Beautiful landing page examples. Landing page examples: tips for creating

To create a successful one-page website for selling your own product, a smart solution would be to first study working landing page examples. Is it easy to create such a page yourself? Let's consider what distinguishes beautiful and actively selling landing sites.

What is a landing page

Landing - what is it? This is the name for a one-page website where customers are offered some kind of benefit: a discount, a promotion, unique products. Landing does not always aim to sell products. Sometimes such pages contain an application form, by filling which the client enters the database or orders himself information call company manager.

Most companies have already appreciated how much landing sites help in marketing. One page solves one problem. Landing pages should not be overloaded additional information. Their the main objective- Motivate customers to respond to calls to action.

The advantage of a one-page website over full-fledged online stores is the specificity of the offer. A clear statement of benefits helps to successfully convey to clients the benefits of cooperation (purchases, applications).

Of course, all Internet users have seen such pages. Practice shows that this is really effective marketing tool. In conditions of general information overload landing page pleasantly delight customers with minimalism, style and clarity of wording, lack of unnecessary advertising and spam.

A beautiful landing page is an important online marketing tool

Examples of the most beautiful landing pages

What makes a landing page beautiful? At first it may seem that there is no clear answer to this question, because each user understands beauty in his own way. But in fact, a landing page is a tool for which there are quality standards. To see successful examples, visit the following sites:

  • Designed to;

The best landing pages have a similar structure and features. People like different variants website design, but the success of the landing page does not lie in beautiful pictures. Key features of attractive one-page websites:

  • minimalistic but stylish design;
  • clear wording, no vague phrases, a lot of specifics;
  • list of benefits (the client immediately understands what he will receive if he responds to the offer);
  • convenient application form, without unnecessary information ( The best decision- only the buyer’s name and contacts);
  • the presence of a call to action, an incentive to respond (“call”, “find out details”, “request a call”);
  • honesty (landing page should contain only relevant and factual information);
  • optimization for search engines(Availability popular queries in the text of the site raises it in the search engine rankings).

The article presents examples of sites with good landing pages. Study them and develop your own one-page websites for products and services. We can highlight some general recommendations. The page should be harmonious and attractive to the eye. Do not use acidic or irritating shades. It is advisable to limit yourself to 2-3 primary colors and stick to pleasant contrasting tones. All images on the landing page must be of high quality.

Harmonious color combinations, clearly described benefits and convenient placement on the screen are signs of a successful landing page

Examples of actively selling landing pages

A sales landing page is the goal of most online marketers. It is important to make a one-page website not only beautiful, but also attracting customer traffic. What features will help turn an ordinary landing page into an actively selling one?

The key feature is the obvious benefit. The faster the buyer understands that he is being offered truly favorable and fair terms of cooperation, the faster he will make a purchase. Therefore, in the offer of the page you need to indicate the cost of the product or service. If possible, you need to compare it with competitors’ prices and be sure to focus on the difference (for example, “5,000 rubles cheaper than competitors”).

A good option would be to use a question-answer format. Users often search the Internet for information in the form of a question. For example, “how to choose a dress for prom.” Use popular wording in the landing page title and good traffic guaranteed for you(if, of course, the site really offers a solution to the issue).

All important information should be placed on the first screen: than faster user grasps the essence of the proposal, the faster it will respond

A selling landing page most often works without a scroll - that is, without scrolling down the page. All profitable terms and the application form are placed on the first screen. It may sound strange, but some users really don't like scrolling and want to get the gist of a sentence at a glance. Why not give them this opportunity?


Creating a landing page is a complex process in which monotonous technical work combined with creativity. Of course, there are many examples of successful one-page sites and general useful recommendations. But you shouldn’t blindly imitate and use repeatedly repeated templates. The main thing in landing is still not appearance, but a clearly formulated proposal.

What should a landing page look like in terms of efficiency? What blocks should it contain and what should these blocks look like? After reading the article, you will get answers to these questions and see what they look like best landing page.

1. Headline with USP

The ideal landing page, single screen or long, always has a catchy headline that:

  • immediately lets the visitor know where he is;
  • shows him the uniqueness of your offer.

The headline is placed at the top of the landing page, at user eye level. Big, bright, intriguing.

The bounce rate depends on the title.

Here are examples of headlines for our company’s best landing pages.

2. Descriptor

The descriptor also affects the bounce rate, although less than the headline. Typically consists of a logo, company name, slogan or a few words about services or products. Placed in the top left or middle.

If the landing page has a headline with a USP, the descriptor is made modest - a logo plus a name.

The best landing pages always contain an original descriptor.

3. Block with contact information

Typically located in the upper right corner. A comprehensive contact block contains:

  • real phone number;
  • email;
  • "Call back" button.

An appeal must be used - please call.

4. Attractive image

By image we mean the background - big picture, on top of which a title, capture form, and other blocks are placed.

In an ideal landing page, the image matches the theme of the site, is original and interesting. The background color scheme is different from the title font color to prevent them from blending together.

In the screenshots you see beautiful landing pages with attractive images.

5. Capture forms

A single-screen landing page contains one capture form, a long landing page contains 2 or 3 forms. The first form is adjacent to the heading - next to it or below it.

The capture form contains fields for entering your name and phone number. The call to action describes additional benefits (gift, discount, additional service), which encourage the visitor to immediately submit data.

If there is a promotion running on the landing page, the capture form contains a countdown timer.

These are the gripping forms we equip best landing page page of our clients.

6. Block with benefits for the client

This block ideally bypasses visitors’ objections. 3–8 points are placed in a block.

The block has following structure: text describing the benefit and a thematic picture for each item. The location of the items is horizontal or vertical. In an ideal block, all paragraphs have the same amount of text, and key sentences are highlighted in color or in bold.

7. Customer reviews

The review block is key in the landing page.

The landing page should have real reviews from at least three clients. The ideal option is a scrollable window, such as a slider, that can accommodate 5-10 reviews.

Each review:

  • contains name and real photo client;
  • content with key details that will have a positive impact on landing page conversion.

Here are examples of blocks with reviews on the best landing pages of our studio.

8. Tariffs or service packages

Buyers like to choose from several alternatives. Therefore, the ideal landing page offers a choice of 2-3 tariffs or packages. It doesn’t matter whether the landing page sells goods or provides services, the site must have a block with tariffs.

Tariffs must be different from each other and contain detailed information about what is included in them. One of the tariffs is marked as the most popular among clients.

9. Landing Page Examples

This is one of the most important blocks of a landing page. It is after viewing the portfolio or cases that the visitor decides to take the target action.

A competent portfolio contains only best works, beautifully designed, does not take up much space. For design, it is better to use a slider with which visitors will scroll through the images.

After looking at examples of landing pages, the visitor should be convinced of the quality of the product or service.

10. Real contact details in the footer

The final trust trigger is a block with contact information about the company or author in the footer.

In the case of a company, there must be a card with specified location office. In the case of the author, all kinds of contacts.

This is also where the final capture form is located.

An ideal landing page contains all of the above elements. However, for a landing page to be truly effective, all its blocks must be correctly combined into one composition. And also add meanings thanks to which visitors perform conversion actions on our landing page.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about such an important thing as landing page, which is very often called a landing page in a bourgeois manner (from the English landing page - landing page). What is it and why is it so important?

Let's dedicate the current article to answering this question, and also consider in detail those points that are very important when creating landing pages, and consider all of this on specific landing examples page and the techniques that the best usability experts use to improve the effectiveness of landing pages.

What is a landing page and why is it so important?

Very often, even with proper operation on attracting the right people (target audience) to your website (, etc.) you, as a business owner, will not feel any return on it. It seems that traffic is flowing, and the audience is target, but there are practically no sales or subscriptions (depending on what conversion action you chose as the main task in). Nothing works. What can be wrong?

Most likely, you forgot to think through and prepare landing pages, which are often called landing pages. What it is?

And this is very important point, which can significantly increase conversion (the number of purchases or registrations), because landing pages are designed guide the user to perform the target action as efficiently as possible. If you are from everyone advertisements will direct visitors, for example, to home page site, you can catastrophically reduce conversion and go down the drain.

The term “landing page” itself is derived from the English phrase “landing page”, which in translation means just the target, landing (landing) page. Landing pages are created not just anyhow, but taking into account the psychology of visitors. They should grab you and not let go them until the very moment of purchase (or registration), because it will be extremely difficult to re-attract the visitor.

It's like a hook on fishing gear - it must reliably pick up and confidently hold the fish caught on it until the moment you fix it with a bait. If the hook (laying) is unsuitable or does not exist at all, then all your efforts from baiting, setting bait and other shamanic actions will go to waste. You will not achieve your final goal.

The landing pages themselves are either individual pages an existing website, or one-page websites specially created for this purpose. In fact, once a user gets into it, it’s quite difficult to get out and he inevitably has to slide into it until he becomes your client. But this is ideal, and we will look at how to realize this ideal using various advertising tricks in the continuation of this publication.

Examples of landing pages

Depending on the goals you pursue, you can divide landing pages (landing pages) into several types:

12 steps to create the perfect landing page

You need to understand that the landing pages to which you will attract users from social networks (or from contextual advertising), must have a number of characteristics and satisfy certain requirements. So how? create perfect landing page paige?

  1. Each landing page should be tailored for only one target (conversion) action - either subscription or sales. There is no need to be greedy, because the user’s attention will be scattered and the likelihood of him leaving will greatly increase (without choosing anything from the proposed options). It’s better to force clients to think and choose as little as possible - the path to the landing page should be straight as an arrow (obvious to him) and without any branches.
  2. Must be present on the landing page call to action(with verbs in the imperative mood - call, buy, receive, come, etc.). Phrases should be short and motivating. For example, “buy now”, “get video course” or “subscribe and receive”.
  3. They also rule bright buttons and arrows, creating an emphasis on them. Buttons in red and yellow shades work well, because they are noticeable and contain a call to action.

    Well, arrows, as a rule, are designed to place even more emphasis on the button so that the user’s behavior on the landing page is as predictable as possible.

    Sometimes they work very well animated buttons(but in any case, it will be necessary to test the effectiveness of certain elements of the landing page):

  4. If the landing page uses(on subscription landing pages You can’t do without them, but they are also used quite often by salespeople), then make sure that they contain as few fields as possible. Ideally, the form should have only one field (for entering an email address), but for further communication (marketing) you will need to know the username, so two fields are the most common option. More fields can significantly reduce conversion. In addition, adding fields for entering a phone number or address makes users wary and can lead to abandonment of the target action.
  5. In the article about I mentioned that Internet users do not read texts - they view them. And the most important thing in this regard is the title. If it is not there (or it is not highlighted accordingly), then this will greatly reduce the conversion rate. On landing pages Headings must be catchy so that the user is inclined to read further or immediately take a conversion action (subscription, order, call).

  6. Your landing page should not only have calls to action and catchy headlines, but also argumentation of necessity subscription, purchase, order or call. In the case of a subscription page, this could be, for example, a short video with a description and content of the “freebie”, or the same thing is formatted in the form short list(list). In the case of a salesperson, this could also be a video with a review of the product, a list of the services that you offer (including your competitive advantages).

  7. Works very well on landing pages reviews from existing clients, buyers or subscribers (it is better if some contacts of those who left these reviews are indicated so that everything looks believable).

  8. Also works well on landing pages before and after comparisons. This is not applicable for all topics, but in the field of weight loss, cosmetology, fitness and many other niches it can be used with high efficiency. For example, this is what a company providing restaurant services does.

  9. The landing page can be quite long, but when viewing the first screen(this is the area of ​​the page that is visible without scrolling) it should be completely clear to the user what exactly you wanted to tell him.
  10. To stimulate subscribers or buyers of certain products (for example,) you can use the option of additional bonuses that the subscriber or buyer will receive when ordering. When the user is on the verge of making a decision, it is precisely such “buns” that can tip the scales in your favor.
  11. And, of course, it is worth emphasizing that “only here and only for a certain amount of time” the user will have access to all this splendor (subscription, special price for goods, additional set services). What's the best way to do this? That's right, put it timer counting down until hour X, when the given opportunity will be missed. Nothing stimulates a hesitant user to make a decision more than seconds literally running away before our eyes.

    It would be a good idea to place a subscription, order or form next to the timer. contact number. This won’t always work, so you need to carry out tests (I’m thinking of writing a series of articles about conducting A/B testing - if you don’t want to miss out, subscribe to the newsletter), and it’s possible that such a simple and obvious way will allow you to increase the conversion of this landing page and more than recoup the money spent on promotion on social networks or contextual advertising.

  12. Users also want to know who exactly is offering them this product, service, video course, etc., so it is necessary indicate information in the landing page about the author, store, company.

    Naturally, it would be good to mention merits, achievements, and competitive advantages, but do not over-praise yourself, so as not to cross the line beyond which trust in the published information begins to decline.

Examples of errors that make landing unworkable

In addition to those things that help the landing page work more efficiently, it is worth listing common mistakes when creating landing pages, which can neutralize all the above “ear tricks”, and you will not get the desired result from advertising or promotion in social networks (or context).

  1. Let me remind you once again that almost no one reads on the Internet (at least again open page), namely, views the information. If it turns out to be really worthwhile and requires more detailed study, then it will come to reading (in general, the same as with newspapers). That's why Don’t let your landing page become overloaded with information- this can disorient the user and cause a reaction of rejection even before the moment when he understands what is being said.
  2. The text should be small, as concise as possible and filled with information, not water. A couple of paragraphs “about nothing” will make the user strongly desire to close such a landing page. Small font also doesn’t work well on a landing page. In general, its use is not necessary, because many words are not required to convey the essence.
  3. Don't disappoint the user's expectations. If in an advertisement or in a post in social network You talked about one thing, but when the user gets to the landing page, he sees something else, then there is a loss of trust and the conversion rate drops sharply. It is very important to monitor this compliance.
  4. Landing page design actually very important. If it is unfinished, made unprofessionally, or has a repulsive appearance for most users, then even following all the rules described above for creating a good landing page will not save you. If you yourself do not have the necessary skills and taste, or you do not have a designer on staff, then you can use numerous designers or ready-made templates landing page, which will only need to be slightly altered to suit your needs.

    Again, determine the best option Testing and analysis of statistics, for example, will help you (often not everything is as obvious as it might seem). This way, you can track the completion of the target action and understand which landing elements contribute to increasing conversion, and which are distracting and need to be changed.

Do you have some more time? Do you want to spend it usefully? Then grab some popcorn, sit back and watch a two-hour master class « Step-by-step algorithm Landing creation Page":

A large number of sites that are on the RuNet are very monotonous, and it is always necessary to create something new, unusual, and attracting attention. This time I decided to write an article not just about another effect on the site, but to show how these effects can be combined within one big project. It's very important that your site doesn't look like a collection of meaninglessly popping up different sides animation. I would like to present to your attention a selection of the 10 best interactive Landing Pages that are worth paying attention to.

I talked about where to start when learning how to create websites, and landing pages in particular, in a small mini-course: .

So, here is a selection of 9 landing pages where you can get inspiration:

Selection - the best interactive Landing Pages

1 Fixed Group

An excellent option for a site where you can’t even move the mouse, and you will immediately see the block with content distorted in response. Space slowly “floats” behind. Transitions also cannot leave you indifferent, because they all occur with an interesting effect, and it seems that each of the blocks is “cut” into two halves.

2 Fubiz

On this site, nothing appears when you scroll, but there are a lot of elements here: drop-down lists, color changes, appearance additional elements and descriptions. No harsh effects, everything is done in uniform style. I recommend paying attention to the effects; some of them can be applied to your projects.

3 Vimeo

This project should already be familiar to you - it is a professional video hosting service. But this page talks about the ability to edit video directly from mobile device. But I want to focus on the effects that occur when scrolling the page. First there is a decrease background image in the header, and then appears in the phone. Very attention-grabbing, isn't it?

4 Black Negative

A distinctive feature of this site over all others is its non-standard scrolling. As you may have noticed, it is horizontal. Also, movement occurs by dragging content to the left. But what’s even more impressive is the number of effects in each block: , , and vertical scroll blocks. The video in the background is a little confusing, but still everything is done quite original and unusual.

5 Super Top Secret

Here I want to draw your attention not to the hover effects, but to the background. After full load website, when you move the mouse cursor, stains appear in the background, like on water. Also, with a click, stains are created, and this effect makes an excellent impression. You won't see this on every site.


As you scroll, various icons and headings appear (draw) on the page. Without realizing it, you begin to look at the drawing process and wait for what will appear there at the end, thereby reading the text that was drawn. If you are interested in how it is created this effect and you want to create the same effect on your website or landing page, then study these articles: and.



What attracted me to this site were the hover effects. Although the site was created in modern style minimalism, but 3D objects are very beautifully combined here: opening postcards, the movement of objects on the postcard. Also note

At the webinar about errors on landing pages, past 10/30/2014, I was asked to give examples of ideal landing pages. I joked that there were no limits to perfection, but I realized that people were thirsty for new role models, in addition to those that I had already given or.

Of course, I see some errors on these landing pages. Especially me. But, I like the work of designers, so I share these examples with you. Well, you can find the errors yourself if you watched the recording of the above-mentioned webinar :)

Let me remind you that the pictures are clickable - they link to full screenshots of the landing pages. The volume of which is not very friendly for mobile communications– up to 5MB.

Landing page example: Timberland shoes.

I really like the designer’s focus on the “main character” of the landing page. And also the third screen on which attention is paid key features goods. Among the serious shortcomings, in addition to those that I spoke about at the webinar, I would include the inclusion on one page of shoes intended for different seasons.

Landing example: children's electric cars

Hooray! There is a video of the car in action. No cheers - there are little Koreans in the video. But we’re not selling to them :)
What is much more serious, a guaranteed freeze for dads: how a white car differs from a black one. And are these differences worth 3,200 rubles? The remaining shortcomings will be highlighted by the following landing page.

Landing page example: radio-controlled models