We are expanding the functionality of Total Commander. Total Commander - the best file manager for Windows, its capabilities, installation and configuration of plugins

Who is not familiar with the popular file manager Total Commander? There will probably be some, but still the majority of PC users work with great pleasure with this wonderful software product. Total Commander is first and foremost multifunctional tool for working with files, equipped with a huge number of plug-ins and built-in utilities that make life many times easier for PC users. Exists great amount TC settings, the ability to add additional modules (plugins), embed custom applications and synchronize the work of these same applications.

Today I want to introduce you, dear friends, to little tricks for setting up and being more productive. using Total Commander. I am sure that by putting these useful tools into practice, you will discover this wonderful tool for everyday work in a new way.

File or directory size information

I think it will be useful for many to know that by clicking on a file or directory Ctrl+L, You'll get full information about the number of files and directories, information about total size and the actual size occupied, as well as the size that the allocated files and directories will occupy on the recipient (for example, a flash drive).

Launch files with one click

If you want to launch applications and open files with one click (as you can configure in Windows Explorer), place in a file wincmd.ini, located in the folder where TC is located, in the section next line: SingleClickStart=1. If this operator already exists, check that its value is equal to 1 and restart Total Commander. Now files in panels will be activated when you hover the mouse pointer over them, and run with one click.

Login to self-extracting archives

Total Commander allows you to “enter” self-extracting archives (with EXE extensions), as in regular archives, showing their contents as a normal directory with files. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+PageDown when the cursor is positioned on the archive file. The same trick applies to any other archives, which however have a different extension.

File names on the clipboard

Quite often you need to copy a name to the clipboard current file, so that you can then paste it somewhere (for example, on the command line). To do this, you need to create a button with the command on the TC toolbar cm_CopyNames_ToClip or cm_CopyFullNames_ToClip. The first one is for copying only the name, the second one is for copying the full file name, including the path to it. If several files are selected, then in any text editor you can quickly create a list from these files. To copy and then paste not the name, but the file itself, use standard keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C And Ctrl+V.

Button prompts without delay

By default, the time for tooltips to appear above toolbar buttons, dial buttons, etc. is set to 500, i.e., tooltips appear after half a second. You can easily speed up this process, to do this in the file wincmd.ini to section add the line: ToolTipDelay=100, where the number after the equal sign indicates the prompt delay time in milliseconds. After restarting, TC will immediately suggest what is hidden behind the selected button. Reducing the delay time is especially useful if there are many buttons on the toolbar that go to folders on disks - select the desired button will happen much faster.

We speed up the transition to the necessary directories

By pressing a key combination +[D], you can quickly navigate to your most frequently used directories. If you have not used this feature before, the directory list will be empty. The menu that appears will have only two items: Add current directory and . Using the first, you can quickly add the current directory to the list of frequently used ones and give it a meaningful name, without necessarily using its default name as a menu item. You can also call up the same menu with the mouse. To do this you need to make double click on the panel header, and it doesn’t matter which one - active or passive.

Standard menus for files and folders

Total Commander can be configured so that calling the standard context Windows menu for files and folders will occur immediately, as in Explorer, and not 2-3 seconds after holding down the right mouse button. To do this, you need to enable the Configuration/Settings/Operations/Mouse Selection option and select the Left Click option (as usual). Another way is in the section wincmd.ini file set operator value UseRightButton equal to 1.

Getting rid of square brackets.

Many people, including me, are annoyed by the brackets that, for some reason, enclose directories (folders) on TC panels. In order to remove these same brackets, you just need to in the file wincmd.ini in the section add the line: DirBrackets=0

Quickly find out the size of directories

To quickly find out the size of a directory, you just need to press spacebar on a dedicated directory. It often happens that this procedure needs to be repeated for several directories, then it is not very convenient that the cursor remains in place.
You can fix this by adding the following line to wincmd.ini in the section:
Now, each time you press the spacebar, the cursor will move down one line.

Convenient and fast search

If you accidentally press something in command line, then in the Operation settings item, in the Quick search field, check the Letter Only checkbox. In this case, you will not be able to enter anything into the command line if you accidentally press the keyboard, as well as search required file will be much more convenient and faster.

Setting up copying in the background

Copying files big size, takes a certain amount of time and in this case it is more convenient to carry out this procedure in background. In order for copying to always be carried out in the background, you need to add the line in wincmd.ini in the section: AlwaysCopyInBackground=1

View archived html pages

When an HTML page is in an archive, then to view it it is not at all necessary to first unpack the entire contents of the archive into a separate directory. Select any html document and run it directly from the archive. A window will appear in which TC will prompt you to Close, Unpack and Execute and Unpack and Execute All. Select the last item and TC will unpack all the contents into a temporary archive, and the page will open in your browser. But most importantly, all pictures and links will work! After finishing browsing, click OK in TC and all unpacked files from the temporary directory will be deleted.

Removing the splash window when loading commander

The splash window is a pop-up window when you start TC, in my opinion, a useless feature from the developers, since it not only slows down the loading of Total Commander, but also clogs up the memory of your computer. Getting rid of this gadget is quite simple; to do this, you need to create a parameter in the wincmd.ini file in the section: StartupScreen=0 and that’s it, this annoying window will no longer bother you.

Creating a self-extracting archive

Probably unknown to many, using TC you can very simply and quickly create a self-extracting archive. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut on the zip file Shift+F6 and rename the archive extension from zip to exe.

A quick way to empty the trash

When the TC window is open in full screen, it is not very convenient to get to the recycle bin context menu. Exists perfect solution, if on the button F8 (Delete) right-click, then instantly context menu, the same as the basket.

Advanced catalog browsing

In order to see all the files in the current directory and all its subdirectories in one list, you need to place the cursor on the selected directory and press the key combination Ctrl+B.

SHIFT+ F8 deletes a file bypassing the trash bin

Using a key combination SHIFT+F8 Total Commander deletes the entire file or folder without saving a recovery copy in the trash. You can also achieve this effect when you press SHIFT and drop the file on the button F8 function key panels.

Warning: Restore deleted file It’s no longer possible by any means! Use with caution...!

That's probably all for today. In this review, I tried to talk about the most useful settings popular file Total manager Commander, hidden from the eyes of the inexperienced user. In the article I used both my experience with TC and materials on the topic with.
It is on this site that, if desired, you will always find answers to questions about working with the file manager. If you have your own experiences and little tricks in using TC, share your tips and observations in the comments. Technologies do not stand still; there is always something new and interesting.

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BurnInTest tests the stability and reliability of a PC, synchronously distributing the load across all subsystems, allowing you to check processor speed, random access memory, hard drives, CD/DVD drives, sound and video cards, printers, network connections.

With all respect, Andrew

Total Commander - convenient and functional application, which will make it easier to work with the computer's file system. This program is so easy to use that it is considered genius! It makes working with your PC even easier. New opportunities open up for you, such as viewing hidden folders, smart search inside files, analyzing disks for duplicate documents, audio files, etc. And you can get all this for free.

But the most interesting thing is that Total Commander can be completely customized! This is another aspect of the genius of this program that cannot be ignored.

Setting up Total Commander is largely a personal process. Probably, you, like many fans of such programs, after installing the application, immediately go to the file or menu with configurations to see what functions are available and what can be changed. So, you will like Total Commander even more when you see the limitless number of options that can be configured inside the program! A this article will show you how this can be done?

Where Total Commander saves settings

If you are an advanced user and want to get to the very essence of this file manager, you can use the same Total to find the program configuration files. Total Commander does not have one settings file, but many. And each file is responsible for some key function program that you can customize.

Each settings file is in ini format. If you remember, during installation of the program you were asked to select the path for the ini settings files on your computer. If you have not yet selected it, that is, you have not installed Total Commander, then you have an excellent chance to predetermine where the application configurations will be located so that you can easily find them later.

The key settings file is wincmd.ini. It is considered key because this file contains the settings for Total Commander as a file manager, and this is the main task of this program. The wcx_ftp.ini file is responsible for setting up the program as an FTP client. And the usercmd.ini file stores your custom commands that you set in the settings - more on this later in the article. The other four configuration files are responsible for setting up various plugins.

Please note that to change the settings of the Total Commander program, you do not need to look for a configuration file - everything can be done directly in the menu. The only file you will need to click to do this is the program shortcut to launch the file manager.

How to set up Total Commander

Let's start with the fact that the Total Commander program has a very convenient toolbar. Once you try to use it, you will understand that the standard guide is hellishly boring and irrational. You can place your own icons in the panel for quick access to commands, applications and various actions. Not only is there a convenient panel, but you can also create a subpanel!

Another big plus of Total is that it is very fast work. The program is so well thought out that even the described panel is not loaded every time the page is refreshed - it is loaded only once when opened, and is stored in separate file. Bottom line, you can load up the toolbar with as many features as you like and it will still work fast! Over time you will start to get angry at standard features your operating system because it is completely undesigned. After all, even “Start” in Windows will work worse than the toolbar in the Total Commander program!

To add quick access to a program to the control panel, you can simply drag the shortcut onto the interface using the mouse. This sounds almost fantastic, because there are few programs of this kind that allow you to perform such actions. Just remember Far with its terminal and commands. Or think about Windows Explorer, which does not allow you to perform such actions at all.

But the most interesting thing about the toolbar is not that you can drag shortcuts into the interface, but that you can even open files this way. For example, imagine that you have a shortcut for the Daemoon Tools program in your panel and you have an unmounted image on your computer. To open it through Daemoon Tools, you just need to drag the image onto the toolbar and point it at the program shortcut! After this, Daemoon Tools will open and you can create virtual disk. This is very convenient, as you will soon realize. Therefore, use the toolbar to the maximum.

And don't worry about experimenting with the toolbar. Try posting on it various programs and even folders. If you try to drag a file onto the panel on the icon specific folder, then it will be quickly copied to the selected directory! You won't find anything like this anywhere. So approach the toolbar without prejudice, but with enthusiasm and great interest - it can do a lot.

Concerning top menu, you should not disable it if you think that it slows down the Total Commander program. In fact, you may not even suspect that this menu, just like the control panel, supports the Drag`n`Drop option - that is, you can drag files onto it and use it to perform various actions. But it's even better to use different teams, which will soon become a mouse substitute - you will learn to do all actions only on the keyboard, as happens in American films in moments where there are programmers.

Another one useful thing, which you definitely need to customize for yourself is the “Frequently Used Directories Menu”. Probably many of you dreamed of standard conductor you could independently configure frequently visited folders that are displayed there. But alas, this can only be done in the Total Commander program. To open the menu, either press Ctrl+D or double-click on the current folder. In the “Frequently Used Directories Menu” you can create entire categories and subcategories to quickly get to the “popular” sections on your computer. To add new folder to this menu, use third-party utility- Wincmd Directory Menu Customizer, which will greatly simplify this process.

The most main setting What you need to do in the Total Commander program is to change the hot keys. You have the opportunity to create a custom file manager, which will be convenient only for you. To do this, go to the Startup menu and Change Startup Menu. Next, figure out where you want to go using a combination of several keys. For example, you want to speed up the process of getting into a folder with documents, pictures or music. Then add this folder to the menu, specify the path to it below, and before that write the cd function. After this, add a key combination that is not yet used in the Total Commander program and do not forget to save the changes! Now you have a new convenient command of your authorship.

If you want to not only set up hot keys for instantly opening certain directories, but also view other commands, then go to the “Configurations” menu. Next, go to the “Settings” and “General” tabs. There you can see all the teams that are in Total at the moment. Moreover, you can not only view the commands for Ctrl keys, Alt, Shift together with other keys, but also change the purpose of certain button combinations. Then Total will definitely become an individual application!

You can customize not only ease of use, but also the design of the file manager. To do this, use the third-party utility Aezay TC Color Presets. You can choose different colors for files different formats. This will not only be more beautiful, but also more convenient - you will visually distinguish between files various formats. In addition to customizing the design, you should definitely configure the file commenting function, which is available in Total starting from version 5.5. Hold down the Ctrl+Shift+F2 keys and you can create comments for various files, which will further simplify working with your computer, because Total saves this data forever and at the same time works just as quickly. And if any of the files are lost, use smart search Total.

Greetings, dear readers.

I want to show and tell you what a total commander is. Any user has at least heard the name of this program, but not everyone works in it. This is especially true for beginners who do not have time to get used to the program in a day and rashly abandon this idea, but in vain...

Why is it needed, what are its capabilities, why has it attracted users around the world for decades? You will get answers to these and other questions in my article.

Introduction to the program and its history

What kind of program is there so much talk about?

This is a two-panel file manager, that is, it is designed for various manipulations with folders and their contents (opening, renaming, playing, deleting, etc.). What is "two-panel"? This means that the program window is divided into two parts in which you can work simultaneously.

Total's predecessor was Norton Commander, tailored for operating systems. Then it was not even a separate program, but an interface through which the user could work on the computer.

Then Windows appeared with its own windows and the need for a two-panel manager seemed to disappear, but not for experienced users who appreciated the convenience of Norton.

Thus, in 1993, the first version of the TS itself was released, although at that time it was called Windows Commander. The product received its current name only in 2002, based on the patent requirements of Microsoft Corporation.

By the way, the program works not only on the Windows platform. In 2011, the world saw a version for mobile devices on operating system Android.

Comparison with Windows Explorer

If you explain in simple words, Commander is an analogue Windows Explorer, only much more convenient and functional. With it you can copy, unzip, move and do much more very quickly. You might think that doing these steps in the usual ways not that long either. But saving a few seconds on each operation will allow you to end up with extra free minutes.

I'll give you one of the most simple examples for comparison. To copy an object the usual method, necessary:

  1. highlight it,
  2. click right click mice,
  3. select the appropriate item from the menu,
  4. go to another folder,
  5. right-click on it;
  6. insert file.

Scheme of actions in Total Commander:

  1. On the left side of the program, select the directory where the copied object will be placed;
  2. Find it on the right side of Explorer;
  3. Drag to the desired folder using the mouse or highlight, press F5, and then Enter.

And this is just the tip of the Iceberg :).

Total Commander functionality

I won’t list all the manager’s capabilities, because there are a lot of them. But so you understand what we’re talking about, here’s a short list:


Despite the fact that Total Commander itself has a huge number of functions, some computer gurus find them not enough. Therefore, the program allows the installation of plugins that further expand its capabilities. There are also a lot of them, so I won’t list the names, but will divide them into categories:

  • Archiving. I think it’s clear why they are needed.
  • System. Provides access to those directories that cannot be reached in the usual ways. It's mainly about file systems, as well as about remote web servers, browser cache, clipboard, etc.
  • For internal program viewing. Show special file types in the built-in viewer or quick access toolbar. For example, they can display objects in graphic formats, play audio and video files, show source and other information, etc.
  • Informational. With their help, you can find out all the ins and outs about files, rename them, split them into tags and get information about their contents.
  • Plugins quick search. They change the encoding and algorithms of the built-in quick search to improve it.

I believe that this information is sufficient to familiarize yourself with the program.

I hope, having learned its capabilities, you will not be lazy to download it. In other articles I will definitely teach you how to use Total Commander. So don't forget to stay tuned to my blog for updates.

The Total Commander file manager has truly outstanding functionality, which most of its fans are not even aware of - they are usually used only basic operations with files and document viewing options. And in this article I have compiled the Top 5 not the most famous, but very useful functions of Total Commander that I use every day.

CTRL+B. This key combination allows you to show all the files in a given folder and subdirectories without this very folder structure, that is, “all in one heap.” For example, you need to see which file is the oldest or largest (to delete them in order to clean up the disk), and also perform group renaming. Otherwise, you would have to do this for each folder separately. Pressing CTRL+B again (or the disk button) returns to the normal view. Moreover, if you managed to move the cursor to the required file, then pressing CTRL+B again will take you to the folder where it is located, and the file itself will remain in focus under the cursor.

Batch renaming. A powerful built-in function that allows you to rename tens or thousands (and sometimes tens of thousands) of files at once using a specific algorithm. For example, you need to substitute at the beginning serial number, change the extension to another, cut off or add part of the name, remove the extension, substitute the date or time, change the case of characters from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa, etc. Moreover, before renaming, it is possible to sort by date, size or name. You can not rename all the files in a directory, but only a few - then you need to select them first.

Folder size calculation. Allows you to calculate the size of folders by pressing Shift+Alt+Enter. It is very convenient to evaluate where the space on your hard drive went - the operation is performed in root directory, or find out which folder takes up the most space (for example, on a flash drive) and requires cleaning. The list output can be sorted by size (as well as files). The operation is similar to pressing the Spacebar on a directory, but applies to all folders at once.

Creating a copy of the file in the same directory, renaming without changing the extension. Everyone is familiar with the F5 (copy) and F6 (move) buttons, but few people know that pressing Shift+F5 allows you to copy a file to the same folder (changing the name), and pressing Shift+F6 allows you to rename the file without opening additional windows directly in the panel without affecting the file extension (it will not change).

Login exe archives and CD and DVD images (iso, img) both in folders. This function allows you to enter different archives as directories and perform standard operations, including those listed above (for example, calculating the size of directories). In addition, by pressing CTRL+Page Down you can also enter self-extracting archives with exe extension or into CD and DVD images.

It is very useful. For example, to open an archive exe file without starting it. If such an exe file was infected with a virus, then it will be possible to add or extract files from it without infection. It may also be necessary to extract one file from the CD image and DVD disc. Typically this requires writing an image file to physical disk or mount it into the system (which only Windows 10 and later can do without installing additional programs).

Daily use of these functions will make working with files and documents much easier and save a lot of time. Let me remind you that although Total Commander is paid, the author does not prohibit the use of the demo version, which has full functionality and differs from the purchased version only in that it displays an additional window with a reminder at startup.

By using Total programs Commander, which is a file manager, users can easily make various changes in the system (for example, add, view, delete, transfer files and folders). The interface of the program itself is extremely simple, thanks to which absolutely anyone can handle it.

It has two workspaces that make it easy and quick to transfer and view data on one local disk and friend. Thanks to your wide possibilities, it has received huge recognition among users personal computers. Sometimes a user may need to view hidden files or folders and wants to do this through Total Commander, but, unfortunately, has no idea. Of course, this way of viewing hidden information exists and it is extremely simple.

First way

First of all, you need to launch Total Commander itself and go to the “View” tab. Then you need to find the “Advanced settings” item. Here the user can configure a huge number of different parameters. For example, enable or disable any program panels, buttons, command line, etc. Here you need to find the item “Show hidden system files on off". By clicking the left mouse button, the program will automatically show the user such data. You can disable this function by pressing this button again.

Second way

In other versions of Total Commander, you can open hidden files and folders differently. First, the user needs to go to the “Configuration” tab and select “Settings”. After this, an additional window will open in which the user can make changes. In order to do visible files and folders, you need to click on the “Panel Contents” tab. Then on the right in the “Display files” field you need to check the box next to “Show hidden/system files”. After this, you need to confirm your desire and click the “Ok” button. After this, all hidden files and folders will be shown to the user.

If you have enabled the display of hidden files and folders, then under no circumstances should you change, delete or move them. Such actions may negatively affect the performance of the system, since hidden folders Mostly system files are located.