What image aspect ratio do you need? Video formats on DVD. stumbling block

Frame formats

Frame formats

The sizes of modern film and frame formats originated from Edison, who in 1894, even a year and a half before the official birth of cinema (the first paid showing of the Lumières was in December 1895), was already demonstrating the first moving film plots.

Before this, Edison met with George Eastman (Kodak) and said that he needed a flexible photosensitive film. When Eastman asked how wide this film should be, Edison spread his thumb and forefinger into different sides and said: “Like this one.”

The American inventor Edison used the British system of measures in force in the USA, therefore, naturally, when setting the width of the film frame, he adopted it equal to one length 1 inch = 25.37 mm; he chose the full height of the frame at 3/ 4 inches, i.e. equal to 19.05 mm or, taking into account tolerances, 19 mm.

The set image aspect ratio of the frame is 3:4. The chosen ratio - height to width of the frame - took into account many years of photography practice, where it is widely used (sizes 9X12 cm, 18X24 cm, etc. for photographic photosensitive materials).

In order to promote frames measuring 19X25.37 mm in film equipment, the film strip on which they are located had to be equipped with perforations (holes) on both sides of the images. Edison chose the width of these holes to be 1/8 inch, i.e. 2.8 mm, so, taking into account the edge strips of the film strip, the total width of the film reached 1 3/8 inches = 35 mm.

Rice. 1. A fragment of Edison film and a drum, to which the film holes cling

However, it soon became clear that due to the imperfection of the film production processes and the operation of filming, copying and projection equipment, it was impossible to ensure an absolutely accurate position of the frame when demonstrating a film, therefore, in addition to the image of a given frame, the upper or lower border parts of adjacent frames appeared on the screen. To avoid this, L. Lumiere, who practically solved the problem of showing films a large number viewers, suggested installing a 1 mm high black strip between frames on 35 mm film copies, which reduced the noticeability of the instability of the film image. As a result, the frame height became smaller (18 mm) than the pitch (19 mm), and with the selected aspect ratio of 3:4, its width was 24 mm. As a result, the frame dimensions were reduced to 18x24 mm, and a gap of 0.7 mm was formed on each side between the vertical edges of the frame and the edges of the perforations.

Rice. 2. Basic dimensions of 35mm film chosen by Edison (1894). Dimensions in mm.

At the end of the twenties of the 20th century, work on the creation of sound cinema systems began widely. It became obvious that the development of sound cinematography would be possible if the soundtrack was placed on the same film strip on which the corresponding image was shot.

US film studios decided to reduce the frame size of a sound film copy from 18X24 mm to 16X22 mm, and the width of the sound track was set to one tenth of an inch, i.e. 2.54 mm. Since North American sound cinematography was at its most powerful during this period, these sizes became international and were standardized on March 15, 1932.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows the dimensions of the frame and soundtrack on a 35 mm film copy.

Rice. 3. Main dimensions (in mm) of a sound frame and phonogram on 35 mm film

The following types of 35 mm films are most widely used: regular (Fig. 3), with a cassette frame (Fig. 4) and with an anamorphic vertical frame (Fig. 5).

Rice. 4

Rice. 5

Rice. 6. On the left is a frame frame, on the right is not framed

The pictures show widescreen 35 mm films with cassette frames for aspect ratios of 1.65:1 (22x13.3 mm frame) and 1.86:1 (22x11.8 mm frame). The dimensions of widescreen 35 mm film prints with a vertical anamorphic frame for a screen aspect ratio of 2.35:1 are shown in Fig. 5. Note that in all types of copies, the film width (35 mm), frame pitch (19 mm) and the number of perforations per frame (4) remained unchanged.

Rice. 7. Positive anamorphic image

Rice. 8. Image on a cinema screen

The anamorphic frame is shot with cylindrical optics that compress the image vertically by 2 times. Therefore, on the film itself, the image appears flattened and elongated vertically.

And during projection, the same cylindrical optics are used, which stretches the image horizontally. To do this, the anamorphic nozzle is simply rotated 90 degrees around its axis.

Rice. 9. Anamorphic nozzle

Rice. 10. Normal image

Rice. 11. Image flattened with anamorphic nozzle

Rice. 12. Image stretched with anamorphic nozzle

Rice. 13. Frame frames “H” and “A” for the Konvas camera

Types and sizes of perforations

In Lumière's first films, the perforations were circular, with one perforation (left and right) per frame.

Rice. 14

Rice. 15. Round Lumiere perforation

Edison's are rectangular (Fig. 16), with right angles. But since tears constantly appeared in the corners during transport of the film, Eastman Kodak made rounded corners (Fig. 17). This type of perforation, introduced in 1923, was called “positive perforation” or “rectangular”. It is 2.8 mm in width and 1.98 mm in height. By 1925, this type of perforation became most widespread. The height of such perforation is slightly greater than that of Bell Howell perforation, the height of which is 1.85 mm with the same width of 2.8 mm. (Fig. 18) The perforations of the Bell Howell company are more barrel-shaped; this type of perforation was assigned to negative films and was called “negative” perforations, or “barrel-shaped” abroad.

In 1925, the international congress in Paris approved two types of perforation.

Rice. 16. Perforation introduced by Edison

Rice. 17. Perforation proposed by Eastman Kodak, 1923.

Rice. 18. Bell Howell perforation

In the Soviet Union back in the 30s. In the 20th century, a single type of perforation was introduced for both negative films and positive film copies - “rectangular” perforation. Especially for our country, Kodak produced negative film with “positive” perforation. And only after the breakup Soviet Union and due to the active penetration of foreign filming equipment into our market, negative film with “barrel-shaped” “negative” perforation appeared in our country.

Super-35 format

Everything new is well forgotten old. This phrase comes to mind when you get acquainted with the Super-35 format. In essence, this is a return to Edison’s frame, to the silent film frame format. The appearance of this format is due to the following reasons. The main one is that the original negative in modern technology film production is practically not printed directly on the positive, but is first digitized (i.e. scanned), processed on a computer and only then output as an “internegative” on Intermediate film. When shooting movies in 1:1.37 format (16x22 mm), we use a relatively small area of ​​film - the space between frames and the space under the sound track are not used in any way. And since the soundtrack is used only in the positive, you can expand the frame in the negative from 22 to 24 mm due to the soundtrack. In this case, the frame height will again return to 18 mm, as in silent films. The frame area increases by 22% (from 352 sq. mm to 432 sq. mm). The aspect ratio is now exactly 4:3, that is, 1:1.33.

If you print a positive from a Super-35 frame using the generally accepted contact method, then all the advantages of this format will be lost. The frame window in a film projector is designed to display sound films, so the frame will cover the space on the left side of the frame. In a normal, non-caged frame, the projection area is 21 x 15.2 mm.

So, the Super-35 format is used if the film production plans to scan (digitize) the negative.

In recent years, the Super-35 format has been used both for producing cut films (1:1.65, 1:1.85) and for producing widescreen films with an aspect ratio of 1:2.35.

The fact is that anamorphic cylindrical optics, attached on top of the lens (anamorphic attachment) and used to obtain a vertically compressed image, noticeably degrade the image compared to spherical optics. For cylindrical optics different coefficient anamorphic (compressed) in the center of the frame and at the edges.

Figure 23. Three-perforation frame format

Most common ratios

1,33:1 (4:3)


Aspect ratios of early anamorphic formats, including Cinemascope and Cinemascope-55. This screen aspect ratio existed until 1954, when a standard optical one was added to the four-channel magnetic phonogram, which occupied part of the space of the film copy allocated to the image. Currently not in use.


To bring the frame shape closer to the natural field of view of a person (and, therefore, enhance the perception of the film), the Cinerama film company invented and commercialized a panoramic system of three-film filming and film projection on special, highly curved huge screens up to 30 m wide with a width-to-height ratio frame 2.6:1. The Cinerama system provided a high-quality method for recording and playing back seven-channel surround sound from a separate 35mm synchronized magnetic phonogram. With this system, sound followed the image on the screen by playing through different speakers located around the audience.

The first film shot using the Cinerama system - documentary-video (eng. travelogue) “This is Cinerama” (eng. "This Is Cinerama") was first shown to the public in 1952 in a specially built and equipped cinema. The success of the film was so great that it did not leave the screens for two years. Despite the complexity and cumbersomeness of the Cinerama system, 7 more films were created, including three feature films: “How the West was Conquered” (eng. "How the West Was Won") and "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm" (eng. "The Wonderful World Of Brothers Grimm" ) (both in) and "Lord of the Winds: The Journey of Christian Radick" (eng. "Windjammer: The Voyage of Christian Radich" - filming using the “Cinemiracle” system (English) "Cinemiracle", , rental in halls and through the Cinerama system). The Soviet Kinopanorama system was developed on the basis and taking into account the errors of Cinerama. Its main differences are the improved design of the panoramic film camera and the use of a nine-channel stereophonic soundtrack.


In 1959, Panavision acquired the film production department of MGM studios. In the same year, the Super Panavision 70 system appeared, which was practically a copy of Todd-AO, but used much more compact cameras.

Other aspect ratios

There are movie attractions with a different screen aspect ratio (for example, a circular panorama with a 360° view). All this is designed to immerse the viewer in the atmosphere of the film and enhance the viewing experience.

See also



  • B. N. Konoplev Chapter II. Classification of films // Fundamentals of film production. - 2nd ed. - M.: Art, 1975. - P. 32. - 448 p.
  • I. B. Gordiychuk, V. G. Pell Section I. Cinematography systems // Cinematographer’s Handbook / N. N. Zherdetskaya. - M.,: “Art”, 1979. - P. 7-67. - 440 s.


Back in the 15th century, the classic of architecture and painting Leonardo da Vinci proved that the most proportional for a person looks like a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 13:8 (the so-called “golden ratio”). However, since the invention of television, the TV screen aspect ratio of 4:3 has been adopted throughout the world. This was explained by the difficulties in producing wide picture tubes, control electronics, etc. Since the angle full review in a person is about 125?, then when watching a movie or TV show on regular TV the viewer is left with a feeling of unreality and artificiality of what is happening on the screen, as if he is looking at the world through a narrow window. Fortunately, TV production technologies do not stand still, and today the video equipment market has large number various models widescreen TVs with aspect ratios of 16:9 and even 21:9.

The format is the ratio of the width and height of the frame. In television, the format is usually indicated by integers (for example, 4:3, 16:9, 21:9), in cinematography - by fractional numbers (for example, 1.33:1, 1.66:1, 1.85:1, 2.35:1).

Existing video formats
The dominant format is not even 16:9 (1.85:1), but even “wider” - 2.35:1. What is the reason for such a thirst for “breadth”? Let's look at this with examples, and at the same time teach a course young fighter for those who do not quite understand the difference between formats and their designations.

Full screen 4:3 (1:33.1)

The oldest and most common format. This is what all television companies in Russia and Europe use, and this is what all our usual TV receivers have. In the USA and Japan the situation is a little more complicated, but even there 4:3 can be called the dominant format for receiving television broadcasts and watching VHS videos.

Widescreen 16:9 (1:85.1)

Video format. Distributed in the USA and Japan. Unlike its fellow 2.35:1 described below, the legs of the format in question grow not from the cinema hall, but from the ambitions of the developers to do something different from the cliché 4:3. Today, in addition to home cinema, the format in question is in demand for broadcasts television programs some cable and satellite TV companies.

Widescreen 16:9 (2:35.1)

Most people consider this format to be 16:9 as stated in the title, although in reality the aspect ratio is different from the specified one, which is striking when compared. It is more like 21:9. However, in the future we will turn a blind eye to this discrepancy and use the usual abbreviation, so as not to cause much irritation among conservatives.
2.35:1 is an exclusively cinematic format. It replaced full screen 4:3 in the mid-fifties, but only in recent years 20 has become the unquestioned standard for the film industry.
In addition to the video formats described above, there are also some intermediate ones (1.66:1, 1.77:1, 2.20:1 and 2.40:1), the aspect ratio of which is minimally different from those considered by us. To call these intermediate formats standard or aspiring to this title would be incorrect, since they “happen” extremely rarely. So rare that it is not worth continuing to pay attention to them.

Features of DVD formats
Widescreen 16:9 (Anomorphic)

This is no longer a video format, but rather a way recording or storing video information. This “something” is a widescreen 16:9 (1.85:1) image physically recorded in 4:3 format. That is, the 4:3 picture is somewhat stretched vertically, as can be seen in the illustration above. When recording an anamorphic image with an aspect ratio of 2.35:1, the same "compression" is used as with 1.85:1, but with black bars at the top and bottom of the image. When playing an anamorphic image, the latter is compressed vertically and you see a normal widescreen image, but with better horizontal resolution than with a standard LetterBox (which you will find a description of below). The question arises: Why is this necessary and why not immediately write it down at 16:9? Reasonable... The whole point is that PAL and NTSC have a single format - 4:3, and only the recently approved HDTV has a 16:9 (1.85:1) format, to the detriment of 4:3, of course...

Widescreen 16:9 (LetterBox)

Almost the same as anamorph, but the widescreen image is not “stretched” like the latter, but has the initially correct aspect ratio. Accordingly, compared to an anamorphic image, the quality when recording in LetterBox will be slightly worse, since there is no horizontal resolution compensation during playback.

Full Screen 4:3 (PanScan)

PanScan is physically a standard 4:3 image. Its difference from the original 4:3 (Full Screen 4:3 (Original)) is that the latter was originally recorded in this resolution, and PanScan is an adaptation of a widescreen image in 4:3, that is, in the process of playing a widescreen tape, the director selects the best plans for display in this format and in the end we get a full-length version of the picture. Usually, if there is a similar version on the disk, before the start of the show the following message is displayed: “This film has been modified as follows from its original version: it has been formatted to fit your screen” ( This version film has been modified from the original version to fit the image size of your screen).

Of course, in the case of PanScan, a significant part is lost original image(see widescreen shot above), which doesn't win this format any points.

Widescreen 16:9 (PanScan)
Attention! This designation does not officially exist!

This format is the same PanScan, but not for the 4:3 (1.33:1) format, as in the previous case, but for 16:9 (1.85:1) from a wider original format(see picture above).

Cinema format 21:9

A cinematic format that perfectly matches the original 2.39:1 aspect ratio used in cinematography. This means you will no longer see black bars or cropped images on your ultra-wide TV screen. You will only enjoy the action on screen - as intended by the director. The content market is not yet ready for such devices. According to a study conducted by Philips, 65% of all DVDs and Blu-ray discs are shot and presented in 2.35:1 Cinemascope format, i.e. for 21:9 aspect ratio. However, technically the image is recorded in a wider format - 16:9 and the black bars at the top and bottom are physically present in the signal. Thus, to display on widescreen The video needs to be stretched and trimmed, which in a negative way will affect its clarity and negate the benefits of the high resolution of the new TV. In general, the story repeats itself with 4:3 and 16:9; The word is up to the disc manufacturers.

Tags: video formats, 16:9, 4:3

Choosing the aspect ratio of a photograph can significantly improve its composition or, conversely, destroy all the efforts of the photographer. This article will give some tips on effective use such an important tool in a photographer's arsenal as aspect ratio.

Often the composition is key element, which turns good landscape photography into great landscape photography. In the field of photography, there are enough rules that we all try to follow: the rule of thirds, leading lines, the golden ratio... But when it comes to what we are trying to capture in the frame, we do not always remember the frame itself.
The right aspect ratio can improve composition while highlighting your subject and eliminating distracting elements. A poor aspect ratio can ruin a composition, throwing off the balance of the entire scene. When you look through the viewfinder and are about to press the shutter button, it's good to visualize the final version of the photo. It is worth taking into account the aspect ratio, which will help in choosing the optimal composition (too often the aspect ratio is thought about after the photo is taken, and only changed in post-processing to “tighten up” a weak composition).
How does a specific aspect ratio affect the composition we choose? We hope this will help you figure this out. this article. We will look at several common aspect ratio options with examples and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, mentioning in what situation it is advantageous to use it.
(It's worth noting that there is an argument for cropping photographs without regard to established aspect ratios - this approach allows you to create an image with a unique aspect ratio based on your perception of the subject. I believe that doing this can hinder the printing/design process. So I I'll stick with the standard aspect ratios that most of you are likely familiar with.)

1:1 – Square format

The square format is often used to simplify an image and make the subject appear more prominently in the center of the frame. In cases where the width is equal to the height, the way in which we “read” the photograph changes. This is due to the fact that the need to move your gaze across the frame from left to right almost disappears. The square format provides an excellent opportunity to break the rule that we so often adhere to - when using of this format we can place the horizon line in the center of the photo or place the subject in the center of the frame. Moreover, the composition will most likely only benefit from this. You can often come across examples where the 1:1 aspect ratio was used to emphasize minimalism.

The 1:1 aspect ratio is used to emphasize the simplicity of this image.


This is the standard aspect ratio for cameras equipped with a 4/3 sensor. The width of the image is greater than its height. This means that our eyes naturally want to move across an image from left to right. However, given that the image is still quite tall relative to its width, this aspect ratio is great for guiding the eye with leading lines from the foreground to the overall scene. The relative height of the image encourages the use of wide-angle focal lengths in order to convey the depth of the scene in the image without capturing unnecessary detail at the edges of each frame.

4:3 format allows you to capture details in the foreground and use leading lines to direct your eye to the desired part of the image

6:4 – 35mm format (also called 3:2)

This is the standard aspect ratio for 35mm film, and therefore for full frame sensors and APS-C sensors used in most Nikon/Canon cameras.
The width of the image is significantly different from the height, which again causes the eye to move from left to right. IN in this case using diagonal leading lines becomes a very good solution. The peculiarity of this type of aspect ratio is that the height is significantly less than the width. This means that with limited vertical space to work with, it becomes much more difficult to capture foreground detail with a wide-angle lens. Because of this, the objects located in the photo may appear too scattered, which will lead to the loss of the effectiveness of the photo. The 6:4 aspect ratio, however, can be suitable for scenes with little or no important details in the foreground. In such cases, the scene itself may benefit from using such a format.

The 6:4 aspect ratio is chosen in this case because there is no need to convey details in the foreground. The overall scene benefits from image width

16:9 – Widescreen panoramic

This format was supported by Advanced Photo System (APS) film when it was first introduced to the market. It has recently begun to gain popularity again due to the proliferation of 16:9 aspect ratio screens in homes - televisions, computer monitors, mobile devices. In this format, the width of the image dominates. This means that it will be very difficult to draw the attention of the person looking at the photo to the foreground. However, the format is ideal for presenting elements of landscape scenes captured from afar using a longer focal length (such as a zoom lens).

The wide 16:9 aspect ratio was used to highlight horizontal stripes colors

12:6 or 18:6 – Panorama (also called 2:1 or 3:1)

For this article, I decided to choose 12:6 or 18:6 aspect ratio as the panoramic format for several reasons. Both 2:1 and 3:1 seem to be fairly common frame options for panoramic photography. The 2:1 aspect ratio is a panoramic format supported by a range of medium format film cameras. The 3:1 aspect ratio was often supported by APS. Typically, panoramic aspect ratios are used to show the results of stitching together two or more images. It's quite difficult to capture a 3:1 aspect ratio photo in one frame while still making the photo large enough (this is important when printing in large format). Often frames that will later be stitched together are shot using a longer focal length. This is done in order to catch distant details in the landscape. When using this format there is no real options including foreground details in the photo.

An ultra-wide aspect ratio of 18:6 (3:1) was chosen to present this panorama stitched together from 7 separate photographs. When shooting, a focal length of about 140 mm was used.

"Portrait" mode

I've deliberately talked about several different aspect ratio options in the "landscape" format rather than the "portrait" format. I did this because I believe there are far fewer options for successfully presenting landscapes in “portrait” format. In order for a landscape to look good, you need to balance the composition in the frame, and aspect ratios like 6:4 make this very difficult because the height of the photo is too large in relation to its width. To make a "portrait" landscape look good, wider rectangles such as 3x4, 6x7 or 4x5 are ideal. The 4x5 aspect ratio is often chosen by professional landscape photographers using medium format and large format cameras. These formats help create a photo that doesn't include too much of the sky, which could throw off the balance in the frame.

From left to right: 4X6, 3X4, 4X5. Which option looks best?


Although I tried to describe specific examples using different aspect ratio options, I am aware that my advice will not be suitable for all subjects. For some photos, a specific aspect ratio will work well, which may be completely different from the one I suggested.
However, I hope this introduction to the world of aspect ratios will inspire you to think about them as you compose your photo. Before you press the shutter button. It's not always good to mindlessly fill a photo with the landscape in front of you. Understanding that aspect ratio is not so rigidly tied to the camera you use will allow you to use it effectively. this tool to enhance the effect of your landscape photo.

This article contains the most popular formats today and the corresponding resolutions of monitor or TV screens.

Let's start with the most popular formats today, such as 16:9, 16:10 and 4:3, and at the end of the article we will collect the remaining but still used formats and their resolutions.

16:9 format resolutions

On at the moment is the most popular format. Most films and TV series are found in this format.

nHD 640 x 360 (16:9) - 230.4 kpix.

FWVGA 854 x 480 (16:9) - 409.92 kpx.

qHD 960 x 540 (16:9) - 518.4 kpix.

HDV 720p (HD 720p) 1280 x 720 (16:9) - 921.6 kpix.

WXGA++ (HD+) 1600 x 900 (16:9) - 1.44 megapixels.

HDTV (Full HD) (FHD) 1080p 1920 x 1080 (16:9) - 2.07 MP.

QWXGA 2048 x 1152 (16:9) - 2.36 megapixels.

WQXGA (WQHD) (QHD) 2560 x 1440 (16:9) - 3.68 megapixels.

WQXGA+ 3200 x 1800 (16:9) - 5.76 megapixels.

UHD (4K) 3840 x 2160 (16:9) - 8.29 megapixels.

UHD (8K) (Super Hi-Vision) 7680 x 4320 (16:9) - 33.17 MP.

16:10 format resolutions

At the moment, the 16:10 format is quickly gaining popularity; almost all new films are released in this format, so lovers of new films should think about buying a monitor or TV with this format.<.p>

WXGA+ 1440 x 900 (16:10) - 1,296 megapixels.

XJXGA 1536 x 960 (16:10) - 1,475 megapixels.

WSXGA+ 1680 x 1050 (16:10) - 1.76 megapixels.

WUXGA 1920 x 1200 (16:10) - 2.3 megapixels.

WQXGA 2560 x 1600 (16:10) - 4.09 megapixels.

WQUXGA 3840 x 2400 (16:10) - 9.2 megapixels.

WHUXGA 7680 x 4800 (16:10) - 36.86 megapixels.

4:3 resolutions

Just 5-6 years ago it was the most popular format, but in lately lost primacy to new formats such as 16:9 and 16:10.

QVGA - 320 x 240 (4:3) - 76.8 kpix.

VGA 640 x 480 (4:3) - 307.2 kpix.

SVGA 800 x 600 (4:3) - 480 kpx.

XGA 1024 x 768 (4:3) - 786.432 kpx.

XGA+ 1152 x 864 (4:3) - 995.3 kpx.

SXGA+ 1400 x 1050 (4:3) - 1.47 megapixels.

HDV 1080i (Full HD Anamorphic Non-Square Pixel) 1440 x 1080 (4:3) - 1.55 MP.

UXGA 1600 x 1200 (4:3) - 1.92 megapixels.

QXGA 2048 x 1536 (4:3) - 3.15 megapixels.

QUXGA 3200 x 2400 (4:3) - 7.68 megapixels.

HUXGA 6400 x 4800 (4:3) - 30.72 megapixels.

All remaining screen formats and their resolutions

Below is a list of various currently little-used formats (5:4, etc.) and their resolutions.

LDPI 23 x 33 - 759 pixels.

MDPI 32 x 44 (8:11) - 1,408 kpix.

TVDPI 42.6 x 58.5 - 2,492 kpix.

HDPI 48 x 66 (8:11) - 3,168 kpix.

XHDPI 64 x 88 (8:11) - 5.632 kpix.

XXHDPI 96 x 132 (8:11) - 12.672 kpix.

SIF (MPEG1 SIF) 352 x 240 (22:15) - 84.48 kpix.

CIF (NTSC) (MPEG1 VideoCD) 352 x 240 (11:9) - 84.48 kpix.

CIF (PAL) (MPEG1 VideoCD) 352 x 288 (11:9) - 101.37 kpix.

WQVGA 400 x 240 (5:3) - 96 kpix.

MPEG2 SV-CD - 480 x 576 (5:6) - 276.48 kpix.

HVGA 640 x 240 (8:3) - 153.6 kpx.

HVGA 320 x 480 (2:3) - 153.6 kpx.

2CIF (NTSC) (Half D1) 704 x 240 - 168.96 kpx.

2CIF (PAL) (Half D1) 704 x 288 - 202.7 kpx.

SATRip 720 x 400 - 288 kpix.

4CIF (NTSC) (D1) 704 x 480 - 337.92 kpix.

4CIF (PAL) (D1) 704 x 576 - 405.5 kpix.

WVGA 800 x 480 (5:3) - 384 kpix.

WSVGA 1024 x 600 (128:75) - 614.4 kpx.

WXVGA 1200 x 600 (2:1) - 720 kpix.

WXGA 1280 x 768 (5:3) - 983.04 kpx.

SXGA 1280 x 1024 (5:4) - 1.31 megapixels.

16CIF 1408 x 1152 - 1.62 megapixels.

WSXGA 1536 x 1024 (3:2) - 1.57 megapixels.

WSXGA 1600 x 1024 (25:16) - 1.64 megapixels.

2K 2048 x 1080 (256:135) - 2.2 megapixels.

QSXGA 2560 x 2048 (5:4) - 5.24 megapixels.

WQSXGA 3200 x 2048 (25:16) - 6.55 megapixels.

Ultra HD (4K) 4096 x 2160 (256:135) - 8.8 megapixels.

HSXGA 5120 x 4096 (5:4) - 20.97 megapixels.

WHSXGA 6400 x 4096 (25:16) - 26.2 megapixels.

That's all. The review of the main formats and their resolutions has been completed.

How to increase screen resolution on windows 7 to 1920 1080

How to increase the maximum resolution of your monitor screen

High screen resolution plays a special role in games. The more dots (pixels) there are on the screen, the better the picture as a whole becomes. Other graphic settings, such as, for example, anti-aliasing, texture quality, drawing shadows and water, often affect the image on the screen not as much as the resolution value, that is, the number of these same points. Therefore, increasing the resolution (and in our case, the maximum resolution) will help increase general level graphics in games.

Of course, the methods described in the article will allow you to increase the screen resolution in the operating system as a whole, not only in games.

Nowadays, the video card market is divided between two large companies: AMD and Nvidia. Each of them has developed its own technology that allows you to increase the maximum permissible (according to the monitor specification) resolution. You must have a video card from one of these manufacturers that is not too weak (not too old) for the material in this article to make sense for you.

If you don't know the brand of your video card, then read next point articles. If you know, then feel free to skip.

How to find out the brand of your video card

We offer a solution for Windows owners. We need to get into Device Manager through the Control Panel. In windows 8 call side menu on the right, click on Settings (the button with a gear icon), and then click on the corresponding Control Panel item.

IN previous versions Windows Control Panel can be accessed through the Start menu. So, now from the Control Panel we go to the Device Manager.

In Device Manager, go to the Video adapters section, and right from there you can see at least the brand of your video card in the corresponding item. If you want to know more information about the video card, then double-click on this item or call up the context menu by right-clicking on it, in which click on the Properties item.

AMD requirements

According to AMD's website, you must have one of the following graphics cards, or a newer and more powerful one:

  • AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R9 390 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R9 380 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R7 370 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R7 360 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R9 295X2.
  • AMD Radeon™ R9 290 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R9 280 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R9 270 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ R7 260 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7900 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7800 Series.
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 Series.
  • Desktop A-Series 7400K APU and higher.

Below is a table with supported resolutions and those resolutions that can be achieved, respectively supported.

Solution for owners of AMD Radeon video cards

AMD has Virtual technology Super Resolution (abbreviated as VSR), developed several years ago precisely with the aim of enabling players to improve the quality of graphics in games. To change the maximum screen resolution you will need a new version of the program AMD Catalyst Control Center, which should be installed on all owners of AMD video cards. If you do not have the program for some reason, you can download it on the official website. We also recommend updating the drivers for your video card.

Step 1. So, go to the program: click on the item My digital flat panels. Another list appears.

Click on Properties (Digital Flat Panel). In the Image Scaling Preferences section, check the Enable virtual super resolution box.

Click on the Apply button in the lower right corner of the program.

Step 2. Then you need to go to settings to change the resolution. To do this, you need to right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select Screen Resolution in the context menu or go to the control panel, and from there to the Screen section, where you need to click on the Adjust screen resolution button. Now you can choose more high resolution in the list of the same name.

New available resolutions can also be selected in other programs where there is an option to change the resolution.

It should be noted that when increasing the resolution, the computer spends additional computing power. This usually requires significant computer resources, and it is worth remembering that changing the screen resolution to a higher one may cause a decrease in performance.

Nvidia requirements

You must have a monitor with a resolution of at least 1920x1080 pixels, and a video card of at least 400 series (GeForce 400 Series)

Solution for owners of Nvidia video cards

Nvidia has a similar technology - Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR for short) - which allows you to increase screen resolutions in games up to 4K, that is, up to 3840x2160 pixels. We recommend updating your video card drivers, as is the case with AMD Radeon.

Go to Nvidia Control Panel, then under 3D Settings, select Manage 3D Settings. Here, in the DSR - degree parameter, in the drop-down list, mark those items with the corresponding resolution that you need. For example, if you want to set the resolution to 4K, then select 4.00x (native resolution). You should not select too many resolutions, as this can lead to slower performance: select only the ones you want to use. Don't forget to save your settings.

Now similarly selected resolutions are available in games and in the screen resolution settings in your operating system. Remember that too high a resolution reduces computer performance, which can cause FPS to drop in games.

Change screen resolution and refresh rate in windows7, windows 8.1

Screen resolution determines the clarity of text and images displayed on the screen.

At higher resolutions, for example at 1920x1080 pixels (Full HD), objects look sharper. In addition, objects appear smaller, and more of them can fit on the screen. At lower resolutions, such as 1024x768 pixels, fewer objects fit on the screen, but they appear larger.

Usually than bigger monitor, the higher the resolution it supports. The ability to increase screen resolution depends on the size and capabilities of the monitor, as well as the type of video adapter used.

There are several ways to change the screen resolution:

1 Using standard Windows tools.

2 With help third party utilities(usually when installing drivers on a video card, you already install a program in which you can change image settings).

Change screen resolution using standard Windows tools.

In order to change the screen resolution in windows7/windows 8.1, you need to right-click on the desktop and select “Screen resolution”.

In the "Resolution" line, you can use the slider to select required permission screen.

After selecting the resolution, you must click the “Apply” button, a window will appear prompting you to save the settings, if within 15 seconds you do not click “Save Changes”, the resolution settings will not be saved. This is done to be able to automatically return the settings to their previous settings, so if you choose not correct resolution screen, press the Apply button and everything will disappear/the image will be distorted, then after waiting 15 seconds everything will come back and you will understand that the selected resolution is not suitable for your monitor.

In addition, you can change the frequency of the picture changing on the screen, to do this, click “ Additional options", go to the "Monitor" tab and in the Monitor settings field, select Screen refresh rate.

Change screen resolution with third-party programs.

Often, when installing drivers on a video card, in addition to the driver, a program is installed that helps adjust the image on the monitor. In particular, if you have Nvidia video card then it's probably Nvidia Control Panel. In order to launch this panel, you need to right-click on the desktop and select “Panel NVIDIA management"or launch it from the taskbar (the icon will be near the clock).

In the panel that opens, select the “Change Resolution” tab, in the field on the right, set the required resolution and screen refresh rate, click the “Apply” button.

Increasing screen resolution on Windows 7.

Hello dear readers, in today’s article you will learn how to increase the screen resolution on Windows 7, as well as which of them are the most popular, but before we begin, I want to explain what screen resolution is.

This is a value indicating the number of points per unit of a certain area. Typically, this term applies to video files and photographs. Right-click on a free space on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution” from the context menu that opens. After this, a window will open through which you can not only increase the screen resolution, but also find out what image format you currently have. To do this, you just need to expand the menu, in the “Resolution” item. Here you will see that on my computer the image is within 1680x1050, so we can say that this is the highest value by the standards of my video card and monitor. But if this is not the case for you, you can increase them to the maximum by setting the highest value, however in this case, be careful, when increasing the image format, the speed of the computer (performance) often drops, especially if your computer is weak. And finally, let me write about several of the most popular formats found on computers with the Windows 7 operating system installed:

  1. 1680x1050 – WSXGA+ is the highest;
  2. 1600x1200 - UXGA;
  3. 1600x1024 - WSXGA;
  4. 1280x1024 - SXGA;
  5. 1280x720 - HD 720p;
  6. 800x600 - SVGA, lowest resolution on Windows 7.

Well that's all! Now you know how to increase the screen resolution and next time you can do it yourself, but again I repeat that you should not overdo it, as the speed of the computer may noticeably decrease.


How to increase screen resolution on a laptop -

Increasing screen resolution is not an easy procedure, which often forces the user to use outside help during its implementation. There are often situations when a laptop user accidentally changes the screen (matrix) resolution by pressing a combination of hot keys, or, for ease of use, selects the one that suits his needs.

Ways to increase matrix resolution on a laptop

Pay attention! Each specific model has its own “ceiling” of the highest resolution.

What monitor resolutions are there?

It is determined by the maximum value that is supported by the laptop matrix. Attempts to increase the resolution to values ​​​​not supported by the matrix can lead to its damage and further incorrect operation. By the way, replacing a laptop matrix is ​​one of the most expensive PC repairs.

Each operating system has a utility for setting screen resolution;

1. In order to use it, go to the Desktop, right-click on any free space.

You can also use the following alternative and no more complicated path: “Start/Control Panel/Display/Screen Resolution”. This path to the utility may vary slightly depending on the OS version used;

3. Select the most suitable resolution by moving the slider.

It is not always possible to achieve what you want using this method: in most cases, the user does not have the opportunity to select the maximum resolution due to the fact that the system cannot recognize the technical parameters of the installed matrix.

Configuration via video card software

1. Before performing the described procedure using video card drivers, check that they are installed by opening the command prompt with the Win+R key combination and entering the devmgmt.msc command in it.

3. If the OS does not have the required software, you need to install the video card driver from the disk that came with the laptop, or from the official website of the video card manufacturer.

After installation, be sure to restart your PC.

4. After making sure that video drivers are available, go to the “Taskbar”, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen.

5. Find and open the video card software, then select the “Screen Personalization” section and start selecting the appropriate resolution.

→ Hardware → Monitor, TV → How to adjust computer screen resolution

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How to set up
screen resolution

Information for inexperienced users about what computer screen resolution is and how to set it correctly. The article will provide an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the principles of image formation on a computer monitor, as well as some of the factors influencing its quality.

What is screen resolution

Image on everyone's screens modern devices(computer monitors, laptops, tablets, etc.) are formed from very small points called pixels. This is clearly visible if you look at the monitor with close range. The more dots that form an image, the less noticeable these dots are, and the clearer the image. One of the most important characteristics of any monitor is the number of points it can simultaneously display. Maximum quantity simultaneously displayed points are called maximum screen resolution. Screen resolution is usually indicated as two numbers, the first of which means the number of pixels displayed by the monitor horizontally, the second – vertically (for example, 1920 X 1080). Each monitor model has its own maximum screen resolution. The higher it is, the better monitor. At the same time, permission cannot be arbitrary. There are certain standards that monitor manufacturers adhere to and with which computer software is developed. The most common resolution standards are 1920X1080, 1440X1050, 1440X900, 1280X1024, 1280X960, etc. Inexperienced users sometimes confuse the concept "screen resolution" with the concept "screen size". These are completely different things. Screen size- this is its diagonal length (the distance from one of the corners to the opposite corner), measured in inches. Monitors of different sizes can have the same resolution, and vice versa - monitors of the same size can have different resolution. The larger the screen size, the higher its resolution should be. Otherwise, the pixels from which the image is formed will be too visible at close range (the picture will not be clear enough). In your computer settings, you should always select the maximum screen resolution supported by your monitor. , regardless of its size. If you choose a resolution lower than the maximum possible, the image quality will be worse than what the monitor is actually capable of. If it is more, there will be no image at all (we get a black screen).

How to adjust screen resolution

First of all, you need to find out the maximum resolution supported by your computer monitor. This information is usually included in the documentation that came with the monitor when you purchased it. Knowing the name of the monitor model, you can also get information about its maximum resolution from the Internet (see the manufacturer’s website or specialized sites).

How to set screen resolution depends on the version of Windows installed on the computer:

Windows Vista, Windows 7: close or collapse all open windows, move the mouse pointer to an empty space on the desktop, click right button mice. A context menu will open in which you need to select the “Screen resolution” item (click on it with the left mouse button). In the window that appears, you need to open the drop-down menu next to the word “Resolution” (click on it with the mouse) and move the slider to the value corresponding the required resolution screen (see the image on the right, click on it to enlarge). Then click the “Apply” button and confirm the installation of new parameters;

Windows XP: close or minimize all open windows, move the mouse pointer over an empty space on the desktop, and press the right mouse button. A context menu will open in which you need to select the “Properties” item (click on it with the left mouse button). In the window that opens, go to the “Options” tab, where in the “Screen resolution” item, move the slider to the value corresponding to the desired screen resolution (see the image on the right, click on it to enlarge). Then click the “Apply” button and confirm making changes to the settings.

If a suitable option is not among the values ​​offered by the computer, it means that either you have not correctly determined the maximum screen resolution for your monitor model (check again), or the computer does not have a video card driver.

In the latter case, you need to find out what video card is installed on your computer, download a driver for it (from its manufacturer’s website) and install it. After restarting the computer, the appropriate resolution option will become available in its settings.

Lesson 13. Law and Social Work

General parameters and design of the Desktop on Windows example 7. Working with built-in help system Windows.

Purpose of the work: study the elements of the desktop interface, learn how to use various settings registration, work in the help system.

Tasks: Answer questions, complete practical tasks.

Questions and tasks

1.What is the purpose and features of the Desktop?

2. What is image resolution and what are its characteristics?

Screen resolution, aspect ratio and their letter abbreviations

How is screen resolution related to its information capacity?

4. How does the frequency of screen refreshes affect a person’s work?

5 How to set the screen refresh rate?

6. What tools allow you to change the design of your desktop?

7. What were screen savers used for?

8. Describe the purpose of all items in the Screen window from the Control Panel.

9 What is the minimum acceptable screen resolution required to run the Windows 7 operating system?

10 What is a gadget, how to work with them?

11 What are the features of using jump lists to open programs and objects?

12 What desktop features allow you to configure the Snap, Shake, Peek functions?

13 Demonstrate to the teacher the use of various innovations when preparing a Work Windows desktop 7.

14. Call for help and support Windows button F1 List three programs that can make interacting with a computer easier.

15. What are desktop widgets? Using Windows Help tips, install one of them on your desktop.

16. Using Windows Help tips, select Keyboard, find the combination of keys that allows you to capture an image of only the active window, and not the entire screen. Using this combination, copy the window, open a text editor, paste the image, save the document on your desktop under the name Help. Show your completed work to your teacher.

17. Using Windows Help tips, find the Desktop section, add a shortcut to any program from the list of programs installed on the desktop. Show it to your teacher.

Educational text

Windows 7 is a very powerful and flexible system: thanks to powerful customization tools, you can configure the system shell in accordance with your tastes and tasks.

Customizing the Windows 7 desktop interface

To screen Desktop we find ourselves when we log into Windows XP. This is the screen we have to work with the most, and it is important to set it up first.

Desktop- This is the main screen of the Windows operating system. Its settings affect how folder windows and most application programs are displayed.

General Desktop Settings

Image resolution. Screen - device raster type. This means that the screen image is composite. It is made up of individual raster points called pixels.

A raster image has two characteristics: physical size and information capacity. Physical size expressed in linear units of measurement: meters, millimeters, inches, etc. It is inextricably linked with the medium on which the image is reproduced.

Information capacity is characterized by the number of dots (pixels) that make up a raster image.

There is a relationship between the image size and its capacity through a parameter called image resolution, or extension. Resolution is measured by the number of information points per unit length of the image when it is reproduced.

Resolution is a very expressive parameter. It simultaneously characterizes:

· perfection of the processes of creating, recording and reproducing images;

· technical level image recording and playback devices;

· quality of media material and image.

Together with the size or capacity, the resolution parameter characterizes the quality of the image itself and its suitability for solving given problems.

Monitor screen resolution. Monitor size is measured diagonally. The unit of measurement is inch. For an office or home computer, the most common values ​​are: 14, 15, 17, 19, 21 inches. Since the monitor's aspect ratio is fixed (usually 4:3), the diagonal size characterizes the width and height of the screen.

The information capacity of a monitor is determined by the number of image pixels that can be simultaneously reproduced on the screen. For liquid crystal (LCD) monitors, this value is constant: it is determined by the size of the matrix.

For monitors based on a cathode ray tube (CRT), this value is variable: it is determined by the settings of the computer’s video adapter. Standard values, pixel: 640x480; 800x600; 1024x768; 1152x864; 1280x1024; 1600x1200; 1920x1440, etc. For monitors this value is called screen resolution.

Setting the screen resolution

The main tool for managing graphic parameters Desktop– dialog box Screen Resolution(rice.). It can be opened using the control panel: Start → Control Panel → Screen.

You can also select the command from the desktop context menu Screen resolution.

The set of possible resolutions depends on the hardware capabilities of the video system. If the correct video adapter and monitor drivers are installed, then only the correct values ​​are available.

Screen resolution is selected based on comfortable working conditions. Since the size of the monitor screen does not change, we can say that individual pixels become larger or smaller when the resolution changes. If the resolution decreases, the pixels increase. Accordingly, the image elements become larger, but fewer of them fit on the screen - information capacity the screen size decreases.

As the resolution increases, the information capacity of the screen increases. IN modern programs a lot of controls. The more of them that fit on the screen, the better. Therefore, when setting up, you should select the maximum screen resolution at which the visual load remains within acceptable limits. They depend on the state of the visual organs, the nature of the work and the quality of the video system devices. Approximate data for monitors are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

For LCD monitors, resolution is chosen differently. It is most convenient to work with a resolution at which the image pixel coincides with the element of the liquid crystal matrix.

Sometimes you have to different programs work in different extensions. Programs (mostly computer games) that need full screen mode, they themselves set the screen resolution at startup.

Color depth. Color depth value, or color resolution, indicates how much different options colors can be reproduced by a single pixel. The Windows 7 operating system supports the following color modes: Hight Color, 24-bit color; True Color, 32-bit color.

Modern video adapters can allocate 32 bits for color, although there are still 24 significant bits. There is almost no difference in performance between the Hight Color and True Color modes, so it makes no sense to reduce the number of colors.

Screen refresh rate. The convenience of working with a computer is greatly influenced by the refresh rate of the image on the screen - frame rate. This setting is only important for monitors with cathode ray tube. Before constructing the frame, the monitor's kinescope beam returns from the bottom of the screen to the left top corner, which is why we sometimes talk about vertical frequency. For LCD monitors, this parameter cannot be changed.

At a low frame rate, the eye notices a “jitter” in the image, which leads to rapid eye fatigue. The minimum acceptable frequency is 60 Hz. Long work on a computer is possible with a refresh rate of 75 Hz and higher. Comfortable work provides a frequency of 85 ... 100 Hz or more.

Acceptable refresh rates depend on your monitor's capabilities. In extreme modes, when the refresh rate is close to the maximum allowable value, image quality may decrease. Sometimes sharp boundaries, such as lines in letters and other symbols, become blurred. In this case, the update frequency must be reduced. For some monitors, the manufacturer does not recommend choosing the maximum frequency.

All graphics mode parameters (resolution, number of colors, frame rate) can be set simultaneously.