Do-it-yourself ozonizer from scrap materials. Should I buy or make an ozonizer with my own hands? Operating principle of the ozonizer

Recently, devices called “Ozone Generator”, simply called “Ozonizer”, have become extremely popular; they are used for ozonizing water, air, food, destroying microbes, bacteria, microorganisms dangerous to human life and harmful flying, running, crawling insects. There are a huge number of ozonizers on sale; the price of devices fluctuates in wide ranges, sometimes reaching cosmic values. Therefore, dear friends, I suggest you make a simple air ozonizer with your own hands, from available parts. This figure shows a simple diagram of an air ozonizer; even a schoolchild can assemble it.

The circuit consists of a rectangular pulse generator assembled on an NE555 timer chip. The principle of operation of the device is simple, the generator produces rectangular pulses with a frequency of 1 kHz and a duty cycle of 50%. For those who are not in the know, I’ll explain: Duty factor is a dimensionless quantity, it is a classification feature of a pulse system, it determines the ratio of the pulse repetition period to the pulse duration. Next, from the third leg of the microcircuit, the pulse arrives through the limiting resistor R1 to the base of the amplifying transistor T1, which opens and passes current through the winding of the line transformer (TDKS).

The voltage at the transformer output increases to 25-30 kV depending on the TDKS model. High voltage is applied to the spark gap and a corona discharge occurs, resulting in the production of ozone gas. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in this device a corona discharge will occur only at a frequency of 1 kHz. If you raise the frequency to more than 2-5 kHz, you will get a burning electric arc during the combustion process and a large amount of heat will be released. Don't confuse these two things. To assemble the ozone generator you will need the following parts:

Radio components for assembling an ozone generator

  • Chip NE555 or analogue KR1006VI1
  • DIP panel for SCS-8 chip (DS1009— 8AN)
  • Transistor T1 MJE13007, MJE13009, KT805, KT819 and other n-p-n structures designed for a current of at least 5A
  • Linear voltage regulator L7809CV
  • Non-polar capacitors C1 10 nF (103), C2 1 µF (105)
  • Resistors 0.25 watt R1 100 ohm, R2 1K, R3 71K
  • TDKS almost any from an imported color TV
  • A radiator, for example, from a computer power supply
  • Metal pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, length 120 mm

All parts are located on a small printed circuit board measuring 22x28 mm. I also allow you to assemble the ozone generator using wall-mounted installation.

The main part of the ozonizer is a line transformer; you can get it from any imported TV. Why imported? Because imported TDKS have a built-in diode voltage multiplier. The model of the transformer and TV does not matter. All TDKS have the same three pins needed for our homemade product, the only difference on some lines may be one, two or three armored wires and the absence of unused pins. Thin wires can be cut off, leaving only the thickest, central, armored wire.

The transistor will get very hot, so it should be mounted on a radiator with sufficient area for normal cooling. The end of the armored wire coming out of the line transformer must be cleared of insulation and the metal veins slightly fluffed up, giving the shape of a brush. Before starting the ozonizer, place the end of the armored wire about a centimeter from the edge of the pipe.

A device correctly assembled from serviceable parts begins to work immediately and does not require configuration. After power is supplied to the generator, a blue glow will appear between the wire and the pipe emanating from each vein of the armored wire; this is the same corona discharge accompanied by a loud hissing and the release of a large amount of corrosive ozone gas. The device consumes only 0.8A.

The components of the device were easily placed in a plastic junction box measuring 125x85x60 mm, purchased in an electrical goods store from a seller with the smartest face.

There is a slot on the side wall of the housing into which a bolt is inserted to secure the metal tube. This is a simple mechanism for adjusting the gap between the pipe and the armored wire. By moving the metal tube we achieve the greatest corona discharge and, accordingly, maximum ozone release.

There are holes drilled in the back wall of the ozonizer for air intake. It turns out to be a kind of ion engine; during a corona discharge, the released gas leaves the tube, and through holes in the rear wall fresh air enters the inside of the housing.

How is ozone useful for humans?

In 1785, Dutch physicist Mac Van Warum first discovered ozone gas due to its pungent odor and oxidizing properties. He passed electrical discharges through the air and received ozone. Around the middle of the 19th century, an installation for disinfecting drinking water was created, and the world's first ozonizer was invented. Currently, water ozonation technology is used in Europe, the USA and Canada.

During the First World War, ozone was widely used in medicine as an antiseptic. Doctors treated purulent wounds, infections, tuberculosis and other diseases with ozone. These were the first steps in a new direction, “Ozone Therapy”.

Like chlorine and fluorine, ozone is a very strong oxidizing agent, and its powerful effect leads to the destruction of unpleasant odors, harmful microorganisms, germs, fungus, mold and bacteria, so it is used to disinfect premises, water, and food. Vegetables and fruits treated with ozone retain their appearance and taste for a long time.

Regular ozonation of premises leads to the death of cockroaches, sofa ticks, and eliminates unpleasant odors from animals. Mice and rats go away, flies, mosquitoes and other flying and itchy insects die. To disinfect a room, just turn on the device and leave the room for a couple of hours, don’t forget to take your pets with you. Then you need to ventilate the room well. Cockroaches die seven days after disinfection. This is such a miracle device!

Friends, I wish you good luck and good mood! See you in new articles!

Most modern technology options that regulate indoor climate are very expensive today. Therefore, it will be much more economical to make an ozonizer yourself. Moreover, in order to assemble an ozonizer with your own hands, you will need fairly accessible and inexpensive components. The device under discussion can make the life of every person even more pleasant and comfortable. After all, with its help you can clean and refresh the air in the house, get rid of unpleasant odors and even destroy some forms of bacteria and fungal spores. This is especially true for apartments where small children live. At the same time, a homemade ozonizer is no less effective than a purchased one. The main thing is to assemble it exactly according to the instructions described and not try to save too much on all the purchased parts.

First of all, you need to take care of the voltage converter. In general, it is quite simple to make, but only for those craftsmen who have some experience and knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and radio design. For everyone else, it would be better to just buy a dimmer as this device. You will also need to purchase a few additional items. Among them are a mains cable, 2 film capacitors (2 mfr at 630 V), an ignition coil from Oka or Zaporozhets, as well as high-voltage wires with insulators made of silicone. The last condition is mandatory. We must not forget that the device that is planned to be assembled will contain voltage that can become life-threatening in the wrong hands. Therefore, before purchasing all the parts for the ozonizer, it is worth assessing your strengths and abilities in independently assembling household appliances.

One of the main elements of a homemade device is an emitter in which, as a result of a discharge, oxygen molecules are modified, and a third atom appears in them, purifying oxygen. The emitter consists of two thin (about 1 mm) aluminum plates. They are attached to each other through insulators so that a distance of approximately 2 millimeters remains. You will need to cut two panels from fiberglass with parameters of 10 by 10 centimeters. The thickness of each of them should be 3 millimeters. An aluminum plate is attached to one panel, the parameters of which are 2 centimeters less. Glass with the same dimensions as the previous part is placed on top. Fiberglass plates (size 10 by 1 centimeter and thicker ones - 4 millimeters) are attached to two opposite sides. The remaining aluminum part is superimposed on the latter. The final layer should be the second panel of PCB.

The ozonator is almost ready. There will be a minimum distance between one of the glass panels and the aluminum part. It is 1 millimeter. This part of the assembled device will produce ozone necessary for cleaning and disinfecting indoor air. True, the device cannot be fully used yet; it needs to be “hidden” in a convenient case and all the remaining parts must be properly secured. At this point, you will need to remember all the other parts purchased at the very beginning. The first point in the scheme for assembling the device is the network (a network wire will help here), followed by a voltage converter with a capacitor at the output. From this point the voltage must be sent to a coil protected by a low voltage winding. Next, the current will flow to the second capacitor and only from it to the emitter, thanks to the installed high-voltage wires with insulators made of silicone.

It is very important that a fan is present in the described circuit. It should be located near the vertical emitter and supply cold air directly to it. It is the fan that will create a powerful air flow, which must be constantly driven through the resulting emitter. For this purpose, you can take any old unnecessary device. The main thing is that the fan works properly. As for the body of the assembled ozonizer, whether to do it or not depends on the desire of the owner himself. Of course, you can leave the entire structure open, but this is very dangerous, especially if there are children or animals in the house. You can create a body, for example, from wooden panels. This is the simplest, most accessible and inexpensive way. The panels can even be effectively decorated to your taste.

To insure yourself against possible serious problems, you should turn on the ozonizer for the first time under strict supervision and carefully observe it for at least a couple of hours. If any oddities, unpleasant odors, or smoke appear in the operation of a homemade device, it means that you need to once again carefully double-check the assembly diagram and the quality of all parts.

  • Saturday, 18 July 2015 13:34
  • romario
  • Climate control technology is increasingly becoming part of our lives. Thanks to it, the air in the apartment becomes cleaner; you can also change its temperature and create the desired level of humidity.

    In general, this technology makes people's lives better and more comfortable. There are now a lot of different devices that affect the climate and air condition, one of them isair ozonizer , Perhaps not everyone knows about it, but the device is very useful.

    HVAC technology, in fact, has only one drawback: it is quite expensive and far from everyone can afford it, also with an ozonizer.

    Everyone would like the air in their home to be purified from unpleasant odors, spores and fungi, as well as various forms of bacteria, but not everyone can buy it.

    However, there is a way out; it is quite possible to make this useful device yourself. In order to build an ozonizer with your own hands, you need to understand how it works.

    Do-it-yourself ozonator

    The voltage in it is supplied to a step-up transformer. He increases it tenfold and feeds it to the fan.

    • A third atom is formed in the oxygen molecule, which purifies the air.
    • The fan creates a flow of air, then it passes through the emitter plates.
    • Through the fan, air enters the device, causing ozone to escape.

    Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a fan; it does not need too much performance, since it is not intended to create air exchange in the room, it will not create discomfort in the room with its noisy operation.

    A homemade ozonizer must have a voltage converter; it consists of a semistor and a neon lamp; the device must also have an inductor, an emitter and a fan.

    Making a voltage converter is not very difficult, but this will require skills and knowledge in electrical engineering and radio design, you will need to make a printed circuit board yourself and, after assembly, be able to properly configure the device; if you do not have such skills, it is better to just buy a regular dimmer.

    If you definitely want to make the device completely yourself, then you can buy a magazine about radio and look at its diagram there.

    After completing work with the converter, you will need to purchase a few more parts, and the ozonizer will be ready.

    • An ignition coil from Zaporozhets will help a lot, now of course almost no one drives such cars anymore, but there are quite a lot of spare parts from it, there is no shortage and they are cheap.

    You can also use an ignition coil from Oka; you will need 2 film capacitors of 2 mfr each. at 630v, as well as high-voltage wires with insulators. Wires should only have silicone insulators, this is extremely important.

    The emitter of this device consists of 2 aluminum plates 1 mm thick.

    They are fastened together at a distance of 2 mm; the insulator between them can be window glass with a thickness of 2 mm. The plates are held together through insulators; they must not come into contact.

    In order to make them, you need to cut 2 blanks from fiberglass, their thickness should be 3 mm.

    These will be the external insulators of the emitter. On one of them you need to attach an aluminum plate measuring 80 mm by 80 mm, glass of the same dimensions should be placed on it, and on two opposite sides, attach thicker and larger plates measuring 100 mm by 10 mm.

    They will become the frame for the emitter plates and glass. A second aluminum emitter plate is placed on these strips; a second textolite blank with a thickness of 3 mm is suitable as the last layer of the pie.

    One side of the glass should lie on a textolite insulator, and there should be a distance of 1 mm between its other side and the aluminum contact, where the corona discharge necessary for the production of ozone will pass.

    All that remains is to mount the device body and connect the parts. To operate the ozonizer, a network, a voltage converter is required, and there must be a capacitor at the output.

    The voltage field is applied to the low-voltage winding of the coil. Thanks to the high voltage wires, the current is directed to the second capacitor, and from it goes to the emitter.

    This circuit must have a fan; it must supply air to the emitter, which is installed vertically.

    In general, for a professional, making an ozonizer with your own hands is not so difficult, but if you are not an electrician with clearance group 4, then it is better not to assemble the ozonizer yourself, since the device contains voltage that can become life-threatening.

    It is important to remember that no device, even the best, is worth human life. If a new ozonizer is expensive, then you can buy a used device, or try to do without it.

    Ozonator - a device for ozonizing water and healing external inflammatory processes

    Picture 1

    This diagram was published in one of the issues of Radio many years ago. There was also a flat emitter design. With all due respect to the venerable publication, it can be noted that it is troublesome, expensive and unreliable. Therefore, I offer my own:

    Figure 2

    It should be noted that R1 heats up quite noticeably over time (within an hour, but that’s not necessary).

    Temperature is the enemy of ozone. The third valence bond of oxygen is unstable (it combines with everything, which determines its bactericidal properties) and is destroyed very quickly when the temperature rises.

    This is critical when using a planar emitter in the same housing. In this embodiment, the design is good for use in disinfecting premises and for eliminating extraneous odors (preferably in the toilet, especially for smokers). But that's not what this is about.

    It should be noted that special attention should be paid to the manufacture of a high-voltage transformer. If you do it carelessly, you won't get anything other than a crackling sound, not to mention ozone. Winding is done in layers, and each layer is wound turn to turn, with fluoroplastic insulation between the layers (FUM tape). The primary winding is located at the top.

    The use of a closed emitter is necessary when disinfecting and purifying water from impurities (chlorination of tap water, etc.). Calculation for 3 liters at an average air flow pressure, provided by a microcompressor, approximately 15-20 minutes.

    Attention! Immediately after the procedure for using the device, you should not drink such water, so as not to get a burn to the gastric mucosa.

    The newly obtained ozonated water should be allowed to stand for 0.5-1 hour. If the water is boiling, it can be used immediately. The water from the container in which ozonation was carried out is not completely drained, due to the settling of oxidation products to the bottom.

    In addition, it is possible to use a stream of air with ozone for direct disinfection of both fresh and festering wounds. Everything is selected empirically by you yourself (in order to avoid receiving “congratulations” by mail on conferring the honorary title of Doctor Mengele). In fact - it has been tested - the effect is noticeable. Only with this application, it is necessary to remove the aerator sprayer from the hose and act directly with a stream of air.

    The lower the air pressure through the emitter, the higher the percentage of ozone in the flow.

    I believe that it is preferable to use such a design for these purposes than, say, the “Darsonvalizer Ultraton”. Somehow in my life I have never observed that someone benefited from living under a power line, or being struck by lightning, say, in the head, except perhaps as a final healing.

    In relation to the declared properties, here is the design of a closed emitter:

    Figure 3

    The air is supplied by an aquarium microcompressor, and its sprayer is used as an air flow diffuser at the outlet.

    To understand what a water or air ozonator is and why it is needed, you should understand what ozone is and how it affects all living things. We’ll talk about this in this article, and also discuss the question of how to make an ozonizer with your own hands and what you will need for this.

    Ozonized air has a beneficial effect on the human body

    So, ozone is a gas, triatomic oxygen. Triatomic molecules are very unstable, so this gas occurs in nature only occasionally, during thunderstorms or in cases of powerful electrical discharges, but is soon destroyed. That is why during a thunderstorm such a pleasant and fresh smell appears, from which the poems “I love a thunderstorm in early May...” are born. Also, ozone in nature is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and our planet is shrouded in a thin ozone shell of a beautiful blue color, protecting all living things from cosmic radiation.

    The destruction of ozone leads to the formation of large amounts of highly active oxygen. It, in turn, has a very beneficial effect (in small quantities) on the human body, oxidizing various metabolic products. Active oxygen has a destructive effect on pathological microorganisms, killing bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.

    In order to artificially obtain such useful gas, people invented an ozone gas generator, or an apparatus for ozonizing air. This article will help you understand why people use these types of devices.

    Operating principle of the ozonizer

    • So, there are devices on sale called ozonizers. How do they work, what is the operating principle of the ozonizer? Any ozonizers, including Moscow ones, produce ozone in several ways:
    • The most effective way is to expose ordinary oxygen to a powerful electrical discharge. This method is used in most ozonizers.
    • Ultraviolet irradiation of oxygen. This is an inefficient method and rarely used because it results in too little gas coming out.

    In general, all ozonizers are divided into industrial, home and medical. The main difference between them is in the volumes of gas produced and in the feedstock, whether air or pure oxygen is used. Therefore, there is no fundamental difference between how a medical disinfectant ozonizer in the form of an ozone lamp and a household appliance works. In a household refrigerator, a small special light bulb provides ozone disinfection on the same principle as large lamps in operating rooms or industrial installations.

    Ozonator - harm or benefit?

    At its core, ozone is a strong oxidizing agent, just like fluorine and chlorine. It destroys microorganisms, and therefore the ultraviolet bactericidal ozonizing lamp is widely used for disinfection. Moreover, human cells have their own antioxidants, some of which are located in cell membranes. Antioxidants prevent oxidation reactions that are undesirable, and thus eliminate the harmful effects of ozone on the human body. Although the effects of ozone can be damaging at high concentrations, the gas can cross the antioxidant cell barrier and cause harm to the body.

    Therefore, official medicine does not recognize ozone therapy, although ozonation of premises and DRL lamps for disinfection are widely used. We can say that doctors are simply playing it safe, for one reason only - the line between the beneficial and harmful properties of ozone is too thin. But ozone therapy is widely used and promoted by alternative medicine.

    On the question of whether ozone is harmful to humans, we can say the following: when its concentration is exceeded, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs are primarily affected. Inflammatory processes in these organs, the development of bronchitis, emphysema and pneumosclerosis are possible. And if you inhale highly concentrated ozone, you can get fatal poisoning.

    Another harmful effect of ozone is the formation of insoluble cholesterol. Prolonged inhalation of ozone (for example, if you practice too frequent ozonation of the car interior) in men can lead to massive death of sperm and infertility. Too frequent ozonation of premises can provoke the growth of cancer cells and premature aging.

    Therefore, you need to know the maximum permissible concentrations of ozone in the air. The maximum is 0.1 milligrams per cubic meter of air. The good news is that concentrations 10 times less than the maximum are perfectly detected by human olfactory receptors. Therefore, it can be argued that retail ozonizers are completely safe devices.

    Ozonation of the apartment

    So, what will you get if you ozonize your apartment within reasonable limits, why do you need an air ozonizer in the apartment?

    • Air ozonizers for a modern home are primarily disinfecting devices that kill all pathological microorganisms. By the way, even bedbugs are afraid of this device, not to mention dust mites, which cause allergies.
    • Ozonation of any premises helps to destroy toxic substances in the air.
    • Ozonizers for your home will gently stimulate your hematopoiesis.
    • Periodic ozonation of household premises will ensure that your body will reflexively enhance the synthesis of its own biologically active substances.
    • The clotting of your blood will decrease, which will make the work of the heart and blood vessels easier. A regular Thunderstorm ozonizer can prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, and this will reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
    • If you have been suffering from any pain, it will decrease significantly.
    • A person who uses an ozonizer to disinfect premises quietly strengthens his own immunity.

    By the way, the food ozonizer is used not only in industrial installations. A household ozonizer for the refrigerator will allow you to neutralize purchased products of questionable quality and remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator. A device made for disinfecting a room can be used as an ozonizer for the bath, which will kill any mold there, for example. Thus, ozonizers are very popular as household appliances.

    This ozone generator is quite suitable for a refrigerator. It will remove unnecessary odors and the food will retain its freshness longer.

    Industrial ozonation

    In industry, powerful ozonizer devices are used for:

    • Disinfection of drinking water.
    • For disinfection of premises.
    • For disinfection of food products.
    • For cleansing oils.
    • For whitening paper.

    Treatment of drinking water with ozone is especially widely used throughout the world; a multifunctional industrial-type ozonizer is used for this purpose. This allows you to destroy all microorganisms in the water, and most importantly, neutralize most active chemicals. Oxygen, combining with them, forms water-insoluble oxides, which are easily filtered by mechanical filters. The result is 1 powerful ozonator providing tons of clean and safe bottled water. All over the world, chlorination is gradually being replaced by ozonation of drinking water. By the time such water reaches the consumer, it practically does not contain ozone, but is enriched with oxygen, that is, its benefits are greatly increased.

    Use in medicine

    Medical ozonizers generate ozone primarily from pure oxygen. These devices are used to disinfect rooms (operating rooms, treatment rooms), sterilize instruments, dressings and consumables. For these purposes, devices are used, incl. ozonizers are universal, and in pharmacology. A mandatory rule is that disinfectant lamps are turned on only when there are no people in the room. A mercury device is especially dangerous for humans if it is depressurized, because poisoning with mercury vapor can occur.

    In alternative medicine, ozone therapy mainly uses a mixture of ozone and oxygen for inhalation, ozonized water, and even intravenous medicinal solutions enriched with ozone. An excellent effect is observed from the use of ozonated oils and aqueous solutions for treating wounds. They significantly speed up healing, and even a low-power portable ozone generator can produce them. Paramedics also widely promote humidifiers with ozonizers for home use.

    Ozonizer instructions

    As already mentioned, by strictly adhering to the instructions for using the ozonizer, you will never harm yourself and your loved ones. And a household ozonizer called Groza, for example, will only bring benefits. In general, how to use a specific device for ozonation is always described in its instructions. The most important thing is the correct time of use. To ozonate the room air, to get rid of flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, dust mites and to remove odors, just turn on the portable ozone generator for 10 minutes. After repairs in the room, household ozonizers Thunderstorm are turned on for half an hour to completely clean the air.

    In any case, when the Thunderstorm or any other ozonizer is working, there should be no people in the room, the only exception being the ozonizer for the refrigerator. You must enter the room to turn the device on/off with a wet bandage on your face. After treating the room, you can use it in half an hour or 40 minutes.

    You should never inhale air in close proximity to a working device, even if you have been using it inside your apartment for a long time. In damp rooms, for example, in the bathroom, you need to ensure that water does not get on the device (including the ozonizer for the refrigerator) during operation. It is strictly forbidden to open the device when it is turned on, because there is a huge voltage inside. These are the basic rules for all generators.

    How to make an ozonator yourself

    Full-fledged ozonizers can be made with your own hands, it is not difficult, you just need to strictly follow the manufacturing instructions. There are many manufacturing options; there are many video instructions and articles on how to make your own ozone device on the Internet. We will describe the simplest homemade home appliance. To make a working ozonizer, you need to take a glass tube with a diameter of about 2 centimeters and a length of about 45 centimeters. You need to pick up rubber plugs on both sides. Thick wire made of aluminum, copper or iron must be passed through one tube. From the outside, the wire must be connected to the inductor.

    On the other side of the glass tube, through the rubber stopper, you need to insert a wire with a smaller diameter. From the outside, you need to loosely wind a thin wire around the glass tube, and attach one of its ends to the gearbox. It is advisable to place the entire structure in a box lined with aluminum foil. Having made an air ozonizer with your own hands, you need to carefully check it before you start using it in a residential area.

    Remember to be careful! People like the smell of ozone (the smell of a thunderstorm) for a simple reason - oxygen affects the brain and causes a feeling of euphoria. This feeling makes you want to turn on the ozonizer more often than the instructions and common sense allow. But don't give in to temptation and you will be truly healthy!

    You can make an ozonizer with your own hands