Battery saving application for Android. How to achieve maximum battery saving on Android

Since its launch, Android has been notorious for being battery-hungry. Although Android 4.0 ICS brought huge improvements in battery life and then Jelly Bean optimized many things, Android is still power hungry. Apart from this, applications are developing quickly and aggressively, thanks to Google's strategy, but no one has ever paid much attention to analyzing each application presented by developers without thinking about the consequences over time battery life phone.
Themselves Android users There are really two options, either carry a charger or have a large spare battery. How at this time both options do not save us.

1. Reduce screen brightness

Screen brightness can be a matter of life or death on Android. Although some say that SuperAMOLED saves more power than SUPERLCD and TFT, but I have seen all of them - they eat up charge like pigs.

So instead of using automatic brightness control, switch the brightness by 5-10%. The reason why you need to disable screen adjustment is automatic switching and adjustment to the light, because they take 10-15% of the charge.

Also, don't forget to turn off the auto-rotate checkbox. This will save you 2-3%

2. Turn off all wireless networks

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G/LTE will drain the battery when actively used.
You should enable these services if necessary, and disable these services if you do not need them.

Also turn off data transfer, because when using, in background it “destroys” the battery charge.

3. Do not use third-party launchers and disable synchronization

There are too many different beautiful launchers these days. And most of them are gluttonous. Use only launchers such as Apex, Nova, Next. Also, the more widgets, shortcuts, wallpapers, the more they will use RAM and processor, and this leads to battery drain.

Say NO to live wallpapers if you want better battery life.

When it comes to automatic synchronization, just do it necessary. If you want to know new notifications from important accounts Email, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte - synchronize everything manually, because this is a real battery dryer. One or two G-Mail accounts will not eat up the battery in synchronization mode, because Google has done a lot to optimize applications.

4. Quit apps and games correctly

Most applications are known to run in the background even after exiting, some remain in RAM memory, who are eagerly waiting for a data connection in the background to push your notifications to you in time.

Such applications can drain battery power twice as fast.

Exit applications and games correctly, task killers are not the solution.

5. Removing built-in and unused applications.

Firmware from companies such as Samsung or NTS often contains a lot of garbage that some users do not use. I prefer to delete this whole thing. For example, after a clean firmware update, I have three menu pages on my smartphone (4*5 grid), and after removing unnecessary ones, there are two, and the second has only 4 icons.

6. Demotion clock frequency and processor voltage.

This can save a ton of energy while running the processor, but requires a custom kernel with overclocking and UV.

7. A few more tips

You can disable animation, tactile feedback to increase battery life by 20-30 minutes. You can turn off Sound mode to increase battery life;

Use my any Battery Saver application, not task killers;

Forced stopping of games and applications will help you save your charge;

Reboot your phone at least once a week, like this temporary files are cleaned automatically;

Last but not least important advice: Maintain a healthy charging cycle i.e. 15% to 99% and more at least charge from 5% to 100% once a month to avoid overcharging.

Save your battery for good purposes!

Without a doubt, the most weak point modern smartphones and tablets is the battery, the capacity of which in current mobile devices is sometimes barely enough to last them a day active use.

Today we will look at the basic practical techniques to save battery power on smartphones and tablets running the operating system. Google systems Android.

So, here is a list of seven main ways to save battery Android battery smartphones:

Reducing the automatic turn-off time of the screen backlight and brightness

Modern smartphones have relatively large screens high resolution, which, together with the processor that provides image output to them, consume the lion's share of the energy stored in the battery.

Therefore, the first and most logical step would be to reduce screen time to a minimum. We won’t be able to do this while we’re working with a smartphone, but we can quite easily reduce the screen’s operating time in rest mode: to do this, we just need to reduce the time after which the screen backlight will be automatically extinguished.

To do this you need to follow these steps

2. Select the “Screen” section, and in it the “Sleep mode” item.

3. Decide which time works best for you, using the principle: less time = more savings.

The second aspect of savings: screen brightness. Automatic adjustment The screen brightness is definitely very useful feature, which is actively used by millions of people around the world. However, it causes the light sensor to work continuously and does not always set optimal ratio brightness that is comfortable for the user and the brightness at which maximum savings will be ensured.

Therefore, in some cases it is worth experimenting with this parameter by setting its value manually.

How to reduce screen brightness?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. Select the “Screen” - “Brightness” section.

3. Use the slider to set the screen brightness to your desired level.

Simple wallpapers can save battery life on many smartphones

Using simple wallpaper is quite controversial issue in terms of battery saving. However, no one will argue with the fact that live wallpapers, the image of which is constantly changing, consume significantly more energy than wallpapers with a regular, stationary picture.

In addition, owners of smartphones with AMOLED screens should keep in mind that the brighter and lighter the colors displayed on the display, the more energy it consumes. This is due to the fact that each dot (pixel) on such screens is a separate LED, which, when illuminated, consumes energy from the battery.

For these reasons, the most optimal wallpaper for AMOLED screens will be a simple black background.

Restrict applications from receiving web data in the background

The Android operating system is a multitasking system in which many applications, both system and user-run, run simultaneously.

And if you switched from one application to another, this does not mean that previous application has completed its work completely: it can work quite actively in the background, receiving, for example, data from the Network and processing it, which consumes a significant amount of battery energy.

How to disable unnecessary applications in the background?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. In the section " Wireless network» Open the “Data transfer” item.

3. In the list, find applications that you think consume too much data, and selecting specific ones, disable the ability for them to download data in the background.

Disable unnecessary communication modules

Data exchange via wireless modules Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE and GPS require a lot of energy, and each of the adapters listed above makes a significant contribution to the drain on your smartphone's battery if you have it turned on 24/7.

Therefore, when leaving home, you should turn off Wi-Fi module, and turn it on only when you come to work, or to another place where you will connect to the Network via Wi-Fi. The same goes for NFC module And Bluetooth adapter, which should be turned on only while listening to music through wireless headphones or speakers and pairing with other devices.

If you don't need your smartphone to know its (and your) location, turn off location mode in your device's Quick Settings curtain.

Disable automatic app updates

Automatic application updates are a very convenient thing. If our device is connected to a mobile or Wi-Fi networks, in this mode it automatically and regularly checks Google Play Market for the availability of the most latest versions applications, as well as games that we installed previously.

Automatic application updates, especially if it is performed through a connection to the operator’s network mobile communications can significantly affect the battery life of our smartphones and tablets.

How to disable automatic application updates?

1. Launch Google Play Store.

2. In the Settings section, find and open the “Auto-update applications” item

3. Select one of the options: “Never” or “Only Via Wi-Fi”.

Turn off vibration mode

The vibration response mode, when when you press the smartphone screen, it responds with a slight vibration, is a very good thing in terms of ease of use, providing confirmation of pressing virtual buttons and the operation of other interface elements. However, in active use mode, this function can significantly affect the accelerated drainage of the battery of our mobile devices.

How to turn off unnecessary vibrations?

1. Go to the System Settings section, Sounds.

2. Find the “Other sounds” item here.

3. Disable “Vibration response” and, if necessary: ​​“Vibrate on call”.

Use Power Saving Mode

And, perhaps, almost the most serious and important aspect in ensuring the longest operating time of a smartphone or tablet in offline mode is the use of power saving mode, which appeared recently in the Android 5 Lollipop operating system.

This mode significantly limits the number of applications running in the background, reduces screen brightness, disables some graphic effects etc., doing everything possible to ensure the longest battery life for the device.

You can make this mode turn on automatically on your smartphone when its battery is discharged to a certain level, or turn it on manually if necessary.

How to enable power saving mode?

1. Go to System Settings.

2. Select Battery.

3. Click on the menu button in the form of a vertical ellipsis and select “Power Saving Mode”

Here you can turn the power saving mode on and off using the switch at the top of the screen, or turn on the power saving mode automatic transition into it when the battery charge level is 5 or 15%

Battery saving programs can be divided into two large groups: those that require root rights and work well, and those that do not require anything and work so-so. Really extend operating time mobile device is possible only if you have access to the very depths of the system, and therefore to use the utilities listed in the article you need.

1. Amplify Battery Extender

Every advanced user The Android operating system knows that even when your smartphone is not doing anything special, dozens of different applications. Amplify allows you to look into this “secret life” and bring order to it. You can control the frequency and duration of processor wake-ups and block the most voracious programs automatic start, block those you don’t need system services and much more. The program requires superuser rights and the Xposed Framework to operate.


The developers of this application have come up with an original technology that allows you to put programs installed on your device to sleep so that they do not consume battery power. At the same time, they remain fully functional and can always be used for their intended purpose, which distinguishes this method from freezing using TitaniumBackup. Superuser rights are required for the program to operate.


Servicely will help you cope with those annoying programs, background services which constantly wake up the processor and waste battery power. Servicely runs in the background and checks the list of running processes and services at intervals you specify. If it finds those that you have added to the block list, it kills them. Simple, but very effective. Of course, Servicely will need root access to manage processes.

What to do if you don't have root rights

Root is a rather dangerous thing and not always necessary, especially for an inexperienced user. In fact, the less you go into the system, the better your smartphone will perform. Periodically check your application library, remove unnecessary ones and get rid of those that consume an unreasonable amount of battery. You can identify voracious scoundrels using the monitor built into most of them that work without root rights.

It's hard to argue with the fact that many smartphones have a habit of running out of battery quickly. Many users do not have enough battery capacity on their device for convenient use, so they are interested in methods to save it. About this and we'll talk in this article.

There are quite a few ways to significantly increase the operating time of a mobile device. Each of them has a different degree of usefulness, but can still help in solving this problem.

Method 1: Enable Power Saving Mode

The simplest and obvious way To save energy on your smartphone is to use a special power saving mode. It can be found on almost any device with operating system Android. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that when using this function, the performance of the gadget is significantly reduced, and some functions are also limited.

To enable energy saving mode, follow the following algorithm:

Method 2: Set optimal screen settings

As can be understood from the section "Battery", the screen uses up the bulk of its battery power, so it's quite important to set it up correctly.

Method 3: Installing simple wallpaper

Different wallpapers using animations and the like also affect battery consumption. It is best to set the most simple wallpaper on your home screen.

Method 4: Disable unnecessary services

As you know, smartphones have implemented a large number of services performing various tasks. At the same time, they seriously affect the energy consumption of a mobile device. Therefore, it is best to turn off everything that you do not use. This may include location service, Wi-Fi, data, hotspot, Bluetooth, and so on. All this can be found and turned off by lowering the top curtain of the phone.

Method 5: Disable automatic app updates

Method 6: Elimination of heating factors

Try to avoid making your phone too hot, as this will drain the battery much faster. Typically, your smartphone will get warm due to continuous use. Therefore, try to take breaks while working with it. Also, the device should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Method 7: Delete unnecessary accounts

If you have any accounts linked to your smartphone that you do not use, delete them. After all, they are constantly synchronized with various services, and this also requires certain energy costs. To do this, follow this algorithm:

Do these steps for any accounts you don't use.

The issue of autonomy for mobile devices will always come first. Think about who needs a sophisticated smartphone that won’t last even a few hours of use. active mode? Powerful processors, stunning displays, high-end apps - it all depends on the battery. We are already accustomed to charging smartphones every day, at best, but many devices cannot withstand even this charging interval. Next, we will share a few tricks on how you can increase the autonomy of your gadget.

1. Suitable screen technology

Of course, you won’t be able to remake the display yourself (if you already have a smartphone), but the advice for future owners would be this: pay attention to the type of display. AMOLED is considered the most economical (installed on most devices from). The fact is that AMOLED displays only display color pixels, so if you turn the entire interface into black, you can significantly gain in autonomy, since dark pixels will be “turned off”.

2. Be careful with widgets

Weather and news widgets are useful, but do not forget that to update they constantly need access to the Internet (mobile or Wi-Fi), which, of course, affects the remaining operating time of the device on a single charge. It would be reasonable, if not to abandon them, then at least to switch the update to manual mode.

3. Consumption increases with active vibration

Think about it: do you really need vibration when you receive another notification? Messages on WhatsApp or VK? You may even have vibration activated when you press system buttons or keys virtual keyboard? Of course, tactile feedback is very convenient, but a continuously running vibration motor drains the battery greatly. Note.

4. Use original batteries

If your phone has a removable battery, then please do not use non-original components. Batteries third party manufacturers can potentially harm your device, since they are optimized (in terms of voltage and capacitance) obviously worse than the original ones (from the manufacturers). It’s better to overpay than to go broke after repairing the device.

5. Set a shorter waiting period

Inactivity in standby mode can result in several wasted minutes of active display time at the end of the workday, negatively impacting battery life. On average, we look at our screens 150 times a day, most of them just to check the time. In short, set a shorter period after which the phone should go into standby mode. If the device is active for only 10 seconds out of, say, a minute, then we will save 50 seconds every time we need to just look at the clock.

6. Take advantage of special energy saving modes

Take the time to understand the energy saving modes, if any, on your device. As a rule, brands such as Samsung or Sony offer solutions to extend battery life in different situations when the phone is not being used to its fullest. If your smartphone does not have such a feature, you can always activate airplane mode while, say, reading or sleeping.

7. Special functions and gestures

Manufacturers love to add useful and not so useful features to new devices. Samsung, LG, Motorola do this. Think about whether you really need the ability to unlock by double tap or mute incoming call when swiping with your hand?

8. Be careful with automatic brightness

This is a controversial point, of course. Some people feel better with auto brightness, but I prefer to set it manually, especially with a curtain quick settings, which is available on any device, significantly simplifies the process. Why do many people prefer to personally control the brightness level? The fact is that the sensor does not always correctly determine the ambient light and turns up the brightness more than necessary. It would be optimal to set it at a medium level and adjust the slider yourself in the future (more light on the street, less in the dark).

9. Active connections and synchronization

GPS, Bluetooth, NFC and Wi-Fi should be turned off when we are not using them. Don’t forget about the mode on the plane in case of poor coverage. Syncing different accounts also affects the remaining battery life. Of course, you don’t need to turn it off completely, but at 10 or 5 percent of the charge, this action will help the smartphone last much longer.

10. Don't forget to update

Everything is simple here. Follow fresh updates applications and software. Developers are constantly at work, and every a new version The program is usually optimized better than the previous one, which means the battery life increases.

Based on materials from AndroidPIT