it is difficult or impossible to remember, the system offers to find you in a people search. To do this, click on the link below the input field.

You can use VK search even if you are not logged in. We search for ourselves by first and last name, if necessary, connect filters on the right by gender, age, country and city.

When found, click on “This is my page.”

The site directs us to a complete access recovery form, where you will need to enter a new phone number to which a code will be sent, your old email and password. It is not suggested to enter the old number, because if you remembered it and could use it, then, of course, you would have already logged in.

Using this method, you can link a new phone and revive your account via a code from an SMS or via your old email.

Thus, the actions in case of loss of the login essentially coincide with the loss of access to the old linked number. Because now, to register a page on the site, an e-mail is not required, but you can’t do without a number.

Lost access to linked phone and email

The actions in this case are identical to the instructions described above with the loss of the login, which, in fact, is the phone number and email.

If you cannot use your old mail, click the appropriate button, as in the screenshot below - “I don’t have access to mail.”

The system will immediately offer to send a code to the new specified phone. It is impossible to relink a new email at this stage and restore the account from it.

Recover from phone

From your phone you can restore both a previously deleted account and a blocked one. The functionality of the official VK application now allows you to go through all the steps to return lost pages if you have forgotten your login or want to do this using a new phone number.

Is it possible to restore an old page?

To return an old page that was deleted more than 210 days ago, you need to write directly to VKontakte support. It is better to do this through the “Help” tab, so you will know that your request was seen and taken into account.

You can also contact technical support via e-mail: [email protected].

The format of the appeal and presentation of the problem should be as simple as possible and contain specific facts, how and when they were registered, what data you remember and whether you have the opportunity to use it now for recovery.

After you have been listened to, all that remains is to wait for feedback from the VK administration. Most likely, you will need to fill out a standard recovery form and attach a scan of your passport, as well as take a photo in front of the application to confirm that it is really you.

At the same time, if your deleted account had a lot of personal photos with a clearly visible face, the chances of recovery will be very high.


As you can see, resuscitation of deleted and blocked accounts can occur in different ways. My advice, as always, is simple and practical - use a link to mail (some people neglect it, as we see - in vain, through it you can regain access at an early stage) and store all the data in one safe place.

This can be an electronic key keeper, which is with you in the form of an application on your smartphone and is opened using your password, or a paper medium.

You get the idea – cleanliness and order of important data. Because VK support has made recovery a fairly simple procedure if you remember your data.

With this I say goodbye, good luck and organized order both in your social networks and in life in general!

Social networks are a place for scammers to hunt for your personal data or a way to get money by forcibly blocking content. VKontakte is one of the most popular services on the Runet, and every user has experienced a similar situation at some point.

Knowing the different ways to bypass deployed networks, you will not give attackers the opportunity to profit from you.

When you go to your usual address on a social network, the last thing you want is to see a message: “Your page is temporarily blocked (frozen).” This situation is far from uncommon; the request to restore access is popular in all Runet search engines.

When the blocking has already occurred, the reason for the situation is unlikely to be important to you, but its prerequisites will protect you from problems in the future.

This often happens after downloading unverified software from the Internet or following dubious links from your account, spam begins to be sent, the administration sees this activity and reacts accordingly.

If a similar situation occurs, simple steps will help - send a request to the phone number linked to the page to receive a special code. By entering it in the required field, you continue the recovery procedure and specify a new password. Then log in with the new data and the problem is solved.

Another situation is that the recovery data is lost, primarily the mobile phone number.

If you do not have access to it, you will need to provide passport information about yourself with a photo. Go to the address and follow the detailed system instructions.

Other simple manipulations, if the methods described above did not help:

  1. The following method should do the trick: enter the IP of the VKontakte website into the address bar of the browser. Use services that provide such information on the domain you are using - or If the virus has blocked the entrance only by name, this will help;
  2. Another method is to access your page from several browsers at once. It is believed that Internet Explorer is less secure than others in this sense; it is better to prefer Opera, Firefox or Google Chrome (see);
  3. still has a valid old address, go to the site using it.

How to avoid blocking a page in Contact

  1. Regularly check your computer for all kinds of viruses, make sure your anti-virus software is reliable;
  2. Pay attention to the level of trust in an unfamiliar site before visiting it. Use applications designed for this, for example, in the Google application store there is a free WOT (Web of Trust) extension;
  3. In VKontakte, do not rush to follow incomprehensible links, look at the domain names carefully - if the address looks incorrect, refrain from clicking, ask users on the forums about it again;
  4. Don’t forget that blocking is not always someone’s malicious intent; in some cases there are objective reasons for this: incorrect attitude towards other users or uploading videos of dubious content. Try not to forget that there are living people on the other side of the screen.
  5. If you have not done anything prohibited, but you are still suspected of fraudulent activity, clarify the issue with the administration. Otherwise, she has the right to deny access to the account for an indefinite period.

Take note of how to eliminate phishing attacks on your computer.

Special programs collect passwords and hack VKontakte pages. Outwardly, it is difficult to distinguish an attempt at fraud from a real block.

Follow the instructions to find out the situation and get rid of third-party interference:

  1. Go to the Local Disk folder (C:). To do this, use the “Start” menu, go to “Computer”;
  2. Follow the path Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts, open the last file using the standard Notepad editor;
  3. Make sure that the file does not contain references to the VKontakte website - addresses or;
  4. If data is found, immediately delete lines with such information - these are traces of malware interference;
  5. Get rid of possible “residual effects” by entering the name “vkontakte.exe” in the search bar;
  6. Make sure that the search is also carried out in hidden files (system folders are also taken into account);
  7. What you find as a result, send it to the Recycle Bin and permanently delete it from your computer;
  8. Additionally, run antivirus software as a final step.

How to regain access to a page in Contact after deletion

A common situation is you

If, when you enter the page, you receive a message asking you to send a message to a specific number, this is a clear sign of fraud. What to do in this case? The main thing is not to rush to follow the lead of the attackers.

The real VKontakte website has information about your mobile phone number; an SMS with a recovery code should arrive after you confirm this request. There is no need to send any messages yourself.

Well-functioning mechanisms have been invented to restore the VKontakte page. If you have access to the phone number provided during registration, use it.

So, you deleted your page and then suddenly decided to restore it. It’s very good if you remember the phone number and password to which it is linked, and also have access to this phone. In this case, the page is restored very simply.

Restoring the VK page if we remember everything

They write to us that the page has been deleted, but we can still restore it until the date set by the system expires.

If the date has expired, then, alas, nothing can be done; you are unlikely to regain access to your account.

Click on the “Restore” button:

In the next pop-up window, also click on the “Restore page” button:

That's it, it's restored

If you don't have access to your phone or don't remember your password.

If you don’t remember your password, you can use the special VKontakte link: This is a link to restore access to your account if you do not remember your access password. If you have lost the phone number that you linked to the page, use the “click here” link:

You will need to wait some time for your application to be reviewed for your page to be restored. That's it, see you again, dear friends.