How to register on VK using mail. VKontakte My page: registration and login

Hello, dear blog readers! Today we’ll talk about how to register in VK correctly. VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in the Russian-speaking segment. Currently, the number of registered users is more than 140 million people.

Let's answer this question! Many of you, especially those who are encountering this service for the first time, are wondering how you can register on VKontakte and why?

By creating your profile on this social network, you will be able to communicate with your friends, classmates, fellow students, and make new friends. In addition, in this social There are many interesting communities online where you will find useful information on a variety of topics.

It is important to know that VKontakte registration is free!

Below you will find step-by-step instructions that will help you easily register on this site.

Creating a new page

To do this, go to the site from any device: desktop computer, mobile phone or tablet. Until 2011, you could register your account via email.

Today there is no such option, and the VKontakte page is linked only to your mobile phone number. One number – one profile. This is done in order not to fill the resource with many accounts. Of course, many do not want to indicate their mobile phone. But you can activate the page only by entering your cell phone number.

To create a new page right now, just follow the link, where you will be asked to register.

Step 1. Enter your data.

In the window that opens, you need to enter your first name, last name and date of birth. Data must be entered with a capital letter and without errors. By clicking on the “Register” button, we proceed to the next step.

Of course, you can use fictitious data. But then, if your page is blocked, you will not be able to restore it, since the support service often asks you to send a spreadsheet of your passport with your photo and full name to unfreeze it.

Step 2. Enter your mobile phone.

Step 3

Enter the received numbers into the special field and click “Send code”. Linking to your phone is necessary so that, if necessary, you can restore access to your profile.

It happens that the first SMS does not arrive for various reasons. You may have made a mistake when entering the phone number, then click “Enter another number”, correct the numbers and ask to send the code again. If everything is correct, then click “I did not receive the code.”

You will be sent another message. And in the open window, select either “No need, SMS has arrived,” if it does appear, or select the second option. If you do not wait for the message, the support service offers a call from a robot that can dictate the required series of numbers. Then click on the “Yes, let the robot call” button.

Step 4. Enter your password and enter the site.

Once you submit the code, a field will appear that says “Password.” We come up with our own safe and reliable set of Latin letters and numbers. We enter the invented code into a special cell and be sure to write it down in some safe place so as not to forget. There are even special programs for saving passwords.

Please note that under the “Password” box there is a colored ruler that turns bright green if it is secure. At the same time, an inscription about its quality even appears.

After completing all the steps, click “Log in to the site.” You will be congratulated and asked to enter additional information about yourself. You can read about how to set up a VKontakte page and how to design it on our website, but for now click on “Skip”.

After this, a window opens asking you to provide an email address. I would recommend doing this to strengthen the security of your profile. But you don’t have to provide an e-mail. Select “Specify later”.

Are you on your profile? Almost. The service provides you with another service “Beautiful address for your page”. You can come up with it yourself or choose from those presented.

Now you can log in to your VKontakte page. You can safely use the social network: edit your profile, upload photos, listen to music, you can also add your own audio and video files, and join communities, subscribe to notifications from them, look for your friends and make new ones.

Registration without phone number

Some people want to create a VK profile again. Often I would like to start one of them without a real last name, but use a nickname.

Having analyzed information from different sites about whether it is possible to create a second page in VK without a phone number, and having tried some of the proposed methods, I came to the following conclusions.

Through Facebook and anonymizer

The developers of VKontakte offer to register via Facebook, where you can create a profile using e-mail.

But alas! A mobile phone is required again.

Particularly advanced ones claim that using an anonymizer, you can deceive the system, and VK will recognize you as a foreign guest. Then you can only register via Facebook using your email address.

Using a virtual mobile number

It may also be that you need to create a second VKontakte page. In this case, you can purchase a virtual phone number through various services.

I read a lot of reviews trying to find a free virtual number service that works for you, but I realized that no one provides such a service.

But there is good news - the registration number costs very little. Among paid services, the most popular is

You can register for the service by filling out a simple form. After confirming your email and payment, you can select the network or site in which you intend to use it. Please note that the cost varies for each site.

In the cell for the social network VKontakte there is often “0 pcs.” Don't be scared! You just have to wait a little (20-30 minutes), the situation will change. But then don’t yawn! And act quickly. Virtual numbers are being sold like hotcakes.

Having received the coveted set of numbers, we very quickly register a new user in VK. We have 20 minutes at our disposal. So, go to the VKontakte page, use the number received on the service and click “Get code”.

On this page we are waiting for the confirmation code.


Creating an account using a virtual mobile number is considered one of the effective methods. This number cannot be tracked. Its main advantage is anonymity. It should be noted that there are also disadvantages. If you lose access to the service you used, you will not be able to restore access to the page.

To summarize, I will say that previously the VKontakte registration process was simpler than it is now. But, of course, even now you can get around some restrictions. In any case, this is prohibited by the rules of the VK social network, and the page may be blocked.

I hope you found this article interesting and useful. If suddenly something was unclear or you still have questions, you can always ask them in the comments. I'll be glad to answer. Good luck to all!

« In contact with» for a long period of time has maintained a leading position among the most popular social networks not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the countries of the former CIS. The number of real users of this resource is growing every day in parallel with the number of fake accounts intended for advertising spam mailings or online trolling. That is why the administration " In contact with“Back in 2012, I decided to cancel the registration of new users via email. From this moment on, to create a page, it became necessary to link a current mobile phone number.

How to register in VC without phone number. This problem worries many active users who are involved in online business and prefer anonymous surfing on the Internet. Methods for solving it will be discussed in detail in the text below.

Methods for registering in VK without a phone number

It should be noted that in fact the registration “ In contact with» without a phone number is a very problematic task. However, the system may well be deceived by using a virtual number or through a valid social network account. Facebook" It is possible to link a new page to the SIM card on which the previous account was registered, however, this method is fraught with various problems with the main page.

How to register several pages in VK for one phone number

The process of registering a new account linked to the old phone number begins with the standard filling out of a questionnaire, which indicates: last name, first name, gender, and date of birth. The next steps look like this:

As a result of the described actions, you will get two pages linked to the same mobile number. A similar procedure can be performed twice within one month.

Registration using a virtual number

The following information will tell you how to create a page " In contact with"without a phone number. There are many services offering virtual number services for receiving SMS messages. Among the best software products of this kind is an international Internet service called Pinger. The step-by-step registration algorithm on this resource is as follows:

As a result of performing the steps described above, a list of phone numbers should appear, from which you just have to choose the one you like.

To view the selected virtual mobile phone number, you need to go to the “ Options", where all incoming SMS messages will be located.

Now let's look at how to register " In contact with» without a phone number so that the system does not automatically block the new profile. To do this, when selecting a country, it is recommended to indicate the United States of America, the international code of which is “+1”. The most significant advantages of this method include a high degree of anonymity, since the fact of using a virtual number is practically unprovable.

This option also has a rather serious drawback, namely the inability to restore the page if access to the Internet portal is lost.

Registration via the social network “Facebook”

Registration in VC without a phone number is currently available through an existing profile in “ Facebook».

However, there is one caveat: such synchronization is designed exclusively for European and American users.

In order to bypass this restriction, you need to change the IP address data by installing a VPN extension or configuring a proxy. The further registration algorithm is as follows:

To register in Facebook All you need is an electronic mailbox. If you create a new profile on FB specifically for registration in VC It is recommended to indicate your real last name and first name, otherwise the system may refuse to create a suspicious account.

Registration using a fake phone number

There is an option: how to register in VC without a telephone, having a home telephone. By specifying a city number when filling out the appropriate field when creating a new account, the robot will automatically determine that it will not be possible to deliver an SMS message to the specified subscriber. Therefore, he will make a call to the home phone and dictate the password numbers necessary to complete the registration process. This method can be used repeatedly.

An alternative option is a third-party SIM card, which is borrowed from someone you know. However, restoring your profile if you lose your password will be very problematic.

How to create a page in VC without number: alternative methods

If for some reason the above option using a virtual number Pinger If you can’t implement it, you should use the services of similar services, which are both paid and free. For example, a portal called SMSka has a Russian-language interface and provides each subscriber with a unique number. One of the disadvantages is the need to pay a symbolic amount for the right to use a virtual phone.


This article talked about how to register in VC without having a free phone number. By wisely combining the methods described above, you can create a virtually unlimited number of new profiles in vk to increase reposts, likes and views.

Video on the topic

Want to ? At the same time, in order to VKontakte registration was it simple and fast? Then carefully read this instructional article! Here you will find comprehensive information on how to carry out step by step registration in contact is free.

So, first, let's determine what you need:

1. Desire register in contact right now
2. Mobile phone
3. Actually, the computer from which you register in contact is free.
4. 3.5 minutes of pure time, not a second more!

Go to the official website. The following page will open in front of you:

Now just enter in the fields marked in the image (your first name and real last name), and then click on the blue button “Register on VKontakte”:

Great! It's just a matter of small things - on the page that opens, you should indicate your real mobile phone number (you will receive a code confirming your registration via SMS). Remember that register in contact for free everyone can. Therefore, SMS is COMPLETELY FREE:

After your phone notifies you of the SMS, open it and enter the sent code in the field as shown in the image above.
If you enter correctly, registration in contact for free is almost complete! All you need to do is come up with a strong password and enter it in the form that appears, as shown in the example:

Do not enter a password that is too banal, easy to guess and guess! When in doubt, use a combination of letters and numbers similar to the example:

Amazing! You were looking for the answer to the question: “ Register in contact right now? Then congratulations! You have successfully completed this simple (you will agree) procedure. All that remains is to complete a couple of simple formalities, which are discussed below.

Actually, since you wanted register on VKontakte for free right now, then you probably searched the Internet for something like this:

As you can see, you clearly understand that this site is a social network based on communication based on interests. Therefore, you need to find people to talk to online as quickly as possible. Therefore, you can find your former (or current) colleagues, classmates and even classmates! You just need to first select the state, then the city of study, and so on until you find your friends and colleagues:

If for some reason you don’t want to do this, no problem! For all suggested searches, click “Skip Search.”

Well, that's the mission" Registration in contact new page" (or, as some users say, the procedure " Contact my page registration") completed successfully! Now you can customize your personal page at your discretion: upload your own photos, add video, audio information (by the way, you can even), join communities and clubs of interest, find interesting people, get a lot of new and useful things!

As you can see, register in contact It really is possible in less than 5 minutes, and trained people even do it in a matter of seconds! Good luck!

In contact with


Modern people can no longer imagine their life without social networks. Any of them, including the VKontakte website, opens up limitless opportunities for people: here you can engage in self-education, run a business, make appointments, and meet interesting people. In addition, this is a unique storage of images, documents, and audio files. Sooner or later, everyone has a question: how to register in VKontakte? It's very simple. This network is clear, multifunctional, and registration in it is carried out within a few minutes.

Currently, you can only register on the site by entering your phone number. This is done to ensure the safety of numerous visitors to the social network. Each profile is linked to a specific number so that the user knows about activity on his page and can take timely measures in case of hacking. However, everyone has the right to register using only email, although administrators strongly recommend linking it to a number.

Registration via mail

If the user does not want to provide a personal phone number, then this rule can be bypassed. After creating an account, you need to unlink the page from the designated number and replace it with your email address. After this, you can create a second page with the same phone number, and leave your real contacts undisclosed. So, how can you quickly register on the site?

Sometimes a user needs to create two pages, but connecting them with one phone number is not possible according to VKontakte rules. There are ways to get around this limitation.

For example, applications that generate virtual numbers (for example, the Pinger utility) were created specifically to solve such problems. You can enter the number she created into the empty window when registering and receive notifications. It is worth updating FlashPlayer for the application to work flawlessly. In general, it is easy to use and there are usually no difficulties. What should you do next?

  1. Select the “Create account” button (note that the application is in English).
  2. Enter your username, password, and email address to log in.
  3. Go through the captcha and check the box to indicate that you have read the rules.
  4. Click “Create” and type the zip code so that the program can create the appropriate number.
  5. Click “Find” and wait. The app will suggest possible numbers.

You can choose the most convenient one from many options. It will no longer be possible to change the number. After the final selection, you can safely use it during the registration process on the VKontakte website.

Registration from phone

Registration using a smartphone is absolutely simple and will not cause any difficulties. You need to open your browser and do the following:

  • go to the official website and click on the “Instant registration” button;
  • enter information about yourself;
  • print phone number;
  • receive an SMS message with an access code and enter it into an empty window;
  • come up with a strong and memorable password for your account.

The password should be chosen not too difficult to understand, but also not obvious, so that fraudsters cannot access the page (as a rule, Latin letters and numbers are used). After this, the user independently designs the page, selecting interest groups, uploading photos, looking for friends, etc. You can do this endlessly.

How to create multiple pages

To carry out such an operation, you must have one phone number and several email addresses. Next, the main account is opened, already associated with the number. Instead of a number, the page is linked to an email. Other profiles are linked to mailboxes. Thus, several pages are linked to one number at once.

You can make everything much simpler: buy several SIM cards and link a page to each one accordingly. Registration will be quick: via phone.

You need to follow the instructions on the site, and then the process of adding a new user to the site will become simple and clear.