Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be rebooted. What to do if the error occurs: “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted Critical error SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION: solutions

Our article will tell you about a critical error when loading Windows 10 - “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart.” You will learn about the main causes of this problem, as well as all possible ways to solve this problem.

In the Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has updated the critical error screen (Blue Screen of Death). Now the PC does not reboot a second after the error message is displayed, but asks the user for permission to perform the corresponding operation and indicates a specific error code. Thanks to this, the PC user can get acquainted with the cause of the problem and even quickly find a method to fix the problem.

Blue Screen of Death in Windows 10

What is this error?

"Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart" is a message that a user receives due to critical failures in Windows 10. The error occurs for various reasons and can be a single bug or a permanent problem.

Unlike previous versions of Windows, 10 also displays a QR code on the blue screen, which includes a direct link to a page on the Microsoft website containing a description of the problem and possible solutions. Thanks to this, if a person who is faced with a corresponding problem has a modern smartphone, he can quickly find out about the malfunction that has arisen on his computer and solve it.

How to fix the problem

In most cases, simply restarting the computer will help get rid of the Blue Screen of Death. This can be done in several ways:

  • press the “Reset” button on the system unit (suitable for desktops);
  • the hard way is to pull out the cord (for desktops);
  • hold the Power button for 3-5 seconds (for desktops and laptops);
  • The hard way is to remove the battery (for laptops).

If the system booted successfully and after a day of use the critical error no longer appeared, then most likely this was an isolated case and no other measures need to be taken.

What to do if the blue screen of death occurs again

There can be many reasons for the critical error “There is a problem with your PC.” Its appearance may be associated with both technical malfunctions of the hardware and the software part of the OS.

If you have errors like "Critical process died"(failure of a service important for the functioning of the system) or "KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FILURE"(error when checking the security/integrity of the OS kernel) is software, then fixing them in most cases is not difficult. These are the two most common bugs.

To do this, first of all, you should check the system antivirus. You can use the one built into Windows 10 or install another one, but first disable the first one.

Step two: launch System Restore to the last points. To return the OS to an earlier state:

  • click on “Win+S”;
  • enter “System Restore” and launch the application;
  • follow the instructions that the program offers;
  • from the table, select the date as of which no errors were noticed.
  1. Another variant: restore system files using a special utility. To do this, you need to launch the command line as an administrator and run the command “ sfc /scannow". If the utility asks you anything during the verification process, you must agree.
  2. You can also try update drivers devices. Checking and updating is done through the “Device Manager”. You can also use targeted utilities such as DriverPack Solution.
  3. If errors still occur after following these steps, then it is most likely a hardware problem. First you need to check the integrity of the file system, for which we enter “ chkdsk /f" in the command line and agree to everything that the utility suggests.
  4. If this also doesn't lead to anything, there is probably a problem with the RAM. She needs to be checked Memtest86, which can be downloaded without problems from the official resource. The user will need to create a bootable USB flash drive with this program and check the RAM for read/write errors. There are a lot of instructions on how to do this on the Internet. If the RAM is damaged, you will have to buy new modules.


The problem with the notification “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted” is in most cases isolated, but it doesn’t hurt to check the integrity of your system files. To avoid errors Critical process died or KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FILURE, you should always apply new Windows 10 updates and monitor the latest versions of your antivirus.

The screen of death on Windows 10 looks a little different than on previous versions of the operating system. When it appears, a message appears: “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart.” As a rule, in the lower left corner there is an additional QR code and the name of the error, which you can also use to navigate.

The appearance of this notification can be either isolated or regular. In some cases, the inscription appears even during the installation of the operating system, which would seem unlikely. A failure may occur if the computer was turned off in an emergency or there was a power surge. What should you do in this case? We will tell you how to correctly and quickly fix this BSoD.

“There’s a problem with your PC” error in Windows 10

If Windows 10 crashes during operation

In cases where you can log in, but crashes occur during work, you need to try simpler methods without the risk of losing important information. Typically, in such situations, the source of BSoD can be the following:

  • equipment conflict;
  • incorrect installation of drivers or their mismatch;
  • banal OS assembly bugs;
  • malware;
  • problematic system updates;
  • excessive number of temporary files and much more.

It is quite logical that to solve the problem it will be necessary to eliminate the possible causes, which means that the procedure will look something like this.

In addition, it is advisable to remember when the problem was first discovered. It is likely that the blue screen began to appear after installing or launching an application. In this case, you need to reinstall it, and if the error persists, contact the software manufacturer’s support.

If you have completed all the cleaning and restoration, but the problem remains, then you need to localize its source. To do this, I advise you to use a simple BlueScreenView utility. Here are visual instructions for using it and identifying the causes.

There is a hardware problem on your PC

If the steps above do not help, then most likely the problem is hardware. In most cases, users cannot start the operating system even in Safe Mode or reinstall the system. Often the causes of the problem are:

  • poor contact on RAM slots, hard drive and video card;
  • dust;
  • damage to components;
  • motherboard malfunction;
  • drying out of thermal paste with subsequent overheating of processors, it is advisable to change such paste every six months to a year;
  • power supply malfunction or short circuit;
  • much more.

Keep in mind that before touching the components, it is advisable to perform tests using the following utilities: “Memtest86” or “HDD Regenerator”.

To run this software you need to create a bootable USB flash drive. If no errors were found as a result of checking, then the likelihood that the cause lies in the RAM or HDD is extremely low. Be sure to pay attention to the operation of the cooling system and the heating strength in the processor area.

We check the components as follows.

If Windows won't boot at all

All of the above reasons can also cause a “breakdown” of the operating system itself, after which it will not load at all, displaying “There is a problem on your PC and it needs to be restarted.” In this case, the best option would be:

  1. Turn on the PC as soon as the loading icon appears - turn off the power, do this a second time. We run it for the third time, but do not interrupt anything. Diagnostics and preparation will begin, and then the recovery environment will open. Next, in the additional options, select “Return to original state” and follow the instructions.
  2. In the same settings, you can use the Windows 10 installation image (on a flash drive or disk), through which the system is restored. This is the best option. There is a lot of information about this on the Internet - check it out.
  3. Creating a “Windows resuscitator” on a flash drive. On such media you can download a large set of programs that will help identify and fix the BSoD error. Here is a detailed video instruction on creation and configuration.


This material describes the general procedure, since there are many reasons for the error. In the lower left corner of the screen there is a QR code, by scanning which you will immediately receive a link to the Microsoft website, where the cause and how to resolve it are described in detail. The specific name of the error is also indicated below - search it online and get additional information on the failure. For example, the CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED indicator appears when drivers are broken. And, of course, if you cannot fix the problem in Windows 10 yourself, then you should contact a specialist to diagnose and repair your PC.

A blue screen with the text PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA in Windows 10 occurs for a number of reasons. The tiny portable utility BlueScreenView from Nirsoft will help you determine the true source of the problem. It will extract information from a small dump, decrypt it and present it to the user in a readable form. Since there are many reasons for the problem, there will be several ways to get rid of it. But first of all, you should determine the exact reason for the latest messages on a blue background with the above text.

Sources of the problem

When a blue screen appears for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with the reason for its display, reboot and continue working. Even if the situation repeats, it is necessary to look for its source and take measures to eliminate it. Most often, the reasons for the appearance of PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA were noticed:

  • installing drivers for new equipment or updating system software related to computer hardware components;
  • installation of new software into the system, which adds its own drivers and services (emulators, virtual machines);
  • a new antivirus or a conflict between an antivirus application and the built-in defender, the Windows 10 kernel or some driver/service.

Less common sources of blue screens, regardless of the error code, are:

  • presence of damage in the RAM chips or oxidation of contacts;
  • problems with the normal functioning of the power supply (perhaps one or more capacitors are functioning on the verge of collapse, not working at full capacity);
  • The registry files, Windows 10 or the HDD sectors in which they are located are damaged.

The problem is often caused by system files (with the sys extension) win32k, applecharger, hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe, as well as a Windows 10 Defender component called WDFILTER.sys.

Methods for getting rid of the error

Let's start with the simplest ones.

The uTorrent client has been detected as the culprit of the stop error PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA, try excluding it from the list of automatically downloaded utilities.

Open the Task Manager via Win→X and select the program on the “Startup” tab, then click on the “Disable” button located at the bottom right, then reboot and check if this gives a positive result.

  1. When the blue screen does not even allow the operating system to boot, we start the computer in safe mode and remove this problematic software through the Programs and Features applet or third-party software.
  2. If you have hal.dll or win32k or ntfs system files in the list of problematic ones, try temporarily disabling the swap file through additional system parameters and then rebooting it.
  3. The system files tcpip and tm in the list of problem files indicate that the specified network bridge is incorrect.

Go to “Network Connections” or execute the “ncpa.cpl” command in the Win→R window.

Disable (or better yet, delete) third-party network bridges and reboot (in the second case.)

  • If WDFILTER.sys is among the sources of the problem, Microsoft recommends installing all updates for Windows 10 that have been delayed, or enabling auto-update of the operating system if it has been deactivated.

Another unofficial option in this case is to disable Windows Defender using a convenient method.

  • Disabling the fast launch of “ten” can rid your PC of problems when exiting sleep or hibernation mode.

It would be a good idea to wipe the RAM contacts and check system files and the hard drive for damage.

While downloading Windows 10 (or installing it), we may encounter a blue screen of death, accompanied by the message “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to restart.” As often happens, rebooting the system does nothing, and the next time the system starts the error occurs again. Below we will analyze the essence of the problem and options for solving it.

Why does this error appear in WIN 10

The error in question usually occurs when downloading or installing the Windows OS. The user suddenly receives a BSoD, the screen of which contains the message mentioned above, the technical name of the error, and a QR code for a link to it on the network. For some time, the system collects technical data about the error, and if there is an Internet connection, it sends the specified data to Microsoft for further analysis.

According to Microsoft statistics in WIN 10, about 70% of all cases of this and similar problems are caused by incorrectly working drivers. Another 10% are due to hardware problems (memory, hard drive, overheating), the remaining 20% ​​are caused by various alternative factors.

What are the causes of the dysfunction that informs us that there is a problem and prompts us to restart the PC? There may be several of them:

  • Incorrectly working drivers (especially if they were recently installed);
  • Damaged system files;
  • The system registry is damaged (registry files were accidentally or intentionally deleted from the System32 folder);
  • Overheating of the system (in particular, due to its deliberate overclocking);
  • Various problems with PC memory (failure of memory sticks, errors in their operation, etc.);
  • Malignant activity of viral malware;
  • Errors (bad sectors) on the hard drive (in particular, due to incorrect shutdown of the PC).

After the error “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted” appears, we can still boot into the system as usual or use “Safe mode”. In the most unfortunate cases, the system enters a cyclic reboot mode (BSoD - Reboot - BsoD). As a result, it becomes impossible to access system functionality.

How to fix the dysfunction “Your PC has encountered a problem”

The solution to this problem is divided into two main stages, depending on whether you can boot the system in safe mode or not.

  1. To enter Safe Mode, restart your PC and hold Shift at the login screen.
  2. And then select "Shutdown" - "Restart".
  3. After your PC restarts, select Diagnostics from the option selection screen.
  4. Then "Advanced options".
  5. Next is “Startup Options” and “Restart”.

After the PC restarts, in the list of options, press 4 to select boot in safe mode or 5 to select boot into safe mode with network driver support. By the way, by booting into the latter and then restarting your PC in the standard way, you can sometimes eliminate the error “There is a problem on your PC.”

Select 4 or 5 download option

So, depending on whether you booted into safe mode or not, it is necessary to build a further algorithm for our actions.

If booting into Safe Mode is possible, do the following:

Update your drivers

First, update the drivers for the main components of your PC (graphics drivers, display drivers, Ethernet driver and wireless adapter). Download the latest versions from the component developer’s website (you will need safe mode with support for network drivers). Tools such as DriverPack Solution can help in updating drivers, installing the latest drivers in a semi-automatic mode. Installing fresh drivers often allows you to fix the error that your computer has a problem and needs to restart WIN 10.

Uninstall recently installed programs

The error in question can also be caused by recently installed applications causing device conflicts and BSoDs. Uninstall recently installed programs and applications in the standard Windows manner, restart the PC and see if a blue screen appears.

If, when you try to uninstall a program in safe mode, you encounter a message about the unavailability of the Windows installation service, then run a command line as an administrator, and there type:

REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer" /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D "Service"

And press enter. Then type:

press enter and try to uninstall the desired program again.

Modify memory dump settings

  1. In safe mode, press Win+R.
  2. Enter sysdm.cpl there and click on Enter.
  3. In the system properties window that opens, select the “Advanced” tab, and to the right of the “Boot and Recovery” option, click on “Options”.
  4. Uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” option, and in “Write debug information” select the “Full memory dump” option.
  5. At the bottom, click on “OK” and restart the system, this may help get rid of the “There is a problem with your PC” error.

Check the integrity of system files

Launch a command line as administrator and type:

and press Enter. Wait for the scan to complete.

Check your PC for malware

Tested utilities such as DoctorWeb Curate and other effective alternatives that remove various types of malware from your PC will help you with this.

Disable PC hardware overclocking tools

If you use various tools to overclock your PC processor or video card, we recommend disabling (uninstalling) them.

Install all necessary Windows 10 updates

Right-click on the equivalent of the “Start” button in Windows 10, select “Settings,” then “Update and Security,” and “Check for Updates.” Install updates and restart your PC.

Cannot boot in Safe Mode

If it is not possible to boot into safe mode, then the following alternatives are ways to get rid of the error “There is a problem on your PC” WIN 10:

Use a recovery tool

To implement this method, we will need a bootable Windows 10 flash drive, from which we will need to boot into the system. Select the "System Restore" option instead of installation.

Then go to “Diagnostics”, then to “Advanced options”, and then “System Restore”.

Select your account (enter your password if necessary), choose a stable restore point, and roll back the system to its previous stable state.

Copy the registry files to resolve the message that a problem occurs and a reboot is required

Go to "Advanced options" in the system recovery menu, and select "Command Prompt" from there. Use it to navigate to the directory:

Copy the files “Default”, “SAM”, “Security”, “Software” and “System” to the previous directory “C”\Windows\System32\Config”.

Before copying these files, leave the Config folder. After the copying is complete, reboot the system.

Use the SFC functionality

Also in this mode, select the command line again, and type in it:

and press Enter. Wait for the procedure to complete and restart your PC, which will help resolve the “There is a problem with your computer and needs to be restarted” error.

A few more ways to fix the error in WIN 10

In addition to the described software methods, you can solve the error on your PC as follows:


The appearance of the error “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted” on the PC screen usually indicates the presence of various problems with the PC hardware components and the drivers that support them. Follow the above set of tips, this will solve the “There is a problem with your computer” error on your PC.